Dr. Kathryn Heigel-Meyer | Great Pet Care https://www.greatpetcare.com/author/kheigelmeyer/ Pet health information — simplified. Mon, 03 Feb 2025 16:10:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.3 Cat Spay and Neuter: Cost, Procedure and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-spay-and-neuter/ Thu, 30 Jan 2025 01:24:54 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=160506 If you ever watched “The Price is Right” when Bob Barker hosted, you might remember his famous sign-off reminding viewers to “have your pet spayed or neutered.” As an animal lover, Barker saw how the pet overpopulation crisis was causing mass euthanasia of stray animals in shelters.  In the 1970s, tens of millions of animals […]

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If you ever watched “The Price is Right” when Bob Barker hosted, you might remember his famous sign-off reminding viewers to “have your pet spayed or neutered.” As an animal lover, Barker saw how the pet overpopulation crisis was causing mass euthanasia of stray animals in shelters. 

In the 1970s, tens of millions of animals each year were being euthanized [1]. With the help of many animal advocates like Barker and Betty White, we have been able to get the euthanasia rate in animal shelters down to less than 1 million euthanasias each year, per the ASPCA [2]. Better yet, 4.1 million animals are adopted out each year! These numbers have improved mostly from the advocacy and promotion of spay and neuter programs to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

So now that you know why so many people are passionate about this simple procedure, let’s talk about what actually goes on during a cat spay and neuter appointment. We’ll also cover benefits, costs, and how to care for your kitty after surgery. 

Understanding Cat Spay and Neuter Procedures

We’ll begin by explaining the difference between a cat spay and a cat neuter procedure:

Cat spay. A “spay” is the simple term for an ovariohysterectomy. In this procedure, the veterinary surgeon removes a female cat’s ovaries and uterus. By removing all the structures involved with reproduction, there is no chance of pregnancy.

Cat neuter. For male cats, veterinarians perform a “neuter,” or orchiectomy. This quick procedure simply involves removing the testicles to prevent male cats from impregnating female cats. 

It’s important to note that unlike a spay, where a female cat is unable to get pregnant immediately following the procedure, a male cat can remain fertile for up to six weeks following the surgery. Pet parents should be cautious if a recently neutered male cat is around any “intact” females (cats who haven’t been spayed) during that time period. 

Reasons to Schedule a Cat Spay or Neuter Appointment

Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies — and the costs associated with them — there are multiple benefits to having your cat spayed or neutered. This includes:

  • Reduce the risk breast cancer and uterine infections
  • Reduce the urge to roam and fight other cats 
  • Eliminate the incessant wailing that female cats do when they are in heat
  • If done early, can eliminate risk of spraying behaviors
  • Reduce the risk of FIV and FeLV infections from fighting 
  • Decrease the number of homeless pets 
  • Prolong your cat’s life

At what age can you spay or neuter a cat?

You can schedule your cat to be “fixed” as early as 8 weeks of age. There is also no upper age limit for this surgery. If you have an older cat who you want to get spayed or neutered, then you can get them altered as well. 

Cats can reach sexual maturity at around 4 months of age. If you are having difficulty finding a place to book a cat spay or neuter appointment and your cat is mature in age, then make sure to separate male and female cats until you can get them in for surgery. 

Remember that it can take a couple of weeks to get an appointment, so make sure you schedule it as soon as possible to prevent any accidental pregnancies.

Risks to consider

Any procedure that requires anesthesia carries some risk. However, this common surgery for cats is generally considered safe. The benefits of the procedure will almost always outweigh the risk. However, if your cat has an underlying medical condition, such as heart disease or seizures, then you should discuss those risks with your veterinarian. 

Are there any alternatives to surgery?

There are currently no approved non-surgical contraceptive (a drug to prevent pregnancy) treatments available for cats. However, researchers are working on medications that can provide long-term sterilization for cats without the need for surgery.

How Much Does Spay and Neuter Cost for Cats?

The cost to spay or neuter a cat typically depends on your geographic location and where you have it done. In addition, spay surgeries tend to be more expensive than neuter surgeries since the procedure is more involved. 

If you have the surgery done at a private veterinary clinic, it can run you between $300-$500, and sometimes higher. However, there are low-cost alternatives to consider. Many animal shelters and humane societies offer low-cost spay and neuter surgeries that can run between $50-$150. It is important to know that just because the surgery is less expensive, it does not mean that they cut corners or do less quality work. In fact, these surgeons are extremely qualified to perform this procedure and the staff are just as caring. 

Cat Spay or Neuter Appointment: What to Expect

If your cat is an adult, you will be asked to fast your pet (not let them eat) prior to the surgery. However, your veterinarian may ask you not to fast your kitten because they could become hypoglycemic (low blood sugar). Cats who are easily stressed may be given medications, such as gabapentin, to take prior to their appointment. 

When you bring your cat in for a spay or neuter appointment, you can expect a safe, straightforward procedure. The surgery is done under general anesthesia, so your cat will be fully asleep and pain-free during the surgery. The entire procedure can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour. Afterward, your cat will be monitored closely to make sure that they recover comfortably. 

Here is a more detailed explanation of what goes on during a cat spay vs. cat neuter surgery:

Cat Spay Appointment

During a cat spay procedure, the veterinary surgeon will make an incision in the midline of the female cat’s abdomen where there is no muscle and only ligament. By entering the abdomen at this location, the veterinarian is decreasing the bleeding and pain that could occur. Next, they remove the cat’s ovaries with an instrument called a spay hook. Then, they remove the fallopian tubes and uterus. Last, the surgeon ties off (ligates) all the vessels and tissue and closes the abdomen with sutures.

Cat Neuter Appointment

During a cat neuter procedure, the veterinary surgeon makes an incision on the scrotum and literally pops out the testicles. Then, they tie off the spermatic cord that contains structures, such as the artery, vein, muscle and vas deferens, to prevent bleeding. 

Occasionally, in certain cats, one or both testicles do not descend into the scrotal sac properly. When this happens, the surgeon needs to make an abdominal incision, similar to a spay incision, and remove the cat’s testicle(s) from the abdominal cavity.

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    Cat After Spay or Neuter Surgery: Care Tips

    Most cats will be able to go home the same day after their spay or neuter surgery, although they may be groggy and need extra care for a few days. This includes a quiet, comfortable space for them to relax and limit their activity. 

    Make sure that you follow your veterinarian’s post-operative instructions closely and give any pain medication as directed. Your cat’s appetite should return within 24 hours of coming home. If it does not, then contact your veterinarian’s office. You should also monitor the incision site for any signs of infection, such as swelling and redness. 

    While many cats bounce back quickly, it’s essential to restrict their activity for 7-10 days, including preventing them from jumping, running, or playing rough. 

    By spaying or neutering your cat, you are not only giving them a lifetime of health benefits, including a reduced risk of certain cancers and behavioral issues, but you are also helping prevent unwanted pregnancies and decreasing the number of pets in shelters. 


    1. Rowan, Andrew, and Tamara Kartal. “Dog Population & Dog Sheltering Trends in the United States of America.” Animals: an open access journal from MDPI vol. 8,5 68. 28 Apr. 2018, doi:10.3390/ani8050068
    2. Pet Statistics. ASPCA. Retrieved from https://www.aspca.org/helping-people-pets/shelter-intake-and-surrender/pet-statistics

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    Lethargic Cat: Causes and How to Help https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/lethartic-cat-causes-and-how-to-help/ Thu, 24 Oct 2024 00:59:51 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159617 Cats are inherently lazy by nature, but a lethargic cat is trying to tell us that something is wrong and that they need help. Being observant to any changes in your cat’s behavior, especially to changes in their energy level, can potentially identify and/or prevent a serious medical situation.   What is Lethargy in Cats? […]

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    Cats are inherently lazy by nature, but a lethargic cat is trying to tell us that something is wrong and that they need help. Being observant to any changes in your cat’s behavior, especially to changes in their energy level, can potentially identify and/or prevent a serious medical situation.  

    What is Lethargy in Cats?

    Lethargy is defined as a noticeable decrease in energy and activity levels. For example, if you have a kitten who is usually playful and suddenly becomes withdrawn and uninterested in play, they may be experiencing lethargy.  

    Another telltale sign of a lethargic kitten or cat is an abrupt change in their behavior. If you have a normally lazy cat and they do not show up for meal time or are hiding more than usual, it’s possible that they are experiencing lethargy. 

    It’s important to note that some cats are simply more laid-back and may appear lazy at times. A lazy cat consistently exhibits low energy, while lethargy represents a sudden change in behavior. To help identify lethargy, pay attention to your cat’s daily habits. Some red flags may be if they are suddenly less active, seem disinterested in food or play, or are grooming less often. Additional signs to watch for include hiding, changes in litter box habits, or unusual vocalizations, all of which can further indicate that there is a problem. 

    What follows is everything you need to know about lethargy in cats.

    What Causes Lethargy in Cats?

    Lethargy is a non-specific symptom of a bigger problem. As such, there are many causes of lethargy in cats that can range from minor issues to more serious health concerns. 


    Cats can suffer from various infections, including of the respiratory and urinary tracts, which can lead to fatigue and lethargy. These infections could be bacterial, viral, or fungal in origin.


    Chronic or acute pain conditions, such as arthritis or dental problems, can significantly impact a cat’s energy levels, which can cause them to withdraw and become less active.


    Serious health issues like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, and heart disease can manifest as lethargy. These conditions often require veterinary intervention.

    Stress and Anxiety

    Cats are sensitive creatures. Changes in their environment—such as moving to a new home, introducing new pets, or loud noises—can lead to stress, which may result in lethargy.

    Dietary Issues

    Poor nutrition or food sensitivities can cause lethargy. If your cat is not receiving the necessary nutrients or is allergic to certain ingredients, their energy levels may be affected.


    Some medications, especially pain relievers or sedatives, can cause drowsiness and lethargy as side effects.


    Infestations from fleas, ticks, or worms can also lead to fatigue as your cat’s body fights off these invaders.


    Recent vaccination can cause lethargy as a normal side effect. You may also notice that they are a little achy and feel warmer than usual. 

    When Should You Worry About a Lethargic Cat?

    I have gone through my own personal experience with a lazy cat that experienced lethargy. My cat Zoey would always come to the table at dinner time. One day she didn’t come for dinner. I thought it was just a fluke and I was overreacting. Then it happened again and again and again. 

    By the fourth day, I grew concerned and went looking for her. She was hiding in the closet and I noticed she was drooling and her skin was yellow (icteric). If I had taken her in for bloodwork sooner, she would not have gotten as sick as she was and she would not have to have been hospitalized for several weeks. 

    She is a happy and healthy 15 year old now, but I still think back to those days when she was so sick and wish I had taken action sooner. 

    This is why it’s so important to understand your cat’s normal behavioral patterns and lifestyle. When there is a change in that behavior, additional action should be taken. 

    Other Lethargic Cat Symptoms

    If your cat is lethargic, you should also monitor for additional issues that could be signs of a larger problem. These symptoms can include:

    How to Help a Lethargic Cat: Next Steps

    If you suspect that your cat is experiencing lethargy, taking prompt action is important. Here are some suggestions on what to do if you are concerned about a lethargic cat or kitten. 

    Observe Behavior

    Start by closely monitoring your cat’s behavior. If lethargy is present with no additional symptoms, it may be possible to monitor for a day or two before calling your veterinarian. Make sure to record any changes in activity levels, eating habits, grooming, and interactions with family members. 

    Check for Other Symptoms

    Look for additional signs of lethargy in cats (see list above) that may indicate a health issue. Take note of any symptoms that accompany the lethargy. If the additional symptoms are severe (like vomiting and inappetence), then you will want to seek care quickly.

    Ensure Comfort

    Make sure your cat is comfortable and has access to water and food away from any potential stressors like a new pet or loud family member. Sometimes a cat may just need a bit of rest, but it’s important to keep an eye on them.

    Consult a Veterinarian

    If lethargy persists for more than a day or two, or if your cat shows additional concerning symptoms, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. Provide them with the observations you’ve noted, as this will help in diagnosing the issue.

    Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam. They may also recommend additional testing, including bloodwork, urinalysis, fecal exam and imaging studies (like X-rays or ultrasound). Because lethargy is such a non-specific symptom, your veterinarian will need to gather more information to properly diagnose what is making your cat lethargic. 

    Depending on the diagnosis, the vet may recommend various medications, prescription diets or lifestyle changes. Follow their guidance carefully and attend any follow-up appointments as necessary.

    Once the cause is identified and the appropriate treatment is started, your cat may start feeling better within 24 hours. More chronic conditions may take longer and need more management to get them feeling like themselves. 

    To help reduce the risk of future health issues, ensure your cat receives regular veterinary check-ups, eats a balanced diet, and is surrounded by a safe, stimulating environment. Keeping your cat’s vaccinations up to date and preventing parasites are also essential steps in maintaining their health.

    Lethargic Cat: The Bottom Line

    While it can be easy to overlook a cat’s lethargy as just them being lazy, knowing when to act is key to their well-being. Understanding what lethargy is, recognizing its signs, identifying potential causes, and knowing how to respond can make all the difference in your cat’s health.

    The post Lethargic Cat: Causes and How to Help appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Is Your Cat Vomiting White Foam? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-vomiting-white-foam/ Tue, 23 Jul 2024 14:36:39 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=158113 It is no secret that cats like to vomit. You could say that they are especially skilled in the art of vomiting — their favorite canvas being the carpet, a new fancy rug, or your favorite shoes. Most of the time, there is nothing to be concerned about. However, it is a good idea to […]

    The post Is Your Cat Vomiting White Foam? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    It is no secret that cats like to vomit. You could say that they are especially skilled in the art of vomiting — their favorite canvas being the carpet, a new fancy rug, or your favorite shoes. Most of the time, there is nothing to be concerned about. However, it is a good idea to know when you should be worried about cat vomit and when to take your beloved kitty to the vet. 

    When cats vomit so frequently, it can be easy to dismiss the action, especially if that vomit is just a little white foamy stuff. But when should we worry that your purr-ennial vomiter is having a medical problem or they are just doing what cats do best? 

    In this article, we will explore the potential reasons why cats vomit white foam. We will also discuss what cat parents can do to treat it, and answer some crucial questions related to this common issue. 

    Why Is My Cat Throwing Up White Foam?

    Here are six possible causes of white foamy cat vomit:

    Empty stomach 

    One of the most common reasons cats vomit white foam is because their stomach is empty. When the stomach is empty, digestive fluids (including hydrochloric acid) and mucus can build up and cause discomfort. You will typically see this in the morning or if you forgot to refill the food bowl. The best way to prevent this is to offer frequent, small meals or use an automatic feeder. 


    Cats are grooming machines and sometimes that hair they digest can accumulate in the stomach. As hairballs form in the intestinal tract, we hope that they pass easily through to the feces. However, sometimes they cause enough irritation that they are vomited back up. There are many products available over the counter that can help with excessive hairballs.


    Gastroenteritis, or inflammation of the stomach and intestines, can also cause white foamy vomit. Gastroenteritis can be caused by many things, including dietary indiscretion, constipation, infections, or toxins. Chronic vomiting can also be a sign of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). If the vomiting is frequent and/or accompanied by diarrhea and lethargy, then please consult your veterinarian immediately — especially in kittens less than 6 months of age. 

    I vomit, therefore I am.” —My cat, Zoey


    Intestinal parasites, such as roundworms and hookworms, can cause gastrointestinal upset, leading to vomiting. You may even see the worm in the vomitus! Prophylactic deworming with a product like Revolution Plus or Nexgard COMBO can help prevent this condition. 

    Foreign Objects 

    Cats are curious creatures. Sometimes they ingest non-food items that can cause blockages or irritations in their digestive tract — the scariest of which tend to be linear foreign bodies, such as tinsel, dental floss, or thread. The body will vomit in an attempt to expel the foreign object, which could actually make things worse. If you suspect that your cat has a foreign body, consult an emergency veterinarian immediately. 

    When I was in private practice, I had a cat who LOVED to chew on pacifiers. Occasionally, he would chew off the tip and swallow it whole. This would cause the pacifier to get caught in the small intestine and the cat experienced increased vomiting. The owners knew it was time to see the vet when they saw this, and we would have to go in and remove it. Thankfully for the owners, once their babies outgrew pacifiers, their cat’s vomiting stopped. 

    Chronic Medical Conditions 

    There are many medical conditions that can cause white foamy cat vomit, or vomit of any kind. Common conditions include kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, cancer, pancreatitis, etc. Chronic medical conditions are typically accompanied by weight loss, lethargy, diarrhea, poor appetite, and so on. I would encourage you to weigh your cat once a month (or more). If you see a downward trend in their weight, then consult your veterinarian for additional workup, including bloodwork. 

    Cat Vomiting White Foam: Is It a Cause for Concern?

    While occasional vomiting of white foam might not be a cause for immediate concern, It is essential to monitor your cat for additional symptoms or changes in behavior that could indicate a bigger problem. Some factors to consider are: 

    Frequency: Vomiting that occurs more than 1-2 times a week or becomes more frequent or persistent should be brought to your veterinarian’s attention. 

    Vomiting with additional symptoms: Cats who are vomiting with other symptoms, including diarrhea, constipation, lethargy, poor appetite, weight loss, increased drinking or changes in urination, should be seen by a vet as soon as possible. 

    Behavioral changes: Any significant change in your cat’s behavior, such as hiding, decreased grooming, or increased aggression, can be a sign that something is wrong and should be addressed by a veterinarian.   

    When is white foamy cat vomit an emergency? 

    If your cat is persistently vomiting, severely lethargic, not eating or drinking for more than 24 hours and/or there is blood in the vomit, then please seek veterinary attention immediately! The veterinarian may ask questions like how long has this been going on, how frequent is the vomit, is there any diarrhea, did the cat get into anything, or has there been any recent change in diet?

    Cat Vomiting White Foam Treatment

    Cat drinks from cat water fountain

    If you have a cat puking white foam, here are some steps you can take to help them:

    Dietary adjustments

    If your cat is vomiting due to an empty stomach, consider feeding smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This will help prevent the buildup of those digestive fluids. You can also consider transitioning to a digestive-friendly diet.

    Hairball remedies

    For cats prone to hairballs, regular grooming and hairball control products can help reduce the frequency of vomiting. Special diets and supplements designed to manage hairballs can also be beneficial. 

    Environmental management 

    Ensure that your cat’s environment is free of small objects that they might ingest. Cat-proof your home as you would for a baby to prevent accidental ingestion of foreign objects and toxins. I always make sure to wrap up my dental floss in a closed waste basket so as to prevent my cats from ingesting a string foreign body. 


    Encourage your cat to stay hydrated, especially if they are vomiting. Provide fresh, cool water and consider using a cat water fountain to entice them to drink more. 

    Veterinary care

    If you suspect an underlying problem is making your cat vomit, it is essential to consult your veterinarian. They can perform diagnostic tests, provide appropriate medications, and recommend suitable dietary changes. 

    My Take on White Foam Cat Vomit

    For centuries, humans have been making jokes about cats vomiting. Occasional vomiting can be expected for every cat parent and should not be a cause for alarm. However, feline vomiting is not always a laughing matter. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian for a thorough evaluation and personalized care plan. 

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    Chicken Allergy in Dogs: Signs and Treatment https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/chicken-allergy-in-dogs/ Sun, 21 Apr 2024 23:31:35 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=147180 Dogs, like humans, can be allergic to many things, including environmental factors and food. Nailing down what’s causing the allergies in your dog can be a long and frustrating process. In this article, we’ll be focusing on food allergies, specifically one of the most common foods in many households: chicken. We’ll also discuss the signs of […]

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    Dogs, like humans, can be allergic to many things, including environmental factors and food. Nailing down what’s causing the allergies in your dog can be a long and frustrating process. In this article, we’ll be focusing on food allergies, specifically one of the most common foods in many households: chicken. We’ll also discuss the signs of chicken allergies in dogs, as well as at-home and veterinary treatments that can make your pet healthier and more comfortable.

    Can Dogs Be Allergic to Chicken?

    Yes, dogs can be allergic to chicken. Chicken is the primary protein source in many commercial dog foods. It’s highly palatable, inexpensive, and an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, and essential vitamins and minerals. However, this ubiquity also makes chicken a frequent culprit in canine allergies. 

    When dealing with a chicken allergy, the body cannot tell the difference between chicken or chicken by-products, including the organ meat or bones. This may even include chicken eggs in some dogs. Studies find that food allergies affect 1-2 percent of dogs.[1] Of the dogs known to have food allergies, 15 percent will be reactive to chicken.[2] This makes chicken the third most common food allergy behind beef and dairy.

    Symptoms of a Chicken Allergy in Dogs

    There are many symptoms of chicken allergies in dogs, including:

    • Itchy skin: Persistent scratching, licking or biting, especially around the face, paws, and hindquarters
    • Hair loss secondary to the licking and biting at skin 
    • Gastrointestinal upset: vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, or other chronic digestive issues 
    • Recurrent ear infections, often accompanied by redness and unpleasant odor 
    • Respiratory issues: sneezing, coughing, and wheezing 
    • Chronic inflammation: red inflamed skin and feet or recurrent skin infections 
    • Brown discoloration to feet and nail beds and chronic chewing of feet

    What Causes Poultry Allergies in Dogs?

    Food allergies in dogs occur when the immune system reacts negatively to specific substances in the diet, such as chicken. Allergies are different from a sensitivity or intolerance in that allergies involve an immune response to a particular item that is usually harmless. The body mistakes this ingredient as harmful, and the immune system will fight the “foreign” ingredient in a variety of damaging ways.

    Testing for Chicken Allergies in Dogs

    If you suspect that some of the chronic skin issues that you are seeing in your dog are related to a food allergy, there are several things that you can do at home – the most important of which is an elimination diet trial. 

    An elimination diet trial is when you offer a hypoallergenic diet to your pet over a two month period of time. You will need to make sure that everything that passes your dog’s lips is hypoallergenic, including treats and snacks. A hypoallergenic diet is one that has a novel protein (something that the dog has not been exposed to before) or a hydrolyzed protein (broken down into its most basic components so the immune system can’t recognize it as foreign). 

    If itching is uncontrolled and inflammation is severe, you should schedule an appointment with your regular veterinarian. It’s important to rule out other causes of skin itching, including fleas, mange, environmental allergies and infections. 

    Your veterinarian may also recommend additional testing, such as blood work with thyroid level or skin testing. There is some controversy surrounding blood allergen testing. Most veterinary dermatologists find them unreliable and expensive. At this time, there are no blood, hair, or saliva tests that are reliably accurate in diagnosing food allergies. 

    Regular vet checkups are also essential in monitoring your dog’s health and adjusting treatment plans as necessary. Your veterinarian can also recognize if any early interventions are needed.

    How to Treat a Chicken Allergy in Dogs

    There are several ways to help treat a chicken allergy in dogs. Some of the options your veterinarian may recommend include:

    Supplements. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can help improve skin health and reduce inflammation.

    Antihistamines. Medications like Benadryl or Zyrtec may be helpful in mild to moderate cases and should be given under the direction of a veterinarian. 

    Corticosteroids. These can help alleviate severe symptoms of itching and inflammation, but they are not a long-term solution to an allergy due to potential side effects with prolonged use. 

    Additional medications. Other prescription anti-itch medications including Cytopoint, Apoquel, or Atopica may be prescribed for dogs with chicken allergies.

    Atopica for dog allergies

    Chicken allergies in dogs are a common but manageable concern. By recognizing the symptoms, reading food labels, and working closely with your veterinarian, you can provide your dog with a comfortable and healthy life. Remember, every dog is unique, and finding the right formula to manage allergies will require a lot of trial and error. With patience and attention, you can help your canine companion lead a happy and less itchy life.


    1. Olivry, Thierry, and Ralf S Mueller. “Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (3): prevalence of cutaneous adverse food reactions in dogs and cats.” BMC veterinary research vol. 13,1 51. 15 Feb. 2017, doi:10.1186/s12917-017-0973-z
    2. Mueller, Ralf S et al. “Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (2): common food allergen sources in dogs and cats.” BMC veterinary research vol. 12 9. 12 Jan. 2016, doi:10.1186/s12917-016-0633-8

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    Ichthyosis in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/ichthyosis-in-dogs/ Mon, 08 Jan 2024 22:51:40 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=139487 It may be unusual to hear about a condition called “fish scale disease,” but ichthyosis (AKA fish scale disease) is a real condition that some dogs might face. Ichthyosis is a very rare skin disorder that can impact a dog’s comfort and quality of life. In this article, we’ll delve into ichthyosis in dogs, including […]

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    It may be unusual to hear about a condition called “fish scale disease,” but ichthyosis (AKA fish scale disease) is a real condition that some dogs might face. Ichthyosis is a very rare skin disorder that can impact a dog’s comfort and quality of life. In this article, we’ll delve into ichthyosis in dogs, including what it is, the causes and symptoms, how it’s diagnosed and treated, and which dog breeds are more prone to developing this condition.

    What Is Ichthyosis in Dogs?

    Ichthyosis is a severe skin condition that affects dogs and humans alike, causing their skin to become dry, scaly, and thickened. The name “ichthyosis” is derived from the Greek word “ichthys,” meaning fish, and references the fish-like appearance of the affected skin. 

    Causes of Ichthyosis in Dogs

    Ichthyosis is primarily caused by genetic mutations that affect the skin’s ability to shed skin cells properly and retain its moisture. What scientists have found is that these mutations keep the body from creating a natural lipid that is present in the skin. Thus, the skin is unable to form the components of the natural and protective barrier. 

    Fish scale disease is present from birth and will typically worsen with age. Being an inherited disorder, it’s passed down from parent dogs to their puppies. Responsible breeding practices can help reduce the likelihood of passing on this condition.

    Because it is a genetic condition, some dog breeds are more predisposed than others, including:

    However, ichthyosis can affect any breed or mixed breed. Affected dogs and their genetic relatives should not be used for breeding to prevent future generations from suffering from the disease. 

    Symptoms of Ichthyosis in Dogs

    Dogs with ichthyosis often display symptoms that are easy to spot. The outer layer of  skin flakes away in larger pieces that resemble fish scales or large dandruff. This scaly skin can appear white or grayish, and it might cover large areas of the body. 

    The skin may feel rough with thick, greasy flakes that stick to both the skin and hair. In some cases, the skin of the face might be spared, but the skin on the rest of the body and the paw pads are visibly affected. You may also notice large cornflake-like flakes on the hair coat or crinkly, rice paper-like skin on the belly.  

    A more specific breakdown of symptoms includes:

    • Dry, flaky skin that resembles fish scales 
    • Thickened, rough or darkened skin
    • Redness
    • Itching
    • Odor from coat
    • Hair loss
    • Thickening of footpads

    Diagnosing Ichthyosis in Dogs

    If you suspect your dog has ichthyosis, it’s important to consult a veterinarian. Diagnosis usually involves a combination of physical examination, a detailed medical history, and several dermatologic tests including skin biopsies. 

    A skin biopsy involves a veterinarian removing a small amount of skin and submitting it to a pathologist for microscopic examination. These tests help rule out other skin conditions and confirm the presence of ichthyosis. Genetic testing may also be available, and your dog might be referred to a veterinary dermatologist for a more specialized diagnosis and treatment. 

    Ichthyosis in Dogs Treatment

    While there is no cure for ichthyosis, managing the condition can greatly improve a dog’s quality of life. Treatment for ichthyosis in dogs focuses on keeping the skin moisturized, protecting the skin’s natural barrier, and managing the discomfort of the itching and dryness. Treatment also includes management and prevention of any secondary bacterial or yeast infections

    Your veterinarian may recommend regular bathing using medicated shampoos, followed by the application of creams or lotions. Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can also help improve the skin’s condition. Topical treatments tend to be the most common form of treatment, but your veterinarian might prescribe oral medications to reduce inflammation and itching.

    It’s also important to remember that this chronic, congenital disorder is present at birth and will require lifelong management. Regular checkups with your veterinarian or veterinary dermatologist will be required and can cost a couple hundred dollars per visit.

    How to Prevent Ichthyosis in Dogs

    There is no way to prevent canine ichthyosis; however, responsible breeding practices and awareness can help reduce the prevalence of this condition within certain dog breeds, promoting better health and well-being for our beloved furry friends.

    Ichthyosis might be a challenging condition to manage, but with proper veterinary care, affected dogs can lead comfortable lives. If you suspect your dog has ichthyosis, seek professional advice promptly to ensure an accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment plan.

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    How Often Should I Take My Dog to the Vet? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/how-often-should-i-take-my-dog-to-the-vet/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:40:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=137706 According to a recent American Veterinary Medical Association survey, about 24 percent of pet owners don’t bring their pets into a veterinarian’s office at least once per year (1). That is about 20 million pets that are not getting regular preventative care. It might make one wonder: how often should I take my dog to […]

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    According to a recent American Veterinary Medical Association survey, about 24 percent of pet owners don’t bring their pets into a veterinarian’s office at least once per year (1). That is about 20 million pets that are not getting regular preventative care. It might make one wonder: how often should I take my dog to the vet?

    Many people who love and cherish their pets simply don’t know the answer to that question. Some people are unaware of how crucial preventative care is to the long-term health of their dog. Others may have a difficult time bringing their pup into the veterinary office for various reasons, from transportation difficulties to owning a fearful dog

    Let’s discuss how often you should take your dog to the vet and ways to make it easier on yourself and your dog.

    How Often Should I Take My Dog to the Vet?

    So, let’s get down to it: how often should you take a dog to the vet? The answer really depends on several factors, including the age of your dog, if they have any pre-existing medical conditions, and if they are currently sick.


    Veterinarians typically want to see puppies shortly after adoption to perform an exam and check for any early problems like a heart murmur or hernia. The veterinarian will get a stool sample, deworm them, start them on heartworm prevention and get them their first round of shots. You should bring any paperwork to your appointment from the shelter or breeder so that your veterinarian knows what has already been done. 

    Puppies should return for vaccine boosters every three to four weeks until they are 16 weeks of age, or until your veterinarian deems them fully vaccinated and protected. Not returning or skipping boosters can put your puppy at risk for many life-threatening infectious diseases. It can also necessitate restarting the entire vaccine series, which would cost more money.

    Adult Dogs 

    Healthy adult dogs can go see the veterinarian once a year for annual vaccines, a preventative exam, and deworming. 

    Senior Dogs and Dogs With Medical Conditions

    Senior dogs and dogs with chronic medical conditions, like heart disease or kidney dysfunction, should see the vet at least every six months. Dogs are considered senior at different ages depending on their breed. Large and giant breed dogs are considered seniors at 6 to 7 years of age. Medium-sized dogs reach senior status at 8 to 9 years, while small breed dogs are considered seniors at 10 to 12 years old.

    Signs That Your Dog Should Go to the Vet

    While age and certain conditions do factor into when to take your dog to the vet, it really boils down to this: anytime you are concerned about your dog’s health, you should make an appointment. 

    Listen to your gut. If you feel that something is off, take them into the veterinary clinic. If you’re unsure if a problem is urgent or can wait, call the veterinary hospital and speak with one of the receptionists. They will guide you and tell you what the appropriate next steps are for your pet. You (the pet parent) are the front line of monitoring your dog’s health.

    Some signs that your dog needs to go to the vet sooner rather than later include:

    Why It’s Important to Take Your Dog to the Vet

    Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is just as true today as it was back then. There are many benefits to taking your dog in for annual preventative exams. 

    Preventative care is less expensive than treating an advanced disease. Plus, catching a problem early can increase the likelihood of a successful outcome. The veterinarian can advise you additionally on a proper diet for your pet’s age and weight, needed dental care, current vaccine protocols, risks of any emerging disease in your area (like canine flu), and bloodwork to catch potential problems early. They can also supply you with heartworm and flea/tick prevention for the following year. All of these are necessary things to optimize your dog’s health.

    In addition to the health benefits of preventative care, it is important to maintain a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR), so that when you do have questions or concerns, you can easily get the necessary answers. A VCPR is basically an agreement between a veterinarian and client to take care of an animal or group of animals. This relationship needs to be maintained on a regular basis for the veterinarian to provide care and support to you and your pet.  

    How Often Do Dogs Get Shots?

    Vaccines are another integral part of preventative care. The rabies vaccine is required by law in most states. Rabies vaccines are available in one-year and three-year shots. The first time a dog gets a rabies vaccine, they must receive a one-year shot. 

    After the initial puppy vaccines, dogs should receive additional vaccines every one to three years, depending on the type. For instance, a Lyme or leptospirosis vaccine needs to be boostered yearly, whereas a distemper or parvo vaccine could potentially be given every three years, taking your dog’s risk into consideration, of course.

    Tips for Bringing Your Dog to the Vet

    We know that it can be difficult to drag your dog into the vet every year. However, you don’t have to dread this annual trip to the clinic. Here are some tips you to make it easier for you and your pet:

    Burn off that energy. Take your dog for a walk, or play with them to get some extra energy out before the appointment.

    Try a carrier. Consider taking small dogs in a carrier to keep them contained.

    Make sure they’re comfortable. Bring a favorite toy or blanket for a familiar smell and emotional support.

    Exit the waiting room. If your dog is having a hard time in the lobby, ask to wait outside or in the car until the doctor is ready.

    Shorten the leash. Use a short, non-retractable leash while in the clinic for the safety of your dog and the other dogs at the clinic.

    Practice, practice, practice. Make “practice runs” to the clinic. Drive your dog to the vet, have the staff give him lots of love and treats, and then leave on a positive note.

    Check in early. If you have a reactive dog, call ahead and let the staff know that you are on your way; they may be able to get a private room ready for your arrival.

    Consider medication. Talk to your veterinarian before the appointment to see if your pet would benefit from a calming medication or supplement. There’s a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter options that help provide short-term anxiety relief. Ask your veterinarian which one would be the best fit for your frazzled pup.

    Clomicalm for dogs
    Reconcile for dogs
    Package of Composure Chews

    Schedule in advance. Make your next appointment before you leave the clinic. That way you won’t forget to call and schedule in a year.

    Plan ahead. The veterinary community is making strides to increase access to care. For those with transportation or financial difficulties, more low-cost clinics and mobile veterinarians are available than ever before. Research pet-friendly taxi services or know which family members that you can call to help your pet get to the hospital. It also may help to set aside a little money each month in a “rainy day pet fund” for unexpected illnesses or injuries. 

    Most of all, be patient. The veterinarian team is doing their best to get your dog taken care of in a timely manner. Emergencies and unforeseen circumstances occur on a daily basis, making it easy to get behind. The busiest times at a veterinary hospital are early mornings and early evenings. If possible, try to make an appointment in the middle of the day.

    Remember, your veterinarian is there for the good times and bad. Find a vet that is knowledgeable, compassionate and provides a high level of care, and you will have a relationship that will be beneficial for all.


    1. American Veterinary Medical Association Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook (2022). Retrieved from: https://ebusiness.avma.org/files/ProductDownloads/eco-pet-demographic-report-22-low-res.pdf

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    Torn ACL in Dogs: Understanding Cruciate Ligament Injuries https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/torn-acl-in-dogs/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 23:46:59 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134732 Has your dog suddenly started limping after playing at the dog park? Or maybe they have been limping off and on for a while and you are concerned. It could be due to a torn cruciate ligament (also known as an ACL or CCL). ACL tears don’t just impact football players, or even humans in […]

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    Has your dog suddenly started limping after playing at the dog park? Or maybe they have been limping off and on for a while and you are concerned. It could be due to a torn cruciate ligament (also known as an ACL or CCL). ACL tears don’t just impact football players, or even humans in general. They can happen to any dog, especially young, healthy, and large-breed dogs.

    Read on to understand how a torn ACL in dogs can happen, is diagnosed, and is treated.

    Do Dogs Have An ACL?

    First things first: is there a difference between an ACL and a CCL?

    ACL stands for anterior cruciate ligament, and while in veterinary medicine, we typically use the term CCL (cranial cruciate ligament), the terms and function are similar. 

    The cranial cruciate ligament is one of the ligaments (a fibrous piece of connective tissue) in a dog’s knee (stifle) that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia). Cranial means the front of the knee, and cruciate refers to the fact that it is one of two ligaments that forms a cross in the knee. The CCL acts to stabilize the knee joint by limiting forward movement of the tibia in relation to the femur.

    Causes of Cruciate Ligament Tears in Dogs

    The cranial cruciate ligament is known to rupture due to sudden trauma or through degeneration over time. Owners who witness a sudden presentation of limping caused by a CCL tear usually report that their dog was running and jumping in the backyard or dog park, or perhaps they were playing frisbee or flyball. Any activity that causes a fast, twisting motion of the knee (including high-impact sport) could potentially result in a torn cruciate ligament. 

    The most common dogs seen in the veterinary clinic with torn CCLs are young, active, large-breed dogs. Another risk factor includes being overweight, and it has also been shown that genetics plays a part in the strength of the cruciate ligament. Some breeds are more prone to tears, such as German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Newfoundlands, Rottweilers, and Staffordshire Terriers.

    Symptoms of CCL Tears in Dogs

    Pet parents may be concerned that their pet has a torn CCL if they see any of the following signs:

    • Limping, including not wanting to put weight on the affected back leg
    • Vocalizing, including crying or whining
    • Trembling and sensitivity to touch of the leg
    • Unwillingness to rise from a sitting position
    • Difficulty climbing stairs
    • Sitting with the affected limb out to the side of the body
    • Decreased muscle mass of the bad leg
    • Variable lameness with exercise that may resolve with rest
    • Increased thickness of the joint capsule, especially on the inside of the leg

    Diagnosing Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Dogs

    Properly diagnosing a torn cruciate ligament in dogs requires a trip to your veterinarian, where they will: 

    • Get a history of your pet’s lameness 
    • Perform a physical exam
    • Touch and feel (palpate) the leg for instability, pain, and abnormal popping of the joint. 

    Your veterinarian will also perform one or two tests: a cranial drawer test or a tibial compression test. Both of these tests check for abnormal movement of the tibia forward in relation to the femur. It may be very difficult to perform this test on an animal who’s awake and in pain, so sedation may be necessary to adequately diagnose your pet’s lameness. 

    Your veterinarian will also want to perform X-rays of both rear limbs. They’ll look for signs of swelling in the knee that is suggestive of a CCL tear. X-rays will also help to rule out other causes of lameness, including infection, cancer, arthritis, and patellar luxation (when the knee is not in the proper location). In some cases, your veterinary hospital may recommend an MRI or joint taps (collecting fluid from the joint).

    How to Treat Torn Cruciate Ligaments in Dogs

    Cruciate Ligament Surgery for Dogs

    Surgery is generally recommended for your dog to regain optimal function of the knee. TPLO surgery is a common choice for this type of injury, but there are other surgical options as well. The best procedure for your pet depends on multiple factors, including the type of dog, the surgeon’s preference, and any compounding conditions (like a secondary meniscal tear). 

    The purpose of the surgical correction is to recreate the function of the cranial cruciate ligament and to improve stability of the joint. Even though some arthritis will occur regardless of the treatment method, less arthritic changes will occur following surgical correction. All knee surgeries are done under general anesthesia, where your dog is asleep and given pain medication.

    Surgery on the knee is more complicated than an average surgical procedure (like a spay or neuter) and needs to be performed by an experienced veterinary surgeon. Many veterinarians don’t feel comfortable performing this surgery in their practice due to the complexity and specialized equipment necessary. 

    Non-Surgical Treatment for a CCL Tear

    There are some non-surgical options out there, including pain medication and leg splints; however, they tend to be less successful than surgical intervention. This is because these treatments do not resolve the underlying instability present in the joint, and this instability causes more damage and arthritis over time. You may notice that lameness will initially improve, but the animal will never return to their pre-injury activity without recurring lameness.

    Cost to Treat CCL Tears in Dogs

    The cost of treatment can range anywhere from $2,000 all the way up to $8,000 or more. This number depends on the type of surgery performed, the size of the dog, the severity of the injury, and where the surgery is performed.

    Dog CCL Tear Recovery

    Recovery is just as crucial as the surgery itself. Your veterinary hospital will give you anti-inflammatory pain medication and strict post-operative instructions, including physical therapy and exercise restrictions that are necessary to improve future weight-bearing and usage of the limb. 

    It’s very important to follow these exercise restrictions and to only allow your pet to go outside on a leash to prevent failure of the surgical correction and further injury. Typically recommended to start 24 to 48 hours post-op, physical rehab can range from icing and massage with passive range of motion exercises at home, to laser therapy and underwater treadmill. Post-op healing typically takes six to eight weeks before restrictions can be lifted.

    How to Prevent Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Dogs

    This is definitely a case where prevention is the best medicine. No one wants to put their beloved pet through this type of surgery and recovery, especially since research shows that approximately half of dogs with a cranial cruciate rupture end up experiencing a similar issue in the other knee. [1]

    The best prevention for a cranial cruciate tear is to keep your pup at a healthy weight. If they are overweight, please speak with your veterinarian about ways to decrease their weight. Keeping your pet fit with regular walks and a nutritious diet is also important.


    1. Harasen G. Latest research in orthopedics – more highlights from the 35th Annual meeting of the Veterinary Orthopedic Society. Can Vet J. 2009 Feb;50(2):194. PMID: 19412401; PMCID: PMC2629425.

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    Signs of Heart Failure in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/signs-of-heart-failure-in-cats/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 15:11:32 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131237 Our feline companions hold a special place in our hearts. And it’s up to us to keep their hearts healthy and functioning as they should. But what does that really mean? If faced with signs of heart failure in cats, would you know what to do? No pet parent wants to imagine such a scenario. […]

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    Our feline companions hold a special place in our hearts. And it’s up to us to keep their hearts healthy and functioning as they should. But what does that really mean? If faced with signs of heart failure in cats, would you know what to do?

    No pet parent wants to imagine such a scenario. But understanding the signs of heart failure in cats and the actions you should take can help you prepare for the worst…and even prevent it. In this article, you’ll learn how to recognize symptoms of feline heart failure and steps you can take if you’re concerned about your cat’s heart health.

    What is Heart Failure in Cats?

    Heart failure can be a scary diagnosis for any cat parent to hear. And what makes it even more frightening is that, in many cases, it may seem so sudden, as if the condition developed overnight.

    That’s because cats often hide signs of illness, and heart conditions are no exception. As a result, heart issues in cats often go undiagnosed until the disease reaches an advanced stage. 

    When operating properly, a cat’s heart tirelessly circulates blood through their body. The right side of the heart moves oxygen-poor blood to the lungs for re-oxygenation, and the left side pumps the oxygen-rich blood to the body’s organs and muscles. In addition, this vital, four-chambered muscle plays a crucial role in regulating heart rate and maintaining blood pressure.

    In the simplest terms, heart failure in cats occurs when the amount of blood being pumped by the heart does not meet the demands of the body.  

    Heart Failure vs. Congestive Heart Failure

    If undetected and untreated, heart failure will eventually progress into Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). This is when the heart is pumping so poorly that fluid begins to build up in the lungs, abdomen, or limbs. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical intervention.

    What Causes Heart Failure in Cats?

    The best way to protect your cat from heart failure is to prevent the conditions that cause it from developing in the first place. So let’s take a look at the conditions that can lead to heart failure in cats. 

    The most common cause of feline heart failure is heart disease in cats, which can be either congenital (meaning your cat is born with a heart defect or abnormality), or acquired later in life, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which affects 10-15 percent of all cats. (1)

    Cat heart failure can also be caused by diet, genetics, hypertension (high blood pressure), circulatory issues, infections, inflammation, or a combination of these factors. 

    Identifying and treating these conditions early can help slow or prevent feline heart failure. But that is not always an option, especially if your cat is an expert at concealing their symptoms. That’s why it is so important for pet parents to be able to recognize the signs of heart failure in cats, so you can obtain vital veterinary support before it’s too late.

    7 Signs of Heart Failure in Cats

    Regardless of your cat’s heart health history, pet parents should always keep an eye out for these 7 signs of heart failure in cats:

    1. Coughing and Labored Breathing – One of the most common signs of heart failure in cats is persistent coughing or labored breathing. This occurs as fluid accumulates in the lungs, making it harder for your cat to breathe. Related symptoms include wheezing, gagging, or having a raspy breath.
    2. Weakness or Exercise Intolerance – Heart failure can deplete your cat’s energy reserves. If your typically active and playful cat becomes lethargic, sleeps more than usual, or is short of breath even when at rest, it could be a sign that their heart is struggling to pump blood effectively.   
    3. Restlessness and Hiding – On the other extreme, some cats with heart failure may appear restless or anxious. They might hide in unusual places, as if seeking a quiet and safe spot, or experience restless sleep. These behavior changes can indicate discomfort or unease due to poor heart function.
    4. Poor Appetite and Weight Loss – Reduced appetite and unexplained weight loss are signs of various health problems in cats, including heart failure. Cats with heart issues might eat less due to nausea, shortness of breath, or a reduced ability to taste their food.
    5. Swollen Abdomen or Limbs – Fluid retention, known as edema, is a common consequence of heart failure. You might notice your cat’s abdomen or limbs becoming distended. This happens when the heart can no longer effectively move fluids throughout the body, so they pool in the extremities.
    6. Pale or Bluish Gums and Tongue – Cats with heart issues may have poor circulation, leading to pale or bluish gums and tongue. Checking your cat’s gum color is a simple way to assess their overall health. If you notice a significant change, it’s time to consult your vet.
    7. Fainting or Collapsing Episodes – In severe cases, cats with advanced heart failure might experience syncope, also known as fainting or collapsing episodes. These occur when the heart can’t supply enough oxygen-rich blood to the brain. If your cat loses consciousness, seek immediate veterinary care.

    Cat Heart Failure Symptoms: Next Steps

    Now that you know what signs to watch out for, here are some helpful tips for monitoring your cat and what to do if you notice symptoms of cat heart failure. 

    Observing your cat for signs of heart failure is a good first step. However, sometimes, it’s hard to tell for sure whether you’re detecting a sign of cardiac failure or some other health issue. So it’s a good idea to keep a log of things like changes in weight, body condition score, activity level, or appetite.

    It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Simply jotting down information on a calendar or in a notebook can help you identify patterns so you can discuss them with your veterinarian.

    Of course, some signs, such as lethargy and swollen belly, can also accompany conditions like obesity or even aging. Still, when it comes to heart health, it’s always worth raising your concerns with your veterinarian. It’s much better to rule out serious conditions, rather than assume it’s not serious and turn out to be wrong.

    Another easy way to monitor your cat for signs of heart failure is to measure your pet’s resting respiratory rate (RRR) at home. If your cat is healthy, they will normally take between 15 to 30 breaths per minute while at rest or sleeping. However, increased respiratory rate in cats can be an early indicator of heart issues. 

    So the next time you are resting calmly on the couch with your cat, watch the rise and fall of their chest. (Note, your cat should not be purring, since that can impact their respiratory rate.) Each rise and fall equals one breath, so if you consistently count more than 30 breaths per minute, contact your veterinarian.

    When to Contact Your Veterinarian

    If you notice any signs that could indicate your cat might have compromised heart function, it’s smart to make an appointment with your veterinarian right away. They will do a full exam including checking your pet’s weight, listening to their heart and lung sounds, and examining the rest of their body for any signs of underlying illness or abnormalities. 

    Your vet may also want to conduct diagnostic testing, which could include bloodwork, electrocardiogram (EKG), and/or radiographs (X-rays) to detect enlargement of the heart muscle or fluid around the heart.

    Because heart failure in cats is a condition that often goes unnoticed until it’s in advanced stages, things can go downhill quickly. Watching out for signs of feline heart failure and raising your concerns with your veterinarian as early as possible could impact your cat’s prognosis and overall quality of life. So stay alert. Your furry friend’s health and longevity depend on it!

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    Cat Body Condition Score: How to Measure It https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/cat-body-condition-score/ Mon, 30 Oct 2023 15:28:41 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=130465 Do you have a furry feline who’s earned the nickname Chonksaurus Max? (Other aliases may include Big Boi, Jelly Roll, Marshmallow Fluff, or — as I like to call my cat — Speed Potato.) Or perhaps you are the loving pet parent of a Slim Jim or Skinny Minnie kitty. In either case, a cat […]

    The post Cat Body Condition Score: How to Measure It appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Do you have a furry feline who’s earned the nickname Chonksaurus Max? (Other aliases may include Big Boi, Jelly Roll, Marshmallow Fluff, or — as I like to call my cat — Speed Potato.) Or perhaps you are the loving pet parent of a Slim Jim or Skinny Minnie kitty. In either case, a cat body condition score can be a valuable tool when it comes to helping your feline friend achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

    Here’s a helpful overview covering everything pet parents need to know about body condition scores for cats, regardless of where your pet lands on the weight spectrum. Find out exactly what a cat body condition score is, how to measure it, and how it can help you manage your cat’s weight and overall health.

    What is a Cat Body Condition Score?

    Let’s start with the basics. Much like a Body Mass Index (BMI) score for humans, a Body Condition Score (BCS) offers an easy way of understanding whether an animal is underweight, ideal weight, overweight, or obese. 

    The BCS technique was originally developed as a way to help farmers monitor the weight of their livestock. However, body condition scoring was later adapted for use in companion animals to raise awareness about pet obesity and its associated health risks.

    For pets, this handy tool works by assessing a dog’s or cat’s body weight in relation to their size. That assessment then translates into a score on a numeric scale that shows how close (or far) they are from the ideal body condition for cats. 

    Body condition scores for cats typically range from 1-9. 

    • If your cat scores between 1-3, they are considered underweight
    • Cats that score 4-5 are considered ideal weight
    • Cats that score 6-7 are overweight
    • Cats that score 8-9 are obese

    Carrying a few extra pounds might not seem like a big deal. But cats who are overweight or obese face higher risks of various health issues, including diabetes mellitus, arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease, and others. And underweight cats are not in the clear, either. Weight loss or low weight can sometimes be a warning sign of serious health conditions in cats, such as hyperthyroidism

    Keeping track of your cat’s BCS plays an important part in helping your cat maintain a healthy weight. It can also alert you to weight changes that could easily go unnoticed, so you can act quickly to address any underlying health concerns. 

    Cat BCS vs. BMI

    If you’re wondering what the difference is between BCS and BMI, and if one is more reliable than the other, here’s the scoop. While both a cat’s BCS and a human’s BMI are assessments of body weight, how and what we measure to determine these numbers differs significantly. 

    To determine a cat’s BCS, we assess their body weight, body fat, and lean muscle mass by observing and palpating certain areas of their body. Then we compare what we see and feel to established body condition standards to obtain a number known as the BCS.

    By contrast, physicians typically calculate BMI in humans by dividing a person’s weight by a square of their height to obtain a rough estimate of their body fat. However, this calculation does not differentiate between muscle and fat — a distinction that has a big impact on the type of diet or exercise a veterinarian might recommend to help a cat live a long, healthy life.

    How to Measure Your Cat’s Body Condition Score

    Every year, your veterinarian will evaluate your cat’s body condition score during their annual exam. But there’s no reason to wait until your pet’s checkup to learn whether their score has changed. 

    Measuring your cat’s body condition score is easy to do at home, too. And while this should never replace yearly assessments conducted by a trained veterinary pro, checking your cat’s BCS regularly can help you stay on top of weight changes before they become bigger issues. 

    Here’s how to measure your cat’s body condition score:

    1. To guide your assessment, you may want to reference a Cat Body Condition Score Chart that shows you exactly what you’re looking for. 

    2. You’ll need to observe and gently feel parts of your cat’s body. So it’s best to conduct your assessment when they’re feeling calm and cooperative.

    3. Start by looking down at your cat from above to detect the shape of their silhouette.

    • An underweight cat (BCS 1-3) will have a distinct hourglass shape, with noticeable narrowing at the waist. You might even be able to see their spine and ribs visible beneath their coat.
    • A cat with an ideal shape (BCS 4-5) will have a well-proportioned hourglass silhouette with subtle indentations at the waist. 
    • In an overweight cat (BCS 6-7), the waistline might be difficult to detect at all. 
    • And in an obese cat (BCS 8-9), the waist bulges out instead of in.

    4. Next, gently run your fingers from the front of your cat’s ribcage to the back, being careful not to apply too much pressure. Then run your fingers along their spine. Finally, palpate (gently press) the abdomen area.

    • In an underweight cat (BCS 1-3), the ribcage, spine, and pelvic bones may jut out sharply. Not only will the bones be easy to feel under the skin, but they may even be highly visible from a distance.   
    • In a cat with an ideal shape (BCS 4-5), you will still be able to feel the ribs and spine, but just beneath a thin cushion of body fat. The abdomen will feel taut, but not squishy.
    • In an overweight cat (BCS 6-7), it will be difficult (but not impossible) to feel the ribs beneath the fat layer. The abdomen will hang down a bit, so it’s equal with the ribcage.  
    • And in an obese cat (BCS 8-9), you will not be able to feel the ribs or spine at all. The abdomen will sag and may even sway noticeably. 

    What to Do if Your Cat is Overweight

    So now that you know how to measure your cat’s body condition, what should you do with this information? 

    First, be sure to check your cat’s BCS score regularly, especially as your cat ages. Regular monitoring allows you to notice subtle changes in your cat’s body condition and take appropriate action.

    If your cat scores over a 5 on the BCS scale, they’re among a growing majority. According to the most recent data from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 61 percent of cats are classified as overweight or obese. 

    What’s more, APOP reports that many parents of overweight or obese cats can’t recognize their cats’ true body condition. Nearly one-quarter of the cat parents surveyed rated their cats “normal” weight when veterinarians scored them either overweight or obese.

    Knowing that your cat is carrying extra weight puts you in the best position to do something about it. If your cat’s BCS score is higher than ideal, there are many things you can do to help them lose weight, such as reducing portion sizes at mealtime, adding more exercise to their day, or switching to cat food that’s formulated for weight loss. 

    However, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before starting any weight management plan for your pet. Not only is your vet the best source for safe and effective weight loss tactics, but they can also provide a professional assessment and testing to look for potential health or medical reasons for the weight gain. 

    What to Do if Your Cat is Underweight

    While there is plenty of emphasis on pet obesity awareness, it’s worth noting that cats who slip below their ideal body composition face negative health consequences, too.

    If your cat’s BCS is between 1-3, contacting your veterinarian should be your first step. While adding extra calories to their diet may be the answer, there are many underlying causes of weight loss in cats that your vet will want to rule out first, including dental issues, thyroid disease, diabetes, heart or kidney disease, and parasites like tapeworms or roundworms.

    And even if an underlying condition isn’t what’s causing your cat’s low weight, boosting your cat’s calorie consumption isn’t just a numbers game. Malnourishment is a concern with underweight cats, so it’s important to choose a nutritionally balanced, calorie-dense food that supports healthy weight gain, rather than extra treats that could add more fat than lean muscle.

    Remember, a healthy body condition is vital for your cat’s overall well-being. By actively monitoring your cat’s body condition and seeking professional guidance when needed, you contribute significantly to ensuring a long, happy, and healthy life for your feline companion.

    The post Cat Body Condition Score: How to Measure It appeared first on Great Pet Care.
