Dr. Catherine Barnette https://www.greatpetcare.com/author/catherinebarnette/ Pet health information — simplified. Fri, 14 Mar 2025 18:39:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.3 5 Canine Heart Problems to Know About https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/canine-heart-problems-to-know-about/ Tue, 11 Mar 2025 13:46:19 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=161084 Heart disease is a relatively common condition in dogs, especially in older dogs. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 10 percent of dogs seen by primary care veterinarians have some form of heart disease [1]. There are multiple types of heart disease in dogs, each with their own unique causes and treatment. Read on […]

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Heart disease is a relatively common condition in dogs, especially in older dogs. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 10 percent of dogs seen by primary care veterinarians have some form of heart disease [1]. There are multiple types of heart disease in dogs, each with their own unique causes and treatment. Read on to learn more about common canine heart problems.

What Causes Heart Problems in Dogs?

Heart disease in dogs, also known as cardiac disease, can have a number of potential causes. 

Most canine heart disease is age-related. As dogs age, the valves within their heart may weaken and deteriorate. This prevents the heart valves from closing normally. Instead of blood flowing smoothly through the four chambers of the heart, a leaky heart valve can allow backflow within the heart, with some blood not moving forward along its normal path. Age-related valve degeneration is the most common cause of heart disease in dogs. 

Some cases of heart disease are congenital, meaning the dog is born with a heart defect. This defect may be diagnosed at a puppy’s first veterinary exam, or it may be inapparent until later in life. Examples of congenital heart disease include patent ductus arteriosus (in which an embryonic heart vessel fails to close at birth), septal defects (presence of an abnormal opening that connects the left and right sides of the heart), and pulmonic stenosis (abnormally narrow pulmonic valve within the heart).  

Less common causes of heart disease in dogs include viral infections, bacterial infections, tumors, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal disorders, and obesity. 

Some breeds are more likely to develop heart disease than others. For example, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels almost always develop heart disease at some point during their lives. Other breeds that are predisposed to heart disease include Miniature Schnauzers, Toy Poodles, Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Boxers, and Doberman Pinschers.

Signs of Dog Heart Problems

Heart disease is often asymptomatic or nearly asymptomatic in their early stages. Your veterinarian may notice signs of heart disease on a physical exam, but these signs may not be obvious at home. Signs that your veterinarian may notice on their exam include: 

  • Heart murmur
  • Abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
  • Abnormal pulses

As heart disease progresses, you may start to see signs at home. Signs of heart problems in dogs may include: 

  • Coughing
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Fainting

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a late stage of heart disease. Dogs develop CHF when their body can no longer compensate for their heart disease. Signs of CHF include: 

  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Cough (especially a productive cough)
  • Blue tinge to gums 
  • Swollen belly due to fluid accumulation
  • Weak pulse 
  • Lethargy

If your dog is showing signs of heart disease, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical exam, listening to your dog’s heart and lungs, palpating their pulses, and checking your dog carefully for other health issues. 

If your dog’s exam suggests a possibility of heart disease, your veterinarian will likely recommend additional testing. These tests may include an electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-rays, and/or an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart).

5 Canine Heart Problems to Know About

There are numerous forms of heart disease in dogs. Each type of heart disease is different in its underlying cause, its impact, and its treatment. 

Here are five common heart diseases that affect dogs: 

Mitral valve disease (MVD) 

Mitral valve disease is the most common heart disease in dogs. The mitral valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle of the heart. As dogs age, this valve can begin to deteriorate and become leaky over time. This means that blood isn’t pushed out of the heart normally when the heart beats; instead, some of the blood may leak from the ventricle back into the atrium. This forces the heart to work harder, leading to signs of heart disease.

While leaky mitral valves are typically repaired or replaced in people, this is not feasible in dogs. Therefore, MVD is managed, not cured. Your veterinarian will prescribe heart medications to support your dog’s heart function, as well as medications to prevent or treat the congestive heart failure that can occur secondary to mitral valve disease. 

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 

Congestive heart failure is a late-stage effect of any form of canine heart disease. When the heart cannot effectively move blood forward, fluid may begin to pool within the lungs and other parts of the body. This can lead to a variety of signs, such as difficulty breathing, a bloated or round appearance to the abdomen, and edema (fluid) in the legs. 

The treatment of CHF involves removing this extra fluid from the body and the lungs. Veterinarians typically prescribe a diuretic, such as furosemide. More medications may also be prescribed to treat the underlying cause of CHF and otherwise support heart function. 

Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease is caused by a parasite, Dirofilaria immitis. This parasite is spread by mosquitoes. In fact, a single mosquito bite is all that it takes to spread heartworms to an unprotected dog. 

Although heartworm larvae start off as small, microscopic parasites, they mature into large worms that look like spaghetti. These worms lodge within a dog’s heart and lungs, blocking normal circulation. Fortunately, heartworm infection can be prevented with the use of year-round heartworm preventative. 

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes weakened. This leads to enlargement of the heart, as the walls of the heart grow thinner and lose their normal shape. This condition is most common in large breed dogs, such as Great Danes, Boxers, and Doberman Pinschers. Diet can also play a role in the development of DCM, causing it to occur in breeds that are not commonly affected by this condition. 

There is no cure for DCM. Instead, veterinarians prescribe medications to support heart function, reduce fluid buildup within the body, and reduce the risk of arrhythmias. 

Pulmonic stenosis (PS) 

Pulmonic stenosis is an inherited heart defect in which the valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery (the vessel that carries blood to the lungs) is narrowed. This means that the heart must work harder to pump blood through this narrowed valve. 

Pulmonic stenosis is treated with balloon valvuloplasty. This surgical treatment opens the valve up to a more normal width, restoring unobstructed blood flow.

Canine Heart Health: How to Stay Ahead of Problems

The most preventable cause of heart disease is heartworms. These parasites are spread by mosquitoes, and a single bite can be enough to cause life-threatening disease. Talk to your veterinarian and ensure that your dog is on year-round heartworm prevention to prevent heartworm disease.

Some cases of heart disease are nutritional in nature. Feeding an imbalanced diet can increase your dog’s risk of heart disease. Therefore, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian and ensure that you are feeding a nutritionally complete and balanced diet that’s appropriate for your dog’s life stage. If your dog is at increased risk of heart disease, or is already showing signs of heart disease, your veterinarian may recommend a cardiac diet or nutritional supplement

If you are considering a purebred dog, do your homework. Some breeds are more likely to develop heart disease than others; avoiding these breeds can reduce your risk of adopting a dog with heart problems. If you’re purchasing a dog from a breeder, consult the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals’ recommended list of breed-specific screenings to determine whether cardiac screenings are recommended for that breed. Do not buy a puppy unless the breeder can verify that the puppy’s parents received and passed the recommended screening tests for their breed.

Unfortunately, most cases of heart disease cannot be avoided or prevented. Instead, it’s important to pay close attention to your dog and ensure that they receive regular veterinary care. Early diagnosis of heart disease allows early treatment, potentially improving your dog’s prognosis. 


  1. Keene, Bruce W et al. “ACVIM consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs.” Journal of veterinary internal medicine vol. 33,3 (2019): 1127-1140. doi:10.1111/jvim.15488

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Hypercalcemia in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/hypercalcemia-in-cats/ Fri, 31 Jan 2025 20:19:07 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=160537 Veterinarians run blood tests on cats for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes, blood tests are intended to diagnose the cause of a cat’s illness. Other times, bloodwork is run for screening purposes, as part of an annual wellness exam or in preparation for anesthesia.  Hypercalcemia is one of many conditions that can be diagnosed […]

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Veterinarians run blood tests on cats for a wide variety of reasons. Sometimes, blood tests are intended to diagnose the cause of a cat’s illness. Other times, bloodwork is run for screening purposes, as part of an annual wellness exam or in preparation for anesthesia. 

Hypercalcemia is one of many conditions that can be diagnosed based on a cat’s bloodwork.  Some cases of hypercalcemia are mild, requiring minimal interventions and carrying a relatively good prognosis. Other cases are far more significant. Read on to learn more about hypercalcemia in cats. 

What Is Hypercalcemia in Cats?

Hypercalcemia is defined as abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood. 

Under normal circumstances, your cat has systems in place that regulate blood calcium. Parathyroid hormone, calcitriol (the active form of vitamin D), and calcitonin (a hormone released by the thyroid gland) all play a role in regulating blood calcium.

Hypercalcemia can be caused by a wide variety of conditions, which can affect any of these calcium regulatory systems. Hypercalcemia is most common in older cats, but it can affect cats of any age. 

Hypercalcemia vs Hypocalcemia

Hypercalcemia refers to increased blood calcium. “Hyper” is a prefix that means excessive, and “-calcemia” is a root wood that refers to blood calcium. Therefore, a cat with hypercalcemia has excessive calcium in the blood. 

You may also hear veterinarians refer to hypocalcemia. “Hypo” means low or below normal. Therefore, a cat with hypocalcemia has abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood. 

It’s easy to confuse these words, especially if your veterinarian is speaking quickly. If you’re unsure which condition your veterinarian is describing, ask for clarification.

Causes of Hypercalcemia in Cats

Hypercalcemia in cats can have many potential causes. However, the three most common causes are: 

  • Kidney disease: The kidneys play an important role in regulating the levels of calcium and other substances in the blood. When the kidneys aren’t working correctly, calcium can build up to abnormally high levels. 
  • Malignant cancer: Some cancers, including lymphoma and squamous cell carcinoma, have been shown to cause hypercalcemia in cats. 
  • Idiopathic hypercalcemia in cats: This is one of the most common causes of hypercalcemia in cats. “Idiopathic” means hypercalcemia arises spontaneously, with no known cause. These cats do not have any underlying diseases that can be found as a cause of their hypercalcemia, despite extensive testing. 

Less common causes of hypercalcemia in cats include: 

  • Adrenal hormone insufficiency
  • Destructive bone disease (infection, bone cancer)
  • Fungal infection 
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Nutritional imbalances
  • Vitamin D toxicity (caused by rat poison)

Genetics doesn’t seem to play a role in hypercalcemia. No specific breeds have been found to be at higher or lower risk of hypercalcemia. 

Hypercalcemia in Cats Symptoms

Clinical signs of hypercalcemia can vary widely. Some cats are completely asymptomatic, while others are very sick by the time their condition is diagnosed. 

Signs of hypercalcemia in cats may include: 

It’s important to note that the signs of hypercalcemia mimic the signs of many other conditions. This condition can’t be diagnosed on clinical signs alone. 

Diagnosing Hypercalcemia in Cats

Hypercalcemia is diagnosed based on a blood test. If your cat is showing vague signs of illness, your veterinarian will likely recommend blood tests to evaluate your cat’s health. In a cat with hypercalcemia, blood tests will show an abnormally high blood calcium level. 

Not all elevated calcium levels are clinically significant. Calcium levels can fluctuate over time, and they may be briefly elevated but then return to normal. If your cat’s blood calcium is elevated on screening bloodwork, your veterinarian will probably perform further testing to be sure the elevated calcium level is significant. This may involve rechecking blood tests a few days later or sending your cat’s blood to a reference laboratory, which can perform more specialized tests. If your cat’s blood calcium elevation is found to be significant, your veterinarian will diagnose your cat with hypercalcemia. 

After receiving a hypercalcemia diagnosis, the next step is figuring out the underlying cause. Your veterinarian will recommend further tests to look for potential causes of hypercalcemia. Further testing may include additional blood tests, urinalysis (to check kidney function), imaging (to look for cancer), and other diagnostics. It’s important to determine the cause of your cat’s hypercalcemia (if possible), because this determines the best treatment for your cat. 

Hypercalcemia in Cats Treatment

If your cat is very sick with hypercalcemia, your veterinarian will take steps to lower your cat’s blood calcium levels quickly. This may include intravenous (IV) fluids, diuretics (to encourage calcium elimination in the urine), and other medications. 

Next, your veterinarian will shift to long-term treatment strategies. 

If possible, your veterinarian will aim to control the underlying cause of your cat’s hypercalcemia. This is the best treatment for hypercalcemia. Treatment may involve fluid therapy and dietary changes for kidney disease, chemotherapy or surgery for cancer, or other treatments. 

If the underlying cause of your cat’s hypercalcemia cannot be determined and/or treated, your veterinarian will start your cat on long-term medications. These medications are intended to reduce your cat’s blood calcium levels. The efficacy of these medications can vary, and these medications may cause significant side effects. Therefore, it’s always best to control the underlying cause of hypercalcemia, if possible. 

What to Feed a Cat with Hypercalcemia

Your veterinarian will recommend the best diet for your cat. There is no single best cat food for hypercalcemia. 

If your cat’s hypercalcemia is caused by an underlying disease, your veterinarian will probably recommend a diet to help manage the underlying disease. 

If your cat has idiopathic hyperthyroidism, your veterinarians may recommend a diet that is low in calcium. Diets that are low in carbohydrates, high in protein, and/or high in fiber have also been recommended to reduce hypercalcemia, although research in this area is limited and opinions vary. 

Cost to Treat Hypercalcemia in Cats

The cost to treat hypercalcemia will vary, depending on the underlying cause of your cat’s condition. 

The initial diagnostic testing for hypercalcemia can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over $1,000, depending on your cat’s individual case. 

If your cat has mild hypercalcemia that can be addressed through a dietary change, the cost of treatment and monitoring may be as low as several hundred dollars per year. If your cat has lymphoma or another malignant cancer, treatment may cost several thousand dollars. 

Your veterinarian can provide a more educated estimate of treatment costs once they have determined the underlying cause of your cat’s hypercalcemia.

How to Prevent Hypercalcemia in Cats

Given the wide variety of conditions that may cause hypercalcemia, there is no way to definitively prevent this condition. However, there are steps you can take to reduce your cat’s risk, such as:

  • Feed a well-balanced diet. An imbalanced diet is one potential cause of hypercalcemia.
  • Keep your cat away from toxins and human nutritional supplements, both of which may impact blood calcium levels. 
  • Follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for wellness exams and bloodwork monitoring. Most veterinarians recommend annual bloodwork for cats. Screening bloodwork can aid in the early diagnosis of hypercalcemia, in addition to many other diseases. 
  • Seek veterinary care if you notice weight loss, lethargy, or other signs of illness.

While there’s no way to definitively prevent hypercalcemia, paying attention to your cat’s health and following your veterinarian’s recommendations can help reduce the risk.

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10 Spring Hazards for Pets: What to Watch Out for This Season https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/spring-hazards-for-pets/ Tue, 07 Jan 2025 15:34:40 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=160430 Spring brings beautiful weather, but with it also comes several potential hazards for dogs and cats. From toxic plants to fleas and ticks, it’s important to be aware of the dangers your pet could get into.  Let’s explore some of the top spring hazards for pets — and how you can keep your furry family […]

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Spring brings beautiful weather, but with it also comes several potential hazards for dogs and cats. From toxic plants to fleas and ticks, it’s important to be aware of the dangers your pet could get into. 

Let’s explore some of the top spring hazards for pets — and how you can keep your furry family members safe.

10 Spring Hazards for Pets

Standing/Communal Water 

As temperatures rise, our pets will be drinking more to stay cool. While streams and puddles may seem like convenient water sources, they can carry harmful bacteria, parasites, and even toxins. “Drinking from these sources can expose your pet to diseases like leptospirosis and giardia, which can also be spread to humans,” says Dr. Liza Cahn, a veterinary consultant with Embrace Pet Insurance

And while water bowls at your local outdoor patios may be tempting, Dr. Cahn explains they can also be an easy source of passing diseases between dogs, such as the dog flu and kennel cough. To keep your pet safe, it’s best to carry fresh water and a travel water bowl with you during outdoor activities. 

External Parasites

Black Labrador Retriever dog rests on grass

With warmer weather comes an influx of pesky parasites like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes, all of which can spread disease. “Fleas and ticks surge in the spring, so it’s crucial that your pet is up-to-date on their flea, tick, and heartworm prevention,” explains Dr. Whitney Miller, chief veterinarian at Petco. 

Pet parents should use veterinary-recommended parasite control such as Midamox Topical Solution on their pets year-round, not just in the spring. But, it helps to avoid the spots where these pests thrive during the spring, like tall grass and woodsy areas.

Here is a closer look at each of these pests:


Fleas are a common nuisance, but they can cause more issues than itching. “Fleas can lead to blood loss, anemia, and allergic reactions,” Dr. Cahn says. If your pet is allergic to flea saliva, even a single bite can cause severe, widespread skin irritation. Fleas can also transmit tapeworms if eaten — which is common when your pet is biting their skin to relieve the itching they cause. 

To prevent infestations, use flea preventatives recommended by your veterinarian. Remember to only use feline-specific flea meds on your cat — many canine flea control products are toxic to cats.


Ticks can transmit some serious diseases, such as Lyme disease and anaplasmosis. Dr. Cahn advises checking your pet for ticks after outdoor activities, especially in wooded or grassy areas. If you find a tick, remove it promptly using fine-tipped tweezers, not your fingers. Early removal is key to preventing the spread of disease, and staying on top of tick control can help ensure ticks die before they get a chance to hurt your pet.


Mosquitoes may seem like a minor annoyance, but they’re a major concern thanks to their role in spreading heartworm disease. “Heartworm larvae are transmitted when an infected mosquito bites your pet,” Dr. Cahn explains. The larvae mature in the heart and lungs, causing serious health issues. Keeping your pet on preventive heartworm medication is the best way to protect them from this potentially fatal disease.

Intestinal Parasites

More time outside means more exposure to intestinal parasites, such as hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. These parasites are often spread through contaminated soil or feces from other animals. Symptoms may not always be obvious, but some signs that your pet has intestinal parasites can include diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss. 

“Use a prescription preventative from your vet year-round and have your pet’s fecal sample checked annually to reduce the risk,” Dr. Cahn says. And always remember to clean up after your pet to prevent spreading worms to others!

Hot Cars and Heat Stroke

With temperatures rising, heat stroke starts to become a real concern for pets during the spring months, especially when left in a parked car. Dogs and cats don’t regulate their body temperature as efficiently as humans, making them vulnerable to overheating. “Never leave your pet unattended in a car, as heat stroke can occur within minutes,” Dr. Cahn warns. 

Signs of heat stroke include excessive panting, lethargy, collapse, and difficulty breathing. If you think your pet is suffering from heat stroke, get them to an emergency vet ASAP.

Toxic Plants

Yorkshire Terrier walking in the garden with blooming tulips

Springtime means flowers and plants are in full bloom, but some of these can be toxic to pets. Common flowers like lilies, daffodils, and tulips can lead to serious health problems if accidentally eaten. “Symptoms of plant poisoning can include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, lethargy, tremors, difficulty breathing, and even kidney failure and seizures,” Dr. Cahn says. Some symptoms occur right away, while others may take days to develop.

Here is a list of common plants and flowers that are toxic that pet parents may stumble upon in the spring:

  • Aloe  
  • Apple trees  
  • Azaleas  
  • Birds of Paradise  
  • Boxwoods  
  • Calla Lily  
  • Lily of the Valley  
  • Holly  
  • Oleanders  
  • Wisteria   
  • Amaryllis  
  • Daffodil  
  • Eucalyptus  
  • Mums  
  • Sago Palm  
  • Tulip and Hyacinth bulbs  
  • Poinsettia

Dr. Miller advises pet parents to keep plants out of reach in your home and be cautious when walking in areas where these plants are common. If you think your pet may have eaten something toxic, use the Pet Poison Hotline for advice or get them to your vet right away.

Seasonal Allergies

Just like humans, pets can suffer from the onslaught of seasonal allergies during warmer months. Pollen, grass, and other environmental irritants are more prevalent in the spring, leading to symptoms such as:

  • Excessive biting or scratching at skin
  • Ear infections
  • Skin redness
  • Hair loss
  • Sneezing 
  • Watery eyes
  • Pawing at eyes or ears

“Environmental allergies, or atopy, can cause a lot of discomfort for pets, so it’s important to work with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment,” Dr. Cahn says. They can help identify what allergens are causing the most problems and recommend strategies to help lessen the symptoms through medications, special diets, or immunotherapy.

Bee/Wasp Stings

Bee stings typically cause only slight discomfort, like mild swelling and pain at the sting site, and will subside on their own. Pet parents can apply a cold compress to the sting site to reduce inflammation, though it’s not always necessary. In some cases, your vet might suggest giving antihistamines (such as Benadryl) to help, but this should only be done under veterinary guidance. 

While most stings aren’t something to worry about, some pets can experience severe allergic reactions, especially if stung multiple times. “If you notice signs of a more serious reaction, like facial swelling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, or hives, get your pet to the vet immediately,” advises Dr. Miller. 

Open Windows and Doors

Calico cat on window sill

With warmer weather comes the temptation to open windows and doors for fresh air. However, this can lead to accidents if your pet escapes or falls. Cats, in particular, are at risk of falling from windows or balconies. While we may think cats can land on their feet, a fall from this height can lead to an array of injuries, such as broken limbs, chest trauma, head injuries, and shock — a condition known as high-rise syndrome

“Make sure that window screens are secure and your pet doesn’t have access to open windows or balconies,” Dr. Cahn advises. She suggests microchipping your pet, too, in case they do get out and wander off.

Toxic Products

Spring cleaning often involves chemicals like bleach and essential oils or fertilizers and pesticides, many of which can be toxic to pets. These products can cause skin irritation or chemical burns if your pet comes into contact with them, or serious health problems if ingested. 

“Eating a few blades of grass with fertilizer on them is unlikely to result in poisoning, but if a pet gets into a direct source of fertilizer, they could experience serious effects like vomiting, diarrhea, and seizures,” Dr. Miller warns.

To keep your pet safe, use pet-friendly cleaning products and store harmful substances out of their reach. If you suspect poisoning, contact your vet or a pet poison hotline immediately.

Easter and Valentine’s Day Candy

Spring brings several holidays that are celebrated with candy and sweets, which often contain ingredients that are harmful to our pets. Harmful ingredients may include:

  • Xylitol: This sweetener is commonly used in sugar-free products, such as candy, gum, diet foods, baked goods and toothpaste. It can cause a severe drop in blood sugar or even liver failure in dogs (though cats don’t seem quite as affected). Symptoms can start minutes after eating xylitol, so time is of the essence if your pup accidentally eats any.
  • Nuts: Due to their size, many nuts (like pistachios) pose a choking hazard to pets. Their teeth aren’t made for crunching on nuts like ours are, so pets often accidentally swallow nuts whole. Other nuts can be high in sodium and lead to pancreatitis in cats or are poisonous, like macadamia nuts, and should be completely off-limits to pets.  
  • Chocolate: Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats due to its high levels of caffeine and theobromine. The darker the chocolate, the higher the concentration, which makes dark (including bakers) chocolate the most dangerous. Eating chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea in pets, or more serious symptoms like abnormal heartbeat, muscle tremors, and seizures.

By taking proper precautions and following these springtime safety tips for pets, you can help keep your dog or cat safe and healthy this season.

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Rabies Vaccine for Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-vaccinations/rabies-vaccine-for-cats/ Fri, 13 Dec 2024 13:35:27 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=160181 Rabies is a deadly viral infection that spreads in the saliva of infected animals. When a rabid animal bites another animal (or a person), rabies virus particles in the saliva enter the bitten animal via the bite wound. Over a period of weeks to months, the virus travels through the body, eventually reaching the brain […]

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Rabies is a deadly viral infection that spreads in the saliva of infected animals. When a rabid animal bites another animal (or a person), rabies virus particles in the saliva enter the bitten animal via the bite wound. Over a period of weeks to months, the virus travels through the body, eventually reaching the brain and causing rabies in the bitten animal. Rabies is almost always deadly in people and pets, and it has been a recognized disease since ancient times.

Fortunately, thanks to widespread vaccination, rabies is now relatively uncommon in U.S. cats. In 2021, a total of 216 cats were diagnosed with rabies within the United States. In contrast, thousands of wild animals are diagnosed with confirmed rabies infection in the U.S. every year, and that number is surely an underestimate because most wild animals are never tested for rabies.

What Is the Rabies Vaccine for Cats?

Rabies vaccines are designed to prevent rabies infection. In most parts of the United States, rabies vaccination is required by law for both cats and dogs. This is because rabies is a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can affect both animals and people. Vaccinating dogs and cats helps to prevent rabies in people. 

The first rabies vaccine was developed in 1885 by Louis Pasteur. This vaccine was designed for dogs, and the first vaccination campaigns for dogs began in the early 1900s. Over time, rabies vaccination expanded to cats. Since their development, rabies vaccines have been continually modified to make them safer and more effective. 

Today’s rabies vaccines are considered very safe and very effective. Rabies vaccination is considered a core vaccine for cats, meaning that all cats should receive this vaccine early in life and continue to receive boosters over the course of their lifetime. All veterinarians administer rabies vaccines in their practice, so rabies vaccines are widely available to pet parents.

How Does the Rabies Vaccine for Cats Work?

Rabies vaccines for cats belong to a vaccine category known as “inactive” vaccines. The vaccine contains small amounts of killed (inactivated virus). When your cat’s immune system sees these viral fragments after receiving the vaccine, the immune system recognizes the fragments as foreign. This leads the immune system to develop an immune response against rabies virus, training the immune system to fight rabies exposure quickly. 

A cat who has been vaccinated for rabies has an immune system that is trained to quickly recognize and attack the virus. If your cat is exposed to rabies, through the bite of a wild animal, the rabies vaccine will help your cat attack and destroy the virus before it causes an active infection. 

Rabies Vaccination Schedule for Cats

A kitten’s first rabies vaccine should be given at 12-16 weeks of age. If you adopt your cat as an adult, the first rabies vaccine should be given as soon as possible. 

Your cat will receive their first rabies vaccine booster one year after their initial vaccine. After this initial booster, further vaccine boosters will be given every 1-3 years, depending on the vaccine manufacturer’s instructions and your local legal requirements. Your veterinarian will determine whether your cat should receive a 1-year vs. 3-year rabies vaccine for cats. 

First rabies shotFirst booster shotAdditional boosters
12-16 weeks of age1 year after initial vaccineEvery 1-3 years (varies based on manufacturer and state/local laws)

Possible Side Effects

Rabies vaccine reactions in cats are typically mild. Some cats experience mild discomfort at their vaccine site, and others may develop a slight fever or lethargy. These cats may have reactions like those seen in people receiving an annual flu vaccine. 

In a study of 500,000 cats receiving vaccines, approximately 0.5 percent of vaccinated cats experienced a vaccine reaction that their owners reported to the veterinary hospital. Other cats may also have experienced a reaction, but it was mild enough that the owners did not contact their veterinarian. 

The most common rabies vaccine reactions in cats include: 

  • Decreased appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Fever
  • Soreness at vaccination site
  • Mild swelling at vaccination site 

Anaphylactic (allergic) reactions may also occur after vaccination. These reactions may be severe and life-threatening. Signs of anaphylaxis in cats include: 

  • Facial swelling
  • Hives
  • Itchiness
  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Pale gums
  • Cold limbs
  • Incoordination
  • Seizures
  • Coma

Anaphylactic reactions typically occur within minutes to hours of vaccination, and they require emergency treatment. Fortunately, anaphylactic reactions are very rare; they are reported to occur in 1-5 of every 10,000 cats receiving vaccines.

Finally, there is another form of uncommon reaction that can occur with vaccines in cats. Feline injection site sarcomas are a type of tumor that can occur after any injection, including vaccines. It is estimated that 0.3-1 in every 10,000 vaccines results in an injection site sarcoma. These tumors typically form months to years after receiving a vaccine.

Signs of injection sarcoma may include:

  • A firm lump under the skin at an injection site 
  • Swelling, redness, or irritation around the lump
  • A lump that is painful when touched

If you are concerned that your cat may have an injection site sarcoma, see your veterinarian. 

Manufacturers of the Rabies Vaccine for Cats

There are several rabies vaccines available for use in cats. These vaccines are all effective against rabies virus, though there are slight differences between vaccines.

Nobivac (Merck Animal Health), Vanguard (Zoetis), Rabvac (Elanco), and Imrab (Boehringer Ingelheim) are conventional rabies vaccines for use in cats. These vaccines are all commonly used by veterinary practices, and they are all available in both 1- and 3-year formulations.

PureVax (Boehringer Ingelheim) differs from the other vaccines, because it is the only feline rabies vaccine that is made without adjuvants. Adjuvants are substances that boost the immune reaction triggered by a vaccine, but they are also thought to play a role in vaccine side effects. In addition to potentially reducing the risk of vaccine reactions, PureVax is also delivered in a smaller injection volume than other, conventional rabies vaccines. While this vaccine offers potential benefits, it is more expensive than other rabies vaccines. Like other rabies vaccines, PureVax is available in both 1- and 3-year formulations. 

Your veterinarian will determine the best rabies vaccine for your cat. Most veterinarians only stock one formulation of rabies vaccine, and that is the formulation that they feel offers the most benefits for their patients and clients. 

ManufacturerProduct NameProduct Name
Boehringer IngelheimImrab (1- and 3-year)

Imrab TF (1- and 3-year thimerosal-free)
PureVax (1- and 3-year)
ElancoRabvac (1- and 3-year)
Merck Animal HealthNobivac (1- and 3-year)
ZoetisVanguard (1- and 3-year)

Cost of the Rabies Vaccine for Cats

Cat rabies vaccine costs may vary, depending on numerous factors. In general, PureVax is more expensive than other vaccines. Having your cat vaccinated for rabies will likely also include a veterinarian exam, as well as paying for local pet licensing. 

The cost of a thorough veterinary exam, rabies vaccine, and local license (if required) will be approximately $100-$200.

Does Your Cat Need to Be Vaccinated for Rabies?

All cats should be vaccinated for rabies, because all cats are at risk of this deadly infection. Even indoor cats need rabies vaccines; there have been countless reports of indoor cats that escape their home and/or bats and other wildlife entering a home. Rabies isn’t just an inconvenience — infection is fatal for cats. 

Rabies vaccination also protects you, the pet parent. As a veterinarian, I have seen cats who were infected with rabies. In many cases, these cats exposed numerous family members, requiring everyone in the family to receive post-exposure rabies prophylaxis. Fortunately, post-exposure prophylaxis is effective when given quickly. Unfortunately, this treatment is uncomfortable and expensive. And, if your cat develops rabies but dies before being diagnosed, there is a possibility that you could become infected without knowing it. Rabies infection is almost always fatal without post-exposure treatment.  

Finally, rabies vaccination has legal implications. If your cat is bitten by a wild animal, law enforcement may require 4-6 months of quarantine or even euthanasia. If your unvaccinated cat bites someone, law enforcement may also require quarantine (for up to 10 days). In many cases, quarantine must take place outside of your home; this is not only stressful for your cat, but it can also become very expensive for you. (I have seen clients spend thousands of dollars to quarantine their cat at a veterinary hospital after the cat received a bite wound while roaming outdoors!) Keeping your cat up-to-date on rabies vaccines reduces the likelihood of expensive fines, quarantines, and other stressful scenarios that can ensue when you do not follow legal requirements. 

If you have concerns about rabies vaccination, talk to your veterinarian. Work together to create a plan to protect your cat against rabies as safely as possible. 


  1. Ma, Xiaoyue et al. “Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2021.” Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association vol. 261,7 1045-1053. 8 Mar. 2023, doi:10.2460/javma.23.02.0081
  2. American Animal Hospital Association. “Adverse Postvaccination Reactions.” Aug. 2020. Retrieved from https://www.aaha.org/resources/2020-aahaaafp-feline-vaccination-guidelines/adverse-postvaccination-reactions/

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Do Cats Get Cold? (And How Cold Is Too Cold for Cats?) https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/do-cats-get-cold/ Sat, 09 Nov 2024 00:24:49 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159831 As you dig out your winter coats and start switching over to heavier clothes, you might start to wonder if your cat notices the difference in temperature. Do cats get cold the same way people do? Whether your cat is more of a cozy indoor lounger or a curious outdoor adventurer, it’s crucial to understand […]

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As you dig out your winter coats and start switching over to heavier clothes, you might start to wonder if your cat notices the difference in temperature. Do cats get cold the same way people do?

Whether your cat is more of a cozy indoor lounger or a curious outdoor adventurer, it’s crucial to understand how the cold affects them and know when the temperature might be too low for their comfort and safety.

We spoke to a veterinarian to find out how well cats tolerate cold weather, signs a cat might be too cold, potential cold weather risks, and practical tips to keep your furbaby warm when the temperature plummets.

Do Cats Get Cold?

The short answer is yes, but a cat’s susceptibility to chilly weather varies depending on several factors.

As descendants of desert-dwellers accustomed to warm, dry climates, domestic cats are not built to handle prolonged exposure to cold weather. Much like humans, they can quickly feel cold and need protection from low temperatures.
A cat’s normal body temperature can vary, based on environment and activity level, but typically ranges from 100 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that their bodies run just a bit warmer than ours. If you find that the indoor or outdoor temperature feels too cold, chances are your cat feels the same.

How Cold Is Too Cold for Cats?

The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends keeping spaces where cats (and dogs) live above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and below 80 degrees Fahrenheit [1]. 

However, Dr. Eliza O’Callaghan, managing veterinarian for Small Door Vet’s NYC practices, says cats are likely to feel most comfortable in temperatures ranging from 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which is roughly the average indoor temperature for most homes. 

What about outside temperatures? How cold is too cold for a cat to take a jaunt around your yard? “Generally, when temperatures drop below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s too cold for most cats to be outdoors for an extended period,” Dr. O’Callaghan says.

While some cats might tolerate slightly colder conditions for very short periods, prolonged exposure to temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit can be dangerous, potentially leading to hypothermia or frostbite. (More on this later.)

The exact temperature threshold where it becomes too cold for a cat can vary depending on several factors. These include:

Breed and coat type

The insulation provided by a cat’s fur can significantly affect how they tolerate the cold. Cats with thick, dense coats, such as Norwegian Forest cats or Maine Coons, can handle colder temperatures better than short-haired or hairless breeds, such as Siamese or the Sphynx, Dr. O’Callaghan says.


Kittens (particularly those 7 weeks old or younger) are extremely vulnerable to cold for several reasons: they have less body fat, cannot react to cold by shivering, and have a larger surface area-to-volume ratio [2]. Senior cats may also struggle with temperature regulation.


A big, chunky cat with more body fat will stay warmer than a slimmer cat with less body fat.

Health conditions

Cats with chronic medical conditions tend to be more susceptible to the cold. For example, the cold can exacerbate joint pain in cats with arthritis and make mobility more difficult, Dr. O’Callaghan explains. Additionally, senior cats or those with weakened immune systems might have a harder time maintaining their body heat, she adds.

Weather conditions

Windy, wet, or damp weather can make the cold feel much more intense for a cat.

Note: Given the numerous dangers outside—such as cars, wild animals, and even ill-intentioned people—it’s safer to keep your cat indoors, regardless of the weather. If you want to let them experience the outdoors, consider safe options like using a harness and leash or providing access to a secure catio.

Risks of Cold Weather for Cats

If a cat gets too cold, they are at risk of hypothermia. In general, hypothermia can pose a risk to any cat with a body temperature below 99 degrees Fahrenheit. The lower a cat’s body temperature becomes, the greater the risk of serious problems. Hypothermia in cats can be life-threatening, especially for kittens. 

“Frostbite is another risk, particularly affecting the ears, paws, and tail,” Dr. O’Callaghan says. This occurs when a cat’s extremities are exposed to extreme cold. The tissue can become damaged and, in severe cases, may turn black and die.“Prolonged exposure to cold can also weaken a cat’s immune system, making them more susceptible to infections,” Dr. O’Callaghan adds.

How to Tell If Your Cat Is Cold

Cats can’t say “Brrrr, I’m freezing!” like humans can, but they do have their own ways of showing when they’re too cold. By spotting these signs early, you can step in before the cold leads to more serious problems.

Shivering or trembling

Cats may shiver or tremble when they’re cold. This involuntary reaction, where the muscles rapidly contract and relax, produces heat and helps the body warm up.

Cold ears and extremities

While a cat’s ears can naturally be cooler than other parts of their body due to less fur and blood flow, persistently cold ears, especially in conjunction with other signs, can indicate your cat is struggling to stay warm. Cold paw pads and a cold tail can also be signs.

Tucked-in posture

If your cat is curling up tightly with their paws and tail tucked underneath their body, they might be trying to conserve heat.

Seeking warmth

If your cat is seeking out warmer places, like sitting near heaters, curling up in blankets, or finding a sunny spot, they could be trying to warm up.


Cold temperatures can cause cats to become less active and more lethargic as they try to conserve energy and maintain body heat.


Some cats may become more vocal when they’re cold as a way of expressing discomfort or trying to get your attention.

Rapid breathing

Cats may breathe faster when experiencing mild hypothermia as a way to generate heat. 
In severe cases of hypothermia, cats may experience slow breathing, collapse, or lose consciousness. If frostbite occurs, a cat’s extremities can swell, blister, and become discolored (often pale, gray, blue, or black).

Cold Cat Safety Tips

As the temperature starts to dip, it’s important to make sure your kitty stays cozy and safe. Here are some tips to help you keep them protected from the chill.

For Indoor-Only Cats

Regulate indoor temperatures. Keep your home at a comfortable temperature, ideally between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Create warm spaces. Set up cozy spots in your home where your cat can retreat when they feel cold. This could be a bed near a sunny window or a nook with plenty of blankets. Cat-safe heating pads can also be helpful in cold climates.

Use cold-weather gear. Most indoor cats won’t need clothing, but a cat sweater can help keep hairless or senior cats warm in chilly conditions. Just make sure it fits well and allows them to move freely.

For Indoor-Outdoor Cats

For indoor-outdoor cats, avoid letting your cat outside in very cold weather, especially if the temperature drops below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your cat spends a lot of time outside in cold weather, regularly check on them to ensure they’re safe and not showing signs of cold stress, such as shivering. Bring them indoors if the weather becomes too harsh.

For Outdoor-Only Cats

Cats living exclusively outdoors, such as feral or stray cats, face unique challenges during winter. Here’s how you can help them stay safe and warm:

Build or provide a winter shelter. Outdoor-only cats need a safe place to escape the elements. Consider providing them with an outdoor cat house for winter. You can buy a weatherproof cat house or make your own using a large plastic tub [3]. Line the tub with straw (not hay), as it repels moisture and provides good insulation. Pack the straw loosely into the shelter to about a quarter or halfway point. Avoid using blankets or towels, as these can absorb moisture and make the shelter cold and damp.

Provide food and water. If possible, provide outdoor-only cats with cat food and fresh water. Place food and water in a sheltered area to protect it from snow and ice.

Monitor their health. Even if a cat isn’t fully domesticated, check on them regularly. Look for signs of cold stress, frostbite, and hypothermia. If you notice a cat who is in trouble, try to catch them using a humane box trap and bring them to a veterinarian or shelter for care.

Spay or neuter: If you’re aware of a colony of feral cats, arrange with a rescue organization to have them trapped, spayed/neutered, and released back to their outdoor environment. This can help control the local cat population and improve the overall health and well-being of the colony. Uncontrolled breeding leads to more kittens being born into challenging conditions.

FAQs About Cold Cats

Can cats survive in the cold?

Cats can survive in cold weather, but their ability to do so depends on factors like their breed, age, coat thickness, overall health, and access to shelter. However, prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can lead to serious health issues and death, so it’s important to provide adequate shelter and warmth.

Do cats get cold inside the house?

Cats can get cold inside the house if the temperature drops significantly or if they don’t have access to warm, cozy spots. Ensure your home is kept at a comfortable temperature and consider providing a pet-safe heated bed and blankets during colder months.

At what temperature do cats get cold?

Cats usually begin to feel chilly when temperatures dip below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the temperature falls below 45 degrees Fahrenheit, they’re likely to feel uncomfortably cold. Temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit are dangerously cold for cats.

Don’t forget about your canine companion, too! Learn what temperature is too cold for dogs and how to protect your pup.


  1. “Companion Animal Care Guidelines.” American Veterinary Medical Association. Retrieved from: https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/avma-policies/companion-animal-care-guidelines#:~:text=Animal%20environment&text=Generally%2C%20for%20dogs%20and%20cats,range%20from%2030%20to%2070%25
  2. Gunn-Moore, Danielle. “Small Animal Neonatology: They Look Normal When They Are Born and Then They Die.” World Small Animal Veterinary Association World Congress Proceedings, 2006. Retrieved from: https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?pId=11223&id=3859263 
  3. How to Build an Outdoor Shelter. Alley Cat Allies. Retrieved from: https://www.alleycat.org/resources/how-to-build-an-outdoor-shelter/

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Can Dogs Have Nightmares? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/can-dogs-have-nightmares/ Fri, 08 Nov 2024 23:50:16 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159821 Veterinarian Nicholas Dodman remembers a time when his rescue dog Rusty was having a particularly bad dream.  “He was making horrible moaning sounds and movements,” says Dr. Dodman, a professor emeritus at Tufts University and the chief scientific officer at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies. “My wife and I are both vets and we […]

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Veterinarian Nicholas Dodman remembers a time when his rescue dog Rusty was having a particularly bad dream. 

“He was making horrible moaning sounds and movements,” says Dr. Dodman, a professor emeritus at Tufts University and the chief scientific officer at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies. “My wife and I are both vets and we looked at him and said, ‘Oh my god, I think he’s dreaming about something awful.’ It was so obvious that we actually woke him up so he didn’t need to experience it.” 

For Dr. Dodman, it’s logical that dogs dream, and research supports this assumption. But can dogs have nightmares? Here’s what you need to know about dog nightmares and how to calm your pet after a bad dream.

What Do Dogs Dream About?

Dogs can’t tell us whether they dream or what they dream about, but most experts believe dogs do dream. 

Dogs oscillate between REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and deep sleep, just like people, Dr. Dodman says. While there are some differences in brain waves between humans and dogs, Dr. Dodman says everything else about canine sleep is “exactly the same as in people.”

For instance, one study found that dogs have similar sleep-wake cycles as humans, and also that medical conditions, such as chronic pain, can affect dogs’ sleep patterns in a comparable way [1]. Another study found that periods of sleep in dogs supported memory, learning, general intelligence and healthy aging, just like in humans [2].

If dogs can dream, it makes sense that dogs have nightmares. “I think they can have very bad dreams and they can have good dreams — just like us,” Dr. Dodman says. “They’re so much like us in so many respects. It’s almost like they’re canine carbon copies of us.”

But what might cause a dog to have a bad dream, as opposed to a good dream? Dr. Dodman says it’s likely that dogs dream of things they previously experienced.

For instance, Dr. Dodman says his rescue dog Rusty came from an abusive situation, and that his past experiences probably caused him to have occasional nightmares. 

“If you have those memories stored up in your brain, all these traumatic incidents, it may [play out] in your sleep as an occurrence,” Dr. Dodman says.

Is My Dog Dreaming or Having a Nightmare?

If you see your dog twitching, whining, growling, or moving their limbs, they’re probably having a dream. If your dog is experiencing REM sleep, Dr. Dodman says you might even be able to see their eyelids moving. But how can you tell if your dog is having a nightmare? 

Dr. Dodman says you can make an educated guess about what’s going on. “If it looks like they’re having a bad dream,” he says, “give them the benefit of the doubt.”

A dog who just had a nightmare will not necessarily act clingy or anxious afterward, Dr. Dodman says. “It depends on what [they’re] dreaming about, but I imagine if it’s something horrific, it’s a great relief to be suddenly conscious and to realize that it was a dream,” Dr. Dodman says.

There is a phenomenon that can be mistaken for dreaming called sundowner syndrome, which is associated with canine cognitive dysfunction. “At or after sunset, they start to run around and act crazy and terrified of something — but it’s something that isn’t there,” Dr. Dodman explains. “It’s almost like a bad dream that you’re actually living out consciously. It’s very much like night terrors.”

If you see a sudden change in your dog’s behavior or sleep patterns, consult your veterinarian.

What to Do About Dog Nightmares

Having a bad dream might be uncomfortable for your dog, but it doesn’t mean your dog is in danger. However, if you’re worried about your dog having a bad dream, Dr. Dodman says you can gently wake them up — just like he once did with Rusty.

“I would remain calm,” Dr. Dodman recalls. “I would sit next to Rusty. I wouldn’t be suddenly shaking him by the collar for him to get up — I would just stroke him gently across the head … to lightly pull him out of the sleep that he’s in.”

If nightmares seem like a frequent occurrence for your dog, talk to your veterinarian. Anxiety and medical conditions are common causes of sleep problems, so your veterinarian is likely to recommend a thorough workup (including a physical exam, neurologic exam, and blood tests). A video of your dog’s suspected nightmares can also provide your veterinarian with more information about your dog’s episodes. While uncommon, REM sleep disorders can occur in dogs and may look like nightmares. 

In addition to working with your veterinarian, you can take steps to make your dog’s environment more conducive to sleep. “If a dog has trouble sleeping, you do want them in an optimal environment,” Dr. Dodman says. “You want them to have a very comfortable place to lie and get fully relaxed. You want a dark room. You want it to be as peaceful and quiet as possible.”


  1. Woods, Hope J et al. “A functional linear modeling approach to sleep-wake cycles in dogs.” Scientific reports vol. 10,1 22233. 17 Dec. 2020, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-79274-2
  2. Morell, Virginia. “Brain scans show dogs learn when sleeping—just like people.” Science. Oct. 2017. Retrieved from https://www.science.org/content/article/brain-scans-show-dogs-learn-when-sleeping-just-people

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What Is Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food? Information and Product Picks https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-nutrition/hydrolyzed-protein-cat-food/ Fri, 25 Oct 2024 00:37:24 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159650 Hydrolyzed protein diets can offer significant benefits for cats and dogs with dietary sensitivities. In these pets, the immune system reacts to proteins that are found in the diet, such as beef or chicken, seeing them as a foreign substance that must be attacked. A hydrolyzed protein diet prevents this immune response by only including […]

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Hydrolyzed protein diets can offer significant benefits for cats and dogs with dietary sensitivities. In these pets, the immune system reacts to proteins that are found in the diet, such as beef or chicken, seeing them as a foreign substance that must be attacked. A hydrolyzed protein diet prevents this immune response by only including proteins that are broken down to a size that is too small to be recognized by the immune system.  

Whether your veterinarian has recommended switching to hydrolyzed protein cat food or you’re researching dietary options for a cat with a medical condition, we’ve rounded up everything you need to know about this type of diet.

What Is Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food?

Hydrolyzed protein food for cats is a prescription diet that is prescribed for cats with specific medical conditions. Hydrolyzed protein food is not beneficial for every cat; instead, it is available only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. 

In a hydrolyzed protein cat food, the proteins have undergone a process known as hydrolysis. This process uses water to break proteins down into their smallest building blocks. Instead of containing normal beef, chicken, or fish proteins, hydrolyzed protein cat food contains protein fragments that cannot be recognized by the immune system. These protein fragments serve as a valuable source of nutrition, but they are too small to trigger an allergic response in cats who eat these diets.  

Why Vets Might Recommend Cat Food with Hydrolyzed Protein

Veterinarians typically recommend hydrolyzed protein diets for cats who have had a confirmed or suspected immune response (allergic response) to their diet. This typically includes two categories of cats: cats with food allergies and cats with inflammatory bowel disease

Hydrolyzed protein diets are often used to manage food allergies. In cats, food allergies are one cause of allergic skin disease, which may result in red, itchy skin and recurrent ear infections. These cats experience an immune reaction to proteins in their diet, and this reaction causes skin and ear inflammation. Feeding these cats a hydrolyzed protein diet (with no other food or treats) prevents that immune reaction. This typically alleviates the signs of food allergy, without a need for other medications or treatments.  

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is also often treated with hydrolyzed protein diets. Cats with IBD may experience a number of gastrointestinal signs, including vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. Many cats with IBD develop intestinal inflammation as an immune response to proteins in their diet. Feeding a hydrolyzed protein diet (without any other food or treats) can aid in the management of IBD by reducing intestinal inflammation.

Pros and Cons of Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food

Hydrolyzed protein cat food can offer significant benefits for cats with food sensitivities. However, there can also be disadvantages to feeding hydrolyzed protein cat food. Let’s look at both the pros and cons:


  • Successfully manage common conditions like food allergic dermatitis and IBD 
  • Nutritionally complete and well-balanced
  • Available in dry and canned formulations
  • Manufactured by several trusted diet manufacturers


  • Cost is often significantly higher than over-the-counter diets
  • Limited number of flavor choices
  • Limited number of texture choices

Switching to a Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food

If your cat may have food allergies or IBD, talk to your veterinarian about the use of hydrolyzed protein cat food. Many of these diets are available only with a veterinarian’s prescription, so you will need your veterinarian’s approval to start your cat on a hydrolyzed protein diet. 

In order for a hydrolyzed protein to offer benefits, you need to be sure that it is the only food your cat is eating. Cats with dietary sensitivities are often sensitive to very small quantities of ingested allergens. Feeding a hydrolyzed protein diet while continuing to offer table food and over-the-counter cat treats is unlikely to offer any benefits for your cat. Instead, consider avoiding typical cat treats and using hydrolyzed protein treats. Some pet parents choose to bake their own treats, using hydrolyzed protein wet cat food. 

When switching to a hydrolyzed protein cat food, it is best to make this transition gradually. Transition your cat from their old food to a hydrolyzed protein cat food gradually, over a period of approximately one week, to reduce the risk of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal effects. Each day, feed your cat a little bit more of the hydrolyzed protein cat food and a little bit less of their original diet, feeding a 50/50 mix of both foods by mid-week and transitioning entirely to the hydrolyzed protein cat food by the end of the week. 

In some cases, your veterinarian may advise making a more abrupt transition, to more rapidly alleviate your cat’s clinical signs. If this is the case, follow your veterinarian’s advice when transitioning to a hydrolyzed protein cat food. 

Cats with food allergies or IBD will often remain on a hydrolyzed protein for the rest of their life. These diets offer a safe and balanced source of nutrition, and they are appropriate for long-term, lifelong feeding. 

Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food Brands to Consider

Hydrolyzed protein cat foods are available from a number of different pet food manufacturers. Veterinarians often recommend prescription diets made by Hill’s, Royal Canin, or Purina Pro Plan. These three brands are known for their nutritional quality and their extensive research on pet foods. Hydrolyzed protein diets available from these three pet food manufacturers include:

Hill’s Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food

Royal Canin Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food

Purina Hydrolyzed Protein Cat Food

If you are looking to purchase a hydrolyzed diet from an alternative brand, Blue Buffalo hydrolyzed protein cat food is also available:

Talk to your veterinarian if you are interested in feeding your cat a hydrolyzed protein diet. Your veterinarian can help you determine whether a hydrolyzed protein diet is necessary and can help you select the best diet for your cat.

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Cloudy Eyes in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/cloudy-eyes-in-dogs/ Fri, 27 Sep 2024 17:54:41 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159195 If your dog’s eyes look milky white, you’re probably worried and wondering what’s going on. A common misconception is that dogs with cloudy eyes cannot see or are losing their vision. While this can be true, it is not always true. There are numerous causes of cloudy eyes in dogs and different signs to watch […]

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If your dog’s eyes look milky white, you’re probably worried and wondering what’s going on. A common misconception is that dogs with cloudy eyes cannot see or are losing their vision. While this can be true, it is not always true.

There are numerous causes of cloudy eyes in dogs and different signs to watch for. Here’s everything you need to know so you can get your dog the proper treatment.

What Are Cloudy Eyes in Dogs?

To understand cloudy eyes in dogs, we must first understand the structures of the eye that may play a role. 

  • The very outermost layer of the eye is the conjunctiva, which is a clear protective layer over the sclera, the white of the eye. 
  • The conjunctiva runs to the edge of the cornea, a clear protective layer which sits over the iris. 
  • The iris, also known as the colored part of the eye, works by enlarging or shrinking the pupil, the black of the eye. 
  • Behind the iris sits the lens, which helps focus light. 
  • The retina sits at the back of the eye and senses light. 
  • The optic nerve transmits visual signals to the brain. 

Cloudy eyes in dogs occur when either the lens or the cornea is no longer clear, thus creating a milky color within the eye. 

Cloudy eyes more commonly affect older dogs because many causes of cloudy eye result from diseases that are more common in older age. However, younger dogs can also be affected.

Some breeds are more prone to cloudy eyes than other dogs, because they are predisposed to specific diseases that cause cloudy eyes. 

Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Cloudy?

Veterinarian checks a dog's eyes

Cloudy eyes in dogs can be caused by many conditions. These conditions may arise suddenly or more gradually. Common causes of cloudiness include:

Age-Related Changes: Cloudiness of the eyes caused by normal, age-related changes in the lens. This change is called nuclear or lenticular sclerosis. It typically does not affect vision. 

Cataracts: Abnormal clumping of proteins in the lens of the eye. Cataracts may turn dogs’ lenses milky white and will cause vision impairments up to blindness. 

Corneal Dystrophy: White discoloration of the cornea, caused by cholesterol and/or mineral deposits. Rarely does this lead to blindness. 

Ulcers: Corneal damage, removing the surface layers of the cornea. Ulcers tend to be painful, so they are often associated with other signs, like squinting and redness. Additionally, ulcers can cause color changes in the cornea, from blue to red or a general haze. Left untreated, ulcers can cause irreversible damage and vision loss.  

Dry Eye: When the eye doesn’t produce enough tears, a condition called keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) occurs. This can lead to irritation and cloudiness of the cornea. Left untreated, this can cause damage and vision loss.  

Anterior Uveitis: Occurs when the uvea, a collection of structures in the eye, becomes inflamed, leading to a cloudy appearance. This condition has a variety of underlying causes, including infectious and inflammatory diseases. Uveitis can be painful and may ultimately lead to blindness. 

Glaucoma: Increased eye pressure. This puts pressure on the optic nerve, causing pain and inflammation. The eyes may also take on a hazy appearance. Untreated glaucoma may lead to blindness. 

Symptoms That Accompany Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Since cloudy dog eyes can be caused by so many different conditions, here are some additional symptoms to look for to help narrow down the cause:

Red cloudy eyes: This could be indicative of inflammation or irritation in the eye. 

Cloudy eye and discharge: Discharge is a sign of inflammation or infection. 

Blue and cloudy: This is the most common color for cloudiness and can be associated with old age. 

Bulging and cloudy: Bulging eyes, whether unilateral (one eye) or bilateral (both eyes), could be a sign of tumors or glaucoma. 

Small cloudy spot on dog’s eye: White or cloudy spots often occur on the surface of the eye, and they are most commonly associated with corneal dystrophy. However, a small cloudy spot deep within the eye could be the start of a cataract. 

Diagnosing Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Veterinarian Veterinarian performs Schirmer test to evaluate dog's tear production

Many cloudy eye conditions can be cared for by your veterinarian. 

To properly diagnose the cause behind a dog with cloudy eyes, a veterinarian will start with a physical exam and potentially some bloodwork, followed by an eye exam. The eye exam will look for any abnormalities within the structures in the eye. Your veterinarian will likely perform a number of diagnostic tests, including: 

  • Schirmer Tear Test: Measures tear production and may be used if dry eye is suspected. 
  • Fluorescein Stain Test: Uses orange dye and a blue light to look for damage to the cornea, such as ulcers. 
  • Tonometry: Measures pressure inside each of the eyes and used to screen for glaucoma.

If your veterinarian is unable to diagnose the cause of your dog’s cloudy eye, referral to a board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist may be necessary.

Dog Cloudy Eye Treatment

Eye treatment for cloudiness varies depending on the underlying cause. While most conditions resulting in cloudy dog eyes are treatable, other cases of cloudiness may not be reversible. 

Nuclear sclerosis (cloudiness due to old age) is permanent. No treatment is needed; it is simply a result of aging, just like graying fur. 

Conditions related to infection, such as corneal ulcers and uveitis, may be treated with topical or oral antibiotics. 

Dry eye is typically treated with medicated ointments that aim to restore tear gland function. Additionally, your veterinarian may prescribe lubricating drops or ointment. 

Glaucoma is treated with medications designed to bring down eye pressure. These medications may come in the form of eye drops or oral medication.

Some conditions may warrant surgery. For example, cataracts have no treatment, except for surgery, just like in humans. 

In painful situations that cannot be cured with treatment, removal of the eye (enucleation) may be recommended. 

Dog Cloudy Eye Home Remedy

There are no approved home remedies for cloudy eyes. Due to the complex nature of eye conditions and the risk of blindness, home remedies put dogs at risk for further complications. Instead, contact your veterinarian for treatment. 

Cloudy Eye Medication for Dogs

Common medications for cloudy eyes in dogs include:

  • Topical antibiotics, for corneal ulcers
  • Topical immunosuppressives, such as cyclosporine or tacrolimus, for dry eye 
  • Oral steroids such as prednisone for inflammation, such as with uveitis
  • Oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, such as methazolamide, to treat glaucoma

Costs for a comprehensive physical exams (including an eye exam) and diagnostic tests may range from $200 – 300, depending on the tests your dog needs. Treatment for eye conditions can range from under $50 for single, short-term topical medication to several thousand dollars for cataract surgery.   

How to Prevent Cloudy Eyes in Dogs

Most conditions that cause cloudy eyes cannot be prevented. However, some cases are preventable. 

Cataracts in dogs are often associated with diabetes. You can reduce your dog’s risk of diabetes by keeping them at a healthy weight. If your dog does develop diabetes, proactive treatment can reduce the risk of cataracts. 

Uveitis may occur secondary to infectious disease. Ensuring that your dog is up-to-date on their recommended vaccines can reduce the risk of uveitis. 

Finally, corneal ulcers are often caused by trauma. You can reduce this risk by focusing on your dog’s safety. Don’t let them hang their head out the window while riding in the car, and monitor play with other pets. Seek veterinary care at the first sign of an eye injury. 

Even when cloud eyes occur, you can prevent complications, like blindness and prolonged pain, by contacting your veterinarian at the first sign of an eye problem.

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Do Cats Cry? Everything You Need to Know https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-behavior/do-cats-cry/ Fri, 27 Sep 2024 01:47:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159197 Your cat isn’t afraid to express their emotions — especially when their breakfast isn’t served on time — and there may have been times that you’ve witnessed big, fat drops that definitely resemble tears falling from their eyes. But you’re probably still wondering: do cats cry? Keep reading to find out! Do Cats Cry? We Asked […]

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Your cat isn’t afraid to express their emotions — especially when their breakfast isn’t served on time — and there may have been times that you’ve witnessed big, fat drops that definitely resemble tears falling from their eyes. But you’re probably still wondering: do cats cry? Keep reading to find out!

Do Cats Cry? We Asked the Experts

Cats are emotional creatures. Studies show that cats have 276 distinct facial expressions and are reported to express six different emotions: anger, happiness, fear, surprise, disgust, and sadness. Cats even respond to human emotions, with research showing higher stress levels when their humans were stressed or sad.[1, 2, 3]

If cats experience sadness and their facial expressions mirror their emotions, do cats cry tears when they are sad? Despite the plethora of internet memes depicting crying kitties, cats don’t shed tears when they are sad, notes Dr. Alex Lynch, associate professor of emergency and critical care and co-director of the Feline Health Center at NC State.

“Cats do produce tears, but we don’t associate that as a sign of pain or distress,” Dr. Lynch says. “Tear production is a normal process to keep the eye healthy.”

What’s Really Going on with Crying Cats

It’s common for cats to make vocalizations that sound like cries. In fact, older research found that domestic cats make a sound that is akin to an infant’s distress cries and use these so-called “isolation cries” to beg for food.[4] Researchers noted, “Humans are highly sensitive to it…[that] could serve as a subtle means of exploitation.”

All cats can make sounds that mimic cries — but some are more vocal than others, according to Dr. Matthew Fife, a veterinary ophthalmologist with Veterinary Eye Institute in Orlando.

“Many cats will vocalize when experiencing stress or pain,” Dr. Fife says. “We have many patients that will vocalize constantly when in an unusual environment, such as in the vet hospital, while others never make a peep.”

Do Cats Cry Tears?

Cats do produce tears — but it’s not from feeling sadness.

Dr. Fife calls cat tears “incredibly important” to eye health. Tears lubricate your cat’s eyes and contain proteins that help to control bacterial levels and fight infections. “Healthy and adequate tear production is essential for maintaining good vision,” he adds.

Why Is My Cat Crying? 6 Possible Reasons

Epiphora is the medical term for an overflow of tears from the eyes. The most common causes are conditions that create an overproduction of tears or prevent tears from draining normally.

Eye infections

Conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines your cat’s eyelids and covers the white part of their eyeballs, causes excessive tearing. In addition to producing excessive tears, cats with conjunctivitis might also squint, or have cloudy yellow or greenish discharge or swelling in one or both eyes. 

Bacteria and viruses, including feline viral rhinotracheitis (also known as feline herpesvirus), are common infectious causes of conjunctivitis. 
Antibiotic eye drops are the most typical type of medication used to treat eye infections, although there might be some circumstances where oral medications are recommended too, Dr. Lynch says.

Eye disease

Glaucoma is caused when the fluid in the front part of a cat’s eye is unable to drain normally and puts pressure on the optic nerve, causing pain and interfering with vision. The nerve damage can result in partial or total blindness. 

Excessive tear production, cloudiness in the eyes, and squinting are some of the early signs of glaucoma. There is no cure for the disease, but there are medications to help ease the symptoms and control the pain.

Eye injuries

Possible eye injuries include scratches, irritation from eyelashes, foreign material being present in the eye, and rubbing the eye against something in their environment — but any damage to the cornea will cause eyes to water, Dr. Fife says.

“Traumatic injuries that occur during play or from other animals are common, viral infections can cause ulceration on the surface of the cornea, and foreign material in the eye can be very irritating.”

Eyelid abnormalities

Entropion (a condition that causes eyelids to turn inward) and ectropion (a condition that causes the tissues lining the inner surface of the eyelids to roll outward) cause irritation that can lead to watery eyes. 

Persians, Himalayans, and other flat-faced breeds are at greater risk of eyelid abnormalities because their facial anatomies make it harder for tears to drain properly. Often, their tears roll down their faces instead of draining through the tear ducts.

Blocked tear ducts

“Damage to the tear drainage duct is quite common, especially in stray cats that are more prone to severe respiratory infections,” Dr. Fife says. 

Infections can cause scarring in the tear duct that drains tears from the eye into the nose, causing a blockage. When the tears can’t drain, they spill onto the face, making it look like your cat is crying.

Environmental irritants

Environmental allergies are very common in animals, and Dr. Fife notes that mild allergies will cause watery eyes. 

“Dirt and pollen in the environment can get into the eyes, especially in animals spending a lot of time outside,” he says. “This can produce some thicker, mucous discharge.” 

Additionally, cats that like to dig a lot in the litter box can get clay particles in the eyes, which can cause tearing, he adds.

What Is Your Crying Cat Trying to Tell You?

Cats need to produce tears, so don’t fret if your cat sheds one occasionally. But Dr. Lynch notes that too many tears could be a sign that something is wrong. 

“Obvious or apparently excessive tear production…could represent a problem with the eye itself, perhaps an injury to the eye surface like an ulcer or scratch, or other issues like allergies or infections,” he says. 

Dr. Lynch suggests watching for additional changes in their health and behavior, like red eyes or holding their eyes closed. Looking at your cat’s tail language could also help you understand how your cat is feeling when they are “crying.”

Make an appointment with your veterinarian if you notice your cat shedding an excessive amount of tears. They can examine the eye and help identify if there is something abnormal going on.

When Cat Crying May Indicate a Problem

While most cat cries are likely nothing to worry about, changes in vocalizations or persistent cries could indicate your cat is feeling pain or discomfort. Excessive tear production, especially if it’s accompanied by mucous or thick, green discharge, could also be a sign of a health issue.

“Since so many things can cause teary eyes, the only real thing to do is have it checked and try to address any underlying problem,” Dr. Fife says.

How to Prevent Crying in Cats

Normal tear production keeps your cat’s eyes healthy, but it’s important to protect them from illnesses and injuries that may cause too many tears. Depending on the cause, Dr. Lynch suggests preventive measures such as avoiding cleaning products or other environmental irritants that could lead to watery eyes, isolating new or sick animals from each other to reduce the risk of spreading infection, and keeping cats indoors to minimize injuries from other animals or vehicles. Keeping your cat up to date on vaccinations can also prevent some infections that contribute to conjunctivitis.

“If you’re worried about your cat having watery eyes, please contact your veterinary team,” Dr. Lynch urges. “They will help advise the best way to get your cat feeling better again.”


  1. Lauren Scott, Brittany N. Florkiewicz, “Feline faces: Unraveling the social function of domestic cat facial signals,” Behavioural Processes, Volume 213, 2023, 104959. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2023.104959 
  2. Martens, P., Enders-Slegers, M. J., & Walker, J. K., “The Emotional Lives of Companion Animals: Attachment and Subjective Claims by Owners of Cats and Dogs.” Anthrozoös, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1080/08927936.2015.1075299 
  3. Quaranta A, d’Ingeo S, Amoruso R, Siniscalchi M., “Emotion Recognition in Cats.” Animals (Basel), 2020 Jun 28. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7401521/ 
  4. McComb, Karen et al. “The cry embedded within the purr.” Current biology : CB vol. 19,13 (2009): R507-8. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.05.033

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Guide to Life with a Deaf Dog: Tips & Advice https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/guide-to-life-with-a-deaf-dog/ Wed, 25 Sep 2024 13:37:28 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159127 Most dogs have remarkable hearing abilities. They can hear high-pitched sounds at frequencies humans are unable to detect. They can perceive noises across long distances — about four times as far as humans can hear.  But good hearing isn’t always a guarantee in dogs. Some dogs may be born with the inability to hear due […]

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Most dogs have remarkable hearing abilities. They can hear high-pitched sounds at frequencies humans are unable to detect. They can perceive noises across long distances — about four times as far as humans can hear. 

But good hearing isn’t always a guarantee in dogs. Some dogs may be born with the inability to hear due to a genetic defect or another issue. Or they can experience canine hearing loss as the result of an infection or traumatic injury — or just because they’re getting older. 

Read on for everything you need to know about identifying and caring for a deaf dog.

How to Tell If Your Dog is Deaf

What are some signs of deafness in dogs? Dr. Becca Boronat, a veterinarian at Best Friends Animal Society, says there are several things pet parents may notice. For one, the dog’s behavior might change. 

“Deaf dogs may not respond to common sounds, such as their name, doorbells, or other household noises,” Dr. Boronat explains, adding that noises like the squeak of a toy may also not elicit a response. 

If a puppy is born deaf, they may never develop behaviors that are typical for hearing dogs, like responding to sounds. A new onset of deafness in a hearing dog, however, may look like unexpected behavior changes.

Another indication that a dog is going deaf or has already lost hearing is a change in sleep patterns, according to Dr. Boronat. “They may startle more easily when touched while sleeping since they don’t hear approaching footsteps.” 

Yet another sign can be found in how a dog moves. “They might move their head in a searching motion more frequently, trying to visually compensate for the lack of auditory information,” Dr. Boronat says.

Last but not least, she notes that deafness may result in your dog being more anxious or stressed than normal, particularly in unfamiliar situations.

Causes of Deafness in Dogs

What are the causes of deafness in dogs? For some, they’re simply born this way due to genetic factors, toxic exposure, or viral damage during development, according to Dr. Boronat. Hearing loss that is present from birth is known as congenital deafness. 

Dogs of any breed can be susceptible to congenital deafness, but there are some breeds that are more susceptible than others.

“Breeds with merle and white coat colors, such as Dalmatians, Bull Terriers, Australian Heelers, Catahoulas, English Cocker Spaniels, Parson Russell Terriers, and Boston Terriers, are commonly affected,” Dr. Boronat says. “The list of affected breeds, now around 100, is growing and may change with breed popularity and selective breeding practices.”

Besides congenital deafness, a dog going deaf — or partially deaf — can be the result of aging, ototoxicity, noise trauma, otitis interna, and anesthesia, among other causes. [1]

Dr. Boronat also explains that sudden dog deafness may stem from different medical conditions, including:

  • External ear canal blockage due to long-term inflammation (a condition known as otitis externa)
  • Excessive ear wax
  • A ruptured eardrum
  • Inflammation of the middle or inner ear.

However, she adds, for many of these conditions, a dog’s hearing can come back — or partially return — once resolved.

How to Care for a Deaf Dog

While caring for a deaf dog does present some extra challenges, there are many things you can do to make things easier for both you and your pup. 

Tap Into Their Other Senses

Try to rely on visual cues rather than auditory cues when interacting with your dog at home. “Ensure the dog can see you coming to avoid startling them,” Dr. Boronat advises.

Pet parents can also train deaf dogs to respond to hand signals. According to the non-profit organization Deaf Dogs Rock, pet parents can come up with sign cues for their dog’s name, basic commands, and positive reinforcement. For instance, some pet parents rely on the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) to create hand signals for deaf dogs. 

When training deaf dogs, Karen Prior Clicker Training recommends using a gentle touch such as a shoulder tap (to avoid startling your dog), flicking lights on and off (such as a flashlight), or vibrations such as tapping or stomping on the floor. 

There are also special vibration collars — not to be confused with shock collars — that can be used to help get your dog’s attention, Dr. Boronat says.

Ensure Your Dog’s Safety

Pet parents of deaf dogs need to think about safety, particularly when your dog spends time outside. A deaf dog might be vulnerable to getting hit by a car since they are unable to hear it coming, for instance. “Always keep your deaf dog on a leash or in a secure, fenced area to prevent them from wandering off or getting into danger,” Dr. Boronat says.

Keep Stress Levels Low

One thing pet parents of deaf dogs should try to avoid at all costs is placing extra stress on your canine companions. “Sudden movements or environments with lots of visual distractions might stress a deaf dog,” Dr. Boronat explains. “Introducing new environments slowly can help reduce anxiety.”

Don’t Forget About Check-Ups

Last but not least, it’s important to take your dog to the veterinary clinic for check-ups.

“While deaf dogs do not necessarily need additional medical care related to their deafness,” Dr. Boronat says, “they should have regular check-ups to monitor their overall health.”

Of course, if your dog has an underlying condition that leads to deafness, ensure that they’re getting ongoing treatment.

Dogs and Deafness: In Conclusion

Caring for a deaf puppy or dog might present some extra challenges, but preparation and readiness will make your job easier.

“Patience and understanding are crucial,” Dr. Boronat says. “Deaf dogs rely heavily on their other senses and their bond with their human companions to navigate the world.”

One thing is for sure: deaf dogs can be wonderful companions. If you’re considering adopting a deaf dog, there are several groups in the U.S. that can help facilitate this, including Deaf Dogs Rock, Pink Heart Rescue, and Deaf Dogs of Oregon.


  1. George M. Strain, Canine Deafness, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, Volume 42, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 1209-1224, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvsm.2012.08.010.

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Conjunctivitis in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/conjunctivitis-in-dogs/ Wed, 25 Sep 2024 12:29:08 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159110 Normally, there’s nothing better than gazing into your dog’s eyes and seeing the love reflected there. But if your dog’s eyes are swollen and red, it’s important to take notice. These are signs that you could be dealing with a case of conjunctivitis in dogs. Conjunctivitis in dogs (also known as dog pink eye) is […]

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Normally, there’s nothing better than gazing into your dog’s eyes and seeing the love reflected there. But if your dog’s eyes are swollen and red, it’s important to take notice. These are signs that you could be dealing with a case of conjunctivitis in dogs.

Conjunctivitis in dogs (also known as dog pink eye) is a common condition. In fact, most dogs are likely to experience an episode of conjunctivitis at some point during their lifespan. However, there are many underlying causes of the condition, and they can range from mild to serious.

To help you provide your pup with the best care possible, here’s what you need to know about conjunctivitis in dogs, what causes it, and how to treat this common dog eye issue effectively. 

Conjunctivitis in Dogs: What is It?

Conjunctivitis in dogs is very similar to conjunctivitis in humans, though the causes and treatments vary.

Conjunctivitis means “inflammation of the conjunctiva.” The conjunctiva is a thin layer of tissue that covers the inside of the eyelids and the surface of the eye. When this layer becomes inflamed, a dog’s eye becomes red, swollen, and uncomfortable.

Conjunctivitis in dogs may or may not be contagious, depending on what’s causing it.

When a virus or bacteria causes conjunctivitis, dogs can pass this infectious conjunctivitis along to other dogs. In some cases, a dog may also be able to spread bacterial conjunctivitis to humans.

When dogs get non-infectious conjunctivitis (from things like allergies or dry eye), these cases are not contagious.

Conjunctivitis can occur in any dog of any age. However, some breeds are more likely to develop conjunctivitis than others. These include: 

  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Hounds
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Pekingese
  • Poodle
  • Pug
  • Scottish Terrier
  • Shar Pei
  • Shih Tzu
  • West Highland White Terrier

Causes of Conjunctivitis in Dogs

Determining the cause of a dog’s conjunctivitis plays a key role in effective treatment. Conjunctivitis in dogs can have a wide variety of causes, including: 

  • Viral infection – Viruses, like canine herpes virus and canine distemper virus, can cause conjunctivitis. 
  • Bacterial infection – Bacterial conjunctivitis in dogs can be classified as primary or secondary. Primary means the infection is caused by the bacterium, itself. Secondary means there’s an underlying cause that makes the eye more susceptible to bacterial infection. 
  • Allergies – Environmental allergens, like dust and pollen, can trigger conjunctivitis. 
  • Airborne irritants – Substances that aggravate the surface of the eye, like smoke and perfumes, can cause conjunctivitis. 
  • Corneal ulcer – Trauma or chemical irritants can damage the surface of the eye, resulting in conjunctivitis.
  • Dry eye – Dogs with keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS or dry eye) do not make enough tears to keep the eye lubricated. The lack of a healthy tear film leads to conjunctivitis. 
  • Glaucoma – Increased pressure within the eye leads to inflammation and conjunctivitis. 
  • Tumor of the eye or eyelid – Tumors that irritate the eye often cause conjunctivitis.
  • Immune-mediatedAutoimmune conditions can lead to inflammation of the eye. 

It’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive. Anything that irritates the eyes or eyelids can potentially cause conjunctivitis.   

Conjunctivitis in Dogs Symptoms

Detecting the signs of conjunctivitis in dogs plays a key role in getting your pet the treatment they need. Here’s what to watch out for.

The primary symptom of conjunctivitis in dogs is swelling and inflammation of the tissues surrounding the eye.

You may notice swelling of your dog’s third eyelid, also known as the nictitating membrane. This is the small pink piece of tissue located in the middle corner of each of your dog’s eyes. The third eyelid may be more visible than usual, it may look swollen, or it may become a darker red color.  

Signs of conjunctivitis in dogs may affect one or both eyes. In addition to red and swollen eyes, symptoms may include:

  • Dog with red eyes
  • Swollen eyes
  • Increased dog eye discharge (clear, yellow, or green)
  • Squinting
  • Frequent blinking
  • Pawing at the face or eye(s)

If your dog has very mild conjunctivitis, it may be okay to monitor your dog at home for 24 hours. Mild signs of conjunctivitis can occur with exposure to dust, perfumes, or other irritants, and they may resolve with time.

However, you know your dog best. If your dog is uncomfortable or you notice pronounced clinical signs, seek veterinary care as soon as possible. 

If your dog’s signs are mild, but they do not resolve within 24 hours, this also warrants a trip to the veterinarian. Seeking veterinary care early reduces the risk of permanent damage to the eye(s). Permanent damage can lead to blindness, so it’s important to always take eye problems seriously in your dog. 

Diagnosing Canine Conjunctivitis

Your veterinarian can diagnose conjunctivitis by carefully examining your dog’s conjunctiva for signs of redness or inflammation.

Effective treatment, however, depends on what’s causing your dog’s conjunctivitis. So your vet will likely recommend further testing to identify the cause. 

Common tests for conjunctivitis include: 

  • Fluorescein stain – This test diagnoses corneal ulcers. A fluorescent stain is applied to your dog’s eye. This stain sticks to corneal ulcers, highlighting the lesion. 
  • Schirmer tear test – This tests your dog’s tear production, looking for dry eye or KCS. 
  • Tonometry – This test assesses your dog’s eye pressure, looking for glaucoma. 

Your vet may also recommend other tests, depending on your dog’s clinical signs. 

Dog Conjunctivitis Treatment Options

Dog conjunctivitis medicine usually comes in the form of an eye drop or eye ointment. However, there is no one-size-fits-all conjunctivitis cure for dogs.

The best medication for your dog will depend on the underlying cause of the conjunctivitis. Here are some examples:

  • For conjunctivitis due to bacterial infections and corneal ulcers, vets often prescribe antibiotic eye drops as a dog pink eye treatment.
  • For dry eye (KCS) and allergic conjunctivitis in dogs, vets recommend steroids or anti-inflammatory medication as a treatment plan.
  • Conjunctivitis caused by glaucoma requires medication to reduce the pressure within the eye.
  • If your dog has a tumor causing conjunctivitis, your vet may recommend surgical removal of the tumor.

As a general rule, never give your dog an over-the-counter treatment for conjunctivitis without your vet’s approval. The same applies to any dog conjunctivitis home treatment or remedy. Always check with your vet first.

Also, don’t use old medications or dog eye drops to treat your dog’s current problem. The wrong medication can make your dog’s conjunctivitis worse. For example, treating a corneal ulcer with a steroid may lead to rapid and severe worsening, potentially causing permanent damage. 

How to Prevent Conjunctivitis in Dogs

To keep your dog’s eyes healthy and reduce the risk of conjunctivitis, take these steps: 

  • Keep vaccinations current to reduce the risk of viral conjunctivitis.
  • Keep your dog away from other dogs with conjunctivitis.
  • Minimize exposure to airborne irritants, like smoke, dust, and perfume. 
  • Avoid getting shampoo in your dog’s eyes during bathtime. 
  • Keep your dog’s facial hair neatly trimmed and groomed. 
  • Monitor your dog during playtime to reduce injury risk. 

Unfortunately, not all cases of conjunctivitis are preventable. Even if you do everything you can to prevent conjunctivitis, your dog may still develop this condition. 

FAQs About Dog Pink Eye

Do dogs get pink eye?

Yes, dogs are at risk of pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. There are many causes of pink eye in dogs, including viral infections, bacterial infections, trauma, allergies, and others. 

Is conjunctivitis contagious in dogs?

Some cases of dog conjunctivitis are caused by viral or bacterial infections. These forms of conjunctivitis can be contagious. However, there are many other causes of conjunctivitis that are not contagious. 

Can dogs get pink eye from humans?

Some cases of human pink eye can be spread to dogs. If you have pink eye, wash your hands frequently and especially before handling your dog. 

Can you get pink eye from a dog?

Pink eye that is caused by a bacterial infection can potentially spread from dogs to humans. Fortunately, bacterial conjunctivitis is relatively uncommon in dogs, making dog-to-human spread of pink eye relatively rare. 

How long does conjunctivitis last in dogs?

The duration of conjunctivitis will depend on its underlying cause. Some cases resolve quickly with treatment, while others may be chronic (long-lasting) in nature. Once your veterinarian determines the underlying cause of your dog’s conjunctivitis, they will be able to provide a prognosis. 

The post Conjunctivitis in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments appeared first on Great Pet Care.

SAMe for Dogs: Benefits and Uses https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/same-for-dogs/ Wed, 25 Sep 2024 11:57:48 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159093 Dogs diagnosed with liver disease, osteoarthritis, or cognitive decline might benefit from taking a SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) supplement. It’s the same supplement that some pet parents take for depression, osteoarthritis, and liver disease. In 2023, pet parents spent more than $2.7 billion on supplements for their four-legged friends. The most popular supplements for pets include those […]

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Dogs diagnosed with liver disease, osteoarthritis, or cognitive decline might benefit from taking a SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) supplement. It’s the same supplement that some pet parents take for depression, osteoarthritis, and liver disease.

In 2023, pet parents spent more than $2.7 billion on supplements for their four-legged friends. The most popular supplements for pets include those for joint and digestive health, cognition, and heart health—areas where SAMe could have a positive impact (1).

What Is SAMe?

SAMe is a modified version of the amino acid methionine, explains Dr. Primrose Moss, a U.K.-based veterinary surgeon. It’s important for the brain, heart, hormones, and other metabolic functions. Dogs naturally produce SAMe but it’s also available in supplement form. 

The role of SAMe is complex and Dr. Moss notes that the specific mechanism — or how it works — is unclear. But research shows that SAMe is an anti-inflammatory and has the potential to reduce pain and support cartilage production, making it a valuable supplement for dogs with conditions like liver disease, osteoarthritis, and cognitive decline.

SAMe for dogs is available as a tablet (pill) or liquid.

Benefits of SAMe for Dogs

Pet parents have tried SAMe for dogs to treat a range of conditions, and it may have benefits for these four health issues:

Liver issues

SAMe is often recommended for dogs with liver disease. It is known for having “hepatoprotective properties,” according to Dr. Sehaj Grewal, a veterinarian at The Melrose Vet in Los Angeles. 

“It can help protect liver cells from damage, enhance the regeneration of liver tissue, and support the liver detoxification process,” he explains. 

SAMe is metabolized in the liver and research shows that the supplement boosts glutathione, an important antioxidant in the liver, and may help reduce stress on the liver for dogs taking steroid medications (2, 3, 4). A case study showed that a dog who ingested the artificial sweetener xylitol was given SAMe to help support the liver; this dog survived and his liver values returned to normal within a month (5).

Dr. Grewal notes that these benefits make SAMe a common supplement for dogs with liver disease or those taking medications that may affect liver function. 

Cognitive decline

Canine dysfunction syndrome affects the brain, causing behavioral changes like getting lost in familiar places or stuck in corners, sleep changes, restlessness, and irritability (6). There is no cure for CDS but several treatments, including SAMe, could help.

Studies have found significant improvement in signs of cognitive decline in dogs with some research showing that dogs with cognitive decline who took the supplements became more active and aware and showed fewer signs of mental impairment (7). 

SAMe is believed to increase the levels of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, which can improve mood and cognitive performance, according to Dr. Grewal. But Dr. Moss adds, “The evidence isn’t conclusive yet, so if you’re concerned about cognitive decline, it’s best to discuss possible treatments with your vet.”


Dogs with osteoarthritis may show symptoms like stiffness, limping, irritability, and restlessness, and might not want to go for walks or hop on and off the sofa due to joint pain.

“SAM-e…supports cartilage health by promoting the production of cartilage-building proteins, which can be beneficial for dogs suffering from arthritis,” Dr. Grewal says. “It is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties that can also help reduce joint inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.”

In humans with osteoarthritis, taking the supplement for three months was linked to less pain and better physical function (8), but there is limited research on the benefits of SAMe for dogs with arthritis. 
“That’s not to say it definitely won’t help,” Dr. Moss says. “But if your dog has arthritis, it’s best to prioritize supplements containing omega-3, which has been shown to support healthy joints and reduce the signs of arthritis.”


Some pet parents have turned to SAMe to help their dogs deal with seasonal allergies. There is no scientific evidence to support the supplements to alleviate common allergy symptoms like itchiness, hair loss, and stomach upset, but Dr. Grewal believes SAMe could offer some benefits.

“While it is not a primary treatment for allergies, SAM-e’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects may provide some relief for dogs with allergies,” he says. “By reducing inflammation, SAM-e could potentially alleviate some allergy symptoms.”

SAMe and Milk Thistle for Dogs

Milk thistle and SAMe are often used together to support liver health, and studies show that dogs with liver issues may benefit from taking both supplements (2).

“Milk thistle provides antioxidant protection and supports liver cell repair while SAMe aids in liver detoxification and regeneration,” Dr. Grewal says. “Working together, they can protect against liver damage and enhance liver function.”

There may also be some benefit to using SAMe and milk thistle together for cognitive decline in dogs. Silymarin, one of the active ingredients in milk thistle, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that have been linked to brain health benefits from improved learning to enhanced memory in animal studies. However, more research is needed to determine if it can help dogs with cognitive dysfunction (9).

SAMe for Dogs Side Effects

SAMe is considered safe and side effects are rare. Dr. Moss notes that most dogs “tolerate it well,” but it’s important to be on the lookout for nausea and stomach upset, which are the most common side effects of SAMe for dogs.

The supplement might interact with certain medications, including antidepressants, dextromethorphan, meperidine, pentazocine, and tramadol. Supplements may also interact with each other, so it’s important to talk to your vet before giving your dog SAMe. 

“SAMe alone can’t treat significant health issues,” Dr. Moss says, “and delaying the treatment of conditions like hepatitis could result in serious complications.” 

Choosing a SAMe Supplement for Dogs

There are multiple SAMe supplements on the market, such as VetriScience and Covetrus. Dr. Grewal advises pet parents to look for a pet-specific product with dosing instructions on the label. It’s also important to steer clear of SAMe supplements made for humans.

“The dosage for dogs differs from humans, and human supplements may contain certain ingredients that are not suitable for pets,” Dr. Grewal explains. 

VetriScience SAMe package

SAMe for Dogs: The Verdict

SAMe is just one of a number of supplements marketed to dogs, but there is research showing its potential to help with health issues like liver problems, cognitive decline, and arthritis with few side effects. But that doesn’t mean SAMe is a safe choice or an effective choice for all dogs.

“SAMe may not be the best choice for your dog,” Dr. Moss says. “It’s best to speak to your vet about your concerns so you can agree on a tailored treatment plan, including any appropriate supplements.”


  1. Finno, Carrie J. “Veterinary Pet Supplements and Nutraceuticals.” Nutrition today vol. 55,2 (2020): 97-101. doi:10.1097/nt.0000000000000399
  2. Marchegiani, Andrea et al. “Evidences on Molecules Most Frequently Included in Canine and Feline Complementary Feed to Support Liver Function.” Veterinary medicine international vol. 2020 9185759. 9 May. 2020, doi:10.1155/2020/9185759
  3. Webster, Cynthia R L et al. “ACVIM consensus statement on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis in dogs.” Journal of veterinary internal medicine vol. 33,3 (2019): 1173-1200. doi:10.1111/jvim.15467
  4. Center, Sharon A et al. “Evaluation of the influence of S-adenosylmethionine on systemic and hepatic effects of prednisolone in dogs.” American journal of veterinary research vol. 66,2 (2005): 330-41. doi:10.2460/ajvr.2005.66.330
  5. Schmid, Renee D, and Lynn R Hovda. “Acute Hepatic Failure in a Dog after Xylitol Ingestion.” Journal of medical toxicology : official journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology vol. 12,2 (2016): 201-5. doi:10.1007/s13181-015-0531-7
  6. “Cognitive dsyfunction syndrome.” Cornell Richard P. Riney Canine Health Center. Retrieved from: https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/riney-canine-health-center/canine-health-information/cognitive-dysfunction-syndrome
  7. Rème, C A et al. “Effect of S-adenosylmethionine tablets on the reduction of age-related mental decline in dogs: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.” Veterinary therapeutics : research in applied veterinary medicine vol. 9,2 (2008): 69-82.
  8. “S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) for osteoarthritis.” Cochrane. Retrieved from: https://www.cochrane.org/CD007321/MUSKEL_s-adenosylmethionine-same-for-osteoarthritis
  9. Ranjan, Shovit, and Akash Gautam. “Pharmaceutical prospects of Silymarin for the treatment of neurological patients: an updated insight.” Frontiers in neuroscience vol. 17 1159806. 18 May. 2023, doi:10.3389/fnins.2023.1159806

The post SAMe for Dogs: Benefits and Uses appeared first on Great Pet Care.

7 Holiday Hazards for Pets (and How to Avoid Them) https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/holiday-hazards-for-pets/ Fri, 20 Sep 2024 03:03:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=159055 The holiday season is a time filled with food, family, friends — and lots of possible holiday hazards for pets. “It’s a busy time and pets may be confused or excited by what is going on and we may be less attentive than usual,” says Brian Collins, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice), senior lecturer […]

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The holiday season is a time filled with food, family, friends — and lots of possible holiday hazards for pets.

“It’s a busy time and pets may be confused or excited by what is going on and we may be less attentive than usual,” says Brian Collins, DVM, DABVP (Canine and Feline Practice), senior lecturer at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. 

“It can also be a fun time for pets if we keep their safety in mind while including them in the festivities wherever possible,” Dr. Collins adds.

Preparing ahead of time for holiday pet safety can help put you and your family at ease and help avoid pet emergencies during this special time of year.

7 Holiday Hazards for Pets to Avoid

Unfortunately, there are many holiday hazards for pets that could harm your four-legged friend. Keep an eye out for the following potential risks to keep your pet safe and sound as you celebrate.

1. Candles

Candles can create a warm and peaceful ambiance in your home during the holidays — but they are dangerous for pets. 

“Candles may be part of holiday decorations or religious celebrations,” Dr. Collins says. “Candles can get knocked over by a curious cat or a dog’s happy tail, causing either injury to them as well as a potential fire hazard.”

How to avoid a mishap: If your pet is drawn to candles, you might play it safe and go with artificial candle options. 

“If using real candles, keep them out of the reach of pets or keep the pets separated in the house from where the candles are being used,” Dr. Collins says. “Consider safer options such as battery-operated, flameless candles or other decorations. Always be sure to have a functional fire extinguisher in your home.”

2. Seasonal stress and anxiety

The holidays are a bustling time and can increase stress and anxiety for your pets. 

“Holiday chaos, loud noises, and unfamiliar guests can heighten anxiety and stress in pets, potentially leading to issues such as destructive behavior, hiding, or even attempts to escape,” says Erin Askeland, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KA, animal health and behavior expert at Camp Bow Wow. “Pets left alone for longer periods of time or more frequently than usual may also experience stress due to these changes in their routine.”

How to avoid a mishap: Create a safe, calm environment for your pet, and consider using calming aids

“Some dogs will do better being by themselves in a quiet room away from the festivities, perhaps even with a crate for security if they are accustomed to that,” Dr. Collins says. “Some pets may benefit from medication to keep them calm and relaxed. Consult with your veterinarian ahead of time so there’s plenty of time to prepare.”

3. Chocolate

Chocolate finds a place in almost any holiday celebration, but it is incredibly dangerous to dogs and cats

“Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which people can metabolize well but not so for cats and dogs,” Dr. Collins says. “Ingestion of a harmful quantity can lead to mild symptoms, such as an upset stomach and restlessness, to more serious symptoms, such as heart problems, seizures, and even death. Accidental ingestion is more common in dogs than in cats because it is more appealing to dogs overall, but both dogs and cats can suffer from chocolate toxicity.”

How to avoid a mishap: Be super careful to keep chocolate-containing treats out of your pets’ reach. 

“Keep the chocolate out of reach — whether it is chocolate candy or baked into cookies, cakes, brownies, etc.,” Dr. Collins says. “Advise guests of the risks and monitor children closely who may innocently want to share their Halloween candy with the family dog. Pets may find chocolate in coat pockets, handbags, or wrapped up as a gift. If you have pets, be sure to ask if a gift is edible before you put it under the tree or leave it within a pet’s reach.”

4. Toxic plants and flowers

There are many holiday plants and flowers that may be toxic to your pets. 

“Popular holiday plants such as poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly can be toxic to dogs and cats if ingested and may cause symptoms ranging from mild gastrointestinal distress to more severe issues like heart problems or even death,” Askeland says. “Plant foods and fertilizers can also be detrimental to a pet’s health.”

How to avoid a mishap: Do your research ahead of time before you bring any plants or flowers into your home or before you give them as a gift to people with pets. 

“Cats are experts at reaching anything that you try to put out of their reach. With some plants such as lilies, there’s no point in taking the risk, as ingestion of any part of the plant can be fatal,” Dr. Collins says. “If you are sending flowers to someone, please ask the florist to avoid any that are not safe with pets. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center contains extensive lists that classify plants as either non-toxic or toxic.”  

Askeland offers another piece of advice: “Consider using artificial versions of these plants to still achieve the festive look without the risk, though you still need to make sure pets aren’t chewing or eating these alternative options.”

5. High-fat or toxic foods

If your pets get a hold of leftovers, it can be dangerous if they feast on table scraps — especially if the foods are high in fat. 

“Overconsumption of food in general or ingestion of dangerous food items can lead to many undesired consequences,” Dr. Collins says. “Dogs and cats generally have relatively stable diets, so if they consume unfamiliar food, it can lead to mild gastrointestinal (GI) distress, such as vomiting and diarrhea, and an even more serious condition such as pancreatitis. This is especially likely with food that contains high-fat content (like meat, gravy, and cheese).”

In addition, certain human foods can be toxic to dogs and cats. 

“Some food may contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol, which can have fatal consequences if ingested by dogs,” Dr. Collins says. “Ingestion of bones can lead to blockages or perforations of the GI tract. Food cooked with onions is toxic. Raisins and grapes can be life-threatening to both cats and dogs. Corn cobs are very appealing to dogs, but eating them often leads to GI obstructions.”

How to avoid a mishap: Don’t leave pets unattended when food is out on the table or counter and properly store food when you are finished eating. 

“Try to prevent accidental ingestion by keeping food out of your pet’s reach — which can be difficult if you have a large dog that can reach the counter or a cat who is able to jump that high,” Dr. Collins says. “Ask guests not to offer unapproved table food to pets. Trash should also be secured to prevent pets from feasting on it.”

6. Christmas trees

Your glimmering tree may be pretty to look at, but for curious pets, it’s a prime target for climbing, chewing, and destruction. 

“Christmas trees pose multiple hazards,” Askeland says. “Pine needles can cause gastrointestinal blockages or perforations, tinsel, and ornaments can be choking hazards, and electrical cords for lights can lead to severe electric shocks if chewed.”

How to avoid a mishap: Take proactive measures to make your Christmas tree more pet-friendly. 

“Secure your tree to prevent it from tipping over, use pet-friendly decorations, and cover electrical cords,” Askeland says. “Always supervise pets around the tree or consider using a baby gate to limit their access.”

7. Cold weather and antifreeze

Winter climates come with exposure threats, as well as possible ingestion of antifreeze.

“Cold weather brings its own challenges, including the risk of hypothermia and frostbite,” Askeland says. “Additionally, antifreeze spills can be extremely toxic; even a small amount ingested can be fatal.”

How to avoid a mishap: Protect your pet from extreme temperatures and keep them away from antifreeze products. 

“Limit your dog’s exposure to cold weather and always clean up antifreeze spills immediately,” Askeland says. “Use pet-safe antifreeze products and ensure your dog has a warm, dry place to stay inside.”

If you have a cat who likes to roam outdoors, take steps to keep them warm and safe in winter, such as providing access to an enclosed space away from the elements and ensuring their water bowl doesn’t freeze over.

Holiday Pet Safety: Other Ways to Protect Your Pet

As a pet parent, there are many ways you can implement holiday pet safety tips to keep your dog and cat safe. Here are some additional tips for avoiding a holiday mishap.

Use pet identification tools

If your pet escapes by accident amid the holiday festivities, pet identification tags and tools can help you relocate them. 

“Be sure your pet is identified in at least one way — an ID tag on a collar/harness and/or a microchip,” Dr. Collins says. “If people will be coming and going with doors opening a lot, it may be best to keep cats and dogs confined to a closed room so that the risk of escape is minimized.”

Ask guests to leave their pets at home

Unless your own pet is welcoming and friendly toward other pets, introducing a new pet during a holiday get-together can create a stressful environment for your pet. 

“If guests ask to bring their pet with them, it may not be the best time to do so for the first time during holiday activities,” Dr. Collins says. 

Have emergency information handy

Your family veterinarian’s office is likely closed overnight, as well as on weekends and holidays. In case of emergency, have the proper phone numbers and addresses for emergency pet services readily available. 

“Know ahead of time where to take your pet if there is an emergency — especially if you are traveling with them,” Dr. Collins says. “If you have any doubts about your pet’s health, call a vet as soon as possible. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center hotline is a very valuable source of information.”

Brush up on training

Consider taking a training class or workshop with your pet to brush up on skills before guests come over and do your best to stick to your pet’s routine so they are still getting the exercise and mental stimulation they need. This can also help decrease stress in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. 

You may also consider pet day care or boarding options that can provide fun activities for your pet outside your home to keep them occupied and out of harm’s way. 

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Is Your Cat Throwing Up Brown Liquid? What To Do https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-throwing-up-brown-liquid/ Thu, 29 Aug 2024 23:58:06 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=158778 As a veterinarian and cat parent, I have seen my fair share of vomiting cats over the years. And I can tell you first hand: The wide range of colors and consistencies cats can spew is quite impressive! In many cases, cat puke isn’t necessarily cause for concern. However, a cat throwing up brown liquid […]

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As a veterinarian and cat parent, I have seen my fair share of vomiting cats over the years. And I can tell you first hand: The wide range of colors and consistencies cats can spew is quite impressive! In many cases, cat puke isn’t necessarily cause for concern. However, a cat throwing up brown liquid could be a warning sign worth heeding.

Brown cat vomit can be a sign of a life-threatening health issue, such as pancreatitis or kidney disease. Or, it could be due to something much less worrisome, like a hairball or upset stomach.

Unfortunately, often the only way to know for sure what you’re dealing with is through diagnostic testing. And how many pet parents want to rush to the clinic every time their cat yacks up a brownish mess?

When your cat’s health is in question, a veterinary visit is always your best bet. However, there may be some scenarios where it’s reasonable to monitor your cat at home. Telling the difference between the two is the hard part. Here’s some guidance, so you can make the right choice for a cat vomiting brown liquid.

Brown Cat Throw-up: What it Looks Like

In the rainbow array of cat puke colors, brown throw-up is pretty common for most felines. Many cat foods are brownish in color. So if your cat is throwing up partially digested food, it will often be some shade of brown or tan.

Brown vomit in cats may be solid, liquid, or somewhere in between. It may range in color from dark to light brown or appear yellowish, reddish, or greenish in hue. It can contain brown or dark brown liquid, brown foam, brown specks, and/or brown mucus. A cat vomiting bile can also look like brown liquid.

In general, brown puke is not necessarily a cause for concern in cats. However, if your cat’s vomit has brown specks in it or looks like it contains coffee grounds, it’s an important warning sign. This can indicate the presence of digested blood in the vomit. In that case, an immediate visit to the vet is in order.

Causes of Brown Vomit in Cats

Cats throw up for many reasons, ranging from minor issues to severe health conditions. Potential causes of a cat throwing up brown liquid or brown vomit can include: 

Unfortunately, you can’t tell too much from the color and appearance of cat vomit what’s causing it. To answer the question, “Why is my cat puking?” typically requires a veterinary exam and specific diagnostic tests.

Cat Throwing Up Brown Liquid: Is It Cause for Concern?

In general, a single, isolated episode of cat vomit is rarely cause for concern. However, since brown vomit can signal internal bleeding in cats, it’s worth taking more seriously. Here’s how to know when to seek veterinary attention for a cat throwing up brown liquid.

For a cat vomiting brown liquid with specks in it that look like coffee grounds, go to the nearest veterinarian as soon as possible. This is not a “wait and see” situation. Those specks could indicate blood in your cat’s gastrointestinal tract, which is a serious health issue

If your healthy, adult cat vomited brown liquid just once, it could be an isolated incident. A brief period of stomach rest often resolves the problem. Restrict their access to food and water for the next two to three hours and observe them closely.

If your cat doesn’t throw up again and they are otherwise acting fine, there’s no need to rush them to the vet. However, if they vomit repeatedly or display any of the following signs, visit your vet or a nearby emergency veterinary hospital right away.

Warning signs to watch out for:

  • Lethargy (lack of energy)
  • Diarrhea
  • Repeated or projectile vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Not eating or drinking for longer than 12 hours
  • Straining in the litter box
  • Change in litter box habits
  • Hiding from people
  • Unexpected aggression in a friendly cat
  • Other behavioral changes

A cat vomiting brown liquid intermittently — even without any other signs of illness — should also visit the vet. What could seem like isolated incidents may be more than that if they happen repeatedly. In general, any cat that vomits more than once weekly should see a veterinarian for a full exam. 

Finally, these guidelines only apply to healthy, adult cats. If your cat has an underlying illness and begins vomiting, contact your veterinarian for guidance. If a young kitten begins vomiting, seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Unhealthy cats and young kittens are at higher risk of dehydration and other serious consequences caused by vomiting. 

Treatment for Cat Vomiting Brown Liquid

To treat a cat vomiting brown liquid, your vet must first diagnose the underlying cause. This requires a thorough medical history, so it’s a good idea to come to the appointment with info about:

  • your cat’s diet
  • any other health issues they have
  • what preventatives they’re on
  • the frequency, appearance, and color of your cat’s vomit

Next, your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination to evaluate your cat’s overall health. They will look for signs of dehydration, abdominal pain, abdominal masses, and other abnormalities. 

If needed, your vet will recommend diagnostic tests for your cat. These could include a test for fecal parasites, blood tests, abdominal X-rays, and an abdominal ultrasound.

Treatments for a cat throwing up brown liquid will vary depending on the cause. Veterinarians commonly recommend anti-nausea medication (such as maropitant) and fluid therapy to treat or prevent dehydration. In cases of a serious underlying disease, hospitalization may be required. 

Other potential treatments for vomiting in cats may include: 

  • Dewormer (for cats with intestinal parasites)
  • Surgery (for cats with an intestinal obstruction) 
  • Thyroid medication (for cats with hyperthyroidism)
  • Insulin (for cats with diabetes)
  • Chemotherapy (for cats with gastrointestinal lymphoma) 

My Take on Brown Cat Vomit

I live with two cats, and I’m well aware that “vomit happens!” Fortunately, most incidents have been isolated. My cats have yet to have an episode of vomiting with a serious underlying cause. (I’m knocking on wood right now!)

When I discover cat vomit in my home, I stay on heightened alert for a day or two. I watch my cats closely, looking for signs of illness and any additional evidence of vomiting episodes. In most cases, everything is fine, and I don’t have to worry about it further. 

In those rare situations where the vomiting persists, or if my cat is acting unwell, I take them to the veterinary hospital for a workup. This typically includes a physical exam, blood tests, and an abdominal X-ray.

As long as these tests come back normal, my cat gets an anti-nausea injection and the vomiting resolves quickly.

Every cat is different, however. So if you’re ever in this situation, your veterinarian can help guide you through the process to restore your cat’s good health. In some cases, that may require a change in diet. In other cases, more aggressive treatment may be merited.

The most important thing is to know when it’s crucial to take a cat vomiting brown liquid to the vet for proper care. As long as you know the key warning signs to look for, you can make sure your cat’s health is in the best hands possible.

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Tularemia in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/tularemia-in-dogs/ Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:31:07 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=158238 Tularemia, also known as “rabbit fever,” is a potentially serious disease that can affect both pets and people. Although this disease is primarily found in wildlife, people and their pets can become infected through interactions with wildlife and the natural environment.  Read on to learn more about the potential impacts of canine tularemia, including how […]

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Tularemia, also known as “rabbit fever,” is a potentially serious disease that can affect both pets and people. Although this disease is primarily found in wildlife, people and their pets can become infected through interactions with wildlife and the natural environment. 

Read on to learn more about the potential impacts of canine tularemia, including how to prevent and treat this condition.  

What Is Tularemia?

Tularemia is a bacterial infection caused by Francisella tularensis. As the name rabbit fever suggests, tularemia is most common in rabbits. However, it can also affect other species, including rodents, livestock, cats, dogs, and even humans. 

Tularemia has been reported in every U.S. state except for Hawaii. It is also found in Canada, Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. 

How Do Dogs Get Tularemia?

There are several ways that a dog can become infected with tularemia: 

  • Eating an infected rabbit or rodent
  • Bite or scratch from an infected animal  
  • Bite from blood-sucking pests (e.g., fleas, ticks, biting flies)

According to a study of 88 cases of rabbit fever in dogs, 60 percent of infected dogs had known contact with a wild rabbit or rodent (1). Contact with infected wildlife is the most common source of tularemia in dogs. 

The incubation period for tularemia in dogs is approximately 3–5 days. This means that symptoms of dog tularemia typically become apparent 3–5 days after exposure to the disease. 

Tularemia Symptoms in Dogs

Many cases of tularemia in dogs are mild and self-limiting. These dogs show few, if any, signs of infection and may clear the infection without their owners even realizing that they are sick.  

Other dogs show significant signs of illness when infected with tularemia. The most common signs in dogs are fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite. However, Francisella tularensis can travel to many different parts of the body, leading to a variety of other symptoms. 

Rabbit fever symptoms in dogs may include: 

  • Fever
  • Lethargy 
  • Decreased appetite
  • Enlarged/swollen lymph nodes
  • Draining skin wounds
  • Dehydration
  • Increased salivation (drooling)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Conjunctivitis (pinkeye)
  • Discharge from eyes
  • Nasal discharge
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Oral ulcers

If your dog is showing any signs of tularemia, seek veterinary care. 


Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical examination. They will examine your dog closely, assessing their body temperature, heart/lung sounds, abdomen, musculoskeletal system, and skin. During this examination, your veterinarian will look for signs that may suggest the possibility of tularemia, as well as other illnesses that might explain your dog’s signs of illness.

Screening blood tests are often recommended. Although tularemia cannot be definitively diagnosed without specific diagnostic testing, screening blood tests can suggest whether tularemia is likely and support the need for further testing. Common blood test abnormalities in infected dogs include increased or decreased white blood cell counts and increased liver values. 

Tularemia is often diagnosed with blood antibody tests. A high tularemia antibody level indicates that your dog has been exposed to Francisella tularensis. To distinguish active infection from previous exposure, your veterinarian may recommend multiple antibody tests to determine whether your dog’s antibody levels are increasing. Tularemia can also be diagnosed with PCR testing, which looks for small amounts of Francisella tularensis DNA in a dog’s blood or tissues. Your veterinarian will determine the best test for your dog.

Tularemia in Dogs Treatment

Tularemia is a bacterial infection, and it can be treated with several different antibiotics. Dogs are typically treated with doxycycline or enrofloxacin, but other antibiotic options are available. Antibiotics are generally continued for 10–14 days. 

Patients who are vomiting or dehydrated may need to be hospitalized. This allows your veterinarian to administer intravenous (IV) fluids, injectable antibiotics, and injectable anti-nausea medications. 

If your dog has draining wounds caused by tularemia, surgical removal may be recommended. This is often more effective than antibiotic treatment alone. 

Fortunately, the prognosis for tularemia in dogs is good. In a study of 88 dogs, less than half of infected dogs required hospitalization and all infected dogs survived treatment (1). 

Tularemia is a serious zoonotic infection. Your dog can spread this infection to humans. Some veterinarians recommend hospitalization for all patients, to reduce the risk of dogs spreading tularemia to human family members. 

When treating your pet at home, limit close contact with your dog and their secretions. Avoid letting your dog lick you, especially on the face. Wear gloves if you need to clean up urine, feces, or vomit. Finally, wash your hands after handling your dog. These steps can help reduce the likelihood of you becoming infected with tularemia.


Reduce your dog’s risk by limiting interactions with wild animals. Don’t allow your dog to roam; instead, keep them in a fenced yard and walk them on a leash. These steps can keep your dog from hunting small animals and decrease their risk of being bitten or scratched by wildlife. 

Use veterinarian-recommended flea and tick control year-round. Certain blood-sucking pests, such as fleas, ticks, and biting flies, can spread tularemia by biting your dog. Effective parasite preventatives can reduce your dog’s risk of infection. 

Finally, take measures to help prevent tularemia from entering your home via other pets. Tularemia is more common in cats than dogs, and an infected cat can spread tularemia to your dog. Keep your cat indoors to minimize wildlife interactions and ensure that your cat receives year-round parasite control. 


  1. Kwit, Natalie A et al. “Francisella tularensis infection in dogs: 88 cases (2014-2016).” Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association vol. 256,2 (2020): 220-225. doi:10.2460/javma.256.2.220

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5 Ways to Stop Your Dog From Eating Too Fast https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/ways-to-stop-your-dog-from-eating-too-fast/ Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:33:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=158211 If you’re worried about your dog eating too fast, you’re in good company. While some breeds are notorious for being speed eaters, any dog of any breed can eat too quickly.  Many pet parents come to discover their pup is highly food-motivated. That can be a huge plus in dog training, but the same characteristic […]

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If you’re worried about your dog eating too fast, you’re in good company. While some breeds are notorious for being speed eaters, any dog of any breed can eat too quickly. 

Many pet parents come to discover their pup is highly food-motivated. That can be a huge plus in dog training, but the same characteristic can become problematic when it leads to health hazards like vomiting or bloat. 

The good news is that you can help your dog slow down at meal time with some strategic adjustments. Here’s what you need to know. 

Why Do Dogs Eat Fast?

“Dogs can eat fast for a couple of reasons,” says Dr. Nancy Welborn, an assistant professor of veterinary clinical sciences at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine in Baton Rouge. “It could be enthusiasm for food—something we all understand—or it could be a protective measure. If there are multiple animals in the home or they’re fed together in a high-population setting like a shelter or breeding facility, they’ll start gulping faster.”

Dogs’ canine ancestors may give us some clues to where this habit comes from, too. When wolves kill a large animal like a caribou, they eat according to their hierarchy. Pack leaders chow down first. Then, the rest have to compete for leftovers. Your dog’s speed-eating could be traced back to the need to beat others to the chase. 

Scarcity is another factor that could come into play. Most wild canines have a feast-or-famine approach to eating. When food is available, they stuff their bellies because their next meal is not guaranteed. It’s possible that this could be another behavior dogs have maintained with the passage of time. 

Even more recent history points to benefits for dogs eating quickly. In the early days, when dogs first began hanging around humans, they may have still had to scarf down food as they scavenged for our scraps. While our pets no longer have to fend for themselves in these ways, some researchers believe their ancestral history could still impact their eating behavior to this day (1). 

In some cases, dogs could also be more ravenous than usual due to more individualized issues, like an underlying health condition. Cushing’s disease or diabetes could lead a dog to gobble down food. The key thing to look out for is a change in eating behavior. That’s a sign that veterinary attention is needed.

Problems When Dogs Gulp Down Food

“Typically when dogs eat too fast they’ll gulp,” Dr. Welborn says. “They’re gulping air at the same time, which can cause vomiting or regurgitation.” It’s common to see a dog rapidly gobble down food only to throw it back up a moment later—an icky and frustrating problem.  

In rare cases, rapidly eating large volumes of food could potentially lead to a veterinary emergency known as bloat, Dr. Welborn says. Bloat happens when your dog’s stomach becomes swollen with food or gas. Because of increased pressure in the stomach, usual attempts to get rid of excess food and air—like burping or digestion—don’t work. 

Bloat is a severe and rapidly progressive condition that can be life-threatening. It can become especially dangerous when your dog’s stomach turns on itself, which is known as gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV). 

Warning signs to watch for include:

  • A swollen belly 
  • Dry heaving without producing anything 
  • Anxiety 
  • Standing and stretching 
  • Pacing
  • Chewing at belly
  • Looking at belly
  • Drooling
  • Pale gums

If you suspect your dog is suffering from bloat, seek immediate veterinary attention. 

5 Ways to Slow Down a Dog Who Eats Too Fast

While it may seem like an impossible task, you can slow down your dog’s feeding frenzy with some help. Start with these tips. 

Use a slow feeder. This is Dr. Welborn’s number one piece of advice. Maze-like dog bowls called slow feeders distribute kibble down deep in grooves so your dog has to work to get the kibble out. 

Fill up a muffin pan. If you have a muffin pan on hand, this strategy works similarly: By dispersing food into muffin holes, you force your dog to slow down and dig in. 

Shrink portion sizes. Instead of one or two larger meals, feed your dog three or four smaller meals throughout the day. 

Make them “hunt” for their food. Hide kibble throughout the house or use puzzle feeders for your dog to gradually consume the day’s calories. 

Do scatter feedings. Scatter food on a clean surface for your dog to scramble after.

Having a dog who eats too fast can lead to small headaches like a mess to clean up or seriously scary situations like bloat. Thankfully, there are fixes you can use to slow your dog down. With these tricks, you can create a more peaceful meal time for you and your pup. 


  1. Bradshaw, John W S. “The evolutionary basis for the feeding behavior of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis catus).” The Journal of Nutrition vol. 136,7 Suppl (2006): 1927S-1931S. doi:10.1093/jn/136.7.1927S


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Do Mosquitoes Bite Dogs? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/do-mosquitoes-bite-dogs/ Sun, 28 Apr 2024 21:26:14 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=147549 Lazy summer evenings are the perfect time to relax on your porch or patio, reading a book or chatting with friends while your dog snuggles up next to you. Unfortunately, mosquitoes tend to be frequent party crashers on these otherwise enjoyable summer nights.  As you swat a mosquito biting your arm or wave away a […]

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Lazy summer evenings are the perfect time to relax on your porch or patio, reading a book or chatting with friends while your dog snuggles up next to you. Unfortunately, mosquitoes tend to be frequent party crashers on these otherwise enjoyable summer nights. 

As you swat a mosquito biting your arm or wave away a mosquito buzzing in your ear, you may find yourself wondering: do mosquitoes bite dogs? Let’s find out!

Do Mosquitoes Bite Dogs?

Yes, mosquitoes bite dogs on a regular basis. Female mosquitoes must consume blood to produce eggs. While there are some species that prefer to feed on reptiles and birds, many mosquitoes feed on mammals. Their preferred food source can include people, dogs, and other animals.   

Mosquitoes locate their animal hosts in a variety of ways. The most well-known method by which mosquitoes find their hosts is the detection of carbon dioxide, which all animals release when breathing (1). However, mosquitoes can also use other odors and oils produced by their animal hosts to locate their next meal.

Unfortunately, a thick coat does little to protect dogs against mosquitoes. Even double-coated dogs tend to have unhaired areas around their belly and groin. Therefore, these dogs are also susceptible to mosquito bites and mosquito-borne disease.

Do Dogs Get Itchy From Mosquito Bites?

Mosquito bites are notoriously itchy in people, and they can also cause itching for dogs. 

Many dogs are allergic to proteins that are found within mosquito saliva. When mosquitoes feed, they inject a small amount of this saliva to help the blood flow freely. This exposure to mosquito saliva proteins can trigger itching and inflammation in dogs who are bit by mosquitoes. 

What Do Mosquito Bites Look Like on Dogs?

Like their human companions, dogs often experience redness, swelling, and itching at the site of a mosquito bite. However, these lesions can be subtle; they may be less obvious than human mosquito bites. Bites that occur on haired areas may be especially difficult to see.

Mosquito Bites on Dogs: Risks to Know

While itching and swelling are unpleasant consequences of a mosquito bite, they pale in comparison to the risk posed by heartworm disease

Heartworm disease is a parasitic infection that spreads through the bite of mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito bites a dog, microscopic heartworm larvae are injected into the dog’s tissues. These larvae migrate through the tissues and enter the bloodstream, gradually maturing into spaghetti-like adult heartworms. Adult heartworms lodge in the vessels surrounding the heart and lungs, causing inflammation and interfering with blood circulation. Without treatment, heartworm disease can be fatal in dogs. 

Mosquitoes can also transmit other diseases, such as tularemia and West Nile virus. Fortunately, these infections are rare in dogs. However, they can be serious when they occur.  

In a dog allergic to mosquito bites, these bites can trigger a significant reaction. Affected dogs may develop hives, generalized itching, and inflammation of the skin. In some cases, dogs may scratch themselves until they damage their skin barrier, allowing a secondary bacterial infection to develop.

How to Treat Mosquito Bites on Dogs

The biggest risk associated with mosquito bites is heartworm disease. Therefore, the most important treatment for mosquito bites is to ensure that your dog is on an effective, year-round heartworm prevention. Talk to your veterinarian about the best heartworm prevention option for your dog. 
If your dog has skin inflammation caused by mosquito bites, reach out to your veterinarian for guidance. Your veterinarian may prescribe a short course of oral medication or medicated shampoo to alleviate itching. Your veterinarian may also recommend a physical exam, to check for a skin infection and other problems that may be causing skin itching and inflammation. Your veterinarian can also help you distinguish between flea bites vs. mosquito bites on dogs.

How to Prevent Mosquito Bites on Dogs

Human insect repellants, which often contain DEET, should not be used on dogs and cats. However, mosquito repellant for dogs may be helpful.  

Permethrin is an insect repellant that is safe for use in dogs. Some topical parasite control products contain permethrin, which can help reduce the risk of mosquito bites on dogs. However, permethrin is highly toxic to cats. If you have cats in your home, talk to your veterinarian before using a preventative that contains permethrin. 

The best way to prevent mosquito bites is to limit the number of mosquitoes around your home. Remove standing water that mosquitoes use for breeding, overturning pots or dishes that may collect rainwater. Use citronella candles when spending time outdoors on your patio but avoid citronella plants (which may be toxic to dogs). Essential oils can also help ward off mosquitoes, but they should not be applied directly to pets due to the risk of toxicity.   

While dawn and dusk often mean pleasant weather for dog-walking, they are also the most popular feeding time for many mosquito species. Limiting your dog’s outdoor time at dawn and dusk can help reduce the risk of mosquito bites. 

Finally, ensure that your dog is receiving year-round heartworm prevention. Heartworm disease is the most significant risk associated with dogs and mosquito bites, and it only takes a single bite for a dog to become infected. No amount of environmental control or carefully timed dog walking can completely eliminate the risk of mosquito bites, but heartworm prevention can at least eliminate the risk of heartworm disease.



  1. Torgan, Carol. “How Mosquitoes Detect People.” National Institutes of Health. Dec. 2013. Retrieved from https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-mosquitoes-detect-people

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Intestinal Blockage in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/intestinal-blockage-in-cats/ Tue, 19 Mar 2024 19:27:52 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=145301 Do you ever catch your cat playing with a hair elastic or other small toy? For many pet parents, this can trigger a bit of panic. What happens if your cat accidentally or intentionally swallows that item? A cat who swallows a foreign object is at risk of an intestinal blockage, which poses serious health […]

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Do you ever catch your cat playing with a hair elastic or other small toy? For many pet parents, this can trigger a bit of panic. What happens if your cat accidentally or intentionally swallows that item? A cat who swallows a foreign object is at risk of an intestinal blockage, which poses serious health risks. 

Fortunately, intestinal blockages are relatively rare in cats. A Banfield Pet study found that approximately 16 in 10,000 cats (0.16 percent) will be diagnosed with a gastrointestinal foreign body in a given year (1). Still, a small risk does not mean zero risk, and intestinal blockages can present a significant health risk in cats. 

Read on to learn more about intestinal blockage in cats, including causes, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

What Is Intestinal Blockage?

An intestinal blockage, also known as an intestinal obstruction or bowel obstruction, occurs when the intestinal contents are unable to move normally through the intestine. By preventing movement of the intestinal contents, an intestinal blockage keeps a cat from digesting food normally. Intestinal blockage rapidly leads to signs of illness, and it can be fatal without treatment. 

What Causes Intestinal Blockage in Cats?

There are several possible causes of bowel obstruction in cats. 

A common cause of intestinal blockage is a foreign object that has been ingested by the cat. Some cats like to eat objects they should avoid, like string, small toys, elastic hair bands, etc. Any of these foreign objects can become lodged in a cat’s intestinal tract, leading to an obstruction or blockage. 

Some blockages are caused by intestinal cancer. Lymphoma is a cancer that can affect the feline intestinal tract, causing swelling and thickening of the intestines. When the intestines become swollen and inflamed, the opening of the intestinal tract may become too narrow for the intestinal contents to pass. Less common forms of intestinal cancer, like adenocarcinoma, fibrosarcoma, and mast cell tumors, can also cause intestinal blockage in cats.

Less common causes of intestinal obstruction in cats include: 

Intestinal blockage can affect cats of any age. Young cats are more likely to experience a blockage caused by a foreign body or parasites, while middle-aged and older cats are more likely to develop cancer that may lead to a blockage. 

Cat Intestinal Blockage Symptoms

An intestinal blockage quickly causes signs of illness in affected cats. These signs are related to the cat’s inability to move food through the intestinal tract. Early signs often include decreased appetite and vomiting undigested food. If left untreated, this will quickly progress to more severe signs. 

Signs of intestinal blockage in cats include: 

There is no definitive cat intestinal blockage timeline. There is also no definitive answer to how long a cat can live with intestinal blockage. Some cats experience a partial blockage, which is usually accompanied by a slower and more gradual onset of signs. In the case of a complete obstruction, however, cats can go downhill quickly. A complete intestinal blockage can be fatal in as little as a few days. 

Diagnosing Intestinal Blockage in Cats

Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical exam. They will look for signs of dehydration and weight loss. Your veterinarian will carefully check under your cat’s tongue, because linear foreign bodies (like string) often become lodged under the tongue. Finally, your veterinarian will palpate (feel) your cat’s abdomen (belly). In some cases, a veterinarian can feel an abdominal mass or signs of a foreign body obstruction on palpation. 

Next, your veterinarian will likely recommend radiographs (X-rays). Radiographs are used to assess the intestinal tract and are often all that is needed to diagnose an obstruction. In some cases, ultrasound or other tests may be needed.

Your veterinarian may also recommend bloodwork. Intestinal obstructions can lead to changes in organ function. Knowing about potential organ dysfunction is especially important if your pet is undergoing anesthesia for surgical treatment. 

Treatment: How to Help a Cat with Intestinal Blockage

Cat undergoing surgery in hospital

A bowel blockage in cats typically requires surgery. After anesthetizing the cat, the veterinarian will make an incision through the cat’s body wall to inspect the intestinal tract. When the obstruction is located, the veterinarian will make an incision into the intestines to remove the obstruction (foreign material or mass). The intestines are sutured closed, and then the body wall is closed. 

If the obstruction is located within the stomach, a veterinarian may attempt to induce vomiting before going to surgery. In some cases, small objects within the stomach can be brought up with vomiting. Foreign bodies in the stomach can also be removed with endoscopy. Endoscopy requires general anesthesia (like surgery), but it is a less invasive procedure. 

There is no cat intestinal blockage home remedy. Cats with an intestinal blockage require urgent veterinary care.

Supportive Care

Supportive care is needed before, during, and after surgical treatment of an intestinal obstruction in cats.

While hospitalized, your cat may receive the following treatments: 

  • Intravenous (IV) fluids
  • Pain medication 
  • Antibiotics (in some cases)
  • Nutritional support

Most cats begin eating normally within a few days of surgery. When your cat is discharged from the veterinary hospital, you may need to feed a prescription diet in small/limited quantities. You may also need to give pain medications at home. Follow your veterinarian’s instructions regarding post-surgical care. 

Cat Intestinal Blockage Surgery Success Rate

Removing an intestinal blockage requires creating incisions in the intestines. The most serious potential risk associated with this surgery is that one or more of these incisions could fail, allowing intestinal contents to leak into the cat’s abdomen. This can lead to a condition known as septic peritonitis, which is a life-threatening abdominal infection. 

A 2023 study by University of Georgia looked at the records of 56 cats receiving foreign body removal surgery at their hospital (2). No serious complications or deaths occurred among these patients, leading the researchers to estimate that the likelihood of septic peritonitis or death following the surgical removal of a foreign body is less than 5 percent in cats.  

There are many factors that affect the predicted success rate of surgery in cats with intestinal obstruction. Cats who have been sick for a longer time and cats who are very sick at the time of surgery typically have a worse prognosis (lower expected likelihood of success). Your veterinarian will determine your cat’s prognosis, based on a variety of factors, and communicate with you about the expected risks and benefits of surgery. 

General Cost of Treatment

Cat intestinal blockage surgery costs vary, depending on multiple factors. In general, you can expect to pay approximately $3,000–$6,000 for the diagnosis and treatment of a typical cat intestinal blockage.

How to Prevent Intestinal Blockage in Cats

Most feline intestinal blockages are caused by the ingestion of a foreign object, such as a toy or hair elastic. The best way to prevent these obstructions is to keep these items away from your cat. While it may be adorable to watch your cat play fetch with small items, this can be risky. 


  1. Holt, David E. Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies in Dogs and Cats. Today’s Veterinary Practice. Oct 2015. Retrieved from https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/gastroenterology/pet-health-numbersprevalence-gastrointestinal-foreign-bodies/
  2. Gollnick, Hailey R et al. “Retrospective evaluation of surgical treatment of linear and discrete gastrointestinal foreign bodies in cats: 2009-2021.” Journal of feline medicine and surgery vol. 25,6 (2023): 1098612X231178140. doi:10.1177/1098612X231178140

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Cat Allergy Medicine: 6 Vet-Prescribed Products to Stop the Itch https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/cat-allergy-medicine/ Tue, 30 Jan 2024 18:59:54 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=141319 Do you suffer from allergies? If so, you’re probably familiar with the misery of congestion, sneezing, and watery eyes after spending time outdoors on a spring day or cuddling extra-close with your pet. This allergic response may leave you reaching for a variety of allergy medications, including prescription and over-the-counter treatments, in an effort to […]

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Do you suffer from allergies? If so, you’re probably familiar with the misery of congestion, sneezing, and watery eyes after spending time outdoors on a spring day or cuddling extra-close with your pet. This allergic response may leave you reaching for a variety of allergy medications, including prescription and over-the-counter treatments, in an effort to control your discomfort.

What about cats, though? We know cats can trigger allergies in people, but can cats be allergic to substances in their own environment? And, if so, can cat allergy medicine treat these allergies? Read on to learn more.

Featured Cat Allergy Medications

Do Cats Get Allergies?

Just like humans, cats can suffer from allergies. However, feline allergies don’t always look like ours. While humans tend to develop sniffling, sneezing, and watery eyes, cats with allergies are more likely to stand out because of their hair loss and itchy, inflamed skin.

Allergies in cats often fall into one of three categories:

Flea allergies: While flea bites can be a nuisance for any animal, some cats are allergic to proteins that are found in a flea’s saliva. These cats may experience extreme itching and skin inflammation following just a single flea bite.

Food allergies: While less common than flea allergies, food allergies can play a role in some cases of feline skin disease. Cats may develop allergies to any protein source in their food, including beef, chicken, pork, eggs, dairy, or fish. These cats will experience skin inflammation when they eat food that contains this protein.

Environmental allergies: Dust, pollen, and other environmental allergens can cause allergies in cats, just like they do in their human counterparts. When these allergens are inhaled, an allergic response can lead to redness of the skin, itching, and hair loss.

The signs of flea allergies, environmental allergies, and food allergies can be nearly identical. Therefore, in most cases, a veterinary examination and further testing will be needed to determine the cause of your cat’s allergies.  

Why Your Vets Recommend Prescription Cat Allergy Medications

If your veterinarian is able to identify the cause of your cat’s allergies, you might be able to successfully avoid that allergen. Flea allergies can be managed through the appropriate and consistent use of prescription flea prevention, while food allergies can be managed through the use of a hypoallergenic diet.

In many cases, however, feline allergies are caused by environmental allergens. It is often unrealistic to avoid dust, pollen, mold, and other inhaled allergens for the rest of your cat’s life, just like it’s not always possible for humans to avoid these allergens. Therefore, veterinarians often recommend medicine for cats with allergies. These medications do not cure a cat’s allergies, but they can reduce the signs of allergies and help an allergic cat experience a better quality of life.

6 Prescription Cat Allergy Medications Trusted By Vets

While there are many medications that may benefit cats with allergies, veterinarians tend to reach for certain medications due to their proven track record of safety and efficacy.

The right cat allergy medicine for your feline will depend on the severity of your pet’s allergies and any other concurrent medical conditions that must be managed. In some cases, trial-and-error is required to determine the best allergy medicine for your cat.  

The following six medications are commonly used to treat allergies in cats.


This allergy medicine for cats contains diphenhydramine, the same antihistamine that is found in Benadryl (a human medication). However, in this medication, diphenhydramine is contained in the small amounts that are needed for safe feline dosing. Diphenhydramine works by counteracting histamine, an inflammatory signal that is released by the body during an allergic reaction. By counteracting the effects of histamine, diphenhydramine can reduce the signs of allergies. The primary side effect associated with diphenhydramine is sedation.

Atopica for Cats

Atopica (cyclosporine) is a cat allergy treatment that was developed to give the benefits of corticosteroids, without the associated risks. In fact, it’s the first FDA-approved nonsteroid medication to treat allergic skin disease in cats. This medication targets the allergic response, without affecting a cat’s immune system. Atopica is often more effective than antihistamines, like Vetadryl, and it comes in an oral solution that may be easier to dose than pills or tablets. The most common side effects of Atopica for cats include vomiting and diarrhea.


Cyclosporine is a generic equivalent to Atopica. It theoretically has the same benefits and side effects as Atopica, at a lower cost. Cyclosporine is usually available in the form of capsules, but it can be compounded into an oral solution if desired. Talk to your veterinarian to decide whether Atopica or generic cyclosporine is the right fit for your cat. 


Hydroxyzine, like diphenhydramine, is an antihistamine. Unlike diphenhydramine, however, hydroxyzine is available only with a veterinarian’s prescription. Hydroxyzine tends to have stronger effects than diphenhydramine. It may be more effective in the treatment of allergies than diphenhydramine, but it may also cause more sedation.


Prednisone and prednisolone are closely related drugs, belonging to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. While antihistamines target histamine, corticosteroids reduce the body’s overall inflammatory/immune response. Corticosteroids are often much more effective than antihistamines for treating allergies, but they also carry a greater risk of side effects. Side effects of prednisone and prednisolone include increased thirst and urination, weight gain, restlessness, and a weakened immune system.  


Dexamethasone is another corticosteroid that may be used to treat allergies in cats. It is stronger than prednisone and prednisolone, which means that lower doses can be used. However, dexamethasone is associated with similar side effects, and it is also associated with an increased risk of diabetes. Your veterinarian will select the best corticosteroid for your cat, to control their signs of allergies while minimizing the risk of side effects.

Tips and Safety for Using Cat Allergy Medications

Talk to your veterinarian before giving any medication to your cat. Allergy pills for cats can have harmful effects when used incorrectly or when given at improper dosages. Your veterinarian will select the best allergy medication and the best dosage for your cat. Do not make any dosage changes without speaking to your veterinarian.  

Also, it is important not to combine medications without your veterinarian’s approval. Combining multiple immunosuppressive drugs (such as prednisone and cyclosporine) could increase your cat’s risk of infection. Combining multiple antihistamines (such as diphenhydramine and hydroxyzine) could cause serious sedation. Be sure that your veterinarian is familiar with any medications your cat is taking, including prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and supplements.

Finally, realize that allergy medications can have variable efficacy in cats, just like they do in people. You and your veterinarian may need to experiment a bit, in order to find the best cat allergy medicine for your feline family member. If your cat’s signs cannot be controlled with medications, your veterinarian may recommend additional steps, such as allergy testing and hyposensitization treatments.

Allergies are managed, not cured and most cats will require lifelong treatment. Develop a good working relationship with your veterinarian and their staff, so you can work together to provide the best possible allergy relief for your cat.

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7 Dog Allergy Medications Prescribed By Vets https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/dog-allergy-medications/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 15:11:39 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=140691 If you’re an allergy sufferer, you are probably well aware of the frustration and misery that allergies can cause. Given the impact that allergies have on our lives, it’s only natural to wonder about allergies in dogs. Do dogs develop allergies like we do? If so, how can these allergies be managed? Read on to […]

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If you’re an allergy sufferer, you are probably well aware of the frustration and misery that allergies can cause. Given the impact that allergies have on our lives, it’s only natural to wonder about allergies in dogs. Do dogs develop allergies like we do? If so, how can these allergies be managed? Read on to learn more about canine allergies and dog allergy medications.

Popular Allergy Medicines for Dogs

Do Dogs Get Allergies?

Allergies are a relatively common problem in dogs, just like in humans. Dogs can be allergic to some of the same substances that trigger allergies in people. 

Where we differ, though, is in the effects of common allergies. While humans tend to get a runny nose and watery eyes when we’re experiencing allergies, our canine companions tend to develop itchy skin and ear infections.

There are three common triggers of skin allergies in dogs:

Environmental allergies: Like humans, dogs can become allergic to inhaled allergens, such as dust, dander, and the pollens produced by trees, weeds, and grasses. Allergies to inhaled environmental allergens, also known as atopic dermatitis, are estimated to affect 10-15 percent of dogs. Affected dogs often experience seasonal itching and inflammation of the skin.

Food allergies: An estimated 1-2 percent of dogs are affected by some form of food allergy. In these dogs, eating a particular food item will trigger an allergic reaction affecting the skin and ears. The most common food allergens in dogs include beef, chicken, eggs, and dairy.   

Flea allergy: Fleas are a nuisance to any dog, but some dogs are especially sensitive to proteins found in the flea’s saliva. In these dogs, just one or two flea bites may be enough to trigger a widespread skin reaction. Fortunately, signs of flea allergy dermatitis can be prevented through the regular use of flea prevention.

Each form of canine allergies requires a unique approach to diagnosis and treatment. After determining the underlying cause of your dog’s allergies, your veterinarian may prescribe dog allergy medications as a component of your dog’s short-term or long-term treatment.

Why Your Vet Might Recommend a Prescription Dog Allergy Medication

In a perfect world, we could prevent symptoms of allergies in our dogs by avoiding allergens. In reality, however, that isn’t always feasible. Food allergies and flea allergies may be preventable, but there’s no way to completely protect your dog from pollen, dust, cat dander, or even human dander, all of which can serve as potential environmental allergens. Therefore, allergy medication for dogs often plays a role in treatment.

Some dogs, with very mild allergies, can be managed with over-the-counter allergy medications like Benadryl or Zyrtec. Unfortunately, over-the-counter antihistamines are not very strong, and they are insufficient to provide significant relief for many dogs with allergies. Therefore, veterinarians often recommend prescription allergy pills for dogs to help manage their allergies and make them more comfortable.

7 Prescription Dog Allergies Medications 

Veterinarians use a variety of tools in the management of allergic dermatitis. Depending on your dog’s allergies, your treatment plan may include parasite preventives, prescription diets, injections, medicated dog shampoo for skin allergies, and other treatments. In many cases, prescription dog allergy medicine plays a role in the management of allergies. 

These seven allergy medications for dogs are commonly prescribed by veterinarians to manage allergy symptoms in dogs.


Zenrelia medication packaging and bottle

Zenrelia (ilunocitinib tablets) is a new player in the canine dermatology market. Approved by the FDA in September 2024, Zenrelia is a once-daily medication for dogs with allergic and atopic dermatitis. It is a JAK inhibitor, which means it works by blocking the pathways that trigger allergic itch and inflammation.1 In a head-to-head study, 77 percent of Zenrelia-treated dogs achieved clinical remission from itching (pruritus) compared to 53 percent of dogs treated with Apoquel (oclacitinib tablet), the competitive JAK inhibitor.2*


  • Fast and effective relief, with visible improvements in allergic itch1
  • Convenient once-daily dosing from the start (no tapering)
  • Minimizes the risk of “rebound itch”2
  • Cost effective; at label dose, the average price for a monthly supply of Zenrelia is less than Apoquel**

Things to Consider

  • Dogs should not take Zenrelia for a time period before and after vaccination 
  • Dogs should be at least 12 months of age

Read the entire package insert before using Zenrelia, including the Boxed Warning.


Apoquel tablets for dog allergies

Introduced in 2014, Apoquel (oclacitinib) is a commonly-prescribed medication for dogs with allergies. Similar to Zenrelia, Apoquel works by blocking the production of cytokines, chemical signals that lead to itchy and inflamed skin. With Apoquel, dogs are typically started on a twice-daily dose (to calm the allergic reaction), and then are tapered to once-daily dosing for long-term maintenance.

This drug offers many of the benefits of other medications like prednisone/prednisolone and cyclosporine, with an even lower risk of side effects. In comparison to over-the-counter antihistamines like Zyrtec, Apoquel may be more effective at managing severe and chronic allergies in dogs.


  • Rapid onset
  • Low risk of side effects
  • Acts only on the skin – doesn’t suppress the immune system

Things to Consider

  • Can be expensive, compared to other options
  • No generic form available
  • Does not work for every pet


Atopica for dog allergies

Atopica for dogs is available in capsule form. The active ingredient is cyclosporine, which was introduced as a treatment for dog allergies in 2003. This drug was intended to offer the benefits of prednisone/prednisolone, with a lower risk of short-term and long-term side effects. Some dogs experience gastrointestinal side effects with cyclosporine, while nearly all dogs experience some level of side effects with prednisone/prednisolone.


  • Fewer side effects than prednisone and prednisolone
  • Available for dogs 4 pounds and over
  • Available in 15-count, 30-count, 45-count, and 60-count packages

Things to Consider

  • Slower onset of relief than prednisone and prednisolone
  • May suppress the immune system, especially at higher doses
  • Dogs may experience gastrointestinal side effects (vomiting, diarrhea) 


Cyclavance for dog allergies

Cyclavance is another cyclosporine option for treating allergies in dogs. Unlike Atopica, Cyclavance is an oral solution that can be given to dogs with a syringe. This could make dosing easier for dogs that have problems taking pills. Cyclavance has the same benefits and side effects of Atopica, but it is a more affordable treatment option. 


  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Liquid form may make dosing easier

Things to Consider

  • Same cons (immune system suppression and GI side effects) as Atopica


Prednisone tablet for dog allergies

Prednisone and prednisolone have long been used to treat allergic reactions in a variety of species. These two closely related drugs (prednisone is metabolized to prednisolone in the body) suppress the immune system, effectively managing allergic reactions. 

While these medications are highly effective, they can have a number of side effects. Veterinarians may use them for short-term relief in extremely itchy dogs, but they are not typically recommended for long-term use.


  • Rapid onset of relief
  • Effectively control itch and inflammation in almost every pet, especially at higher doses

Things to Consider

  • Side effects are common: increased thirst/urination, panting, hunger, lethargy
  • Suppress the immune system
  • Long-term use associated with significant health issues, including skin disease, delayed wound healing, muscle weakness, urinary tract infections, fungal infections, diabetes, and Cushing’s disease


Hydroxyzine for dog allergies

Not every dog needs a strong medication like prednisone/prednisolone, cyclosporine, or Apoquel. In some cases, an antihistamine alone is sufficient to control itching. Antihistamines for dogs work by counteracting the activity of histamine, an inflammatory chemical released in allergic reactions. Hydroxyzine is a commonly-used, prescription-strength antihistamine in veterinary medicine. This drug is similar to Benadryl in its actions, but it can be more effective for many pets.


  • Rapid onset
  • Low risk of side effects
  • Inexpensive

Things to Consider

  • Does not work for every pet
  • Must be repeated every 6 – 8 hours
  • May cause sedation


Clemastine for dog dog allergies

Like hydroxyzine, clemastine is a prescription-strength antihistamine. It’s more effective than Benadryl in many cases of canine allergies, but not as effective as more targeted medications. Still, many veterinarians recommend this medication in the case of mild skin allergies, due to its low cost and low risk of side effects.


  • Works quickly to reduce itching
  • Low risk of side effects
  • Inexpensive

Things to Consider

  • Is not effective for every pet
  • May cause sedation

There is no single best allergy medication for dogs. Instead, the best treatment for each individual dog will depend on factors specific to that pet. Trial and error of different dog allergy medications is often needed to find the best option.

Dog Allergy Medications: Tips and Safety

Do not give any allergy medications to your dog without first consulting your veterinarian. Although some over-the-counter human allergy medications are safe for dogs, your veterinarian is the best source of reliable information regarding dosing, side effects, and whether a given medication may be appropriate for your pet.

Talk to your veterinarian before combining medications. If your dog is taking over-the-counter medications or prescription medication obtained from another veterinarian, make sure that your veterinarian is aware of this before beginning a new prescription medication. Allergy medications can interact with each other, leading to an increased risk of side effects. Do not combine medications unless instructed to do so by your veterinarian.

Follow your veterinarian’s instructions requiring dosing. If a given medication is not effective, do not increase your dog’s dose without first contacting your veterinarian. Overdosing your dog on allergy medication can have serious impacts. If a given medication at a given dose is not effective, that may mean that your dog needs a different medication.

Finally, oral medication alone is not effective for every allergy case. In many cases, your veterinarian may recommend additional treatments, such as parasite prevention, medicated allergy shampoo for dogs, a hypoallergenic diet, allergy testing, or adjunct treatments (such as long-acting injections) either alone or in addition to an oral medication.

Allergies in dogs are managed, not cured. Your dog will likely need lifelong treatment, unless you are somehow able to prevent all exposure to their allergens. Therefore, it’s important to work closely with your veterinarian, collaborating to determine the most effective treatment protocol for your individual dog.


1 Forster S, Boegel A, Despa S, et al. Comparative efficacy and safety of ilunocitinib and oclacitinib for the control of pruritus and associated skin lesions in dogs with atopic dermatitis. Veterinary Dermatology. 2025; 1–10.

2 Elanco Animal Health. Data on File.

*(P≤0.05).The primary study endpoint was non-inferiority at Day 28, with an optional continuation phase through Day 112. Additional endpoint P values are not adjusted for multiple testing; therefore, caution should be exercised in interpretation.

** Cost may vary depending on dog weight. [2024 Zoetis Petcare Products Veterinary Price List vs. 2024 Elanco Zenrelia Veterinary List Price]

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Pannus in Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/pannus-in-dogs/ Sun, 31 Dec 2023 19:47:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=138433 Pannus in dogs, also known as chronic superficial keratitis (CSK), is a permanent and progressive condition of the eye. Left untreated, pannus results in pain, blurred vision, and, ultimately, blindness. Fortunately, pannus is relatively straightforward to diagnose and can be well managed with medication and lifestyle adjustments.  Whether your pet was recently diagnosed with pannus […]

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Pannus in dogs, also known as chronic superficial keratitis (CSK), is a permanent and progressive condition of the eye. Left untreated, pannus results in pain, blurred vision, and, ultimately, blindness. Fortunately, pannus is relatively straightforward to diagnose and can be well managed with medication and lifestyle adjustments. 

Whether your pet was recently diagnosed with pannus or you are simply taking preventative measures to protect them, this article covers everything you need to know about pannus in dogs. That way, can recognize the symptoms and understand how dog pannus is treated and managed if your pet is affected by the troublesome disease.

What Is Pannus?

Pannus is a disease where blood vessels and scar tissue progressively invade the cornea. This change usually begins at the outer and lower aspect of the eye, and occasionally, the third eyelid will also be affected. Over time, the entire cornea will become affected, resulting in cloudiness and then darkening known as pigmentation. As the once-clear cornea becomes pigmented and black, light can no longer pass through the cornea and vision is lost. 

The disease affects both eyes, although not always symmetrically, meaning that one eye might begin earlier than the other. 

Causes of Pannus in Dogs

Pannus in dogs is believed to be a genetic, immune-mediated condition. Increased exposure to ultraviolet light, high altitudes, and smoke are considered predisposing factors for the development of pannus. These factors can also exacerbate pannus and make it harder to treat. 

German Shepherds and German Shepherd mixes are the most commonly affected breed. Other breeds that are prone to pannus include Greyhounds, Rottweilers, Belgian Tervurens, and Border Collies. Any breed, however, can develop pannus. 

In most cases, pannus develops in dogs between 4 and 7 years of age. Generally, the earlier a dog develops pannus, the more severe the case tends to be. Cases of pannus that develop after dogs are 5 or 6 tend to be more responsive to treatment and easier to manage. 

Symptoms of Pannus in Dogs

Dogs with pannus often display one or more of the following symptoms:

  • A raised red lump on the eye
  • A grayish-pink film on the eye
  • Visible blood vessels on the eye
  • Dark brown pigmentation of the eye
  • Excess tearing of the eye
  • Pawing or rubbing at the affected eye
  • Poor vision (running into walls, reluctant to jump or play, etc.)

It’s important to keep in mind that blindness is an end-stage result of untreated pannus. Early pannus in dogs does not typically result in signs of blindness. 

Diagnosing Pannus in Dogs

Pannus in dogs is usually diagnosed by a thorough history and veterinary physical exam. However, your veterinarian will need to perform a series of tests on the eye, such as a fluorescein stain, a Schirmer Tear Test, and measurement of intraocular pressures. These tests are mainly to rule out other common dog eye diseases and help guide your veterinarian in creating the best treatment plan for your pet. 

How to Treat Pannus in Dogs

While pannus in dogs cannot be cured, it can be well managed with topical medications. The goal of treatment is to stop the progression of the corneal pigmentation and preserve vision. 

An anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive steroid, such as dexamethasone, is often prescribed either alone or with an immune-modulating drug, such as cyclosporine. These are administered directly to the affected eye(s) either as drops or as ointment. Initially, the drops will be given frequently throughout the day. As the pannus improves, the medications can be tapered down to twice daily. 

In severe cases of pannus, or those that fail to respond to topical medications, steroid injections can be made directly into the eye. This is usually reserved for extreme cases and should only be done by a skilled veterinarian or veterinary ophthalmologist.

How to Prevent Pannus in Dogs

Whether you’re trying to prevent a flare up of pannus in your dog, or trying to prevent your dog from developing pannus, there are a few cautionary measures you can take. Since ultraviolet light, high altitudes, and smoke can exacerbate or induce pannus in dogs, pet owners should try to avoid exposing their dog to these elements, especially in German Shepherds or other breeds predisposed to pannus. 

Dogs can be kept indoors during the sunniest part of the day, and when they are outside, they should have adequate shelter and shade. Shaded walking trails and parks with trees are good options for exercise.

You should never smoke cigarettes around your dog, especially in areas with poor ventilation, and dogs should be kept a safe distance away from campfires or fire pits. 

Lastly, trying a specialty pair of canine sunglasses, such as RexSpecs or Doggles, can help prevent light exposure and protect your dog’s eyes from developing pannus or a relapse of pannus. 

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7 Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/intestinal-parasites-in-cats/ Sun, 31 Dec 2023 19:41:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=138526 Intestinal parasites in cats are a common problem, causing symptoms that can make your kitty feel anywhere from uncomfortable to miserable. Any cat can get intestinal parasites, but young kittens and older cats with weakened immune systems are most susceptible. Nearly all kittens are born with intestinal parasites, and the parasites’ larvae (immature life stage) […]

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Intestinal parasites in cats are a common problem, causing symptoms that can make your kitty feel anywhere from uncomfortable to miserable.

Any cat can get intestinal parasites, but young kittens and older cats with weakened immune systems are most susceptible. Nearly all kittens are born with intestinal parasites, and the parasites’ larvae (immature life stage) can lie dormant within a cat’s body, causing reinfection later in life.

Unfortunately, these troublesome parasites aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Let’s review the most common intestinal parasites in cats, what symptoms they cause, and how a monthly parasite preventative like NexGard COMBO or Revolution Plus can help treat and control them.

Types of Intestinal Parasites in Cats

Intestinal parasites in cats are either worms (such as roundworms) or protozoans (Giardia), which are single-celled organisms.

The parasites migrate to a cat’s digestive system, setting up shop in the small intestine. 

Here are the common types of intestinal parasites in cats:


Roundworms, also known as ascarids, are about 2–3 inches long and are the most common cat intestinal parasite. Cats can get them by eating soil or feces infected with roundworm eggs. Transmission can also occur from mom to her unborn kittens, as well as through nursing. Roundworms can become abundant enough in the gut to cause intestinal blockage. 


Hookworm larvae burrow through a cat’s skin. They can also be transmitted in utero, during nursing, and by eating infected rodents. The worms use their sharp mouthparts to latch onto the small intestinal wall and suck the host’s blood.


Cats commonly get tapeworms by eating infected fleas. Eating infected prey, such as rodents and birds, can also cause tapeworm infections in cats. These worms consist of segments called proglottids that contain eggs and look like white grains of rice when passed in a cat’s poop. Like roundworms, they can multiply enough in the gut to block the intestines.


Giardia is a protozoan that is transmitted through contaminated food and water. Due to many cats not showing any symptoms, pet parents may not realize that their cat has giardia.


Coccidia is another protozoan that lives in the small intestine. It is transmitted from mom to kitten during nursing or by ingesting feces from infected wildlife.

Roundworms, hookworms, and giardia are zoonotic, meaning they can be passed from pets to people. For example, roundworms are passed to humans via ingestion of worm eggs that hatch into larvae while in the body. Most of the time, no symptoms occur. However,  roundworm infections in humans can sometimes lead to tissue or nerve damage, or even ocular larva migrans, during which the worm larvae migrate to the eye and can cause irreversible blindness.

7 Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites in Cats

Intestinal parasites, given their location, cause several gastrointestinal symptoms. However, systemic symptoms can also occur. Here are a few symptoms of intestinal parasites in cats to watch for.


Diarrhea is seen with each intestinal parasite described above, resulting from disrupted digestion and nutrient absorption. Diarrhea is bloody with hookworms, and diarrhea from giardia is often watery and profuse, and contains mucus. Tapeworm infections may cause mild diarrhea.


Vomiting is typically seen with roundworms and Giardia.


A pot-bellied appearance is characteristic of a roundworm infection. This appearance occurs when the worms multiply so much in the gut that the abdomen physically expands. 

Weight loss

Weight loss can occur with each of the intestinal parasites because of appetite loss and general gastrointestinal upset.

Poor growth

Poor growth is seen in kittens infected with intestinal parasites. The parasites are essentially “stealing” nutrients from the kitten that are essential for normal growth and development.


Coughing is seen with a roundworm infection. After initial infection, the roundworm larvae travel up to the lungs, where they are coughed up and then swallowed. They then reach the small intestines, where they mature into adults.

Pale gums

Hookworm infection causes pale gums because of the blood loss caused by the worms sucking the host’s blood in the small intestine. Pale gums indicate anemia, which can be severe and fatal in young infected kittens.

Other than the potbelly, the symptoms listed here are not specific to intestinal parasites. These symptoms can be found with many other diseases, including other gastrointestinal diseases (e.g. inflammatory bowel syndrome) and diseases of other body systems, such as the respiratory system.

Also, infections with intestinal parasites do not always cause symptoms. For example, many cats with hookworms do not show any outward signs of infection. However, if your young kitten has any of these symptoms, intestinal parasites are a probable culprit.

Cat Intestinal Parasites: Next Steps

If you think your cat has an intestinal parasite, take them to your veterinarian for examination and diagnostic testing.

A fecal exam is the primary way to diagnose intestinal parasites. A fresh fecal sample (no more than 24 hours old) is ideal. Collect a sample from your cat and refrigerate it until your appointment. If you’re understandably squeamish about keeping your cat’s poop in your fridge, try to collect a sample before leaving for the appointment.

If you can’t get a sample at home, your veterinarian will collect one during the appointment.

Your veterinarian will perform a fecal float, in which the feces are mixed with a solution that makes the parasite eggs float to the top of the solution. The liquid is then examined under a microscope.

Giardia and tapeworms are difficult to detect on a fecal exam. Tapeworms are typically diagnosed by seeing the tapeworm segments around a cat’s anus.

Treatment for intestinal worms is with a dewormer medication. Your veterinarian will prescribe the most appropriate dewormer for the type of intestinal worm infecting your cat. 

Be aware that deworming medications kill only adult worms. Therefore, if an infected cat has worm larvae, those larvae may lie dormant and cause reinfection later.

Giardia is treated with antibiotics. However, treatment is difficult because reinfection is common and often associated with stress.

Preventing Intestinal Parasites in Cats

Deworming young kittens is a mainstay of intestinal parasite prevention. Kittens are typically dewormed every two weeks, from 3 to 4 weeks of age until about 3 months of age. Kittens are then dewormed monthly until 6 months of age.

Here are other prevention strategies:

Keep your cat indoors. Keeping your cat indoors will prevent them from eating infected soil, feces, and prey. 

Schedule regular fecal exams. Fecal exams are a routine part of your cat’s wellness exams. Regular fecal exams will help your veterinarian identify intestinal parasites and, if needed, prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Administer year-round, broad-spectrum parasite prevention. Parasite prevention isn’t just important in the warmer months. Your cat will need year-round prevention to be effectively protected from intestinal parasites.

Prevent fleas. Yes, indoor cats can get fleas! A year-round flea preventative is critical to preventing fleas and subsequent tapeworm infections.

Ask your veterinarian what type of parasite preventative is best suited for your cat. To provide protection against a variety of parasites, consider a broad-spectrum product like NexGard COMBO or Revolution Plus. Simply apply one dose of the topical solution to your cat’s skin once a month to kill fleas and ticks, prevent heartworm disease, and treat and control roundworms and hookworms. NexGard COMBO also includes tapeworm coverage.

Revolution Plus Topical Solution for Cats

Preventing the Passage of Parasites to People

Additionally, it’s important that you take extra precautions to avoid getting infected with the intestinal parasites that can be passed to people.

Promptly get rid of feces. Young children are at high risk of infection with these parasites because they touch almost anything and put their fingers in their mouths. Remove your cat’s feces as soon as possible, and don’t forget to wash your hands immediately after.

Avoid contaminated food and water. Do not drink water that may be contaminated or eat food that was rinsed in contaminated water.

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Signs of Poisoning in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/signs-of-poisoning-in-dogs/ Sun, 31 Dec 2023 19:36:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=137898 You probably already know that chocolate is bad for dogs, but did you know that many other things that we consume or commonly have around the house are actually toxic or poisonous to our pets? The inquisitive and sometimes mischievous nature of our furry friends commonly leads them to ingest things they shouldn’t. Many toxins/poisons […]

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You probably already know that chocolate is bad for dogs, but did you know that many other things that we consume or commonly have around the house are actually toxic or poisonous to our pets?

The inquisitive and sometimes mischievous nature of our furry friends commonly leads them to ingest things they shouldn’t. Many toxins/poisons even smell or taste attractive to dogs, which further entices them. Additionally, even over-the-counter medications that are safe for children may be toxic to dogs and can lead to life-threatening conditions.

In 2022 alone, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center assisted with over 400,000 exposures in animals in the United States. Pet Poison Helpline, another 24/7 veterinary poison control group, also assisted in many potential exposures, and nearly 90 percent of these calls were from dog owners.

In this article, we will cover the most common toxins/poisons that dogs are exposed to, common symptoms to watch for, and what to do if you think your dog has been exposed. As pet parents, you play an essential role in avoiding toxin exposures in your dog and in recognizing when to seek veterinary care for a potential exposure. The safest way to prevent exposures is to avoid having known toxins in or around the house whenever possible, and to lock away unavoidable things in a pet-proof container.

Signs of Poisoning in Dogs

Signs of poisoning in dogs will greatly depend on what they were exposed to, when they were exposed, and the amount of exposure.

Below are examples of common signs of dog poisoning, broken down by category. It is important to recognize that many of these symptoms (especially the gastrointestinal ones) are also seen with a wide range of other conditions. Seeing these symptoms without a known exposure doesn’t mean your dog was poisoned.

A dog who has been exposed to toxins/poisons will often experience symptoms in more than one of the following categories:


  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Excessive drooling
  • Stomach pain
  • Poor appetite


  • Hyperactive, agitated, or vocalizing erratically
  • Sedate or altered consciousness
  • Sensitive to noise/sound
  • Leaking urine
  • Wobbly gait/uncoordinated
  • Seizures, tremors, or twitching
  • Sudden vision loss and/or pupil size change (dilated or pinpoint)
  • Breathing changes (very slow vs fast and erratic)

Bleeding problems

  • Unusual bleeding and bruising (i.e., nosebleeds, bleeding around teeth, pinpoint red/purple spots on belly/inner ear/gums)
  • Bloody vomit or blood in feces
  • Coughing up blood
  • Fast breathing
  • Pale white gums

Cardiovascular and Respiratory

  • Heart rate that is too slow or too fast
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Weakness or collapse
  • Gums that are bright red, pale/white, or blue/purple
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rapid breathing rate, even at rest
  • Coughing or wheezing

Kidney and/or Liver  

  • Excessive thirst
  • Excessive urination or not making any urine
  • Blood in urine
  • Dark orange/brown urine
  • Yellowing of skin (especially inner ear) or the whites of the eyes

Skin and Mouth

  • Sores, blisters, burns
  • Swelling of the skin or mouth
  • Excessive drooling
  • Swelling or pawing at the face
  • Difficulty eating due to swelling or pain

General signs you may also notice if your dog has ingested a toxin include:

  • Lethargy
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Weakness or reluctance to get up
  • Dehydration

What Is Toxic to Dogs?

The severity of poisoning in dogs usually depends on how much of a poisonous substance the dog consumed. However, many of the items on this list can lead to problems with even a small amount.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some common ingested toxicities in dogs:

  • Certain human foods, such as chocolate, grapes and raisins, onions and garlic, and macadamia nuts
  • Products containing xylitol (a sugar substitute), such as sugar-free gum, peanut butter, or protein bars
  • Over-the-counter and prescription medications (either human or veterinary)
  • Marijuana and other recreational drugs
  • Alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine products
  • Household items like glue, paint, batteries, and pennies
  • Outdoor items like pest control baits, fertilizers, insecticides, and antifreeze
  • Certain indoor and outdoor plants (e.g., sago palm, oleander) and some wild mushrooms

What to Do If You Suspect Your Dog Was Poisoned

If you suspect your dog has been exposed to a toxin/poison, you should contact a veterinary poison control group and/or a veterinarian immediately. They will determine whether you need to pursue further care for your dog. For true toxicities, both a phone consultation with a veterinary poison control group and in-person care with a veterinarian are often needed to ensure your dog receives the very best care.

If your dog is already exhibiting symptoms of toxin exposure or they ingest something you know is toxic, seek care immediately with a veterinarian (i.e. emergency veterinary hospital). If you don’t know what your dog ate, provide a list of all potential exposures.

Having your dog treated with a veterinarian before signs develop is always safest, as there are often ways to decrease the amount your dog absorbs. If your veterinarian or the toxicology expert recommends that you bring your dog in for care, promptly seek veterinary attention.

For potential toxin exposures with some of the more serious toxins (e.g., rat bait, antifreeze, medications, xylitol, etc.), heading to your local veterinary emergency hospital ASAP and calling them en route can save valuable time.

You can call one of the following veterinary poison control groups (available 24/7):

  • ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: 888-426-4435 
  • Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661 

Both groups have a vast database of information on many different toxins and medications, and they have a team of veterinary experts and toxicologists who specialize in exposures in animals. There is a fee associated with their phone consultation that will cover recommendations specific to your dog and follow-up calls with your veterinarian if treatment is recommended.

During the call, they will gather information about your dog and the toxin they ingested, such as the type, strength, and amount your dog may have been exposed to. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, count the number of pills left in an open bottle of medicine so you can estimate how much your dog ingested.

When treatment is recommended, the veterinary poison control group will work closely with your veterinarian to share the specific testing and treatment plan. All you have to do is provide your veterinarian with the case number and they will take it from there.

In situations where the toxin or exposure amount is not expected to cause serious problems, you will be guided on how to manage your pet’s care at home. In these cases, a phone toxicology consultation may help you avoid unnecessary trips to your veterinarian.

How Vets Treat Poisoning in Dogs

If you promptly seek veterinary care before your dog develops symptoms of toxicity, this often allows your veterinarian to take steps to decrease the amount of toxin that is absorbed. This is safer for your dog and often results in less hospital time and overall cost.

Treatment will vary significantly depending on the type of toxin/poison, the amount of exposure, how long ago the exposure occurred, and any signs your dog may already be exhibiting. Your dog’s specific treatment will be determined by your veterinarian and/or toxicology consult.

The following are some example treatments your veterinarian may recommend:

  • Bathing for topical exposures
  • Medications to make a dog vomit
  • Activated charcoal to help minimize absorption of certain toxins
  • Pumping the stomach (gastric lavage) under anesthesia for certain toxins/large exposures
  • Administering an antidote, if available, to counteract or reverse the effects of the toxin/poison
  • Medications to treat symptoms of toxicity until the toxin is out of the dog’s system (i.e. medications to control seizures, bleeding, gastrointestinal signs, or heart rate/rhythm abnormalities)
  • Supportive care, such as fluid therapy, oxygen support, or blood/plasma transfusions

Hydrogen peroxide (3%) is sometimes recommended by veterinarians or veterinary poison control for at-home use in dogs (never for cats) to induce vomiting, but you should never use it without professional guidance. It is considered less effective than the medications veterinarians use to make a dog vomit, requires precise dosing, and has an increased risk for complications. DO NOT use other home remedies to make a dog throw up.

How to Prevent Dog Poisoning

To help protect your dog from poisons, it helps to know the 4 Ps:


Create a safe space for your pets to roam that is free of any potential exposures. Keep all food, medicines, plants, and potential toxins out of reach of your pets. Avoid Ziplock bags of medications. Instead, keep medications in their original child-proof containers and up high and out of reach. Don’t forget to pet proof garages, sheds, backyard, and trash cans.

Proactive Prevention

Know the most common toxins for dogs. Avoid having them altogether, whenever possible. At minimum, keep toxins out of reach of pets. Other proactive steps you can take include:

Don’t give your dog medications unless they are directly prescribed by your veterinarian. Many over-the-counter and prescription human medications are toxic to pets.

Check food or drug labels to identify potential risks before bringing them home. Choose safer substitutes when possible. For example, check the ingredients list of gum, foods, and supplements to ensure they do not contain xylitol, bake with milk chocolate instead of semi-sweet chocolate, or buy trail mix without raisins. Supervise children eating grapes and raisins, and ideally keep your pets in another room, in case any food gets dropped.

Remove unsafe plants from your yard and home. Research new plants before bringing them home. There are varying degrees of toxicity among many plants. Some plants, like sago palm and oleander, can be life-threatening, even when very small amounts are ingested.

Always be aware of your dog’s environment. Exposures are common when changes disrupt your pet-proofing, such as traveling with your dog, going on walks/hikes, or having visitors in your home. If you have visitors over, keep their luggage or purses in a safe space out of reach of your dog. Ask your guests to keep gum, food, medications, and recreational drugs away from your pets.

Be Prepared

Save phone numbers (in phone, on fridge) for veterinary poison control groups, your dog’s veterinarian, and the closest 24/7 emergency veterinary hospital. Consider pet insurance to help with future pet care costs, as toxin exposures can be costly. Know what you have in and around your home so you can notify your veterinarian of possible exposures if your pet is unwell.

Promptly Seek Care

Call poison control with any potential exposures (keep packaging/detailed information on the toxin), and promptly seek care with a veterinarian. Don’t wait until signs develop before seeking help, as this can lead to irreversible damage. With signs of poisoning and no known exposure, have someone inspect the home for evidence of what your dog may have ingested (e.g., chewed up pill bottle).

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Pillow Foot in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/pillow-foot-in-cats/ Sun, 31 Dec 2023 09:54:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=138139 Pillow foot is rare in cats, but it can cause significant discomfort and pain. While the condition is generally mild and non-painful in early stages, if left untreated, it can quickly progress in severity. Read on to learn more about pillow foot in cats, including why it develops, symptoms pet parents may notice, and available […]

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Pillow foot is rare in cats, but it can cause significant discomfort and pain. While the condition is generally mild and non-painful in early stages, if left untreated, it can quickly progress in severity. Read on to learn more about pillow foot in cats, including why it develops, symptoms pet parents may notice, and available treatment options. 

What Is Pillow Foot in Cats?

Pillow foot (also known as plasma cell pododermatitis) refers to inflammation of the paw pads due the presence of high numbers of plasma cells. These inflammatory cells respond to various stimuli, such as allergens or bacteria, that a cat may come into contact with. Sometimes this response can be excessive and lead to swelling. Typically, more than one paw pad is affected, but in rare cases, pet parents may notice just one swollen pad. In the early stages, this swelling is non-painful, but the condition worsens over time, causing significant pain and discomfort. 

Pillow foot affects cats of all ages and breeds. Cats with underlying viral diseases, such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), are thought to be at a higher risk of developing the condition. 

Causes of Pillow Foot in Cats

The exact cause of cat pillow foot is unknown. The most commonly accepted reason this condition develops is due to an immune-mediated reaction. This means that the cat’s immune system overreacts and high numbers of plasma cells collect in the paw pads, which leads to swelling.  

The immune system can be stimulated by the following: 

  • Environmental allergens
  • Food sensitivities 
  • Severe inflammation
  • Infections

Signs of Pillow Foot in Cats

Pillow foot causes a wide range of signs, with the most distinctive being red, swollen paw pads. It’s also important to note that there are many other conditions that cause swelling of the paw pads, so pet parents should always bring affected cats to a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause.

Other characteristic symptoms include the following: 

  • Ulcerated and/or bleeding paw pads
  • Thickened skin on paw pads
  • Pain
  • Limping
  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Enlarged lymph nodes

Cats with pillow foot may also have signs of concurrent illnesses, such as kidney disease, which could include increased thirst and urination, vomiting, and decreased appetite. Mouth sores may also be present. 

Diagnosing Pillow Foot in Cats

Pillow foot in cats is diagnosed using a combination of tests. First, a veterinarian performs a physical exam to identify abnormalities of the foot pad and collects information from the pet parent about their cat’s behaviors and when symptoms began. Blood is collected to check for high levels of inflammatory cells or evidence of underlying infection, such as FIV or FeLV. 

A sample of cells is taken from the affected paw pad(s) using a small needle and examined under the microscope. This procedure may cause mild discomfort for cats, but it is helpful for identifying high numbers of plasma cells to diagnose pillow foot. It is also useful to rule out other conditions that can look similar. A more accurate diagnosis can be made by taking a biopsy, which consists of surgically removing a small piece of paw pad. This generally requires sedation to ensure the cat remains still and free from discomfort. The sample is sent to a specialized laboratory for identification. 

Pillow Foot in Cats Treatment

Some cats with pillow foot improve on their own, particularly if they have only mild symptoms. However, in most cases, treatment is necessary and may include medication, surgery, or a combination of both. 

Medications for Pillow Foot in Cats

Your veterinarian may prescribe a medication called doxycycline to treat pillow foot in your cat. Doxycycline is a type of antibiotic that treats infection and reduces inflammation associated with plasma cell pododermatitis. It is usually given by mouth twice daily. However, because this medication has been linked with esophageal strictures (narrowing of the esophagus) in cats, pet parents should ensure their cats drink water after receiving it. Other medications that suppress the immune system, such as cyclosporine, can also be given orally to treat this condition. Injectable or oral steroids may also be helpful.

Your veterinarian can determine the best type of medication to meet your cat’s specific needs. Treatment may continue for several months. Always be sure to give the prescribed medications exactly as directed for the best treatment outcomes. 

It is important to follow up with your veterinarian while your cat is receiving treatment to identify any side effects of the medications and to determine when treatment can be stopped. In rare cases, some cats may have relapses throughout their lives, which require additional medications.  

medication for dogs

Home Remedies for Pillow Foot in Cats

It is not recommended to try any home remedies for pillow foot in cats. Since this condition is likely due to an overactive immune system, specific prescription medications are needed for resolution. Trying home remedies before seeking veterinary guidance can delay appropriate treatment and cause worsening of symptoms.

Cost to Treat

Pet parents can expect to pay $20 to $40 per month for steroid treatment, while cyclosporine can range from $30 to $200 per month, depending on the brand. (Generic medications cost much less than brand name products.)

If your cat requires surgery and hospitalization, costs can range between $300 and $600 or more, depending on how many paw pads are affected and how your cat does during recovery. Most cats are sent home on medications, such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, to reduce swelling and prevent infection. 

How to Prevent Pillow Foot in Cats

Because the exact cause of pillow foot in cats is unknown, it is difficult to determine what to do to prevent this condition. If it is truly immune-mediated, there is nothing pet parents can do to prevent it from developing in their cats. However, ensuring you are bringing your cat to the veterinarian for regular preventative care can help detect any problems early and keep them as healthy as possible. 

Related Conditions

Pillow foot is a unique disease, but other conditions may cause similar changes to the paw pads. These include the following: 

  • Mast cell tumors
  • Eosinophilic granuloma complex 
  • Paw pad injuries

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How Often Should I Take My Dog to the Vet? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/how-often-should-i-take-my-dog-to-the-vet/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:40:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=137706 According to a recent American Veterinary Medical Association survey, about 24 percent of pet owners don’t bring their pets into a veterinarian’s office at least once per year (1). That is about 20 million pets that are not getting regular preventative care. It might make one wonder: how often should I take my dog to […]

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According to a recent American Veterinary Medical Association survey, about 24 percent of pet owners don’t bring their pets into a veterinarian’s office at least once per year (1). That is about 20 million pets that are not getting regular preventative care. It might make one wonder: how often should I take my dog to the vet?

Many people who love and cherish their pets simply don’t know the answer to that question. Some people are unaware of how crucial preventative care is to the long-term health of their dog. Others may have a difficult time bringing their pup into the veterinary office for various reasons, from transportation difficulties to owning a fearful dog

Let’s discuss how often you should take your dog to the vet and ways to make it easier on yourself and your dog.

How Often Should I Take My Dog to the Vet?

So, let’s get down to it: how often should you take a dog to the vet? The answer really depends on several factors, including the age of your dog, if they have any pre-existing medical conditions, and if they are currently sick.


Veterinarians typically want to see puppies shortly after adoption to perform an exam and check for any early problems like a heart murmur or hernia. The veterinarian will get a stool sample, deworm them, start them on heartworm prevention and get them their first round of shots. You should bring any paperwork to your appointment from the shelter or breeder so that your veterinarian knows what has already been done. 

Puppies should return for vaccine boosters every three to four weeks until they are 16 weeks of age, or until your veterinarian deems them fully vaccinated and protected. Not returning or skipping boosters can put your puppy at risk for many life-threatening infectious diseases. It can also necessitate restarting the entire vaccine series, which would cost more money.

Adult Dogs 

Healthy adult dogs can go see the veterinarian once a year for annual vaccines, a preventative exam, and deworming. 

Senior Dogs and Dogs With Medical Conditions

Senior dogs and dogs with chronic medical conditions, like heart disease or kidney dysfunction, should see the vet at least every six months. Dogs are considered senior at different ages depending on their breed. Large and giant breed dogs are considered seniors at 6 to 7 years of age. Medium-sized dogs reach senior status at 8 to 9 years, while small breed dogs are considered seniors at 10 to 12 years old.

Signs That Your Dog Should Go to the Vet

While age and certain conditions do factor into when to take your dog to the vet, it really boils down to this: anytime you are concerned about your dog’s health, you should make an appointment. 

Listen to your gut. If you feel that something is off, take them into the veterinary clinic. If you’re unsure if a problem is urgent or can wait, call the veterinary hospital and speak with one of the receptionists. They will guide you and tell you what the appropriate next steps are for your pet. You (the pet parent) are the front line of monitoring your dog’s health.

Some signs that your dog needs to go to the vet sooner rather than later include:

Why It’s Important to Take Your Dog to the Vet

Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is just as true today as it was back then. There are many benefits to taking your dog in for annual preventative exams. 

Preventative care is less expensive than treating an advanced disease. Plus, catching a problem early can increase the likelihood of a successful outcome. The veterinarian can advise you additionally on a proper diet for your pet’s age and weight, needed dental care, current vaccine protocols, risks of any emerging disease in your area (like canine flu), and bloodwork to catch potential problems early. They can also supply you with heartworm and flea/tick prevention for the following year. All of these are necessary things to optimize your dog’s health.

In addition to the health benefits of preventative care, it is important to maintain a veterinary-client-patient relationship (VCPR), so that when you do have questions or concerns, you can easily get the necessary answers. A VCPR is basically an agreement between a veterinarian and client to take care of an animal or group of animals. This relationship needs to be maintained on a regular basis for the veterinarian to provide care and support to you and your pet.  

How Often Do Dogs Get Shots?

Vaccines are another integral part of preventative care. The rabies vaccine is required by law in most states. Rabies vaccines are available in one-year and three-year shots. The first time a dog gets a rabies vaccine, they must receive a one-year shot. 

After the initial puppy vaccines, dogs should receive additional vaccines every one to three years, depending on the type. For instance, a Lyme or leptospirosis vaccine needs to be boostered yearly, whereas a distemper or parvo vaccine could potentially be given every three years, taking your dog’s risk into consideration, of course.

Tips for Bringing Your Dog to the Vet

We know that it can be difficult to drag your dog into the vet every year. However, you don’t have to dread this annual trip to the clinic. Here are some tips you to make it easier for you and your pet:

Burn off that energy. Take your dog for a walk, or play with them to get some extra energy out before the appointment.

Try a carrier. Consider taking small dogs in a carrier to keep them contained.

Make sure they’re comfortable. Bring a favorite toy or blanket for a familiar smell and emotional support.

Exit the waiting room. If your dog is having a hard time in the lobby, ask to wait outside or in the car until the doctor is ready.

Shorten the leash. Use a short, non-retractable leash while in the clinic for the safety of your dog and the other dogs at the clinic.

Practice, practice, practice. Make “practice runs” to the clinic. Drive your dog to the vet, have the staff give him lots of love and treats, and then leave on a positive note.

Check in early. If you have a reactive dog, call ahead and let the staff know that you are on your way; they may be able to get a private room ready for your arrival.

Consider medication. Talk to your veterinarian before the appointment to see if your pet would benefit from a calming medication or supplement. There’s a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter options that help provide short-term anxiety relief. Ask your veterinarian which one would be the best fit for your frazzled pup.

Clomicalm for dogs
Reconcile for dogs
Package of Composure Chews

Schedule in advance. Make your next appointment before you leave the clinic. That way you won’t forget to call and schedule in a year.

Plan ahead. The veterinary community is making strides to increase access to care. For those with transportation or financial difficulties, more low-cost clinics and mobile veterinarians are available than ever before. Research pet-friendly taxi services or know which family members that you can call to help your pet get to the hospital. It also may help to set aside a little money each month in a “rainy day pet fund” for unexpected illnesses or injuries. 

Most of all, be patient. The veterinarian team is doing their best to get your dog taken care of in a timely manner. Emergencies and unforeseen circumstances occur on a daily basis, making it easy to get behind. The busiest times at a veterinary hospital are early mornings and early evenings. If possible, try to make an appointment in the middle of the day.

Remember, your veterinarian is there for the good times and bad. Find a vet that is knowledgeable, compassionate and provides a high level of care, and you will have a relationship that will be beneficial for all.


  1. American Veterinary Medical Association Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook (2022). Retrieved from: https://ebusiness.avma.org/files/ProductDownloads/eco-pet-demographic-report-22-low-res.pdf

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Umbilical Hernia in Puppies https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/umbilical-hernia-in-puppies/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:37:44 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=137640 An umbilical hernia is a fairly common condition in puppies. They may occur more often in smaller breeds, accidental litters, or backyard breeding. One study reports an umbilical hernia as happening in 2 to 3 percent of puppies, but the percentage could be much higher. [1]  Regardless, most veterinarians see umbilical hernias pretty regularly. While […]

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An umbilical hernia is a fairly common condition in puppies. They may occur more often in smaller breeds, accidental litters, or backyard breeding. One study reports an umbilical hernia as happening in 2 to 3 percent of puppies, but the percentage could be much higher. [1

Regardless, most veterinarians see umbilical hernias pretty regularly. While the majority of dog umbilical hernias are mild in severity, some can be more serious or even life-threatening, so it’s important that all puppy parents are aware of them. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at umbilical hernias in puppies, how serious they can be, and how to treat them.

What Is an Umbilical Hernia in Puppies?

An umbilical hernia in puppies looks and feels like a small, soft lump right in the center of their tummy, where their umbilical cord attaches. Because it’s a lump, some people mistake a puppy hernia for a dog belly button, but it isn’t: a belly button is the scar from an umbilical cord healing, and a hernia is a pouch filled with fat or intestines. 

Dogs with an umbilical hernia have a defect in the muscles of their abdomen. Instead of the muscles meeting in the middle, there’s a hole. When the hole is very small, it may not even be noticeable. When it’s bigger, bits of fat can slip through the hole and even get stuck there, forming a small lump. If it’s a large enough hole, bits of gut can also fall through. This is dangerous, especially if the gut loop becomes stuck and loses blood flow. 

The seriousness of an umbilical hernia in a puppy depends on the size of that hole. It’s rare, but umbilical hernias that are large enough to allow guts to fall through can cause death in a young puppy, so getting a veterinary opinion early on is a good idea.

What Causes a Puppy Umbilical Hernia? 

Umbilical hernias in puppies are usually congenital, which means they are present at birth. Most umbilical hernias in dogs happen because the umbilical ring (where the umbilical cord feeds through) fails to close. 

The exact cause for this failure to close isn’t clear, but the suspicion is that most causes are genetic, as umbilical hernias are more common in certain lineages. Therefore, it is recommended that breeders don’t breed with affected puppies. 

Umbilical hernias may also be more common when dogs are indiscriminately bred. However, not all puppies in a litter will have the problem, and it’s not yet clear which gene is at fault, so it’s likely that the root cause is complex.

An umbilical hernia is usually present from birth and can be corrected even when it’s very small, but if it goes unnoticed (or is not corrected), it can impact an adult dog as well. 

Generally, umbilical hernias are less serious as dogs get older, as their guts grow too big to fall through the hole. The exception is when a dog herniates after surgery, which is not technically an umbilical hernia but may look like one.

Symptoms of Umbilical Hernia in Puppies

The most common symptom of an umbilical hernia in puppies is the soft swelling in the area of the umbilical cord. Puppies don’t have a protruding “belly button,” so if you feel a soft lump on your puppy’s tummy, it’s probably a hernia. This lump may come and go as fat slips in and out, and may be more visible when your dog is defecating or coughing. Most dogs show no other symptoms of their umbilical hernia, and it’s not uncommon for it to go unnoticed until dogs are at the vet for their health checks.

In more serious cases, dogs will show more symptoms of an umbilical hernia. In addition to the physical swelling (which may become larger or harder), these might include:

  • Biting, scratching, kicking, or nudging the area due to pain or discomfort
  • Pain in the area when touched, which might show as a squeal or aggression when being picked up or stroked
  • Pain in the area after eating, which may show as paying the area attention, reluctance to move, or guarding themselves 
  • Vomiting
  • Inappetence

In all cases, these symptoms are a sign that the umbilical hernia is more serious, so your puppy should be examined by a veterinarian urgently. 

Diagnosing Umbilical Hernias in Dogs

Umbilical hernias are typically diagnosed at a puppy’s first examination, or during their first vaccinations. In fact, they are so common that checking for them is routine at early puppy appointments.

An umbilical hernia is diagnosed with a physical exam; the location and feel of the lump in a dog of the right age is usually enough to diagnose a hernia. Your veterinarian will then offer an opinion as to how large and how serious the hernia is.

In some cases, your veterinarian might recommend more tests. For a large hernia, checking the lump with an ultrasound can help determine whether the gut has fallen through the hole.

Types of Umbilical Hernias in Puppies

Your veterinarian may refer to your dog’s hernia as “reducible” or “non-reducible.” If the hernia can be “reduced” by pushing the fat back through the hole, it’s “reducible.” If it can’t because the fat is stuck, it’s “‘non-reducible.” This can help indicate the size of the hole, whether it’s easy to correct, and whether it’s likely to cause a problem. In general, reducible hernias are less of a concern, but that doesn’t automatically mean that a non-reducible hernia needs urgent surgery.

Umbilical Hernia: Puppy Treatment Options

When necessary, umbilical hernias in puppies are treated with surgery. However, not all umbilical hernias need treating, and even those that do require surgery may not need it immediately. Many times, a veterinarian will treat an umbilical hernia when the dog is being neutered.

Your vet will take your dog’s size and age, the hernia size, and the hernia contents (i.e fat vs gut) into account, as well as whether the hernia is reducible. 

No Treatment

A small, reducible hernia in a young dog can usually be left alone. Dogs will sometimes outgrow the condition, as the hole tends not to grow with the dog. You’ll be advised how to monitor the hernia at home and encouraged to return to your vet if there are any concerns about the hernia in future.


If your veterinarian determines that the hernia is potentially going to cause a problem, it could mean surgery at some point, whether on its own or while your dog is being neutered. Again, you will be given instructions on monitoring your dog in the meantime, and if you aren’t planning to have your dog neutered, or will be neutering them later in life, you may decide to go ahead and get the surgery done sooner.

Immediate Surgery

Lastly, some puppies will need urgent surgery if the umbilical hernia is large enough that the dog’s guts can slip in. This type of hernia will be operated on within a few days to prevent problems. If the gut is already trapped, the surgery should be done as soon as possible to save it. Surgery is a lot more risky at this stage, and recovery is longer.

Are There Home Remedies for Dog Hernias?

There are no home remedies for hernias in dogs, but most cases can be monitored at home and may never need surgery. It’s a good idea to check with your vet at the earliest opportunity if you suspect a hernia so you know exactly how likely the hernia is to cause a problem and what warning signs you should be on the lookout for.

Cost of Umbilical Hernia Surgery for Dogs

The cost of umbilical hernia surgery will depend on when the hernia is repaired, and whether it’s an emergency. A standard repair, done at the time of neutering, will usually be an “add-on” cost and likely under $100. 

If your dog isn’t being neutered at the same time, additional anesthetic will be required, in which case the costs are likely to go up — although you can still expect them to be under $400 in most cases.

In serious cases, where emergency surgery is required, costs will go up again. This is because your puppy will need more medication, more specialist care, and more surgical skill. In the worst cases, your dog will lose a portion of their gut, which is a complex and risky surgery that will require several days of hospitalization. Costs could be in the range of $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the severity and the geographic region.

The sooner hernias are treated, the cheaper and easier the surgery is likely to be. If costs are a concern, explain this to your veterinarian — they will help you find the most cost-effective solution so your puppy can have the surgery ASAP.

Umbilical Hernia: Puppy Care Post Surgery

The most important thing after umbilical hernia surgery in puppies is to limit their exercise, including play and jumping. The hernia is usually repaired by cutting the muscle and then stitching it back together again, just like an incision would be repaired after a neuter surgery or other abdominal surgery. But excessive exercise can cause swelling, and jumping could even cause a stitch to break, opening the hernia back up again. 

You’ll also need to prevent your puppy from interfering with (licking, chewing, scratching, or biting) the wound, as this can cause infection or break the stitches. Recovery from this sort of surgery is usually seven to 10 days, but it will vary with the seriousness of the hernia and whether the dog was neutered at the same time. Of course, your veterinarian will give you detailed post-surgical advice for your dog, and you should contact them if you have any questions.

How to Prevent Umbilical Hernias in Puppies

It’s not possible to prevent umbilical hernias after a puppy has been born. If you are purchasing a puppy, you can ask whether hernias have been found in previous litters from the same mother, or whether the mother herself had a hernia, but this isn’t a guarantee. Most people won’t remember or don’t know whether their dog had a hernia as a puppy, and hernias can still occur even if the dam didn’t have one herself. 

If you are thinking about breeding your dog and you want to prevent umbilical hernias, be sure to look at your dog and their siblings, as well as the potential father and their siblings. The fewer hernias are seen in the dog’s family history, the better the chance of preventing them in the pups. Do not breed dogs with umbilical hernias, or whose close relations had umbilical hernias.


Gonzales, K.L., Famula, T.R., Feng, L.C., Power, H.M.N. and Bullis, J.M. (2021), “Folic Acid Supplementation Does Not Decrease Stillbirths and Congenital Malformations in a Guide Dog Colony.” J Small Anim Pract, 62: 286-292. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsap.13292

The post Umbilical Hernia in Puppies appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Can Dogs Get Food Poisoning? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/can-dogs-get-food-poisoning/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:32:02 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=137747 Have you ever experienced a case of food poisoning after a Fourth of July picnic or a restaurant meal with your family? If so, you have firsthand knowledge of just how miserable it can be. After dealing with it yourself, you may find yourself wondering: can dogs get food poisoning? And if so, what happens […]

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Have you ever experienced a case of food poisoning after a Fourth of July picnic or a restaurant meal with your family? If so, you have firsthand knowledge of just how miserable it can be. After dealing with it yourself, you may find yourself wondering: can dogs get food poisoning? And if so, what happens when they do?

Read on to learn more about the risk of foodborne illness in dogs and whether your dog is at risk of this condition. 

Can Dogs Get Food Poisoning?

Like their human family members, dogs can get food poisoning after eating contaminated food. And, just like in humans, the signs of food poisoning may vary from mild diarrhea to severe illness.

Fortunately, food poisoning is rare in dogs who eat high-quality commercial dog food. However, if your dog eats a raw diet, gets into the trash can, or encounters roadkill and other “icky” items while roaming outside, food-related illness is a distinct possibility. 

Types of Food Poisoning in Dogs

The term “food poisoning” is used to describe any illness caused by food. Bacteria, viruses, and toxic substances can all potentially cause food poisoning. 

Bacterial causes of food poisoning include: 

  • Salmonella: This bacterium is a common cause of foodborne illness in people and pets. Many infections are asymptomatic, but Salmonella can cause severe illness in some dogs.
  • E. coli: This bacterium is commonly found in the intestinal tract of many animals, including dogs. However, not all strains of E. coli are the same. Some strains do not cause any problems, while others can lead to severe illness in pets and people. 
  • Listeria: Infections are usually asymptomatic but occasionally can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, fever, pregnancy loss, and even death. Infected dogs can also pass this infection to humans.  

In many cases, however, food-related illness has non-infectious causes. Dogs who eat abnormally rich food may experience inflammation in their gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting or diarrhea. Toxic plants may also lead to vomiting and diarrhea when ingested. While these could technically be considered food-related illnesses, they don’t indicate the presence of an infection. 

What Causes Food Poisoning in Dogs?

Raw diets are the most common cause of foodborne illness in dogs. In recent years, a trend toward “natural,” unprocessed food has led some pet parents to feed a raw, or uncooked, diet. Unfortunately, raw diets are associated with an increased risk of foodborne infections. A 2005 study evaluating 25 commercially-available raw diets for dogs and cats found that all tested diets contained fecal bacteria, 64 percent contained E. coli, and 20 percent contained Salmonella [1]. Although some healthy dogs can eat these foods without developing clinical disease, others may develop serious illnesses.

Less commonly, foodborne illness is associated with contaminated conventional dog food. Although these diets are cooked, human error or equipment malfunctions can lead to contamination. Reputable food manufacturers conduct regular quality control testing, and they may recall a diet if there is a potential for contamination. In other cases, a diet may be recalled after complaints of foodborne illness. In either situation, feeding a contaminated diet could lead to foodborne illness. 

Dog Food Poisoning Symptoms

Symptoms of food poisoning in dogs typically include gastrointestinal signs, similar to what you would expect in a person with food poisoning. Dogs with mild signs may develop diarrhea and/or a mild decrease in appetite. In more severe cases, you may notice vomiting, severe diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal pain, lethargy, and fever. 

To recap, signs of food poisoning in dogs may include: 

The signs of foodborne illness are indistinguishable from signs caused by a variety of other illnesses. Therefore, a veterinary visit will be needed to determine whether your dog’s gastrointestinal issues are caused by food poisoning. If your dog is experiencing severe signs of illness, such as repeated vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, you may need to visit an after-hours veterinary emergency hospital.

Diagnosing Food Poisoning in Dogs

Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical exam, paying special attention to your dog’s hydration status. The veterinarian will also gently press and feel (palpate) your dog’s abdomen to look for abdominal pain and other abnormalities. 

Next, your veterinarian will likely recommend diagnostic testing to determine the cause of your dog’s illness. In most cases, they will begin by checking your dog for intestinal parasites. A small sample of your dog’s stool will be processed and examined under a microscope in order to check for protozoan parasites and eggs that may indicate intestinal worms. Your veterinarian may recommend other tests to look for infectious agents in your dog’s stool. 

Additional testing may also be necessary, depending on the severity of your dog’s illness. Blood tests (including a complete blood cell count and serum biochemistry profile) can aid in evaluating your dog’s overall health status and degree of dehydration, while X-rays of your dog’s abdomen can help rule out an intestinal obstruction. 

How to Treat Dog Food Poisoning

Your dog’s treatment will depend on the severity of their symptoms. 

A mild case of food poisoning can often be treated on an outpatient basis. Your veterinarian may prescribe an antidiarrheal medication and a bland diet, instructing you to monitor your dog closely at home. If a bacterial infection is suspected, your veterinarian may also prescribe an antibiotic. 

In some cases, however, more aggressive treatment is needed. If your dog is vomiting and dehydrated, your veterinarian may recommend hospitalization. While hospitalized, your dog will likely receive intravenous (IV) fluids, injectable anti-nausea medication, and injectable antibiotics. 

Medications for Food Poisoning in Dogs

Common medications used to treat foodborne illness in dogs include: 

  • Anti-nausea medications, such as maropitant, metoclopramide, or chlorpromazine
  • Anti-diarrheal medications, such as loperamide
  • Antibiotics, such as metronidazole, enrofloxacin, or amoxicillin
  • Antiprotozoal medications, such as sulfadimethoxine or ponazuril
  • Probiotics to restore healthy gut bacteria
medication for dogs

Your veterinarian will select the best medication(s) for your dog, based on the severity and suspected cause of your dog’s illness. They will also consider your dog’s medical history, including underlying conditions and other medications your dog is receiving. 

General Cost of Treatment

The cost of treatment will vary, depending on the severity of your dog’s clinical signs. A mild case of food-related diarrhea may cost $100 to treat on an outpatient basis, while hospitalization for severe illness could cost $1,000 to $2,000. 

Dog Food Poisoning Prevention

The best way to prevent food poisoning is to avoid raw foods. Raw foods are often contaminated with bacteria, which can lead to foodborne illness. In some cases, dogs can even pass these infections to their owners, posing a threat to human health. 

When your dog goes outdoors, keep them confined to a fenced yard or walk them on a leash. Free-roaming dogs are more likely to come in contact with trash or dead animals, increasing the risk of foodborne illness. In fact, a 2017 study found that dogs living in rural areas are more likely to have Salmonella than dogs living in urban or suburban areas [2].

Also, make sure to practice good hygiene, washing and sanitizing pet food bowls, cups, and storage bins.

Finally, pay attention to dog food recalls. Reputable manufacturers do their best to avoid bacterial contamination, but just like in human foods, contamination can occur. Be sure to always wash and sanitize your hands after you handle both recalled food and/or utensils that come into contact with recalled food. And be sure to sign up for a GreatPetCare account to get all the latest pet food recall alerts. 

Related Conditions


  1. Weese, J Scott et al. “Bacteriological evaluation of commercial canine and feline raw diets.” The Canadian Veterinary Journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne vol. 46,6 (2005): 513-6
  2. Reimschuessel, Renate et al. “Multilaboratory Survey To Evaluate Salmonella Prevalence in Diarrheic and Nondiarrheic Dogs and Cats in the United States between 2012 and 2014.” Journal of Clinical Microbiology vol. 55,5 (2017): 1350-1368. doi:10.1128/JCM.02137-16

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My Cat Can’t Pee: 7 Causes and Treatments https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/my-cat-cant-pee/ Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:41:57 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=137600 Cleaning a dirty litter box is never the most pleasant chore we pet parents perform in a day, but seeing an empty, unused litter box can be even more disturbing. If your cat is not urinating for a prolonged period of time, matters can quickly progress to a medical emergency requiring prompt veterinary attention.  Pet […]

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Cleaning a dirty litter box is never the most pleasant chore we pet parents perform in a day, but seeing an empty, unused litter box can be even more disturbing. If your cat is not urinating for a prolonged period of time, matters can quickly progress to a medical emergency requiring prompt veterinary attention. 

Pet parents should keep note of their cat’s urination habits and other behavioral changes that could indicate an underlying medical condition requiring management without delay.

Let’s take a closer look at how often cats typically urinate and what to do if it seems like your cat can’t pee.

How Often Do Cats Pee?

The average healthy adult cat typically urinates two to four times over a 24-hour period, primarily during the daytime. Domestic cats evolved as desert creatures, meaning they are well adept at trying to survive on little water if necessary. Therefore, urination frequency and volume may decrease when a cat is dehydrated either from medical issues, lack of access to fresh water, or high ambient temperatures. Dry heat is more dehydrating than humid weather or home environments. Additionally, a cat’s diet can affect hydration and thereby urination habits. Healthy kitties who consume a canned (or wet) food formula may urinate more frequently than those eating a dry kibble due to the additional water content of their meal.

If your cat is peeing less than usual, maintaining a clean litter box in a quiet, inviting environment can be helpful. Perhaps your cat is physically able to urinate but is holding their bladder until they can pee in a clean litter box.

If litter box hygiene is not the culprit, investigate if there are other reasons your cat is avoiding the litter box. For instance, if you have a giant litter box for a tiny kitten, they may be having a difficult time climbing into it. If your geriatric cat is experiencing mobility issues from osteoarthritis, a shallow box rather than a tall one may help them step inside it more comfortably Also consider whether there is something in the way that’s frightening your cat from journeying to the litter box. Could they be urinating outside the litter box somewhere else in the house? 

Additionally, keep tabs on your cat’s behavior. If your cat is hiding, not eating, or attempting to use the litter box but either won’t or can’t, hurry and seek your veterinarian’s advice. No urine production after 24-48 hours constitutes a medical emergency.

Cat Not Peeing: Signs and Symptoms

Pet parents can monitor their cat’s actions and attitude for warning signs that their cat may not be peeing. Signs of a cat having trouble peeing include:

  • The litter box may appear cleaner than usual since no urine is being produced, or clean litter may be moved all over the place during a cat’s attempt to scratch around and try to pee.
  • Your cat may go to the litter box more often than usual
  • Your cat may strain when squatting (posturing) to urinate
  • Your cat may vocalize or cry out in pain while attempting to urinate
  • Your cat may appear more agitated or uncomfortable
  • Hiding behavior is common in kitties when they’re not feeling well, including when they can’t pee
  • You may notice a decrease in your cat’s appetite or water intake
  • You may observe your cat licking their lower abdomen or genitals more frequently in an attempt to alleviate discomfort in the bladder and urethra
  • In severe circumstances, your cat may collapse if no urine has been produced for over 24-48 hours.

Aside from regularly checking the litter box for urine production, tricks to help pet parents monitor whether their cat is producing urine include the following:

  • Smart litter boxes (such as the Litter-Robot) may offer tools to track the number of times your cat enters and exits the litter box. Some systems scan your cat’s microchip number to help you determine which cat may be having urinary problems if you have a multi-cat household.
  • Setting up a pet camera can also be helpful so you can track whether your cat is using the litter box and how often they are journeying to the box.
  • If you suspect your cat may be urinating outside the litter box, a black light can assist pet parents in searching for urine marks around the home.

Why Can’t My Cat Pee?

Sphynx cat straining to pee

The underlying cause of your cat’s difficulty urinating can vary. Some may result in a cat dribbling or trickling urine rather than producing a normal stream while others can prevent your cat from being unable to urinate at all. Many of these causes fall under the umbrella of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), a menagerie of ailments plaguing the bladder and urethra (tube that empties the bladder during urination).

If left unmanaged, FLUTD can rapidly progress to a urethral obstruction (blockage of the urethra in which urine cannot pass out of the body), which constitutes a medical emergency that can quickly lead to various organ shutdown and death if prompt vet care is not provided. Male cats are at increased risk of urethral obstruction (or becoming “blocked”) due to their long and narrow urethra.

Here are some potential causes for a cat not peeing:

Idiopathic Cystitis

Idiopathic cystitis is the most common cause of FLUTD. It occurs due to an unknown trigger causing inflammation of the bladder, which can manifest as all the signs described above in the previous section. Stress is the most common culprit. Urinary crystals can also be a factor; crystals are grit from excess mineral content from the diet that can accumulate in the urine and irritate the bladder lining, leading to inflammation and urinary discomfort.

Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection can cause the following clinical signs: periuria (peeing outside the litterbox) pollakiuria (increased more frequently in smaller amounts), stranguria (pain while urinating), hematuria (blood in the urine), and malodor. UTIs in cats generally arise secondarily to some other disorder.

Urinary Stones

Urolithiasis (urinary stones) can develop in the lower urinary tract, irritating the lining of the bladder, causing secondary bacterial infections (or UTIs), and lodging in the urethra (thus causing an obstruction). Mucus plugs can also cause urethral obstructions and are more common in male cats.


Bladder masses, tumors, and polyps, while relatively uncommon in cats, are more likely to occur in older cats and can lead to trouble urinating.


Trauma to the lower urinary tract due to injury can disrupt the flow of urine.

No Urine Production

Rather than a problem with the bladder or urethra affecting the ability to urinate, your cat’s body may not be producing any urine for the bladder to hold at all. Anuria (the absence of urine production) or oliguria (infrequent urination) can arise from severe dehydration or end-stage renal failure. In these scenarios, the body can urinate, but there is no urine made by the kidneys to void.

Neurologic Conditions

Neurologic conditions, such as those affecting the spinal cord (and thus the nerves branching off it that supply the bladder), can also make voluntary urination difficult. For instance, cats with paralysis due to spinal cord injury may dribble or leak urine but be unable to urinate a normal amount on their own, thus requiring manual bladder expression taught by your vet to help empty the bladder.

What to Do if Your Cat Isn’t Peeing

If your cat is either struggling to pee or not peeing at all (particularly if your cat is male), this behavior indicates a medical emergency, so vet care should be sought ASAP. An overly full bladder is not only intensely painful, but it can cause damage to the rest of the body. If urine is trapped with nowhere to go, fluid and toxins can back up from the bladder into the kidneys, causing kidney damage. Infections can arise. Furthermore, electrolyte abnormalities from excess retained potassium can cause heart failure.

Therefore, call your closest vet clinic or emergency hospital to let them know what’s going on so they can advise you on your cat’s specific case. The vet team can offer support to manage your expectations in an emergency setting (time-wise and financial). In the meantime, try to keep your kitty as calm and comfortable as possible until you’re ready to head out the door.

Once you’re at the vet clinic or hospital, be prepared to answer some questions about your cat’s history, such as:

  • When was the last time you noticed your cat urinating normally?
  • Has this problem happened before?
  • Could they be urinating somewhere in the house outside the litter box?
  • Have you noticed any other abnormal behavior? Straining or crying when urinating? Hiding? Any blood observed in the urine?
  • Is your cat eating? What diet?
  • Any vomiting?
  • Has there been an increase or decrease in your cat’s water consumption as well as urination frequency and volume leading up to this event?
  • Have there been any changes to the litter box or litter type? How often do you clean your cat’s litter box and change the litter?
  • How many litter boxes do you have in your home? How many other cats do you have?
  • Have there been any recent events in your home that could have been stressful to your kitty? Construction or home renovation? Recent visitors? A new baby? A new pet?
  • Any other pertinent medical history?

Treating a Cat Who Can’t Pee

The first thing your vet will do when your cat presents for having trouble peeing will be a thorough physical exam. Your cat’s vital signs will be measured, including your cat’s heart rate. A slow heart rate (bradycardia) and irregular heart rate (arrhythmia) in a cat who is not urinating can indicate a severe electrolyte abnormality in which the potassium level in the bloodstream is too high (hyperkalemia), because excess cannot be excreted from the body in urine. If extreme, these cardiac abnormalities warrant a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment. Additionally, your vet will feel (or palpate) your cat’s abdomen to confirm an enlarged bladder and whether your cat has a urinary obstruction. Additional physical exam findings, such as enlarged kidneys, will also be assessed.

Common diagnostics for a cat who can’t pee include urine testing (urinalysis). If your cat is not fully obstructed, your vet may manually express your cat’s bladder or be able to obtain a urine sample from a litter box filled with special non-absorbent cat litter. If your cat has a urinary obstruction (or is “blocked”), urine may be collected either via a urinary catheter or a sterile needle placed directly through the skin into the bladder (i.e. cystocentesis). Urine will be analyzed, especially checking for urine concentration, bacteria, crystals, blood, protein, and white blood cells.

Your vet may also recommend blood work, particularly to assess your cat’s kidney values to ensure no damage has occurred. Imaging, such as abdominal radiographs (X-rays) and/or abdominal ultrasound (sonogram) may also be recommended, particularly to rule out urinary stones as a cause for the issue.

Once your cat has been assessed, treatment can be initiated. The treatment plan depends on your cat’s specific underlying cause of urinary trouble and may include:

  • Antibiotics for a simple UTI
  • Surgical removal of urinary stones
  • Prescription urinary diet to help dissolve urinary stones or reduce crystal formation
  • Urinary catheter/urethral flush to unblock obstruction
  • Medications to help relax the bladder and keep the urethra from spasming and re-obstructing
  • Long-term anxiety medications (such as fluoxetine or amitriptyline)
  • Surgery (perineal urethrostomy) to help reduce the risk of future blockages (for some male cats)
  • Hospitalization with IV fluids, additional medications, and intense monitoring for cats with severe electrolyte derangements, cardiac abnormalities, or renal failure
  • Surgical repair for traumatic injury to the lower urinary tract
  • Management of neurological abnormalities along with regular manual bladder expression

Prognosis varies depending on your cat’s underlying cause, severity, and presence of other medical issues.

How to Lower Your Cat’s Risk of Urinary Disease

Pet parents can help minimize their cat’s risk of urinary disease with the following guidelines:

Weight management: Obesity has been linked to an increased risk of FLUTD, so maintaining a lean body weight is key to help support bladder health.

Stress management and environmental enrichment: Keeping cats as calm and happy as possible by reducing environmental stressors and providing mental stimulation and fun play can help reduce bladder inflammation. Keeping the peace by reducing aggressive standoffs between cats in your home is an important component. Products like Feliway pheromone spray or diffuser can be helpful to some kitties.

Feliway spray

Litter box care: Proper litter box hygiene and having enough litter boxes for cats in a multi-cat household is vital. Kitties are fastidious hygiene freaks; pet parents can help by ensuring their cat’s litter box is clean and by adhering to the 1+1 litter box rule (1 litter box in the house for each cat, plus 1 additional).

Hydration: A hydrated urinary system is a happy one. Switching from dry to canned food can be helpful, as can purchasing a water fountain for drinking. If your cat doesn’t drink much on their own, ask your vet if Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Hydra Care Supplement is right for them. Your kitty’s bladder will thank you.

The post My Cat Can’t Pee: 7 Causes and Treatments appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Epilepsy in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/epilepsy-in-dogs/ Tue, 12 Dec 2023 18:03:52 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=136419 Seizures are really scary to witness. The first time your dog has a seizure, every second feels like minutes as you panic and feel helpless. Fortunately most first-time seizures only last a few seconds and your dog makes a full recovery in a few minutes. However, epilepsy in dogs is a condition of recurrent seizures. […]

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Seizures are really scary to witness. The first time your dog has a seizure, every second feels like minutes as you panic and feel helpless. Fortunately most first-time seizures only last a few seconds and your dog makes a full recovery in a few minutes. However, epilepsy in dogs is a condition of recurrent seizures.

Luckily, most causes of dog epilepsy can be managed – even if they can’t be cured. The good news is that most dogs who have epilepsy live a normal, happy life.

What is Epilepsy in Dogs?

Epilepsy is the name of a syndrome of recurrent seizures. Seizures are abnormal electrical signals in the brain that typically cause uncontrolled muscle movements and loss of consciousness. They may also cause stiffness and abnormal behaviors.

Seizure disorders in dogs are common enough that your veterinarian likely cares for dogs with epilepsy. However, most pet parents will never have a pet with epilepsy. 

Causes of Epilepsy in Dogs

There are many causes of seizures and epilepsy in dogs. One of the biggest distinctions between causes is whether the seizure is the result of something inside the skull (intracranial) or something outside the skull (extracranial). 

Extracranial causes of seizures include low blood sugar, liver failure, toxins (chocolate, medications, etc), high fever, heat stroke, changes in electrolyte concentration in blood, low platelets, distemper virus, and others. 

Intracranial seizures can be the result of high intracranial pressure, masses or cancer, trauma, infection, congenital defects, and idiopathic epilepsy. 

Idiopathic epilepsy means there is no identifiable cause for the seizures. This is also known as primary epilepsy or primary seizures. While there is a genetic component to some cases of primary epilepsy it is not as simple as one or two genetic mutations causing seizures. Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are two breeds with a genetic risk for primary epilepsy. Breeds including Cocker Spaniels, Collies, Basset Hounds, and Schnauzers also have increased risk.

Types of Dog Epilepsy

Epilepsy in dogs can be characterized by the different types of seizures your dog has – and not all of them are the same.

When people hear the word seizure they often think of full body spasms where the arms and legs flail in wild, uncoordinated movements. These are called grand mal seizures

However there are other types of seizures that affect dogs as well. Partial seizures or focal seizures may only affect a limb or one side of the face. Other seizures are just a brief pause in activity during which the dog may be unresponsive.

Brief changes in behavior can also be the only external sign of a seizure known as psychomotor seizures. For example a very friendly dog who suddenly bites her owner could be having a seizure.

Symptoms of Epilepsy in Dogs

Dog looking concerned

Dogs with epilepsy may have seizure symptoms that include full body convulsions and loss of consciousness. But the symptoms of other types of seizures may be less obvious. 

Here are some other signs and symptoms to watch for if you suspect your dog has epilepsy:

Symptoms of partial seizures include abnormal movements of just one part of the body such as the face or one limb.

Signs of absence seizures include a temporary lapse of consciousness without physical movements. 

Symptoms of psychomotor seizures in dogs include changes in behavior that may manifest as repetitive movements, a moment of aggression, or another behavior that is abnormal for your dog.  

After a dog has a seizure there is typically a period of time where they still behave abnormally. This is known as a postictal phase. It could be that your dog is tired, panting, pacing, or otherwise not themselves. This is a normal part of a seizure and typically resolves in 5-30 minutes. 

Some dogs may be aware that a seizure is about to happen, called an aura. They may get anxious, become clingy, or hide if they know a seizure is about to happen. Auras are common in humans with epilepsy, but since dogs can’t tell us what is wrong it is unknown how common auras are in dogs.

Diagnosing Epilepsy in Dogs

While it may seem that the diagnosis of epilepsy is straightforward, it isn’t always that easy. Not all seizures are the grand mal type that is readily identifiable. 

Partial or absence seizures can be mistaken for fainting. Seizures can be easily confused with other types of collapse events such as fainting due to impaired cardiovascular function (syncope). Similarly, some toxins such as organophosphates, a type of pesticide, can cause trembling of the whole body. Tremors can look remarkably like a seizure and may only be differentiated based on response to medications dosed by a veterinarian. 

This is why it is very helpful to your veterinarian that you track seizure type, location, frequency, situation, and length. If you are able to do so safely, record a video of the event on your phone so that you can show it to your veterinarian. Make note of anything that may have preceded the seizure such as the delivery person dropping off a package or your dog eating dinner. 

Once it has been established that the event was a seizure, your veterinarian will want to check for extracranial causes by performing a comprehensive physical exam and blood work. Diagnosing epilepsy based on intracranial causes of seizures may require advanced diagnostic testing including sampling cerebrospinal fluid (spinal tap) and an MRI. Generally these tests are performed by a neurologist.

How to Treat Epilepsy in Dogs

Vet examining dog at office

Epilepsy in dogs is treated with oral medication at home. These medications are typically given 2-3 times per day. It is very important to give each dose on time. Forgetting doses or giving them inconsistently can actually make epilepsy worse. 

There are three main medications that veterinarians use to manage epilepsy in dogs: levetiracetam, phenobarbital, and zonisamide. 

The seizure medication that your veterinarian chooses for your dog will depend on several factors including your dog’s size, age, and other health conditions. Sometimes your dog will need to take more than one medication to manage their epilepsy. 

Your veterinarian may also prescribe a medication to stop a seizure if it happens. These are strong medications called benzodiazepines. Your veterinarian will likely only prescribe one to two doses since they are for emergency use only. 

Treatment of epilepsy in dogs is relatively inexpensive. The medication may cost anywhere from $20 – $100 per month depending on your dog’s size and how many medications they are on. If your dog is on phenobarbital, blood levels and liver values should be checked periodically (every 3-6 months) and these tests may cost $100 – $300 each time. 

There are no proven home remedies to reduce the likelihood of seizures. However, Purina makes a prescription dog food called NeuroCare that may be helpful in reducing seizure risk in dogs with epilepsy. 

Purina NC Neurocare

  • Formulated with medium chain triglyceride oil to support cognitive health
  • Includes EPA+DHA and omega-3 fatty acids to help support brain health
  • Contains antioxidant vitamins E & C to support a healthy immune system

Additionally there is some evidence that raw, unprocessed coconut oil which is high in medium chain triglycerides may also have neuroprotective effects. Talk to your veterinarian before adding or changing anything about your dog’s treatment plan. 

When is an Epileptic Seizure an Emergency?  

A seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes is an emergency known as status epilepticus. If your dog’s seizure reaches the 2 minute mark, you should get prepared to take your dog to the closest emergency veterinary clinic. 

Similarly, if your dog has more than 2 seizures in a 24 hour period, that is an emergency because the likelihood of another seizure happening soon is very high. These are known as cluster seizures

A single seizure lasting less than 2 minutes is not an emergency. If it happens during normal business hours, call your veterinarian and ask if your pet can be seen the same day or next. If it happens in the middle of the night or on the weekend, schedule a visit with your veterinarian for the next day they are open. 

If you are unsure what to do, call your local emergency veterinary clinic. They will advise you about whether your dog needs to be seen as an emergency based on the information you provide. 

How to Prevent or Manage Epilepsy in Dogs

If your dog does not already have epilepsy, there is nothing you can do to prevent epilepsy from developing apart from routine care to keep your dog healthy. 

If your dog has epilepsy, then it may be possible to reduce the frequency of your dog’s seizures. Make notes about each time a seizure happens – where, when, what else was going on. You can then use this information by trying to prevent those situations from happening again. 

For example, if your dog has a seizure when they get very excited because you are having a house party, then ask a friend or neighbor to watch your dog if you are having people over. 

Apart from these types of situationally-induced seizures, there is nothing you can do to prevent seizures from happening. The best thing you can do is give your dog their seizure medication as prescribed and follow up with your veterinarian if you have concerns.

FAQs About Epilepsy in Dogs

Can dogs be cured of epilepsy?

No, dogs cannot be cured of epilepsy. However, most forms of epilepsy in dogs can be managed with medications and lifestyle changes. Your veterinarian can recommend the best seizure medication for your dog based on size, age, and other health conditions.

How long can dogs live with epilepsy?

Dogs with epilepsy can live relatively normal lives with average lifespans if their seizures are well controlled with medication. If seizures are not well controlled or dogs experience regular episodes of cluster seizures, they may have shorter lifespans due to quality of life issues.

Does anything trigger seizures in dogs?

There are a variety of things that may trigger seizures in epileptic dogs. In one study, pet owners were able to link seizures in their dogs to triggers related to stress, excitement, and food. These included things like fireworks, loud noises, cleaning products and air fresheners, and lack of sleep. Keeping track of when your dog’s seizures are happening and identifying possible triggers can help you avoid those triggers in the future.

What dogs are most prone to epilepsy?

Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers are two dog breeds with a genetic risk for idiopathic or primary epilepsy. Other breeds prone to epilepsy include Cocker Spaniels, Collies, Basset Hounds, and Schnauzers.

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Do Dogs Smile? Decoding Your Canine’s Grin https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/do-dogs-smile/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:52:35 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=136083 Your dog’s mouth is wide open. The corners of their lips are curved upward as their tongue hangs out. Their tail is wagging. Is this your dog’s way of smiling?  Some experts think it is. But do dogs smile in the same way as humans? Well…not exactly. Experts say there are critical differences between dog […]

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Your dog’s mouth is wide open. The corners of their lips are curved upward as their tongue hangs out. Their tail is wagging. Is this your dog’s way of smiling? 

Some experts think it is.

But do dogs smile in the same way as humans? Well…not exactly. Experts say there are critical differences between dog smiles and human smiles. However, dogs do display distinct expressions when they’re feeling happy, playful, submissive, or aggressive — and each of these expressions could be interpreted as “smiling.”

Let’s explore these different types of doggy grins.

Do Dogs Smile?

Search for “smiling dogs” on the internet, and you’ll find thousands of images. Dogs giving wide-mouthed grins. Dogs with goofy, toothy smiles. Dogs curling their lips up and baring their teeth.

While there are differences in opinion about dog smiles, most experts agree that dogs can smile — or at least display facial expressions that look like smiling. Dogs might smile when they’re feeling happy, playful, docile, or scared, experts say.

“Dogs do have facial expressions to indicate joy or happiness that resemble the smile that people display,” says Dr. Audrey Weaver, a partner Doctor at Heart + Paw in Glen Mills, Pennsylvania. “Whether they refer to it as a ‘smile’ or not in the dog world remains unknown.”

However, dog smiles should be differentiated from human smiles, says Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, the director of primary care at Bond Vet in New York City. “Dogs do not have the same facial muscles as humans, so their smiles may look different. Additionally, dogs may use their smiles to communicate different emotions than humans do.”

Dr. Cátia Correia Caeiro, a senior researcher at Leipzig University in Germany who studies cognitive capacities of different species, says she believes the equivalent of a human smile doesn’t really translate into dogs.

“When we think of smiling in humans, it’s when the lip corners are retracted, the lips are apart, and we may see the teeth,” says Dr. Caeiro. “If we apply this to dogs, that is not a smile. Dogs only show this facial expression in aggressive or fearful situations.”

Okay, so dog smiles are a little different than human smiles. So, what exactly is a dog smile then? And what does a grinning dog look like?

What Does a Dog Smile Look Like?

Before we explore what a dog smile looks like, let’s discuss the different types of dog smiles experts have identified.

Nicholas Dodman, a professor emeritus at Tufts University and the chief scientific officer at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies, says there are at least three facial expressions that could be interpreted as a smile on dogs: 

  • A submissive grin
  • An aggressive expression
  • A play face

Let’s dive a little deeper into each of these.

Submissive Grin

When dogs display submissive grins, Dodman says their eyes are bright, and their lips are retracted. ​​”It looks just like a human smiling,” he explains. “The sides of the lips — the commissures, which is where the top lip meets the bottom lip — are pulled back, exposing the teeth.”

Aggressive Expression

However, when dogs raise their lips vertically, their expression changes to aggression, says Dodman. “If a dog lifts his lips to expose his teeth, but the lips are being elevated in a sort of north-south direction, maybe with noise or without noise, that is a threat,” he warns. “That means watch out.”

Play Face

Then there is the play face, which Dodman describes as a “curling over of the lips” accompanied by a puffy face and other signs of a happy dog. 

Additionally, Dr. Fadl says dogs can display a relaxed expression that could be interpreted as a smile. These smiles are defined by “a relaxed and open mouth, with the tongue often hanging out to the side,” she says.

Why Do Dogs Smile?

So, we’ve gone over the way a dog’s smile can look. But what does it mean when a dog smiles? That depends on the type of smile, experts say.


Dodman says a dog’s submissive grin signals deference and appeasement. “They’re saying, ‘Don’t worry about me; I’m not a threat.”

Dr. Caeiro notes dogs may display submissive smiles when they think their pet parent is about to scold them. “This particular facial expression in dogs has been talked about quite a lot in the general public and the scientific community due to the viral videos of the ‘guilty dog,’” she says. “In these videos, owners mistakenly think their dogs are feeling guilty because they know they have been ‘naughty,’ and so should be scolded.” 

She adds that research has found that dogs smile submissively “because they are scared and are reacting to potentially aggressive cues in the owner while trying to appease the owner.” [1]


Again, when dogs curl up their lips in a north-south direction and expose their teeth, it’s a sign of aggression, says Dodman. This type of body language can be a sign that a dog might lunge, snap, or bite.

Dr. Caeiro mentions it can be particularly challenging for children to read the signs that a dog is about to become aggressive, so adults must carefully monitor dogs for such signs. ​​“Children might think dogs are smiling as humans smile,” she says. “This is a problem because many of the bites happen because children are not so good at reading a dog’s subtle signs.”


When dogs display a play face, Dr. Caeiro says it can signal to other dogs and humans that they — you guessed it — want to play. But dogs might also show the same expression when meeting humans or greeting their owners after a long absence — a finding documented in Dr. Caerio’s own research. [2] “A smile in a dog would be this kind of face,” she explains, “but it’s not really appropriate to call it a smile because, in humans, it’s not really the same facial expression.”

Do Dogs Understand Smiles?

Research suggests that dogs can understand the smiles and emotions of their pet parents by analyzing their facial expressions. For instance, one study found that dogs have the ability to discriminate between different emotional expressions in humans. [3]

“They are sensitive at recognizing our facial expressions, but they are also very attentive to our body gestures and postures,” says Dr. Caeiro. “They do look at the face, but they spend more time examining what we are doing with our bodies and hands, and this makes sense because dogs communicate a lot with their bodies to each other, more perhaps than the face. They also can recognize emotion in our voices.”

Dr. Weaver believes that dogs may even be purposefully smiling in response to humans smiling, mimicking our facial expressions. “Dogs are very observant and notice that smiles are often used when humans communicate joy to each other,” she says. “I believe when dogs smile, in many cases, it is to express their joy using human ‘language.’”

Smiling Dog: Tips and Advice

Be aware of body language

The biggest tip our experts have for pet parents is to always be aware of your dog’s body language.

When you see your dog smiling, look at the other body language signs to interpret their emotions. Is your dog smiling while happy? Or are they baring their teeth because they feel scared or anxious

According to Dr. Fadl, a happy dog may have a “wagging tail, relaxed ears, and a soft gaze” and may vocalize in a cheerful tone and engage in playful behaviors. On the other hand, an anxious or fearful dog may display “raised hackles, a stiff body, or avoidance behaviors.” Keep in mind that anxious or fearful dogs may also wag their tails, although they are more likely to demonstrate a stiff, tense tail wag instead of a happy, relaxed wagging tail. 

It’s important to remember that dogs are individuals and “may display different behaviors and body language signs based on their personality, history, and environment,” Dr. Fadl says. 

Checking in with an expert, she adds, can also help. “It is always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or qualified animal behaviorist if you have concerns about your dog’s behavior or well-being.”

Recognize anxiety and stress

If your dog is anxious or scared, Dr. Weaver says it’s crucial to remove them from the stressful situation. “If possible, take them on a calm walk to help reduce their stress level, allow them to lay down away from the stressful environment, offer treats while away from the stressful environment,” she recommends. “Do not force a greeting with a pet that is exhibiting signs of anxiety, as it can lead to aggression.”

While every dog smile is different, we can be sure of one thing: there is meaning behind each of our dog’s expressions. It’s up to us to figure out what that meaning is. 


  1. Horowitz, A. “Disambiguating the ‘guilty look’: Salient prompts to a familiar dog behaviour.” Behavioural Processes, Volume 81, Issue 3 (2009) Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beproc.2009.03.014 
  2. Caeiro, C., Guo, K. & Mills, D. “Dogs and humans respond to emotionally competent stimuli by producing different facial actions.” Sci Rep 7, 15525 (2017) Retrieved from: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-15091-4
  3. Mueller, C., Schmitt, K., Barber, A. & Huber, L. “Dogs Can Discriminate Emotional Expressions of Human Faces.” Current Biology (2015, February) Retrieved from: https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(14)01693-5?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0960982214016935%3Fshowall%3Dtrue

The post Do Dogs Smile? Decoding Your Canine’s Grin appeared first on Great Pet Care.

When Do Kittens Start Walking? https://www.greatpetcare.com/new-cat/when-do-kittens-start-walking/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:51:56 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=136137 A kitten’s development is filled with wonder and excitement as they transform from tiny, fragile newborns into energetic, playful furballs. Among the many milestones that kittens achieve, one of the most captivating and impactful is when they take their first steps. So, when do kittens start walking? And what should one do if a kitten […]

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A kitten’s development is filled with wonder and excitement as they transform from tiny, fragile newborns into energetic, playful furballs. Among the many milestones that kittens achieve, one of the most captivating and impactful is when they take their first steps.

So, when do kittens start walking? And what should one do if a kitten doesn’t begin to walk within the anticipated time frame? We talked to veterinarians to get the scoop.  

Kitten Development: A Basic Timeline

To better understand when and how kittens start walking, it’s important to understand their overall growth and maturation. Below are essential milestones newborn kittens usually achieve in the first couple weeks of life, all of which pave the way for their first steps.

Birth to 1 Week Old 

Kittens are born with their eyes closed, ears folded, and umbilical cord attached. At this point, they cannot hear or see. They are entirely dependent on their mother for warmth, nourishment and direction. 

Around 4 to 5 days of age, kittens will naturally lose their umbilical cords, and around seven days, their ear canals will slowly begin to open. 

1 to 2 Weeks Old 

Around 7 to 10 days of age, kittens’ eyes will gradually begin to open, but their vision will be blurry at first. During this time, kittens might show some small movements, but they’re generally limited to wiggling around. 

By 2 weeks of age, a kitten’s eyes and ear canals will be fully open. Their ears will appear small and rounded, like a bear cub. 

At this stage, kittens start becoming more active and curious about their surroundings. They begin to crawl and scoot around on their bellies using their front legs, dragging their hind legs behind them. 

When Do Kittens Start to Walk?

Now that we’ve covered a kitten’s first few weeks, let’s get down to the question at hand: when do kittens start walking?

As a kitten’s coordination and strength improve, they’ll gradually begin to stand up on their legs. According to Dr. Alejandro Caos, a veterinarian with The Vets, kittens typically start attempting to walk between 2 to 3 weeks of age. 

The transition from crawling to walking is a bit wobbly, as kittens are still developing their motor skills. They might stumble, fall, and struggle to maintain balance. This is normal and not a cause for concern. “As kittens continue to develop, they will become more confident and steady on their feet,” says Dr. Caos. 

By around 4 to 5 weeks old, most kittens will be able to walk and run with more stability, and by 8 to 10 weeks old, they are typically fully capable of walking, running, and jumping with confidence and agility, says Dr. Caos. 

Kittens don’t usually need help from their mothers or caregivers when learning to walk, however, the mother cats do provide guidance and encouragement by acting as an example and nudging them toward food or the litter box. 

Kitten Walking Delays: When to Talk to a Vet

As with any living being, kittens may develop at different rates. Some may take a little longer to start walking or be wobbly for a bit longer. If your kitten’s overall health and growth seem normal, and they’re meeting other developmental milestones, a brief delay in walking might not be a cause for concern.

However, more drastic delays in walking or troubles with walking may indicate an underlying issue with the kitten’s muscles, joints, or nervous system. According to Dr. Alex Schechter, DVM and founder of Burwood Veterinary, common causes of walking delays or issues include injuries, infections, neurological disorders, and developmental abnormalities. 

Dr. Schechter says you should contact a veterinarian if the kitten is:

  • Significantly behind in walking milestones (i.e., not attempting to walk by 4 weeks old or still stumbling excessively at 6 to 8 weeks old) 
  • Showing signs of pain, weakness, or unusual gait while walking
  • Experiencing walking difficulties that persist or worsen

A veterinarian can perform a thorough exam and diagnostic testing to determine the cause of your kitten’s walking troubles. If necessary, they can also make treatment recommendations to address your kitten’s difficulties.

How Can Pet Parents Support a Kitten’s Walking Development? 

As kittens learn to walk, it’s important for caregivers and pet parents to create an environment that encourages and supports their development, without interfering with their natural progress. Here are some ways to help your kitten(s) foster their walking ability.

Ensure the kitten has enough space

Limited space or an overly crowded living area may hinder a kitten’s ability to explore and practice walking. Ensuring that kittens have a safe, clean, and spacious environment free from potential hazards can encourage proper growth and development.

Introduce age-appropriate toys

Toys that encourage movement and play can help kittens develop their motor skills and coordination. Good options are feather wands or a small ball toy. 

Practice walking on different surfaces

Expose kittens to various textures and surfaces, such as carpet, tile, or wood. This can help improve their coordination and adaptability.

Engage in social play

If possible, allow kittens to play with each other, as this can help them develop their motor skills and learn essential social behaviors.

Monitor interactions with other pets

If you have other pets at home, supervise their interactions to ensure the kitten doesn’t get overwhelmed or injured.

Feed a kitten-appropriate diet

Proper nutrition is essential for a kitten’s growth and development. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to weakened muscles, making it difficult for kittens to walk. Work with your veterinarian  to ensure that your kitten is receiving a high-quality, balanced, and age-appropriate diet to promote healthy growth and development.

Nurturing Your Kitten’s Growth and Development

Understanding the timeline of kitten development and knowing when to expect them to start walking is essential for caregivers. Always monitor a kitten’s overall health and development, and if you have any concerns or notice any unusual symptoms, consult your veterinarian for professional guidance.

By being patient and attentive, and providing the appropriate care, you can help a new kitten flourish as they embark on their journey to becoming a confident and healthy adult cat.

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How Do Dogs Show Affection? 9 Surefire Signs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/how-do-dogs-show-affection/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:50:14 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=136211 Ask any pet parent if they love their dog, and their answer will likely be “yes.” After all, who couldn’t love a cuddly, playful, loyal companion? Research has even shown that people are more empathetic to dogs than other humans, reinforcing the notion that people absolutely love their dogs. [1] But do dogs love us […]

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Ask any pet parent if they love their dog, and their answer will likely be “yes.” After all, who couldn’t love a cuddly, playful, loyal companion? Research has even shown that people are more empathetic to dogs than other humans, reinforcing the notion that people absolutely love their dogs. [1]

But do dogs love us back? And if so, how do dogs show affection? Many experts think that dogs do love their human companions, and that they will display various behaviors and body language signs when feeling affectionate toward you. 

Read on for a more in-depth look at if dogs can feel love, as well as how they show it. 

Do Dogs Feel Love?

Before we delve into some of the ways dogs show affection, let’s examine this crucial question: do dogs love their owners? 

“There is consensus that dogs and many other animals feel basic emotions like fear, sadness, and joy,” says Dr. Luciana Assis, an animal behavior expert at the University of Lincoln in the U.K. “But complex emotions like love are still being questioned. There are some who believe [that dogs feel love] and some that don’t believe.”

What science does clearly show is that dogs form strong bonds with their human companions, comparable to the bonds mothers form with their babies. [2] Research has also illustrated that dogs experience a surge in oxytocin — often called the love hormone — when socializing with their favorite humans. [3] Humans, too, will get a rise in oxytocin during these interactions, creating a kind of positive loop of affection between humans and dogs. [4]

“If this is not love, then what is love?” asks Dr. Assis.

Dr. Nicole Savageau, a veterinarian with The Vets, a mobile veterinary service in Austin, Texas, says she believes dogs are capable of experiencing many emotions, including love, but that the “depth and expression of emotions can vary between individual dogs.”

“Some [dogs] may be more demonstrative of their love and attachment than others,” says Dr. Savageau. “Additionally, the quality of the bond between a dog and its owner is influenced by the care, attention, and positive interactions they receive throughout their lives.”

How Do Dogs Show Affection? 9 Surefire Signs

What are the signs that your dog loves you? A dog might do many different things, and some signs are more obvious than others. Here’s what you should look out for, according to Dr. Savageau.


Dogs don’t just wag their tails out of excitement — they may also be showing affection. A tail-wagging dog might jump up and down or spin in circles. Or they might display a loose and relaxed wag with a wide range of motion, according to Dr. Savageau. 

“The entire back end of the dog may wag along with the tail, indicating their excitement and joy in seeing you,” she says.

However, it’s important to note that a wagging tail doesn’t always demonstrate affection. Dogs can wag their tail in a variety of circumstances, so be sure to pay attention to the big picture when a strange dog begins wagging their tail during an interaction. A low, relaxed tail wag can have a very different meaning than a tense, alert tail wag, depending on the individual dog and the context. 

Physical closeness

A dog who loves you wants to get as close as possible to you. For instance, your dog might cuddle up to you, follow you around the house, or even lean their body against you. 

“This desire for close physical proximity is a clear sign of their affection and bonding,” says Dr. Savageau. 

Eye contact

Your dog might stare at you for many different reasons. But if you catch your dog looking at you with a “soft gaze,” this could be a sign of their affection and trust, says Dr. Savageau. She adds that dilated pupils and a relaxed expression indicate a positive emotional state. 

Research has also shown that when dogs and humans lovingly gaze at each other, both will experience a rush of oxytocin. [4]

Licking and nuzzling

Do dogs lick to show affection? Yes, they do, says Dr. Savageau. 

“If your dog licks your face, hands, or other body parts gently and in a relaxed manner, it’s a way of showing their love and care,” she says. “Nuzzling or gently nudging you can also be a sign of their affectionate behavior.”

“They may also offer ‘doggy kisses’ or groom their owners, mimicking behaviors they would typically show within their canine social group,” she adds.

Relaxed body language

Relaxed body language is another way dogs show affection, albeit a less obvious one. 

“This includes a loose body posture, relaxed facial expressions, ears held back (in breeds with floppy ears), and a gentle wag of the tail,” says Dr. Savageau. “They may also exhibit a ‘happy pant’ with a relaxed mouth.”

Exposing their bellies

When dogs roll over and show their bellies, they make themselves completely vulnerable with you. This is (you guessed it!) another sign of affection. 

“It’s a way for them to invite gentle belly rubs or show their submission and affection,” says Dr. Savageau. 

Slow blinking

It’s well known that cats will slowly blink at you to show their trust and affection — but what about dogs? Dr. Savageau says some dogs may also display slow blinks to show love, opening and closing their eyes in a relaxed manner. 

“This behavior is a sign of trust and contentment,” she explains. “By slow blinking, they are showing that they feel safe and comfortable in your presence.”

Bringing you “gifts”

If your dog presents you with a toy or another object, this might be their way of saying “I love you.”

“It’s their way of offering something they value to you and is often a behavior that stems from their desire to please and make you happy,” says Dr. Savageau.

Separation anxiety

A dog experiencing separation anxiety might whine, pace, refuse food or even try to escape when they’re not with their favorite human. While this behavior is not ideal for you or your dog, it’s another surefire sign that your dog loves you. 

“This behavior reflects their emotional connection and reliance on their owners for security and comfort,” says Dr. Savageau.

If your dog does exhibit separation anxiety, speak to a veterinarian or behavioral specialist to look for ways to solve it.

How to Show Your Dog Affection Back

We know dogs show affection to us. But then there’s the question of how to show your dog affection. 

Most pet parents do this intuitively just by spending time with their dogs. But if you want to be sure that your dog feels your love, you should try “stroking, cuddling, looking in their eyes and talking to them in a very loving way,” says Dr. Assis.

Dr. Savageau also says you can show affection toward your dog by keeping them mentally stimulated and providing a safe and comfortable environment. 

“We should try to understand our dog’s behavior and how our dog communicates to us,” adds Dr. Assis. “We should also understand that although our dogs are our ‘fur babies,’ they are another species, and we should respect that.”

“Remember that each dog is unique, so it’s essential to observe and understand your dog’s individual preferences and needs,” says Dr. Savageau. “The key is to provide consistent love, attention, and care in ways that resonate with your dog’s personality and strengthen your special bond.”


  1. Levin, J., Arluke, A., & Irvine, L. (2017). “Are People More Disturbed by Dog or Human Suffering? Influence of Victim’s Species and Age.” Society & Animals, 25(1), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1163/15685306-12341440
  2. Karl, S., Boch, M., Zamansky, A. et al. “Exploring the dog–human relationship by combining fMRI, eye-tracking and behavioural measures.” Sci Rep 10, 22273 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-79247-5
  3. Kis A, Bence M, Lakatos G, Pergel E, Turcsán B, Pluijmakers J, Vas J, Elek Z, Brúder I, Földi L, Sasvári-Székely M, Miklósi A, Rónai Z, Kubinyi E. “Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with human directed social behavior in dogs (Canis familiaris).” PLoS One. 2014 Jan 15;9(1):e83993. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083993. PMID: 24454713; PMCID: PMC3893090.
  4. Miho Nagasawa et al., “Oxytocin-gaze positive loop and the coevolution of human-dog bonds.” Science 348,333-336(2015). DOI:10.1126/science.1261022 

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10 Low Energy Dog Breeds to Relax With https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-breeds/low-energy-dog-breeds/ Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:49:43 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=135902 You’ve seen them at the dog park, on walks, and racing through the aisles at the pet store: dogs who want to be on the go all the time. Watching them is exhausting, and it probably makes you wonder if there are any dogs out there with a little less energy.  While all dogs need […]

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You’ve seen them at the dog park, on walks, and racing through the aisles at the pet store: dogs who want to be on the go all the time. Watching them is exhausting, and it probably makes you wonder if there are any dogs out there with a little less energy. 

While all dogs need exercise and enrichment to thrive, some low energy dog breeds are content with a short walk around the block, followed by a puzzle feeder (plus lots of quality snuggle time).

It’s important to consider energy levels when adopting a dog, according to Amanda Farah, National Training and Behavior Coordinator at Best Friends Animal Society.

“While energy levels vary throughout an individual dog’s life, or even among members of the same breed types, it’s a good idea to try to pick a dog who has the best chance of fitting into their new family’s lifestyle,” she explains. 

10 Dog Breeds With Low Energy

Looking to adopt a dog that’s more of a couch potato than a dock-diving, ball-catching, endurance racer? Here are 10 of the best lower energy dog breeds.

Basset Hound

With their short legs and stout bodies, it’s no surprise that Basset Hounds aren’t natural athletes. This low energy dog breed will happily amble along on a short walk or sniff around the backyard, but their preferred activities include napping in soft beds, drooling, and howling. This breed also makes a great companion for children. 


Named for the region of Bologna in Italy where the breed was developed, “Bolos” are equally gorgeous and gregarious. This dog is the epitome of a low energy breed that wants nothing more than a few short trips outside to take care of business, then a lot of time to lounge.

Their low-shedding coats also make Bolognese popular, though the coat does take regular upkeep, including professional grooming appointments, to help these fluffy white pooches maintain their good looks.


“Massive” is the best word to describe a Mastiff. Weighing in at 150 pounds, it’s one of the biggest low energy large dog breeds. Mastiffs were prized guard dogs during the Roman Empire and continue to retain their role as prized protectors with big barks.

“While Mastiffs’ exercise requirements aren’t great, their sheer space needs are,” says Farah. “No, you don’t need a huge house and yard, but your home will need wide open spaces for them to move around. Consistent socialization and training from the very start is critically important when your dog might overweigh you before their first birthday.”

When a Mastiff shakes their head, the thick folds of skin around their head and neck flap and drool flies, but it’s a small price to pay for their sweet, slobbery affection.

French Bulldog

Looking for a lower energy dog breed with European heritage? Say “bonjour” to the French Bulldog.

Frenchies are adaptable, affectionate, and even-tempered. Their thick body and short legs mean that they prefer short walks and aren’t usually great swimmers, but their social nature makes them well-suited to tagging along for brunch on a patio or a picnic in the park. 

Great Pyrenees

Although Great Pyrenees love having room to roam and have been invaluable as herding dogs and livestock guardians since 1800 B.C., they make a calm companion.

But don’t mistake this large breed’s laid-back nature for laziness. While Great Pyrenees need exercise and lots of mental stimulation, they will happily settle in for a night of British crime dramas after a good walk or romp in the park. 


Once the pampered lap dogs of Chinese nobles, Pekingese have retained their regal bearing and place as spoiled companions, but these 14-pound pooches are more than just cuddle companions.

“Pekinese are both highly intelligent and not very trainable — not as unusual a combination as you may think, and sometimes very frustrating,” says Farah. “Using exclusively positive reinforcement training methods can help overcome that independent streak and convince a Peke that we have lessons worth learning.”

Pekingese are smart and confident, and despite their small size, they make good watch dogs. These dogs won’t patrol the perimeter, though; they are much happier watching for strangers while seated comfortably on the couch.

Great Dane

When it comes to low energy large dog breeds, Great Danes are head and shoulders above other breeds. The gentle giants are known for being calm, affectionate, playful, and protective in equal measure.

Invite Great Danes on outdoor adventures and watch them charm their admirers, show off a few tricks, and then go home and chill out with a food puzzle.


It’s not just their diminutive size and long, silken coat that makes Havanese popular. Native to Cuba, they are also known for being outgoing and adaptable companions that are happiest when they are the center of attention. They also happen to be one of the low energy small dog breeds out there.

Don’t be afraid to grab the leash and take your Havanese out on the town, but remember: they might need to be carried if the route is too long. And be prepared to regularly groom their long coats so they look their best when out and about.


Their rotund bodies, round heads, wrinkled skin, and bulging eyes make Pugs among the most recognizable dog breeds. These cute, curious dogs are also among the best low energy dog breeds.

“Pugs are charming and generally very social dogs with stable temperaments,” Farah says. “They’ve remained very popular despite a myriad of health issues, and that might be because meeting a Pug is often like having an instant friend.”

It’s essential to provide Pugs with regular exercise — even short bursts of activity — to keep them from becoming overweight and suffering from health issues. Just remember that Pugs are also prone to overheating, so try to avoid hotter temperatures, if possible.

Shih Tzu

Hailed as affectionate, outgoing and adaptable, the Shih Tzu was developed in Tibet and was once a fixture in palaces throughout Asia and England. Now, these low energy dogs are equally beloved in cities and rural areas where their adorable appearances always turn heads. 

Since they were bred to provide companionship to kings and queens, Shih Tzus expect the royal treatment at home. After a short walk, invite them onto your lap and brush their silken coats while telling them how pretty they are.

Low Energy Doesn’t Mean No Exercise

According to Farah, it’s a misconception that low energy dog breeds don’t require any exercise.

“Generally when we talk about ‘low energy breeds,’ we mean dogs who, relative to other dog breeds, require less daily physical exercise,” she says. “There is no dog breed that, when young and healthy, requires no exercise at all, [and] all dogs should be provided with the opportunity to explore the environment, take sniff walks at their own pace, and engage in mentally stimulating games and activities every day.”

Some low energy dog breeds are content with a walk around the block every morning, while others prefer interactive games like fetch or low-impact activities like swimming. Then there are those that like lots of mental stimulation from puzzle toys to challenge their minds. Whatever category they fall into, let your dog take the lead when it comes to the best exercise options, and be sure to watch for signs that they’ve had enough.

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Saddle Thrombus in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/saddle-thrombus-in-cats/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 21:56:38 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=135143 Saddle thrombus is a scary medical condition that no pet parent ever wants their cat to experience. It occurs without warning and is often fatal. That’s why it’s critical to be able to recognize the signs of saddle thrombus in cats quickly. Doing so will help ensure that you can get your cat immediate veterinary […]

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Saddle thrombus is a scary medical condition that no pet parent ever wants their cat to experience. It occurs without warning and is often fatal. That’s why it’s critical to be able to recognize the signs of saddle thrombus in cats quickly. Doing so will help ensure that you can get your cat immediate veterinary care.

What is Saddle Thrombus?

Saddle thrombus is also known as fatal aortic thromboembolism. That’s quite a mouthful, so let’s define some terms first:

  • Thrombus. A thrombus is a large blood clot that forms within a blood vessel and gets stuck. 
  • Embolism. An embolism is a small clot that breaks off from the thrombus, travels through the bloodstream, then gets lodged in another blood vessel elsewhere in the body.

With saddle thrombus, the thrombus forms in the left atrium (upper left chamber of the heart). The embolism that breaks off exits the heart through the aorta and eventually gets stuck at the base of the aorta. In some cases, the entire thrombus moves through the aorta.

The base of the aorta is located near the rear limbs, where it splits into the major arteries that supply the hind limbs and tail. This area looks like an upside-down ‘V,’ hence the name “saddle.”

The saddle thrombus causes inflammation where it gets stuck, decreasing circulation to the legs and setting off a sudden cascade of symptoms.

More common in cats than dogs, saddle thrombus is most seen in male adult cats aged 8 to 12 years. [1] The cat breeds at the highest risk of saddle thrombus include Abyssinians, Birmans, and Ragdolls. [1]

Causes of Saddle Thrombus in Cats

The most common cause of saddle thrombus in cats is heart disease, namely hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). HCM is an inward enlargement of the heart muscles, which causes the heart to pump poorly and increases the risk of thrombus formation.

Nearly 90 percent of cats with saddle thrombus have heart disease. [2] However, somewhat confusingly, many cats with heart disease never develop saddle thrombus. Currently, there is no way to predict whether a cat with heart disease will develop the condition.

Less common causes of saddle thrombus cats are cancer and sepsis (bacterial infection in the blood). For some cats, the cause of saddle thrombus remains unknown.

Signs of Saddle Thrombus in Cats

Saddle thrombus occurs suddenly; a cat may be fine one second and in excruciating pain the very next second.

Because it comes on without warning, detecting early signs of saddle thrombus in cats is nearly impossible. Here are the symptoms to look for:

  • Loud vocalization
  • Rear paw pads are blue
  • Rear legs and paw pads feel cold
  • Hyperventilation (rapid breathing)
  • Paralysis and lameness in one or both rear limbs
  • Behavioral changes (aggression, anxiety, frenzy)
  • Vomiting

Saddle thrombus may be the first sign of heart disease in cats.

Diagnosing Saddle Thrombus in Cats

Saddle thrombus is a medical emergency, so a diagnosis must be made quickly and accurately to give a cat the best chance of survival.

A veterinarian will typically use the presence of telltale symptoms of saddle thrombus, particularly sudden rear limb paralysis, to diagnose the condition. They will also perform a physical exam and potentially conduct other testing to support the diagnosis.

During the physical exam, the veterinarian will search for a pulse in the rear limbs and determine if they feel cooler than the front limbs. No pulse in the rear limbs and cool-feeling rear limbs are key clues for saddle thrombus.

The veterinarian will listen closely to the heart for abnormal heart rhythms, known as arrhythmias, that may indicate heart disease. They may also perform imaging tests like chest X-rays and an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound), which could demonstrate heart disease.

Blood work, which assesses a cat’s overall health, may be done as well. On the blood work, the veterinarian will look for indications of kidney disease, heart failure, and poor circulation.

Cats with saddle thrombus often need to be stabilized before all the diagnostic testing can be performed. 

Treatment for Saddle Thrombus in Cats

Cats with saddle thrombus must be hospitalized for treatment for at least several days. 

The main treatment goals are:

  • Controlling pain
  • Managing underlying heart disease
  • Improving blood flow through the heart
  • Reperfusion (restoring circulation) of the rear limbs

Pain medications are used to control pain, while other medications are given to improve heart function and blood flow.

Blood thinners are administered to prevent both the formation of future clots and the saddle thrombus from getting bigger. Sometimes, the blood clot will resorb on its own.

Intravenous fluid therapy helps improve and restore circulation but can lead to fluid overload in cats with heart disease because their hearts are not pumping well and they have poor circulation.

While it is one of the goals when treating saddle thrombus, reperfusion of the rear limbs is risky. When the saddle thrombus initially cuts off circulation to the rear limbs, cells die and release potassium. Reperfusion can cause a massive rush of potassium to the heart, which can be fatal because too much potassium in the blood can stop the heart.

In addition to these treatments, cats may be given supplemental oxygen and encouraged to eat. Cats that do not eat for several days are at high risk for fatal hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease).

For cats that survive treatment (many don’t), physical therapy helps them regain movement in their rear limbs after blood flow has been restored. Physical therapy could take anywhere from several days to several weeks.

After returning home from saddle thrombus treatment, cats require frequent monitoring, lifelong anti-clotting medication, and heart disease management.

Unfortunately, saddle thrombus treatment for cats is often difficult and unrewarding. 


The prognosis for feline saddle thrombus is usually very poor, with about half of affected cats not surviving treatment. [2]

Frequently, cats who survive saddle thrombus have permanent nervous system damage. Only about 20 percent of cats survive more than one year after their saddle thrombus. [3]

Euthanasia is often selected over treatment for several reasons:

  • Extreme pain and discomfort
  • Likelihood of saddle thrombus recurrence
  • Long-term management of underlying heart disease

How to Prevent Saddle Thrombus in Cats

The best way to prevent saddle thrombus is to detect and start managing heart disease early.

A consultation with a veterinary cardiologist is the ideal way to diagnose heart disease. However, these consults are very expensive and may not be readily available, depending on where you live. Regular wellness exams can help your veterinarian detect heart disease early and begin your cat on a heart disease management plan.


  1. Aherne, M. Dec. 23, 2020. Feline Arterial Thromboembolism. Today’s Veterinary Practice. Retrieved from https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/cardiology/feline-arterial-thromboembolism/
  2. Brooks, W. Feb. 27, 2012. Feline Aortic Thromboembolism (FATE or Saddle Thrombus). Veterinary Partner. Retrieved from https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&catId=102903&id=5307199
  3. Borgeat, K et al. “Arterial thromboembolism in 250 cats in general practice: 2004-2012.” Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine vol. 28,1 (2014): 102-8.

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Runny Nose in Cats: 8 Causes to Consider https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/runny-nose-in-cats/ Tue, 05 Dec 2023 17:51:42 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=135249 Cats can suffer from runny noses, just like humans. And just like in humans, many times it’s nothing to worry about. However, some causes of runny noses in cats can be quite severe and require medical intervention.  Read on to learn the most common causes of runny noses in cats, how to treat your cat’s […]

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Cats can suffer from runny noses, just like humans. And just like in humans, many times it’s nothing to worry about. However, some causes of runny noses in cats can be quite severe and require medical intervention. 

Read on to learn the most common causes of runny noses in cats, how to treat your cat’s runny nose, when your cat should see the veterinarian, and how you can prevent your cat from developing a runny nose. 

What Does a Cat Runny Nose Look Like?

A runny nose in cats is fairly easy to spot. Usually, these cats will have clear discharge from one or both nostrils. Depending on the cause, the discharge can also be green or yellow, and less commonly, it can have a red tinge. 

Cats with a runny nose will often also be sneezing and may have audible nasal congestion, meaning that you can hear them breathing. Some cats may also experience discharge from their eyes at the same time, resulting in squinting, and others may have nasal swelling.

Since cats rely heavily on their sense of smell in order to taste, some cats with a heavily runny nose may have a loss of appetite. If the nasal discharge has been ongoing, this can result in weight loss of affected cats. 

My Cat Has a Runny Nose: 8 Common Causes

Closeup of cat's nose

There are many causes of runny noses in cats. Usually, these are self-limiting, meaning they will resolve without treatment, but some causes of cat runny noses are more severe.

The most common causes of nasal discharge in cats include:

Upper Respiratory Infections

Upper respiratory infections, deemed URIs for short, are most often caused by feline viruses. Occasionally, URIs can be caused by bacterial infections, and some cats may even develop a secondary opportunistic bacterial infection due to their initial viral infection. Much less commonly, URIs are the result of a fungal infection. The most common viruses resulting in feline URIs are feline herpesvirus type-1 and feline calicivirus. These are common in cats adopted from a shelter setting or other crowded conditions where viruses are easily spread. 


Just like humans can be left sniffling and sneezing after exposure to allergens, so can our feline friends. The most common cat allergens include pollen, dust mites, mold, perfumes, scented candles, kitty litter, and even animal dander. 

Dental Disease

The roots of the premolars and molars in cats are closely positioned to their sinuses and nasal cavity. Therefore, severely diseased teeth can result in inflammation and irritation to the nasal cavity followed by nasal discharge. Some cats can even develop painful draining tracts between the oral and nasal cavity if the dental disease is bad enough. 

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are benign growths of tissue that develop within the nasal passage of cats. These growths occlude the nasal cavity and result in a runny nose and loud stertorous breathing. Many times, these cats can be misdiagnosed for having a URI which doesn’t respond to treatment. 

Foreign Bodies

Curious cats can occasionally wind up with something lodged in their nasal cavity that shouldn’t be there. Grass awns, pieces of food, small sticks/twigs, etc. can all accidentally make their way up a cat’s nostril. Cats lack the ability to remove these objects themselves, and the result is an irritated and inflamed nasal cavity and subsequent nasal discharge. 

Nasal Tumors

Cancerous growths can occur in and around the nasal cavity. These growths distort the nasal passages and/or surrounding structures and the first sign is typically nasal discharge from one or both nostrils, depending on the location of the lesion. 

Toxic Irritants

When a cat inhales something that can irritate the nasal passage, like toxins, the result is inflammation and a secondary runny nose. Common toxic irritants that result in a runny nose are household cleaners, certain house plants, and secondhand cigarette smoke.


Any damage to a cat’s face and/or nose can result in nasal discharge. Facial trauma is seen in cats mostly after a fall, a tussle with another animal, or having their face shut in a door accidentally. However, any physical accident involving the head can result in secondary nasal discharge in addition to other symptoms like limping. 

Treating a Cat’s Runny Nose

Vet tech wiping cat nose

Treatment of a cat’s runny nose depends on the cause. In very mild cases of nasal discharge when cats are acting like themselves otherwise (still eating, drinking, and playing normally), treatment usually isn’t necessary. 

However, medical intervention is recommended when nasal discharge is colored as opposed to clear; is accompanied by lethargy, anorexia, facial swelling, or weight loss; or the affected cat is pawing at their face, medical intervention is recommended.

Your veterinarian will likely initiate treatment based on a thorough history and physical exam. In some cases, especially those in which the discharge is only on one side or facial swelling is noted, your veterinarian may need radiographs (X-rays) to help determine the cause. Bloodwork may also be necessary to help guide your cat’s therapy.

Based on the underlying cause, your veterinarian will prescribe antivirals, antibiotics, and/or antifungal medications to help your cat’s stuffy nose. Many cats will benefit from anti-inflammatory therapy to help relieve the inflammation in the nasal cavity, and if allergies are suspected, your cat will be started on antihistamines. 

If your cat has dental disease, a thorough dental cleaning and extraction of the affected teeth is necessary. In the case of nasal polyps or foreign bodies, these can usually be removed under anesthesia in your veterinarian’s office. Nasal tumors will typically require a referral to a veterinary oncologist for treatment with surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. 

Cat Runny Nose Home Remedies

In addition to medications, cat parents can take steps at home to help alleviate their cat’s runny nose. 

Use a humidifier. Humidifiers help dilate the airways and relieve nasal congestion. Be sure to use purified water and do not add essential oils. Creating a steam room in the bathroom by closing the door and running a hot shower can have the same effect. Both of these techniques should be used with supervision. 

Wipe away mucus. Gently clearing away any dried mucus around the nasal passages can help cats breathe. 

Try a saline solution. For cats who will tolerate saline drops, these can be purchased over the counter and used to help flush out excess mucus. 

Please note that any home remedies for stuffy cat noses are not a replacement for veterinary care, and should only be used for mild cases in otherwise healthy cats, or if otherwise approved by your veterinarian.

How to Prevent Runny Noses in Cats

Preventing a runny nose in cats isn’t always possible. However, there are steps cat parents can take to help keep their cats disease free.

Keeping your cat up to date on their vaccinations will help reduce the chance they will develop certain viral diseases like feline herpesvirus or calicivirus. Cats which are kept indoors are less likely to encounter sick animals and therefore are less likely to be exposed to contagious diseases. These cats are also less likely to experience trauma or develop foreign bodies in their nasal cavity. 

Regularly cleaning your household to remove allergens from your cat’s environment, being mindful of any toxic substances you keep in the home, and never smoking cigarettes indoors around your cat are all additional simple ways to help prevent your cat from developing a runny nose.

Lastly, regular veterinary examinations and dental cleanings are helpful to prevent dental disease, or any other illness for that matter, which may leave your cat with a runny nose. 

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Cat Obesity: Risks, Symptoms and Solutions https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-obesity/ Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:42:38 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=135193 Approximately 1 in 4 pet cats in the United States are obese, and an additional 1 in 5 cats are overweight [1]. While weight issues in cats are relatively common, many pet parents struggle to help their cat lose weight. When your kitty is pleading with you for food, it may seem impossible!  So why […]

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Approximately 1 in 4 pet cats in the United States are obese, and an additional 1 in 5 cats are overweight [1]. While weight issues in cats are relatively common, many pet parents struggle to help their cat lose weight. When your kitty is pleading with you for food, it may seem impossible! 

So why is it so critical that cats lose weight? And how can it be done? Here is everything you need to know about cat obesity.

What Is Obesity in Cats?

Obesity is defined as a cat who weighs 20 percent or more than they should. So a cat who should weigh 10 pounds would weigh 12 pounds or more if obese. While 2 extra pounds does not sound like much, it’s a lot for a cat! Cats who are overweight are 10-19 percent above their ideal weight. So if the same cat were overweight, they would weigh 11-11.9 pounds instead of 10 pounds.

Each cat is an individual, and their ideal weight will vary based on body size. Cats vary in ideal weight even within specific breeds. The way veterinarians and pet parents can tell if their cat is overweight is based on a body condition scale. This scale involves looking at a cat’s silhouette or body shape and feeling for their ribs and any large areas of fat. 

A cat who is at an ideal body weight has an hourglass figure with a natural narrowing of the waist just behind the rib cage seen by looking from the side or above. Their ribs would be easy to feel but not easy to see. Fat would be present on different areas of the body, but they would have no obvious large pads of fat, such as hanging down from the belly.

Causes of Obesity in Cats

In general, obesity can occur when a cat takes in too many calories over the amount of energy (calories) that they use. The risk of obesity can be further increased due to lifestyle and genetic differences in your cat’s metabolism, or the breakdown of energy in your cat’s body. Specific cat breeds have not reliably been shown to be more prone to obesity than mixed breed cats.

Other factors that play a role in cat obesity include:

  • Age. Middle-aged cats (5-10 years old) and male cats are more likely to be obese.
  • Spay/neuter status. Spaying or neutering cats removes many sex hormones, which can lead to a decrease in metabolism, increase in food intake, and decrease in activity.
  • Feeding patterns. Free or frequent feeding or feeding primarily dry cat food can contribute to obesity.
  • Lack of sufficient enrichment. Studies show that cats without access to the outdoors are more likely to be obese. Not all indoor cats are obese, however, and enrichment that promotes regular exercise is crucial.
  • Metabolic disease. Metabolic disease such as acromegaly or insulin resistance can lead to weight gain in cats.
  • Pet parent perception. Cat parents may view obese cats as having better quality of life, and they support their cat’s weight gain with excess food or treats.

Obese Cat Health Risks: 7 to Consider

Obese cat stands at top of steps

There are several risks for your cat if they are obese, including:

Heart disease

Obesity may lead to heart disease, such as negatively affecting the ability of the heart to pump blood to the body. Weight loss has been shown to improve heart disease, such as decreasing the thickening of the left side of the heart [2]. 

Respiratory disease

Obesity decreases the ability of the lungs to inflate to their full size. Obesity also predisposes cats to tracheal collapse, which is when the windpipe collapses and causes difficulties breathing.

Insulin resistance

Obese cat patients have an increased amount of inflammatory proteins in the body due to an excess amount of fat. These inflammatory proteins cause cells in the body to resist insulin and its effects. While your cat is able to make insulin, their cells do not respond to it and cannot remove glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream. This can lead to high blood sugar over a long period of time, and eventually diabetes mellitus.

Musculoskeletal conditions

The increase in inflammatory proteins in the body contributes to inflammation of joints, leading to painful arthritis in cats. Arthritis can be worsened by having too much body weight to be supported by the joints. Obesity predisposes to cruciate ligament (aka ACL) tears, intervertebral disk disease (inflammation of the disks in between bones of the spine), and hip dysplasia (hip socket is inflamed and not aligned).

Urinary conditions

Inflammation in the kidneys and stones in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra are more likely in obese cats. Urinary tract infections can occur more frequently in female cats. This is because folds in the skin can cause urine to flow out and over a lot of skin around the vulva.

Gastrointestinal tract conditions

Compared to cats with a normal weight, the species of bacteria in the gut changes significantly in obese cats. In addition, liver disease and pancreatic disease (pancreatitis) can occur.

Shorter lifespan

Studies show that obese cats live shorter lives than cats of ideal weight. Obese cats are 30 percent less likely to make it to 12 years of age [3].

Obese Cat Symptoms

Cats who are obese gain fat in many areas of the body and they lose that hourglass shape. Their middle area is rounded outward instead of curving in to create a slight waist. Their ribs are not visible but also not easy to feel. Your cat will not only look different, but they may also have the following symptoms, which can be very mild and increase over time:

  • Exercise intolerance. Your cat may tire quickly and be less active. Or when becoming active, they suddenly stop being active to sit or lie down and catch their breath.
  • Lameness. You may notice a limp on one of your cat’s legs and that they are less likely to jump onto surfaces.
  • Changes in breathing. Your cat may breathe faster or increase how much effort is given to breathing.
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased drinking
  • Increased urination
  • Skin changes. Cats who are obese cannot groom certain parts of their body well, so fur may be greasy or unkempt. An obese cat’s skin is often flaky with white flecks of skin or dandruff.

Diagnosing Cat Obesity

Veterinarians diagnose obesity by evaluating your cat’s body condition score. Evaluating past history for any weight gain or significant changes in health is useful in determining body condition score as well. 

Obese Cat Weight Loss Solutions 

Cat plays with a food puzzle

There are multiple ways to help your cat lose weight. What every pet parent should know is that cats can lose weight too fast. Speaking with your veterinarian is essential to ensure that cat weight loss is safe. Veterinarians can calculate the amount of calories your cat should eat to lose weight at a healthy pace. A healthy goal is to lose 1 percent of body weight per week. For a 12-pound cat, this equates to 0.12 pounds or about 1/10 of a pound.

The two main strategies for cat weight loss include:


Feeding your feline cat food that is specially designed to promote weight loss is the best strategy for an obese or overweight cat. There are many different options to choose from, so always consult with your veterinarian before switching to a weight management formula.

Every cat is different in how they feel satiety, or full after eating. Some cats feel satiated with high-fiber diets while others need canned food due to its higher water content, which provides more volume of food for the same number of calories. Satiety is key to allowing your cat to lose weight without constantly begging for more food.

To ensure your cat is losing weight safely, ask your veterinarian for guidance. Depending on your cat’s weight, overall health, and how much they need to lose, your vet might recommend a prescription formula, such as Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Weight Management Cat Food, or a non-prescription formula, such as Hill’s Science Diet Perfect Weight Cat Food.  

Discover more veterinarian-recommended weight management cat foods, along with the pros and cons of each formula, here. 

Physical Activity

Increasing your cat’s activity level is another solid strategy for helping them attain a healthy weight. However, just like most people, you may find some cats easier to motivate than others. So you may need to get creative with some proven exercise ideas for cat weight loss.   

To encourage more activity naturally, try to find toys or diversions that stimulate your cat’s playful (or predatory) side, such as a climbing tree or teaser wand. If your cat is food-motivated, a puzzle feeder may be a good option.

Just keep in mind that increased activity, while great for weight loss, may put extra strain on your overweight cat’s joints. Ask your veterinarian if your overweight or obese cat could benefit from joint supplements containing chondroitin and glucosamine, such as Dasuquin Advanced or Cosequin, to maintain joint health while losing weight.

How to Prevent Cat Obesity

There are many ways to help prevent cat obesity. These include:

  • Avoid free feeding of food
  • Decrease total amount fed after spay or neuter
  • Limit cat treats to 2-3 per day, each approximately ¼-1/2 tsp in size
  • Provide enrichment and opportunity for exercise
  • Monitor your cat’s figure, and if it changes, seek veterinary advice on how to adjust diet and exercise
Obesity in Cats infographic


  1. Chiang, Chih-Fan et al. “Prevalence, risk factors, and disease associations of overweight and obesity in cats that visited the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at the University of California, Davis from January 2006 to December 2015.” Topics in companion animal medicine vol. 47 (2022): 100620. doi:10.1016/j.tcam.2021.100620
  2. Partington, C et al. “The effect of obesity and subsequent weight reduction on cardiac structure and function in dogs.” BMC veterinary research vol. 18,1 351. 20 Sep. 2022, doi:10.1186/s12917-022-03449-4
  3. Scarlett, J M, and S Donoghue. “Associations between body condition and disease in cats.” Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association vol. 212,11 (1998): 1725-31.

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15 Cat Liver Failure Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/15-cat-liver-failure-symptoms/ Fri, 01 Dec 2023 18:31:39 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134921 The liver is an incredible organ in cats. Located just below the diaphragm, which separates the chest from the abdomen, the liver has multiple lobes and is the largest internal organ in a cat’s body. It performs numerous functions to keep our feline friends healthy, including metabolizing drugs, converting glucose to energy, and removing waste […]

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The liver is an incredible organ in cats. Located just below the diaphragm, which separates the chest from the abdomen, the liver has multiple lobes and is the largest internal organ in a cat’s body. It performs numerous functions to keep our feline friends healthy, including metabolizing drugs, converting glucose to energy, and removing waste products. It’s even capable of regenerating itself!

However, cats can quickly become seriously ill and will need immediate veterinary care when their liver fails. That’s why it’s important to recognize the symptoms of cat liver failure. This will help you know what to do if your cat’s liver stops working.

Liver Failure Vs. Liver Disease in Cats

First, let’s explain the difference between liver failure and liver disease. 

Liver Disease

Liver disease in cats occurs when an insult to the liver, such as an infection, reduces its ability to function. Cats with liver disease can still function reasonably well because the liver can regenerate itself and continue carrying out most of its functions even when diseased.

Liver Failure

Liver failure occurs when at least 70 percent of the liver’s function is lost, indicating that the liver can withstand quite a bit of injury before liver failure sets in. This massive loss of function can happen suddenly, and a cat will look visibly ill when their liver starts failing.

Without prompt and aggressive treatment, a cat with liver failure is unlikely to survive. 

15 Cat Liver Failure Symptoms

The liver performs many essential functions that affect the entire body. Therefore, liver failure symptoms in cats occur throughout the body.

Since it’s easiest to think of liver failure symptoms according to the body system, that’s how we’ve broken them down.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms

The liver performs many digestive functions like converting glucose to energy, producing and releasing bile to help digest food, and storing fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). With liver failure, a cat will experience various digestive issues:

Nervous System Symptoms

When the liver fails, a brain condition called hepatic encephalopathy develops because the liver can no longer rid the body of ammonia. This brain disease causes brain tissue to break down, leading to numerous nervous system symptoms:

  • Tremors
  • Staggering
  • Depression
  • Altered mental status
  • Head pressing against a wall

Urinary Tract (Kidney) Symptoms

The liver plays a significant role in filtering out toxins. When failing, the liver cannot carry out this role. Toxins accumulate in the blood, resulting in more work for the kidneys to filter these toxins and rid the body of them through urine. This extra work eventually damages the kidneys, causing the symptoms listed below:

  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Increased urination


“Hepatobiliary” is a fancy term for the combination of the liver and gallbladder. When the liver fails, certain symptoms indicate a loss of function of the of these two organs:

  • Ascites (fluid buildup in the abdomen)
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin, eyes, and mucus membranes; one of the telltale signs of liver disease and liver failure)

Immune/Lymphatic/Hemic Symptoms

The liver plays an essential role in immune health and clotting ability. Liver failure causes delayed clotting.

What to Do If You Notice Symptoms of Liver Failure in Cats

If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, especially if they appeared suddenly, take your cat to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

It’s also important to understand that some of the symptoms, like vomiting and appetite loss, are not specific to liver failure. Your veterinarian will perform various diagnostic tests to definitively diagnose liver failure in your cat. Just be aware that diagnosing liver failure can be extensive and expensive.

First, your veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam and ask you for a detailed history of the problem. They will ask you questions like these:

  • What is your cat’s current diet?
  • Has your cat recently ingested any poisons?
  • What medications does your cat currently take?
  • What symptoms have you noticed, and when did they start?

Your veterinarian will assess your cat’s body systems during the physical exam. As previously mentioned, the presence of jaundice in cats is a clear sign that something is wrong with the liver.

Your veterinarian will then perform various diagnostic tests to diagnose liver failure, including:

  • Urinalysis
  • Abdominal X-rays
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Basic bloodwork: complete blood count, biochemical profile
  • Specialized bloodwork, including clotting tests and bile acid measurements
  • Exploratory surgery to visualize the liver and take a biopsy

Treatment for Cats with Liver Failure

Quick intervention is necessary for cats with liver failure to give them the best chance of survival and recovery. Your veterinarian will use the results of the physical exam and diagnostic tests to develop the best treatment plan for your cat. 

Treatment is dependent on the underlying cause and is geared toward relieving symptoms:

  • Antibiotic therapy
  • Oxygen supplementation
  • Intravenous fluid therapy
  • Anti-nausea medications
  • Medications to regulate blood clotting
  • Hepatoprotectants to protect the liver
  • Nutritional support with a feeding tube
  • Diuretics to flush out excess fluid and prevent brain swelling

Cats with liver failure must be hospitalized for treatment and are monitored frequently. Restricted activity is necessary for the liver to regenerate and regain function.

Prognosis for Cats with Liver Failure

Without treatment, the majority of cats with liver failure will not survive. However, receiving treatment does not guarantee survival. The prognosis for a cat with liver failure also depends on the underlying cause and how much of the liver has been damaged before treatment begins.

Cats that survive the first few days of treatment typically have a good chance of recovery, with full recovery taking approximately three to six weeks. Early treatment and intervention greatly improve the chances of recovery.

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Why Are My Dog’s Back Legs Giving Out? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/why-are-my-dogs-back-legs-giving-out/ Fri, 01 Dec 2023 18:29:22 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134886 Seeing your dog struggle to use their hind legs is heartbreaking. Whether it comes on suddenly or is something that progressively gets worse, if it happens to your dog, you’re probably asking yourself questions like, “why are my dog’s back legs giving out?” and “how can I help them feel better?” In this article, you […]

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Seeing your dog struggle to use their hind legs is heartbreaking. Whether it comes on suddenly or is something that progressively gets worse, if it happens to your dog, you’re probably asking yourself questions like, “why are my dog’s back legs giving out?” and “how can I help them feel better?”

In this article, you will learn why a dog’s back legs might begin giving out, and if that happens, what you can do to help your dog regain strength and stability, or at least stay as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Dog’s Back Legs Giving Out: What It Looks Like

What does a dog’s back legs giving out look like? An obvious manifestation of this is when a dog is dragging their hindlimbs. Other signs a dog’s back legs are giving out include:

  • Difficulty getting up (uses front legs to pull self up)
  • Shaking back legs
  • Stiff back legs
  • Falling or tripping
  • Wobbly hindlimb gait
  • Dragging back toenails
  • Avoiding stairs or jumping
  • Increased irritability
  • Limping
  • Bunny hopping hind limbs 

Why Are My Dog’s Back Legs Giving Out? 19 Reasons 

A dog’s back legs give out due to several broad reasons: 

  • Lack of strength
  • Lack of function (inability to move muscles/bones)
  • Instability in the legs
  • Pain

More specifically, there are many diseases and conditions that can affect the back legs of a dog. Here’s a partial list, broken down into categories:

Joint Pain/Injury

  • Osteoarthritis (OA) in hip, knee, ankle, toe, or spine (causes pain, lack of strength; seen in older dogs)
  • Acute injury to muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, etc. anywhere on the back legs (causes pain, lack of function, instability; seen in any age)
  • Excessive weight (causes joint pain from osteoarthritis; seen in any age)

Spinal Problems 

  • Intervertebral spinal disc disease (causes pain, weakness, lack of function; seen in any age; common in long back breeds)
  • Degenerative myelopathy (degenerative condition of the spinal cord; causes loss of function and strength; seen in older dogs)
  • Lumbosacral stenosis (narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal pain; causes instability, lack of function and strength; seen in older dogs)
  • Wobbler’s syndrome (narrowing of the cervical spinal canal that pinches nerves; causes instability, lack of function and strength; seen in any age)
  • Spinal tumors (cause pain, lack of function and strength; seen in older dogs)

Neurological Issues

  • Neuromuscular disease, like myasthenia gravis (causes lack of function; seen in any age)
  • Seizures (neurological disease; causes lack of function; seen in any age)
  • Vestibular disease (causes loss of balance due to inner ear or brain problems, instability; seen in older dogs)

Other Conditions

  • Heart disease (causes lack of strength; seen in any age)
  • Debilitation from advanced age (causes lack of function and strength, pain)
  • Exercise-induced collapse (causes lack of strength and collapse after hard exercise; seen mostly in Retrievers, any age)
  • Hormonal conditions, including hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, and uncontrolled diabetes (impacts nerves and muscles; causes lack of strength and function; seen in older dogs)

External Factors

  • Poisoning or bite/sting from a venomous animal (causes lack of function; seen in any age)
  • Tick paralysis (from bites of infected ticks; causes paralysis, lack of function; seen in any age)
  • Botulism (from food poisoning; causes paralysis lack of function; seen in any age)
  • Rabies (from a virus; causes paralysis lack of function; seen in any age)

Treatment Options for Leg Weakness in Dogs

As you can see, there are many reasons why a dog’s back legs are weak, and it should make sense that treatment for this really depends on what is causing the problem. For example, you wouldn’t give pain medication to a dog whose legs are giving out as a result of heart disease or botulism because it wouldn’t help.

If you don’t know why your dog’s legs are giving out, you need the assistance of a veterinarian to give you a diagnosis, as treatment will depend on what’s causing the issue in the first place.

Once the cause of your dog’s legs giving out is determined, your veterinarian can walk you through treatment options. Sometimes, the treatment is to cure the underlying cause, which then cures the issue with the back legs. This can occur with several conditions, including:

  • Injuries
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Poisoning and envenomation
  • Tick paralysis
  • Vestibular disease
  • Spinal tumors
  • Excessive weight

Sometimes the problem can be mitigated by managing the underlying cause, as in chronic hormonal conditions and heart disease that require medication. Other conditions, such as osteoarthritis and degenerative myelopathy, are slowly progressive diseases that cannot be cured. In these cases, the goal is managing pain and maintaining the best quality of life possible.

If your dog’s back legs are giving out because of osteoarthritis in their hips or knees, for example, then there are many options available to you to help manage symptoms and slow the progression of symptoms. 

These options can include:

  • Weight loss (If your dog is overweight, it can help improve symptoms of OA in most dogs) [1]
  • Anti-inflammatory pain medication
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Joint supplements that reduce inflammation and promote healthy joints
  • Joint fusion surgeries
  • Joint injections of anti-inflammatory medication
  • Cold laser therapy (photobiomodulation)
  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Monoclonal antibody injection
  • Doggie joint braces and wheelchairs

Physical Therapy 

Another important treatment for leg weakness can be low-impact cardio exercise, strength building, and physical therapy. Physical therapists will tell you motion is lotion for your joints — the same is true for dogs! Exercise also preserves and builds muscles, which are important for overall metabolism and support of bones and joints. Working with a veterinarian certified in canine rehabilitation is extremely helpful to learn the most beneficial exercises for your dog.

Conditions like osteoarthritis are best managed with a combination of therapies that veterinarians call “multimodal therapy.” The right combination of treatments varies with each dog, but when you work with a veterinarian, they can guide you on the most effective treatment combination so that your dog feels better faster and you waste less time and money. 

Comfort Measures and How to Help Your Dog Cope

If your dog is suffering from a condition that can only be managed not cured, take heart! There are also a number of easy things you can do at home to help your dog be more comfortable and get around more easily. These include:

  • Getting your dog a high-quality orthopedic mattress
  • Using non-slip tread on stairs and non-slip rugs or mats on slippery hard floor surfaces
  • Using ramps or pet stairs for your dog to climb stairs, into cars, and onto furniture
  • Giving your dog a high-quality CBD oil for pain [2]
  • Giving your dog high-quality fish oil daily. (Ask your veterinarian for the right dosage)
  • Walking your dog twice daily (after managing pain. Remember, motion is lotion!)
  • Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed regularly
  • Using baby gates to fence off stairs or slippery floors

Related Conditions


  1. Marshall W, Bockstahler B, Hulse D, Carmichael S. “A review of osteoarthritis and obesity: current understanding of the relationship and benefit of obesity treatment and prevention in the dog.” Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2009;22(5):339-45. doi: 10.3415/VCOT-08-08-0069. Epub 2009 Aug 28. PMID: 19750285. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19750285/ 
  2. “Cornell University Study Says Hemp Oil Works For Dogs.” Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine Retrieved from: https://www.ellevetsciences.com/news/cornell-university-study-says-hemp-oil-works-for-dogs-in-pain/

The post Why Are My Dog’s Back Legs Giving Out? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Dog Muscle Spasms: Causes and How to Help https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-muscle-spasms/ Thu, 30 Nov 2023 03:29:13 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134966 If you’ve ever had a muscle spasm, you know how painful these unpredictable afflictions can be. One minute, you’re relaxing on the couch or enjoying your regular activities. The next minute, your muscle is locked in a painful contraction, rendering you both unwilling and unable to move.  Can dogs have muscle spasms? Yes, they can. […]

The post Dog Muscle Spasms: Causes and How to Help appeared first on Great Pet Care.

If you’ve ever had a muscle spasm, you know how painful these unpredictable afflictions can be. One minute, you’re relaxing on the couch or enjoying your regular activities. The next minute, your muscle is locked in a painful contraction, rendering you both unwilling and unable to move. 

Can dogs have muscle spasms? Yes, they can. Fortunately, painful muscle spasms do not seem to be very common in dogs. Still, on the off chance your pup suffers a muscle spasm, you’re going to want to know all about them…including what causes them and how you can help your dog cope with muscle spasms. 

What Are Dog Muscle Spasms?

In both humans and dogs, the term “muscle spasm” refers to a spontaneous, uncontrolled contraction of a muscle. 

Muscle contractions are a standard part of everyday life. Without them, your dog could not walk, run, or do almost anything. Usually, your dog is in control of their skeletal muscles, so the muscles work in normal, predictable ways. However, during a muscle spasm, powerful muscle contractions occur outside of your dog’s control.

And, just like the muscle spasms that plague people, muscle spasms in dogs can be very painful. Therefore, it’s worth taking canine muscle spasms seriously, because they can significantly impact your dog’s quality of life. 

Additionally, while muscle spasms themselves are rarely serious or fatal, the underlying conditions that cause them can be.  

What Causes Muscle Spasms in Dogs?

Muscle spasms have two potential causes. In some cases, a nerve fires abnormally, signaling the muscle to contract. In other cases, muscle spasms can be caused by abnormally excitable muscle cells. 

That means any condition that affects the nerves or the muscles can potentially cause muscle spasms. In dogs, that list of conditions includes: 

Because muscle spasms have many different underlying causes, it’s difficult to predict an individual dog’s risk of experiencing a muscle spasm. Some causes of muscle spasms have an underlying genetic component and tend to affect certain breeds. Intervertebral disk disease, for example, is common in Dachshunds. Other underlying causes, like trauma, infectious diseases, and dehydration/overexertion, are relatively unpredictable and can affect any breed of dog. 

Dog Muscle Spasm Symptoms

Muscle spasms can affect any muscle in your dog’s body. However, they most commonly occur in the neck, legs, and muscles that run along both sides of a dog’s back. So symptoms are often concentrated in one or more of these areas.

Signs of muscle spasms include: 

  • Pain
  • Limping
  • Visible muscle stiffness or trembling
  • Reluctance to move the affected body part
  • Irritability

It’s important to note that muscle spasms may be short-lived or they may persist for a longer period of time. Some symptoms may be obvious. For instance, if your dog is mid-spasm, you might notice obvious stiffness, pain, and trembling at the site of the muscle spasm.

However, some signs of a muscle spasm can be subtle and may persist long after the spasm has ended. For example, dogs with muscle spasms in their neck may only show a reluctance to eat from their food bowl, because the pain makes it more difficult to lower their heads.

Dog Muscle Spasms vs. Seizures

Pet parents should know that sometimes seizures in dogs can look a lot like muscle spasms. It’s important to know how to differentiate these conditions because seizures typically require more urgent treatment than muscle spasms. 

The difference between a muscle spasm and a generalized seizure is easier to recognize. That’s because, in addition to abnormal muscle movements, seizing dogs also tend to lose consciousness, lose control of their bladder and bowel, and act disoriented post-seizure. 

However, some dogs have partial seizures, which can be harder to recognize. During a partial seizure, a dog may remain conscious and only experience abnormal muscle movements in one part of their body. 

Distinguishing partial seizures from muscle spasms can be challenging, and will likely require the help of your veterinarian. So it’s best to consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog’s symptoms.

Diagnosing Dog Muscle Spasms

If you suspect your dog may be experiencing muscle spasms, a thorough veterinary exam is required to evaluate your dog’s symptoms and correctly diagnose the condition. An accurate diagnosis is the first step in determining the most effective treatment. 

Your veterinarian will begin by collecting your dog’s medical history. They will ask you questions about your dog’s overall health, as well as specific questions about your dog’s muscle spasms and symptoms. For example, when do the muscle spasms occur, how frequently, and have you noticed any factors that appear to trigger the muscle spasms? 

Be prepared to describe your dog’s muscle spasms and, if possible, to show your vet a video of the symptoms causing you concern.

Next, your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam. Many muscle spasms are caused by an irritated nerve, and this irritation may be associated with an injury. Your veterinarian will carefully palpate your dog’s spine and the parts of their body where muscle spasms have occurred to identify abnormalities that may cause nerve damage. 

If the cause of your dog’s muscle spasm isn’t apparent upon exam, your veterinarian may recommend further diagnostics. Blood tests can identify hypercalcemia and electrolyte imbalances that may contribute to muscle spasms, while X-ray imaging can be used to look for injuries that may affect the spine. 

In some cases, your veterinarian may refer you to a specialist for further testing. For example, veterinary neurologists often perform an electromyogram (EMG) or nerve conduction study to better characterize neuromuscular disease.

Dog Muscle Spasms Treatment

Not all muscle spasms require treatment. If your dog has an isolated, one-time muscle spasm that resolves quickly and doesn’t recur, your veterinarian may forgo treatment. However, any dog with recurrent muscle spasms should receive veterinary care.

Natural Remedies for Muscle Spasms in Dogs

The only home treatment that may help some muscle spasms is rest. If your dog has a muscle spasm and it resolves on its own, it’s reasonable to monitor your dog at home. Limit your dog’s activity to allow time for any swelling or inflammation to resolve, then wait to see if the problem recurs. If your dog’s muscle spasms persist for more than a day, it’s time to seek veterinary care. 

Do not give any over-the-counter medications to your dog. Over-the-counter pain medications designed for humans can cause serious harm to dogs. 

Veterinary Treatments for Muscle Spasms in Dogs

The treatment of muscle spasms usually depends on their underlying cause. For example, if your dog’s muscle spasms are caused by intervertebral disk disease, your veterinarian will likely prescribe anti-inflammatory medication and strict rest to address the inflammation in your dog’s spine. If your dog’s muscle spasms are caused by hypercalcemia, your veterinarian will need to find and treat the underlying cause of the hypercalcemia. 

Muscle relaxants also play a role in the treatment of muscle spasms. Methocarbamol is a commonly used muscle relaxant in dogs. Methocarmabol is often combined with other treatments, which are intended to address the underlying cause of your dog’s muscle spasms. 

Your veterinarian may also prescribe pain medication to treat the pain that often accompanies muscle spasms. 

General Cost to Treat Dog Muscle Spasms 

The cost to treat muscle spasms will depend on their underlying cause. When muscle spasms are caused by an injury or inflammation, a physical exam and anti-inflammatory medication may cost just $100 – 200. If your dog’s muscle spasms are caused by hypercalcemia associated with malignant cancer, however, the cost of diagnostics and cancer treatment may reach several thousand dollars.

After performing a thorough physical exam, the veterinarian will give you an estimated cost for diagnosing and treating your dog’s muscle spasms. 

How to Prevent Muscle Spasms in Dogs

Most muscle spasms cannot be prevented. However, you can reduce your dog’s risk by ensuring that they eat a well-balanced diet. Keep your dog at a healthy weight to reduce their risk of injury, especially if your dog is a breed that is prone to intervertebral disk disease.

While there is no way to prevent all canine muscle spasms, prompt veterinary care can allow for the timely treatment of conditions that cause muscle spasms. 

Related Conditions

  • Intervertebral disk disease
  • Hypercalcemia
  • Tetanus
  • Canine distemper virus
  • Rabies

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Lung Cancer in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/lung-cancer-in-cats/ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:25:23 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134845 No cat parent ever wants to hear their beloved animal is sick, and lung cancer in cats can be a challenging diagnosis because it can go undetected for quite some time. Fortunately, feline lung cancer is rare, and when it does occur, it tends to be in older cats. Here, learn more about the causes, […]

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No cat parent ever wants to hear their beloved animal is sick, and lung cancer in cats can be a challenging diagnosis because it can go undetected for quite some time. Fortunately, feline lung cancer is rare, and when it does occur, it tends to be in older cats. Here, learn more about the causes, symptoms, and treatment for cat lung cancer.

What is Cat Lung Cancer?

Cancer in cats occurs when cells of the body become abnormal, growing at a swift rate and causing damage to nearby tissue. Lung cancer is the development of tumors in the lungs. 

Cancer cells develop into tumors that invade normal, healthy lung tissue. The tumor then prevents the healthy tissue from doing its job, which is to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen in the lungs. Sometimes, these tumors can be caused by exposure to toxins in the environment, but more often, there is no known cause of cat lung cancer. 

Males and females of all cat breeds are equally susceptible to lung cancer. The average age at diagnosis is 12 years.

Cancer that starts in the lung is called primary lung cancer, and it is rare for cats to develop this type of cancer. More often in cats, cancer from another part of the body metastasizes, or spreads, to the lung. If this happens in the lungs, it is called metastatic lung cancer. Some types of cancer are more likely to spread to the lungs than others, including cancers of the bone, mammary glands, blood vessels and mouth. Primary lung cancer can also spread from one area of the lungs to another.

Symptoms of Lung Cancer in Cats

Unfortunately, there are rarely early signs of cat lung cancer. Cats are notoriously good at hiding when they don’t feel well, so you may not notice any changes until the disease has progressed. 

Common signs of the condition include decreased appetite, weight loss, decreased energy, and labored breathing. These signs are not specific to lung cancer and can be seen due to various illnesses in cats. Cats with primary lung cancer can develop something called Lung-Digit Syndrome. This is when lung cancer has spread to the muscles or bones in the limbs, especially the toes. Cats may limp, or you may notice swelling or discharge from the foot.

Common Signs of Lung Cancer in Cats

  • Decreased appetite (anorexia or inappetence)
  • Weight loss
  • Decreased energy (lethargy)
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing 
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Limping
  • Vomiting/Regurgitation

Symptoms of other types of cancer in the chest cavity can mimic the signs of lung cancer.

Causes of Lung Cancer in Cats

Most of the time, there is no known cause of feline lung cancer. Sometimes, environmental exposures can cause lung cancer, such as second-hand smoke. Fortunately, primary lung cancer is uncommon in cats. 

Diagnosing Feline Lung Cancer

The first step in diagnosing lung cancer is a physical exam. The veterinarian will listen to the cat’s heart and lungs and examine the rest of their body. The next step in diagnosing lung cancer is taking X-rays of the chest cavity. Lung tumors are visible on X-ray as areas of abnormal lung tissue. While it is possible to assume a lung cancer diagnosis based on X-rays, a definitive diagnosis requires obtaining a sample of the tissue to examine microscopically for cancer cells. 

Once lung cancer is suspected or diagnosed, your veterinarian will recommend looking at other areas of the body for cancer to determine whether the lung cancer is primary or metastatic (has spread). Tests to look at the rest of the body may include abdominal ultrasound or a CT scan.

Is Cat Lung Cancer Treatable?

Primary cancer of the lung in cats is treatable by surgery, radiation, and/or chemotherapy. If there is a single tumor, it can be removed surgically. The need for follow-up chemotherapy depends on if the tumor can be removed entirely or if there are cancer cells left behind. 

If the cancer is too large to remove or surgery is otherwise not an option, radiation can reduce the size of the tumor and give your cat more time. Chemotherapy is required as part of treatment if there is more than one tumor or if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Chemotherapy may include oral and injectable medications. Specific treatment protocols are determined by a veterinary oncologist who tailors a plan to your cat.

Metastatic lung cancer is not considered treatable because it means the cat has late-stage cancer originating in another area of the body. Palliative (comfort) care, including chemotherapy or other medications, is recommended. 

Unfortunately, even when treated, cats with lung cancer have a shortened life span and poor prognosis. On average, cats with primary lung cancer can live several months to a year after treatment. This is because the cancer is likely to grow back. A diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer is fatal within several months. 

The general cost to treat lung cancer in cats depends on what types of treatments are required, the overall health of your cat, and the stage of their cancer. 

Initial diagnostic testing, including CT and tissue sampling, will likely cost $2,000-$3,500. Removal of a lung tumor is typically performed only by specialist veterinary surgeons and costs between $4,000-$8,000. Depending on the protocol, chemotherapy with a veterinary oncologist may cost $3,500-$7,000. 

How to Prevent Feline Lung Cancer

There is no way to prevent cat lung cancer. You can reduce their risk by maintaining a smoke-free home. Regular veterinary visits are essential in keeping your cat healthy and detecting disease early when it is most treatable. If your cat’s behavior, appetite, or energy level changes, she should be seen by a veterinarian.

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Can You Prevent Arthritis in Dogs and Cats? https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-health/can-you-prevent-arthritis-in-dogs-and-cats/ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:36:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134792 Arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, can affect dogs and cats of all ages and sizes. Just as in humans, arthritis is a painful condition that worsens over time. Dogs and cats suffering from arthritis have a reduced quality of life, and studies have shown that untreated arthritis can even result in a shortened lifespan.[1] There is no […]

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Arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, can affect dogs and cats of all ages and sizes. Just as in humans, arthritis is a painful condition that worsens over time. Dogs and cats suffering from arthritis have a reduced quality of life, and studies have shown that untreated arthritis can even result in a shortened lifespan.[1]

There is no cure for arthritis in dogs, cats, or humans. Fortunately, pet parents can take proactive steps to help prevent or delay the development of osteoarthritis in dogs and cats. 

This article will review how dogs and cats get arthritis, whether or not you can prevent arthritis in dogs and cats, and other tips and advice for preventing dog and cat arthritis

How Do Dogs and Cats Get Arthritis?

Arthritis is a complex disease characterized by the progressive deterioration of a joint. While all parts of the joint can be affected, osteoarthritis typically occurs when the smooth cartilage becomes lost or damaged, leading to friction in the joint. This results in reduced mobility, instability, and joint pain

In humans, arthritis is considered a disease caused by persistent wear and tear. While wear and tear is also a cause of arthritis in dogs and cats, genetics plays a much more significant role. A strong relationship exists between certain growth-related genes and joint disease.[2] Additionally, some breeds, like Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds, are more likely to develop arthritis than others. 

Developmental issues, such as hip or elbow dysplasia, are another common cause of arthritis in dogs. Research has shown that roughly 25 percent of dogs older than 1 year of age will already be plagued by arthritis.[2

In both dogs and cats, musculoskeletal disorders that arise later in life, like luxating patellas and cranial cruciate ligament disease, are common culprits in the onset of osteoarthritis. Other common ways that dogs and cats get arthritis include orthopedic trauma, such as a hit-by-car incident, obesity, overuse, old age, and inappropriate diets.

Can You Prevent Arthritis in Dogs and Cats?

Even a dog or cat with a genetic risk of arthritis is not doomed to a life of pain and suffering if their owners intervene early. While it’s not possible to prevent arthritis entirely, dog and cat owners can take action against arthritis with preventative care using the following tactics:

Avoid Obesity

Obesity is an increasingly common cause of arthritis in dogs and cats. It is also arguably the easiest osteoarthritis risk factor to avoid. Carrying around excess body weight strains joints, making them vulnerable to injury and dysfunction. In overweight dogs and cats that already have joint disease or signs of arthritis, weight loss can help delay the progression of the disease. 

Maintain Muscle Mass

Muscles don’t just move joints; they protect them. Dogs and cats with solid muscles can better absorb the forces that impact their joints and protect them from the effects of daily use, like jumping off the couch, chasing squirrels in the backyard, or going up and down the stairs. In dogs and cats without adequate musculature, joints compensate to absorb the impact from movement but also fulfill the muscle’s job, leading to more jarring forces and damage inside the joint.

Provide Regular Low Impact Exercise

Daily activity burns calories to prevent obesity and helps dogs and cats build muscle. Additionally, it helps maintain joints’ normal range of motion to fend off joint stiffness. Swimming is the best form of exercise for pets and people, as it builds muscle and burns calories without wear and tear on the joints. Regular leash walks also provide excellent low-impact, controlled exercise for pets. 

Limit high-impact and repetitive exercise. Exercises like fetch, in which a dog quickly stops, jumps repeatedly, and turns abruptly, can be hard on a pet’s joints. Using a laser pointer for a cat presents a similar scenario. If these exercises are a favorite of your pet, they do not have to be given up completely. Keep sessions to an appropriate limit, and other types of exercise, like swimming or leash walks, should be prioritized. High-impact and intense exercise should always be avoided in young animals whose joints are still developing.

Address Issues Promptly

The sooner a joint abnormality is corrected, the less lasting damage will be done to the joint. Once cartilage is lost or worn down, it cannot be repaired or replaced. Pet owners should consider surgical correction as soon as a structural disorder is diagnosed. If a puppy or kitten isn’t as playful as expected or is reluctant to go on walks, use the stairs, etc., they should be evaluated and potentially treated for a developmental joint abnormality, like hip or elbow dysplasia, as soon as possible. 

Feed an Appropriate Diet

Feeding dogs or cats a complete and balanced diet appropriate for their lifestyle can help prevent obesity and joint instability. It is critical that puppies and kittens eat a diet specifically formulated to ensure they receive the correct proportions of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to ensure optimal joint development. 

Some developmental issues like hip dysplasia can be the result of feeding an improper diet during growth stages. Adult pets should eat a diet formulated for adults unless directed by a veterinarian. Correctly measuring and portioning meals is critical to ensure pets aren’t overeating.

Add in Dietary Supplements

Many joint health supplements are safe and effective for dogs and cats and can be started as soon as a pet reaches adulthood as a preventative measure against osteoarthritis. The best dietary supplement for preventing arthritis is a high-quality fish oil supplement, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are natural anti-inflammatory agents and powerful antioxidants. These compounds reduce joint inflammation to help prevent or delay arthritic changes. Another excellent supplement is glucosamine plus chondroitin and MSM, commonly combined into a single chew. These compounds may protect cartilage and reduce inflammation. 

Find a Reputable Breeder

For owners who wish to buy a pet rather than adopt, finding a reputable breeder is the only way to help limit the genetic risks of arthritis in dogs and cats. Responsible breeders will have their dogs or cats genetically tested for specific breed-related genetic risk factors, some of which can be related to the development of osteoarthritis or conformational disorders. 

Breeders of certain dogs, like Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds, should have their dogs screened by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals for hip and/or elbow dysplasia. While breeders taking these critical steps may charge more for their puppies and kittens, the extra money is worth the assurance that the animal will grow and develop properly. This saves pet owners money in the long run and prevents unnecessary pain and suffering in the animal itself. 

Dog and Cat Arthritis Prevention: Other Tips and Advice

In addition to taking proactive steps to prevent arthritis in dogs and cats, pet owners should never underestimate the value of keeping their pets in overall good health and free of preventable diseases. This helps reduce total body inflammation, which could upregulate joint inflammation and exacerbate arthritic changes. 

One of the best and easiest ways to ensure your pet remains happy, healthy and disease-free is to keep up with annual veterinary exams. Veterinarians can determine whether a pet is at their ideal body condition if they have any less obvious signs of early osteoarthritis, like asymmetrical musculature, and help prevent infectious diseases, like parasites and viruses. 

Osteoarthritis is a slow and progressive disease. It’s never too early to begin intervention, even if your dog or cat isn’t showing signs of arthritis yet. For dogs and cats already diagnosed with osteoarthritis, pet owners can take comfort in knowing that arthritis is a manageable disease. In addition to taking steps to delay the progression of the disease, many treatment options are available to keep pets happy and pain-free. 


  1. Katharine L. Anderson, Dan G. O’Neill, David C. Brodbelt, David B. Church, Richard L. Meeson, David Sargan, Jennifer F. Summers, Helen Zulch, and Lisa M. Collins, (2018) “Prevalence, duration and risk factors for appendicular osteoarthritis in a UK dog population under primary veterinary care”
  2. Katharine L. Anderson, Helen Zulch, Dan G. O’Neill, Richard L. Meeson, and Lisa M. Collins, (2020) “Risk Factors for Canine Osteoarthritis and Its Predisposing Arthropathies: A Systematic Review”

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Torn ACL in Dogs: Understanding Cruciate Ligament Injuries https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/torn-acl-in-dogs/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 23:46:59 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134732 Has your dog suddenly started limping after playing at the dog park? Or maybe they have been limping off and on for a while and you are concerned. It could be due to a torn cruciate ligament (also known as an ACL or CCL). ACL tears don’t just impact football players, or even humans in […]

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Has your dog suddenly started limping after playing at the dog park? Or maybe they have been limping off and on for a while and you are concerned. It could be due to a torn cruciate ligament (also known as an ACL or CCL). ACL tears don’t just impact football players, or even humans in general. They can happen to any dog, especially young, healthy, and large-breed dogs.

Read on to understand how a torn ACL in dogs can happen, is diagnosed, and is treated.

Do Dogs Have An ACL?

First things first: is there a difference between an ACL and a CCL?

ACL stands for anterior cruciate ligament, and while in veterinary medicine, we typically use the term CCL (cranial cruciate ligament), the terms and function are similar. 

The cranial cruciate ligament is one of the ligaments (a fibrous piece of connective tissue) in a dog’s knee (stifle) that connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia). Cranial means the front of the knee, and cruciate refers to the fact that it is one of two ligaments that forms a cross in the knee. The CCL acts to stabilize the knee joint by limiting forward movement of the tibia in relation to the femur.

Causes of Cruciate Ligament Tears in Dogs

The cranial cruciate ligament is known to rupture due to sudden trauma or through degeneration over time. Owners who witness a sudden presentation of limping caused by a CCL tear usually report that their dog was running and jumping in the backyard or dog park, or perhaps they were playing frisbee or flyball. Any activity that causes a fast, twisting motion of the knee (including high-impact sport) could potentially result in a torn cruciate ligament. 

The most common dogs seen in the veterinary clinic with torn CCLs are young, active, large-breed dogs. Another risk factor includes being overweight, and it has also been shown that genetics plays a part in the strength of the cruciate ligament. Some breeds are more prone to tears, such as German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Newfoundlands, Rottweilers, and Staffordshire Terriers.

Symptoms of CCL Tears in Dogs

Pet parents may be concerned that their pet has a torn CCL if they see any of the following signs:

  • Limping, including not wanting to put weight on the affected back leg
  • Vocalizing, including crying or whining
  • Trembling and sensitivity to touch of the leg
  • Unwillingness to rise from a sitting position
  • Difficulty climbing stairs
  • Sitting with the affected limb out to the side of the body
  • Decreased muscle mass of the bad leg
  • Variable lameness with exercise that may resolve with rest
  • Increased thickness of the joint capsule, especially on the inside of the leg

Diagnosing Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Dogs

Properly diagnosing a torn cruciate ligament in dogs requires a trip to your veterinarian, where they will: 

  • Get a history of your pet’s lameness 
  • Perform a physical exam
  • Touch and feel (palpate) the leg for instability, pain, and abnormal popping of the joint. 

Your veterinarian will also perform one or two tests: a cranial drawer test or a tibial compression test. Both of these tests check for abnormal movement of the tibia forward in relation to the femur. It may be very difficult to perform this test on an animal who’s awake and in pain, so sedation may be necessary to adequately diagnose your pet’s lameness. 

Your veterinarian will also want to perform X-rays of both rear limbs. They’ll look for signs of swelling in the knee that is suggestive of a CCL tear. X-rays will also help to rule out other causes of lameness, including infection, cancer, arthritis, and patellar luxation (when the knee is not in the proper location). In some cases, your veterinary hospital may recommend an MRI or joint taps (collecting fluid from the joint).

How to Treat Torn Cruciate Ligaments in Dogs

Cruciate Ligament Surgery for Dogs

Surgery is generally recommended for your dog to regain optimal function of the knee. TPLO surgery is a common choice for this type of injury, but there are other surgical options as well. The best procedure for your pet depends on multiple factors, including the type of dog, the surgeon’s preference, and any compounding conditions (like a secondary meniscal tear). 

The purpose of the surgical correction is to recreate the function of the cranial cruciate ligament and to improve stability of the joint. Even though some arthritis will occur regardless of the treatment method, less arthritic changes will occur following surgical correction. All knee surgeries are done under general anesthesia, where your dog is asleep and given pain medication.

Surgery on the knee is more complicated than an average surgical procedure (like a spay or neuter) and needs to be performed by an experienced veterinary surgeon. Many veterinarians don’t feel comfortable performing this surgery in their practice due to the complexity and specialized equipment necessary. 

Non-Surgical Treatment for a CCL Tear

There are some non-surgical options out there, including pain medication and leg splints; however, they tend to be less successful than surgical intervention. This is because these treatments do not resolve the underlying instability present in the joint, and this instability causes more damage and arthritis over time. You may notice that lameness will initially improve, but the animal will never return to their pre-injury activity without recurring lameness.

Cost to Treat CCL Tears in Dogs

The cost of treatment can range anywhere from $2,000 all the way up to $8,000 or more. This number depends on the type of surgery performed, the size of the dog, the severity of the injury, and where the surgery is performed.

Dog CCL Tear Recovery

Recovery is just as crucial as the surgery itself. Your veterinary hospital will give you anti-inflammatory pain medication and strict post-operative instructions, including physical therapy and exercise restrictions that are necessary to improve future weight-bearing and usage of the limb. 

It’s very important to follow these exercise restrictions and to only allow your pet to go outside on a leash to prevent failure of the surgical correction and further injury. Typically recommended to start 24 to 48 hours post-op, physical rehab can range from icing and massage with passive range of motion exercises at home, to laser therapy and underwater treadmill. Post-op healing typically takes six to eight weeks before restrictions can be lifted.

How to Prevent Cruciate Ligament Injuries in Dogs

This is definitely a case where prevention is the best medicine. No one wants to put their beloved pet through this type of surgery and recovery, especially since research shows that approximately half of dogs with a cranial cruciate rupture end up experiencing a similar issue in the other knee. [1]

The best prevention for a cranial cruciate tear is to keep your pup at a healthy weight. If they are overweight, please speak with your veterinarian about ways to decrease their weight. Keeping your pet fit with regular walks and a nutritious diet is also important.


  1. Harasen G. Latest research in orthopedics – more highlights from the 35th Annual meeting of the Veterinary Orthopedic Society. Can Vet J. 2009 Feb;50(2):194. PMID: 19412401; PMCID: PMC2629425.

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Are Dogs Omnivores or Carnivores? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/are-dogs-omnivores-or-carnivores/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 04:09:31 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134482 Are dogs omnivorous or carnivorous? This question generates some debate. Many experts say dogs are omnivores since they can eat and digest both animal and plant foods. But other experts point out that dogs descended from wolves, an animal classified as a true carnivore — or an obligate carnivore — meaning they depend on meat […]

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Are dogs omnivorous or carnivorous? This question generates some debate. Many experts say dogs are omnivores since they can eat and digest both animal and plant foods. But other experts point out that dogs descended from wolves, an animal classified as a true carnivore — or an obligate carnivore — meaning they depend on meat for survival.

These contrasting views can make it challenging for pet parents to know how to feed their dogs. But there’s one thing most experts agree upon: you can generally keep dogs healthy as long as you ensure they get all the nutrients they require, and there are different ways to do so.

Read on for more information about canine nutrition and to see if we can officially answer the question: are dogs omnivores or carnivores?

Dog Nutritional Requirements: A Closer Look

What does a dog need to eat to stay healthy?

According to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), an organization that stipulates nutritional standards for pet food, dogs need proteins and fats, as well as a range of minerals and vitamins, including potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, choline, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A, and various B vitamins.

Although many dog diets are high in carbohydrates, some debate exists about whether dogs need to eat carbs.

“While it can’t be denied that dogs have no biological need for carbohydrates, I would argue that they should still form part of their diet for the benefits they provide,” says Gerald Pepin, a canine nutritionist in the U.K. who professionally advises pet parents about how to keep their dogs healthy with homemade meals. Pepin also believes it’s better to feed homemade dog food rather than commercially produced food, which he says is full of “simple carbs rather than complex-carbohydrates.”

Veterinarians and veterinary nutritionists, however, often caution owners that home-cooked meals could be nutrient deficient if not prepared correctly. Commercial diets are specifically formulated to meet all of a dog’s nutritional needs.

Also, while most experts promote meat-based diets in dogs, some individuals say it is better to feed your dog a vegan or vegetarian diet.

To know what’s best for dogs, it helps to understand their evolutionary biology.

Are Dogs Omnivores?

Many experts would say yes. “Dogs are, without a doubt, omnivores,” says Pepin, explaining that this is because gray wolves (the dog’s ancestor) ate some plant material as part of their diet, usually from the stomach contents of their prey. “The biggest difference between the wolf and today’s domestic dog is that the dog has undergone genetic changes to allow it to benefit from a wider range of plant material than the wolf.”

Andrew Knight, a veterinary professor at Winchester University in the U.K., agrees that dogs are omnivores. He says that dogs’ omnivorous qualities fully developed when they began to live alongside humans about 30,000 years ago.

“Dogs certainly accompanied hunting parties and ate scraps of meat, but actually the primary diet that our ancestors survived on was cooked starchy root vegetables,” he says. “And the dogs that developed adaptations in order to get nutritional benefits from all of those food scraps were the ones that did better.” For instance, he notes how dogs have developed enzymes that allow them to digest starch — a trait that true carnivores lack.

Experts say that dogs can eat and digest plant-based foods and draw all of their nutritional needs from these foods. Some studies have even shown that dogs on vegan diets have increased longevity and fewer health problems. For instance, a study led by Knight himself compared conventional meat, raw meat, and vegan diets for dogs and found that vegan diets were the most “nutritiously sound” and “least hazardous” for dogs [1].

“Not only are [vegan dogs] living longer, but they’re actually living better,” Knight explains. “There are a couple of consistent benefits that come out across most of the studies … one is less itchy skin, ear canal problems, and gastrointestinal reactions. I think these could be related to a lack of dietary allergens that we know are in some meat-based sources like beef, lamb, chicken.” A second benefit is that dogs on a vegan diet are less obese and have fewer musculoskeletal problems and mobility problems, which Knight attributes to a lack of “overnutrition” that can occur when a dog is on a strictly meat-based diet.

Pepin agrees that plant-based diets are not only doable but healthy. “While many would disagree with allowing a dog to be vegan, it is not only possible, it can, in fact, be a healthier option for some dogs,” he elaborates. “It may surprise some people to learn that some of the longest-ever lived dogs have been fed a vegetarian diet.” However, he says a vegan diet requires “more careful management than if a dog is fed an animal-protein based diet.”

Are Dogs Carnivores?

With so much evidence that dogs can eat plant-based foods, does this definitely make dogs omnivorous? Or are they actually carnivores?

Guido Bosch, an assistant professor of animal nutrition at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, says the answer depends on how you look at it. “From a genetic point of view, dogs can still interbreed with wolves; they are actually a sub-species of the wolf,” he notes. “With domestication, the diet changed. A wolf is really a carnivore [2], but throughout domestication, the dog changed from a diet that is more animal-based to a more omnivore type of diet.”

While domesticated dogs have the genetic markers of an omnivorous diet, such as their ability to digest starch, Bosch says that dogs still share many traits with wolves that suggest that they are meant to eat meat. For instance, he explains that dogs will bury their food, a behavior wolves display when coping with periods of famine. Regarding biological characteristics, dogs have short intestinal tracts that allow them to process meat quickly and teeth designed for eating prey.

“They have flat molars like we have, but we can move our jaws sideways,” says Bosch. “Dogs cannot do that — they have more like a scissor-type jaw, so it’s used more for breaking large bones to get access to the marrow.”

Pepin mentions that while there is no denying that dogs’ teeth and digestive systems are designed to “eat meat as a first-choice option,” dogs have changed considerably, undergoing genetic shifts that have allowed them to benefit from the same diet as humans. “Dogs are, in fact, opportunist carnivores,” he elaborates. “That is to say, they will eat meat generally as a preference if given the choice. But if meat is not available, they will happily thrive on plant-based protein instead.”

“Don’t forget, in many parts of the world, animal proteins are scarce,” Pepin adds. “In particularly agrarian parts of the world, dogs and humans have always eaten, and continue to eat, a mainly plant-based diet. The Aztecs, for example, loved their dogs. But because they themselves ate a largely plant-based diet, so did their dogs. And just to prove a point, their beloved Chihuahua is still with us today, all these hundreds of years later!”

Are Dogs Omnivores or Carnivores? The Verdict

As it turns out, the answer to this question isn’t 100 percent clear cut.

Most domesticated dogs today eat omnivorous diets, and their bodies are designed to draw nutrition from plant-based foods. This suggests that dogs are omnivores. However, when we consider that dogs directly descended from carnivorous wolves, it makes us wonder if dogs are carnivores.

Bosch says he likes to avoid categorizing dogs as either omnivorous or carnivorous.

“I don’t really see the relevance of classifying dogs as an omnivore or a carnivore,” he notes. “Just make sure that you meet the nutrient requirements, and that’s the best thing that we can do at this moment.”

If you’re feeling confused about what to ultimately feed your dog, Pepin suggests speaking to an expert. “I would advise any pet parent to seek the advice of a dog nutritionist,” he recommends. “Most pet parents wait until their dog becomes ill before questioning the role of diet in its health. Diet is everything. It has been estimated that up to 80 percent of canine health problems could be cured purely with an improved diet. And this can only be achieved by a dog nutritionist, someone trained in the specifics of canine nutrition.”

Knight also warns against falling for fads like raw meat diets for dogs, which he says can lead to nutritional deficiencies and imbalances. Not only that, but research has shown that raw meat diets can contaminate both dogs and their pet parents with dangerous pathogens and bacteria [3].

Like Pepin, Knight’s advice is to consult an expert or seek out commercially produced foods proven to be nutritionally wholesome. In short, he says to do whatever you can to “ensure your dog’s diet is nutritionally sound.”


  1. Knight, Andrew et al. “Vegan versus meat-based dog food: Guardian-reported indicators of health.” PloS one vol. 17,4 e0265662. 13 Apr. 2022, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0265662
  2. Bosch, Guido et al. “Dietary nutrient profiles of wild wolves: insights for optimal dog nutrition?.” The British journal of nutrition vol. 113 Suppl (2015): S40-54. doi:10.1017/S0007114514002311
  3. Nüesch-Inderbinen, Magdalena & Treier, Andrea & Zurfluh, Katrin & Stephan, Roger. (2019). Raw meat-based diets for companion animals: a potential source of transmission of pathogenic and antimicrobial-resistant Enterobacteriaceae. Royal Society Open Science. 6. 191170. 10.1098/rsos.191170.

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Why Do Dogs Sniff Butts? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/why-do-dogs-sniff-butts/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 04:08:45 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134425 In the long line of seemingly weird dog behavior, perhaps no single act is as unusual to us as their habit of sniffing each other’s butts. While it’s not typical human behavior, sniffing butts is very common among dogs. In fact, wanting to sniff and allowing another dog to sniff are both signs of very […]

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In the long line of seemingly weird dog behavior, perhaps no single act is as unusual to us as their habit of sniffing each other’s butts. While it’s not typical human behavior, sniffing butts is very common among dogs. In fact, wanting to sniff and allowing another dog to sniff are both signs of very well socialized canines.

But have you ever wondered: why do dogs sniff butts? Read on for more details on dogs sniffing butts and what makes it so tempting for our canine companions.

Is It Normal When Dogs Sniff Butts?

Yes, dogs sniffing butts is absolutely normal. Christine Pazdalski, a certified animal behaviorist and professional dog trainer based outside of Philadelphia, equates dogs sniffing each other’s butts to humans shaking hands.

“This is their greeting. It’s not only normal, but it’s good social skills when you’re a dog. It’s sort of what you’re supposed to do,” she says.

Not all dogs like to engage in this behavior, however. That doesn’t mean that something is wrong with them, Pazdalski explains. They just haven’t been socialized in such a way that they understand the meaning behind it.

“This behavior is not something that needs to be taught to dogs, but if it’s interrupted by a human when they’re young, a puppy may learn to not do it,” she says. “If dogs don’t practice it in a positive way, [they] can also learn to not accept rear-end sniffing from dogs.”

Why Do Dogs Sniff Butts?

If you continue with the handshake analogy, that behavior in humans dates back to a time when an extended hand literally meant to show that you were not carrying a weapon. That’s not exactly what canines mean when they sniff and allow sniffing, but it is a way to show a strange, new dog that they have nothing to fear.

Why do dogs sniff each other’s butts?

Dr. Leslie Sinn, a board certified veterinary behaviorist who works in private practice outside of Washington, D.C., says, “Dogs have a lot of scent glands around their tail and anal area that convey a lot of information. We don’t even know how much dogs can learn from doing this, but it’s a lot and includes the dog’s age, social status, if [they’re] reproductively active, if [they’re] physically in their prime, and what kind of condition [they’re] in.”

In this way, Sinn says it’s a related behavior to marking trees, buildings, telephone poles, and other similar objects with urine (and the sniffing you’ve experienced a million times when your dog stops you during a walk).

Why do dogs sniff human butts?

For all of the same reasons, you might find your dog coming up behind you to see what new things they can learn about you! It’s harmless enough, but that doesn’t mean you always want your dog doing this, especially to guests or anyone for whom behavior like this could be physically imposing (children, older individuals, or anyone else who might not be too sure on their feet).

Pazdalski says one great way to redirect this behavior when it comes to interactions with humans is to put your hand at your side with your palm up. “Dogs can gather as much information via scent from your palm as [they] can from the other parts,” she says. “When [they stop] sniffing your rear end and start at your palm, reward the change.”

Dogs will also do this to cats who live in the house, and while felines are also very scent-oriented animals, they won’t necessarily take too kindly to a cold nose in their behind, Sinn says. “Cats are never quite sure what to do with that because it’s just not a cat behavior, and they don’t find it too pleasing.”

She adds that many cats will tolerate the greeting initially, as long as the dog doesn’t run them over and continue to press the snout up the back end. “If the dog is inappropriate for too long, the cat may, at that point, sit down and swat him on the nose and cut off the greeting,” she says.

What to Do When Your Dog Sniffs Butts

There is a specific cadence to a butt-sniffing interaction that most dogs will follow, Sinn says, and as long as both do, there’s really nothing you need to worry about. Just let them sniff away.

“The dogs should approach from an angle and then circle,” she says. “The circling puts them nose to tail. That’s the way to control the interaction and diffuse any tension.” Dogs that approach head on and with unblinking eye contact are committing a sort of “social gaffe,” she adds, and that interaction could very well end up with snarls, snaps, and other forms of more aggressive body language.

Knowing if your dog is likely to tolerate and engage with this behavior appropriately is important, Pazdalski says, and she also always recommends that you work with your dog on verbal cues that will easily diffuse a potentially unwanted interaction. “The surefire way to prevent a bad situation is to have great recall, redirect, and get your dog’s attention back on you.”

Dogs Sniffing Butts: Other Tips and Advice

Because the behavior is associated with acquiring certain information about the dog whose butt is being sniffed, you might be wondering if dogs sniff the butts of other dogs they know well. Pazdalski says most of the time, they do not, but in cases where one of the dogs in a household goes out for a few hours and the other does not, the dogs may sniff upon being reunited to see if they can find something out about where they’ve been.

Additionally, dog sniffing, while a totally normal behavior under most circumstances, can become compulsive or excessive. “If there’s a dog who, for every dog they come in contact with, they rush him and pursue him relentlessly, that’s not appropriate behavior,” Sinn says.

The behavior should be pretty diplomatic and contained, she adds, so if those words don’t describe the way your dog exhibits it, it’s important for you to try to identify why. “You should be concerned about the dog being anxious or frustrated or overwhelmed in that situation such that they can’t dial it back,” she says. “The dog that is inflicting himself on others should be removed from that situation and given the opportunity to try to interact more appropriately in a different, quieter situation, instead of a dog park or on a busy street.”

No matter the context, if every interaction your dog has is characterized by that over-the-top behavior, Sinn recommends that dog parents strongly consider an anxiety evaluation by a certified professional.

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Petting Aggression in Cats: How to Stop Bites https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-behavior/petting-aggression-in-cats/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 04:07:31 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134381 Have you ever been petting your cat, enjoying some quality bonding time, when suddenly, they bite or swat at you? This behavior, known as petting aggression, leaves many cat parents scratching their heads (and sometimes nursing their wounds). While the experience can be jarring, petting aggression in cats is a common behavior, and rest assured, […]

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Have you ever been petting your cat, enjoying some quality bonding time, when suddenly, they bite or swat at you? This behavior, known as petting aggression, leaves many cat parents scratching their heads (and sometimes nursing their wounds).

While the experience can be jarring, petting aggression in cats is a common behavior, and rest assured, it doesn’t mean your kitty hates you or that you’ve failed as a pet parent.

So, what provokes these unexpected nips? Read on to uncover the hidden reasons behind petting aggression and learn practical tips to prevent those pesky bites.

What Is Petting Aggression in Cats?

Petting aggression (aka petting-induced aggression) is when a cat suddenly becomes aggressive or agitated while being pet.

Though biting is the hallmark sign of petting aggression, a cat may also display additional defensive postures or behaviors, such as flattened ears, a tucked head, turning away from you, quickly jumping off your lap, swatting at you, raised hackles, hissing, or crouching.

So, what causes your sweet little furball to seemingly go from Sleeping Beauty to Cujo at the drop of a hat?

According to Kate Luse, an IAABC Certified Cat Behavior Consultant and owner of Healthy Cattitude, “Petting-induced aggression occurs when a cat is pet when they don’t want to be, pet for longer than they want to be, or pet on parts of their body where they don’t want to be.”

In other words, for some reason, your petting session becomes unpleasant for your cat, and they bite, swat, or scratch to communicate that they want the interaction to end.

Why Do Cats Bite When You Pet Them?

Unlike dogs, most cats have a petting threshold and are easily overstimulated. “There is individual variation in how much and where on their bodies cats like to be pet,” says Luse.

Some cats will gladly accept an hour of petting, while another might only enjoy a few strokes. Most cats fall somewhere in the middle.


Luse explains that cats who are more sensitive to touch and prefer less petting are more likely to display petting aggression because their humans will likely pet them more than they’re comfortable with, or on sensitive parts of their body. “That said, any cat who is pet more than they want, or on places they don’t like to be touched, can display petting-induced aggression.”


Laura Cassiday, an IAABC Certified Cat Behavior Consultant and owner of Pawsitive Vibes Cat Behavior & Training, adds that petting aggression is more likely to occur in cats who are stressed out. If a cat is already agitated, it won’t take much for the cup to spill over, she says.


Cats who are in pain or discomfort are also more likely to show petting aggression, says Cassiday. If your normally-mellow cat begins to display a low tolerance for petting or you notice that petting certain areas of their body stimulates petting aggression, take your cat to your veterinarian for a checkup to ensure nothing is medically amiss.


Lastly, petting aggression can be caused by a lack of mental or physical stimulation and enrichment, says Cassiday. “Bored and frustrated cats generally don’t tolerate petting as well as others.”

The Difference Between Petting Aggression and Other Forms of Cat Biting

It’s important to understand the difference between petting aggression and “love bites.” Some cats demonstrate affection by giving a tender bite or nip while you’re petting them. You can recognize a love bite if your cat’s body language doesn’t display signs of fear or aggression, and they seem calm and content. Additionally, love bites tend to be more of a gentle, grasping bite rather than a forceful, aggressive one.

Petting aggression is also not the same as play biting. During playtime, cats often bite or nip as a form of playful interaction. This behavior is a natural part of a cat’s development and socialization, as it helps them practice and hone their hunting instincts, coordination, and communication skills. This type of biting can be avoided by always using cat toys, rather than your hands, during playtime.

Your cat may also give you a gentle nip if they’re “grooming” you. Cats may groom their littermates, mother, and even their human companions. This behavior is thought to be an expression of affection.

Signs That Petting Aggression May Happen

While pet parents often report that cat petting aggression seems to happen out of nowhere, this is not typically the case and points to a lack of understanding of and attention to feline body language.

Your cat may display several warning signs that signal impending petting aggression. “Body tensing up, tail twitching or thrashing, ears going back, pupils dilating, and my favorite — the look back at your hand. Sometimes it’s a full-on look, sometimes it’s just a side eye,” says Cassiday. Cat parents often miss these signs (or don’t understand them), especially when they’re absentmindedly petting their cats while watching TV, scrolling on their phones, or engaging in conversation.

How to Stop Petting Aggression in Cats

To minimize or eliminate petting aggression, consider these tips:

Do a consent test

Cassiday recommends doing a “consent test” to ask your cat if they want to receive pets. “Hold your hand out an inch or two away from your cat’s face. If they close the distance on their own, they’re saying yes, please pet me. After a few seconds, take your hand away and give them the chance to close the distance again. If they don’t move, or if they turn their head away, they’re done with petting,” she explains. “Cats who are given the chance to nicely say no and don’t have warning signs ignored are much less likely to bite or scratch.”

Keep it short and sweet

Luse recommends petting your cat for brief periods, frequently stopping to assess their body language and determine if they want more (or for you to stop).

Be mindful of petting location

When you pet your cat, focus on their head, the sides of their face, and the back of their neck. Avoid full-body petting, at least initially, as this may be overstimulating. Many cats are more sensitive near the base of their tails, on their legs, and on their bellies, so these areas are best avoided (unless you’ve already determined your cat likes pets in those areas). If your cat gives you signs that they don’t like a particular area of their body being pet, respect that and immediately stop.

Maintain a consistent play routine

Engaging in daily play sessions with your cat and providing plenty of enrichment opportunities can help calm your cat and make your feline companion more tolerant of petting. This is because playtime helps release built-up stress, tension, and energy from your cat’s system.

Consider training

For some cats, a desensitizing or counter-conditioning plan using clicker training may help them learn to tolerate and maybe even enjoy more petting, says Cassiday. This may be particularly helpful for cats with trauma or cats who weren’t properly socialized. Training, however, should only be done under the guidance of a cat behaviorist.

Never Punish Your Cat for Petting Aggression

Both Cassiday and Luse strongly advise against punishments like spraying your cat with water or giving them a bop on the head when they exhibit petting aggression.

“Cats should never be punished simply for communicating their needs,” says Cassiday. “Most cats will gradually go up the ladder of aggression and show many other signs of discomfort first before escalating to a swat or bite, and it’s up to people to learn to recognize those signs and stop petting sooner.”

Luse echoes this sentiment. “When a cat resorts to petting-induced aggression, it means we haven’t heard what they’ve tried to tell us about when and how they like to be pet,” she says. “The solution to petting-induced aggression isn’t punishment — it’s learning to read cat body language and respecting what our cats are telling us.”

On top of that, Luse explains that punishment will likely worsen the behavior. When a cat displays petting aggression, she’s in a heightened state of arousal, and punishment will likely escalate the issue and the likelihood of more aggressive behavior.

“Punishment also harms your relationship with your cat,” says Luse. “We may think we’re telling our cat that when they engage in petting-induced aggression with us, punishment will be the consequence. But more likely, the cat comes to simply associate us, not their own behavior, with the punishment. This erodes the cat’s bond with and trust in us.”

Our adorable, whiskered friends may occasionally display behaviors that challenge us, but with patience, understanding, and a little bit of feline finesse, we can make our homes a harmonious haven for both cats and humans. So, keep an eye on your kitty’s subtle cues, respect their boundaries, and shower them with love (on their terms, of course!).

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Mouth Cancer in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/mouth-cancer-in-cats/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 04:06:44 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134513 If your normally vibrant, healthy cat suddenly or gradually refuses to eat their food, the cause for that is most often dental disease; however, sometimes the cause may be a growth of a cancerous tumor in the mouth. According to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine,  mouth cancer in cats is the fourth most common […]

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If your normally vibrant, healthy cat suddenly or gradually refuses to eat their food, the cause for that is most often dental disease; however, sometimes the cause may be a growth of a cancerous tumor in the mouth. According to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine,  mouth cancer in cats is the fourth most common type of feline cancer, and is not only painful, but can be fatal if left untreated. [1]

This article is intended to give you the information you need to know about the types of cat mouth cancer, what symptoms to look out for, the available treatment options, the prognosis, and how to reduce your cat’s likelihood of developing mouth cancer.

Types of Cat Mouth Cancer

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is the most common type of cat mouth cancer, accounting for 70-80% of all oral tumors in cats. SCC manifests as a tumor that develops in the mouth, usually in the tissues surrounding a tooth, on the roof of the mouth, or on the underside of the tongue. SCC can also manifest in tonsils and salivary glands as well.

Fibrosarcoma is another type of mouth cancer in cats that causes destruction of normal mouth tissues and can sometimes invade bone and muscle. Fibrosarcoma usually does not create tumors, and it is less common than squamous cell carcinoma.

Other cat mouth cancer types include melanoma, lymphoma, and osteosarcoma that spreads from other parts of the body, but these types of oral cancer are much less common in cats.

Signs of Mouth Cancer in Cats

While you or your veterinarian may actually see a tumor in a cat’s mouth, oftentimes the signs are more subtle and may mimic the signs of dental disease or gum disease. Sometimes there will be no signs at all. Additional signs of feline mouth cancer can include:

  • Unexplained loss of an apparently healthy tooth (most common with SCC)
  • Bleeding from the mouth, or bloody saliva
  • Reduced appetite
  • Chewing on only one side, dropping food when eating
  • Refusing to eat kibble, will only eat soft food
  • Weight loss
  • Bad breath
  • Drooling
  • Head shy
  • Facial swelling
  • Difficulty swallowing

If you notice any of these signs, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away. If your cat does have mouth cancer, treatment is more successful and the prognosis is often better when the condition is caught early.

Causes of Cat Mouth Cancer

The cause of most oral cancers in cats is still undetermined, though SCC may have a viral component. Mouth cancer in cats is also believed by the scientific community (though not confirmed) to be a result of exposure to: 

  • Environmental carcinogens (like secondhand cigarette smoke or other tobacco products)
  • Consumption of canned foods containing tuna
  • Chemicals in flea collars [2]

Studies showed that cats that wore flea collars had five times the risk of developing mouth cancer. In addition, any chronic inflammation or irritation in the mouth, including inflammation associated with periodontal disease, increases the risk of the development of oral tumors.

Diagnosing Oral Cancer in Cats

Diagnosis of cancer of the mouth in cats starts with a full physical examination by a veterinarian. To get an accurate diagnosis, your veterinarian will likely need to sedate your cat for a complete oral examination and radiographs (X-rays) of the mouth. They will also recommend bloodwork to assess the overall health of your cat and rule out other medical conditions. In some cases, they may recommend an MRI or CT scan, and in most cases, they will either submit a portion of any suspicious lesions or remove the tumor or for biopsy to determine the type.

Treating Cat Mouth Cancer

Treatment of mouth cancer in cats depends on the type of tumor, but it typically involves surgery and radiation. Sometimes chemotherapy and molecularly targeted therapies are utilized. In addition, cats with mouth cancer are also treated for pain and may need nutritional therapy, such as a feeding tube, to support them through their recovery.

Cost to Treat Cat Mouth Cancer

The cost to treat mouth cancer in cats typically ranges from $1,000-$7,000, depending on the tumor type, location, and degree of malignancy. 

Treatment expenses include:

  • Cost of diagnosis
  • Cost of surgery
  • Costs of radiation and chemotherapy (if indicated)
  • Follow-up costs

Prognosis for Cats With Mouth Cancer

A cat’s prognosis depends on tumor type, location, and if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Benign tumors are typically successfully treated with surgical removal and sometimes radiation, and in general, have a good prognosis. Malignant tumors are treated surgically with varying levels of success, depending on the type of tumor, where it is located, and if it has spread to other parts of the body. 

Unfortunately, by the time SCC is usually diagnosed, the tumors are too large and the cancer has often spread to the local lymph nodes. In these circumstances, prognosis is poor, and only palliative treatment is available.

How to Prevent Mouth Cancer in Cats

While there is no fool-proof way to protect your cat from mouth cancer, there are proactive steps you can take to lower your cat’s risk, such as:

  • Reduce or eliminate your cat’s exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke.
  • Talk to your veterinarian about flea collars.
  • Talk to your veterinarian about the type of food you feed your cat, and avoid feeding tuna. (The EPA recommends no more than 1.5 ounces [45 grams] of canned tuna per week for adult cats.)
  • Brush your cat’s teeth regularly, pay attention to their oral hygiene, and routinely examine your cat’s face (and inside of their mouth if they will let you) for anything suspicious.
  • If your cat has dental disease, have it treated by a veterinarian.
  • Have your cat’s mouth examined yearly by a veterinarian. (If your cat has a history of dental disease and is older than 7, schedule twice yearly oral examinations with your veterinarian.)
  • Remember that cat mouth cancer carries a better prognosis if caught early. If you notice any of the signs listed in this article, talk to your veterinarian right away.


  1. “Oral Cavity Tumors.” Cornell Feline Health Center. Retreived from https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-c[…]/health-information/feline-health-topics/oral-cavity-tumors 
  2. “A Review of Feline Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma” (2016, October) Today’s Veterinary Practice. Retrieved from https://todaysveterinarypractice.com/oncology/feline-oral-squamous-cell-carcinoma/

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Watery Eyes in Cats: 6 Common Causes https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/watery-eyes-in-cats/ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:55:24 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134698 Eyes are the window to the soul, and in our cats, we often admire their beauty. A little bit of extra tears won’t bother your cat, but what if the eyes are very watery? Does your cat need treatment? Read on to better understand your cat’s watery eyes. The Basics of Tear Production in Cats […]

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Eyes are the window to the soul, and in our cats, we often admire their beauty. A little bit of extra tears won’t bother your cat, but what if the eyes are very watery? Does your cat need treatment? Read on to better understand your cat’s watery eyes.

The Basics of Tear Production in Cats

Cats’ eyes water, or produce tears, to protect the cornea, or the front of the eye. The many small glands that produce tears – from the outer part of the eye toward the middle corner closest to the nose – is called the nasolacrimal system. 

Tears drain from upper and lower eyelids into a sac, then into a duct that flows to the bottom of the nasal cavity (the cavity behind the nose).

Production of tears in eyes is a natural function, but if your cat’s eyes appear very watery and extra tears spill out of the eye, there is likely an issue. Whether or not the issue requires medical attention depends on if your cat is uncomfortable.

Cat Eye Watering: What it Looks Like

The discharge that comes out of watery eyes in cats is thin and either clear, slightly white, or tinted brown. It can affect one eye or both. 

Other symptoms are common, and may include:

  • Red eyes
  • Squinting one or both eyes
  • Sneezing and/or congestion
  • Unusual shape of the eyelids or eyelids rolling inward
  • Swelling of the eyes
  • Cloudiness of the eyes
  • Fur loss around the eye
  • Irritation and redness just below the inside corner of the eye

Other eye discharges are possible such as bloody or mucoid discharge, which is thicker yellow to green discharge as opposed to watery discharge. The causes of different eye discharges can overlap significantly.

Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Watering? 6 Possible Causes 

Sick cat with watery eyes

Causes of watery eyes in cats include:

Feline herpesvirus-1

The most common cause, feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV), causes inflammation in the eyes (conjunctivitis) as well as in the nose, both of which would result in watery eyes.

Blockage of the Nasolacrimal Duct 

This can occur due to a tumor, infection that causes swelling in the face, or nasal congestion.

Bacterial Infection

Chlamydophilia felis is a bacterium that leads to infections and swelling in the eye, especially in young kittens.

Foreign Body

A particle such as plant material can become lodged into the tissue under the eyelid and cause significant watering and squinting.

Breed Predisposition

Brachycephalic cat breeds – breeds that have a “flat” face – have a duct that travels so sharply upward that it often gets “kinked” in a V-shaped pattern, resulting in watery eyes.

Congenital Issue

Cats can be born with an abnormal nasolacrimal system that prevents tears from draining normally.

Cat Watery Eye Treatment 

Veterinarian examining cat eyes

Not all watery eyes in cats need to be treated. If your cat’s eye is otherwise normal in appearance and your cat is not squinting, just wipe the discharge from near the eye daily with a clean damp cloth. 

Sometimes, chronic watering can lead to irritated skin. Your veterinarian can prescribe topical ointments that are safe to be placed near the eye to treat any irritation.

If your cat’s eyes begin watering suddenly, it is more likely there is inflammation from diseases such as FHV or Chlamydophila. These diseases can benefit from antibiotic eye ointment. This is true even for viral infections (like FHV), since they are often followed by bacterial infections that cause inflammation to worsen. In chronic cases of FHV, oral antiviral medication such as famciclovir can be prescribed. 

Rarely a foreign body is present in one of the eyes, and your veterinarian will need to numb your cat’s eye – and possibly sedate your cat – to look closely for what is causing the irritation.

If the nasolacrimal duct is blocked, your veterinarian may be able to flush the duct to allow it to flow. 

Surgery can be performed for certain conditions, including some congenital conditions like eyelid agenesis. Eyelid agenesis occurs when the eyelids do not fully form in kittens, and fur hangs down from the skin onto the eye creating chronic irritation.

Are There Home Remedies for Watery Eyes in Cats? 

There are no therapies available at home that are safe and effective for watery eyes in cats. Putting lubricating eye drops in the eye is not advised as it will not help most eye conditions.

How to Prevent Watery Eyes in Cats

FHV can be prevented by avoiding stress in your cat as much as possible. If your cat develops symptoms of FHV including nasal congestion or discharge, speak with your veterinarian about treatment early in the disease to prevent chronic inflammation, which could lead to scarring and permanent closure of the nasolacrimal duct.

Vaccinating your cat is very important to decrease the likelihood of serious illness caused by FHV. There is a vaccine for Chlamydophila as well, but that vaccine is not recommended unless a cattery or animal shelter demonstrates that Chlamydophila is producing disease in their facility and managing the spread of disease is difficult.

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Can Dogs Have ADHD? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/can-dogs-have-adhd/ Mon, 20 Nov 2023 18:59:35 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=134125 It’s no secret that dogs can have many of the same conditions that we do. So, if you live with a pup who is prone to distraction or excels at zoomies, it’s natural to wonder: Can dogs have ADHD? Recent studies indicate that there are indeed similarities between ADHD in humans and ADHD-like behavior in […]

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It’s no secret that dogs can have many of the same conditions that we do. So, if you live with a pup who is prone to distraction or excels at zoomies, it’s natural to wonder: Can dogs have ADHD? Recent studies indicate that there are indeed similarities between ADHD in humans and ADHD-like behavior in dogs. In fact, a rare disorder in dogs called hyperkinesis shares several noteworthy commonalities with ADHD in humans.

Unless you’re a trained professional, however, it’s not easy to distinguish between a dog with hyperkinesis and a naturally hyperactive dog or one with anxiety. We asked veterinarians and behaviorists to help unpack this topic, and to offer recommendations that can help you help your canine companion cope. If your dog is exhibiting behavioral issues, it’s always best to start with a call to your veterinarian.

Can Dogs Have ADHD? What the Experts Say

ADHD in humans is marked by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and distractedness; these symptoms can vary and range from mild to severe. [1] While many of us may exhibit these behaviors at times (who hasn’t zoned out during a long lecture?), the brains of people with ADHD are structurally different — which impacts how they process information. Heredity plays a major role in ADHD, though external factors like brain injuries, being born with a low birth weight, or exposure to certain toxins can factor in. [2]

ADHD begins in childhood — it’s classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder — although it can continue into adulthood. It’s considered a common mental condition, with about 6 million children aged 3 to 17 currently diagnosed each year. [3]

But let’s get down to it: can a dog have ADHD?

Some dogs exhibit behavior resembling that of ADHD in humans. “I see a lot of impulsivity and inability to focus in my patients that are generally anxious,” says Dr. Liz Stelow, chief of service at the University of California, Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. “These dogs do not rest well and typically have too many fear (or sometimes aggression) triggers to count.”  

Does this mean ADHD in dogs is a valid veterinary diagnosis? The veterinary community admits that while dog ADHD is possible, they hesitate to assign a diagnosis — at least for now.

For one, there’s not nearly enough research on this topic yet available. Plus, dogs are a distinct species with a different brain structure, as well as different social needs and ways of processing information. “It’s very important to remember that although there may be many similar behaviors, it’s unlikely that the presentation of ADHD in humans is exactly like the presentation of similar behaviors and symptoms in dogs,” says Dr. Kristina Spaulding, a certified applied animal behaviorist, educator, and owner of Science Matters Academy of Animal Behavior LLC. “Saying ‘ADHD-like’ reminds us of this.”

Hyperactivity in dogs may in fact, be symptomatic of other conditions. One of these, says Dr. Spaulding, is anxiety. Additionally, “It can also happen in normal adolescent dogs that aren’t getting their exercise, enrichment, and/or social needs met.”

Dogs with canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD), which affects older dogs and is linked to dementia, can appear anxious or more withdrawn; and those with canine compulsive disorder may start to excessively chase their tails. And don’t discount medical conditions, like pain or a seizure disorder, which can sometimes cause these symptoms.

Genetics play a role, too. Compare, for example, highly active dog breeds like the Australian Shepherd and Border Collie, with more docile dog breeds like the Bulldog or Greyhound. “Certain types or breeds of dogs have been selected for many generations for qualities that would make them excel in certain functions or capacities of work, be they guarding, herding, exterminating, hunting by scent or sight,” says Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club.

However, as we mentioned before, there is a rare condition in dogs that comes closest to what we would call clinical ADHD. “We behaviorists speak of dogs that cannot settle and learn that respond well to stimulants like Ritalin. Is that ADHD? We call it hyperkinesis,” explains Dr. Stelow, who is a board-certified veterinary behaviorist.

Research About ADHD in Dogs

Several studies have noted similarities between ADHD in humans and ADHD-like behavior in dogs. [4] “Both humans and dogs have a gene variant related to a dopamine gene (DRD4) [5] that is associated with increased activity and impulsivity,” says Dr. Spaulding, who also serves as vice president of the IAABC Foundation. In another study, “Dogs rated high for impulsivity [6] show deficits in their ability to inhibit behavioral responses as well as intolerance to delayed reward,” adds Dr. Spaulding, who has a Ph.D. in behavioral neuroscience.

Another study published in the Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine found that the degree of play time, socialization, and exercise a dog received were linked to ADHD-like behavior. [7] Understanding this connection can ultimately help us be more proactive in how we care for dogs predisposed to these behaviors.

A Groundbreaking Study

A widely-cited 2021 study from the University of Helsinki went even further in challenging the premise that only humans can have ADHD. Based on data from more than 11,000 Finnish dogs, the researchers found striking similarities between ADHD symptoms in both humans and dogs. [8

Puppies and male dogs, for example, were found to be more prone to ADHD-like behavior than females and older dogs. This mirrors what scientists know about ADHD in humans — that it tends to occur mostly in young males.

Additionally, a genetic component in dog “ADHD” (which is also a key factor in human ADHD) was present in the University of Helsinki study. Breeds bred for work, like the German Shepherd and Jack Russell Terrier, most commonly exhibited hyperactivity and impulsivity; though they did have the ability to focus on the task at hand. Conversely, breeds like the Chihuahua and Miniature Poodle were generally calmer.

A dog’s environment was also found to be a risk factor. “Amazingly and not surprisingly, dogs that stay at home alone are often more at risk,” says Dr. Klein. Dogs who don’t get enough attention or enough exercise also show more behavioral changes, so pet parent habits can play a contributing role as well.

Dog ADHD Symptoms

There are nuances between hyperactivity and other conditions like CCD. “Canine Cognitive Dysfunction tends to be associated with aging in senior dogs. Whereas high-energy, impulsive behaviors are most common in adolescent dogs (about 6 months to about 18 months),” says Dr. Spaulding.

Additionally, Dr. Spaulding says, canine cognitive dysfunction tends to present differently. “However, sometimes anxiety can masquerade as hyperactive or impulsive behavior. Anxious dogs may jump up on their caregivers and mouth at them. This is a behavior that can also occur when dogs are playing, overly excited, or frustrated.”

Veterinarians have specific criteria when determining if a diagnosis of hyperkinesis (dog “ADHD”) is appropriate. “Patients that I have treated for this have clinical signs that have included high resting heart rate and respiratory rate, difficulty concentrating, or increased focus at [an] unexpected time,” says Dr. Valli Parthasarathy, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist with Synergy Behavior Solutions in Portland, Oregon.

Other signs Dr. Parthasarathy looks for in dogs before she makes a diagnosis include significant trouble relaxing (even in calm situations) and difficulty retaining previously learned skills. A dog’s age and behavioral history, and the ruling out of other medical conditions are also important criteria.

This is why seeking professional help if you suspect your dog has any behavioral issues is crucial. “In many cases, it takes a high level of experience and expertise to distinguish between the potential causes of these symptoms. A behavior professional can help sort out exactly what is driving the behavior and the best way to address it,” says Dr. Spaulding.

To recap, potential hyperkinesis or dog ADHD symptoms your veterinarian will look for include:

  • High resting heart rate and respiratory rate
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increased focus at an unexpected time
  • Trouble relaxing, even in calm situations
  • Difficulty retaining previously learned skills

Managing ADHD Symptoms in Dogs

If you suspect your dog has hyperkinesis, starting with your veterinarian is always a safe bet. “If you are concerned about your pet’s behavior, the first step is to have them checked by your veterinarian,” advises Dr. Parthasarathy.

Your veterinarian might point you in the direction of a specialist, like a board-certified veterinary behaviorist, certified dog behavior consultant, or certified applied animal behaviorist. “This is really important, especially because there are several potential causes of these behaviors, and if the wrong cause is targeted, it’s unlikely the dog will improve,” says Dr. Spaulding.

The following techniques are often recommended for dogs with ADHD-like behaviors. Keep in mind that what works for one pup may not work for another.

Provide Adequate Exercise

A primary goal is to make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and enrichment, says Dr. Spaulding. “The needs will vary widely from dog to dog, but if the dog is not getting at least 30 minutes of play and/or walks or some other kind of physical exercise, then that would be a good place to start.”

Dogs like to do a job, adds Dr. Klein. “Extremely energetic dogs can easily become bored dogs, and bored dogs easily can become disruptive and destructive dogs. Finding proper outlets for dogs, especially young dogs or puppies, can be [time-consuming] and challenging but extremely worthwhile in saving the relationship with you and your dog.”

Create a Behavioral Plan for Dog ADHD Symptoms

Physical exercise by itself isn’t enough, though, says Dr. Spaulding. You’ll need to create a behavior plan for your pup, which Dr. Spaulding says focuses on four main components:

  • Ensuring the dog’s needs are being met
  • Creating an environment that minimizes or avoids exposure to overwhelming situations
  • Using force-free training techniques to improve the dog’s impulse control and frustration tolerance
  • Using positive reinforcement to train behaviors that aid with control and relaxation, such as settling on a mat

Provide Appropriate Levels of Stimulation

Focus on activities that can reduce general emotional arousal, says Dr. Parthasarathy. “For example, playing chase [or] tug, or running may make some dogs highly emotionally aroused and increase impulsive behavior.”

Providing calm is also essential, Dr. Parthasarathy adds. “Allowing calm exploratory walks (aka ‘Sniffaris’), more relaxed mental activities (such as licking frozen dog food out of a rubber toy), and teaching relaxation are all activities that can help. Teaching de-escalation and self-calming can help dogs learn to regulate their responses to emotional arousal as well.”

Manage Your Dog’s Home Environment

You may need to make some changes within your home to prevent discomforting behaviors. “This may mean better puppy-proofing of the home, always keeping the dog leashed while outdoors, and [watching] for signs of frustration,” says Dr. Stelow.

Your Veterinarian May Recommend Medication

As nonsensical as it may seem, a dog with true canine hyperkinesis (which is rare in dogs) will usually respond to stimulants. Drugs like methylphenidate, or Ritalin for dogs, can be beneficial in hyperkinesis, says Dr. Parthasarathy. “Often there are other emotional conditions contributing to the overall behavior, so some patients may benefit from a combination of treatments.”

Before giving your pup supplements or OTC remedies, check with your veterinarian first. Although some veterinarians recommend products like valerian and chamomile to relieve anxiety in dogs, hyperkinesis is not the same thing as anxiety.

ADHD in Dogs: The Bottom Line

While recent studies demonstrate that there are behavioral — and even physiological — similarities in ADHD and ADHD-like behavior in dogs, the question remains: can dogs have ADHD?

For now, while hyperkinesis comes closest to what we’d call clinical dog “ADHD,” the veterinary community is not ready to claim ADHD in dogs as a valid diagnosis, at least until more research is available. Additionally, dogs have brains that are structurally and chemically different than ours, so assigning a human diagnosis to another species isn’t always clear cut.

If you suspect your dog has hyperkinesis, it’s best to initiate a conversation with your veterinarian.


  1. Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. (2019, June). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/adhd/symptoms-causes/syc-20350889
  2. Moore, S., Paalanen, L. etal. (2022, March). The Association between ADHD and Environmental Chemicals—A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. In National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8910189/
  3. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – Data and Statistics about ADHD. (2022, August). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html
  4. Wright, H., Mills, D. (2012, February). Behavioural and physiological correlates of impulsivity in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Physiology & Behavior. In ScienceDirect. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031938411004689
  5. Wan, M., Hejjas, K. (2013, December). DRD4 and TH gene polymorphisms are associated with activity, impulsivity and inattention in Siberian Husky dogs. Animal Genetics. In National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23713429/
  6. Bunford, N., Csibra, B., etal. (2019, May). Associations among behavioral inhibition and owner-rated attention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and personality in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris). Journal of Comparative Psychology. In National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30394783/
  7. Hoppe, N., Bininda-Emonds, O., etal. (2017, December). Correlates of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-Like Behavior in Domestic Dogs: First Results from a Questionnaire-Based Study. Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine. Retrieved from https://openventio.org/wp-content/uploads/Correlates-of-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder-ADHD-Like-Behavior-in-Domestic-Dogs-First-Results-from-a-Questionnaire-Based-Study-VMOJ-2-122.pdf
  8. Sulkama, S., Puurenen, J., etal. (2021, October). Canine hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention share similar demographic risk factors and behavioural comorbidities with human ADHD. Translational Psychiatry. In National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8486809/

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Dog Eye Infection: Symptoms and Treatment Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-eye-infection/ Thu, 16 Nov 2023 19:32:53 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=132988 Infections are one of many conditions that can cause pain and inflammation of the eye. While it’s only natural to suspect a dog eye infection any time you see the characteristic squinting and redness that accompany irritation, there could be another explanation. That’s why a veterinary visit is essential for an accurate diagnosis. Using a thorough […]

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Infections are one of many conditions that can cause pain and inflammation of the eye. While it’s only natural to suspect a dog eye infection any time you see the characteristic squinting and redness that accompany irritation, there could be another explanation. That’s why a veterinary visit is essential for an accurate diagnosis. Using a thorough examination and some simple tests, your veterinarian can determine whether your dog’s eye issues are caused by an infection and how to best address it.

Read on to learn more about diagnosing and treating eye infections in dogs. 

What Is a Dog Eye Infection?

Eye infections are a common cause of conjunctivitis (pinkeye) in dogs. Infections cause inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the surface of the eye and the inside surface of the eyelids), leading to redness, squinting, and pain. Conjunctivitis can have a variety of other causes, however, such as allergies, physical or chemical irritation, eyelid abnormalities, and other conditions.

Eye infections can also affect other parts of the eye. The cornea (surface of the eye) can become infected if it has been weakened by a scratch or ulcer. The interior of the eye can also be affected by infections, leading to a condition known as uveitis.

What Causes Eye Infections in Dogs?


Eye infections are often caused by bacteria that live in the environment and on your dog’s skin. The bacteria are typically kept in check by your dog’s defenses, but these defenses can be overcome if the eye is damaged or diseased.

Some eye infections are associated with serious internal infections, like leptospirosis and brucellosis. These bacteria have systemic (body-wide) effects, including on the eye, and may be contracted from other dogs or from wildlife.

Viruses and Fungi

While viral eye infections are very common in humans, they are not quite as common in dogs. However, viruses like distemper virus, herpes virus, and canine influenza virus can lead to conjunctivitis. 

Fungal infections (like blastomycosis) are rare, but they can occur in some areas of the country. Fungal infections may be spread by inhaling fungal spores or contact with contaminated soil.

Dog Eye Infection Symptoms

The most common signs of eye infection include:

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Squinting of one or both eyes
  • Clear watery discharge (with viral infections)
  • Thick green/yellow discharge (with bacterial infections)
  • Frequent blinking
  • Holding one or both eyes closed
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Pawing at and/or rubbing the eye on the carpet or furniture, as if they are uncomfortable or trying to remove something

However, it’s important to note that these signs are relatively non-specific indicators of eye inflammation and can be caused by a variety of eye conditions. Therefore, a thorough veterinary workup is needed to determine whether your dog’s eye issues are a result of an infection or another problem. 

Diagnosing Dog Eye Infections

If your dog shows signs of an eye problem, seek veterinary care as soon as possible. Injuries and infections of the eye can cause blindness if they are left untreated, so this isn’t a situation where you want to adopt a “wait and see” approach. 

Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical exam, paying special attention to your dog’s eyes. Next, your veterinarian will likely recommend diagnostic tests.

The most common tests used to assess the eyes include: 

  • Fluorescein stain. This brightly-colored stain is used to diagnose defects in the cornea, including scratches and ulcers
  • Schirmer tear test. This test measures your dog’s tear production and is used to rule out dry eye (also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca or KCS) 
  • Tonometry. Measuring your dog’s intraocular pressure (eye pressure) can rule out glaucoma

Based on physical exam findings and the results of diagnostic tests, your veterinarian will be able to arrive at a diagnosis and determine the best treatment for your dog.

Dog Eye Infection Treatment

Treatment of an eye infection depends on the type of eye infection that is present, and the severity of the infection. 

Bacterial Eye Infection

Bacterial eye infections are typically treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics for a dog eye infection are often given as drops or ointment, applied to the surface of your dog’s eye(s) every four to eight hours or as directed by your veterinarian.

Viral Eye Infection

Viral infections generally resolve on their own, as the dog’s immune system fights off the virus. However, your veterinarian may prescribe topical eye medication to soothe any inflammation and discomfort. Give these medications as directed.

Fungal Eye Infection

Fungal eye infections (and some serious internal bacterial infections) are treated with oral medications. Oral antifungal medications and oral antibiotics can be beneficial in the case of systemic infections.

Other Infections

Other causes of conjunctivitis, such as allergies and mechanical irritation, require different treatments. This is why it’s essential to have your dog’s eye condition diagnosed by a veterinarian, so you can ensure your dog receives the right treatment.  

Home remedies are not recommended for eye infections. Saline flush might be helpful if your dog has dust or dirt in their eye, but other human eye medications should be avoided in dogs. If your dog’s eye inflammation persists for more than a couple of hours, visit your veterinarian. 

How to Prevent Dog Eye Infections

While there is no way to prevent all eye infections, these steps can help reduce the risk: 

Schedule consistent examinations. Have your dog examined by a veterinarian regularly. Early detection of eye abnormalities can reduce the risk that these abnormalities lead to an infection.

Stay on top of vaccines. Keep your dog up to date on recommended vaccines, which can help prevent viral infections of the eye. 

Keep an eye on your dog’s eyes. Check your dog’s eyes regularly at home, and contact your veterinarian at the first sign of a problem. A small scratch on the surface of your dog’s eye can easily become infected, leading to more serious problems. 

Don’t forget about grooming. If your dog has long hair, keep the hair on their face trimmed away from their eyes.

Stay away from dust and debris. Avoid letting your dog put their head out of the car window to reduce the risk of dust and other materials damaging their eyes. 

Related Conditions

  • Conjunctivitis
  • Corneal ulcer
  • Uveitis

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Tooth Resorption in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/tooth-resorption-in-cats/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 16:25:13 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=133057 Oral health issues are common in cats and cause no shortage of discomfort for our feline friends. Tooth resorption is one of the most common types of dental disease in cats and is quite painful. However, because cats are the masters of disguise, you may not even know that your cat has this condition until […]

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Oral health issues are common in cats and cause no shortage of discomfort for our feline friends. Tooth resorption is one of the most common types of dental disease in cats and is quite painful.

However, because cats are the masters of disguise, you may not even know that your cat has this condition until the pain and discomfort are too great to hide.

Let’s go over all you need to know about tooth resorption in cats, including what it is and how to treat it.

What Is Tooth Resorption in Cats?

Tooth resorption occurs when the body attacks healthy tooth tissue by destroying and resorbing it. This disease has gone by several other names:

  • Cat caries
  • Neck lesions
  • Cervical line lesions
  • Feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions

It’s helpful to understand some basic tooth anatomy before explaining tooth resorption in detail:

  • Enamel: Hard, white outer surface of the tooth
  • Crown: Visible part of the tooth above the gumline
  • Root: Part of the tooth below the gumline
  • Root canal: Inside of the tooth that contains structures like blood vessels and nerves
  • Dentin: Hard, bony substance that surrounds the root canal
  • Periodontal ligament: Soft tissue that holds the tooth in place

Tooth resorption usually attacks the enamel first and then travels to the inner part of the tooth, causing irreversible damage along the way. What’s left is frequently a bump on the gum line where the affected tooth used to be.

In other cases, tooth resorption leaves a hole in the tooth’s center that resembles a cavity. However, tooth resorption and cavities are different. With tooth resorption, the body is attacking healthy tissue. Cavities occur when acid produced by bacteria in the mouth damages the enamel and dentin. Cats can get cavities, but only rarely.

Feline tooth resorption most commonly affects the lower premolars, the teeth between the canines and molars. It occurs in 20 to 60 percent of all cats and approximately 75 percent of cats over 5 years old (1).

Tooth resorption is categorized into two types, according to what the resorption looks like on a dental X-ray:

  • Type 1: The crown is damaged but the root appears normal. The periodontal ligament can easily be seen.
  • Type 2 (replacement resorption): The root is disintegrating and resembles bone. 

Causes of Tooth Resorption in Cats

There is no known cause of tooth resorption in cats; all breeds are susceptible. The incidence of tooth resorption often increases with age, with adult cats most affected.

Dental hygiene (or the lack thereof) does not play a role in tooth resorption. Although good oral care helps keep your cat’s mouth healthy, a lack of dental care will not lead to tooth resorption.

Typically, one tooth will be affected initially, and others will follow suit. When multiple teeth are affected, the resorption rate will differ between teeth: one tooth may have advanced resorption, while another may be in the beginning stages.

Cat Tooth Resorption Symptoms

Cat isn't interested in eating food

Tooth resorption is extremely painful and uncomfortable, but your cat will do their best to hide it. Hiding pain stems from your cat’s wild ancestry: showing any sign of weakness or discomfort in the wild would make them an easy target.

Despite their best efforts, though, your cat may eventually have noticeable symptoms of tooth resorption. These symptoms are like those seen with other dental diseases when the teeth are unhealthy

Eating changes

  • Refusal to eat
  • Preferring soft food
  • Dropping food from the mouth
  • Not chewing before swallowing
  • Jaw chattering when eating due to pain
  • Favoring one side of the mouth when chewing

Other symptoms

  • Oral bleeding along the gumline
  • Running away from the food bowl at mealtime
  • Muscular spasms or trembling in the jaw if the affected area is touched

Not all cats with tooth resorption will show signs of the disease.

Diagnosing Tooth Resorption in Cats

If you notice these symptoms, take your cat to your veterinarian for examination and diagnosis. 

Diagnosing tooth resorption begins with a basic physical exam and history. However, the extent of tooth resorption cannot be adequately assessed just by peering in the mouth during the physical exam. 

Your veterinarian will sedate your cat to take full-mouth dental X-rays and perform an oral exam. The X-rays and oral exam will help your vet rule out other oral health issues, such as periodontal disease, that could be causing your cat’s symptoms. 

The dental X-rays will also allow your veterinarian to determine whether your cat has type 1 or 2 tooth resorption. 

Tooth Resorption in Cats Treatment

Treatment for tooth resorption in cats depends on the type of tooth resorption. 

Type 1 is treated with tooth extraction, including the crown and root. Your veterinarian may refer you to a board-certified veterinary dentist for treatment if your cat’s tooth resorption is moderate to severe.

Type 2 is treated with crown amputation, in which the damaged portion of the tooth is removed while leaving the resorbing root intact.

Pain control is necessary before and after treatment. Before the procedure, your veterinarian (or veterinary dentist) will perform a local nerve block. For a local nerve block, an analgesic such as lidocaine is injected into the nerves near the surgical area to numb the area and relieve pain.

Your veterinarian will prescribe pain medication to reduce your cat’s pain while your  cat is recovering at home. This medication may be a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as meloxicam, but your veterinarian will decide which specific pain medication will be best for your cat.

Antibiotics may be given several days before the procedure and then afterward to prevent bacterial infection. However, because antibiotic resistance is a growing problem in veterinary medicine, antibiotics are not given for every dental procedure in pets. Your veterinarian will consider the severity of your cat’s tooth resorption and overall health to determine whether antibiotics would be necessary.

How Much Does It Cost To Treat Tooth Resorption in Cats?

Treatment for tooth resorption is pricey. The total cost of treatment depends on many factors:

  • Oral exam
  • Dental X-rays
  • Preoperative blood work
  • Anesthesia
  • Medications
  • Type of procedure (extraction or crown amputation)
  • Number of teeth to be extracted
  • Hospitalization
  • Surgical supplies
  • Need for a veterinary dentist
  • Where you live

Generally, diagnosis, preoperative blood work, and anesthesia will cost several hundred dollars. Extractions can cost about $100 each. However, the total cost will vary from one cat to the next and could cost as much as several thousand dollars if you are referred to a veterinary dentist. 

With so many individual costs, request a detailed estimate when discussing treatment options with your veterinarian. 

How to Prevent Tooth Resorption in Cats

Woman brushing cat's teeth

Tooth resorption in cats is not preventable. However, good at-home and professional oral care goes a long way in keeping your cat’s mouth healthy. At-home care includes brushing your cat’s teeth once daily or every other day. 

Your veterinarian can recommend at-home feline dental products. You can also browse the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) website for VOHC-accepted products.

Annual wellness exams, dental X-rays, and dental cleanings will complement good at-home care to detect oral disease early and keep your cat’s mouth as healthy as possible.


  1. “Tooth Resorption.” Cornell Feline Health Center. Retrieved from https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/tooth-resorption

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6 Vet-Approved Supplements for Dogs with Cancer https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/supplements-for-dogs-with-cancer/ Wed, 15 Nov 2023 16:03:24 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=132344 We add vitamins, minerals, and other supplements to our diets. So, adding immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory cancer-fighting supplements to your dog’s diet is a no-brainer, right? Yes and no, experts say. There’s a big difference between choosing supplements for dogs with cancer on an individualized basis in a strategic way, and just generally guessing and supporting what […]

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We add vitamins, minerals, and other supplements to our diets. So, adding immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory cancer-fighting supplements to your dog’s diet is a no-brainer, right? Yes and no, experts say. There’s a big difference between choosing supplements for dogs with cancer on an individualized basis in a strategic way, and just generally guessing and supporting what your dog’s needs are. That difference comes down to diagnostic testing and chatting with your veterinarian. 

The bottom line—choosing supplements for dogs with cancer shouldn’t be a guessing game. With some help from vet experts, we’ve picked the best supplements for dogs with cancer. Of course, your pup’s specific needs are based on their diagnosis and chemical profile. 

So, take a look at this round-up of cancer supplements for dogs, then ask your veterinarian if these supplements could support your dog’s health.

Our Top Picks

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the Great Pet Care editorial team and do not reflect a direct endorsement by the author.

Benefits of Supplements for Dogs with Cancer

Supplements can be a great addition to your dog’s diet, but not all supplements belong in your pet’s dish. “In recent days, it seems almost every second owner has their pet on supplements, whether veterinarian-recommended or not,” says London-based locum veterinary surgeon Dr. Linda Simon, DVM. 

She notes that supplements aren’t always the answer—and they’re not always necessary. Typically, pets meet their nutritional needs when eating a complete and balanced dog food. “For most animals, supplements are only needed when they have a diagnosed medical issue, such as cancer,” she says.

When it comes to dog cancer patients, common symptoms include inflammation, nausea, anxiety, and decreased energy—symptoms that could benefit from the addition of supplements made for pets. Types of supplements to consider include:

But grabbing supplements off the shelf based on a blanket cancer diagnosis might not provide the results you’re looking for. For a targeted approach, work with your veterinarian to select the best supplement(s).

6 Vet-Approved Supplements for Dogs with Cancer

There are many options available when it comes to choosing supplements for dogs with cancer. And the best treatment depends on the age, diagnosis, and needs of your dog. Here are a few to ask your vet about:

Mushroom Supplement for Dogs with Cancer

Our pick: NOW Pets Immune Support Chewable Tablets

Your dog’s diagnosis and the target area will determine which mushroom provides the biggest benefit. Now Pets’ veterinarian-formulated mushroom supplement features a proprietary blend of eight mushrooms that benefit everything from liver and kidney function to the immune system. 

Mushrooms have two parts—the top which is the flowering body and the mycelium which is the root. The component giving your pet the biggest nutritional boost is a compound called beta-glucan, which is found in the top or fruiting body of the mushroom [2]. 

Other active ingredients include milk thistle extract, turmeric root extract, burdock root, licorice root, red clover, ashwagandha root extract, and selenium.


  • Veterinarian-formulated by Dr. Barbara Royal, DVM, CVA, founder of the Royal Treatment Veterinary Center
  • Made with natural botanicals
  • Improved flavor
  • Carries the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) Quality Seal
  • 90 chewable tablets per bottle

Things to Consider

Based on where the cancer is located, what treatment a dog is undergoing, and their medical history—there are potentially different mushroom supplements that you want to reach for. So, ask your veterinarian if this combination of medicinal mushrooms is the right one for your pup. 

The label says to use with caution in animals on steroids. Long-term use may cause or contribute to water retention, hypertension, and other cortisone-like side effects.

Supplement for Dogs with Inflammation

Our pick: Ayush Herbs Inflammation Support 

When it’s general inflammation you want to tackle, consider a turmeric supplement. This option from Ayush Herbs features 97 percent pure curcuminoids and is formulated to help support a healthy inflammatory and metabolic response (already within a normal range). The product has earned a quality and safety certification from Emerson Ecologic’s Emerson Quality Program (EQP), which means it meets or exceeds current Good Manufacturing Processes (cGMP). 


  • 97 percent pure curcuminoids
  • Quality and safety certification from Emerson Ecologic’s Emerson Quality Program (EQP)
  • Contains no milk, soy, egg, or wheat
  • 90 tablets per bottle

Things to Consider

Turmeric supplements for dogs can be beneficial for general inflammation. However, gastrointestinal side effects may occur in some dogs. When targeting inflammation in a particular area, talk with your veterinarian about the right supplement for the job. 

Calming Aid for Dogs with Cancer

Our pick: ThunderWunders Calming Chews

ThunderWunders calming chews for dogs can help promote rest and relaxation and alleviate stress. Made with naturally calming ingredients, including chamomile, melatonin, and L-tryptophan, your pup can feel at ease for the day ahead. These chews also contain ginger to help settle sensitive stomachs in stressful situations. 


  • Ingredients include chamomile, thiamine, passion flower, ginger, L-tryptophan, and melatonin
  • Made in the USA
  • 100 percent satisfaction guarantee
  • For dogs 12 weeks of age and older 
  • Comes in a 60-count bag

Things to Consider

Similar to some other supplements for pets, there haven’t been many studies of chamomile in animals. So, the evidence that it works is mostly anecdotal. L-tryptophan is an amino acid that increases serotonin levels in the brain. Before starting this supplement, ask your board-certified oncologist if your dog’s treatment works by creating free radicals and if this amino acid could interfere with treatment.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement for Dogs with Cancer

Our pick: Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Soft Gels for Pets

The best source of omega-3 fatty acids is small, cold-water fish (such as sardines and anchovies) that are less likely to bioaccumulate harmful toxins [3]. Sustainably caught, cold-water sardine and anchovy oils are exactly what you’ll find in every soft gel capsule of Nordic Naturals omega-3 supplement for pets. Formulated especially for furry friends, this fish oil is 90 percent triglyceride molecular form, meaning better absorption and easier digestion than similar products. Plus, this brand excels when it comes to rigorous testing and quality standards. That means fresh ingredients that meet purity standards. 


  • 330 mg of omega-3 fatty acids in every capsule, including EPA and DHA
  • Third-party tested and guaranteed purity
  • Wild-caught ingredients
  • Friend of the Sea certified
  • GMO-free 
  • 90 soft gels per bottle

Things to Consider

Some pups aren’t fans of the soft gel form. But pet parents say the capsules make correct dosing a breeze—even if that means puncturing and squeezing the contents onto food. 

Gut Health Supplement for Dogs with Cancer

Our pick: Rx Biotic Powder

Clinical research shows that the gut is its healthiest when pre- and probiotics work together [4]. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that normally live in your dog’s intestines, but stress, a bout of illness, or antibiotics can disrupt the balance of good and bad bacteria. Once established, the good bacteria will need something to consume so that they may continue thriving. That’s where prebiotics (fermentable fibers) come in. 

“Fermentable fibers are known to have health benefits across many species,” Dr. Sarah Machell, DVM, medical director of Vetster says. “Some of these identified benefits include better bowel movements, enhancement of gut bacterial flora, and an increased generation of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA).” Dr. Machell notes that SCFAs are particularly important to gut health for their anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. 

Rx Biotic Powder for Dogs and Cats features four major probiotic bacterial strains and two prebiotics to help support healthy digestive and immune systems.

With almost 70 percent of a dog’s immune system tied to the gastrointestinal tract, the gut is an important aspect of overall health and well-being [5]. So, don’t miss chatting with your veterinarian about this powder supplement. 


  • Balanced probiotic and enzyme support supplement 
  • Highly palatable, high potency, hypo-allergenic powder with no flavorings or additives
  • Carries NASC Quality Seal
  • Comes in a 60-gram or 35-gram bottle

Things to Consider

For therapeutic use, you may need to give 2-4 scoops daily with food. Refrigeration is recommended after opening. 

Some popular probiotics for dogs contain beta carotene or vitamin E. While these compounds are healthy antioxidants for most dogs, they could interfere with some cancer treatments. So, check labels carefully, then chat with your veterinarian before starting your dog on any probiotic and prebiotic—or any other supplement. 

Liver Support Supplement for Dogs with Cancer

Our pick: Integrative Therapeutics Super Milk Thistle X

Silymarin—a chemical found in milk thistle—is a powerful protectant that can reduce the toxic effects that chemotherapy and other treatments may have on the liver and kidneys. Integrative Therapeutics combines a highly absorbable form of milk thistle with other supportive herbs, including artichoke leaf, dandelion root, licorice root, and rhizome extracts, for this well-rounded liver support supplement.


  • No sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, dairy products, or ingredients of animal origin
  • No artificial coloring, flavoring, or preservatives
  • Adheres to the highest manufacturing standards
  • 120 capsules per bottle

Things to Consider

While milk thistle is generally safe for therapeutic use in dogs, this particular supplement is formulated for humans, so you’ll need to check with your veterinarian first to see if it’s appropriate for your individual pet. If your vet approves, use caution and follow their dosing recommendations and instructions. 

Supplements for Dogs with Cancer: Buyer’s Guide

The number of supplements to choose from can be overwhelming. To narrow down the best choices, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

Your dog’s diagnosis and treatment plan. Dogs can develop different types of cancer with different symptoms. Just like in humans, cancer can affect different parts of the body and require varying treatment or management plans. That means that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to supplements for canine cancer. 

Veterinary approval. Always consult your veterinarian, board-certified oncologist, or board-certified veterinary nutritionist before adding a new supplement to your dog’s diet. 

Supplement form. Supplements for dogs with cancer come in many forms, such as powders, capsules, chews, and liquid drops. Your dog could lose their appetite or sense of smell, making supplementing difficult. So, consider your individual dog’s preferences and temperament when choosing a form and prepare to be flexible as their treatment or management progresses. 

Active ingredients. Read the packaging to see the product’s active ingredients and potential health benefits. Some active ingredients could interfere with medications or other treatments. So, always discuss any changes to your dog’s diet with your pet’s medical team before starting a new supplement. 

Quality. Third-party testing, GMP-certified, NSF-certified, and a seal of the NASC all tell you that you’re buying a quality supplement. When requested, reputable companies can provide a certificate of analysis. 

Dog Cancer Supplements: Precautions and Tips

As a general rule, it’s always best to check with your veterinary team before adding any additional foods or supplements to your pet’s diet. It might surprise you to find that some minerals and nutrients could interfere with your dog’s cancer treatment. 

For example, avoiding antioxidants such as beta carotene and vitamin E is the safest bet for dogs receiving radiation treatment or chemotherapy that works by creating free radicals [6].  

Dr. Joseph Impellizeri, DVM, DACVIM, MRCVS, is a board-certified oncologist at URvet Care and heads the Barrymore Center for Advanced Cancer Therapeutics. He’s a proponent of using supplements for dogs with cancer but heeds one last and very important warning:

“Never let the use of supplements override the standard of care.” Supplements are complementary to conventional care and treatment, he says. “Nutrition is just one pillar of health stability.”


  1. Vetvicka, Vaclav, et al. “Effects of Medicinal Fungi-Derived β-Glucan on Tumor Progression.” Journal of Fungi, vol. 7, no. 4, Mar. 2021, p. 250. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7040250.
  2. Vetvicka, Vaclav. Unrestricted Educational Grant from Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences, Inc., 2019, Effects & Benefits of Beta-Glucan, https://files.brief.vet/2019-02/CN_2019_Nutramax_March_F_SF%20(1).pdf. Accessed 10 Nov. 2023. 
  3. Bioaccumulative Persistent Chemicals. https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/mdhhs/Folder2/Folder27/Folder1/Folder127/Bioaccumulative__Persistent_Chemicals_FINAL.pdf?rev=17c45be4398546268a90de04f50f25e4. Accessed 10 Nov. 2023. 
  4. Wortinger, Ann. “Prebiotics and Probiotics for Dogs and Cats.” Today’s Veterinary Nurse, 28 Feb. 2019, todaysveterinarynurse.com/nutrition/prebiotics-and-probiotics-for-dogs-and-cats/
  5. “The Power of Probiotics.” Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/riney-canine-health-center/health-info/power-probiotics. Accessed 10 Nov. 2023. 
  6. Moss, Ralph W. “Do Antioxidants Interfere with Radiation Therapy for Cancer?” Antioxidants and Radiation Therapy, Cancer Communications, 2007, journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1534735407305655

The post 6 Vet-Approved Supplements for Dogs with Cancer appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Urinary Dog Food: 6 Best Vet-Approved Formulas in 2024 https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/urinary-dog-food/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 21:07:33 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=132788 If your dog struggles with urinary tract issues, your veterinarian may recommend a specialized diet, either as a standalone option or to complement a procedure or course of medicine. Choosing urinary dog food is more involved than picking a standard complete and balanced diet, so we’ve unpacked what you need to know. We’ve also included […]

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If your dog struggles with urinary tract issues, your veterinarian may recommend a specialized diet, either as a standalone option or to complement a procedure or course of medicine. Choosing urinary dog food is more involved than picking a standard complete and balanced diet, so we’ve unpacked what you need to know. We’ve also included six veterinary-recommended diets to discuss with your own veterinarian. 

What Is Urinary Dog Food?

When veterinarians recommend urinary food for dogs, they’re usually referring to diets that target bladder stones. Bladder stones are clumps of mineralized crystals that can form in the urinary tract, explains Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club. “Bladder stones cause irritation to the lining of the bladder [and] discomfort to the dog, and can lead to more serious medical problems such as urinary blockage.”

Urinary dog food is formulated to dissolve these stones and prevent their occurrence, says Dr. Ashley Barnes, medical director at Louisville Family Animal Hospital in Louisville, Colorado. In part, this food is “formulated to control the urinary pH in an optimal range to prevent stone formulation.” (The goal is to achieve acidic urine.) It also restricts amounts of minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, says Dr. Klein, “which are the minerals most often associated [with contributing to] the formation of urinary crystals and stone formation.”

The nutritional profiles of urinary tract dog food diets vary; each is designed to target a specific stone. For example, diets targeting struvite stones (the most common in dogs) promote increased hydration to decrease crystal concentration while limiting protein and mineral levels. Urate stone diets are low in purine, a chemical compound that produces uric acid, which can lead to stones when levels are high.

According to Dr. Joe Bartges, professor of internal medicine, interventional radiology, and nutrition at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, dog food for urinary health is generally complete and balanced for adult dogs, as specified by the Association of Animal Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) guidelines. “The exception is a specific diet formulated to dissolve struvite stones in dogs,” he adds. “Therefore, while the nutrients are modified from adult dog foods, they usually still meet the requirements for adult dogs.”

Urinary Diets May Not Always Be the Answer

Urinary dog diets require precise levels of nutrients to dissolve and prevent bladder stones. They can be harmful to dogs without urinary issues, and in fact, “Not all dogs with urinary tract conditions need to be on a urinary diet,” says Dr. John P. Loftus, assistant professor of small animal internal medicine and nutrition at Cornell University Hospital for Animals, Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine. Because of these factors, veterinarians recommend urinary care dog food that’s only available with a prescription.

It’s also important to note that these diets can’t prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). “Altering pH helps to manage stones, either to dissolve them or to prevent them from recurring. It does not help prevent urinary tract infections, which is a common misconception,” says Dr. Bartges, who is a board-certified veterinary nutritionist.

Preventing UTIs, however, can go a long way in preventing the occurrence of struvite stones. “Treat/prevent the UTI, and they won’t form struvite stones again regardless of diet,” explains Dr. Bartges. This is something your veterinarian can help with.

Our Top Picks

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the Great Pet Care editorial team and do not reflect a direct endorsement by the author.

How We Made Our Selections

We started by asking veterinarians for their recommendations, as well as criteria that determine the best dog food for urinary health. “The urinary diets most prescribed by veterinarians are formulated by Royal Canin, Hill’s, and Purina,” says Dr. Klein. These are the brands we focused on in our list.

We also considered the following when making our selections:

Manufacturing practices. It’s imperative that the diets we recommend are from companies with good manufacturing practices. For example, they’re made in the United States, have dietary profiles backed by scientific studies, have passed AAFCO feeding trials when appropriate, and are formulated by veterinarians or board-certified nutritionists.

Prescription only. We opted for therapeutic diets, available only with a veterinarian’s prescription. “Several brands do have [over-the-counter] formulas to help control urinary pH but are not nearly as good as the prescription diets,” says Dr. Barnes.

Added benefits. Though the main function of these diets is to dissolve and prevent specific urinary stones, we called out the ones that offer other benefits like added antioxidants or formulations for weight management.

Ratings/reviews. Finally, we scoured customer reviews for insights, choosing diets that received more than four of five stars.

Best Urinary Dog Food of 2024

As you’ll see, most of the diets on our list help dissolve struvite stones and reduce the risk of both struvite stones and calcium oxalate stones (which result from factors like genetic conditions, liver disease, or nutritional imbalances). However, we also included an option to help with urate stones. Your veterinarian will recommend a urinary diet based on your dog’s stones and health history. Be sure to ask if any of the following diets are a good match for your pup.

Best Wet Urinary Dog Food

Our pick: Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets UR Urinary Ox/St Canine Formula (Canned)

Purina urinary dog food is one of the most commonly prescribed diets for bladder stones. It contains reduced levels of calcium and phosphorus, plus added moisture to help dissolve struvite stones. Developed by veterinarians and nutritionists, this veterinary diet is made in United States Purina facilities.

Key Benefits

  • Lower amounts of select minerals, plus added moisture help dissolve struvite stones
  • Helps reduce the risk of struvite and calcium oxalate stones
  • Developed by veterinarians and nutritionists
  • Purina is a trusted name that’s been manufacturing pet food for more than 90 years

Best Dry Urinary Dog Food

Our pick: Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d Multicare Urinary Dry Dog Food

According to Dr. Barnes, “We like [Hill’s] as each line has different versions to assess other health needs, such as food allergies and weight management.” Hill’s Prescription Diet c/d is one of the diets her clinic prescribes. Reduced levels of calcium and sodium help dissolve struvite stones and reduce future occurrences of both struvite and calcium oxalate stones. It also contains fish oil, an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants vitamin E and beta carotene.

Key Benefits

  • One of the most prescribed urinary care dog food diets
  • Nutrient profile is conducive to dissolving struvite stones, as well as preventing future occurrences of both struvite and calcium oxalate stones
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants
  • Hill’s is a trusted, long-standing brand that hires nutritionists and veterinarians to formulate their diets

Best Urinary Dog Food for Weight Management

Our pick: Hill’s Prescription Diet Dog c/d Multicare + Metabolic, Urinary + Weight Care Dry Dog Food

Obesity in dogs has been linked to the formation of calcium oxalate stones, so if your dog struggles in this area, this option from Hill’s may be a good choice. Ideal for promoting a healthy bladder and managing your pup’s weight, it pulls double duty with every meal. Not only does the dry food help dissolve and prevent stones, it also features a healthy and harmonious blend of ingredients to help kickstart your dog’s metabolism for proven weight loss within 60 days.

Key Benefits

  • Supports urinary health and weight management
  • Helps dissolve struvite stones and prevent struvite/calcium oxalate stones
  • Made with a blend of ingredients to help with metabolism
  • Formulated by Hill’s veterinarians and nutritionists

Best Small Breed Urinary Dog Food

Our pick: Royal Canin Urinary SO Small Dog Dry Dog Food

Royal Canin Urinary Dog Food SO is another diet Dr. Barnes recommends and veterinarians commonly prescribe. The smaller kibble size in this special diet makes it easier for smaller dogs to eat while promoting chewing, which can help reduce tartar buildup. Royal Canin is an established company that employs board-certified veterinary nutritionists to develop their therapeutic diets.

Key Benefits

  • Royal Canin urinary dog food is commonly prescribed by veterinarians
  • Helps dissolve struvite stones and prevent the occurrence of struvite and calcium oxalate stones
  • Contains fish oil and vitamin E
  • Formulated for small dogs and designed to promote chewing for tartar reduction
  • Manufactured by Royal Canin, a trusted brand in the pet food industry

Best Urinary Dog Food for Senior Dogs

Our pick: Royal Canin Urinary SO Aging Dry Dog Food

In addition to helping to reduce the ion concentration in urine, this dry diet from Royal Canin also features a specific mix of nutrients and antioxidants to promote cognition in senior dogs. Additionally, the kibble is very palatable, helping to boost regular eating habits.

Key Benefits

  • Created with relative supersaturation (RSS) methodology, which helps reduce ion concentration in urine
  • Works to dissolve struvite stones and prevent both struvite and calcium oxalate stones
  • Helps boost cognition/vitality in senior dogs
  • Manufactured by Royal Canin

Best Low Purine Urinary Dog Food

Our pick: Royal Canin Urinary UC Low Purine Dry Dog Food

While most of the options on our list focus on struvite and calcium oxalate stones, this one is formulated with low purine proteins that can help with the prevention of urate stones. It also contains moderate levels of high-quality proteins, methionine, and cysteine to help lessen the possibility of cystine stones. Plus, added omega-3 fatty acids support skin and coat health.

Key Benefits

  • Low purine option to help prevent urate stones
  • Moderate quantities of high-quality proteins, methionine, and cysteine can help avoid cystine stones
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, linoleic acid, zinc, and biotin for skin and coat
  • Manufactured by Royal Canin

Urinary Dog Food Buyer’s Guide

Because choosing a urinary dog food is more involved than shopping for a standard dog diet, we’ve pulled together some additional veterinary advice. Here are a few things to consider.

Determine the cause of your dog’s bladder woes

First things first – you need to understand exactly why your dog is experiencing urinary issues. Urinary dog diets usually target specific bladder stones. “For example, a dog with struvite stones would benefit from a different diet than a dog with urate stones,” says Dr. Loftus, who is board-certified in veterinary internal medicine (small animal internal medicine and nutrition). “I think it all depends on exactly why a urinary diet is needed, so it really depends on the dog.” This is something that can only be determined by a veterinarian.

Opt for therapeutic urinary dog food

When it comes to urinary issues in dogs, veterinarians generally recommend therapeutic prescription diets because they contain a precise balance of nutrients that target specific urinary stones.

Though therapeutic diets are effective, the downside is that they’re more expensive than standard diets. Depending on how long your dog needs to be on a special diet, the cost can really add up, especially if you have a larger breed.

Ask your veterinarian or the food manufacturer about potential coupons, rebates, or special offers that can help you save money.

Decide between dry and canned foods

Urinary food for dogs is typically available in both dry and canned formulas. Your decision will, of course, depend on which formula your dog prefers to eat, as well as their typical water intake. “Increased moisture in the diet does also help with stones, so canned food is a good idea but may be cost prohibitive in larger dogs,” says Dr. Barnes. Another option is to add water to the dry food or offer your dog more drinking water.

Think about your dog’s special health needs

While the type of stone will help determine which food your veterinarian prescribes, some diets have added benefits. “For instance, if your dog is overweight, you will want to choose one of the diets that is also for weight loss,” offers Dr. Barnes.

Additionally, your dog may have other health issues that can complicate diet choices. “For example, higher dietary fat [for] a Miniature Schnauzer who has had pancreatitis would not be a good idea,” explains Dr. Bartges.

Consider your dog’s age

Urinary diets are designed for adult dogs. “Puppies don’t get stones like adults do, and due to their growth needs, urinary diets aren’t suitable for them,” says Dr. Barnes.

If you have a senior dog, you might want to ask your veterinarian if special urinary food designed for older pups (like the Royal Canin option for senior dogs on our list) might be a good fit.

Tips for Switching Your Dog to a Urinary Diet

Switching any dog to a new diet can be challenging. Here are a few tips to help your dog adjust.

Start slowly

Some dogs may experience an upset tummy, vomiting, and diarrhea when their diet changes abruptly. To help prevent this, Dr. Barnes recommends switching to the new diet over the course of a week. “I will typically start at 75 percent old food, 25 percent new food for a few days, then 50:50, etc.”

Stick to feeding your dog what the veterinarian prescribes

Once your dog is on a therapeutic diet, it’s essential to feed only what your veterinarian prescribes, says Dr. Klein. “This includes not feeding any additional food, table scraps, or treats as these could upset the desired balance needed to achieve the purpose of a urinary diet. Always consult with your veterinarian before offering any additional food or treats.”

Be prepared to monitor your dog’s progress

Once on the urinary dog diet, veterinary evaluations will become important, says Dr. Bartges. “I like to recheck a urine sample at two weeks after a full change, then at four weeks, and then every two to four months depending on the patient. Blood work might be checked as well to evaluate response and to identify any issues before they become big issues.”

Keep realistic expectations

Diet is only one part of managing urinary disease in dogs, and it’s not a panacea, says Dr. Bartges. Your veterinarian may also recommend surgery to remove the stones, as well as treatment for any underlying issues.

The post Urinary Dog Food: 6 Best Vet-Approved Formulas in 2024 appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Cat Eye Discharge: 9 Common Causes https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-eye-discharge/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 01:32:08 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=132687 One of the most common feline conditions veterinarians see is patients with “goopy eyes,” otherwise known as eye discharge in cats. Cat eye discharge has several possible causes, all of which can cause similar signs, requiring a visit to the veterinarian for a diagnosis. What is Cat Eye Discharge? Your cat’s eye is a delicate […]

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One of the most common feline conditions veterinarians see is patients with “goopy eyes,” otherwise known as eye discharge in cats. Cat eye discharge has several possible causes, all of which can cause similar signs, requiring a visit to the veterinarian for a diagnosis.

What is Cat Eye Discharge?

Your cat’s eye is a delicate structure. To protect itself from drying out, the eye is regularly lubricated with tears, which are drained away. Cat eye discharge happens when this process goes wrong. It can be due to too many tears being produced, the drainage route being blocked, or a cat eye infection. 

Although common, eye discharge in cats indicates something isn’t happening correctly. All cats with eye discharge should have a check-up with a veterinarian. How quickly that check-up needs to happen depends on how long your cat has had watery eyes – if your cat’s eye discharge is new, they should go to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Kittens and new cats to the home with eye discharge should also head to a vet as soon as possible. If an adult cat has had the eye discharge for months or years, they should still go to the vet, but as long as there are no other symptoms, it can usually wait a week or two until a convenient time.

What Does Eye Discharge in Cats Look Like?

Cat eye discharge can vary in color and thickness. Watery eye discharge is usually caused by overproduction or overflow of tears. You might not see the tears themselves, but the fur on one or both sides of the nose will be wet and crusty when dry. If your cat has white fur, these “tear stains” may appear pink or red-brown due to pigments in their tears. 

Eye discharge from an infection is usually yellow or green and is usually thicker or sticky. Brown eye discharge can also be from a cat eye infection. It dries very crusty. You’ll see this collecting in the inner corner of your cat’s eye, spilling over and collecting alongside the nose.

A cat with bloody eye discharge or red eye discharge should visit the veterinarian urgently, as it’s likely they have an eye injury and are in some pain.

Because the fur and skin are constantly wet, if a cat has eye discharge, they often have sore or infected skin under their eyes. This can irritate, so you may see your cat rubbing their face with their paws or using furniture to itch the area. 

You may also see cat pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. This is when your cat’s conjunctiva (the pink inside of the eyelids) becomes swollen and visible. Conjunctivitis isn’t a diagnosis, it’s a symptom – your vet will still have to find out the cause. 

Causes of Cat Eye Discharge

Feline Upper Respiratory Infections (‘Cat Flu’)

The most common cause of cat eye discharge is feline upper respiratory infection, commonly called cat flu. While several infectious diseases can cause cat flu, the most common is feline herpes virus. This virus causes other flu symptoms, too – cats frequently sneeze, have discharge from the nose, and are generally under the weather. Eighty percent of cats never get rid of the virus entirely – it comes back when they’re stressed or their immune system is weakened. In some cats, all the symptoms will return, but many will only get signs of conjunctivitis (sore, swollen eyes and eye discharge from one or both eyes). 

Cat sneezing and eye discharge are usually cat flu, but that doesn’t mean it should be taken lightly – feline herpes virus can cause blindness when severe.

Trauma and Injuries to the Cornea or Eye

Another common cause of eye discharge in cats is an injured cornea. The cornea is the outer surface of the eye. Scratches to the cornea are very painful and cause the eye to water significantly, causing a watery eye discharge, although this can go yellow or green once infection sets in. Cats will often also hold their damaged eye closed in a squint. The damage is sometimes visible to the naked eye but often needs a special dye to diagnose correctly.

If your cat is squinting in one eye and has discharge, your cat will need urgent medical attention.

Foreign Body

Foreign bodies (such as another cat’s claw from a fight) are painful, no matter where they lodge. Cats with a foreign object in their eye are likely to be squinting, blinking a lot, and holding their eye closed, with plenty of watery discharge. If not treated, the discharge will become thicker and yellow as infection occurs. 

A foreign body in the eye often causes injury to the cornea, so your cat may have both conditions. Both need urgent treatment.

Blocked Tear Ducts

Another reason for cat eye discharge is a blocked tear duct. The tear duct is a small tube that drains the normal tears from the eye into the nose. If this tube is blocked due to an infection or inflammation, tears won’t drain properly and instead spill over, causing eye discharge. This type of discharge is usually thin and watery, as it’s just normal eye lubricant. 

Although blocked tear ducts in cats aren’t an emergency, the type of discharge is very similar to other more serious conditions, so you should always get a diagnosis from a veterinarian.

Allergies and Irritants

Just as our eyes water when we get hay fever, so will a cat’s. If your cat’s eyes only water at certain times of year, allergies may be involved. You may also see sneezing or asthma in these cases. Airborne irritants can also cause watery cat eyes – bleach, ammonia, and other strong scents can cause a cat’s eyes to water. 

Allergies and irritants aren’t usually emergencies, but it’s still best to see a veterinarian to rule out something else. Remember that some irritants may also be toxic – for instance, some essential oils often used in scented products are toxic to cats [1]. This could cause eye-watering but also cause other symptoms like drooling and vomiting – you should seek treatment urgently.


Uveitis happens when a particular eye part (the iris and ciliary body) becomes inflamed. It causes eye discharge in cats because it’s so painful – you’ll also see blinking and squinting in one or both eyes, and the discharge is usually clear. Uveitis is usually caused by an infection (viruses, bacteria, and fungi have all been implicated to varying degrees in different countries). Eye damage, eye tumors, diabetes, and high blood pressure are also sometimes at fault. Uveitis needs urgent medical attention because it’s extremely painful and can result in blindness if left untreated.

Eyelid Problems (Entropion)

Entropion is a condition where the eyelid rolls in, causing the eyelashes to rub the eyeball. It’s very irritating, and affected cats will have continually watery eyes. They’re also prone to eye infections, thickening the discharge and turning it yellow or green. Cats are usually born with this condition, although anything that changes the shape of the eyelid (such as a tumor or swelling) can cause entropion. A vet should assess possible entropion, which can cause corneal injury, recurrent infections, and blindness.

Face Shape (Conformation)

Eye discharge is common in some cat breeds, especially brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds like the Persian. In one study, 83 percent of Persians and Exotic Shorthairs had eye discharge [2]. This is likely due to the shape of their face making eye injury more common, increased likelihood of entropion (which affected 32 percent of the cats in the study), or their squashed noses compressing their tear ducts. 

Even if you think your cat’s eye discharge is due to their breed, you should get them assessed by a vet to rule out entropion or other conditions making it worse.

Dental Disease

Because the tear duct runs from the corner of the eye down to the nose, it passes very close to several tooth roots, especially the upper canines. Severe dental disease, especially a tooth root abscess, can cause swelling in the upper jaw [3]. This compresses the tear duct and causes eye discharge in cats. 

A vet should assess eye discharge related to dental disease and treat it as it’s very painful.

Eye Discharge in Cats Treatment

Cat eye discharge treatment depends on the exact cause and varies from no treatment to surgery.

For eye discharge caused by face shape, no treatment is usually needed. Cat flu cases may also receive no treatment if the infection appears entirely viral, without evidence of a secondary bacterial infection.

In many cases, cat eye drops will be necessary. Depending on the exact medication used, these can provide pain relief, reduce inflammation, or help combat eye infections. Corneal injuries, secondary eye infections, and severe cat flu will usually be treated with antibiotic eye drops.

For some cases of eye discharge, surgery will be recommended. This is the case for eye discharge caused by dental disease, entropion, or foreign bodies in the eye. Blocked tear ducts can also be flushed under sedation, removing the blockage. 

Once your veterinarian has determined the cause of your cat’s eye discharge, they will discuss the treatment options. If you have cost concerns, please discuss these with your vet at the earliest opportunity – they will help you to find an affordable option.

Cat Eye Discharge Home Remedies

You should never use home remedies for cat eye discharge before speaking to a veterinarian. This is because some causes of cat eye discharge can result in blindness without proper treatment. 

Some cat eye conditions can be helped at home once your veterinarian has diagnosed the problem.

If your veterinarian diagnoses your cat with eye discharge caused by cat flu, improving their diet to help their immune system cope may help to prevent flare-ups. 

If your cat has eye discharge caused by their face shape, you may not be able to improve the discharge, but you can help by keeping the skin clean to prevent infections. Cooled boiled water on a cotton pad can be used to clean the eye discharge. Your vet might also recommend a wipe or solution to help keep infections at bay. 

How to Prevent Eye Discharge in Cats

There are several things you can do to prevent cat eye discharge and protect your cat from developing this condition. 

The first is to know the risks. As mentioned, flat-faced cat breeds are prone to developing cat eye discharge. So if you just can’t resist those adorably squished faces, then be extra vigilant about care and prevention measures for these breeds. 

No matter what shape your cat’s face is, one key way to combat eye discharge in cats is to have your cat properly vaccinated. The FVRCP vaccine, a core vaccine for cats, can help protect against cat flu, one of the leading causes of eye discharge in cats. 

But bear in mind that there are many causes of cat flu, and they may already have caught it, so the vaccination won’t prevent every cat flu case.

You can also prevent dental disease by regularly brushing your cat’s teeth and inspecting their mouth for bad smells or tooth damage. This means the disease can be treated before it develops into an abscess that damages the tear ducts.

There isn’t much that can be done to prevent accidental damage, trauma, and foreign bodies. Not letting your cat out may help, but damage can still occur in the house. Airborne irritants are also more likely if your cat spends a lot of time indoors – if this is the case, check your cleaning materials carefully and avoid using anything too strong. 


Eye discharge in cats is very common, as it can occur for several reasons. You should never attempt home treatment before attending a veterinary clinic for a proper diagnosis, as delaying adequate treatment can result in blindness. It’s impossible to prevent all the causes of eye discharge, but ensuring your cat receives proper care throughout their life and keeping up with their vaccinations can help you reduce the risk of eye discharge in your cat.


  1. Benson, Kia. “Essential Oils and Cats.” Pet Poison Helpline, 6 Mar. 2020, www.petpoisonhelpline.com/blog/essential-oils-cats/.
  2. Anagrius, Kerstin L., et al. “Facial Conformation Characteristics in Persian and Exotic Shorthair Cats.” Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, vol. 23, no. 12, 2021, p. 1089–1097, https://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X21997631.
  3. Anthony, James M. G., et al. “Nasolacrimal Obstruction Caused by Root Abscess … – Wiley Online Library.” Wiley Online Library, 7 Mar. 2010, onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1463-5224.2009.00754.x.

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Why Isn’t My Dog Jumping Anymore? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/why-isnt-my-dog-jumping-anymore/ Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:18:36 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=132597 Dogs love nothing more than to be physically close to their favorite people. From the tiniest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane, most dogs will find a way to snuggle into your lap or right up next to you. And unless you’re someone who, for whatever reason, prefers to sit exclusively on the floor, your […]

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Dogs love nothing more than to be physically close to their favorite people. From the tiniest Chihuahua to the largest Great Dane, most dogs will find a way to snuggle into your lap or right up next to you. And unless you’re someone who, for whatever reason, prefers to sit exclusively on the floor, your dog will need to jump in order to achieve the closeness they crave. 

“Dogs evolved from wolves who figured out that humans have really good stuff,” says Dr. Julie Albright, DVM, a veterinary behaviorist and associate professor at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. “And 100,000 years later, we share a very strong mutual bond. Dogs want to be close to us, and because we often sit in elevated, cushy spaces, they want to follow us.”

But what happens when your dog stops jumping? Or struggles to jump? Here’s what you need to know about what these changes mean and when you should worry about a dog who can’t jump up.

Dog Jumping: What’s Normal?

When a dog jumps up, they rely heavily on their hind legs, says Amy Campbell, CPDT-KA, a certified professional dog trainer with Behave Atlanta. “When they jump down, they feel it in their arms, wrists, elbows, and shoulders.”

In general, if your dog has a lot of energy, they’ll probably jump a lot more than dogs who tend to be more sedate, Campbell adds. However, even more predictive may be your dog’s size. 

“Small breeds may jump on furniture or objects more frequently to gain access to people and things that larger breeds can access without jumping,” she says. Because all breeds (and many species) find it advantageous to have the higher ground, the behavior is fairly universal. 

Why Isn’t My Dog Jumping? 5 Potential Reasons

If you notice your dog has suddenly — or gradually — become reluctant to jump or seems to have difficulty jumping, it can be cause for concern. Here, we’ll delve into five potential factors that could be causing your dog’s less-jumpy less-jumpy behavior. Understanding these possibilities is crucial when it comes to providing the right care and support to our furry friends.

1. General pain

“It’s rare for a dog never to jump, unless it’s uncomfortable for their body,” says Campbell. For example, dogs with pain in their back, feet, or legs may be reluctant to jump. 

Sometimes, Campbell says, all a dog in pain needs is to rest for five to seven days. After that, if they feel better, they are likely to start jumping normally again. But if nothing changes after that period of rest, you may want to consult a veterinarian.

Pain-related changes in jumping behavior are often due to strains or sprains, which can usually be identified by a vet. But in situations where a physical exam, X-ray, or other tests don’t reveal an obvious cause, Campbell suggests working with a certified physical therapist (PT) who can assess the injury and help come up with a plan to heal or rehabilitate your pet.

“Whether surgery is needed or not, a good PT can aid your dog in rebuilding strength and mobility to go back to living life,” she adds.

2. Arthritis pain

Arthritis in dogs occurs when there’s inflammation in the joints. Just like it is in humans, the condition is more prevalent in older populations of pets. However, it can impact your dog’s willingness to jump up or down at any age. 

Veterinarians diagnose osteoarthritis in dogs the same way they would for other bone, muscle, and joint conditions: a physical exam, as well as an X-ray and potentially other tests if necessary.

3. Your dog is tired

Sometimes, the reason your dog may not jump when you expect them to can be simple: They’re just tired. This is why you don’t necessarily need to freak out if your dog’s non-jumping behavior is a rare or isolated incident. 

“If you just went hiking, or your dog had serious playtime the day before, they probably just need to rest,” Campbell says.

However, if the unusual behavior continues beyond a day or two, it’s worth a call or visit to your veterinarian to determine if something else could be causing your dog’s sudden behavior change. 

4. Excess weight

For dogs carrying extra pounds, the reason why they may stop jumping could be due to the discomfort and joint pain that often accompanies being overweight or obese

“We have an obesity problem in American pets, particularly large breed dogs,” says Albright. However, it’s easy to get so accustomed to how your dog looks, it may be difficult to tell if your dog is overweight.  

One way to combat that uncertainty is to gauge your dog’s body condition score, which is similar to the human body mass index (BMI). In dogs, the scores run from one to nine, with the higher numbers indicating the highest risk of obesity. 

Albright says the average American dog is probably around a seven, when they should ideally be around a five. If you suspect that’s your dog, Albright recommends you speak with your veterinarian about ways to help your dog lose a few extra pounds

And, in order to potentially prevent weight gain, one thing she cautions is to avoid relying too heavily on the recommendations on bags or cans of food when it comes to serving sizes for your pup. 

“The back of the bag is a recommendation, not an end all be all,” she says. “For your dog, it might be too much. It’s best to rely more on what the scale is telling you than what the bag says.”

5. Fear or anxiety

While many reasons your dog may stop jumping are physical, it’s also important to consider psychological reasons for the behavior change, as well. 

“Behaviorally, a change in jumping up into the car might indicate fear of car riding,” Campbell says. She notes that she sees this often, and it can stem from a dog’s fears about a particular destination that a trip in the car represents, like to the vet.

Additionally, if your dog only seems reluctant to jump in one particular area or setting, Campbell says it’s worth considering if the dog may have slipped or had a bad experience jumping in that spot. 

If medical issues have been ruled out and your dog is jumping without issue elsewhere, Campbell suggests, “You can work through this on your own or with a behaviorist or trainer to bring back confidence with jumping in that spot.”

What to Do About Dog Jumping Changes

Jumping is a normal part of a dog’s daily life. However, for that normal activity to occur, Campbell says your dog needs three things: confidence, good health, and stable surfaces.

If your dog isn’t jumping and nothing has changed in your environment that could explain it, Campbell recommends focusing on their health and confidence to determine the cause and get them back on track.

Observe your dog for a few days to gather intel on their jumping (or non-jumping) behavior. When does it happen? Does it come and go? Is it isolated to certain areas or activities? Do you notice any other signs that could be related, such as limping, whining, or decreased appetite?

Not only will this help you determine whether you need to consult your veterinarian (for physical issues) or a behaviorist (for training issues), but it will provide key details your provider can use to treat your pet.

Don’t wait too long to contact a professional, however. As Campbell noted earlier, if the behavior persists, no more than a week should pass before you talk to your vet or behaviorist about your dog not jumping.

If it is a health issue, be sure to ask your veterinarian about the best way to help manage any pain your dog may be feeling. Your vet may prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, such as Carprofen, Meloxidyl, or Galliprant

If excess pounds are the problem, a prescription diet for weight loss may be part of the longer-term plan to slim your dog back down to jumping weight. 

While observing or during treatment, if your dog is still struggling to jump normally, give them some help. “Older dogs, as well as small dogs, can be greatly aided by stairs or ramps to make going up and going down gentler on their bones, muscles, and joints,” Campbell says.

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Enlarged Liver in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/enlarged-liver-in-dogs/ Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:53:54 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=132117 Your dog’s liver is an impressive organ, helping them to filter toxins, digest food, and clot blood when necessary. Not only does the liver contribute to many functions that are essential for life, but changes to its size and structure (such as enlargement) can also hint to your veterinarian that your dog may have other […]

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Your dog’s liver is an impressive organ, helping them to filter toxins, digest food, and clot blood when necessary. Not only does the liver contribute to many functions that are essential for life, but changes to its size and structure (such as enlargement) can also hint to your veterinarian that your dog may have other health concerns. Read on to find out what causes an enlarged liver in dogs, as well as how to treat it.

What Is an Enlarged Liver in Dogs? 

An enlarged liver in dogs is often a sign of an underlying condition. In veterinary medicine, an enlarged liver is referred to as hepatomegaly.

The liver rests just behind the diaphragm, which is the thin muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. The bottom of the liver usually has sharp margins and doesn’t extend far past the ribs.

Most commonly, your veterinarian can monitor the size of your pet’s liver through abdominal palpation and X-rays of the abdomen. If the veterinarian sees that the margins of the liver appear rounded and that the bottom of the liver is extending into the abdomen past the edge of the ribs, they may determine the liver is enlarged.

Causes of Enlarged Liver in Dogs

Some causes of enlarged liver in dogs are harmless. Others may indicate a manageable underlying disorder. In some cases, hepatomegaly in dogs indicates a life-threatening condition.

Causes of liver enlargement in dogs include:

Symptoms Associated with Enlarged Liver in Dogs

Most symptoms are actually related to the condition that is causing hepatomegaly rather than the enlarged liver itself. Symptoms may include:

  • Abdominal distention or pot-bellied appearance
  • Excessive urination and thirst (polyuria and polydipsia)
  • Excessive panting
  • Appetite and weight changes
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Changes to coat, such as loss of hair on sides
  • Jaundice
  • Lethargy
  • Neurologic signs like pressing the head into the wall and acting mentally unaware (hepatic encephalopathy) 

Diagnosing Hepatomegaly in Dogs

Dogs with enlarged livers typically come to the veterinarian for other symptoms or for their routine wellness check.

Determining if the liver is enlarged is usually pretty simple. Some veterinarians may be able to tell if your pet has an enlarged liver by looking at them and palpating their abdomen, but if there’s doubt, an X-ray or ultrasound of the abdomen typically shows hepatomegaly. Mild cases may be more difficult to detect.

Determining the reason for liver enlargement in dogs is a bit more complicated. When your veterinarian is trying to figure out what’s causing the liver to enlarge, they’ll almost certainly perform routine bloodwork, an analysis of the pet’s urine, and imaging (X-rays and/or abdominal ultrasound).

Other tests may include:

  • Confirmatory blood testing for Cushing’s disease
  • Chest X-rays and echocardiogram (if heart disease is suspected)
  • Testing bile acids to determine how well the liver is functioning
  • Ammonia testing to determine how well the liver is functioning
  • Assessment of abdominal fluid if present
  • Coagulation testing to see how well the blood clots
  • Hepatic cytology, in which liver cells are examined under a microscope
  • Liver biopsy, in which a small section of liver is removed for examination under a microscope
  • Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen (this may be recommended if cancer is known or suspected)

How to Treat an Enlarged Liver in Dogs

Treatment of liver enlargement is geared toward the underlying cause. In some cases, such as an infection, the liver may return to its normal size after treatment. In other cases, such as chronic hepatitis or liver cancer, the liver may not fully return to its normal size.

During routine wellness visits, the veterinarian palpates the abdomen and checks liver function with routine bloodwork. In younger dogs, these appointments should occur at least annually. In older dogs, usually at least every six months. If your dog has an active condition that’s impacting their liver, monitoring may initially be more frequent. Once your pet is stable, your veterinarian can help you decide how regularly to do check-ups.

Treatment for Specific Causes of Liver Enlargement

Liver Injury

In dogs who are experiencing liver injury that requires hospitalization, supportive care will be initiated. This can include:

  • Intravenous fluids
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Nutritional management
  • Medications to prevent vomiting and treat nausea
  • Blood transfusions or anticoagulants
  • Pain medication


Antimicrobials are usually administered for infectious causes of liver enlargement, in addition to supportive care.

For bacterial infections, common antibiotics include:

Doxycycline is commonly used for leptospirosis, and for fungal infections, antifungals like itraconazole are recommended. Viral infections are managed with supportive care.

Inflammatory and Endocrine Disorders

For inflammatory disorders like chronic hepatitis, which often has an autoimmune component, treatment may include steroids and medications that suppress the immune system.

For endocrine disorders like Cushing’s disease or diabetes, medications are given to manage the hormonal disorder. For Cushing’s disease, this is typically trilostane, while diabetes is managed with insulin and dietary changes.

Liver protectants may also be recommended, including SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine), silybin, and ursodiol. These typically come in the form of supplements.


When cancer is suspected, treatment options depend on the extent of the tumor and whether it has spread. Treatment may include surgery to remove tumors, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

Liver Cirrhosis 

When liver disease in dogs is chronic or uncontrollable, it will eventually lead to liver cirrhosis, which can make the liver small and nodular and have devastating effects on liver function. This is not reversible and is the end stage for liver disease. 

How to Prevent Enlarged Liver in Dogs

Most causes of liver enlargement can not be prevented. Discussion of your pet’s risk can help you determine the appropriate steps to reduce the risk of infectious diseases, such as vaccination against leptospirosis.

Although most causes aren’t necessarily preventable, paying close attention to your pet’s behavior and regular veterinary exams can help catch disorders that cause liver enlargement early.

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Signs of Heart Failure in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/signs-of-heart-failure-in-cats/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 15:11:32 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131237 Our feline companions hold a special place in our hearts. And it’s up to us to keep their hearts healthy and functioning as they should. But what does that really mean? If faced with signs of heart failure in cats, would you know what to do? No pet parent wants to imagine such a scenario. […]

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Our feline companions hold a special place in our hearts. And it’s up to us to keep their hearts healthy and functioning as they should. But what does that really mean? If faced with signs of heart failure in cats, would you know what to do?

No pet parent wants to imagine such a scenario. But understanding the signs of heart failure in cats and the actions you should take can help you prepare for the worst…and even prevent it. In this article, you’ll learn how to recognize symptoms of feline heart failure and steps you can take if you’re concerned about your cat’s heart health.

What is Heart Failure in Cats?

Heart failure can be a scary diagnosis for any cat parent to hear. And what makes it even more frightening is that, in many cases, it may seem so sudden, as if the condition developed overnight.

That’s because cats often hide signs of illness, and heart conditions are no exception. As a result, heart issues in cats often go undiagnosed until the disease reaches an advanced stage. 

When operating properly, a cat’s heart tirelessly circulates blood through their body. The right side of the heart moves oxygen-poor blood to the lungs for re-oxygenation, and the left side pumps the oxygen-rich blood to the body’s organs and muscles. In addition, this vital, four-chambered muscle plays a crucial role in regulating heart rate and maintaining blood pressure.

In the simplest terms, heart failure in cats occurs when the amount of blood being pumped by the heart does not meet the demands of the body.  

Heart Failure vs. Congestive Heart Failure

If undetected and untreated, heart failure will eventually progress into Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). This is when the heart is pumping so poorly that fluid begins to build up in the lungs, abdomen, or limbs. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical intervention.

What Causes Heart Failure in Cats?

The best way to protect your cat from heart failure is to prevent the conditions that cause it from developing in the first place. So let’s take a look at the conditions that can lead to heart failure in cats. 

The most common cause of feline heart failure is heart disease in cats, which can be either congenital (meaning your cat is born with a heart defect or abnormality), or acquired later in life, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which affects 10-15 percent of all cats. (1)

Cat heart failure can also be caused by diet, genetics, hypertension (high blood pressure), circulatory issues, infections, inflammation, or a combination of these factors. 

Identifying and treating these conditions early can help slow or prevent feline heart failure. But that is not always an option, especially if your cat is an expert at concealing their symptoms. That’s why it is so important for pet parents to be able to recognize the signs of heart failure in cats, so you can obtain vital veterinary support before it’s too late.

7 Signs of Heart Failure in Cats

Regardless of your cat’s heart health history, pet parents should always keep an eye out for these 7 signs of heart failure in cats:

  1. Coughing and Labored Breathing – One of the most common signs of heart failure in cats is persistent coughing or labored breathing. This occurs as fluid accumulates in the lungs, making it harder for your cat to breathe. Related symptoms include wheezing, gagging, or having a raspy breath.
  2. Weakness or Exercise Intolerance – Heart failure can deplete your cat’s energy reserves. If your typically active and playful cat becomes lethargic, sleeps more than usual, or is short of breath even when at rest, it could be a sign that their heart is struggling to pump blood effectively.   
  3. Restlessness and Hiding – On the other extreme, some cats with heart failure may appear restless or anxious. They might hide in unusual places, as if seeking a quiet and safe spot, or experience restless sleep. These behavior changes can indicate discomfort or unease due to poor heart function.
  4. Poor Appetite and Weight Loss – Reduced appetite and unexplained weight loss are signs of various health problems in cats, including heart failure. Cats with heart issues might eat less due to nausea, shortness of breath, or a reduced ability to taste their food.
  5. Swollen Abdomen or Limbs – Fluid retention, known as edema, is a common consequence of heart failure. You might notice your cat’s abdomen or limbs becoming distended. This happens when the heart can no longer effectively move fluids throughout the body, so they pool in the extremities.
  6. Pale or Bluish Gums and Tongue – Cats with heart issues may have poor circulation, leading to pale or bluish gums and tongue. Checking your cat’s gum color is a simple way to assess their overall health. If you notice a significant change, it’s time to consult your vet.
  7. Fainting or Collapsing Episodes – In severe cases, cats with advanced heart failure might experience syncope, also known as fainting or collapsing episodes. These occur when the heart can’t supply enough oxygen-rich blood to the brain. If your cat loses consciousness, seek immediate veterinary care.

Cat Heart Failure Symptoms: Next Steps

Now that you know what signs to watch out for, here are some helpful tips for monitoring your cat and what to do if you notice symptoms of cat heart failure. 

Observing your cat for signs of heart failure is a good first step. However, sometimes, it’s hard to tell for sure whether you’re detecting a sign of cardiac failure or some other health issue. So it’s a good idea to keep a log of things like changes in weight, body condition score, activity level, or appetite.

It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. Simply jotting down information on a calendar or in a notebook can help you identify patterns so you can discuss them with your veterinarian.

Of course, some signs, such as lethargy and swollen belly, can also accompany conditions like obesity or even aging. Still, when it comes to heart health, it’s always worth raising your concerns with your veterinarian. It’s much better to rule out serious conditions, rather than assume it’s not serious and turn out to be wrong.

Another easy way to monitor your cat for signs of heart failure is to measure your pet’s resting respiratory rate (RRR) at home. If your cat is healthy, they will normally take between 15 to 30 breaths per minute while at rest or sleeping. However, increased respiratory rate in cats can be an early indicator of heart issues. 

So the next time you are resting calmly on the couch with your cat, watch the rise and fall of their chest. (Note, your cat should not be purring, since that can impact their respiratory rate.) Each rise and fall equals one breath, so if you consistently count more than 30 breaths per minute, contact your veterinarian.

When to Contact Your Veterinarian

If you notice any signs that could indicate your cat might have compromised heart function, it’s smart to make an appointment with your veterinarian right away. They will do a full exam including checking your pet’s weight, listening to their heart and lung sounds, and examining the rest of their body for any signs of underlying illness or abnormalities. 

Your vet may also want to conduct diagnostic testing, which could include bloodwork, electrocardiogram (EKG), and/or radiographs (X-rays) to detect enlargement of the heart muscle or fluid around the heart.

Because heart failure in cats is a condition that often goes unnoticed until it’s in advanced stages, things can go downhill quickly. Watching out for signs of feline heart failure and raising your concerns with your veterinarian as early as possible could impact your cat’s prognosis and overall quality of life. So stay alert. Your furry friend’s health and longevity depend on it!

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Healthy Cat Gums: What Should They Look Like? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/healthy-cat-gums/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 03:13:37 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131798 What do healthy cat gums have to do with your kitty’s health? As it turns out…so much!  Not only are healthy gums essential to your cat’s dental health, but their appearance can also provide some important clues (and warning signs) about your feline’s overall health. So here’s a helpful guide that’s all about healthy cat […]

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What do healthy cat gums have to do with your kitty’s health? As it turns out…so much! 

Not only are healthy gums essential to your cat’s dental health, but their appearance can also provide some important clues (and warning signs) about your feline’s overall health.

So here’s a helpful guide that’s all about healthy cat gums, what they should look like, and how you can use what you see to help keep your cat in good health.

Healthy Gums in Cats: What to Look for

When your veterinarian takes a peek inside your cat’s mouth during an exam, they can collect health data about your pet simply by examining your cat’s gums. From hydration, oxygenation, and red blood cell function to potential diseases, the appearance of your cat’s gums can reveal a lot.

Learning how to interpret what your cat’s gum condition is telling you could help you recognize signs of oral or overall health issues, so you can alert your veterinarian before they become bigger issues. 

Monitoring Your Cat’s Gum Health

For an otherwise healthy cat, pet parents should ideally take a quick peek at their cats’ gums every week to monitor for emerging abnormalities. If your cat is unwell, you might want to increase that to daily gum checks to monitor for changes. 

So what should you be looking for, when examining your cat’s gums?

If you gently press your cat’s gums or the inside of their lip, the surface should temporarily blanch (or pale) in color until blood returns to the tissue. This is known as capillary refill time (CRT) and it can provide key information about your pet’s blood flow and cardiovascular system. Normally, your cat’s gum color should return in under two seconds when pressed.

It’s worth noting that some cats have small black spots or splotches on their gums and the inside of their mouths. This discoloration is due to lentigo simplex, a benign condition (similar to freckles or age spots in humans) that requires no treatment.

Warnings Signs to Watch Out for

You should notify your veterinarian if your cat’s normally pink, moist gums exhibit any of the following changes:

  • Color change: Gum discoloration, as discussed in further detail below, can indicate signs of systemic disease.
  • Dryness: Moist gums indicate that your cat is likely well-hydrated. Dry gums are abnormal and could signal possible dehydration, which is cause for concern.
  • Inflammation: Gums that become swollen or red, especially where the gumline meets the teeth, indicate dental disease. Inflamed gum tissue may also bleed easily and is definitely something you should report to your veterinarian. 
  • Lesions: Also alert your veterinarian if you notice raised tissue, gum injuries, or unusual masses on your cat’s gums, which require veterinary care. 
  • Overgrowth: Gums that look like they’re growing over teeth may indicate gingival hyperplasia (proliferative gum tissue), which can stem from dental disease and bacteria in the mouth. 

Cat Gum Color Chart

Gum color can tell you a lot about your cat’s health. Color changes can indicate underlying health problems, many of which could be deadly without prompt veterinary attention and treatment. 

Here’s a quick reference guide to cat gum color:

Gum colorWhat it could meanWhat to do
PinkNormal and healthyNothing
Pale Pink or WhiteAbnormal, indicating possible anemia or low blood pressureContact your vet ASAP, especially if your cat is acting lethargic
Bright Red (gum margin)Could indicate gingivitisSchedule a dental checkup with your vet
Bright Red (entire gumline)May signal heatstroke, an allergic reaction, or sepsisSeek emergency veterinary care
Brick Red or BrownSuggests certain diseases or possible ingestion of toxins, such as acetaminophenContact your vet ASAP
YellowCould indicate hemolytic anemia, liver or gallbladder issuesSchedule a vet exam for testing
Blue, Purple, or GraySign of low blood oxygenSeek emergency veterinary care
BlackTypically normal in cats with darker skin; however raised black spots could indicate an oral massIf raised, schedule a vet exam for testing

What Causes Unhealthy Cat Gums?

Many things can contribute to dental disease in cats. Here, we’ve outlined the most common causes of unhealthy gums in cats.

Dental disease

Poor dental hygiene and dental disease are the leading causes of unhealthy gum tissue in cats. Without proper care and cleaning, your cat’s mouth becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which often leads to dental disease. 

Changes in your cat’s gums may be the first indication of dental disease since the impact of bacteria on soft tissue is more visible than changes to hard tooth enamel or the roots below the surface. 

Warning signs include inflammation of the gum line, known as gingivitis, receding gums, and excessive gum tissue growth. 


Due to various genetic factors, certain cat breeds may face an increased risk of developing gingivitis and other dental disease that can affect the gums. At-risk breeds include:

Underlying illness

Some underlying systemic illnesses can increase the risk of dental disease and poor gum health in cats. These include: 

Dental disease can also be exacerbated in cats with concurrent kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and disorders that attack the immune system.

Though rare, the presence of oral tumors in cats is typically not a good sign, as many are, unfortunately, malignant. If you notice any raised masses in your cat’s mouth, or if your cat is suddenly drooling, dropping food, reluctant to eat, or experiencing halitosis (bad breath), schedule your kitty for a vet examination as soon as possible.

Why Healthy Cat Gums Matter

Healthy gums are essential for your cat’s well-being. Gingivitis, the inflammation of the gum line, is painful. As it progresses, it can lead to gum recession, exposing tooth roots and intensifying mouth pain and sensitivity. 

Identifying and treating gingivitis early is crucial to prevent dental disease from progressing to periodontal disease, which can cause decay, bone loss, and infection, sometimes requiring extractions.

Severe dental disease allows bacteria to enter the bloodstream, affecting organs like the brain, heart, liver, and more. Dental issues have also been linked to cognitive dysfunction in older cats. Furthermore, dental problems can lead to poor nutrition and weight loss, due to pain while eating.

What to Do If Your Cat Has Unhealthy Gums

While an oral exam is part of your cat’s annual checkup, there’s no need to wait for your vet to tell you there’s a potential problem when it’s so easy to detect changes to your cat’s gum condition, color, or appearance at home.

If you suspect that your cat has unhealthy gums, it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian as soon as you notice worrisome signs or changes. Avoid home treatment, especially if your cat shows signs of illness like lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, or labored breathing. And remember: Very pale, bright red, yellow, or blue gums require immediate veterinary care.

How to Maintain Healthy Cat Gums

Preventative care is the key to maintaining healthy gums in your cat. This includes regular veterinary exams and professional dental cleaning when recommended by your vet.

Consistent at-home care and dental hygiene can also play a role in helping prevent dental disease and gum issues. Here are some effective preventive measures veterinarians recommend:

1. Daily teeth brushing with pet-safe enzymatic toothpaste

2. Water additives approved by the VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council)

3. Dental treats

4. Dental wipes

5. Breath fresheners that also promote dental health 

6. Dental diets for cats

7. Prescription dental diets

But remember that preventing other health conditions can also play a role in promoting gum health. Ask your vet about routine bloodwork and urinalysis to help detect early signs of health issues like kidney or liver disease, which can impact gum health.

Healthy cat gums are a vital part of your feline friend’s health. By understanding what to look for and how to maintain gum health, you can ensure that your cat enjoys a happy, pain-free life. Don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cat’s gum health. Your cat’s comfort and well-being are worth it.

The post Healthy Cat Gums: What Should They Look Like? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Best Dog Food for Arthritis: 5 Vet-Recommended Picks https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/best-dog-food-for-arthritis/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:46:22 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131219 For the estimated 1 in 4 adult dogs suffering with arthritis, the right diet is one of several options that can offer some relief. What exactly is the right diet for dog joints, though? To help cut through the confusion, we asked veterinarians to recommend the best dog food for arthritis and mobility issues, as […]

The post Best Dog Food for Arthritis: 5 Vet-Recommended Picks appeared first on Great Pet Care.

For the estimated 1 in 4 adult dogs suffering with arthritis, the right diet is one of several options that can offer some relief. What exactly is the right diet for dog joints, though? To help cut through the confusion, we asked veterinarians to recommend the best dog food for arthritis and mobility issues, as well as provide some tips so you know what to look for when choosing a diet for dog joint pain.

Remember to always check with your veterinarian before trying a new food, and/or if you suspect your dog has arthritis.

Our Picks

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the Great Pet Care editorial team and do not reflect a direct endorsement by the author.

Dog Arthritis and Diet: What’s the Connection?

Though dog arthritis generally can’t be prevented, good dietary and supplement choices may be able to help slow the progression of osteoarthritis, says Dr. Joseph Wakshlag, DVM, section chief of nutrition at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in Ithaca, New York. A lean body weight is central to this. “Obesity is an inflammatory disease that needs to be addressed through weight loss, which is the number one recommendation,” says Wakshlag, who is dual board-certified in veterinary internal medicine (nutrition) and veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation.

Excess weight puts pressure on dog joints. The good news is that even modest weight loss can make a difference [1].

A complete and balanced diet — based on guidelines set by The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) — is adequate for most dogs, says Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, director of primary care at Bond Vet, based in New York City. However, she adds, “Some might benefit from a diet specifically designed to help with arthritis, which would have some added ingredients or supplements to target joint health.”

One of the most widely used of these ingredients are omega-3 fatty acids, which veterinarians say help manage inflammation, a major contributor to osteoarthritis [2]. “The nutrients that have some evidence to support their use, including in ‘joint diets,’ are predominantly omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), specifically from marine sources like fish oil,” says Dr. Valerie Parker, clinical professor at the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Columbus.

Other ingredients commonly found in dog food for arthritis are antioxidants like vitamin E, turmeric, berries to help minimize damage caused from free radicals and prevent inflammation, and glucosamine to help maintain cartilage, the material that cushions dog joints.

5 Best Dog Foods for Arthritis According to Vets

Our list of vet-recommended dog foods for arthritis is intended as a guide, not as the final say. Your dog may have specific dietary needs that your veterinarian can best address.

Best Overall Dog Food for Arthritis

Our pick: Hill’s Prescription Diet j/d Joint Care

Research shows that this prescription option is an excellent anti-inflammatory food for dogs. In a randomized, double-blind study, Hill’s Prescription Diet j/d Joint Care had the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids (2 percent) of any therapeutic dog food for arthritis [3]. It’s also enriched with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate to support cartilage, as well as antioxidants like vitamins C and E to minimize free radical damage. Plus, it has added L-carnitine, which some studies show can help build healthy muscle.

Key Benefits

  • Nutrient profile is backed by a double-blind study
  • Formulated with a therapeutic amount of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as glucosamine, chondroitin, and antioxidants
  • Contains L-carnitine to help build muscles
  • Hills employs a team of nutritionists and veterinarians to formulate its pet diets

Best Dry Dog Food for Arthritis

Our pick: Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets JM Joint Mobility Dry Dog Food

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of dogs who received ligament surgery, those who ate the JM Joint Mobility diet had a reduction in arthritis symptoms when compared to dogs who ate a commercial diet [4]. This diet profile consists of fatty acids (0.85 percent), glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, vitamins C and E, and added L-carnitine.

Key Benefits

  • Backed by a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
  • Contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate
  • Includes additional L-carnitine
  • Purina relies on veterinarians, nutritionists, and researchers to formulate their diets

Best Canned Dog Food For Arthritis

Our pick: Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Adult Advanced Mobility Support Loaf in Sauce Wet Food

This diet is backed by a double-blind, placebo-controlled study showing that dogs who received its combination of collagen, curcumin extract (in the form of turmeric extract) and green tea extract had a reduction in pain after three months [5]. This particular Royal Canin diet also contains 0.5 percent omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins C and E. It’s formulated to promote a healthy body weight, which is important given the link between osteoarthritis and obesity.

Key Benefits

  • Nutrient profile is backed by a double-blind study
  • Contains ingredients known to help manage arthritis in dogs, including omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants
  • Features turmeric extract, known for its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Designed for weight control
  • Royal Canin employs board-certified veterinary nutritionists to develop their therapeutic diets   

Best Large Breed Dog Food for Arthritis

Our pick: Hill’s Science Diet Healthy Mobility Large Breed

Large-breed dogs are more prone to developing osteoarthritis and suffering from more severe symptoms [1]. The Mobility Large Breed diet from Hill’s contains the correct ratio of minerals (like calcium and vitamin D) to promote strong bones in larger dog joints. It also includes 1 percent omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and vitamins C and E. And unlike Hill’s j/d Joint Care, this diet doesn’t require a prescription.

Key Benefits

  • Contains a minimum of 1 percent omega-3 fatty acids, along with vitamin E, glucosamine, and chondroitin sulfate
  • Has the correct ratio of minerals for larger dog joints
  • Hills employs a team of nutritionists and veterinarians to formulate its pet diets
  • No prescription required

Best Senior Dog Food for Arthritis

Our pick: Blue Buffalo Natural Veterinary Diet W+M Weight Management + Mobility Support

This diet has features known to benefit senior dogs, including reduced calories, increased fiber (which helps dogs feel full longer), and joint health supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin. The first ingredient is protein-rich salmon, providing a therapeutic amount (2 percent) of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and added L-carnitine.

Key Benefits

  • First ingredient is salmon
  • Contains a minimum of 2 percent omega-3 fatty acids, as well as glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and vitamin E
  • Added fiber helps dogs feel full longer
  • Also available in canned form
  • Blue Buffalo therapeutic diets are formulated by veterinarians and animal nutritionists.

Ingredients to Look for in Joint Care Dog Food

When it comes to joint care dog food, individual ingredients aren’t as important as the whole diet. “It’s more about how an individual dog’s body responds to a particular diet,” says Fadl. There are, however, certain ingredients that joint health dog food tends to include.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and EPA)

Anti-inflammatory food for dogs should contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids because of their ability to help fight the inflammation that contributes to dog joint pain. The evidence is stronger than for other ingredients, says Parker, who is board-certified in veterinary internal medicine (nutrition). “The best evidence for nutrition for joint disease in dogs is the inclusion of fish oil.”

The diet has to contain an adequate amount to be effective, though. You would likely be looking for “a 1 percent inclusion of EPA and DHA in the food, which, based on the typical 20 kg dog eating 200 grams of food, would be around 2 grams of EPA and DHA. This results in about 100 mg/kg body weight, which is a solid dose of these fatty acids,” says Wakshlag.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Diets with glucosamine can help dog joints, says Dr. Astrith Puentes, a partner doctor with Heart + Paw – Ballston Quarter, in Arlington, Virginia. Glucosamine (found primarily in shellfish) and chondroitin (derived from sources like shark cartilage and pork byproducts) serve as the foundation of joint cartilage [6]. In combination, they can help protect and maintain damaged joint cartilage. Though studies are mixed, this combio may be helpful in easing symptoms of arthritis in some dogs.

Something else to consider: “Glucosamine and chondroitin are often in joint diets, but the reality is that the amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin are often far lower in diets than what you would find in a concentrated glucosamine supplement,” says Parker.


Antioxidants help reduce the effects of free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing inflammation. Antioxidants are especially important to consider when caring for a senior dog. Examples of antioxidants found in diets for dog joint pain include added vitamin E and C, turmeric, and green tea extract. Antioxidants are also found in foods like cranberries, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin.


Some dog food manufacturers formulate their diets with added L-carnitine, an amino acid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. One study showed that it improved performance in working dogs [7].


Certain diets contain strains of probiotics, which “might be helpful for some dogs with arthritis,” says Fadl. One study found that poor gut health (which occurs when “bad” bacteria outnumber “good” bacteria) may contribute to inflammation that causes joint and bone deterioration [8].

Other Ingredients for Dog Joint Pain

There’s increasing evidence that ingredients like green tea, curcumin, avocado, collagen II, and the Boswellia plant may be useful in slowing progression of arthritis, says Wakshlag, “However, the success of these products for long-term use have limited evidence on prognosis long term.”

What About CBD Oil?

Though cannabidiol (CBD) has the potential to reduce pain and improve mobility in dogs with arthritis, it’s not widely available as an ingredient in pet foods. However, you can find CBD in certain supplements and treats for dogs. Be sure to talk to your veterinarian before giving your dog CBD in any form.

Dog Food for Arthritis: Ingredients to Avoid

Generally, veterinarians recommend focusing on a dog’s weight and overall nutritional content of a given diet. Additionally, dietary needs vary by individual dog, says Fadl.

For example, “Some have allergies or sensitivities to perfectly healthy ingredients, while others do exceptionally well on a diet that might cause issues in another dog” Fadl continues. “It’s very individual and might require some trial and error initially. In other words, there’s not necessarily a ‘bad’ ingredient, it’s more about how an individual dog’s body responds to a particular diet.”

Dog Food for Arthritis Buying Guide

We’ve gathered a few vet-recommended tips to help you choose the best dog food for arthritis.

Buy for Your Dog’s Individual Needs

“If a diet or a supplement worked for your neighbor’s pet, [that] doesn’t mean that it will work on yours,” says Puentes. “Keep in mind every animal is different and has individual needs. Have a direct conversation with your veterinarian and ask questions.”

Consider Therapeutic Diets

Therapeutic diets may be pricier than commercial diets, but Fadl says that veterinarians frequently recommend them because of the quality control and ingredient reliability. “They’re also a great place to start since they’re the most specialized type of diet for a specific health problem. However, the right diet can vary from dog to dog.”

Look for Correct Amounts of Ingredients

Choosing an anti-inflammatory food for dogs that contains ingredients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants is important, but so is knowing the correct amount that should be in the food. “A reputable company will provide the amount of the EPA and DHA in the diet, or the amount of glucosamine and chondroitin in a diet, that will allow someone to calculate how much of that nutrient the animal is getting. That is one of the best ways to compare all these diets,” says Parker.

The amount of omega-3 fatty acids should be 1 percent or higher to help reduce the chronic inflammatory process, says Wakshlag. If the label doesn’t list the amount, “It’s worth a phone call to the manufacturer to find out the levels of these fatty acids,” he adds.

For questions about dosing, check with your veterinarian.

Buy Dog Food from a Reputable Company

Look for companies that manufacture their foods in the United States and follow AAFCO guidelines. This means the diet is complete and balanced (containing essential ingredients in the correct amounts) for a dog’s specific life stage.

Also, buy from companies that have board-certified veterinarians and nutritionists on their staff and are current on research. “Animal food companies have different prices. Most of the time I recommend not going for the cheapest one or the most expensive one. I always recommend companies that invest in research,” says Puentes.


  1. Johnson, K., Lee, A., etal. (2020, June). “Nutrition and nutraceuticals in the changing management of osteoarthritis for dogs and cats.” Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Retrieved from https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/256/12/javma.256.12.1335.xml
  2. Anthony, E. (n.d.) “The Role of Nutrition in Managing Canine Osteoarthritis.” Veterinary Technician. In VetFolio. Retrieved from https://www.vetfolio.com/learn/article/the-role-of-nutrition-in-managing-canine-osteoarthritis
  3. Clinical Evidence Report – Canine j/d Clinical Studies. Veterinary Consultation Service. Retrieved from https://protrain.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sitefiles/642/Documents/Clinical%20Evidence%20report.pdf
  4. Dr Wendy Baltzer – “The Effects of an Omega-3 Fatty Acid-Rich Diet with Rehabilitation on Recovery, Activity, and Osteoarthritis in Dogs Following Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy Surgery for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease.” (n.d). American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation. Retrieved from https://www.akcchf.org/educational-resources/2017-health-conference-videos/dr-wendy-baltzer-omega-3.html
  5. Comblain, F.,Barthelemy, N., etal. (2017, December). “A randomized, double-blind, prospective, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy of a diet supplemented with curcuminoids extract, hydrolyzed collagen and green tea extract in owner’s dogs with osteoarthritis.” BMC Veterinary Research. In National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29262825/
  6. “Improving Dogs Arthritis Pain With Diet” (2018, February). Tufts Your Dog. Retrieved from https://www.tuftsyourdog.com/dogfoodandnutrition/improving-dogs-arthritis-pain-with-diet/
  7. Varney, Jessica L. – “Utilisation of supplemented L-carnitine for fuel efficiency, as an antioxidant, and for muscle recovery in Labrador retrievers.” Cambridge University Press. Journal of Nutritional Science. Retrieved from https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-nutritional-science/article/utilisation-of-supplemented-lcarnitine-for-fuel-efficiency-as-an-antioxidant-and-for-muscle-recovery-in-labrador-retrievers/8E51E0F6E396F449DA8532797183EA90
  8. Cintio, M., Scarsella, E., etal. (2020, July). “Gut Microbiome of Healthy and Arthritic Dogs.” Veterinary Sciences. In National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7558702/

The post Best Dog Food for Arthritis: 5 Vet-Recommended Picks appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Preventing Dog Fleas: Methods, Tips, and Product Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/preventing-dog-fleas/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:44:44 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131437 There are a lot of things that make dog parents shudder and think “yuck,” but we’re willing to bet dog fleas are at the top of that list. Preventing dog fleas is important for the health of your dog and your family, as this parasite can quickly wreak havoc on the home. To spare you […]

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There are a lot of things that make dog parents shudder and think “yuck,” but we’re willing to bet dog fleas are at the top of that list. Preventing dog fleas is important for the health of your dog and your family, as this parasite can quickly wreak havoc on the home.

To spare you and your dog the suffering, here are the best tips for preventing dog fleas, based on expert advice and science.

Dog Flea Prevention: Why It’s Important

There are several reasons why you should take measures to prevent fleas on your dog.

Fleas Can Cause Allergies and Disease

Fleas can cause flea allergy dermatitis in some pets. That’s when a dog has an allergic reaction from the proteins found in flea saliva, making them scratch at itchy skin. Flea allergies in dogs can result in a lot of discomfort for your canine companion. Severe scratching can also cause permanent hair loss.

“Fleas are a common cause of allergies that can lead to major skin issues, but also can transmit diseases to pets and their owners,” says Dr. Beth Towning, co-owner of Lakeside Animal Hospital in Plantation, Florida.

Although fleas don’t live on humans, they can bite us, causing itchy skin. In rare cases, they can even cause diseases like the plague, bartonellosis, and murine typhus.

If fleas consume too much of a dog’s blood, it could cause a more serious condition in dogs called flea anemia. Puppies and small dogs are very susceptible to this condition [1].

It’s wise to get your dog treated for fleas as soon as possible if you suspect they have them.

Fleas Can Infest Your Home

Another big reason why preventing dog fleas is important is because they can be a huge pain to remove from your home.

“Once there is a flea infestation in someone’s house, it can be very difficult to resolve because most products only kill adult fleas,” says California-based veterinarian, Dr. Gary Richter, author of The Ultimate Pet Health Guide. “The eggs and larvae survive in carpets, furniture, bedding, and fabrics, and become adults and the cycle starts again. It can take months to work through all the life cycles and kill them as they become adults.”

Preventing Dog Fleas: 5 Methods to Try

When it comes to preventing dog fleas, there’s a lot you can do, both at home and while out with your pup, to help minimize flea exposure.

Keep Your Dog Clean

Routinely bathing your dog with soap and warm water, in addition to a prescription flea control regimen, can help keep fleas at bay. Sometimes dogs scratch because they’re dirty and itchy, which can look like scratching due to fleas. Bathing your dog every few weeks (depending on their breed) or when they’re very dirty can also give you an excuse to closely check their coat for fleas or ticks.

Clean Their Bedding

You probably have a regular cleaning schedule for your linens and bedding, and the same should go for your pup. Wash their bedding in hot water every two to three weeks to reduce the chances of fleas and other critters using it for rent-free living.

Avoid Known Flea Hangouts

Keep your dog away from places where they might be more likely to get fleas, like high-grass areas and the woods. Maintaining your lawn can help, too. “Sometimes treating the yard or house in addition to monthly prevention is necessary if there is a large flea burden,” notes Dr. Towning.

Prepare Before Exposure to Other Furry Friends

Make sure your dog has a flea preventative (more on that below) before you take them to places where they’ll be close to other dogs who might have fleas, like a dog park, doggy daycare, or on a dog playdate with a friend. Ask any boarding or daycare institutions what they require from dogs who are staying there —like flea and tick prevention and vaccinations — and inquire about their policies for sick dogs.

Maintain a Tidy Home

One of the best ways to help prevent pests from infesting your home is to clean regularly. Make sure you’re vacuuming (including the furniture) and sweeping, washing fabrics, and doing your best to keep uninvited pests at bay. Pro tip: don’t forget to empty the vacuum outside in case you sucked up any flea eggs!

Flea Preventatives for Dogs: 5 Options to Consider

All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the Great Pet Care editorial team and do not reflect a direct endorsement by the author.

There are hundreds of flea prevention products available to protect your dog from flea bites [2] — ranging from oral pills and chews to collars, sprays, dips, powders, shampoos, and “spot-on” products you squeeze onto your pet’s skin between their shoulder blades. Some of these require a prescription from your veterinarian, while others can be purchased over the counter.

“I recommend monthly products that target all the stages of the flea life cycle,” says Dr. Towning. “Speak with your veterinarian about your pet’s and the family’s lifestyle and which prevention may be right for your pet.”

Oral Preventatives

Oral flea preventives are available from your veterinarian in the form of pills, tablets, or chews. These products are a simple way to help keep flea problems away, as long as you remember to give this medication to your dog on the brand-recommended schedule. Remember to choose pills that target the entire flea life cycle. Some options protect against fleas and common species of ticks. If you’re looking for a combination parasite protection product that covers both external and internal parasites, ask your vet about a monthly chew like NexGard PLUS.

Topical Treatments

Your veterinarian might recommend flea drops for dogs to prevent flea infestations. These drops are typically applied to your dog’s skin once a month. Topical flea solutions, such as Revolution, may offer protection against other parasites, such as heartworms, the American dog tick, ear mites, and canine sarcoptic mange.

Revolution for dogs package

Flea Sprays

There are varying forms of dog flea sprays out there. Some are meant to be applied to your pet, while others are designed to be used in the home or yard.

Essential Oil Products

If you’re looking to avoid chemicals, certain essential oils are reported to act as natural flea repellents. However, it’s important to note that essential oils won’t actually kill fleas. Options include essential oils like peppermint, rosemary, citronella, and eucalyptus, properly diluted and sprayed onto your dog’s coat. Be sure to ask your veterinarian before using essential oils on or around your pup, as some can be toxic to dogs.

Flea Collars

Since you only had to change them every few months, flea collars used to be a popular option for preventing dog fleas. They contain active ingredients that spread across the surface of your pet’s skin in low concentrations over the course of a few months. However, some flea collars that contain carbaryl, tetrachlorvinphos, and propoxur are being phased out of production due to concerns about the health threat to pets and humans. Tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) in particular is a chemical found in flea prevention products that may be hazardous to pets and humans, particularly pregnant women and children. [3]

Seresto collars, which are popular among many pet owners for flea and tick prevention, made headlines in 2021 due to reports of potential adverse reactions. However, both the EPA and most veterinary experts agree with proper use, these collars are safe for pets. Since they can be very effective and were deemed safe, your veterinarian may recommend a Seresto flea collar (or something similar) as an easy dog flea preventative. The collar contains two active ingredients — imidacloprid to control flea infestations and flumethrin to repel and kill ticks — that are slowly released over eight months.

Flea Preventatives: Safety and Things to Consider

Here are some safety factors to keep in mind before using a dog flea prevention product on your pet [2] [4]:

  • Talk to your veterinarian before administering any flea preventative
  • Make sure you’re using EPA-registered pesticides or FDA-approved medicines
  • Always administer products according to the package directions
  • Wear gloves and/or wash your hands after applying a product
  • Speak with your veterinarian about safe preventatives if your pet is very young, old, pregnant, nursing, or on medication
  • Use medications and products before their expiration date
  • Make sure you’re using dog flea prevention products that are specifically designated for your pet’s weight/size
  • Save the packaging and materials to reference later
  • Watch your dog for any adverse reactions including dizziness, poor appetite, depression, vomiting, diarrhea, or excess saliva. Even if a product is deemed safe, every dog is different. Discuss any symptoms and side effects with your veterinarian

What to Do if You Find a Flea On Your Dog

If you find a flea on your dog, “don’t freak out!” advises Dr. Towning. “Visit your veterinarian to purchase a preventative, and discuss further with your veterinarian if in-home treatment or yard treatment is recommended.”

With this in mind, remember that controlling fleas involves making sure they are removed from your dog and your home. Consider an effective flea control option immediately before an infestation gets established at home, suggests Dr. Richter.

Some recommendations the veterinarian might have for addressing dog fleas (many of which are similar to the ways in which you can prevent fleas) include [2]:

  • Give your dog topical or oral flea medicine
  • Use a flea comb to remove fleas and flea eggs
  • Bathe your dog with a flea shampoo
  • Clean your house to prevent fleas from laying eggs
  • Wash your dog’s bedding, your bedding, and any fabrics the dog lays on
  • Use a “flea bomb” or “flea fogger” that will kill fleas in the home while humans and pets vacate the premises

The good news is that there are so many dog flea prevention options out there, so one of them is likely to be a good fit for your family. Always talk to your veterinarian about your dog’s health, medications they’re on, and your family’s concerns surrounding dog flea prevention products. They can help you choose the option that suits your needs best.


  1. “Flea Infestation.” ScienceDirect. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/pharmacology-toxicology-and-pharmaceutical-science/flea-infestation
  2. “Safe use of flea and tick products in pets.” FDA. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/safe-use-flea-and-tick-products-pets
  3. “CONSUMER ALERT: Flea and Tick Prevention Pet Products Containing Dangerous TCVP.” Office of the Attorney General of the District of Columbia https://oag.dc.gov/release/consumer-alert-flea-and-tick-prevention-pet
  4. “Safe use of flea and tick prevention.” AVMA.org. https://www.avma.org/resources/pet-owners/petcare/safe-use-flea-and-tick-preventive-products

The post Preventing Dog Fleas: Methods, Tips, and Product Options appeared first on Great Pet Care.

How Long Can a Cat Live With Arthritis? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/how-long-can-a-cat-live-with-arthritis/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:43:46 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=130422 When your cat is diagnosed with arthritis, you’re bound to have questions. Besides trying to figure out how cats get arthritis and how to treat arthritis in cats, you’re probably also wondering, “how long can a cat live with arthritis?”  You aren’t alone. Arthritis is extremely common in senior cats, with some studies suggesting there’s […]

The post How Long Can a Cat Live With Arthritis? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

When your cat is diagnosed with arthritis, you’re bound to have questions. Besides trying to figure out how cats get arthritis and how to treat arthritis in cats, you’re probably also wondering, “how long can a cat live with arthritis?” 

You aren’t alone. Arthritis is extremely common in senior cats, with some studies suggesting there’s X-ray evidence of it in over 90 percent of older cats, even if they’re doing a great job of hiding their symptoms [1].

Although feline osteoarthritis is a progressive disease that will continue to worsen, cats with arthritis can live for a long time as long as their pain is managed. Let’s take a closer look at just how long this might be, as well as some of the treatment options open to your feline family member.

How Long Can a Cat Live with Arthritis?

Arthritis is not a life-limiting disease in itself, but it is painful. When we can manage their pain, cats with arthritis can live a normal life. But at some point, the pain becomes too much for the medications, and we need to consider euthanasia to protect their welfare. This is called a quality-of-life decision, and it’s something that every pet owner needs to be prepared to do. 

It’s very hard to predict how long a cat can live with arthritis, as it depends on individual factors like how well they tolerate being given medication, whether they have other diseases, and how old they are when they start showing signs of arthritis. 

According to a recent study in the U.S., cat life expectancy at birth is around 12 years, with some cats living into their 20s [2]. Since the chance of getting arthritis increases with age (and peaks at around 10 years), it’s quite likely that your cat is coming toward the end of their life when they’re diagnosed with arthritis anyway [3]. At that point, the chance of them getting other diseases – like kidney disease or some types of cancer – is higher too. 

Young cats with severe arthritis may only live for a year or two. Older cats with mild signs of arthritis might live for several years, unless they get another condition that complicates treatment or causes them more problems than the arthritis itself.

Cat Arthritis Treatment Options

The most important aspect of care for an arthritic cat is pain relief. Arthritis is known to be painful, and it’s usually this pain that results in cats with arthritis being euthanized. That means that the better the pain relief, and the better your cat tolerates it, the longer they’re likely to live. 

Since every cat’s arthritis is different, and every cat has a unique personality, the treatment options vary. Some treatments can have adverse effects, and while these should be monitored, they shouldn’t be a reason not to give the medication, as pain relief is so important when dealing with cat arthritis. Your veterinarian will help you determine which arthritis treatment for cats is the best for your kitty.

These are some of the most common cat arthritis medicines you might be offered:


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the mainstay of therapy for cat arthritis. They are usually well tolerated, with liquid and tablet forms available for daily dosing at home and several different drug options if your cat dislikes one. 

Your veterinarian may recommend against these drugs if your cat’s kidneys aren’t working properly, as using these drugs may cause further kidney problems and decrease life expectancy further. However, they may also recommend you cautiously continue, especially if there aren’t many other arthritis treatment options available to your cat. Vets will often say “quality of life over quantity of life” in these circumstances. In other words, the NSAIDs may reduce the life expectancy in these cats, but at least they’ll be pain-free.


Gabapentin is well tolerated in cats and can be chosen for its pain-relieving properties. It’s not usually the first medication veterinarians will reach for, but it’s often used as an adjunct when NSAIDs are no longer sufficient on their own.


Opioids are difficult to give long-term to cats, as they don’t often come in oral forms and are expensive. Your veterinarian may recommend a short course of opioids as very strong pain relief while waiting for other drugs to take effect. They may also be used in late stages to keep very arthritic cats comfortable.


While not widely available yet, this brand-new drug has changed how vets treat arthritis in cats. Given by injection, Frunevetmab is a monoclonal antibody, which means it’s actually a modified part of the immune system. Instead of attacking foreign objects or viruses, Frunevetmab blocks pain receptors to help cats with arthritis feel more comfortable, which has been life-changing in many cases.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and have proven benefits for pets with arthritis. EFAs can slow the progression of arthritis and should be used as soon as it’s suspected to get the full benefit. As they are not a drug, they can safely be given to most pets, with gastrointestinal upset being the most common side effect. EFAs are often found in cat joint supplements, or included in special “arthritis diets.”

How to Help Cats with Arthritis

There are also lots of things you can do at home to help a cat with arthritis live as comfortably as possible for as long as possible. 

Physical Therapy

It’s unlikely that your cat will be happy traveling to a physiotherapist on a regular basis, but learning some skills to keep their muscles in tip-top condition at home can help provide more comfort for a cat with arthritis. You can train your cat to do exercises at home using treats or food, which can help strengthen their muscles. Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation for a cat physiotherapist.

Environmental Changes

You can also change some things at home to make your cat’s life more comfortable. Keep food and water easily accessible, so your kitty doesn’t have to jump to get there. If they have a favorite high-up spot, try giving them steps or a ramp to reach it, rather than forcing them to jump. You might want to invest in a litter tray with lower sides, or a low access area, so your cat doesn’t have to move so much to get in. A warm bed will be especially welcome, as will any extra padding you can give them. 


When it comes to how to carry a cat with arthritis, it’s important to be gentle. As you’re handling, petting, or carrying them, be mindful that they may be sore. Try not to move joints if you can help it, and be careful where you squeeze. Cats with painful osteoarthritis can be grumpy, which means they may be more likely to lash out than usual.

Weight Loss

If your cat is overweight, helping them get to a more comfortable weight can be beneficial. Not only will this reduce the dose of drugs they need, it will also reduce the pressure on their joints and may mean they can (temporarily) come off drugs altogether. Talk to your veterinarian about your cat’s ideal weight and how to reach it safely.


You also need to keep a close eye on your cat’s symptoms and response to treatment. Best sure to do this regularly and frequently, as well as whenever there has been a change in medication. While you can just observe your cat, sometimes it’s hard to be objective about how they’re doing, especially since cats hide signs of pain so well. Questionnaires like the Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index can be a good way to make sure you’re assessing your cat properly and in the same manner each time.

Understanding the Stages of Cat Arthritis

Although vets don’t tend to formally ‘stage’ cat arthritis by giving it a grade like they might for a heart murmur, feline arthritis can be thought of in a few stages:

  • At risk
  • Preclinical
  • Clinical

At Risk

“At risk” cats are those who have had a previous joint injury or are overweight – these cats are very likely to have joint problems and owners might want to start joint supplements at an early age. This stage of arthritis doesn’t have any major impact on life expectancy.


“Preclinical” cats are those who have evidence of arthritis on their X-rays, but that don’t have obvious symptoms. This is the majority of cats, as they’re masters at hiding signs of pain. Unfortunately, it’s not possible at this stage to tell how much pain cats are in and how quickly they will become worse.


Cats with “clinical” arthritis are showing signs of pain; this suggests severe arthritis, and it’s time to start treatment or consider euthanasia. Cats showing signs of pain have a limited life expectancy – they’ll need to start daily medications, and you’ll have to regularly assess their quality of life. The real telling point will be once they’ve started medication. If they drastically improve, they’re likely to cope for longer than if the drugs make little difference.

Talk to your veterinarian about your cat’s arthritis as soon as you notice signs, such as your elderly cat struggling to walk or jump. Cats are excellent at hiding signs of pain, which means that cats with symptoms usually have bad arthritis. This doesn’t mean it isn’t manageable, though! Some cat parents may worry that the vet will tell them to euthanize their pet, but that’s not going to happen unless you’ve tried all of the treatment options and they aren’t working, or you refuse to treat your cat.

Cat Euthanasia: How to Tell When it’s Time 

Most arthritic cats will be euthanized due to another disease process, or due to the pain being too severe for the treatments available. Once your cat is showing signs of arthritis, you need to watch their quality of life and be prepared to make a decision when they appear to be suffering.

It’s often hard to tell whether cats are in pain, and this can make it difficult to know when to euthanize a cat with arthritis. Your veterinarian will be able to talk through your cat’s symptoms at any stage of your arthritis journey and help you assess whether your cat still has quality of life. They might suggest you think about:

  • Whether your cat can still do things they enjoy
  • Whether your cat is limping, yowling, or showing other signs of severe pain
  • Whether there are more good days than bad days

Remember, your veterinarian won’t force you to euthanize your cat, and they won’t automatically recommend euthanasia just because your cat is old. The sooner you reach out to them, the more help they can give you to make your cat comfortable until you know it’s time.

Feline arthritis is incredibly common, but most cats hide the signs of pain until it’s severe. Talking to your vet at the earliest opportunity can help reduce your cat’s pain and slow down the progression of arthritis, allowing them to live a happy life for longer.


  1. Lascelles, B Duncan X et al. “Cross-sectional study of the prevalence of radiographic degenerative joint disease in domesticated cats.” Veterinary surgery : VS vol. 39,5 (2010): 535-44. doi:10.1111/j.1532-950X.2010.00708.x
  2. Montoya, Mathieu et al. “Life expectancy tables for dogs and cats derived from clinical data.” Frontiers in veterinary science vol. 10 1082102. 21 Feb. 2023, doi:10.3389/fvets.2023.1082102
  3. Clarke, S P et al. “Prevalence of radiographic signs of degenerative joint disease in a hospital population of cats.” The Veterinary record vol. 157,25 (2005): 793-9. doi:10.1136/vr.157.25.793

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Cyclosporine for Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/cyclosporine-for-cats/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:01:05 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131722 Cyclosporine for cats is one of the front-line treatments veterinarians use to combat non-flea, non-food allergies in cats. This condition, called atopic dermatitis or atopy, is very common in cats. In fact, one study reported that 12.5% of cats have the condition. (1)  Cats with atopy have very itchy skin that can result in hair […]

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Cyclosporine for cats is one of the front-line treatments veterinarians use to combat non-flea, non-food allergies in cats. This condition, called atopic dermatitis or atopy, is very common in cats. In fact, one study reported that 12.5% of cats have the condition. (1

Cats with atopy have very itchy skin that can result in hair loss, wounds, crusts, and sores. Luckily for them, cyclosporine for cats is often an effective treatment. 

What Is Cyclosporine for Cats?

Cyclosporine for cats is a medication given by mouth that reduces the symptoms of allergic skin disease by suppressing the immune system. It is sold under the brand name Atopica, which was the first nonsteroid medication approved by the FDA to treat allergic skin disease in cats. A generic version of cyclosporine has been approved by the FDA and may become available soon. Some compounding pharmacies can compound cyclosporine for cats, as well.

Is Cyclosporine Safe for Cats? 

Most cats tolerate cyclosporine very well without side effects. Cyclosporine prescribed as a treatment for dermatitis in cats can usually be tapered to less than once daily. However, it is likely to be a long-term and potentially lifelong treatment. 

Cyclosporine is available throughout the United States. You can typically buy it directly from your prescribing veterinarian; and veterinary dermatologists often carry cyclosporine for cats, as well. 

If your finicky feline doesn’t love the flavor of Atopica for cats, ask your veterinarian if a compounded form of cyclosporine in a flavored liquid or another form could help with the administration of the drug. Compounded cyclosporine is considered safe for cats, but should only be used if the cat does not do well with the FDA-approved product.

Cyclosporine isn’t recommended for cats with a history of cancer, cats with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), or cats with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Use with caution in cats who have liver or kidney disease. In some cases, your veterinarian may need to weigh risk versus benefit, which is a conversation you should have together.

What Does Cyclosporine for Cats Look Like?

Cyclosporine oral solution for cats comes as a clear liquid in a small bottle. The dose is pulled up from the bottle using a syringe.

Cyclosporine capsules for cats are not FDA-approved, but capsules could be compounded. Use of the capsules intended for dogs or human medications is off-label. The appearance of capsules may vary based on the compounding pharmacy.

While learning about cyclosporine for cats, you may come across cyclosporine eye drops. Cyclosporine eye drops are used to treat dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca) in dogs and aren’t routinely used in cats. These eye drops will not help with your cat’s allergic dermatitis.

How Does Cyclosporine Work?

Cat cyclosporine reduces the symptoms of allergic dermatitis in cats by acting on the cells of the immune system that regulate allergic reactions. While cyclosporine doesn’t cure allergies, it reduces the inflammation (redness/swelling) and itchiness that come with the allergies.

The medication may need to be given once daily for four to six weeks before you can evaluate whether the drug is working. If symptoms are stabilized, the drug can be tapered according to veterinary instructions.

What Is Cyclosporine Used for in Cats?

In cats, liquid cyclosporine is FDA-approved for controlling feline allergic skin disease (allergic dermatitis or atopy).

Cyclosporine can also be used off-label for several conditions, usually autoimmune conditions. Examples of cat diseases that can be treated with cyclosporine off-label include:

  • Chronic stomatitis (inflammation in mouth)
  • Feline acquired alopecia (a hair loss condition)
  • Pemphigus (autoimmune skin condition)
  • Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (autoimmune destruction of platelets)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

How to Give Cyclosporine to Cats

Most cats prescribed cyclosporine receive the liquid form. The dose is calculated according to the cat’s weight. Initially, the cat will take one dose per day for several weeks. After symptoms have stabilized, the dose may be tapered to every other day or twice weekly. 

Cyclosporine for cats should be administered either with a small amount of food or right after feeding. We recommend that the medication be given at a consistent time each day. If you miss a dose, give the missed dose as soon as you realize it, as long as you do not exceed more than one dose per day.

Some cats may not like the taste of cyclosporine. It can help to give it with food or to follow it with a treat. If your cat won’t take the medication in their food, you can slide the tip of the dropper into the cheek pouch at the corner of their lips and dispense the medication directly into their mouth.

Cyclosporine for Cats Side Effects

The most common side effect of cyclosporine in cats is vomiting, which occurred in around one-third of the cats used in the clinical safety field study. However, the study also showed that cats tend to adjust to the medication and stop vomiting with continued use. (2)

Other cyclosporine side effects in cats include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Decreased appetite
  • Drooling
  • Weight loss
  • Development of behavioral disorders
  • Increased hair growth
  • Excessive salivation
  • Upper respiratory infection symptoms like sneezing and ocular discharge

Because cyclosporine works by suppressing the immune response, cats on cyclosporine may be more likely to develop infections or tumors. The development of cancer as a side effect of cyclosporine is possible, but rare. As a result, cyclosporine should not be used in cats with a history of cancer or in cats who are already immunosuppressed, such as those with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) or feline leukemia virus (FeLV).  

An overdose of cyclosporine is most likely to cause vomiting, diarrhea, and poor appetite. Some cats may have short-lived damage to their kidneys or liver after overdose. If you suspect an overdose of cyclosporine, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. 

Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

Cyclosporine can react with other drugs and medications. Some medications increase the levels of cyclosporine in the blood, which could potentially increase the risk of side effects or impact how much cyclosporine a cat needs. Examples of such medications include:

  • Antifungal medications like ketoconazole
  • Some antibiotics such as metronidazole or enrofloxacin
  • Amlodipine, a blood pressure medication

Cyclosporine should be used with caution when used in conjunction with other medications that impact the immune system, such as steroids like prednisolone.

You should review the medications your cat takes with your veterinarian to ensure there will not be drug interactions.

Cyclosporine Dose for Cats 

The cyclosporine dosage for cats is based on their weight. Atopica usually comes with a syringe that shows the dosage to give to your cat based on their weight. Pet parents should follow their veterinarian’s recommendations for dosing their cat.

What if My Cat Misses a Dose of Cyclosporine?

If you forgot your cat’s cyclosporine dose or couldn’t give it on time, you can still give the medication later but should not give it more than once daily. 

Although we recommend that you try to give the medication around the same time each day that you administer, your cat will be alright if the medication is a few hours late. If you completely missed the medication for the day, don’t double up the next day. Simply continue with your normal schedule. 

Cost of Cyclosporine for Cats

The cost of cyclosporine will vary based on your cat’s size. Larger cats will use more per dose, so you will need to purchase the medication more frequently than someone who has a smaller cat. You may also spend more on cyclosporine early in treatment when your cat is receiving it daily. If you can successfully taper your cat’s dosage, you may spend less because the cat will only need it every other day or a few times per week.

The larger bottle is usually more cost-effective, costing less per milliliter than the smaller bottle. The larger, 17-mL bottle of Atopica is usually around $100-150. The bottle may last one to two months, depending on dosage.

Cyclosporine Storage Instructions

Cyclosporine for cats should be kept at room temperature, out of reach of children or other pets. Don’t store cyclosporine in the refrigerator. Once opened, the medication should be used within two months to twelve weeks. According to the manufacturers, cyclosporine should be stored in its original container. 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5819051/
  2. https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/fda/fdaDrugXsl.cfm?setid=47f70173-a1d9-4156-9a7f-0f296e5dd64b&type=display

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Healthy Dog Gums: What Should They Look Like? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/healthy-dog-gums/ Fri, 03 Nov 2023 20:13:07 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131637 Maintaining healthy dog gums can stop bad breath, reduce tooth problems, and prevent tooth loss due to periodontal disease in dogs, which is one of the most common diseases diagnosed in dogs [1]. Healthy dog gums also play a role in helping maintain a dog’s overall health. Gum disease in dogs can lead to internal […]

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Maintaining healthy dog gums can stop bad breath, reduce tooth problems, and prevent tooth loss due to periodontal disease in dogs, which is one of the most common diseases diagnosed in dogs [1]. Healthy dog gums also play a role in helping maintain a dog’s overall health. Gum disease in dogs can lead to internal organ dysfunction, and abnormal gum color can indicate serious underlying diseases. 

But how do you know the difference between healthy dog gums vs. unhealthy gums? What do healthy dog gums look like? 

In this article you will learn what healthy dog gums look like and how to recognize warning signs that could indicate problems.

Healthy Dog Gums: What to Look For

In order to make sure that your dog’s gums are healthy, you first have to know what normal dog gums look like. If your dog is comfortable with you touching their mouth and in a relaxed, happy mood, then go ahead and lift their lips and take a look. 

Make sure to look on both sides of the mouth, top and bottom. Normal dog gums should be pink or pale pink, moist, with no bleeding or sensitive areas. If your dog is very excited, hot, or was just exercising, their gums will be darker pink. 

If you see black spots on a dog’s gums, don’t panic! Many dogs have black pigmentation on their gums and tongue. However, dogs can get melanoma on their gums, so if the black spot is new to you, be sure to have your veterinarian take a look to make sure it is nothing to worry about. 

It is best to check your dog’s gums at least once a week.

Warning Signs to Watch Out For

Signs of gum disease in dogs include:

  • Red gums
  • Bleeding gums
  • Foul breath
  • White buildup and brown staining on teeth (plaque and tartar)
  • Abnormal growths or swollen gums
  • Mobile teeth and tooth loss
  • Gum sensitivity
  • Trouble chewing, drooling, or dropping food
  • Gums that look like they are growing over teeth

Dog Gum Color Chart 

When checking your dog’s gums, it’s important to know what to keep an eye out for. The following chart can identify potential problems, so that you can discuss gum changes with your veterinarian.

Gum ColorWhat It Might MeanWhat to Do
Red gums in dogsGingivitis
Excessively high body temperature
Very excited or stressed
High blood pressure
Offer cool fresh water and let the dog cool or calm down. If the gums are still red when your dog is cool and calm, call your vet.
White or pale gums in dogsAnemia
Kidney disease
Internal bleeding
Heart disease
Clotting disorder
Internal parasites
Severe stress
Bloat (GDV)
Call your vet or go to the emergency clinic.
Blue or purple dog gumsMay be normal in some breeds Heart disease
Respiratory disease
Low blood pressure
Take your dog to the emergency clinic.
Black dog gumsMay be normal in some breeds
Have your veterinarian evaluate your dog.
Yellow dog gumsBlood loss
Liver disease
Call your vet or go to the emergency clinic.

What Causes Unhealthy Dog Gums?

Dog gum health is mostly a function of oral hygiene, but genetics also play a role. While small and toy breed dogs have more problems with gingivitis and poor gum health than large breed dogs, any dog can develop gum disease. 

In general, gum disease in dogs is usually due to poor oral hygiene leading to plaque and tartar build up on the teeth. Bacteria multiply on the surface of the teeth and eat away at gums and bone, causing gum recession, loose teeth, pain, and tooth loss. 

The Importance of Healthy Dog Gums

Gum disease not only creates bad breath and leads to bone and tooth loss, it is also painful and can negatively impact internal organ function. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream through inflamed gums. This bacteria circulates throughout the body, landing in the liver, heart, and kidneys and causing extra wear and tear in these internal organs. 

What to Do If Your Dog Has Unhealthy Gums

If your dog has unhealthy gums, then it is time to get a veterinarian involved. Do not try to brush your dog’s teeth if they have evidence of gum disease because it will hurt and may make the problem worse. 

If your dog’s gums are an odd color that you know isn’t normal, then you need to get your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Many times, abnormal gum color can indicate a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate veterinary care. 

If you are noticing the signs of inflamed gums due to gum disease, then veterinary intervention is also required. While this isn’t a life-threatening emergency, it is uncomfortable, can lead to tooth loss, and is causing stress on your dog’s body, so it is best to get it addressed as soon as you can. Schedule an appointment with your local veterinarian. 

During the appointment, your vet will take your dog’s vitals and conduct a full physical examination, including examining the teeth and gums. If your vet notices gum disease, they will likely recommend a full dental cleaning, x-rays, and full dental evaluation under anesthesia. Your dog will need to come back for this procedure and stay at the hospital during the day to have the procedure and recover. 

During the procedure, if your vet notices any diseased teeth that need to be removed or other issues, they will need your approval to remove those teeth. Always be available by phone when your dog is undergoing a veterinary dental cleaning. 

How to Maintain Healthy Dog Gums

Veterinarian checking dog's gums

The best way to maintain healthy dog gums at home is to brush your dog’s teeth regularly. Brushing every 2-3 days is best because it takes approximately 72 hours for plaque (white, soft build up that can be brushed away) to harden into tartar (must be scaled or scraped off). 

In addition to brushing, the following products can be helpful for some dogs:

  • Wiping the teeth with dental wipes
  • Long-lasting dental chews (keep your dog chewing for 10-15 minutes)
  • Water additives that reduce plaque build up
  • Therapeutic dental dog foods formulated to reduce plaque build up

Look for products that have the Veterinary Oral Health Council seal of approval on them. 

It is also important to have your dog’s teeth checked once a year by your local veterinarian. Your vet can tell you if your dog needs professional dental cleaning and give you more advice on how to keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy. Even though a dental procedure is pricey, consider it an investment in your dog’s overall health, longevity, and quality of life. You can offset the cost of veterinary dental care with pet insurance, wellness plans, pet care credit cards, or payment plans offered by your vet.

While gum disease is common in dogs, with increased awareness and proactive measures, you can help your dog have a healthy mouth. You may also save your dog’s life or the life of another dog by understanding how gum color reveals health problems, so share this article with other dog lovers in your life!


  1. Wallis, C. and Holcombe, L.J. (2020), A review of the frequency and impact of periodontal disease in dogs. J Small Anim Pract, 61: 529-540. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsap.13218 

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Measuring Your Cat’s Blood Pressure: What’s Normal and What’s Not https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-blood-pressure/ Thu, 02 Nov 2023 15:24:21 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131331 Blood pressure is one of the measurements we are used to having taken at our own doctor’s visits, but have you ever wondered how cats have their blood pressure taken? Consider how difficult it can be to get a cat to do anything she doesn’t want to do, let alone lay still for 60 seconds […]

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Blood pressure is one of the measurements we are used to having taken at our own doctor’s visits, but have you ever wondered how cats have their blood pressure taken? Consider how difficult it can be to get a cat to do anything she doesn’t want to do, let alone lay still for 60 seconds while a cuff squeezes her leg.

Let’s discuss what a normal cat blood pressure should be (hint: it’s the same for humans) and what it means if a cat’s blood pressure is high or low. 

What’s a Normal Cat Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the force that propels blood through the vascular system to deliver oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body. It’s a measurement that can tell us a lot about a pet’s overall health. When blood pressure becomes high or low it is very dangerous and can mean there is a serious health problem that needs to be addressed. 

There are two components to blood pressure: systolic and diastolic. Systolic blood pressure is the maximum pressure during a heartbeat. Diastolic blood pressure is the minimum pressure and occurs between heart beats. 

A normal blood pressure reading in cats is 120 mmHg systolic over 80 mmHg diastolic – often represented as 120/80. Kittens have lower normal blood pressure. Veterinarians generally diagnose high or low blood pressure based on a cat’s systolic readings. 

A systolic blood pressure above 180 mmHg is considered high (hypertension) while a systolic pressure below 90 is low (hypotension). 

Because blood pressure is measured at the vet clinic and many cats are stressed or excited there, your veterinarian will not diagnose your cat with high blood pressure until the systolic reading is greater than 180. 

Causes of High Blood Pressure in Cats 

High blood pressure in cats can be caused by many different factors but is always due to an underlying disease. These include:

Kidney Disease

Up to 65 percent of cats with high blood pressure have kidney disease [1]. The relationship is through a complex set of hormone systems and is the reason many cats with kidney disease take blood pressure medication.

Heart Disease

The body may constrict blood vessels to compensate for a heart that is unable to adequately pump blood. Unfortunately this worsens heart disease in a vicious cycle.

Hyperthyroid Disease

An overactive thyroid can lead to high blood pressure, high heart rate, and many other dangerous changes in body function. Hyperthyroid disease is common in middle aged to older cats.

Tumors or Cancer

Some types of cancers or non-cancerous tumors can secrete hormones that lead to hypertension while others create hypertension due to their size or location. 


Severe pain or an injury – such as a broken leg – can cause temporary hypertension. Adequate pain control quickly settles blood pressure to the normal range.


Trauma can alter the normal mechanisms that control blood pressure, causing hypertension.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure in Cats 

Symptoms of high systemic blood pressure in cats are typically seen in association with symptoms of their primary disease. The most common sign of high blood pressure in cats is blindness. 

Other signs may include:

  • Decreased energy
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Behavior changes
  • Vision problems or blindness
  • Seizure or collapse

Other symptoms of feline high blood pressure are evident to your veterinarian upon physical exam including a new or worsening heart murmur and changes to the eye including detachment of the retina.  

Consequences of Hypertension in Cats

Untreated hypertension can cause severe illness including blindness, brain damage, seizures, kidney disease, heart disease, and stroke. 

Treatment for Cat Hypertension

Giving cat blood pressure medication

Treatment for hypertension in cats is two-fold. When possible, treatment plans are focused on addressing or managing the underlying cause of hypertension such as kidney disease, heart disease, or thyroid disease. 

Oral medications can reduce blood pressure and are very useful as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Treatment plans may also include diet changes such as low sodium or prescription diets for management of the primary disease.

What Causes Low Blood Pressure in Cats? 

Low blood pressure in cats, also known as hypotension, is caused by severe illness, injury, or trauma. It is very abnormal and always an emergency. 

Cats only become hypotensive when their body cannot adequately respond. It can be caused by blood loss, low protein, or infection of the blood as well as any other causes of severe illness such as heart failure or neurologic dysfunction. 

Heart failure leads to hypotension when the heart can no longer contract well enough to generate adequate pressure to send the blood through all the vessels of the major organs. Neurologic dysfunction leads to hypotension when the brain cannot send appropriate regulatory signs to the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure in Cats

Symptoms of hypotension in cats include:

  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Collapse
  • Very low body temperature
  • Sudden death

Treatment for Cat Hypotension

Treatment for hypotension is always an emergency. Cats diagnosed with low blood pressure require immediate in-hospital treatments such as IV fluid therapy, blood transfusions, and fast-acting injectable medications. Only once the cat is stabilized can the primary disease or injury be addressed. 

How to Take a Cat’s Blood Pressure

There are two common methods for measuring a cat’s blood pressure in a veterinary clinic – Doppler and Oscillometric. 

Doppler Method

Doppler is equivalent to a healthcare provider manually taking a person’s blood pressure with a cuff and stethoscope. It is more accurate than the oscillometric method and is generally preferred by veterinarians. 

The cat is laid on his side and a cuff is placed around the upper arm or leg. A Doppler crystal is placed on an area of shaved skin usually on the underside of the foot just above the paw pad. The Doppler crystal allows the veterinarian to listen to the pulse of the artery. The cuff is pressurized until the pulse is no longer audible and then relaxed until the sound returns. The pressure at which the pulse sound returns is the systolic blood pressure. 

This process is repeated 3-5 times and the results are averaged to determine a cat’s systolic blood pressure. The Doppler crystal is very sensitive to movement making this method difficult in awake, healthy cats.

Oscillometric Method

The other method is Oscillometric. This method involves a machine with internal algorithms that translate changes in volume into pressure. A cuff attached to the machine is placed on the cat’s upper arm or leg. The cuff is pressurized and the machine determines the volume of the body part in the cuff at both its peak (systole) and valley (diastole).

The machine takes at least 5 readings and averages the middle three before performing calculations to translate the volume into blood pressure. This method is less prone to user error but is more likely to be inaccurate. 

Can You Take a Cat’s Blood Pressure at Home?

While blood pressure is a useful measurement in assessing your cat’s overall health, it is not generally recommended that you try to take it at home. It is far more useful to monitor your cat for more easily recognized symptoms such as lethargy, vision loss, and changes in behavior. 

If your veterinarian is concerned about your cat’s blood pressure she will likely ask you to have it rechecked in the clinic as needed. This allows for consistency in the procedure as well as less stress for you over inaccurate high and low readings. If your cat is behaving normally and not exhibiting any signs of illness then his blood pressure is likely to be within the normal range.

If your cat has been diagnosed with high blood pressure the best thing you can do at home is administer her prescribed medications on schedule. If giving your cat a pill is difficult ask your veterinarian about different formulations such as liquids or chewable tablets. Report changes in behavior to your veterinarian who will make recommendations for assessment.

How to Support Healthy Cat Blood Pressure

The best things you can do for your pet’s overall health will also support healthy blood pressure. These include maintaining a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, eating a nutritious commercially formulated cat food, and developing a relationship with your veterinarian through routine healthy visits. 


  1. Lawson JS, Jepson RE. Feline comorbidities: The intermingled relationship between chronic kidney disease and hypertension. J Feline Med Surg. 2021 Sep;23(9):812-822.

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Kidney Disease in Dogs Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-kidney-disease-treatment-plan/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 18:48:42 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131005 A dog’s kidneys have many important roles, such as helping with red blood cell production, maintaining blood pressure, and regulating fluids and electrolytes. They are also responsible for filtering out waste from the bloodstream. Kidney disease in dogs occurs when the kidneys become damaged and do not function properly.  When the kidneys become damaged, dogs […]

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A dog’s kidneys have many important roles, such as helping with red blood cell production, maintaining blood pressure, and regulating fluids and electrolytes. They are also responsible for filtering out waste from the bloodstream. Kidney disease in dogs occurs when the kidneys become damaged and do not function properly. 

When the kidneys become damaged, dogs can become very sick. Once diagnosed, dogs with kidney disease must be closely monitored and managed with an appropriate treatment plan. 

Treating Kidney Disease in Dogs: Overview

It can be overwhelming for pet parents to learn that their dog has been diagnosed with kidney disease. Navigating initial treatments and long-term management of this condition may be daunting at first, but with the help of a veterinarian, pet parents can become educated and better equipped to care for their canine companions.  

Treatment for kidney disease in dogs will depend on the type and severity of disease. There are two main types of canine kidney disease:

  • Acute kidney disease
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Acute kidney disease typically develops rapidly and can occur in dogs of any age. It is most commonly due to the ingestion of some type of toxin, and it usually requires hospitalization and intensive treatment. Chronic kidney disease is a common condition among older dogs, and it is considered an irreversible, progressive condition. It can be present for an extended period of time without noticeable symptoms

Dogs with acute kidney disease usually need to receive treatment specific to the underlying cause of the condition. If a toxin was ingested, an appropriate treatment plan would be developed to counteract the toxin and provide supportive care. Typically, this treatment is only needed in the short-term, but it is possible for acute kidney disease to become chronic in some dogs, which would require additional treatment.  

Dogs who have chronic kidney disease require long-term management through medications, fluid therapy, and a prescription diet. These dogs will need to see a veterinarian on a regular basis. Veterinary visits are at least every six months but may be more frequent depending on the severity of the disease and how the dog is responding to treatment. 

Kidney Disease Dog Diet: What to Feed

Veterinarians typically recommend switching to a prescription diet specially formulated for kidney disease. These diets have lower amounts of protein, phosphorus, and sodium. Many contain antioxidants to support kidney function as well. 

Since dogs with kidney disease have an increased risk of urinary tract infections, some diets are also formulated to promote bladder health. 

Homemade dog food is not recommended for dogs with kidney disease because it is difficult to regulate the amounts of ingredients within them and ensure proper support for the kidneys. 

Dogs with kidney disease typically pass large amounts of dilute urine so they must have access to fresh, clean water at all times to compensate for this. Dehydration can exacerbate kidney disease, so it is important to keep these dogs well-hydrated at all times. 

Pet parents must also be cautious about the type of dog treat they are giving their dogs. Many treats contain ingredients that may not support optimal kidney function. Fortunately, there are several prescription treat options available.

Below are some vet-recommended prescription dog foods to help kidney function:

Purina Pro Plan NF dog food
Hills k/d kidney care dog food

Dog Kidney Disease Medications

Various medications can be given to help dogs with kidney disease. Some common medications prescribed by your veterinarian may include the following: 

Phosphate Binders

Dogs with kidney disease are prone to developing high levels of phosphorus in the blood. High levels of phosphorus in the bloodstream can also increase calcium levels, which can have serious side effects. Phosphate binders are given by mouth, and they bind phosphorus in the intestines. This blocks phosphorus absorption, helping to control phosphorus levels in the blood.

Popular phosphate binders for dogs include:

Naraquin phosphate binder
Epakitin powder for dogs
Phos-Bind for dogs

ACE Inhibitors

Because hypertension can be a consequence of kidney disease, these medications are used to reduce high blood pressure. Untreated high blood pressure can negatively impact various other organs, such as the brain and eyes, so it is important to manage this condition. In turn, these medications also reduce the amount of protein found in the urine. They are given orally. 

Common ACE inhibitors prescribed for dog kidney disease include benezepril and enalapril. Buy them from your veterinarian here:


These medications are given to treat bacterial infections. They are only given if a concurrent infection, such as a UTI, is present in a dog with kidney disease to eliminate the bacteria. They are most commonly given orally, but some antibiotics may be given intravenously at the veterinary clinic if needed.

Common antibiotics used to treat infections associated with kidney disease in dogs include clavamox, amoxicillin, cefpodoxime, and cephalexin. These medications can be purchased from your veterinarian.

Clavamox chewables
amoxicillin for dogs
Simplicef cefpodoxime for dogs
medication for dogs

Proton Pump Inhibitors or H2 Antagonists

These medications are given to reduce acid within the stomach. Dogs with kidney disease often have increased acid production which can lead to stomach ulcers and mouth sores. Too much acid can also cause nausea, which can further decrease appetite. Pet parents usually give these medications orally, but H2 antagonists may also be administered via injection by a veterinarian.

Medications in this category include omeprazole and famotidine.

Appetite Stimulants

Many dogs with kidney disease have poor appetites because they feel nauseous and unwell. Providing an appetite stimulant by mouth can help increase their desire to eat and give them more energy. Some common veterinary-prescribed appetite stimulants include Entyce and Mirtazapine.

Dog medication in bottle

Fluid Therapy

Dogs with kidney disease benefit from additional fluid intake to ensure adequate hydration and perfusion of the kidneys. Fluid therapy can also treat electrolyte imbalance. Fluid therapy can be administered into a vein at the veterinary office, or trained pet parents can administer the fluids underneath the pet’s skin at home.


Because kidneys play a role in red blood cell production, dogs with kidneys that do not function well are at risk for anemia. If this occurs, this medication may be used to stimulate the bone marrow to produce red blood cells and counteract anemia. It is given via injection underneath the skin. 

Additional medications may be prescribed by the veterinarian depending on the unique needs of the patient, including any concurrent health conditions that are present and the underlying cause for the kidney disease. 

Tips for Managing Kidney Disease Pain in Dogs 

Many dogs with kidney disease experience pain as a result of their condition. This pain can be alleviated using certain oral pain medications or through a holistic approach. 

An oral pain medication that can be used in dogs with kidney disease is acetaminophen, which is non-acidic and better tolerated than other types of NSAIDs. The frequency and dose of this medication is dependent on the pet’s condition [1]. Acetominophen should only be given under the guidance of your dog’s veterinarian.

Holistic treatment for kidney disease in dogs may include acupuncture and various types of herbal supplements to reduce pain and support the kidneys.

Kidney Disease in Dogs Treatment: Additional Tips and Advice 

Treating kidney disease in dogs often requires lifelong management, but many dogs with kidney disease can live long, happy lives with proper treatment and care. 

Monthly costs will vary, but pet parents can expect to spend $75 or more on veterinary visits, medications, supportive care, and a prescription diet. 

Once a dog’s kidney disease is well-managed, some of the first signs pet parents notice are reduced thirst and urination. Most dogs have more energy and are more playful once they feel better too. They may also start to have better appetites and as a result, gain a little weight. 

If a dog becomes lethargic or starts drinking and urinating more frequently while kidney disease is being managed, you should contact your veterinarian for guidance. This could indicate an underlying issue and may require a medication adjustment or additional treatment. 


  1. Lascelles, D., & Epstein, M. (2016). Canine and feline pain management: expert insight into practitioners’ top questions. Today’s Veterinary Practice, 6(6), 36-40. 

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-in-dogs/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 18:42:45 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=131119 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in dogs is very rarely diagnosed in pets with intestinal problems. Chances are that if you’re looking for information on IBS in dogs, your dog has instead been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a more common intestinal condition in dogs.  IBD in dogs is often confused with IBS. However, that […]

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in dogs is very rarely diagnosed in pets with intestinal problems. Chances are that if you’re looking for information on IBS in dogs, your dog has instead been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a more common intestinal condition in dogs. 

IBD in dogs is often confused with IBS. However, that doesn’t mean IBS in dogs isn’t a thing! 

What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Dogs?

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS in dogs is generally caused by stress and anxiety rather than an actual intestinal condition. When psychological activity causes physical ailments, we call those ailments “psychosomatic.” 

Think of how stressful situations can cause intestinal problems in people. Similarly, chronic anxiety in dogs can lead to chronic diarrhea. This is sometimes referred to as “irritable bowel syndrome” in dogs.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in dogs, on the other hand, is an actual disease of the intestines. With IBD, white blood cells infiltrate the lining of the intestines and affect the intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients, resulting in chronic and severe diarrhea.

IBS doesn’t lead to IBD. In fact, they’re completely different conditions.

No specific breeds are considered predisposed to IBS. However, dogs with anxiety are at a greater risk for experiencing IBS.

What Causes IBS in Dogs?

IBS in dogs is generally caused by chronic anxiety. Anxiety affects how the muscles of the intestines contract, resulting in diarrhea and constipation. The intestines themselves are not generally diseased in dogs with IBS.

IBS in Dogs Symptoms

The main symptoms of IBS in dogs include:

  • Bouts of watery diarrhea, often with mucus in the diarrhea
  • Straining to poop
  • Urgency to poop, which may result in accidents
  • Occasional constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting

Although blood is common in the diarrhea of dogs who have conditions of their large intestine causing diarrhea, blood isn’t common in the diarrhea of dogs with IBS. 

Diagnosing Dogs with IBS

Veterinarian examining Shih Tzu dog

The first step in diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome in dogs is to get a physical examination with a veterinarian. 

The veterinarian will want to ensure your pet isn’t losing excessive amounts of weight. They’ll also press on the dog’s abdomen to see if they can feel any abnormalities. Pressing on the abdomen will also key the veterinarian into your pet’s pain level. 

Another important part of the physical examination is a rectal examination. The veterinarian will ensure there aren’t any obvious masses in the anal region that are contributing to straining and urgency to defecate.

Assuming no obvious explanation for your dog’s clinical signs is found on the physical examination, your veterinarian will move on to diagnostics. Diagnosing dogs with IBS involves ruling out other causes. Common testing would include:

  • Routine bloodwork and urinalysis: The veterinarian performs these tests to check on your pet’s overall systemic health, including major organ function. 
  • X-rays or ultrasound of the abdomen: Imaging of the abdomen may help detect abnormalities, such as a mass, an intestinal blockage, or thickening of intestinal lining.
  • Fecal testing: Testing to rule out parasites and other infectious causes of diarrhea should be performed in dogs with diarrhea.
  • Dietary trials: Diarrhea also occurs in dogs with food allergies. Your veterinarian may recommend switching your dog to a diet with novel proteins or proteins that have been altered to make them more tolerable. 
  • Intestinal biopsy: Intestinal biopsy is the gold standard for diagnosing IBD. Because IBD is an important rule-out for a dog with IBS, the veterinarian may recommend biopsies. These can be obtained surgically through a midline incision or via a colonoscopy. Colonoscopies are usually performed at a specialty center. In dogs with IBS, intestinal biopsies will usually be normal.

Treatment for IBS in Dogs

To manage loose stools, veterinarians recommend increasing the fiber in your pet’s diet. Options for increasing the fiber in your dog’s diet include:

  • Dog food for IBS, usually a prescription high fiber diet
  • Commercial fiber supplements
  • Adding fibrous foods, such as canned pumpkin, to your pet’s diet

Prior to making changes to your pet’s diet, speak with your veterinarian. 

Some veterinarians may use anti-diarrheal medications, such as loperamide, when there is an IBS flare. If the diarrhea is severe during a flare, your pet may also need to be given fluids. Often, IBS isn’t severe enough to require hospitalization with intravenous fluids, so your veterinarian will give the fluids subcutaneously (under the skin).

The most important aspect of managing IBS is reducing stress and anxiety. If you identify a trigger for your pet’s anxiety and diarrhea, such as long car rides, avoiding those triggers when possible may reduce the incidence of IBS flare-ups. Some dogs will benefit from the addition of more physical activity, such as going for a daily walk, to reduce anxiety.

The veterinarian may prescribe anti-anxiety medications. For dogs with chronic anxiety, daily medications such as fluoxetine or clomipramine will be considered. For dogs who have specific triggers that set off their anxiety, the veterinarian may prescribe a more situational medication to be given before the incident, such as trazodone.

Shop Dog Anxiety Medications:

Over-the-counter supplements for anxiety can be purchased without a prescription. Examples of supplements that may be used for dogs with IBS include cannabidiol (CBD) or L-theanine. Speak with your veterinarian before adding supplements to your pet’s diet.

Initial diagnostics to rule out other conditions will likely be the most expensive part of managing your pet’s condition. Because this may take several visits to rule out anything more nefarious, you can expect this part to cost anywhere from $500 to over $1,000, especially if intestinal biopsies are pursued. 

Once you have a set routine, the cost will depend on what treatment options you choose and how often your pet has flare-ups of IBS. However, this will generally be more affordable.

How to Prevent IBS in Dogs

Not all dogs with chronic anxiety develop IBS. Minimize the stress your pet experiences to decrease the likelihood of IBS developing. If you’re noticing anxious behaviors in your pet, such as destructiveness, repetitive vocalization, self-injury, or house-soiling, speak with your veterinarian.

Related Conditions 

  • Anxiety
  • House-soiling
  • Diarrhea in dogs

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How to Brush a Cat’s Teeth: Steps and Tips https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/how-to-brush-a-cats-teeth/ Fri, 06 Oct 2023 18:59:55 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=128653 Cats are renowned for their meticulous grooming habits and impeccable cleanliness, but there’s one crucial personal care task they simply can’t perform on their own: brushing their teeth. Just as with humans, our feline friends are vulnerable to diseases of the teeth and gums. In fact, studies report that between 50 and 90 percent of […]

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Cats are renowned for their meticulous grooming habits and impeccable cleanliness, but there’s one crucial personal care task they simply can’t perform on their own: brushing their teeth.

Just as with humans, our feline friends are vulnerable to diseases of the teeth and gums. In fact, studies report that between 50 and 90 percent of cats older than 4 years old experience some form of dental disease (1).

Fortunately, proper dental hygiene can go a long way in preventing the most common forms of these diseases. But it’s up to us as pet parents to ensure it gets done, and it can be tricky to understand exactly how to brush a cat’s teeth.

If the thought of sticking a toothbrush into your kitty’s fanged mouth sounds like a daunting task, you’re not alone. It certainly can be, especially if they aren’t used to mouth handling or tooth-brushing procedures. The good news? With the right approach, most cats will eventually allow you to brush their chompers without much fuss.

Keep reading to learn how to safely, easily, and effectively brush your cat’s teeth at home.   

Benefits of Brushing a Cat’s Teeth

Before we get into how to brush a cat’s teeth, let’s review why cat teeth cleaning is so important. As with human teeth, cat teeth need brushing to keep them clean and healthy.

“Brushing teeth removes plaque, an invisible, thin layer of bacteria and other material,” says Dr. Patrik Holmboe, head veterinarian at Cooper Pet Care. “Left untouched, plaque eventually calcifies into tartar, a rock-hard, brown material that sticks to the teeth and is much harder to remove.”

Dr. Holmboe explains that tartar not only looks unsightly, but it’s also chock-full of bacteria — and if not removed, it can greatly increase the likelihood of more advanced dental diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis. Once your cat reaches the stage of periodontitis, they face a high risk of bacterial infection in the tooth roots and bone surrounding the teeth, opening the door to loose or lost teeth, gum disease, difficulty eating, pain, and infection that spreads elsewhere in the body.

Although tartar build-up on your cat’s teeth requires removal by a veterinarian under general anesthesia, regular dental cleaning at home can remove plaque. Removing this plaque before it hardens into tartar is an essential part of home dental care.

Added bonuses of regular brushing include helping your cat get accustomed to being handled and keeping their breath smelling fresh (or at least fresher!).

How to Brush a Cat’s Teeth: Preparation and Training 

Attempting to immediately brush your cat’s teeth without acclimating them to the process is a surefire recipe for failure (and likely a few scratches). To increase your chances of success, it’s crucial to get your cat comfortable with the idea. Here are a few ways to prep your feline friend for brushing:

Start by getting your cat used to being touched around the mouth. When petting your cat throughout the day, as you normally do, work your way over to their mouth and gently rub your finger around their teeth, gums, and jawline. Give them lots of praise during and after.

Next, introduce your cat to the sensation of brushing with a tantalizing treat: tuna water. While it doesn’t provide any dental benefits, most cats love the taste of tuna water, which helps create a positive association. Before busting out the toothpaste, Covetrus recommends dipping your finger in tuna water and offering it to your cat. Once you’re done, praise your kitty and reward them with a treat.

Then, graduate to warm-up lessons with actual cat toothpaste. Choose a time when your cat is relaxed and let them sniff and lick some cat toothpaste off your finger. Unlike human toothpaste, which is typically mint flavored, cat toothpaste has a beef, fish, or poultry flavor, so it’s usually enticing. As they lick the paste, begin to rub your finger lightly along their teeth to simulate brushing. To make them feel more comfortable, give them some gentle scratches around their head and under their jaw as you go.  

To ensure your cat is at ease with the process, it may be necessary to practice this warm-up lesson multiple times before progressing to the main event. 

Supplies for Brushing Your Cat’s Teeth  

Once you feel your cat is comfortable with the idea of brushing, it’s time to transition to the real deal.

Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • A specially formulated cat toothpaste. Ensure the toothpaste you choose is labeled as safe for feline use. Cat toothpaste is safe for cats to swallow and contains enzymes that clean their teeth. Do not use human toothpaste, as it contains ingredients (like fluoride and artificial sweeteners) that can be harmful to cats. In a pinch, Dr. Amanda Skinner, DVM, at Sunset Vet Clinic says that even just taking a dry toothbrush to your cat’s teeth can be beneficial.
  • A cat-specific toothbrush. A cat toothbrush has special features designed for brushing their teeth, including a small size and an angled handle. Finger toothbrushes, which fit over the tip of your finger, are another option. For some cats, using a very soft toothbrush designed for human babies is acceptable.

Steps for Brushing a Cat’s Teeth 

Now that you understand the “why” behind cat tooth brushing and know what supplies you’ll need, let’s review the steps for how to effectively clean your cat’s teeth.

  1. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto a cat-friendly toothbrush and place it aside.
  2. Kneel down and position your cat between your legs, with their head facing away from you. This will prevent them from backing away.
  3. Tilt your cat’s head upward at a slight angle and raise their lip.
  4. Gently move the toothbrush or finger brush in circles across the teeth near the gumline. Work front to back on one side. This should take about 30 seconds. Talk to your cat in a soft voice while brushing to reassure them.  
  5. Switch sides and repeat.

If you can’t brush your cat’s teeth for the full minute on the first attempt, don’t worry. Just brush as long as you can before they really let you know they want to be done. This might only be five seconds to start, but that’s better than nothing, and you can gradually increase the time each day as they get used to it.

A daily brushing session is ideal for most cats, though brushing even just once or twice a week may offer some benefit. “Less than this, and the actual effectiveness of the brushing is probably pretty low,” says Dr. Holmboe. 

Tips for Successful Tooth Brushing and Dental Health in Cats 

Here are some tips to help ensure cat tooth brushing success:

Start when they are young

Dr. Holmboe suggests starting your brushing sessions when your cat is 6 to 12 months old. “At 6 months, usually all the permanent teeth have erupted,” he says. “And this is a good age period where a young cat is still very accepting of new things.” 

Select a specific time

Cats respond well to routine, so be consistent with the time you brush their teeth every day. Pick a time of day that is generally quiet.

Use a toothpaste they like

Cat toothpaste comes in different flavors, so find one your cat approves of. You can test it by putting a little on your finger and seeing if they lick it off.

Find a quiet area

In order to help your cat feel relaxed and comfortable, find a peaceful place away from the hustle and bustle for your brushing sessions.  

Create positive associations

After brushing, immediately give your cat their favorite treat and lots of love for a job well done. This will help them associate brushing with good things, thereby increasing their willingness to participate in future sessions.

Be mindful of your demeanor

Your cat will sense if you’re anxious and respond accordingly. To increase the chances of keeping them calm, try to maintain a relaxed, positive attitude and demeanor during the sessions.

Be patient

It’s important not to force brushing sessions, as this will create a negative association, so pay attention to your cat’s cues. If they are really fussy and struggling to get away, stop and try again the next day.

Supplement with dental care products

Dental health products, such as dental treats and water additives, can be helpful, but Dr. Holmboe warns that they’re not a replacement for tooth brushing. The exception, he says, is scientifically-formulated dental kibble, which can be an effective long-term tooth-brushing replacement.

Watch for warning signs

Even with regular brushing, it’s still possible for dental problems to develop. That’s why it’s important to be on the lookout for signs of dental disease in your cat, especially if they are older

Common signs include dropping food while eating, vocalizing while eating, drooling, blood in the mouth, or changes in eating behavior, says Dr. Holmboe. “Even more serious signs might include weight loss and lethargy.” If you notice any of these signs, a visit to your veterinarian is in order. 

Get regular checkups

Regardless of how meticulous you are with brushing, Dr. Skinner says it’s important to get your cat’s teeth checked every six months to one year by your veterinarian. They can assess if your kitty needs a professional dental cleaning

By making dental care a part of your cat’s routine and giving their pearly whites some regular TLC, you can help ensure they have healthy teeth and gums for years to come. 


  1. Cornell Feline Health Center. “Feline Dental Disease.” Updated June 2017. Retrieved from https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/feline-dental-disease

The post How to Brush a Cat’s Teeth: Steps and Tips appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Dog Hernia: Types, Symptoms and Treatment Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-hernia/ Sat, 30 Sep 2023 22:00:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=128508 A hernia is an abnormal opening in muscle or tissue, through which organs or tissues can pass or protrude.  In humans, a hernia often refers to an abnormal body wall opening in the abdomen or groin. This opening allows tissues to protrude from the abdomen and rest under the skin.  You may be wondering, can […]

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A hernia is an abnormal opening in muscle or tissue, through which organs or tissues can pass or protrude. 

In humans, a hernia often refers to an abnormal body wall opening in the abdomen or groin. This opening allows tissues to protrude from the abdomen and rest under the skin. 

You may be wondering, can dogs get hernias too? Read on to learn more about dog hernias, including types, causes, signs, and treatment.

Can Dogs Get Hernias?

Yes, dogs can get hernias. In fact, hernias in dogs are relatively common. They’re often diagnosed in young puppies. 

The most common form of dog hernia is an umbilical hernia, which allows fat and/or abdominal organs to protrude through the umbilicus (belly button) on a puppy’s belly. Small umbilical hernias may close on their own, but veterinary care is often required.

Canine hernias are similar to human hernias, although their causes may differ.

What Does a Hernia Look Like in a Dog?

Many dog hernias can be seen and/or felt. Hernias often take the form of a soft to slightly-firm bulge, protruding from your dog’s belly, groin, or hind end. In older dogs, a hernia may be mistaken for a soft, fatty lump under the skin.  

However, some hernias occur internally. These hernias involve the diaphragm instead of the external body wall, which means they cannot be seen or felt. Internal hernias require x-rays or other veterinary tests for diagnosis. 

Types of Hernias in Dogs

There are several types of hernias in dogs, each with a unique cause and clinical appearance. 

Umbilical hernia: Umbilical hernias in dogs occur at the umbilicus (belly button). This is the most common type of dog hernia. Many umbilical hernias are small and they may close on their own, as a puppy grows and matures. Large umbilical hernias and hernias that do not close over time, however, can cause problems and require treatment. 

Inguinal hernia: Inguinal hernias affect the groin, where the inner leg meets the belly. 

Perineal hernia: These hernias, which often occur in unneutered, older males, may affect one or both sides of a dog’s hind end (adjacent to the rectum).

Diaphragmatic hernia: A diaphragmatic hernia affects the diaphragm, which is the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. A diaphragmatic hernia can interfere with a dog’s ability to breathe. Emergency treatment is often required. 

Hiatal hernia: A hiatal hernia is a small hereditary defect in the diaphragm that allows a portion of a dog’s stomach to protrude into the chest.  

Spay incision hernia: When an abdominal incision does not heal properly, a hernia may occur. These hernias usually become apparent in the days or weeks immediately after surgery.

How Do Dogs Get Hernias?

Most hernias are caused by genetic or hereditary factors. These hernias are present at birth. Umbilical and hiatal hernias both fall into this category, with umbilical hernias being far more common. Umbilical hernias can occur in any breed, while hiatal hernias are most common in Bulldogs and Shar Pei dogs. 

Perineal and inguinal hernias tend to occur in older dogs. Perineal hernias primarily affect intact males; they are associated with excessive straining due to an enlarged prostate gland. Age-related inguinal hernias can be associated with pregnancy, trauma, obesity, or other factors.  

Diaphragmatic hernias are usually caused by blunt force trauma. Potential causes include being hit by a car, falling from a high surface, or being kicked in the abdomen. Excessive force on the abdomen leads to a tear in the diaphragm, causing significant breathing difficulties.

Incisional hernias, such as a dog spay incision hernia, form after abdominal surgery, when an incision fails to heal normally and dehisces (opens). Some incisional hernias are caused by underlying conditions that interfere with healing, while others may be associated with returning to activity too quickly. 

Dog Hernia Symptoms

Hernia symptoms vary, based upon the type of hernia. 

Umbilical, inguinal, and perineal hernias cause swelling at the affected area. In most cases, these swellings are soft and nonpainful. Sometimes, however, organs may become trapped or strangulated in a hernia. This causes pain, swelling, and inflammation, requiring emergency treatment.

Signs of hernias include: 

  • Soft, nonpainful swelling on the belly, in the groin, or near the rectum
  • Painful or red swelling on the belly, in the groin, or near the rectum (with strangulation)
  • Vomiting (with strangulation)
  • Lethargy (with strangulation) 

Diaphragmatic and hiatal hernias are not externally visible. While both of these hernias involve tissues moving into the chest, diaphragmatic hernias are typically associated with breathing difficulties and hiatal hernias are associated with gastrointestinal signs. 

Signs of a diaphragmatic hernia in dogs include: 

  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Increased respiratory effort
  • Blue gums
  • Lethargy
  • History of blunt force trauma

Signs of a hiatal hernia in dogs include: 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Regurgitation
  • Excessive salivation
  • Breathing problems

Diagnosing Hernias in Dogs

Umbilical, perineal, and inguinal hernias can often be diagnosed on the basis of a physical examination. Your veterinarian may also recommend x-rays to confirm the diagnosis and determine whether important organs (such as intestines are bladder) are present within the hernia. 

Diaphragmatic and hiatal hernias are typically diagnosed using chest x-rays. In some cases, other forms of imaging may be needed to obtain a definitive diagnosis. 

Dog Hernia Treatment

Most canine hernias are treated with surgery. Some mild hiatal hernias can be managed medically, with treatments aimed at controlling the gastrointestinal signs associated with this condition, but most other hernias should be closed surgically. There are no home remedies for dog hernias.

Surgical repair of umbilical hernias is typically a relatively straightforward procedure. Surgery will likely be performed by your regular veterinarian, and is often performed at the time of a dog’s spay or neuter. 

Surgery to repair a perineal or inguinal hernia in a dog can vary significantly in complexity. Simple repairs may be performed by your regular veterinarian, while complex hernia repair surgery may require referral to a veterinary surgeon. 

Diaphragmatic hernias and hiatal hernias typically require referral to a veterinary surgeon. These are complex surgical procedures with heightened anesthetic risks. 

Dog Hernia Surgery Cost

The cost of surgery can vary significantly, depending on the type of hernia and surgical complexity.

Adding an umbilical hernia repair to a dog’s spay or neuter surgery is often relatively inexpensive, because your dog will already be anesthetized and undergoing surgery. You can expect to pay an additional $200-$400 to have an umbilical hernia repaired at the time of your dog’s spay or neuter. 

Diaphragmatic hernia repair, in contrast, requires a veterinary surgeon and can be significantly more expensive. You can expect to spend $4,000-$8,000 for your dog’s diaphragmatic hernia repair. 

Dog Hernia After Surgery

Some dog hernias occur after abdominal surgery, when the body wall incision fails. Post-surgical hernias can have many causes, including delayed wound healing and high post-surgical activity levels. 

You can reduce the chances of a post-surgical hernia by following your veterinarian’s instructions and limiting your dog’s activity after surgery. Limit your dog’s exercise to short leash walks only, avoiding running, jumping, and other activities. If instructed to use an e-collar (cone) to keep your dog from licking their incision, be sure to do so as directed by your veterinarian. 

How to Prevent Hernias in Dogs

The majority of canine hernias are caused by genetic factors. The best way to prevent these hernias is to avoid breeding dogs with hernias and/or avoid breeding pairs that have produced puppies with hernias in the past. 

If you have a male dog, you can reduce the risk of perineal hernias by having your dog neutered before middle age. You can reduce the risk of diaphragmatic hernia by keeping your dog indoors or in a fenced yard, which can reduce the risk of being hit by a car or sustaining other serious trauma. 

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Omeprazole for Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/omeprazole-for-dogs/ Wed, 20 Sep 2023 14:21:15 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=127656 If your dog has ever experienced an upset stomach, it’s only natural to wonder “can dogs take omeprazole?” and “when should I give omeprazole to my dog?” The truth is that dogs can take omeprazole, in some cases, but not all dogs benefit from this medication. Omeprazole should only be given under the guidance of […]

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If your dog has ever experienced an upset stomach, it’s only natural to wonder “can dogs take omeprazole?” and “when should I give omeprazole to my dog?”

The truth is that dogs can take omeprazole, in some cases, but not all dogs benefit from this medication. Omeprazole should only be given under the guidance of a veterinarian who is familiar with your dog’s stomach issues and overall medical history. 

Read on to learn more about this medication. 

What Is Omeprazole?

Omeprazole is a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) that decreases stomach acid production. This medication was initially developed in Sweden in 1979, and it became available in the United States in 1989. 

Omeprazole is often used in humans. It’s available in almost any human drugstore and can often be purchased over-the-counter. Although omeprazole is not labeled for use in dogs, veterinarians often recommend it for canine patients. Some veterinarians stock omeprazole in their practice, but most veterinarians instead direct clients to a human drugstore to purchase this medication.

What Does Omeprazole for Dogs Look Like?

Omeprazole is available in tablet or capsule form and it is often pink or purple in color.

If capsules or tablets are not an option for your pet, your veterinarian may prescribe omeprazole oral suspension (liquid). Compounded formulations of omeprazole (such as flavored chews) may also be available through a compounding pharmacy.  

Omeprazole is also available in an equine paste formulation in many livestock stores. This paste contains a high concentration of omeprazole, however, and it can be difficult to dose safely in dogs. Do not use horse medication in dogs unless you are instructed to do so by your veterinarian. 

How Does Omeprazole Work?

Omeprazole blocks acid production in the stomach. 

This medication is a proton pump inhibitor, which means it inhibits a specific enzyme pump inside the cells of the stomach lining. This enzyme pump produces stomach acid; blocking its activity halts acid production.

Omeprazole begins to decrease acid production in as little as one hour. However, it takes several days of continuous dosing to see the maximum benefits associated with this medication. Therefore, omeprazole is often given on a daily basis for an extended period of time, instead of being used on an as-needed basis.

What Is Omeprazole Used for in Dogs?

Veterinarian checking sick dog with sore stomach

Omeprazole can be used to treat a variety of conditions.

Veterinarians often recommend omeprazole for dogs with known or suspected ulcers of the stomach or small intestine. Omeprazole can also be used to treat gastritis, a condition in which the lining of the stomach is inflamed and irritated. Esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus) may also benefit from omeprazole treatment, especially when that esophagitis is caused by gastric reflux. 

Some common medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can predispose dogs to developing ulcers in their stomach and intestines. If your dog needs long-term NSAID treatment, your veterinarian may prescribe concurrent omeprazole to reduce the risk of ulcers.

Finally, omeprazole can decrease the production of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the brain. For this reason, it may be recommended to treat some brain disorders, such as hydrocephalus and syringomyelia.

Indications for omeprazole:

  • Stomach ulcers
  • Small intestinal ulcers
  • Gastritis
  • Esophagitis 
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Long-term use of NSAIDs
  • Hydrocephalus 
  • Syringomyelia

How to Give Omeprazole for Dogs

Omeprazole is typically given once daily. It works best when given on an empty stomach, before your dog’s first meal of the day. In some situations, your veterinarian may recommend dosing omeprazole twice daily to provide more continuous control of acid production. 

If you have difficulty giving this medication to your dog, you can try hiding it in a small amount of cheese or peanut butter. (Avoid sugar-free peanut butter, which may contain toxic xylitol.) Try to limit the amount of food used to administer omeprazole, however, because omeprazole works best when given on an empty stomach. 

Omeprazole Side Effects in Dogs

The most common side effects seen with omeprazole in dogs include diarrhea and/or constipation. Some dogs also experience vomiting, loss of appetite, and gas, although it can be difficult to determine whether these are medication side effects or caused by the underlying stomach condition. 

Potential side effects include: 

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Gas 
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Decreased appetite

Omeprazole should be used with caution in dogs who have kidney or liver disease. These dogs may be at higher risk of side effects. 

Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

Omeprazole can interact with a number of other medications, including antibiotics, benzodiazepines (diazepam, alprazolam, etc.), antifungal agents, clopidogrel, phenytoin, digoxin, and levothyroxine. 

Talk to your veterinarian about any medications your dog is taking (prescription medications, over-the-counter, and vitamin supplements) before giving omeprazole. This will minimize the risk of harmful drug interactions. 

Omeprazole Dosage for Dogs

Pet owner with medication bottle giving dog a pill

Omeprazole doses are based upon your dog’s body weight and the medical condition that requires treatment. Your veterinarian will calculate the best omeprazole dose for your dog, maximizing clinical benefits while minimizing the risk of side effects. 

What if My Dog Misses a Dose of Omeprazole?

If you miss a dose and you realize your error within a few hours, give the missed dose as soon as possible. 

If the missed dose will be given more than a few hours late, it’s best to skip the missed dose. Wait until the next scheduled dosing time to give your dog’s next dose of omeprazole. Do not give two doses at once or give extra doses of omeprazole.

If you have any questions about missed doses or your dog’s dosing schedule, contact your veterinarian. 

Omeprazole for Dogs Cost

Omeprazole is a relatively inexpensive medication, depending on your dog’s dose and the duration of therapy. Generic forms are often available for less than $20/month. 

Omeprazole Storage Instructions

Omeprazole tablets and capsules should be stored at room temperature. Protect this medication from light and moisture by storing it in its original container. 

Liquid omeprazole or compounded omeprazole should be stored according to your veterinarian’s or pharmacist’s instructions. 

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Hypothyroidism in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/hypothyroidism-in-dogs/ Fri, 21 Jul 2023 15:35:25 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=125490 Just like humans, dogs have a thyroid gland. This relatively small gland, located in the neck, produces thyroxine (T4) and other thyroid hormones, which are responsible for regulating metabolism and other bodily processes.  While thyroxine production is normally carefully regulated, thyroid disease can lead to hormone imbalances. The most common thyroid condition in dogs is […]

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Just like humans, dogs have a thyroid gland. This relatively small gland, located in the neck, produces thyroxine (T4) and other thyroid hormones, which are responsible for regulating metabolism and other bodily processes. 

While thyroxine production is normally carefully regulated, thyroid disease can lead to hormone imbalances. The most common thyroid condition in dogs is hypothyroidism or low thyroxine production. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common hormonal diseases in dogs, and approximately 1 in 400 dogs receive a diagnosis of hypothyroidism in any given year (1).

What is Hypothyroidism in Dogs?

In a healthy dog, the thyroid gland releases a carefully-regulated flow of thyroxine and other thyroid hormones. Thyroxine’s primary role is controlling the body’s metabolism. It also regulates digestion, as well as the function of the skin, heart, brain, muscles, and reproductive organs. 

Dogs with hypothyroidism have abnormally low levels of circulating thyroxine. This condition is relatively common in dogs, especially middle-aged and older dogs. 

Hyperthyroidism, in contrast, refers to the production of excess thyroid hormone levels. While this condition is common in cats, it is very rare in dogs. 

Causes of Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Woman holding a Tibetan Terrier

Hypothyroidism can be divided into two categories: congenital (inherited) and acquired. 

Congenital hypothyroidism is caused by a mutation in the genes. In these dogs, the thyroid gland never develops normally. This form of hypothyroidism, which is diagnosed during puppyhood, is rare in dogs. 

Acquired hypothyroidism, in contrast, refers to hypothyroidism that develops later in life. This is the most common form of canine hypothyroidism. Most cases are caused by an autoimmune reaction within the thyroid gland, which destroys healthy thyroid tissue. Less commonly, acquired hypothyroidism can be caused by thyroid tumors, thyroid cysts, trauma, or iodine deficiency. 

Acquired hypothyroidism can occur in any dog, including both purebred and mixed breed dogs. The condition is most common in Doberman Pinschers, Boxers, and Tibetan Terriers. 

Hypothyroidism in Dogs Symptoms

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in dogs can be vague. They can be mistaken for other conditions or confused with normal signs of aging. 

The most common signs of hypothyroidism are weight gain and lethargy. Affected dogs often gain weight without any noticeable increase in food intake, due to a slowing of the metabolism. 

Affected dogs may also develop signs of hair loss, a dull or brittle coat, and darkening of the skin. Less common signs may include vomiting or diarrhea, ocular (eye) changes, facial nerve paralysis, and changes in heart/lung function. Pacing and restlessness can also occur. 

Some dogs develop a characteristic condition known as a “tragic face.” This appearance is caused by swelling and thickening of the skin on the head and face. Affected dogs may have a sad expression, caused by drooping eyelids and general sagging of the facial skin.  

Here is a dog hypothyroidism symptoms checklist:

  • Weight gain
  • Lethargy
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Decreased appetite
  • Hair loss
  • Dull or brittle coat
  • Darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • White discoloration of the cornea (surface of the eye)
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Facial paralysis 

Diagnosing Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Veterinarian draws blood from a canine patient

Your veterinarian may suspect hypothyroidism on the basis of your dog’s clinical exam findings. However, further testing is always needed to confirm the diagnosis. 

Hypothyroidism is diagnosed with a blood panel. There are three tests included in a typical canine thyroid panel: 

  • Total T4: This test measures the total amount of thyroxine circulating in your dog’s bloodstream. A low Total T4 level suggests a possibility of hypothyroidism, but additional testing is required. Many normal dogs have low Total T4 levels at some point during the day, so a low Total T4 is not considered adequate to make a diagnosis. 
  • Free T4: This test measures free T4, which is the biologically active form of thyroxine. Free T4 is a more accurate indicator of hypothyroidism than Total T4. A low free T4 level confirms a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. 
  • TSH: This hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, signals the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine. In dogs with hypothyroidism, TSH levels are high because the body is trying to increase thyroxine production to adequate levels. 

Additional testing, such as imaging, is rarely indicated for a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. However, in some cases of congenital hypothyroidism, your veterinarian may recommend X-rays to evaluate growth abnormalities.

Dog Hypothyroidism Treatment

Blue Doberman in the park

Hypothyroidism is treated with levothyroxine, a synthetic thyroxine supplement. This medication is given by mouth. Most dogs take levothyroxine twice daily, but once-daily dosing may be adequate in some cases.

Your veterinarian will calculate your dog’s starting dose of levothyroxine based on your dog’s weight and current thyroid levels. (If you or a family member have hypothyroidism, you may notice that levothyroxine doses are much higher in dogs than they are in people.) 

One month after starting treatment, your veterinarian will assess your dog’s Total T4 level. This will allow them to determine whether your dog remains on the starting dose or whether a dose adjustment is needed. Your veterinarian may increase or decrease your dog’s levothyroxine dose based upon the results of this test. Once your veterinarian determines the optimal levothyroxine dose for your dog, your dog should show signs of improvement within 4-6 weeks. 

Your pet will remain on levothyroxine for the rest of their life. Your veterinarian will assess your dog’s Total T4 level every 6-12 months and make dose adjustments if needed. 

What to Feed a Dog with Hypothyroidism

Dogs with hypothyroidism do not typically have any specific dietary requirements. 

In most cases, affected overweight dogs begin to lose their excess weight once their thyroid hormone levels are brought back into a normal range. If your dog needs further assistance with weight loss, your veterinarian may recommend a restricted-calorie diet. 

Cost to Treat Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Hypothyroidism is a relatively inexpensive condition to treat. Levothyroxine typically costs $20-$50 per month, depending on your dog’s weight and their required dosage. 

Thyroid testing, which is typically performed once or twice yearly, costs $50-$100. 

Hypothyroidism in Dogs Life Expectancy

With treatment, the harmful effects of hypothyroidism can be completely reversed. With consistent treatment, affected dogs typically go on to live normal, healthy lives.

In the case of congenital hypothyroidism, early treatment is essential to prevent permanent effects. Fortunately, this condition is rare in dogs. 

How to Prevent Hypothyroidism in Dogs

There is no effective way to prevent acquired hypothyroidism, which constitutes the majority of hypothyroidism cases. 

To prevent congenital hypothyroidism, avoid breeding pets with this condition. 


  1. O’Neill, D.G., Khoo, J.S.P., Brodbelt, D.C. et al. Frequency, breed predispositions and other demographic risk factors for diagnosis of hypothyroidism in dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK. Canine Med Genet 9, 11 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40575-022-00123-8

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Cat Seizures: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Help https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-seizures/ Thu, 20 Jul 2023 14:40:50 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=125372 If you panic at the sight or idea of a cat having seizures, you’re not alone. Seizures can be a disturbing event to witness! Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 50 cats will experience a seizure at some point during their lives (1). Many of these seizures will be isolated, one-time events, but some cats may have […]

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If you panic at the sight or idea of a cat having seizures, you’re not alone. Seizures can be a disturbing event to witness! Unfortunately, nearly 1 in 50 cats will experience a seizure at some point during their lives (1). Many of these seizures will be isolated, one-time events, but some cats may have repeated seizures due to an underlying medical condition.

Read on to learn more about seizures in cats, including what they look like and how you should respond if your cat has a seizure. 

Can Cats Have Seizures?

Just like humans, cats can have seizures. A seizure can be thought of as an electrical storm within the brain. All of the outwardly visible signs associated with a seizure are caused by abnormal electrical activity (nerve impulses) traveling throughout the brain. 

There are many potential causes of seizures in cats. Additionally, seizures can take on a variety of clinical appearances.

Types of Seizures in Cats

Woman holding cat with eyes closed

Seizures can be divided into two broad categories: generalized seizures and focal seizures. 

Generalized Seizures

During a generalized seizure, also known as a grand mal seizure, abnormal electrical activity occurs throughout the brain. During a generalized seizure, your cat will lose consciousness and be unaware of their surroundings. Affected cats often fall over with jerky, spasming movements throughout their entire body; over time, these movements may gradually turn to rhythmic paddling. Excessive salivation and loss of bladder or bowel control are also common features of generalized seizures. Most generalized seizures last for less than two minutes, though they can be very scary to watch. Fortunately, generalized seizures are relatively rare in cats. 

Focal Seizures

Focal seizures, in contrast, affect only a small portion of the brain. This is the most common type of seizure in cats. Focal seizures in cats do not cause a loss of consciousness. Instead, you may notice spasming of one particular limb or body part. In their most subtle forms, focal seizures may involve only a twitch of a single eyelid or ear. In more severe forms, cats with focal seizures may chew their tongue, run into walls or objects, and show other signs of distress. In some cases, a focal seizure can progress to a generalized seizure.

Cluster Seizures

Cluster seizures in cats may also occur. A cluster seizure is defined as two or more seizures occurring within a 24-hour period. These seizures may be focal or generalized. Cluster seizures warrant immediate veterinary attention. 

Cat Seizure Causes

Cat seizures can have a variety of potential causes. In general, causes of seizures may be divided into two categories: intracranial disease (occurring within the brain) and extracranial disease (occurring outside of the brain). 

The majority of seizures in cats are caused by intracranial disease. Intracranial infections that may be associated with seizures in cats include: 

  • Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)
  • Cryptococcus (a fungal infection)
  • Toxoplasma (a protozoal disease)
  • Feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)
  • Rabies (in unvaccinated cats)

Seizures can also be caused by inflammation with the brain, the presence of a brain tumor, or scar tissue within the brain (caused by previous infection or trauma). Young cats with seizures may have inherited epilepsy, which predisposes them to recurrent seizures despite the lack of an identifiable underlying disease. 

Extracranial diseases that may cause seizures in cats include:

  • Polycythemia (a red blood cell abnormality)
  • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver disease

Rarely, toxins and medications may contribute to seizures.

What Can Trigger a Seizure in a Cat?

Low blood sugar, a high fever, or exposure to a toxin could trigger a one-time seizure in a cat. 

In many cases, however, seizures in cats are repeated. These seizures can often be directly attributed to an underlying intracranial or extracranial condition. 

Cat Seizure Symptoms

Orange cat drooling

The symptoms of seizures will vary, depending on whether your cat is having a focal or generalized seizure. Some twitching while sleeping may even be a false flag for a seizure. During a focal seizure, abnormal electrical activity is confined to one region of the brain. These cats remain conscious, responding to sight and sound. In most cases, the clinical signs associated with a focal seizure will be confined to one area of the body. 

The signs of a generalized seizure are more dramatic. These cats lose consciousness and may show signs similar to what you would expect of a human having a seizure. Generalized muscle spasms, loss of bladder and bowel control, and a period of post-seizure disorientation are common in cats with generalized seizures.

Symptoms of seizures in cats include: 

  • Isolated twitching of one limb (focal)
  • Isolated twitching of one or both eyelids (focal)
  • Isolated twitching of one or both ears (focal)
  • Sudden, abnormal behavior (focal)  
  • Loss of consciousness (generalized)
  • Fall over on their side (generalized)
  • Generalized twitching or paddling (generalized)
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control (generalized)
  • Increased salivation (focal or generalized)
  • Clenched, chattering jaw (focal or generalized)
  • Head bobbing (focal or generalized)

What to Do if Your Cat is Having a Seizure

If your pet is having a seizure, remain calm. Most seizures will stop within a few minutes, even without veterinary treatment. 

Minimize your cat’s chance of injury. A cat that is having a generalized seizure at the top of a flight of stairs, for example, is at risk of falling down the stairs and becoming injured. If possible, move your cat to a safe, confined area. Take care not to get bit or scratched during this process, because pets that are having a seizure may be prone to bite. Use a thick towel or blanket when picking up your cat, to reduce the risk of receiving a bite. 

Do not reach into your cat’s mouth during a seizure. Cats will not swallow their tongues, and you increase your risk of being bitten by your cat by reaching into their mouth. 

Time your pet’s seizure. This information can be valuable to your veterinarian. A seizure that lasts 5 minutes or longer warrants emergency veterinary care; take your cat to your regular veterinarian or a veterinary emergency hospital. 

Once the seizure is over, reassure your cat. Your cat may be tired or antisocial after a seizure, which is normal. Offer your cat a quiet place to rest. 

Finally, contact your veterinarian. Isolated, one-time seizures may or may not require treatment, but your veterinarian will likely want to perform a physical exam to look for other signs of underlying disease.

Diagnosing Cat Seizures

CT of a cat's head

Any cat with seizures should receive a thorough physical exam and screening blood tests. Your veterinarian will look for signs of neurologic disease, while also searching for extracranial disease that may cause seizures. 

If your cat has a history of repeated seizures, a more thorough workup is needed. Your veterinarian may recommend blood tests to screen for common infectious diseases. Additionally, your veterinarian may recommend X-rays of your cat’s chest to look for tumors.

In some cases, your veterinarian may refer your cat to a veterinary neurologist for a more extensive workup. A veterinary neurologist may recommend further testing, such as a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap and advanced imaging (CT or MRI). 

Cat Seizure Treatment and Management

The treatment of feline seizures depends on their underlying cause. 

There are multiple anti-seizure medications available for use in cats, but these drugs offer their greatest benefits in cats with inherited epilepsy. If your veterinarian is able to rule out other intracranial and extracranial causes of seizures, you can expect a good response to anti-seizure medications. 

If your cat’s seizures are caused by another intracranial or extracranial disease, however, managing your cat’s seizures will require addressing the underlying cause of the condition. Fortunately, many causes of seizures in cats can be successfully treated or managed. 

There are no known, effective home remedies for cat seizures.

Cat Seizure Medications

Anti-seizure medications used in cats include phenobarbital, levetiracetam, and zonisamide. Gabapentin may also be used, especially in the case of focal seizures. These medications decrease the excitability of the cells within the brain. Therefore, side effects may include sedation, especially in the early stages of treatment. 

Depending on the underlying cause of your cat’s seizures, other medications that may be recommended include clindamycin (an antibiotic), prednisone (a steroid), or antifungal medications. 

Cost of Treatment for Cat Seizures

The cost to treat epilepsy will depend largely on the underlying cause. In general, the cost of anti-seizure medications will be $30/month or less. However, antifungal medications and treatments for brain cancer may be significantly more expensive. 

How to Prevent Seizures in Cats

Given the diverse causes of seizures in cats, there’s no single way to prevent these seizures from occurring. Keeping your cat indoors and up-to-date on recommended vaccinations, however, can protect them from some of the infectious causes of feline seizures.


  1. Moore SA. Seizures and epilepsy in cats. Vet Med (Auckl). 2014;5:41-47. Published 2014 Jul 30. doi:10.2147/VMRR.S62077 

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Heartworm Testing for Dogs: Why It’s Important https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/heartworm-testing-for-dogs/ Mon, 26 Jun 2023 19:31:30 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124822 There is nothing more sad than seeing a dog with heartworm disease because it is completely preventable. By the time a dog is suffering from symptoms, he is really sick and he may not survive the treatment.  Annual heartworm testing for dogs can help catch infections early and ensure safe and effective treatment. It’s also […]

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There is nothing more sad than seeing a dog with heartworm disease because it is completely preventable. By the time a dog is suffering from symptoms, he is really sick and he may not survive the treatment. 

Annual heartworm testing for dogs can help catch infections early and ensure safe and effective treatment. It’s also a crucial step required before starting your dog on a monthly heartworm preventative, like Heartgard Plus, or broad-spectrum parasite control, like NexGard Plus. But what’s involved in a dog heartworm test and why is testing so important? Let’s dive in.   

What Is a Dog Heartworm Test?

A dog heartworm test is an antigen test that requires collecting a small blood sample. Heartworm tests in dogs detect proteins that are unique to adult female heartworms. 

Heartworm tests for dogs are performed on small blood samples. If your dog is also having other blood tests performed, then your veterinarian will only collect one blood sample so your dog doesn’t have to have more than one needle stick. 

Does My Dog Need a Heartworm Test?

Closeup of mosquito

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Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and is becoming very common in the United States. Adult heartworms live in a dog’s lungs where they cause damage to the lungs and the heart. Heartworm disease can be fatal, but typically dogs don’t show any symptoms in the early stages of the disease. 

Every dog in the United States should be tested for heartworm disease once a year and should be placed on a monthly heartworm preventative, like Heartgard Plus, to ensure year-round protection. Heartworm prevention should not be started (or re-started) without first confirming a dog’s heartworm status by testing for these deadly worms. The only exception is puppies less than 7 months of age—they can be started on heartworm prevention without a test. 

This precaution also applies to broad-spectrum flea and tick control medications, like NexGard Plus, that also help prevent heartworm disease and fight intestinal worms. A dog would need a negative heartworm test prior to starting a combination parasite protection product like this.

Dogs who have not been on heartworm prevention or whose prevention has lapsed should be tested six months after re-starting heartworm prevention and again at one year. This includes dogs with unknown histories, such as those adopted through shelters and rescues.

Not that long ago, dogs in some parts of the United States were considered very low risk for contracting heartworms, and so veterinarians only recommended testing every two years. However, heartworm disease has been spreading rapidly across the United States, and so the recommendations have changed to annual testing and year-round prevention. 

A heartworm infection caught early, before there are any symptoms, is much easier to treat and your dog won’t be left with long-term consequences, such as damage to the heart and lungs. 

Types of Dog Heartworm Tests

Heartworm test using microscope

There are several types of tests for heartworms in dogs that your veterinarian can perform. The most common test performed in a veterinary office is called a SNAP test. These are similar to an at-home COVID test. A SNAP heartworm test catches about 85 percent of mild cases of heartworm disease and is more accurate in dogs with more severe disease. [1

Testing for heartworms in dogs can also be performed at off-site laboratories. These tests are considered even more accurate than SNAP tests. Sometimes if your dog shows no symptoms of heartworm disease but tests positive on a SNAP test, the test will be confirmed at one of these types of laboratories. This is because the treatment for heartworms is expensive and has potential side effects, and therefore should not be administered unless necessary. 

Other types of dog heartworm tests include the filter method and a Modified Knott’s test. These tests detect microfilaria, or larval heartworms, that circulate in the blood. These are only present if adult heartworms in your dog have been there long enough to mate and produce offspring. These larval heartworms can be seen under a microscope as tiny wriggling worms just a few red blood cells in size. However, many dogs can be positive for heartworms without having microfilaria, so this is not considered a sensitive test and is not relied upon to determine whether a dog has heartworms. 

If a dog is found to be heartworm positive on a SNAP test, then your veterinarian may check for microfilaria to determine the stage of disease and select the best, most effective treatment plan. 

There are no accurate at-home heartworm tests for dogs. One of the main reasons is that accurate testing requires a blood sample, and that is not something most pet parents can or should collect at home. 

Dog Heartworm Testing Benefits

Heartworm tests for dogs are both inexpensive and highly accurate. These tests can either detect infection early before there is any disease, or show a negative result so that it’s safe to get your dog on proper heartworm or broad-spectrum parasite control medication, like Heartgard Plus or NexGard Plus.

Early heartworm detection means a better prognosis for your dog. This means your dog won’t suffer from shortness of breath, lethargy, weight loss, or any of the other signs of severe heartworm disease, such as cough and sudden collapse. And, if your dog is heartworm positive, then early treatment is safer, more effective, and can prevent the damage adult heartworms create in the lungs and heart.

Dog Heartworm Test Cost

Heartworm tests for the presence of adult heartworms cost between $10 and $100, depending on the type of test and whether it is added on to other tests already being performed or is being run as a stand-alone test. 

Heartworm tests added onto blood work that you are already purchasing is likely at the low end of this range. Testing done as an emergency due to symptoms consistent with heartworm disease are more expensive, especially if performed at an emergency clinic. 

Testing for microfilaria is in the range of $10-$50, because there are no special chemicals or special equipment required. You are paying for the knowledge of an experienced veterinary technician and their time at the microscope. 

The cost of annual testing, done every year for a dog’s 10-15+ year lifespan, is significantly less than the cost of heartworm treatment.

What if My Dog Tests Positive for Heartworm?

Vet looks at X-ray of dog

If your dog tests positive for heartworms, your veterinarian will discuss a plan. The first step is confirmation by a follow-up test. This might include a microfilaria test or a confirmatory lab test.  

Once your dog’s heartworm infection is confirmed, then your veterinarian will recommend a work-up to make sure they are healthy enough for treatment. This typically consists of blood work, including testing for anemia as well as assessing kidney and liver values. X-rays (radiographs) of your dog’s heart and lungs (thorax) are next. If your dog already has evidence of severe changes due to heartworm disease, then your veterinarian may recommend an alternative treatment or management plan.

Heartworm Treatment for Dogs

Dog rests in crate

If you are lucky enough to have caught your dog’s heartworm infection early, then your veterinarian will follow the treatment plan recommended by the American Heartworm Society

This involves starting a medication called doxycycline that weakens the heartworms to make them easier to kill. Your vet may also prescribe oral steroids to minimize the reaction of your dog’s immune system to the dying and dead worms.

Heartworm treatment itself involves the injection of a very strong medication into muscle. This medication contains arsenic and must be handled carefully and injected only into the big muscles that run along your dog’s spine. 

You must limit your dog’s activity during treatment and for at least one month after. 

During treatment, your dog will be started (or re-started) on heartworm prevention to reduce the risk of new infections. Most types of heartworm prevention are safe to give to heartworm-positive dogs. However, you shouldn’t start or re-start heartworm prevention unless your veterinarian instructs you to do so. 

Nine months after the heartworm treatment, your vet will likely test for heartworms again to confirm that the treatment was successful.


  1. Atkins CE. Comparison of results of three commercial heartworm antigen test kits in dogs with low heartworm burdens. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2003 May 1;222(9):1221-3. doi: 10.2460/javma.2003.222.1221. PMID: 12725308. 

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Chamomile for Cats: Is It Safe? https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/chamomile-for-cats/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 18:03:30 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124779 You might already be familiar with chamomile and its naturally soothing, calming properties. You drink it at night before bed to relax. It doesn’t have caffeine like other teas. You might even have it when you’re sick to help you sleep. But did you know, you can also give chamomile to your cats?  Some chamomile-based […]

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You might already be familiar with chamomile and its naturally soothing, calming properties. You drink it at night before bed to relax. It doesn’t have caffeine like other teas. You might even have it when you’re sick to help you sleep. But did you know, you can also give chamomile to your cats? 

Some chamomile-based products are marketed to calm cats down and promote relaxation. 

So, should you give chamomile to your cats? Are there benefits? And by the same token, are there any potential dangers or risks? Let’s dive in. 

Is Chamomile Safe for Cats?

The short answer to this question is, it depends. In small doses, chamomile is fine for cats. It’s important to know the dosage that is best for your cat, so consult your veterinarian before you give it to your feline friend. 

It’s also important to note that studies about chamomile’s effect on cats are limited. That means potential side effects are not well known. 

“Chamomile has not been sufficiently studied to fully characterize the risks of using it in cats,” says Dr. Jo Myers, practicing veterinarian at Vetster. “Chamomile contains compounds called flavones. One of these (called apigenin) was shown to cause sedation and inability to walk when given to mice at higher doses.” 

Before you purchase any chamomile-infused products for cats, go through the label and ask your vet if any of the ingredients pose any risks for your pet. You should also carefully read the directions so you understand use, dosage, and other considerations. Some of these considerations include whether or not chamomile might interact with other medications or even vitamins your cat might be taking. When in doubt, consult with your veterinarian before giving products containing chamomile to your cat.

Types of Chamomile for Cats

Chamomile for cats comes in different forms. Some of the most common include:

  • Chamomile in the form of powders that you add to food
  • Chamomile in liquid forms like tea
  • Chamomile in capsule form
  • As an ingredient in soft chews for cats

Regardless of the type of chamomile you give your cat, it’s important to do so under the guidance of a licensed vet. 

Benefits of Chamomile for Cats

If your cat is suffering from anxiety or not sleeping well, they may be a good candidate to use chamomile. Chamomile has soothing properties that may help a cat suffering from mild anxiety. 

However, Dr. Meyers warns that chamomile-based product claims for cats are unproven. “These products generally do not carry out quality control studies demonstrating the amount of chamomile in each treat, so it’s impossible for any claims about calming or other effects to be accurate,” she explains. 

In addition, the side effects of long term usage in cats are unknown and may cause toxicity in cats. Chamomile is best used as a short-term solution and it is imperative that cat owners follow all instructions on how much to give their cat so they don’t cause problems with toxicity.

Chamomile Dosage for Cats: What You Need to Know

chamomile tea on table

How much chamomile should you give to your cat? Well, it’s not simple to answer. It depends on a number of factors, like:

  • What type of chamomile product are you giving your cat
  • The concentration of chamomile in the product you’re giving
  • Your cat’s body weight
  • If your cat is taking other medications, vitamins, or supplements

It is important to follow the instructions on the label of products that contain chamomile and not give more than is recommended. Avoid using the plant leaves, stems, or flowers in or on cats.

“Before giving chamomile or any other supplement to your cat, talk to your veterinarian first to be sure it’s a safe formulation and dosed according to your cat’s age, body weight and health status,” advises Dr. Carol Osborne, of Chagrin Falls Pet Clinic

Regardless of dosage, once you get the green light from your vet that chamomile is okay to use and how much to give, and make sure to monitor your cat. If the chamomile causes loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, or soft stool, stop giving your cat the supplement. If your cat continues to have any issues after discontinuing chamomile, call your vet.

Side Effects of Chamomile in Cats

Parts of the chamomile plant are highly toxic, according to the ASPCA, due to their high concentration of toxic chemicals, like: chamazulene, bisabolol, volatile oil, anthemic acid, and tannic acid. If enough of these parts are ingested, it can be fatal.

If your cat ingests too much chamomile, the wrong concentration of chamomile, or a chamomile plant (like its stem, leaves, petals, roots and pollen), they may fall victim to chamomile poisoning. Dr. Osborne warns that toxicity signs include: vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, with or without signs of internal and/or external bleeding. In severe cases, chamomile poisoning can be fatal.

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Heat Rash on Dogs: How to Recognize and Treat It https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/heat-rash-on-dogs/ Fri, 23 Jun 2023 18:00:02 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124747 Most pet parents are familiar with examining their dog’s skin and coat on a regular basis, whether they’re feeling for lumps and bumps or checking for fleas and ticks after a wooded walk. In hot and humid weather, dogs can be more prone to certain skin-related issues, such as yeast infections and hot spots. But […]

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Most pet parents are familiar with examining their dog’s skin and coat on a regular basis, whether they’re feeling for lumps and bumps or checking for fleas and ticks after a wooded walk. In hot and humid weather, dogs can be more prone to certain skin-related issues, such as yeast infections and hot spots. But can dogs get heat rash like humans? Here’s what you need to know about heat rash on dogs.

Can Dogs Get Heat Rash?

Simply put, yes, dogs can get heat rash. Heat rash in dogs is certainly more frequent in the warmer months but can also occur from inappropriate use of warming devices (e.g., heating pads) or other direct sources of heat at any time of the year. 

If exposed to hot conditions for too long, any dog could contract a heat rash. However, dogs who have less fur, more skin folds, and shorter snouts (brachycephalic breeds such as Pugs, Bulldogs, and Shih-tzus) are more susceptible to this condition. 

Dogs with shorter snouts have a harder time cooling themselves off due to narrowed airways and less effective panting. Areas on the body with less fur also create an easier entryway for heat and can lead to inappropriate temperature regulation. The skin folds can trap moisture and heat, especially if the dog is overweight. This can often cause secondary skin conditions if not treated promptly, as well as contribute to generalized temperature increase in the dog. 

Along with certain breed and physical predispositions, dogs in hotter and more humid climates also find themselves more susceptible to heat rash.

What Does Heat Rash Look Like on Dogs?

Itchy French Bulldog

Heat rash can present itself differently in dogs based on severity. In the beginning, heat rash often emerges as small red bumps on a dog’s skin and can be quite itchy and irritating to the pet. Generalized redness can also be noted, with a heavier focus in the affected area. 

Common areas for heat rash in dogs to begin include the groin and “armpit” areas, as well as the belly where there are sparse amounts of fur. These spots are prone to harboring more heat and moisture as a dog’s temperature rises. Pet parents should check these areas first if concerned about potential heat rash in dogs. If left to progress, these smaller areas of irritation can turn into larger raised sections and can even turn into more painful boils and blisters. 

The progression of red bumps to blisters indicates that a dog’s heat rash is now classified as a second-degree burn, versus first-degree upon initial presentation. Once the skin is compromised, it is much easier for dogs with heat rash to then suffer from secondary skin infections, which may cause pustules and widespread irritation.

It may be hard for pet parents to distinguish between a heat rash on their dog versus other skin concerns. Here are some questions that may help:

  • Has your pet been outdoors in the heat/elements for an extended period of time? Or has your pet been exposed to a heating device of any kind?
  • Does your dog have any predispositions for overheating, such as a short snout, skin folds, or being overweight?
  • Has your dog gotten into contact with other potential irritants or possible causes of skin rash that you are aware of?

Other Symptoms Associated with Dog Heat Rash

In addition to clinical symptoms with the skin, a dog may have heat rash if experiencing other symptoms of overheating (hyperthermia) at the same time.

If you notice your dog panting incessantly, breathing noisily, being unable to settle, and having bright red gums (gingiva), then it is likely your pet could be overheating, hence the appearance of the heat rash. The normal gum color should be bubble-gum pink, unless your dog has pigmented gums. If your dog has pigmented gums, you can examine the coloration inside their eyelids (conjunctiva). 

If you have a way to check your dog’s temperature, you would likely find that it is elevated. A normal dog temperature is 100-102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the situation and stress level. Signs of heat rash in dogs can occur beyond these temperatures, and the risk of complications also increases along with the heat. If your dog’s temperature is equal to or beyond 103 degrees Fahrenheit and not trending downward despite cooling efforts, you should seek veterinary care immediately.

Heat Rash on Dogs: Diagnosis and Treatment

Veterinarian checks a dog's temperature

In cases of heat rash in dogs, pet parents can implement therapy at home to start soothing the problem. Focus on removing your dog from the heat source/environment, cooling them down, and soothing the affected skin with a hydrocortisone cream and/or aloe until you can seek further veterinary care. You can use cool wet towels and fans for this. Do not submerge your dog in ice cold water or something similarly drastic. 

It is still recommended to have your pet seen by a veterinarian in order to discuss potential complications from the heat rash and treat it accordingly if your dog is not showing improvement with at-home intervention. 

In the clinic, the veterinarian will perform a full physical examination to determine whether the dog is suffering from heat rash. This will include visualizing susceptible areas of skin for redness and bumps, as well as assessing gum color and the dog’s temperature. 

In non-complicated cases of heat rash, the veterinarian may prescribe a prescription-strength, hydrocortisone-type cream or spray to aid inflammation and itchiness in the affected areas after the dog is cooled down to an appropriate temperature. The veterinarian may attempt to cool the dog off by applying alcohol to the paw pads, applying a cool towel in the “armpits” and groin, or using an air-circulator such as a Bair Hugger on the cool setting.

If the dog has any secondary complications from the heat rash, such as a skin infection or itchiness (pruritus), then this may need to be treated with separate oral therapy, depending on severity, such as with an antibiotic and/or antihistamine. 

Mild cases of heat rash in dogs can resolve on their own with at-home therapy over the course of several days, but if not improving should be evaluated by a veterinarian. If the dog is showing signs of systemic hyperthermia or not cooling down in a reasonable amount of time, seek veterinary care immediately to avoid damage to internal organs and structures.

How to Prevent Heat Rash on Dogs

Pet parent wets a dog's coat outside

Keeping your dog in an environment that is not overly hot or humid will greatly help reduce the risk of heat rash and associated complications. 

During warmer months, consider taking walks and exercising with your dog earlier in the morning or later in the evening to avoid peak heat hours. Wetting your dog’s coat and fanning during activity may help maintain cooler body temperature as well. Dogs should have access to plenty of fresh water, shade, and other ways to cool themselves off at all times. 

The most important tool in preventing heat rash on dogs is understanding the risk factors and minimizing potential for occurrence.

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What Can I Give My Dog for Allergies? OTC and Prescription Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/what-can-i-give-my-dog-for-allergies/ Thu, 22 Jun 2023 14:57:33 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124690 Have an itchy, scratchy dog due to allergies? You might wonder if you can use an over-the-counter treatment or nutritional supplements to ease your dog’s symptoms. Or is a prescription medication like Apoquel the best way to stop your dog’s allergic itch? The good news is, there are plenty of options to help soothe your […]

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Have an itchy, scratchy dog due to allergies? You might wonder if you can use an over-the-counter treatment or nutritional supplements to ease your dog’s symptoms. Or is a prescription medication like Apoquel the best way to stop your dog’s allergic itch? The good news is, there are plenty of options to help soothe your dog’s inflamed, itchy skin, but first make sure your dog is diagnosed correctly.

“Treating the symptoms of allergies without addressing the underlying cause will only provide temporary relief,” says Dr. Alejandro Caos, a veterinarian with at-home veterinary service The Vets. “Working with a veterinarian to identify the specific allergen can help avoid exposure to the allergen and prevent future allergic reactions.” 

Dogs can be allergic to many different things, including flea bites, pollens and grasses, food ingredients, cleaning products, metals, synthetic materials, and even medications.

“The most common allergy diagnoses in dogs are related to food, environmental factors like pollen, and flea bites,” says Lindsay Butzer, DVM, of Clint Moore Animal Hospital in Boca Raton, Florida. 

Read on to find out why allergy relief for dogs is so important and learn more about different allergy treatments.

Allergy Relief for Dogs: Why It’s Important

Because allergies in dogs are typically life-long, it’s important to treat and manage them correctly. 

“Untreated allergies can lead to complications, such as skin infections, ear infections, respiratory issues, and GI issues,” Dr. Caos says. “Allergies can make your pet quite miserable. Identifying and treating the underlying cause of allergies can help prevent these complications from developing.”

It can be tricky to get to the bottom of what is causing allergies, but veterinarians have strategies for diagnosing them. Some dogs might need blood or skin tests, or in the case of suspected food allergies, an elimination diet to pinpoint problematic ingredients. 

“An examination and discussion with your veterinarian can help pinpoint the cause of the allergies,” Dr. Butzer says. “However, if the cause remains unclear or if the dog has persistent symptoms, allergy testing may be needed.”

What Can I Give My Dog for Allergies? 

Veterinarian holding Jack Russell Terrier dog

Allergies can be frustrating to deal with, but the good news is, there are many helpful treatments for allergies in dogs, including veterinarian-prescribed and over-the-counter options. Some allergy remedies address the symptoms (itchy, inflamed skin) while others work to reduce or eliminate the allergies themselves. 

“Once the specific allergen is identified, the veterinarian can develop a customized treatment plan tailored to the dog’s needs,” Dr. Caos says. “This may include avoiding exposure to the allergen, medication, immunotherapy, or a combination of these approaches.” For dogs with food allergies, prescription diets might be used.

Prescription Allergy Medicine for Dogs

Based on the results of your dog’s physical exam and history, as well as any testing, your vet might prescribe certain allergy treatments, which could include one or more shots, tablets, pills or topical creams. According to Dr. Caos, some of the most common prescription allergy treatments for dogs are:

Antihistamines: These medications block the effects of histamine, a chemical released during an allergic reaction. 

Corticosteroids: These suppress the immune response and reduce inflammation. Some common corticosteroids include prednisone and dexamethasone. Long-term use of these drugs can be harmful, so these are generally used in the short-term.

Immunomodulators: These medications work by interrupting or modifying your cat’s immune (itch) response to allergens and to reduce inflammation.

Common immunomodulators are Apoquel (oclacitinib) and Atopica (cyclosporine). Apoquel tablets provide fast, effective itch relief without steroids’ harmful side effects. So they’re a popular choice for short-term and long-term use to control allergic dog itch and inflammation due to skin allergies.

Atopica capsules also relieve allergic itch in dogs. However they can take several weeks to take effect, so Atopica is more effective in long-term management of allergic skin disease rather than quick relief for itchy flare ups.

Apoquel tablets
Atopica for dogs

Immunotherapy: Also called allergy shots, allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) is often used for environmental allergies. Small amounts of allergens are injected under the skin to help the dog build up a tolerance to the allergen over time.

Antibiotics and Antifungals: If a dog’s allergies have caused a secondary skin infection, your veterinarian might prescribe antibiotics or antifungal medications to clear them up.

Over-the-Counter Allergy Medicine for Dogs

Some of the medications used to treat allergies in dogs are made for humans and sold over the counter. For instance, antihistamines like Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Zyrtec (cetirizine), and Claritin (loratadine) can be purchased without a prescription. 

However, Dr. Caos warns that you should never attempt to treat your dog’s allergies with over-the-counter medications without explicit instructions from your vet. 

“Some over-the-counter allergy medications commonly used by humans, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays, may be safe for pets in certain circumstances and under the guidance of a veterinarian,” he says. “However, the dosage and type of medication may differ for pets, and the veterinarian will need to consider the pet’s age, size, and medical history before prescribing any medication.”

When using over-the-counter medications as directed by your veterinarian, make sure you purchase products that contain the specified drug only and not any combination products. Some medications that are safe for humans can be deadly for pets. 

“You never want to give your dog any medication that contains pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine,” Dr. Caos says. “These medications are extremely dangerous to dogs.” 

If you are worried your dog might have ingested potentially dangerous human medication, call your veterinarian and/or the Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661) or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control hotline (888-426-4435). Consultation fees may apply.

Supplements for Dog Allergies

Certain supplements can be very helpful for managing allergies in dogs, but don’t use supplements as a substitute for veterinary care. Supplements should only be used under the guidance of a veterinarian.

According to Dr. Caos, supplements that might be beneficial for dogs with allergies include:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The anti-inflammatory properties in Omega-3 fatty acids might reduce the severity of allergic reactions by promoting skin barrier health. Common supplements use fish oil, flaxseed oil, and krill oil.

Omega 3 and vitamin supplements
Triglyceride OMEGA

Probiotics: These beneficial bacteria can potentially help support a healthy immune system, reduce inflammation in the body, and improve digestive health, which could be beneficial for dogs suffering from food allergies.

Proviable Forte Sprinkle Capsules for Cats & Dogs

Quercetin: This flavonoid found in many fruits and vegetables has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Quercetin is thought to reduce allergies by stabilizing mast cells.

SAMeLQ Chewable Tablets
Immune Plus Capsules
Allergy CZN Chews

Vitamin E: A well-known antioxidant, Vitamin E can support a healthy immune system and reduce inflammation, which could be beneficial for pets with skin allergies or other allergic reactions.

Greenies Supplements Immune Health

Home Remedies for Dog Allergies: Safety and Things to Consider

You can use some non-medication allergy remedies at home as part of your dog’s overall allergy treatment strategy. Our experts recommend oatmeal baths, soothing wipes, and cooling pads to calm itchy, inflamed skin.

Cerasoothe Wipes

“You can purchase cooling pads designed for pets, or make your own by placing a damp towel in the refrigerator or freezer for a few minutes before applying it to your pet’s skin,” Dr. Caos says.

How to Help Dog Allergies: Other Tips and Advice

 Jack Russell Terrier resting on a dog bed with yellow blanket

You can take other steps at home to minimize allergy symptoms in dogs by limiting exposure to allergens. Don’t smoke around your dog, and avoid using harsh chemical cleaners, perfumes, scented candles, or air fresheners. 

To cut down on allergens in your home, consider vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, washing your dog’s bedding, and laundering household blankets and pillows more frequently.

“Pet owners should avoid exposing their dogs to known allergens as much as possible,” Dr. Butzer says. “This might mean avoiding certain foods, using hypoallergenic products, or limiting time outdoors when there is a lot of pollen in the environment. It’s also important not to over-bathe your dog, as this can strip their skin of essential oils and make them more susceptible to allergens.”

The post What Can I Give My Dog for Allergies? OTC and Prescription Options appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Natural Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs: Does It Exist? https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/natural-flea-and-tick-prevention-for-dogs/ Thu, 22 Jun 2023 14:08:20 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124614 The phrase “flea and tick” strikes an itchy chord among many dog parents. These pesky parasites are a nuisance for both pets and people. They don’t just cause itching and scratching—fleas and ticks can spread a range of illnesses and infections that can make dogs and other family members sick. The good news is that […]

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The phrase “flea and tick” strikes an itchy chord among many dog parents. These pesky parasites are a nuisance for both pets and people. They don’t just cause itching and scratching—fleas and ticks can spread a range of illnesses and infections that can make dogs and other family members sick.

The good news is that there are plenty of flea and tick control products for dogs out there to combat these parasites and even prevent infestations. That being said, it’s not uncommon for dog parents to express concerns about the types of chemicals used in these products and potential side effects they may cause.

This has led some pet parents to search for natural flea and tick prevention for dogs. The question is, do natural remedies work when it comes to external parasites? Well, let’s take a look.

Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs: Why It’s Important

Before we get into natural flea and tick treatment for dogs, let’s take a brief look at where dogs pick up these parasites and why it’s so vital to keep fleas and ticks at bay.

Fleas and ticks like to hang out in shady, moist areas, such as tall grass, shrubs, weeds, and wood and leaf piles. Inside the home, fleas can lurk in carpet, furniture, and cracks and crevices. Dogs can pick up fleas and ticks simply by getting close to these parasites, whether in the house, in the yard, at the park, or from other animals who already have them.

Once these parasites find a host, they feed on the animal’s blood. In doing so, they can transmit dangerous diseases. Ticks can carry Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and dogs can get tapeworms from ingesting an infected flea.

If not properly addressed, fleas on dogs can jump onto other family pets and even people, putting them at risk for illness too. 

Are Conventional Flea and Tick Products Safe?

Dog wearing a flea and tick collar

Keeping dogs away from grassy and wooded areas where fleas and ticks live is one way to avoid interacting with these parasites. There are also natural ways to discourage fleas and ticks from finding your yard or home habitable (more on this to come). But dogs are gonna dog—sniff around, dig stuff up, play in the weeds, meet other animals—so this plan isn’t foolproof.

A more practical way to protect your pet is to use products that kill or repel fleas and ticks. The American Animal Hospital Association and the American Veterinary Medical Association recommend year-round prevention. Flea and tick control products for dogs come in a variety of forms, including oral medications, topicals, collars, and shampoos. Some require a prescription, while others are available over the counter. 

  • Oral products, like the prescription-only chewable Bravecto, enter a dog’s bloodstream and are rapidly distributed to tissue fluids under the skin. When a parasite tries to take a blood meal, they take in Bravecto’s active ingredient, fluralaner, and die rapidly. 
  • Topical solutions work in two main ways: 1) They get absorbed into the bloodstream and redistributed to the tissue fluids under the skin, or 2) They spread via the body’s natural oils. 
  • Flea and tick collars for dogs, such as Seresto, slowly distribute active ingredients (like imidacloprid and flumethrin) across the pet’s body.

While these products may effectively kill or repel fleas and ticks, some dog parents worry about whether the chemicals they contain are harmful to their dog, other household pets, or children. 

According to the FDA, there have been a limited number of reports of flea and tick products in the isoxazoline class of parasiticides being associated with neurological side effects, such as muscle tremors and seizures, in dogs and cats (1). Overall, the FDA still considers these products to be safe for use in most dogs.

Seresto collars made news in 2021 after the federal government examined reports from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding potential adverse reactions to the collars. Veterinary experts mostly agree that the collars are safe when used appropriately. Similarly, while some dog parents might blanch at giving their pups a chewable containing an insecticide like fluralaner, the general consensus among veterinarians is that these chewables can be safely used in most pets. 

Dr. M. Blake Murray, assistant professor in primary care at the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine and chief of staff at Banfield Pet Hospital in North Oklahoma City, says he is “very comfortable with the safety of our currently available prescription medications,” especially given the consequences of the diseases that flea and tick control products aim to curb. 

That doesn’t mean there is zero risk—it means the benefits outweigh the potential risks. “It would be irresponsible to say that every prescription medication will be 100 percent risk-free for use in every patient,” Dr. Murray says. “Often in medicine we are making recommendations based on management of risks.”

Dr. Clay Bernard, a holistic vet in Austin, Texas, says he isn’t against using conventional flea and tick products, he just prefers not to use them regularly. “I’d rather use these medications if needed and only a month at a time, since some pet guardians ultimately do a great job with environmental management and diligently keeping fleas off their pet,” Dr. Bernard says.

Does Natural Flea and Tick Prevention for Dogs Exist?

Dog sitting next to ingredients for natural flea and tick spray

With prevention being the best medicine, it’s no surprise that there are plenty of DIY recipes and products for pets on the market that claim to naturally combat fleas and ticks. You’ll find collars, sprays, wipes, and shampoos that tout natural ingredients like essential oils, neem oil, vinegar, and citrus. However, while essential oils and neem oil may help, they can’t solve flea and tick problems. In other words, they help repel pests, not kill them.

Veterinarians mostly advise against using natural flea and tick repellents made from essential oils or neem as the only means of protection for pets. The effectiveness of these products has not been established, Dr. Murray adds.

“There certainly are lots of natural flea and tick repellents on the market,” he says. “I make recommendations for my patients based on peer reviewed studies that evaluate the safety and efficacy of products. Currently, I am unable to find any such studies that support the efficacy of natural flea/tick repellents. As such, I cannot make a recommendation for a natural repellent and trust that it will work.”

Before you decide to purchase a natural flea and tick collar or whip up a natural flea and tick spray for dogs, it’s best to talk to your vet first. With all that in mind, here is a closer look at some commonly used natural remedies for fleas and ticks on dogs. 

Essential Oils

Essential oils, like citronella and peppermint, are a mainstay of natural dog flea and tick collars and natural flea and tick sprays for dogs. These types of oils may act as repellants by blocking odors that attract insects like fleas and ticks, making it harder for them to find their host (2).

There is some science to back up the idea that essential oils can work as flea and tick repellents. A 2017 study comparing the effectiveness of certain essential oils to that of DEET and permethrin found that “all oils were found to be more repellent than DEET and permethrin,” with thyme and myrtle oils being the most effective (3). However, it’s important to point out that this study was performed on humans, not dogs. It is also important to note that while thyme is safe for dogs, myrtle is not. 

A number of essential oils like tea tree oil can be toxic to dogs and/or cats when inhaled or ingested, especially if they are not diluted properly. “There are studies that demonstrate adverse reactions to pets exposed to essential oils,” Dr. Murray says. He points to one study in particular that found that “dogs and cats can experience significant adverse effects when exposed to plant-derived flea preventatives.” (4)

If you’re considering purchasing a flea and tick product with essential oils, make sure the company is reputable. Pet parents should not apply essential oils to their pet unless they are working in partnership with a veterinarian. 

Neem Oil 

Perhaps the most talked-about natural pest repellent for dogs is neem oil, also known as Margosa oil. It is a vegetable oil, not an essential oil. Neem oil is prized for its pest-repelling qualities in agriculture. People use it as a skin lotion, and natural-minded pet parents have turned to neem oil to help keep fleas and mosquitoes away. 

Aside from repelling fleas, neem can affect the feeding behavior of fleas and disrupt their growth and development (5). 

As with essential oils, neem oil must be diluted before application, so consult with your veterinarian first. When used properly, neem oil can be helpful as a natural alternative to conventional products, but it is best when used alongside products that treat the environment (more on this next). 

Cedarwood and Diatomaceous Earth

To help keep fleas and ticks at bay, it’s important to treat your pet and their indoor and outdoor environment. Natural pest control products for the yard and home include cedarwood and diatomaceous earth.

According to the USDA, cedarwood can be as effective as DEET in repelling fleas and ticks, without being derived from petroleum (6). Fleas and ticks dislike the smell of cedarwood, and it’s non-toxic to dogs and cats. This makes cedarwood chips around the yard especially attractive as a repellent.

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is another popular option for dog parents seeking natural pest control methods for their homes and yards. It is essentially the powdered remains of fossilized, single-cell algae. It’s a common all-natural repellent that most insects—especially fleas and roaches—prefer to stay clear of. It works by caking onto the bodies of insects and essentially suffocating them. 

Dr. Bernard says diatomaceous earth and beneficial nematodes are good natural preventatives that are especially troublesome for fleas in their development phase. “Since managing the egg and larval stages in the environment is 95 percent of any flea control regimen in high-burden areas of the country, diatomaceous earth and beneficial nematodes are key,” he says. “Diatomaceous earth can be likened to shards of glass that lyse (break down) the eggs and larva as they hatch. Nematodes [used as pest control] are microscopic organisms that live naturally in the soil and feed on the larval and nymph stages of fleas.”

However, there is no reliable data showing diatomaceous earth is useful for flea control inside the home. And when applied outdoors, diatomaceous earth (remember, it’s a powder) can easily be blown or washed away. There’s also the potential for respiratory trouble in pets.

“Diatomaceous earth itself is not apparently toxic to dogs when ingested,” Dr. Murray says. “However, it has the potential to cause ocular or respiratory irritation if applied directly to a pet. If you are going to use it, I would recommend reserving the use of diatomaceous earth to the environment when pets aren’t present.”

Safety and Things to Consider

Pet owner parts dog's hair with comb

While there is a bevy of natural alternatives to traditional flea and tick control products for dogs, the effectiveness of these products is questionable and, if misused, these products can be harmful to your dog. Essential oils can irritate your dog’s skin and some oils can be toxic if ingested when your dog is grooming themselves.

Veterinarians generally recommend that natural flea and tick alternatives for dogs be used in conjunction with conventional methods of parasite control. Always talk to your veterinarian before applying anything new to your dog’s skin or fur. 

One safe and effective method to check for fleas and ticks is a flea comb. Flea combs will catch on ticks and scoop up flea eggs in your dog’s fur. Dr. Bernard recommends using a flea comb two or three times a week.

If you find fleas, flea dirt, or flea eggs on your dog, your vet will advise on next steps. And if you find a tick on your dog, learn how to safely remove it or let your vet do it. 

As with anything related to your dog’s health, talking to a vet first is always good practice before you decide on a course of action.

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Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats (Wobbly Cat Syndrome) https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cerebellar-hypoplasia-in-cats/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 22:09:40 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124616 Cerebellar hypoplasia has existed in cats for a long time, but it’s only since the 1960s that we’ve learned more about the cause of this developmental disorder. Now, you can find videos of wobbly cats living their best lives all over social media!  Continue reading to find out what cerebellar hypoplasia in cats is and […]

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Cerebellar hypoplasia has existed in cats for a long time, but it’s only since the 1960s that we’ve learned more about the cause of this developmental disorder. Now, you can find videos of wobbly cats living their best lives all over social media! 

Continue reading to find out what cerebellar hypoplasia in cats is and how to manage your wobbly cat at home.

What Is Cerebellar Hypoplasia?

Cerebellar hypoplasia in cats, also known as wobbly cat syndrome or CH, is a developmental condition in which a specific part of the brain, called the cerebellum, fails to develop properly. 

The cerebellum, which means “little brain” in Latin, is a part of the central nervous system within the back of the skull between the cerebrum and brainstem. Specifically, the cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance. The word “hypoplasia” refers to underdevelopment of a particular organ or tissue, meaning the affected organ or tissue is often smaller than normal.

Although cerebellar hypoplasia is lifelong and untreatable, there’s good news for cats with CH! Wobbly cat syndrome isn’t painful, and cats with cerebellar hypoplasia typically have a great quality of life. Importantly, wobbly cat syndrome isn’t contagious between cats. CH is different from a lot of other neurological disorders in that it’s typically present at birth, doesn’t worsen over time, and has signs restricted only to the cerebellum.

Although we don’t know the true prevalence of cerebellar hypoplasia in cats and the condition is uncommon overall, CH is among the leading causes of neurological signs in kittens or young cats. It’s the most common condition affecting the cerebellum of kittens.

Causes of Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats

The development of cerebellar hypoplasia in a cat is truly dependent on the health of their mother. A kitten can develop wobbly cat syndrome if their mother receives a modified live virus vaccine (typically their annual FVRCP vaccine) or contracts the panleukopenia virus during pregnancy. Panleukopenia virus is a parvovirus (same family as canine parvovirus), and it usually causes diarrhea and immune system suppression in adult cats. The reason for these signs in adults is that the panleukopenia virus preferentially attacks rapidly dividing cells. In an adult cat, the cells that line their intestines and their white blood cells are some of the most rapidly dividing cells, so they are affected by the virus most severely.

So how does this lead to cerebellar hypoplasia in a kitten? During fetal development and within the first two weeks of life, the cerebellum is undergoing rapid development. If the kitten becomes infected with parvovirus either through natural infection or a live vaccination while in the uterus or within the first two weeks after birth, the virus can affect the rapidly dividing cells of their cerebellum. This will cause them to have an underdeveloped cerebellum.

Interestingly, CH may affect only one kitten in a litter, or it may affect all of them. Kittens affected by panleukopenia virus after two weeks of age are likely to have severe signs of the virus itself but are highly unlikely to develop wobbly cat syndrome.

Infection with panleukopenia virus is the most common cause of CH by far, but the condition could also theoretically develop if the pregnant mother cat is really malnourished or if the kitten suffers a head trauma that affects the cerebellum during its rapid stage of development.

Symptoms of Wobbly Cat Syndrome

Woman petting kitten

Even though cerebellar hypoplasia is usually present at birth, it’s often not apparent until the kitten is trying to stand and walk on their own. This is usually around 2-3 weeks of age. Clinical signs do not worsen over time but may slightly improve as the cat adjusts to their disability.

Signs of wobbly cat syndrome include:

  • Jerky, shaky, uncoordinated walking
  • Appearing to sway from side to side when walking
  • A high-stepping gait called hypermetria (sometimes called goose-stepping)
  • Wide-based stance
  • Mild head tremors at rest
  • More noticeable tremors when the kitten makes an intentional movement, such as trying to play with a toy or bending over to eat or drink from a bowl (intention tremors)
  • Clumsy placement of feet
  • Leaning against walls for support

The uncoordinated, high-stepping walk of this condition is often referred to as “cerebellar ataxia.”

Clinical signs vary in severity depending on how developed the cerebellum was when the kitten was infected. Most cats with cerebellar hypoplasia will have an uncoordinated gait and intention tremors, but they will be able to eat on their own and use the litter box. In severe cases, the cat may struggle to get into and out of the litter box and could be at significant risk of falling and injuring themselves.

Remember that this is a developmental disorder. If your adult cat develops these clinical signs after previously having normal balance and coordination, it is extremely unlikely to be cerebellar hypoplasia. In this case, we recommend having your pet promptly evaluated by a veterinarian.

Diagnosing CH in Cats

In most cases, the veterinarian can diagnose cerebellar hypoplasia based on history and physical examination. If you have a kitten who begins to show these signs around the time they begin walking, it is extremely likely to be CH, especially if you know the mother was infected with panleukopenia virus or received a modified live vaccine while pregnant. 

The disease should not worsen in severity over time and signs should be restricted to those that can be explained by underdevelopment of the cerebellum. If your cat has other clinical signs, such as a head tilt, blindness, seizures, or inappropriate mentation, additional diagnostics would be recommended to rule out other neurological diseases.

For a more definitive diagnosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can sometimes show a smaller than normal cerebellum. Typically, this is not necessary for diagnosis. Your veterinarian may also recommend other tests, such as blood work, to rule out other conditions. This is particularly more likely if they’re looking at an adult cat with an unknown history, such as one you have adopted from a shelter or a community cat you’ve welcomed into your home.

Treatment of Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats

Small kitten at vet

Cerebellar hypoplasia is a developmental condition, which means we cannot treat it once it has developed. Instead, we focus on modifying the environment to keep our wobbly cats safe.

Your CH kitty must remain inside. If allowed to go outside, they’re at an increased risk of getting hit by a car or attacked by another animal due to their lack of coordination.

Lowering their head to the floor to eat or drink can worsen intention tremors. Because of this, it’s common for pet parents of CH cats to use elevated food and water dishes to reduce the trembling and make it easier for the cat to eat and drink.

Because the cat has a lack of coordination and a wide stance, it can be hard for cats to get into covered litter boxes, elevated litter boxes, litter boxes with high sides, and narrow litter boxes. In this case, we highly recommend a wide, uncovered litter box with low sides.

Cats with cerebellar hypoplasia should NEVER be declawed. Declawing can alter the way your cat walks, cause pain, and make it difficult for them to grip surfaces. Your cat with cerebellar hypoplasia will likely rely more heavily on their claws and may use them to grip if they’re losing their balance.

Keep in mind that your cat may be a fall risk. If your cat has mild CH, they may still be able to navigate cat trees and window seats, but if your cat’s cerebellar hypoplasia is moderate to severe, we recommend avoiding giving them access to heights. They will be more prone to injuries associated with falling.

Most cases of CH have a great prognosis if you adjust your home to keep them safe. Cats with cerebellar hypoplasia can still safely undergo anesthetic procedures, such as spay and neuter. More severe CH cases may require more assistance with getting into and out of litter boxes and eating and drinking. In severe cases, it may be best to restrict the cat to a safe room rather than giving them free range of the house, particularly if your home has a lot of stairs or areas the cat could fall from. Most cats with cerebellar hypoplasia will adapt to their disability and continue to be happy, healthy companions.

How to Prevent Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats

To prevent cerebellar hypoplasia in a cat, we need to prevent infection of their mother with panleukopenia virus. As previously mentioned, cerebellar hypoplasia can occur in kittens whose mothers become infected with panleukopenia virus or who are vaccinated with a live vaccine during pregnancy or within the first two weeks postpartum.

The best way to prevent CH is to get female cats vaccinated against panleukopenia prior to pregnancy. If your cat is already pregnant but due for her vaccines, your veterinarian may recommend holding off on vaccination until after the kittens’ first two weeks of life. Importantly, some places with a higher risk of infectious disease, such as an animal shelter or cattery, may still vaccinate pregnant cats. In these scenarios, the animal professionals have determined that the risk of infectious disease, which can be deadly, is greater than the risk of cerebellar hypoplasia.

If your cat is pregnant and has an unknown vaccination history, we recommend keeping them separate from other unvaccinated cats to prevent them from contracting panleukopenia virus. It’s extremely important that newborn kittens remain in a sanitary environment. You should avoid letting newborn kittens interact with other cats besides their mother to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

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How to Comfort a Dog in Pain: 8 Tips https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/how-to-comfort-a-dog-in-pain/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 20:23:29 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124531 Sometimes it’s obvious when your dog is in pain – they might whimper, cry, tremble, limp, or curl up in their favorite spot and refuse to move. Other times, pain in dogs isn’t so obvious. They might simply act lethargic, be more reluctant to play or jump, or have a poor appetite.  Studies show that […]

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Sometimes it’s obvious when your dog is in pain – they might whimper, cry, tremble, limp, or curl up in their favorite spot and refuse to move. Other times, pain in dogs isn’t so obvious. They might simply act lethargic, be more reluctant to play or jump, or have a poor appetite. 

Studies show that 38 to 56 percent of dogs that check into emergency veterinary clinics are in pain. And although there are many situations that can cause your dog to feel discomfort, including injuries, ear infections, dental disease, arthritis, and surgery, no pet parent wants to see their dog in pain

So, how do you provide care and relief for a dog in pain? In this article, we’ll go over the basics of how to help a dog in pain, including specific tips on how to provide them with a sense of comfort.

What to Do When Your Dog Is in Pain

“Whether your dog experiences acute pain, chronic pain, or situational pain following surgeries or dental extractions, it can affect their mood and their quality of life,” says Dr. Amber Karwacki, veterinarian and partner at Heart + Paw vet clinic in Philadelphia. “Dogs who are in pain will not want to interact with their family as they normally do.”

Your veterinarian will be able to determine the source of the pain and then determine the best course of treatment. Providing pain relief medication to help manage a dog’s pain could be part of the plan, but Dr. Karwacki notes that you should skip the drug store because most over-the-counter pain medications made for pet parents are toxic to dogs.

In addition to veterinarian-prescribed pain meds, there are other ways to comfort a dog in pain.

8 Tips for Comforting a Dog in Pain 

Man hugging dog

Set Reminders

It’s important to stick to a schedule with medications that help relieve dog pain. Set a reminder in your smartphone to ensure that you don’t miss a dose or accidentally give your dog their medication before the next dose is due, which could increase the risk of side effects.

Create a Safe Space

Dogs in pain might need more rest and not feel up to interacting with their families or other pets, according to Dr. Karwacki. Setting up a crate in a spare bedroom or other quiet spot will give your pet a space to recover and decrease the risk of making the pain worse.

“You want to provide a space where your dog feels safe and protected,” Dr. Karwacki adds. “This will keep them from having any fight or flight reactions and possibly reinjuring themselves.”

Your veterinarian may also recommend crate rest and limited movement as part of the healing process.

Keep in mind that for some pets, particularly those with separation anxiety, being restricted to a separate room may increase their anxiety levels, causing them to exacerbate their pain. For these dogs, it may be best to set their safe space in an area you frequent.

Keep Them Cozy

Providing items like an orthopedic bed and soft blankets will keep your dog comfortable while they recover from an injury or surgery, or rest during illness — but think twice before setting up a heating pad.

“Heating pads can be helpful but most likely should not be on for long amounts of time,” Dr. Karwacki says. “If your dog is unable to get off the heating pad, a thermal burn could occur.”

She also advises keeping their water bowl and food bowl nearby so your dog doesn’t have to move too far to eat or drink when they aren’t feeling well.

Consider Complementary Therapies

When it comes to managing pain in dogs, massage or acupuncture could help. 

Dogs with musculoskeletal pain due to injuries, arthritis or other orthopedic conditions showed improvements in gait, posture and behavioral issues, and were more able to engage in daily activities after receiving massage [1]. 

Acupuncture can also improve quality of life for dogs suffering from neurological disorders and ​​musculoskeletal diseases [2]. Dr. Karwacki also suggests cold laser therapy and physical therapy for dogs in pain. 

“Not every veterinarian offers these services, but make sure to ask your vet who does offer these services as we usually know what is available in your area,” she says.

Make Movement Easier

For dogs experiencing pain due to arthritis or other chronic illnesses, adding ramps up to the bed, couch, or cars makes it easier for your dog to get to their favorite spot without jumping and putting added pressure on their joints.

Installing non-slip mats or carpet runners on hardwood or tile floors can also prevent your dog from slipping and improve their ability to move around the house.

Consider Supplements

For acute pain due to injuries or post-surgical pain, Dr. Karwacki suggests veterinarian-prescribed anti-inflammatory medications, but supplements could help dogs dealing with arthritis or other types of chronic pain.

Among dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis, a supplement containing glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate was found to be “significantly beneficial” for alleviating pain and reducing symptoms [3]. CBD supplements may be another option, with one study at Cornell showing that 80 percent of dogs that received CBD supplements experienced decreases in osteoarthritis pain.

Talk to your veterinarian about which supplements might be helpful if your dog is in pain and confirm that supplements are safe to use with their current medications.

Prioritize Quality Time

Pain may make it difficult for your dog to go for long walks or play in the backyard so it’s especially important to prioritize their wellbeing while they heal.

Set aside special time for bonding and gentle snuggles to provide comfort — but make sure your dog welcomes the attention. Some dogs may prefer to be left alone (and pain may sometimes cause fear or aggression) so watch for clues that your dog takes comfort in gentle petting and the reassuring sound of your voice, or whether they would prefer to have some alone time.

Alternatively, buying a new squeak toy or special bone that your dog can play with on their cozy bed can provide important mental stimulation. 

Puzzle toys can also help occupy their time if your dog can no longer do their normal activities,” Dr. Karwacki adds.

Watch for Signs

Jack Russell in pain

Sometimes pain management plans need to be tweaked. Watch for signs that medications, supplements, alternative therapies and lots of TLC aren’t easing your dog’s pain.

Dr. Karwacki advises looking for things like limping, a hunched back, a stiff gait, shying away from being touched, ears in a down position, or laying in unusual positions, adding, “If signs of pain are seen, you should bring your dog to the vet for an exam to determine the source and receive treatment.”

It’s hard for pet parents to see their four-legged companions in pain. Working with your veterinarian to identify the source of the pain, creating an appropriate treatment plan, and incorporating strategies to ease your pup’s discomfort can help them feel a little better while they rest and recuperate.


  1. Riley, LM, Satchell, L, Stilwell, LM, Lenton, NS. Effect of massage therapy on pain and quality of life in dogs: A cross sectional study. Vet Rec. 2021;e586. https://doi.org/10.1002/vetr.586 
  2. Silva NEOF, Luna SPL, Joaquim JGF, Coutinho HD, Possebon FS. Effect of acupuncture on pain and quality of life in canine neurological and musculoskeletal diseases. Can Vet J. 2017 Sep;58(9):941-951. PMID: 28878418; PMCID: PMC5556488.
  3. Martello E, Bigliati M, Adami R, Biasibetti E, Bisanzio D, Meineri G, Bruni N. Efficacy of a dietary supplement in dogs with osteoarthritis: A randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. PLoS One. 2022 Feb 16;17(2):e0263971. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263971. PMID: 35171954; PMCID: PMC8849458.

The post How to Comfort a Dog in Pain: 8 Tips appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Kidney Disease in Cats Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/kidney-disease-in-cats-treatment-plan/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 20:03:08 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124526 Kidney disease occurs in 1 percent of all cats, and one-third of cats over 15 years old. If you have had an older cat before, chances are you have heard of kidney disease. Cats who have no signs of illness can be diagnosed with kidney disease, which may leave you wondering whether it can—or should—be […]

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Kidney disease occurs in 1 percent of all cats, and one-third of cats over 15 years old. If you have had an older cat before, chances are you have heard of kidney disease. Cats who have no signs of illness can be diagnosed with kidney disease, which may leave you wondering whether it can—or should—be treated. And since it’s incurable, what can be done to support your cat with this disease? 

Read on to understand what to expect for treatment after your cat is diagnosed with kidney disease.

Kidney Disease in Cats Treatment Plan: What to Expect

Cat urine testing

How a cat is treated for kidney disease depends on two important factors: is it acute or chronic? If it is chronic, what stage are they in?

Acute kidney disease is when signs come on suddenly. It can occur when a toxic substance is eaten, bacterial infections involving the kidneys, or when your cat already has underlying kidney disease and something else is wrong, like being dehydrated. Cats with acute kidney disease are usually hospitalized, staying in the hospital to get fluids through a catheter (intravenous or IV fluids), medications, and close monitoring. If your cat can be treated at home, you will likely need to give fluids under the skin (subcutaneous or SQ fluids) at least once daily, plus several other medications.

Chronic kidney disease is when the kidneys are slowly worsening and can occur over years before signs are noticed. Most times we cannot identify a cause – it could be your cat is prone to kidney disease for genetic reasons, but it also occurs with other medical issues such as urinary tract infections. Most cats are started on a special diet and supplements. Not all cats require fluids or medications, but if your cat is experiencing signs of illness, medications will help with improving quality of life by increasing appetite and decreasing vomiting.

If your cat has chronic kidney disease, your veterinarian will run a couple of blood and urine tests to determine what stage he is in:

  • Stage 1: this is the earliest stage of kidney disease, often before cats have signs of illness. Unless your cat has high protein in the urine, your veterinarian is unlikely to recommend a special diet or supplements.
  • Stage 2: This is the most common stage of kidney disease. If your cat has signs of illness, they are often mild. Your veterinarian is likely to recommend a special diet formulated for cats with kidney disease. Depending on electrolyte values and urine protein testing, your cat may need medication or supplements.
  • Stage 3: Most cats are experiencing signs of illness at this stage. Your veterinarian will highly recommend a special diet, medications are likely, and SQ fluids are possible.
  • Stage 4: This is the final and worst stage of kidney disease. Your cat is likely showing many signs of illness. Your veterinarian will recommend a special diet if your cat is willing to eat it, medications, and SQ fluids. He may be hospitalized initially to help decrease dehydration and get your cat feeling better before he goes home to continue treatments.

Kidney Disease in Cats Treatment Cost

Cats with kidney disease require routine testing to monitor their health. For chronic kidney disease, depending on stage and how well your cat is feeling, your veterinarian will recommend visits every 3-6 months. Bloodwork, urine, and blood pressure testing are frequently performed to start treatments as needed. This can cost anywhere between $200 and $500 per visit.

Ideally cats would be fed prescription canned food to increase the amount of water in their diet and regulate secondary issues associated with kidney disease. On average, this costs $125 per month. However, if your cat really loves dry food or the budget is tight, dry kidney diets will cost on average $35-$65 per month.

Medications vary widely and therapy plans are unique to each cat. Estimating cost is almost impossible, but pet parents can expect to spend anywhere from $15 to $150 per month depending on severity of disease.

Cat Kidney Disease Medications

Pet parent giving cat medication

Common medications used to manage signs of illness associated with kidney disease include:

  • Aluminum hydroxide. This decreases phosphorus in cats. It comes in a powder or gel. Because the powder tastes bitter, it can be placed into gel capsules if needed.
  • Calcitriol. This hormone regulates phosphorus, and low levels of calcitriol – frequent in cats with kidney disease – can lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism. It is often compounded into a liquid.
  • Erythropoietin. Stimulates the formation of more red blood cells to combat anemia. This is an injectable medication given under the skin.
  • Fluids such as Lactated Ringer’s Solution (LRS). This hydrates cats, flushing toxins out of the bloodstream that the kidneys can no longer process. This is given under the skin at home, or directly into the bloodstream (IV) in the hospital.
  • Maropitant, commonly called Cerenia. This decreases nausea and inflammation in cats. It is a pill or an injection.
  • Omeprazole. This decreases stomach acid in cats, which can accompany kidney disease. It is a pill.
  • Potassium. Supplements a lack of potassium. This is a pill or powder to be mixed in food.
  • Renal (kidney) supplements. These contain a combination of vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and holistic ingredients meant to improve the health of the kidneys. They come in powder, pill, and chew (treat) form.

Managing Kidney Disease Pain in Cats

Cats are not frequently in pain directly relating to kidney disease; however, when it does occur, pain from kidney stones, severe inflammation and infections can be severe. Most veterinarians will prescribe opioids like buprenorphine when this occurs. Gabapentin can help with forms of neuropathic pain and decreases general stress as well.

Many signs of illness that accompany kidney disease can lead to significant discomfort. Managing symptoms is the best way to decrease discomfort. Nausea or gastrointestinal pain can be treated with anti-nausea medications that are also anti-inflammatories like maropitant. Dehydration can be managed with SQ fluids.

Kidney Disease Cat Diet: What to Feed

Cat eating wet food

Pet parents should feed diets made for cats with kidney disease whenever possible. These diets are specially formulated to ensure your cat has all the nutrients he may need and in an easy-to-digest way. Phosphorus, a mineral in the body, is decreased in kidney diets since it is often too high in cats with kidney disease. Protein is also decreased in kidney diets. A high protein diet is hard on the kidneys since they process protein, and can actually be a cause of kidney disease.

Homemade cat food can be useful for cats with kidney disease, but a veterinary nutritionist’s advice must be sought. When diets are not well balanced by a nutritionist, it can have serious consequences for your cat’s health above and beyond kidney disease.

Special treats are not needed for cats with kidney disease if pet parents are keeping treats to less than 10 percent of their total caloric intake. Some supplements that support kidney health are found in treat form and are a great choice for your cat.

Supplements for Cats with Kidney Disease

Many supplements support kidney health in cats. Potassium is needed when levels are too low in your cat. Phosphate binders may be needed if phosphorus is too high. Low levels of vitamin D are linked to kidney issues in humans and may be supplemented in cats. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to decrease inflammation, reduce blood pressure, and decrease the risk of blood clots. Many supplements such as milk thistle extract, N-acetylcysteine, and melatonin are not only antioxidants but have been shown to have a positive effect on the structure of the kidneys.

Some combination commercial supplements are sold for cats with kidney disease. They typically include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, and natural holistic ingredients that directly support kidney health such as Astragalus root, Cordyceps spp., and Rehmannia glutinosa root. Before giving any kidney supplements to your cat, be sure to speak with your veterinarian. Many supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so a manufacturer trusted by veterinarians should be chosen.

Support your cat’s water intake by offering some water flavored with low sodium chicken broth or tuna juice. Cat water fountains can increase interest in drinking water. Canned food diets are ideal to increase water in the diet.

Kidney Disease in Cats Treatment: Tips and Advice

Women feeding her cat

Once your cat starts therapy such as a prescription diet, you may not notice a difference if your cat wasn’t showing signs of illness before. However, most cats with signs of kidney disease see improvement almost right away with medications. Very ill cats may never be symptom-free, but many cats see significant improvement. Over time, a quality diet and supplements can maintain a healthy balance for your cat with minimal symptoms.

Always contact your veterinarian if signs of kidney disease do not decrease or new symptoms emerge. For example, if your cat was vomiting daily when diagnosed with kidney disease, speak with your veterinarian if after a week or two of therapy there has been no improvement. If your cat has started vomiting and wasn’t vomiting regularly before—contact your veterinarian to discuss options.

If you struggle to give medication to your cat, call your veterinarian. There are many possible solutions for getting medications into your cat. Compounding pharmacies can make medications into liquid, pills, paste, capsules, powder, or even tasty treats. Cats can be trained to (better) accept medication by using positive rewards like catnip, treats, or special toys.

The most important thing to remember: your goal is to keep your cat feeling good. It is more important that your cat eat a balanced diet than it is for your cat to eat a prescription kidney diet. Don’t focus on whether your cat’s blood kidney values have worsened as much as ensuring your cat eats, plays, and enjoys the things they always have. Be very communicative with your veterinary hospital about what your cat needs.

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Dog Joint Pain: 4 Ways to Provide Relief https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-joint-pain-relief/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 18:02:46 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124492 When you’re used to your dog running up the steps or jumping up on the couch with ease, you may start to worry if you notice them slowing down or struggling. Often, dog joint pain could be the reason why your dog suddenly seems stiff or reluctant to take part in activities they normally enjoy. […]

The post Dog Joint Pain: 4 Ways to Provide Relief appeared first on Great Pet Care.

When you’re used to your dog running up the steps or jumping up on the couch with ease, you may start to worry if you notice them slowing down or struggling. Often, dog joint pain could be the reason why your dog suddenly seems stiff or reluctant to take part in activities they normally enjoy.

Thankfully, there are plenty of pain relief options you can discuss with your veterinarian to help treat dog arthritis (joint inflammation) or other health issues that can cause joint pain.

We spoke to vet experts to learn more about how to recognize early warning signs of pain and how to provide dog joint pain relief.

If your dog seems stiff or isn’t taking part in their normal activities, this could be due to dog joint pain. Dog arthritis (joint inflammation) or other health issues can cause joint pain.

While limping is an obvious sign of pain, there are several other early warning signs to watch for.

We spoke to vet experts to learn more about these signs and ways to provide dog joint pain relief.

Causes of Joint Pain in Dogs

There are many causes of joint pain in dogs. However, they generally fall into two categories: developmental joint issues or degenerative joint issues, says Dr. Rosalie M. LoScrudato, of NorthStar VETS Veterinary Emergency, Trauma, and Specialty Center in New Jersey.

Developmental joint issues involve joints that don’t develop properly. This includes problems due to genetic or heritable conditions. Examples of developmental joint issues include hip dysplasia (abnormal development of the hip joint) and elbow dysplasia (abnormal development of the elbow joint).

Certain breeds, especially large breeds, are more likely to have joint pain in dogs. For example, Bernese Mountain Dogs are prone to elbow dysplasia and Rottweilers are prone to hip dysplasia.

Degenerative dog joint issues get worse over time. Causes of degenerative dog joint pain include repetitive injury, infections, immune-mediated diseases, torn ligaments, poor nutrition, and obesity. Cruciate ligament tears (in a dog’s knee) are often seen with impact on a dog’s joints, such as from jumping on and off a couch or while running. Obesity puts extra strain and stress on joints and can worsen joint disease, including arthritis, says New York City-based veterinarian Dr. Rachel Barrack.

“The deterioration of the joint structure and inflammation within the joint lead to progressively painful arthritis,” Dr. LoScrudato adds.

The two main types of arthritis in dogs are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis (OA). Canine osteoarthritis affects an estimated 1 in 4 dogs. It is common in senior dogs and large breed dogs.

Signs of Joint Pain in Dogs

Chocolate Labrador limping

Early on, dogs with joint pain may only show subtle changes in behavior that are harder for pet parents to notice. “Limping is most obvious, but unfortunately is not often the first sign of pain,” says Dr. LoScrudato.

Dog joint pain symptoms to watch for include:

  • Difficulty rising
  • Lethargy
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling at the joints
  • Decreased walking distance
  • Reluctance to play or engage with owners
  • Sleeping more
  • Loss of appetite
  • Reluctance to go up/down stairs or on/off furniture
  • Difficulty getting into the car
  • Changes in the way your dog walks (gait)
  • Slipping while walking
  • Chewing, biting or licking painful areas
  • Increased licking all over their body

Some behavioral signs that your dog might be experiencing dog arthritis or dog joint pain include irritability, a worried look, or depression.

These can be misinterpreted as signs of behavioral issues or dismissed as signs of ‘normal aging’ but may be signs that your dog is in pain, Dr. LoScrudato says.

Joint Pain Relief for Dogs: 4 Ways to Help

Corgi on ramp to couch

You want your dog to get joint pain relief as soon as possible but know that it’s going to be a long-term process to help alleviate their pain and discomfort.

Here’s how you can help with dog arthritis symptoms and dog joint pain:

Address the Inflammation

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs for dogs) and analgesics are commonly used to help dogs experiencing inflammation and pain, including in their joints. “Humans should never use their own medications on their pets!” Dr. LoScrudato warns. NSAIDs intended for people can cause gastrointestinal ulceration and kidney failure when given to dogs.

Galliprant is an NSAID for dogs that targets the source of canine osteoarthritis pain and inflammation. These flavored, chewable tablets are safe to use daily, though monitoring is recommended for long-term use.

Disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs for dogs (DMOADs) such as Adequan can alter the progression of dog arthritis by improving the health of the joint fluid and cartilage.

Adequan for dogs

Acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal therapy can alleviate the inflammation and discomfort associated with osteoarthritis, says Dr. Barrack, who is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and certified veterinary Chinese herbalist.

Supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, microlactin, turmeric, and green-lipped mussels have been shown to reduce inflammation and joint pain. Joint supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin can also be helpful. Only use supplements under the direction of your veterinarian.

Dasuquin Advanced Chewable Tablets
MOVOFLEX Advanced Soft Chews for Dogs

Practice Weight Management

Weight management is crucial for helping dogs with mobility issues. Losing weight reduces the load on a dog’s joints and muscles. Recent studies also show that fat tissue contains factors that promote inflammation, which causes pain and the progression of arthritis.

Veterinarians can help owners determine if their dog is overweight and create a weight loss plan to achieve a target weight. In some cases, your vet may prescribe a diet that’s specially formulated to promote weight loss and joint health. These formulas, which are known as veterinary or therapeutic diets, can be purchased directly from many vet clinics or through some online retailers.

Hill's Prescription Diet Dog Metabolic + Mobility Dry
Royal Canin Advanced Mobility Support Dry Dog Food

Consider Alternative Therapies 

Meeting with a rehabilitation therapist who can offer advice on exercises, stretching, and massage techniques appropriate for your dog is an excellent way to actively participate in a pet’s therapy program. Acupressure and massage are great things owners can do at home when snuggling on the couch to help alleviate some of their dog’s joint-related aches and pains,” Dr. Barrack says.

Swimming is also a great low-impact exercise that can help dog arthritis symptoms by increasing muscle mass, which in turn helps strengthen and support joints. It can also be a good way to increase your dog’s activity level if you’re encouraging them to lose weight without increasing stress on their joints.

Make Modifications to Your Home

Keep your dog more comfortable by making some slight adjustments to your home. 

Providing ramps to get in and out of the house or vehicle and on/off furniture can be beneficial for dogs with joint pain. Anti-slip mats or carpets can be added to areas that are frequently used by your dog to help prevent falls. 

Consider a heated dog bed or an orthopedic dog bed to provide maximum comfort and take pressure off your dog’s joints. 

Create places where your dog can relax away from overly enthusiastic housemates — such as other pets and toddlers — so they can rest.

“The benefits of adapting the home environment, weight management, and lifestyle modifications cannot be over emphasized,” Dr. LoScrudato says.

When to See a Veterinarian about Dog Joint Pain

To provide effective dog joint pain relief, you will need to work with your veterinarian. “Any time you suspect your dog may be experiencing any kind of pain, this warrants contacting your primary care veterinarian for further diagnostics and intervention to alleviate discomfort,” Dr. Barrack says. 

A progressive change in your dog’s behavior or reduced interest in physical activity is another reason to contact your vet, Dr. LoScrudato recommends. “In addition to a full physical examination, veterinarians will gather a full history and discuss changes they and the owners have noted.”

Diagnostic procedures like radiographs (X-rays) may be recommended, Dr. LoScrudato says. “Trial of pain medications may also be used to see if pet parents notice any improvements in their pets after use.”

Collectively, this information can help determine if pets are experiencing joint pain and what further course of therapies may be warranted. If dog joint pain is caught early enough and is treatable, your vet may recommend joint pain medicine for dogs, dietary changes, supplements, and physical rehabilitation.

“Some conditions require surgical intervention while others can be treated with more moderate management including Western medications and supplements, acupuncture, and/or traditional Chinese herbal therapy,” Dr. Barrack says.

Most cases of dog arthritis causing joint pain will require long-term management. Once dog arthritis is present in a joint, it is likely to progress over time.

“[Your vet’s goal] is to maintain comfort and slow down the progression,” Dr. LoScrudato says. “This is most effectively done using a multi-modal approach based on each dog’s clinical signs. Multi-modal means using a varying combination of techniques, medications, supplements, and therapies to reduce discomfort.”

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Breast Cancer in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/breast-cancer-in-dogs/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 17:32:25 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124289 Hearing that your dog has been diagnosed with breast cancer (also called mammary cancer) can be scary and confusing. In the jumble of emotions that follow such a diagnosis, pet parents may wonder what this means for their dog and what happens next. The good news is that breast cancer in dogs is usually not […]

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Hearing that your dog has been diagnosed with breast cancer (also called mammary cancer) can be scary and confusing. In the jumble of emotions that follow such a diagnosis, pet parents may wonder what this means for their dog and what happens next. The good news is that breast cancer in dogs is usually not fatal, and about 50 percent of mammary tumors in dogs are benign (1). 

The treatment options and prognosis for breast cancer in dogs depend primarily upon the type of tumor they have, as well as its size, location, stage, and other factors. 

Here’s a helpful overview that answers the questions pet parents most commonly ask about breast cancer in dogs. 

What is Breast Cancer in Dogs?

Veterinarian examines mammary chain for signs of breast cancer in dogs

What some know as breast cancer in dogs, veterinarians more commonly refer to as a mammary tumor or tumors. These tumors are formed by abnormal growth and grouping of cells in canine mammary tissue.

Mammary tumors are most common in female dogs who are intact (un-spayed) or those who were spayed after the age of two. According to data from the California Animal Neoplasia Registry (CANR), mammary tumors account for 41.7 percent of all tumors found in un-spayed dogs (2). 

Mammary tumors typically develop in middle-aged and older dogs; they are seldom found in dogs under the age of five. And while mammary tumors can develop in male dogs, this is also quite rare. 

Causes of Breast Cancer in Dogs

Golden Retriever dog wearing a "cone of shame" to prevent licking after being spayed

Hormone exposure is perhaps the greatest factor influencing the development of mammary tumors. Dogs who are spayed early in life have a significantly lower risk of developing mammary tumors, compared with intact females. 

One study (3) found the risk of developing mammary tumors to be:

  • Less than one percent for female dogs spayed before their first heat cycle
  • 8 percent for female dogs spayed after their first heat
  • 26 percent for female dogs spayed after their second heat

Certain breeds are also more likely to develop mammary cancer, suggesting a genetic component. Breeds at increased risk include:

Obesity, especially prior to puberty, may also increase a dog’s risk of developing mammary tumors later in life.

Symptoms of Dog Breast Cancer

Dachshund laying in pet parent's lap showing signs of lethargy, one of the symptoms of breast cancer in dogs

There are several symptoms of dog breast cancer, but the one pet parents commonly notice first is the presence of a mammary tumor or tumors. Typically, pet parents might feel this while petting or grooming their dog, or a veterinarian might discover the lump during a routine physical examination. 

These tumors appear as a palpable mass (or masses) in the mammary chain, which is the set of mammary glands along the left or right side of a dog’s body. 

Other symptoms of mammary tumors can include:

  • Swollen mammary gland or glands
  • Discharge from mammary glands
  • Pain
  • Ulceration of the mammary glands
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy

If you notice a mass on your dog’s mammary chain or if your dog has other symptoms of breast cancer, see your veterinarian right away. When it comes to mammary tumors, an early diagnosis can play an important part in helping ensure the best possible outcome for your dog.

Types of Mammary Cancer in Dogs

Mammary tumors can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). In dogs with mammary tumors, approximately 50 percent of these tumors are non-cancerous. These benign tumors are also known as adenomas.

However, that means that roughly 50 percent of mammary tumors are cancerous. Malignant mammary tumors are usually carcinomas (cancer occurring in a dog’s internal organs or the skin’s epithelial tissue) or adenocarcinomas (cancer occurring in the glands lining the insides of a dog’s organs). 

To determine the type of mammary tumor present, your veterinarian will take a biopsy and submit it for histopathology at a laboratory. This is an important diagnostic step and is the gold standard for diagnosing, classifying, and grading mammary tumors in dogs.

Dog Mammary Cancer Stages and Progression

Veterinarian palpates mammary tumor to evaluate stage of breast cancer in dogs

In addition to sampling the tumor to identify its type, determining the tumor stage is also an important part of diagnosing breast cancer in dogs. 

First, veterinarians conduct a physical examination to palpate the mammary chain in search of any additional masses. This also serves to help assess the regional lymph nodes for signs of enlargement. A biopsy of the regional lymph nodes can reveal metastasis, or spread, of the cancer to the lymph nodes. 

Your veterinarian should also perform a staging evaluation, including blood work, urinalysis, and x-rays, to determine whether the tumors have spread to the lungs. Veterinarians often recommend abdominal imaging (X-rays or ultrasound) to check for metastasis to other organs. 

X-ray scan of small female dog with cancer to see if it has spread to other organs

Armed with all of this information, your veterinarian will then determine the stage of the cancer according to the Tumor-Node-Metastasis (TNM) system. This measurement system was created by the World Health Organization and is considered the standard in veterinary medicine for measuring cancer stages.

In this system, T stands for the size of the tumor, N is the presence of cancer in the regional lymph nodes, and M is the presence of metastasis at distant sites. 

The staging includes 5 classifications (4): 

StageTumor Size (T)Lymph Node Metastasis (N)Distant Metastasis (M)
1Less than 3 cmNoneNone
23-5 cmNoneNone
3More than 5 cmNoneNone
4Any sizePresentNone
5Any sizeAny StatusPresent

The lower the number of the tumor’s stage at the time of surgery, the better the chances of a good clinical outcome. A smaller tumor is less likely to recur or metastasize to distant sites. The sooner a mammary tumor is diagnosed and removed, the better the prognosis.

Diagnosing Canine Breast Cancer

Mixed breed dog having ultrasound scan in vet office to evaluate for mammary cancer in dogs

Mammary cancer is often first identified when a pet parent or veterinarian feels a lump in a dog’s mammary chain. When that happens, the next step is a thorough physical examination to determine the size of the mass, its exact location, and whether any other masses are present.

 Additional diagnostic testing may include:

  • Blood Work and Urinalysis. Your veterinarian may require a complete blood count, biochemistry panel, and urinalysis as part of your dog’s staging tests. The results of these tests can confirm whether or not your dog is a suitable candidate for surgery. Your veterinarian may also recommend special blood work, called a coagulation test, to check your dog’s blood clotting factors. These can be abnormal in dogs with mammary cancer.
  • Radiography. Your veterinarian may take radiographs (X-rays) of your dog’s chest to check whether the cancer has spread to your dog’s lungs. In some cases, veterinarians may also recommend additional X-rays or an ultrasound of your dog’s abdomen to check other organs for signs of cancer. 
  • Fine Needle Aspiration and Cytology. Veterinarians may sample the mass using a technique called fine needle aspiration. This allows them to examine cells under a microscope to identify if they indicate the presence of mammary cancer. Your veterinarian may also recommend sampling the regional lymph node or nodes to check for signs that the cancer has spread.
  • Biopsy and Histopathology. The gold standard test for diagnosing mammary cancer is taking a biopsy sample and submitting it to a laboratory for histopathology. This allows a pathologist to determine the type of tumor present. To obtain the sample, a veterinarian must remove a portion of tissue for testing (incisional biopsy) or remove and submit the entire mass (excisional biopsy). 

Breast Cancer Treatment Options for Dogs

Dog being prepared for for surgical procedure in veterinary surgery clinic

Veterinarians generally recommend surgery as the preferred treatment for most mammary gland tumors in dogs, as long as the cancer has not spread to distant sites. The type of surgery required depends on the size and location of the mammary tumor and the number of mammary glands involved. 

Surgery may involve removing the mass and a margin of normal tissue around the mass. Or it may involve removing the entire affected mammary gland. Your veterinarian will determine the best surgical plan for your dog based on your dog’s tumor type, the size and location of the tumor, and the number of tumors to be removed.

Some surgeons recommend spaying at the time of surgery if the dog is intact, but this is controversial. Not all studies have shown an improved survival rate in dogs spayed at the time of mammary tumor removal. However, spaying also prevents other unrelated diseases, such as pyometra (uterine infection). Your veterinarian will discuss the risks and benefits of spaying with you prior to the surgery.

Microscopic image of normal mammary glands in a female dog showing no signs of cancer.

Following surgery, chemotherapy for aggressive mammary carcinoma may be in order. However, specific chemotherapy protocols for mammary carcinoma are not yet standardized and require more study. 

Dogs with inflammatory mammary carcinoma tend to be poor candidates for surgery because the microscopic cancer cells typically extend far beyond the palpable mass and, in many cases, have already spread throughout the body. Studies indicate that surgery does not necessarily improve the survival rate in dogs with inflammatory carcinoma. The most effective treatments for inflammatory carcinoma are currently radiation therapy and treatment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). However, even with these treatments, the overall prognosis is poor.

Cost to Treat Breast Cancer in Dogs

The cost to treat mammary cancer in dogs depends on the tumor type, size, location, grade, stage, and recommended treatment options. In general, pet owners should expect to spend $1,500-3,000 on surgery for mammary cancer, depending on the severity of the tumor and the type of surgery involved. Additional costs may be incurred for radiation therapy or chemotherapy following surgery.

Prognosis for Breast Cancer in Dogs

A girl in red sneakers and striped socks strokes the belly of a Corgi dog on a green lawn

There are several factors that impact the prognosis for dogs with mammary tumors. Those with mammary tumors measuring less than 3 cm typically live longer than those with larger tumors. Dogs whose masses are removed with complete margins (meaning no microscopic cancer cells remain) also have a better prognosis than dogs with incomplete mass removal. 

Prognosis also worsens as the tumor stage advances; dogs with smaller, localized tumors generally do better than those with lymph node involvement or distant metastasis. Other factors, such as tumor type and grade, also influence prognosis. Most importantly, pet owners should be aware that dogs with one mammary tumor are also likely to develop additional mammary tumors. 

How to Prevent Breast Cancer in Dogs

Spaying prior to the first heat significantly reduces the risk of developing mammary tumors later in life. Maintaining a healthy lean body weight may also reduce mammary tumor risk. And, since early detection and treatment can play an important role in the outcome, it’s best to talk with your veterinarian about any abnormal lumps you detect on your dog, especially in the mammary chain.


  1. Canine Mammary Tumors. The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center. vet.osu.edu.
  2. Dorn CR, Taylor DO, Schneider R, et al. Survey of animal neoplasms in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California. II. Cancer morbidity in dogs and cats from Alameda County. J Natl Cancer Inst 1968;40:307–318.
  3. Schneider R, Dorn CR, Taylor DO: Factors influencing canine mammary cancer development and postsurgical survival. J Natl Cancer Inst 1969 Vol 43 (6) pp. 1249-61.
  4. Nunes FC, Damasceno KA, de Campos CB, et al. Mixed tumors of the canine mammary glands: Evaluation of prognostic factors, treatment, and overall survival. Veterinary and Animal Science, 2019;7.doi.org/10.1016/j.vas.2018.09.003.

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Flea Bites on Dogs: What Do They Look Like? https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/flea-bites-on-dogs/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 16:38:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124402 Flea bites are the top cause of the itchiness and scratching associated with skin allergies in dogs. In some cases, flea bites on dogs can escalate into serious (or even fatal) health problems. Given that fleas can cause so much damage, learning to identify them and their bites is important. Locating dog flea bites (and […]

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Flea bites are the top cause of the itchiness and scratching associated with skin allergies in dogs. In some cases, flea bites on dogs can escalate into serious (or even fatal) health problems. Given that fleas can cause so much damage, learning to identify them and their bites is important.

Locating dog flea bites (and the actual fleas themselves) isn’t always straightforward, which is why we asked veterinarians to help. We’ve also provided tips on treating flea bites and preventing infestations, so your pup doesn’t have to suffer needlessly. If you suspect your dog has fleas or exhibits any unusual symptoms, contact your veterinarian.

What Do Flea Bites Look Like on Dogs?

flea bites on dog

Flea bites on dogs generally look like miniature raised red dots. They’re sometimes mistaken for bed bug bites and mosquito bites, though flea bites are usually a bit smaller. An allergic reaction – marked by excessive scratching and chewing – can cause the bite to become inflamed.

Even if you know what dog flea bites look like, they’re not always the easiest thing to locate, especially on pups with denser fur. “Often flea bites go unnoticed on the skin unless a severe infestation is present,” says Dr. Audrey Weaver, a partner doctor who works at Heart + Paw in their Glen Mills, Pennsylvania location.

It’s usually easier to detect the presence of flea dirt, dark brown particles (made of flea feces) that resemble coffee grounds, adds Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club, based in New York City. Flea dirt is “seen when the hair of an infected animal is parted, often near the base of the tail, near the skull, or on the groin or inside the hind limbs.”

Types of Fleas on Dogs

Of the estimated 2,500 species of fleas worldwide, only a few impact North American dogs. Veterinarians say that most dog flea bites, regardless of the species, look similar. 

The following types of fleas are some to watch for in the United States, with the cat flea being the most common and widespread by far.

Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides felis)

If your veterinarian diagnoses your dog with flea bites, it likely originated from the cat flea, the most prevalent flea species in the United States. The cat flea is a host for diseases that can also be transmitted to humans. These include Rickettsia typhi, the bacteria that causes typhus, and the Bartonella henselae bacteria, which is responsible for spreading the bartonella infection.

Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides canis) 

The dog flea looks a lot like the cat flea, except that it’s not as widespread. This doesn’t mean it can’t cause harm, though, as the dog flea serves as a host to parasitic tapeworms.

Poultry Sticktight Flea (Echidnophaga gallinacea) 

The poultry sticktight flea is primarily a risk for dogs who’ve had contact with infested backyard poultry. While this species doesn’t transmit disease, infestation can lead to a secondary infection.

Oriental Rat Flea (Xenopsylla cheopis)

Though the Oriental rat flea may make its living by feasting on rodents, it’ll attach itself to dogs if needed. This type of flea carries Yersinia pestis, the bacteria responsible for the plague.

Symptoms of Flea Bites on Dogs

Beagle itching

Fleas bites on dogs can cause a number of agonizing symptoms like itchiness, redness, and scratching, not to mention infections and medical issues. Because some of these issues can be serious, it’s important to contact your veterinarian right away if your dog is displaying any unusual symptoms.

Itchiness and Scratching

“Some pets may have a flea allergy, which means that when the flea bites the pet, the saliva of the flea triggers an allergic reaction in the pet’s body,” says Dr. Weaver. One of the effects of this, she says, is itchiness, which veterinarians refer to as pruritus. A flea bite allergy is, in fact, the leading cause of itchiness and scratching in dogs.

Hives, Wounds, and Hair Loss

When your pup is allergic, flea bites can also result in symptoms like hives, swelling, severe redness, and significant hair loss, says Dr. Weaver. Excessive scratching, licking, and chewing can exacerbate this.

Red Bumps

Flea bites on a dog appear as tiny, raised red spots. They can become inflamed from excessive scratching and chewing. 

Flea Dirt

Where there’s fleas and dog flea bites, there’s bound to be flea dirt, which is the combination of flea fecal matter and the host’s blood. In fact, it’s actually easier to locate flea dirt than actual flea bites.

Flea-Borne Infection

Flea bites rarely result in lasting harm, says Dr. Klein. “However, flea bites can be dangerous because they may spread diseases that can be serious and, in some cases, even fatal.”

One of these diseases is the bartonella infection, which can cause fever, nosebleeds, and heart problems in dogs. Pups who ingest infected fleas risk acquiring tapeworms, with symptoms that include vomiting and diarrhea.


Fleas are voracious parasites, so an infestation can cause the type of blood loss that leads to anemia, which Dr. Klein says is “extremely dangerous in very small or young puppies.” Symptoms of anemia include pale gums, increased fatigue, and appetite loss.

How to Treat Flea Bites on Dogs

If you suspect your dog has fleas, start by contacting your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment. The actual flea bites on dogs rarely require treatment, says Dr. Klein, “unless they become infected or if the animal is experiencing an allergic reaction called flea bite dermatitis.”  

Veterinarians will typically start by treating the flea outbreak itself, crafting a plan that incorporates killing adult fleas on the dog, ridding the home environment of fleas, and preventing future infestations.

They will generally prescribe medication in the form of prescription veterinary insecticides, most of which offer both prevention and treatment benefits. These medications are available in a variety of formulations, including:

  • Fluralaner (found in Bravecto products)
  • Fipronil (Frontline)
  • Afoxolaner (Nexgard)
  • Lotilaner (Credelio)
  • Sarolaner (Simparica)
  • Imidacloprid (Advantage)
  • Sarolaner (Simparico) 

Prescription flea products should work quickly and effectively. “Most prescription flea products will begin killing fleas in one to four hours,” explains Dr. Weaver. “The itching and redness typically begins resolving as the flea burden reduces. For pets that have wounds caused by the pet biting/chewing at the skin, healing time varies for each pet but can range from 5 to 21 days, sometimes longer depending on severity.” 

If your pet is experiencing any symptoms and conditions associated with flea bites, like anemia or flea allergy dermatitis, your veterinarian will also address them in the process. For example, flea allergy dermatitis is typically treated with antihistamines and antibiotics, according to Dr. Klein.

The home must also be treated and cleaned, says Dr. Weaver. “This includes bedding, carpet or rugs, and mattress if the pet sleeps in the bed with the pet parent.”

Home Remedies for Flea Bites on Dogs

There really aren’t any reliable home remedies for flea bites on dogs, veterinarians say. “All medical treatment for parasitic conditions to an animal should be determined by a veterinarian,” recommends Dr. Klein. 

Some OTC treatments can actually be hazardous to your dog as well. With topical ointments, for example, “the pet may lick the area and ingest the ointment which has the potential of being toxic,” Dr. Klein adds.

Bathing your dog dog with a soothing, medicated shampoo, however, is one way to provide temporary relief from fleas, says Dr. Weaver. It’s important to choose a shampoo specifically formulated for dogs and be aware that some can interfere with topical tick and flea medicines. 

How to Prevent Flea Bites on Dogs

Using flea comb on dogs

Flea and flea bite prevention are important to the health of all dogs, regardless of geographic location. Though fleas are more prevalent in warm and humid regions like the Southeast and Southern Plains, they can be found anywhere in the United States, even in cooler temperatures.

It’s much easier to prevent flea bites and infestations than it is to have to treat your dog and fumigate an entire home. Fortunately, managing fleas is straightforward. Veterinarians are always available to guide you in choosing the best flea prevention and treatment measures for your dog, and they agree that the easiest and most effective way to avoid flea infestations is with year-round flea medicine.

There are numerous flea preventive formulations available that accommodate busy lifestyles. These include topicals, chews (given every one to three months), and collars. Many of these also offer protection against ticks, roundworms, hookworms, or other pests. 

Other Practices to Help Prevent Flea Bites on Dogs

Check your dog for fleas. Regularly sift through your dog’s fur with a flea comb to search for fleas, flea dirt, or flea eggs. Another option is to hire a professional pet groomer to do it.

Practice good housekeeping. Vacuum rugs and carpets at least every other day. And since flea eggs are adept at hiding in cracks and nooks, make it a habit to mop and sweep the floors. It’s also essential to clean bedding (both yours and your dog’s) with soap and water to help control flea infestations.

Don’t forget about the backyard. If your outside area attracts wild animals, consider adding fencing or placing netting on plants as a deterrence. 

Bathe your dog. Veterinarians say giving your dog regular baths can help. An added benefit is that you get to spend quality bonding time with your pup.

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Hyperthyroidism in Cats Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/hyperthyroidism-in-cats-treatment-plan/ Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:59:04 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124288 Hyperthyroidism is a common condition in middle-aged and older cats that is characterized by an enlarged and overactive thyroid gland. With this condition, high levels of thyroid hormones are released, which can cause various effects on a cat’s body, including an increased heart rate, excessive appetite, and weight loss.   When hyperthyroidism is suspected, appropriate testing […]

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Hyperthyroidism is a common condition in middle-aged and older cats that is characterized by an enlarged and overactive thyroid gland. With this condition, high levels of thyroid hormones are released, which can cause various effects on a cat’s body, including an increased heart rate, excessive appetite, and weight loss.  

When hyperthyroidism is suspected, appropriate testing is done to confirm the diagnosis so that a treatment plan can be made. Treating hyperthyroidism in cats may seem overwhelming, but with the help of a veterinarian, pet parents can better understand what to expect and feel more prepared after this diagnosis. 

Hyperthyroidism in Cats Treatment Plan: What to Expect

After a cat has been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, treatment begins immediately to help them feel better and minimize secondary complications. Treatment may consist of medication, a diet change, radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery. 

The specific type of treatment will depend on the age of the cat and any underlying health issues, the severity of the condition, and the preference of the pet parent. Some cats may not respond well to one form of treatment but do very well with another option. Pet parents can work with their veterinarians to determine the best option for their unique cat. 

Hyperthyroidism in Cats Treatment Cost

Cats who have hyperthyroidism need to see the veterinarian frequently after first receiving the diagnosis. These initial visits are generally done to ensure the cat is tolerating the treatment plan well and that their condition is well-managed. Frequency of visits will depend on what treatment option is chosen. For example, if medication is used to treat hyperthyroidism, a cat may initially need to be seen every month to assess their response and determine whether any dosing adjustments should be made. The veterinarian will guide the pet parent through the initial diagnosis and start of treatment to determine a visit frequency that is appropriate for each individual cat. 

Veterinary visits will become less frequent after the cat’s condition is managed well. However, pet parents can still expect to visit the veterinarian every six to 12 months for the remainder of the cat’s life. Initially, pet parents can expect to spend around $100 a month for veterinary visits, a special diet, blood work, and medications. Of course, radioactive iodine therapy and surgery would have greater costs overall. 

Cat Hyperthyroidism Medication and Treatment Options

Veterinarian gives a pill to a cat

Methimazole is the most common medication prescribed to cats with hyperthyroidism. It is an anti-thyroid medication that decreases the number of hormones that the thyroid gland produces and releases into the bloodstream. This drug is affordable for pet parents but it must be used for the life of the cat in order to manage their condition. It is usually given twice daily orally, but since some pet parents may find difficulty in giving medication to their cats. It is also available in a gel and cream that can be applied to the cat’s skin. Side effects may include lethargy, vomiting, and decreased appetite [1]. 

Radioactive iodine therapy is used for some cats with hyperthyroidism. The radioactive iodine is administered into the cat’s vein and then travels through the bloodstream to the thyroid gland, where it works by destroying this tissue through radiation exposure. It is typically effective within the first two weeks following treatment, and it has been shown to cure this condition within three months in approximately 95 percent of hyperthyroid cats. However, a major disadvantage is that cats are considered radioactive for a short period of time following treatment and must remain hospitalized until their radioactivity decreases [1]. 

While surgery is an option for treating cat hyperthyroidism, it is not commonly performed due to the other more favorable options available. It also requires general anesthesia, which may be unsuitable for some cats [1]. 

Hyperthyroidism in Cats Natural Treatment

Research is very limited on the use of homeopathic medicines for cat hyperthyroidism treatment. Homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, and herbal medicines are a few treatment options available. While a couple studies have demonstrated a favorable outcome using these alternative therapies, more research is needed to compare this holistic approach to conventional medicine [2, 3].  

Hyperthyroidism Cat Diet: What to Feed

Cat approaches their food bowl

A special diet can be prescribed by a veterinarian for hyperthyroid cats. Because iodine plays a role in the production of thyroid hormones, these diets are specially formulated with less iodine content. A special diet alone may not be enough to fully manage hyperthyroidism, but it can be helpful in combination with medication therapy or in pet parents who prefer this option. Cats on a low-iodine diet must not receive any other food or treats apart from this special diet in order for it to be most effective. 

Homemade food is not recommended for cats with hyperthyroidism because it is difficult to restrict the amount of iodine content if it is not commercially formulated. Ingredients may be inadvertently added, which could actually worsen the cat’s condition as well. 

Hyperthyroidism in Cats Treatment: Tips and Advice 

Once a cat with hyperthyroidism is on a treatment plan, pet parents should see an improvement in symptoms relatively soon. These may include a return to a normal appetite, less hyperactivity, and an improved hair coat. Additional signs of improvement include reduced thirst and urination and some weight gain. If the cat initially experienced vomiting or diarrhea as a result of increased thyroid hormone levels, these symptoms should disappear as these levels decrease as well. 

During treatment, pet parents should watch for extreme lethargy, low appetite, and vomiting, as this would indicate that the cat needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian. 

While there are many negative consequences to cat hyperthyroidism, such as high blood pressure and heart disease, starting treatment early can reduce the risk of these adverse effects. Cats that have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism can live long, happy lives with the proper treatment plan and the guidance of a veterinarian. 


  1. Chapman S. F. (2011). Homeopathic and integrative treatment for feline hyperthyroidism–four cases (2006-2010). Homeopathy : the journal of the Faculty of Homeopathy100(4), 270–274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2011.05.004
  2. Dobias, P. (2006). Homeopathic treatment of feline hyperthyroidism . Veterinary Information Network, Inc. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from https://www.vin.com/apputil/content/defaultadv1.aspx?pId=11223&meta=generic&catId=31450&id=3858944&ind=45&objTypeID=17
  3. Hyperthyroidism in cats. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. (2017, January). Retrieved December 10, 2022, from https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/hyperthyroidism-cats

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Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/mitral-valve-disease-in-dogs/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 20:22:11 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124255 Mitral valve disease in dogs is the most common canine heart disease veterinarians see, making up 75 percent of all canine heart problems. It’s also known as degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD), and myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD). Although estimates vary from study to study, it’s estimated that about 3.5 percent of all dogs attending […]

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Mitral valve disease in dogs is the most common canine heart disease veterinarians see, making up 75 percent of all canine heart problems. It’s also known as degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD), and myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD). Although estimates vary from study to study, it’s estimated that about 3.5 percent of all dogs attending a veterinary practice will have mitral valve disease at any one time, with the incidence increasing as dogs age. 

Because it’s so common, it’s important to know what this disease is and how veterinarians treat it. Let’s discuss mitral valve disease in dogs in more detail. 

What Is Mitral Valve Disease?

Mitral valve disease (MVD) in dogs is a disease of the heart. The mitral valve is a valve that sits between the left atrium and the left ventricle to prevent a backflow of blood when the heart contracts. It changes shape due to the disease, meaning it doesn’t fit the space properly. 

Instead of preventing a backflow of blood, the thickened, misshapen valve leaks, causing blood to flow back the wrong way. This is why the condition is sometimes called mitral valve regurgitation. Veterinarians can hear this backflow with a stethoscope as a heart murmur.

This backflow of blood causes problems. It means the atrium isn’t empty when new blood enters, so less blood can fit in. Because less blood is being pumped, a dog’s heart has to pump faster to get the same amount of blood around the body, which causes the heart to grow larger, taking up more space in the chest. Because less blood can fit in the atrium, there’s a build-up of blood returning from the lungs. Even though the atrium grows in size to accommodate the excess blood, the backlog eventually causes fluid to accumulate in the lungs. This is called congestive heart failure, and it’s the end stage of mitral valve disease.

Mitral valve disease in dogs is a degenerative change that happens as pets age, so it’s more common in older dogs. Some dog breeds are more prone to MVD and may get degenerative heart changes and a heart murmur earlier in life. It’s most common in dogs under 44 pounds – however when dogs over 44 pounds are affected, they have a worse prognosis. It’s also more common in males than females, although we aren’t sure why.

Causes of Dog Mitral Valve Disease

Mitral valve disease is a degenerative disease – it gets worse over time, with the valves slowly becoming more thickened and less able to control the flow of blood. We don’t know entirely what causes mitral valve disease in dogs, but there are several contributing factors. 

Genetics definitely play a large part, as is seen with some breeds being more affected than others. Breeds at higher risk of mitral valve disease include:

As well as breed and genetics, we know that some other things are associated with a higher risk of MVD in dogs. Bacterial infection of the heart valves (called endocarditis) is one thing that increases the risk of mitral valve disease in dogs. While severe endocarditis is rare, some diseases, like periodontitis – a common dental infection – can introduce bacteria to the blood that can damage the heart valves.

Symptoms of Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

Pomeranian with lethargy

The first symptom of mitral valve disease in dogs is usually a heart murmur. This is usually not audible without a stethoscope, so you may not realize your dog has a heart murmur until a routine visit with your veterinarian. 

As your dog progresses through the stages of MVD, they will get more symptoms. These include:

  • Heart murmur (as this worsens, you may be able to hear it without a stethoscope)
  • Coughing (especially when your dog gets up after resting, or at night)
  • Lethargy
  • Reluctance to exercise
  • Breathlessness/fast breathing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Weight loss
  • Fainting and collapse

Diagnosing Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

In a small breed dog who is getting older, mitral valve disease is highly likely, so if your vet hears a murmur during a routine examination, they will often make a presumptive diagnosis. For treatment purposes, a definitive diagnosis and disease staging is useful. 

Your veterinarian will need to run blood tests, take your dog’s blood pressure, and will recommend an ultrasound, an X-ray, or both. This heart ultrasound may need to be done by a specialist, so you may be referred to a cardiologist to have these tests completed. 

Not only do these tests confirm that your dog has mitral valve disease (rather than another heart disease of dogs), but working out the stage of the disease allows vets to decide when to start treatment, and which medications to use.

Stages of Dog Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

When diagnosing mitral valve disease in dogs, vets will diagnose a ‘stage’ of the disease. These stages are labelled A-D, and are based on which clinical signs are present. They were suggested by the world’s top canine cardiologists in the ACVIM consensus and are very useful for planning treatment. 

Dogs start at a lower stage (A or B), and progress through the stages as their disease worsens, with stage D being the last – and most severe – stage. Let’s look at the stages of MVD in more detail:

Stage A

Stage A dogs are those that are at high risk, but who don’t currently have abnormalities. They don’t have a heart murmur, and there would be no changes on heart ultrasound or on an x-ray. Every dog in the high-risk breed list above can be considered to have stage A mitral valve disease. 

Stage B

Stage B describes dogs that have physical changes from mitral valve disease (which may result in a heart murmur), but that have not had symptoms of heart failure. These dogs will usually have had a heart murmur picked up on a routine exam. If further investigations into these murmurs are undertaken, stage B dogs can also be separated into two further categories – B1 and B2. 

  • Stage B1 describes dogs that have a murmur and no physical changes to their heart shape or size.  It can also include dogs with a heart murmur that have very minor changes to their heart shape or size.
  • Stage B2 describes dogs that have a murmur and significant changes to heart shape or size. 

This separation has come because the results of a clinical trial suggested that medicating dogs in the B2 category can help – if your dog’s heart changes meet a set of predetermined criteria, the benefit of medication is higher than the risk, and your vet will recommend they start treatment. These dogs are still stage B though, as they haven’t yet had heart failure symptoms.

Stage C

Dogs in stage C have a heart murmur, physical changes to their heart, and have (or have had in the past) symptoms of heart failure, such as coughing. These symptoms don’t have to be current, because dogs may have been started on treatment and the symptoms have lessened or temporarily disappeared. However, it’s important to remember that this is a progressive disease – despite initial good response to treatment, all dogs will eventually have further episodes of congestive heart failure.

Stage D

Stage D dogs have all of the above, but their heart failure is now so severe that standard treatments are no longer effective. Advanced or even surgical treatments are now necessary to maintain the dog’s quality of life. This is end-stage mitral valve disease in dogs, and at this point you will need to carefully monitor your dog’s quality of life and consider euthanasia when it becomes poor.

Mitral Valve Disease Treatment and Management for Dogs

Vet treating dog mitral valve disease

It’s important to understand that dog mitral valve disease will progressively get worse, even with treatment. However, treatment can slow the progression of the disease, as well as give your dog a better quality of life for longer. The type of treatment your dog requires will depend on the stage, with treatment recommendations starting at Stage B2. 

Treatment for Mitral Valve Disease Stage A

Your dog will not need any treatment, but you may request regular monitoring or screening as they get older..

Treatment for Mitral Valve Disease Stage B1

No treatment is indicated for dogs with stage B1 MVD, but it’s recommended you carefully monitor them at home and that X-rays/ultrasounds are repeated in 6-12 months. 

Treatment for Mitral Valve Disease Stage B2

At this stage, your vet will start to recommend some low-risk treatments. This includes changing your dog’s diet to a low salt option, ensuring that it has enough calories and protein to help your dog maintain their weight as the disease progresses. 

A medication called pimobendan may also be recommended – this will need to be given twice daily for the rest of your dog’s life. Regular measurements of your dog’s resting breathing rate can offer an early warning system for heart failure. 

Treatment for Mitral Valve Disease Stage C and D

As dogs progress to stage C and D, other drugs are added to the mix. Alongside pimobendan, your dog may be prescribed furosemide, torsemide, spironolactone, benazepril, digoxin, or amlodipine. Omega fatty acids may also be recommended. 

You will need to carefully monitor your dog at home, ensure they eat properly, and keep good track of their medications. They may need to be admitted to the hospital for oxygen therapy and high-dose injectable drugs in severe episodes. Once these episodes have quietened back down, your dog can usually return home with adjustments to their medications. 

At these later stages of canine MVD, your dog will usually be visiting the vets every couple of months for monitoring visits.

Surgery for Dogs with Mitral Valve Disease

Recently, mitral valve repair and replacement surgeries have been trialled on dogs, with some good success. There are a few specialist centers in the world that can repair or replace the mitral valve in dogs. It’s generally used in dogs of stage C or more, as this surgery obviously has significant risks, but some stage B2 patients may also be eligible. You will need to be prepared to travel, often a long distance, to get heart surgery for your dog, and your dog needs to be well enough for the journey. 

Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs: Life Expectancy

The average life expectancy of a dog with mitral valve disease is just a year once dogs are in stage C.

Every dog is different, and they will go through the stages of mitral valve disease at different rates. Small dogs tend to progress through the stages more slowly than large dogs, who can have a far worse prognosis. 

Cost to Treat Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

As mitral valve disease is progressive, costs will increase over time as more and more treatments are necessary. To begin with, investigations into a murmur heard at a routine examination are likely to cost $300-$700, depending on exactly which tests are necessary. This should be covered by your dog’s insurance, as long as you took out the policy before your vet heard the heart murmur. 

Once dogs are into stage C, the huge variety of drugs they require, plus regular consultations to ensure they’re getting the right dose, can quickly add up. Budget $50-$150 per month, with money in reserve for a hospital stay. Luckily, insurance policies should also cover this stage, although with some time-limited policies, your time might be up before your dog reaches this more intensive (and expensive!) stage of treatment.

Surgery is extremely expensive, as it’s a specialist procedure requiring many highly trained personnel, extensive monitoring, and complex equipment that is expensive to maintain. This sort of procedure is well beyond most insurance policies, coming in at around $30,000. You’ll also need to factor in travel to the surgery and an extended stay, especially if they don’t operate in your country.

How to Prevent Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to prevent mitral valve disease in dogs. Keeping your dog’s teeth clean will reduce the risk of bacteria in the blood damaging the heart valves. While this may help some cases however, it isn’t the main cause of MVD, and many dogs will get the disease despite having good teeth. Scheduling regular check-ups with your veterinarian should lead to early diagnosis, meaning you can start treatment as soon as it’s indicated. You should also consider only buying puppies from parents who are regularly undergoing heart checks, especially if you’re purchasing a puppy that belongs to a breed predisposed to MVD.


MVD is a common, life-limiting disease that steadily gets worse over time. It’s unpredictable how fast dogs move through the stages of MVD, with some dogs staying in stage B1 for a very long time, meaning they can have a great quality of life with little to no interventions. 

Once dogs have signs of congestive heart failure, interventions increase, costs increase, and their prognosis becomes poorer.

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Can Cats Have Allergies? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/can-cats-have-allergies/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 19:16:29 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124204 Seasonal allergies can smack us right in the nose in spring when pollen is in the air or in fall when mold spores replace the pollen. It’s not uncommon for certain allergies to create respiratory problems, too. Food allergies and contact allergies may also cause a variety of physical symptoms in people, such as itchiness. […]

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Seasonal allergies can smack us right in the nose in spring when pollen is in the air or in fall when mold spores replace the pollen. It’s not uncommon for certain allergies to create respiratory problems, too. Food allergies and contact allergies may also cause a variety of physical symptoms in people, such as itchiness.

Cats can certainly have itchy skin, and many will also cough or sneeze from time to time. This begs the question: can cats have allergies? Let’s take a closer look.

Can Cats Have Allergies?

The short answer is yes, cats can have allergies. Allergies are an inflammatory response to a specific stimulus, and this delightful experience isn’t restricted to humans alone. That said, cats don’t necessarily experience allergies in the exact same way humans do, but many people know how uncomfortable it can be to have something seemingly innocuous (or even invisible) trigger a physical reaction like this.

According to Dr. Sarrah Hoppers, assistant professor of dermatology at the Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, allergies in cats generally first surface when the animals are young, specifically between ages 1 and 3. 

“Some studies have shown that Maine Coon, Abyssinian, Siamese, Persians, and Himalayan cats are predisposed to developing allergies,” Dr. Hoppers adds, “but we should be careful interpreting that type of information, as these might not represent a true breed predisposition but rather a regional popularity of certain breeds.”

Types of allergies in cats include:

What Causes Allergies in Cats? 

Cat sneezing

Many things can trigger allergies in cats. Here is a look at common triggers, broken down by allergy type. 

Food allergies

Cats can be allergic to specific ingredients in their food. “In the vast majority of cases of food allergies in cats and dogs, it is the protein source in the diet that causes the allergy,” Dr. Hoppers says.

The most common proteins that cause allergies in cats are chicken, beef, and fish, she adds. While more rare, other ingredients like wheat and corn can sometimes be the source of an allergy.

Environmental allergies

With the exception of flea allergies, most other allergies in cats are triggered by environmental factors, says Dr. Bruce Kornreich, the director of the Cornell Feline Health Center at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. These are more commonly referred to as seasonal allergies because most of these allergens are typically prevalent during a specific time of year. 

“In the spring, it’s trees and grass growing. Molds are present in fall. And dust mites might be more prevalent in winter because the heat is turned on, and they’re in the duct work of the house, so they get stirred up into the air, and cats breathe them in,” Dr. Kornreich says. 

Allergic bronchitis

Airborne substances, such as cigarette smoke or strongly scented products like candles or even kitty litter dust, can trigger allergic bronchitis in cats, also known as feline asthma. “Feline asthma is a common problem,” says Dr. Jessica Bell, an assistant professor of community practice at Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Bell says smoke in the air from wildfires where she lives in the Northwest can trigger an asthmatic reaction in cats.

Flea allergies

The presence of fleas, of course, makes cats itchy, but it’s also possible that some cats are allergic to fleas, Dr. Kornreich says. More specifically, the proteins in flea saliva trigger a reaction in allergic cats when they get bit. 

If a cat is allergic to fleas, they might be allergic to other parasites, Dr. Bell says. Parasite control is one of the most important strategies for allergy management.

Contact allergies

Though it is rare compared to the other types of allergies discussed so far, cats can experience contact allergies. For example, a cat can be allergic to certain cleaning products used on countertops or other surfaces they come into contact with, Dr Kornreich says. 

Some shampoos may also cause allergic dermatitis in cats, Dr. Bell adds.

Allergy Symptoms in Cats

Cat grooming and licking paw

Symptoms of allergies in cats typically fall into three buckets: dermatological, respiratory, and gastrointestinal (GI).

The primary dermatological symptom of most types of allergies is itching, Dr. Hoppers says, but this leads to other behaviors that cause additional problems.

“Itching is usually the most prevalent symptom, and this leads to the cat over-grooming, which can look like excessive licking, chewing, and/or pulling out tufts of hair,” she says. “This self-traumatization often causes open and/or crusted skin lesions to develop, and secondary bacterial skin infections are relatively common.”

Treating secondary infections is just as important as dealing with the initial symptoms of the allergy, Dr. Kornreich says. Without doing so, your cat may end up in a cycle where the allergy is no longer bothering them, but the secondary infection causes itching that may lead to another infection, and so on.

While respiratory symptoms may not be as prevalent or common as dermatological symptoms for many types of allergies in cats, they manifest more frequently when it comes to inhaled allergens. Respiratory symptoms in cats due to allergies can include coughing and wheezing.

GI symptoms of allergies in cats include vomiting and diarrhea, says Dr. Bell. These symptoms can occur with diet-related allergens, though food allergy symptoms in cats also include itchiness that can occur anywhere on the body. Sometimes a cat’s head and neck are impacted by itchiness from food allergies in particular, Dr. Hoppers says.

Diagnosing Allergies in Cats

Veterinarian exams cat

Diagnosing allergies in cats can be a challenging and potentially lengthy process for pet parents and medical professionals. This is because many of the symptoms associated with feline allergies are symptoms of other conditions as well. 

The process for diagnosing non-food allergies in cats starts with ruling out things like mites, ticks, fleas, and fungal skin diseases, Dr. Kornreich says.

Once these triggers are ruled out, a veterinary dermatologist can conduct an intradermal skin test on your cat. “It involves injecting very small amounts of various allergens under the skin as you watch to see if there’s an inflammatory reaction,” Dr. Kornreich says. 

There’s also a blood test that looks for a specific antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE), which Dr. Kornreich says can be somewhat helpful for diagnosing environmental allergies in cats, but it’s not as reliable as the skin test.

If your veterinarian suspects a food allergy, the best way to confirm this is to try and eliminate the allergen from your cat’s diet. The preferred method of doing this is giving the cat a hydrolyzed diet, in which protein chains are broken into smaller pieces so that the body doesn’t recognize the protein that may be causing the allergy, Dr. Bell says. 

The cat should be on this diet for about 12 weeks to get an appropriate sense of whether it’s working, she says. During that time, no other sources of food—including treats, food that’s meant for another cat in the house, or table scraps—can be given to the cat or else the process must start over again. This includes medications, such as preventatives, that have flavorings in them. Check with your veterinarian before discontinuing any medications.

An alternative to a hydrolyzed diet that pet parents can perhaps more easily attempt on their own involves feeding a cat a protein that he has never been exposed to before (a novel protein) for a similar period of time and with the same restrictions on other types and sources of food, Dr. Bell says. However, if you wish to do this, it’s critical that you closely review the food label to ensure it’s limited in carbohydrates and doesn’t contain any fillers or other ingredients that come from other protein sources. 

For all of these reasons, it’s wise to work alongside a veterinary professional when trying to identify what’s triggering a food allergy in cats.

Treating Allergies in Cats

Cat with runny nose

There are a variety of ways to treat allergy symptoms in cats with medications. The best option depends on the cat and the severity of the problem. “Allergy medications should be prescribed and monitored by a veterinarian, and home remedies are typically not effective or recommended,” Dr. Hoppers says.

Antihistamines are among the most common treatments for allergies in cats, Dr. Kornreich says. Veterinarians may also try cyclosporine for allergic dermatitis or a corticosteroid, though the latter comes with potential negative side effects.

“The biggest [side effect] is diabetes, and in some cases, if the cat has other problems like heart disease, [steroids] can worsen them,” he says. “So lifestyle changes, along with antihistamines and omega-3 fatty acids, might be worth trying first.”

Additionally, like humans, cats may undergo allergen-specific immunotherapy, Dr. Kornreich says, during which the cat is intermittently given small injections of the potentially offending allergen to desensitize them.

Preventing Allergies in Cats

If a food allergy is strongly suspected, the best method of prevention is formulating a diet for the cat that removes the offending ingredient, as outlined above. 

Keeping all pets in the home on year-round parasite prevention is the best way to prevent flea allergies.

Many other allergies in cats, including ones coming from specific environmental sources, may be more difficult to completely prevent. However, Dr. Kornreich says regularly changing the air filters in your house, cleaning out your ducts, and deep cleaning in general can all help rid your cat’s space of potentially offending allergens. 

And if prevention isn’t possible, treatment is your best course of action. The earlier you start that process, the better, Dr. Hoppers says. “The single most important thing a pet parent can do is intervene in the allergic process under the guidance of a veterinarian or veterinary dermatologist as early in life as possible,” she says. “When left undiagnosed and untreated, allergy symptoms tend to become more severe as animals age, and they can become more difficult to treat as a result. Identifying the problem and starting a treatment protocol early presents the best chance for success and improving quality of life.”

The post Can Cats Have Allergies? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

7 Symptoms of Allergies in Cats You Shouldn’t Ignore https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/symptoms-of-allergies-in-cats/ Tue, 20 Jun 2023 17:24:20 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124155 We aren’t the only ones who suffer from allergies. Our cats do, too! Allergies are the outward sign of the immune system’s overreaction to an allergen (allergy-causing substance). They are common in cats and can range from mildly irritating to life-threatening. Learning how to spot cat allergy symptoms in your pet is an essential part […]

The post 7 Symptoms of Allergies in Cats You Shouldn’t Ignore appeared first on Great Pet Care.

We aren’t the only ones who suffer from allergies. Our cats do, too!

Allergies are the outward sign of the immune system’s overreaction to an allergen (allergy-causing substance). They are common in cats and can range from mildly irritating to life-threatening.

Learning how to spot cat allergy symptoms in your pet is an essential part of helping ease their discomfort. You’ll need your veterinarian to diagnose what’s causing the allergy and decide on the right treatment. But whether that’s an oral allergy medication like Atopica, a specialized diet, supplements, or parasite prevention, it all starts with knowing what signs of allergy to watch out for. 

7 Common Cat Allergy Symptoms

Pet owner checking cat for fleas

The signs of allergies in cats are variable and can depend on the type of allergy and severity of the allergic reaction. For example, symptoms may appear suddenly when an allergic reaction is severe and immediate or take years to develop after repeated exposures to a particular allergen. 

As you read through the list of symptoms of allergies in cats below, be aware that these symptoms do not always automatically point to an allergy. However, it’s worth noting signs of allergies and keeping a record of what you noticed (and when) so you can share that info with your veterinarian.

To make that easier, you can sign up for a free GreatPetCare account so you can keep your cat’s important health details at your fingertips. There’s also a GreatHealthCare app that lets you log symptoms, photos, or questions you want to share with your vet.

Depending on your cat’s symptoms and severity, your vet may need to do some diagnostic detective work to determine whether these signs are due to an allergy or another medical condition.

Here are seven common cat allergy symptoms to look for:

Local or generalized itchiness

Allergies can make cats feel itchy in certain spots or are all over. For example, fleas tend to bite in hard-to-reach areas, like the back of the neck, making a cat feel itchy in that spot. Environmental allergies can cause generalized itchiness.

Hair loss

Allergies can make a cat’s skin very itchy, leading to constant irritation and scratching. This scratching leads to hair breakage and hair loss. Cats with allergies often have patches of hair loss from the itching and scratching.

Red, dry, flaky skin

Along with the itchiness and hair loss, cats with allergies commonly have red, dry, and flaky skin because of the constant skin irritation and discomfort.

Digestive upset

Cats with food allergies can experience digestive symptoms when something they eat upsets their tummy. For example, if a cat is allergic to chicken, eating a chicken-based food may cause symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea.

Itchy, watery eyes

Do you get itchy, watery eyes when there’s a lot of pollen in the air? A cat’s eyes can also become itchy and watery when they’re allergic to something in the environment. Even for strictly indoor cats, dust or strong scents can trigger an allergic reaction that causes itchy, watery eyes. If these symptoms persist, contact a vet as they may also be signs of an eye infection.


Cats with allergic bronchitis, also known as asthma, will cough in response to an allergen that irritates their lungs.

Ear infections

Interestingly, food and environmental allergies in cats can lead to ear infections

Other Symptoms to Watch For

Other symptoms of allergies in cats to watch for include:

* Difficulty breathing in cats is a medical emergency. If your cat has trouble breathing, immediately take them to your veterinarian or a veterinary emergency hospital.

Signs of allergic itch in cats infographic

Diagnosing Allergies in Cats

Veterinarian examining cat's skin irritation

Diagnosing a cat allergy can be challenging, time-consuming, and expensive, depending on the type of allergy. 

Before going into the diagnostic process, let’s first describe the types of cat allergies:

  • Flea allergy: Yes, cats can and do get fleas. Proteins in a flea’s saliva can cause an allergic reaction, making the skin feel very itchy.
  • Food allergy: Animal proteins, such as chicken and beef, are common causes of food allergies in cats. Less common food allergens include corn and wheat.
  • Atopic dermatitis (environmental allergies): Substances in the environment, like pollen and grasses, can trigger an allergic skin reaction in cats. These allergies are typically seasonal but may occur year-round, especially with indoor allergens like dust and mold.
  • Contact allergy: Rarely, substances that your cat contacts, such as shampoo or wool, can cause an allergic skin reaction.
  • Cutaneous drug eruptions: Drugs can sometimes trigger an allergic reaction in cats, but this is uncommon.
  • Allergic bronchitis (feline asthma): Allergic bronchitis is triggered by substances in the air, such as cigarette smoke or perfume. The allergic reaction causes the airways to become inflamed and constricted, making breathing difficult.

To diagnose an allergy in your cat, your veterinarian will first take a detailed history and conduct a physical exam. The history and physical exam will give your veterinarian the initial clues as to what type of allergy your cat may have.

Your veterinarian will then conduct diagnostic tests specific to the suspected allergy type: 

Flea allergy

Diagnosis is usually based on physical exam and history. If fleas are not seen on the cat, a positive response to flea treatment will confirm the diagnosis.

Food allergy

Diagnosing a food allergy requires an 8- to 12-week food elimination trial to identify the food allergen. During the trial, a cat eats only a novel protein diet (a diet containing a protein your cat has never eaten) with no extra treats, human food, or flavored medications. These trials are conducted with veterinary supervision and can be challenging.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis can be diagnosed with a blood test or intradermal skin testing. The blood test looks for levels of antibodies in the blood that are responsible for inciting the immune response to an allergen. 

The skin test is the gold standard for diagnosing atopic dermatitis. The veterinarian injects tiny amounts of suspected allergens under the skin and waits for an allergic response to occur (skin swelling) that would identify the allergen. 

Contact allergy

Diagnosing a contact allergy can be expensive and time-consuming. The veterinarian applies a tiny patch of potential allergen (e.g., wool) to a cat’s skin. The area with the patch is monitored daily for the next 1 to 2 weeks for an allergic reaction. With so many potential contact allergens, diagnosing contact allergies can be time-consuming and difficult.

Cutaneous drug eruption

Diagnosing a drug allergy relies on knowing the history of medications a cat has recently taken. Symptoms that appeared soon after a particular drug was administered and stopped after the drug was discontinued indicate a drug allergy.

Allergic bronchitis

Chest X-rays are used to diagnose allergic bronchitis. 

Treatment for Allergies in Cats

Pet parent giving a cat a chewable medication

As with allergies in people, allergies in cats are usually managed, not cured. Depending on the type of allergy, your cat may require lifelong allergy management to minimize the risk of future allergic reactions and treat allergy flare-ups.  

Flea allergies – The best way to prevent flea allergies is to treat your cat with year-round flea prevention, even for strictly indoor cats. Ask your veterinarian about the best way to protect your cat. Depending on where you live and the parasite risks in your region, they may recommend an oral or topical flea preventative or a combination product that targets fleas, ticks, heartworms and other parasites.

Revolution Plus Topical Solution for Cats
Seresto flea and tick collar for cats
Credelio chewable cat flea and tick control medication

Food allergies – Treating food allergies in cats is simple, but not always easy. To avoid allergic flare-ups, you need to feed your cat a diet free of allergy-inducing ingredients. However, determining those allergens can be challenging. Once your veterinarian identifies the allergen through a food elimination trial, they can recommend a diet to help prevent future allergic reactions. Depending on the type and severity of your cat’s food allergies, that could be a novel protein diet, a limited ingredient diet, or a hydrolyzed diet, in which proteins are broken down (hydrolyzed) into tiny particles that are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.

Royal Canin Selected Protein Cat Food

Environmental allergies – There are several medications your veterinarian may prescribe to treat atopic dermatitis caused by environmental allergens, including steroids, antihistamines, and immunosuppressive drugs.

While steroids provide rapid itch relief, they can also cause serious side effects. And antihistamines aren’t always effective against allergic itch in cats. That’s why veterinarians often recommend immunosuppressive drugs like Atopica (cyclosporine) to treat non-flea, non-food allergies in cats. Atopica offers the effective itch relief of steroids without the side effects and is generally more reliable than antihistamine treatments. However, it’s important to note that it can take up to 30 days to be maximally effective.

Atopica for cats

Atopic dermatitis is managed with various medications, including steroids, antihistamines, and immunosuppressive drugs. Steroids provide rapid and effective relief, while antihistamines’ effectiveness is mixed. Immunosuppressive drugs like cyclosporine tamp down the allergic reaction’s intensity but can take up to 30 days to be maximally effective.

Managing contact and drug allergies is relatively straightforward. Avoiding the offending substance or drug is typically sufficient to prevent future allergic reactions.

Allergic bronchitis can be managed with medications to decrease inflammation and relax and open the airways. Cats with severe allergic bronchitis may need to be hospitalized and receive more aggressive treatment.

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Canine Influenza Vaccine: All About the Dog Flu Shot https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-vaccinations/canine-influenza-vaccine/ Mon, 19 Jun 2023 15:59:21 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=124025 Canine influenza, or dog flu, is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Caused by the canine influenza virus, canine influenza was first reported in dogs in the United States in 2004 and has since been reported in 46 states. Most of these reports have been isolated disease outbreaks, indicating that canine influenza hasn’t gained a strong […]

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Canine influenza, or dog flu, is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Caused by the canine influenza virus, canine influenza was first reported in dogs in the United States in 2004 and has since been reported in 46 states. Most of these reports have been isolated disease outbreaks, indicating that canine influenza hasn’t gained a strong foothold in the general dog population.

Many dogs have not been exposed to the canine influenza virus, meaning they don’t yet have immunity to the disease. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, about 80 percent of dogs exposed to the virus will get sick with symptoms like a soft, moist cough, nasal discharge, and lethargy.

Canine influenza is rarely fatal, but it can make dogs feel crummy. Because this disease is highly contagious, protecting dogs from exposure to the canine influenza virus is important.

The canine influenza vaccine is the best way to protect dogs from this disease. The more dogs that get vaccinated, the less the virus will be able to circulate throughout the dog population and cause disease.

What Is the Canine Influenza Vaccine?

There are currently two canine influenza vaccines, and both are FDA approved. They are available in veterinary practices nationwide, with no need to see a veterinary specialist to get the vaccine.

This vaccine is considered a non-core vaccine, meaning that not every dog needs to receive it. The 2022 American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Guidelines state that non-core vaccines are “recommended for some dogs based on lifestyle, geographic location, and risk of exposure.”

Because the canine influenza vaccine is not a core vaccine, there are currently no legal requirements on the state or municipal level for dog flu vaccination. However, certain animal facilities, such as doggie daycares and boarding facilities, may require dog flu vaccination to prevent the spread of the disease in the facility.

How Does the Flu Shot for Dogs Work?

The canine influenza vaccine is a bivalent vaccine, meaning that it protects against the two strains of the canine influenza virus: H3N2 and H3N8.

The vaccine is made up of inactivated (killed) canine influenza virus. The killed virus will stimulate the immune system without causing disease. However, compared with other vaccine formulations, killed virus vaccines may have a shorter duration of immunity and may cause more negative side effects.

The canine influenza vaccine also contains adjuvants that help boost the immune response.

Note that the vaccine does not provide 100 percent protection against the dog flu. However, it does help reduce the duration and severity of illness in dogs that get the disease.

Canine Influenza Vaccination Schedule for Dogs

Puppy at vet

According to the AAHA Vaccination Guidelines, the canine influenza vaccination schedule is two doses 2 to 4 weeks apart, followed by an annual booster. It can be given to any dog who is over 8 weeks old. 

Possible Side Effects of the Dog Flu Shot

As with all dog vaccines, the canine influenza vaccine comes with potential side effects. Most dogs tolerate the vaccine very well and have either mild or no side effects, while some dogs may have severe adverse reactions that require medical attention.

Here are the more common and mild side effects of the canine influenza vaccine:

  • Pain and swelling at the injection site
  • Lethargy
  • Reduced appetite

Serious side effects are listed below:

  • Hives
  • Collapse
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
  • Swelling of the face, neck, eyes, or muzzle

Seek immediate veterinary care if your dog develops severe side effects after vaccination.

The canine influenza vaccine does not react with medications or other vaccinations.

Manufacturers of the Canine Influenza Vaccine for Dogs

Merck and Zoetis each manufacture the canine influenza vaccine.

Merck’s canine influenza vaccine is the Nobivac Canine Flu Bivalent. It was the first vaccine to demonstrate effectiveness against both strains of the virus. It received FDA approval in 2017 and can be given to dogs 7 weeks and older.

The canine influenza vaccine from Zoetis is called Vanguard CIV H3N2/H3N8. It also received FDA approval in 2017 and can be given to dogs 8 weeks and older.

Zoetis does have monovalent canine influenza vaccines that protect against one or the other strain of canine influenza virus. However, on their website, the company “strongly recommends that these vaccines be used only if a dog is lacking vaccination against one of the two strains, and then continue with the use of Vanguard CIV H3N2/H3N8.”

Costs of the Canine Influenza Vaccine

The cost of the vaccine will vary according to veterinary practice and geographic location. Generally, the vaccine costs approximately $20 to $55.

If your veterinarian performs a physical exam before administering the vaccination, expect to also pay for the cost of the office visit. The vaccine and office visit together could cost upwards of $100.

Low-cost vaccine clinics provide an inexpensive option to get your dog vaccinated. Contact your local low-cost vaccine clinics to ask whether they have the canine influenza vaccine.

Does Your Dog Need the Flu Shot?

Pug getting shot at vet

That depends. Here are some factors that increase a dog’s risk of getting the dog flu:

  • Traveling extensively
  • Going to doggie daycare
  • Staying at a boarding facility
  • Frequently visiting the dog park
  • Participating in social events, such as dog shows and agility events

In older dogs, respiratory disease and heart disease can increase the risk of getting the dog flu. Also, brachycephalic (smoosh-faced) breeds are at higher risk of canine influenza because their facial structure makes it harder for them to breathe.

Talk with your veterinarian if you’re unsure whether the flu shot is right for your dog.

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How to Treat a Tick Bite on a Dog https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/how-to-treat-a-tick-bite-on-a-dog/ Fri, 16 Jun 2023 18:13:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123981 Ticks and their bites have the potential to cause unwanted disease and illness in your dog if left untreated. Ticks have been found on every continent, so it’s important to understand how to treat a tick bite on a dog following tick removal. What Does a Tick Bite Look Like on a Dog? A tick […]

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Ticks and their bites have the potential to cause unwanted disease and illness in your dog if left untreated. Ticks have been found on every continent, so it’s important to understand how to treat a tick bite on a dog following tick removal.

What Does a Tick Bite Look Like on a Dog?

A tick bite on a dog may appear as a small red bump on your dog’s skin. If your dog was exposed to Lyme disease, the bite may have a round and bull’s-eye type appearance as well. Tick bites are not full of fluid much like general insect bites.

These bites may go unnoticed if you do not check your dog routinely and remove ticks promptly. Begin by checking high-risk areas on your dog, including around and under the collar, the ears, eyelids, armpits, groin, and in between the toe pads. Ticks do not limit themselves to these areas, so be sure to thoroughly scan the remainder of your pet after checking these higher risk sections. 

Run your hands along the base of the dog’s coat of fur, feeling for any bumps or abnormalities. You may feel a scab where a tick may have previously been or may find the tick itself. Ticks can be various shades of gray, brown, and black. They may or may not be engorged (fed), and this causes their size to vary. 

If you do find a tick on your dog, it’s important to remove the tick as quickly as possible. 

How to Treat a Tick Bite on a Dog

Cleaning tick bite on dog

Tick bites typically don’t require a lot of treatment, but it is important to clean the bite and monitor it for signs of disease or infection. Here are the steps for treating a tick bite on a dog.

Step 1: The first part in treating your dog’s tick bite is removal of the tick. It must be removed in its entirety to avoid secondary infections or discomfort to the pet. Removing the tick can be done with either tweezers or a tick-removal tool. Place ticks in alcohol after removal and save them for potential future identification by your veterinarian.

Step 2: After the tick has been removed, or if you notice a new tick bite on your dog, clean the area well with a skin antiseptic made for dogs. 

Step 3: Be sure to clean all instruments involved in the removal process with rubbing alcohol. Wash hands after removal and cleansing of the tick bite area. 

Step 4: Monitor the tick bite. Pay attention to the site of the tick bite for several days following removal and cleaning of the area. Most tick bites should heal once treated over the course of 2 to 5 days, but if the area is persistently red, spreading, or beginning to irritate your pet, consult with your veterinarian. Ticks can carry many unwanted illnesses such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and more, but your dog may not present with symptoms for weeks to months depending on the disease process. That’s why monitoring the bite area and your dog following a tick bit is so important.

Signs of an Infected Tick Bite on a Dog

Woman checking dog tick bite

Some indications that your dog’s tick bite may be infected include increased swelling at the site, pain, and draining of infection through milky (purulent) discharge. 

If you suspect your dog’s tick bite is infected, it is best to contact your veterinary team to determine if a visit is needed or if at-home care with antiseptics and antibiotic ointment may suffice depending on the severity of the infection. 

The way your veterinary team may treat the infected tick bite includes clipping the fur and cleaning the area thoroughly, as well as keeping the pet from traumatizing the area. Oral antibiotics may be sent home if the abscess is advanced enough, but if it is a very small area of local infection, then they may prescribe a higher strength topical treatment. 

Your veterinarian may also discuss screening your dog’s blood for exposure to tick-borne illnesses if they become symptomatic at a later date.

Preventing Ticks on Dogs

Keeping your canine companion on year-round flea and tick preventative medication can greatly reduce the risks for both acute and chronic complications. 

Additional ways that you can help limit your dog’s potential for having ticks include examining them routinely after outdoor activities and limiting time in areas where ticks may be more prevalent, such as in the brush and near trees and tall grasses. 

You may also consider treating your yard or environment with an appropriate pesticide that is safe for dogs to minimize their risk of exposure to ticks. 

With diligent preventive care and observation, you can make tick prevention an easy routine for you and your dog.

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Do Dogs Know When They Are Dying? Experts Weigh In https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/do-dogs-know-when-they-are-dying/ Fri, 16 Jun 2023 13:24:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123935 There are some signs people with terminal illnesses exhibit that can indicate they know it’s time. They may begin to gasp for air, withdraw, or conversely, experience a burst of energy. But does this concept also apply to our pets? Though sick dogs can exhibit many of these same symptoms, how can we be certain […]

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There are some signs people with terminal illnesses exhibit that can indicate they know it’s time. They may begin to gasp for air, withdraw, or conversely, experience a burst of energy. But does this concept also apply to our pets? Though sick dogs can exhibit many of these same symptoms, how can we be certain they’re aware of their fate? Do dogs know when they are dying? 

We asked veterinarians to weigh in and offer insights on what may be happening.

(Note: While our experts provide theories of what could be going on with your pet as they get closer to death, don’t make assumptions when it comes to your dog’s health. If your pup is showing any troubling physical or behavioral signs, contact your veterinarian for guidance.)

Do Dogs Know When They Are About to Die?

There’s evidence that dogs mourn the death of humans and other animals. You’re probably familiar with stories of dogs who howl and refuse to leave the side of their deceased loved ones. The way they react to death isn’t uniform or robotic, either. As individuals, dogs react differently to death, just like humans do. Some dogs, for example, may become clingy while others withdraw.

But do dogs know when they are about to die?

While we may never learn the whole truth, veterinarians think dogs know something is up. One clue comes from wolves. “Historically, pack animals would often remove themselves from the group voluntarily if sick to prevent attention from predators,” says Dr. Audrey Weaver, a partner doctor who works at Heart + Paw in their Glen Mills, Pennsylvania location.

What’s unclear is whether dogs behave this way because they know it’s their time or if it’s a reaction to being in distress. Dogs live for the moment and depend on a regular routine, according to Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club, based in New York City. “When that routine is unable to be achieved,” he says, “I suspect that dogs become frustrated and possibly depressed.”

And though dogs may sense something’s amiss, they don’t understand concepts like illness and death as we do. “So you can tell a dog, ‘You have cancer with six months to live,’ and they won’t be upset. They live in the moment,” says Dr. Mary Gardner, co-founder of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice and author of the book, “It’s Never Long Enough: A practical guide to caring for your geriatric dog.”

One thing we know for certain is that dogs feel pain and can suffer. “And I think that is what is most important. And they also don’t know that relief will come. So I do think they know when they are miserable,” adds Dr. Gardner.

Dog Behavior Changes Before Death

Old dog on blanket

Pet parents have shared stories of dogs who’ve seemingly reacted to their approaching death. “Many owners mention that end-of-life animals seem to mimic what dogs do in the wild at the end of their days: they walk or crawl to a dark, safe place if they are able to maneuver, stop eating or drinking,” says Dr. Klein.

Other pet parents report that their dog appeared calmer, “as if they were ‘ready’ or knew that any physical pain they’d been experiencing would end,” says Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, director of Primary Care at Bond Vet, based in New York City.

Dog behavior before death can vary. “For example, a pet with cardiac disease that is declining may become progressively more lethargic, some become anxious as their breathing becomes affected, [and] disorientation and imbalance can also be seen if the pet has poor blood flow and oxygenation to the brain,” says Dr. Weaver. “Senior dogs (and cats) can develop dementia-like signs as they age, just like humans. Pacing, panting, whining or crying may be seen, as well as wandering off to unusual places in the home.” 

This, of course, begs the question: do dogs understand death, or does this behavior mean something else?

These behaviors don’t necessarily mean a dog is reacting to their impending death. “While some people may report their pet wanting to be alone or lying in a specific spot, if related at all, I suspect it is more instinct than any actual thoughts about death,” says Dr. Mandi Shearhart, a veterinarian with the NWA Veterinary Programs at Best Friends Animal Society in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

What seems like an awareness of death to us may just be a way for a dog to seek relief. “They simply may find comfort from their pain in a safe spot, or a warm spot, or a spot where people stop bothering them. Let’s say a dog is in heart failure and is struggling to breath. I don’t think the dog thinks to [themself]: ‘This is it, I’m dying.’ They are probably just thinking, ‘I cannot breath and I am scared’,” explains Dr. Gardner.

This isn’t to say that experts can say without a doubt that dogs can’t sense their own death. Dogs do, after all, have abilities that we don’t – like a sixth sense that allows them to detect variations in magnetic fields – so it’s not impossible. For now, however, the research on dog death is too limited to be able to provide a definitive answer.

Making End of Life Decisions for Dogs

Man petting and loving old dog

The dog dying process is not only difficult, but it’s also not always straightforward. “Every situation is unique, and there is not always an easy way to know that it is the right time [to say goodbye],” says Dr. Shearhart.

That said, veterinarians rely on certain criteria when making recommendations. One of these is the quality of the dog’s life. In order to help determine this, Dr. Ashley Barnes, medical director at Louisville Family Animal Hospital in Louisville, Colorado, recommends looking at your dog’s behavior, considering things like: “Are they separating themselves from the family and disengaging? Are they still doing activities they enjoy, like playing with a favorite toy or going for walks? Are they wanting or able to eat? Are they able to take care of basic functions, like going outside to eliminate?”  

Other indicators of good life quality, adds Dr. Weaver, include drinking readily, not demonstrating overt pain, and exhibiting normal energy levels.  

Another critical component in the end-of-life decision-making process is whether the condition causing the illness can effectively be treated. “Before assuming an animal is just getting old or getting ready to die, it is important to visit your veterinarian and discuss any physical or behavior changes you have seen,” says Dr. Shearhart. “There may be things that can be done to increase both the quality and quantity of your dog’s life.”

We have a few tips to help you navigate this process.

Trust Your Veterinarian

Veterinarians are true allies for you and your dog. They’re in the best position to help you explore all options and offer ways to improve your dog’s quality of life.

“Your veterinarian is usually the one person familiar with your dog’s medical and physical condition and will offer the most objective assessment of your dog. Friends sometimes try to help, and they can be a beneficial support system if they have already experienced a similar situation,” says Dr. Klein.

Remember That Quality of Life is More Important Than Quantity

“I strongly believe that the quality of a dog’s life is way more important than the quantity. We have the wonderful gift of allowing peaceful passage and preventing suffering in our canine companions, and I think it is something to be considered when their quality of life is no longer acceptable,” says Dr. Shearhart.

Whether or not a dog understands they’re about to die, there are several things a pet parent can do to alleviate the pain and discomfort for as long as possible, says Dr. Fadl. “Some health issues might be curable or treatable, whereas for others, the focus is on alleviating pain and improving quality of life.”

Start a Health Journal

One issue complicating the process is when a dog’s health status changes daily, which is why Dr. Fadl recommends keeping a health journal for your dog. “That way, you can tell when the bad days start outnumbering the good. Also, keep track of things your dog loves to do – things that really make them happy – and take note of when they are no longer able to do these things.”

Prepare Before There’s an Issue

While thinking about your beloved dog dying is unpleasant, Dr. Fadl explains that it can be helpful to have a plan in place when your pup starts aging and showing symptoms. “Decide what is best for your individual pet, whether that is at a veterinary practice [or] using a mobile or hospice vet that can perform the euthanasia in your home. That way, when the day comes, the process will be as smooth and peaceful as possible for your dog.”

Put Your Dog’s Best Interest First

Let whatever is in your dog’s best interest guide your decisions. “In the end, it comes down to making the most selfless decision for your dog and not the most selfish one,” says Dr. Klein.

Take Advantage of Available Resources

There are plenty of resources out there that can help guide you through the dog dying process.

As previously mentioned, keeping a journal helps you keep track of your dog’s symptoms, which could be useful to you and your veterinarian when making end-of-life decisions. A couple free online worksheets available include:

An increasing number of veterinarians also offer in-home pet care, which can ease the burden if your dog is very sick.

Where to find in-home veterinarians:

If/when you do make the decision for humane dog euthanasia, know that there are lots of additional resources available to help you navigate this difficult process.

The post Do Dogs Know When They Are Dying? Experts Weigh In appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Kidney Stones in Dogs: Causes and Treatment https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/kidney-stones-in-dogs/ Thu, 15 Jun 2023 19:17:23 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123903 Kidney stones in dogs are a relatively rare, but potentially serious, condition. It’s estimated that up to 3 percent of dogs are affected by urinary stones, but only 1-2 percent of these are found in the kidney or ureter, making their overall incidence likely to be less than 1 in 3000 dogs.  Although they are […]

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Kidney stones in dogs are a relatively rare, but potentially serious, condition. It’s estimated that up to 3 percent of dogs are affected by urinary stones, but only 1-2 percent of these are found in the kidney or ureter, making their overall incidence likely to be less than 1 in 3000 dogs. 

Although they are rare, kidney stones can be serious and cause an emergency in some circumstances. Spotting the symptoms early and starting treatment as soon as the condition is diagnosed is key to ensuring dog kidney stones don’t cause kidney failure.

What Are Kidney Stones?

Your dog’s kidneys are part of their upper urinary tract. They’re there to filter waste products from the blood into a fluid we call urine. Urine produced by a kidney collects in the renal pelvis before flowing down a tube called the ureter, into the bladder. From there, the urine is released voluntarily through the urethra to be voided into open air.

A urinary stone (urolith) happens when some of the mineral waste products in the urine come out of solution. Instead of remaining dissolved in the urine, being swept away and released with the urine, they form a solid stone. This happens when the pH of the urine is no longer ideal to keep the minerals dissolved. 

The exact minerals that kidney stones are made of depends on your dog’s diet among other things, but the most common are:

When these stones form in the kidney, we call them nephroliths, renal calculi, or kidney stones. They are relatively rare in dogs, and often an incidental finding – meaning your dog may not show any symptoms, and the stone is seen on an X-ray while investigating an unrelated issue such as hip pain. 

You might be wondering which dogs get kidney stones. There are some breeds of dogs that are more likely to suffer from kidney stones. These are mostly small toy and terrier breeds, including the Yorkshire Terrier, Pugs, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Bichon Frise, and Pekingese. Some bigger breeds are prone to kidney stones too: Basset Hounds, Mastiffs, Doberman Pinschers, Dalmatians, and English Bulldogs are all over-represented. 

Calcium oxalate stones are more common in males, while struvite stones are more common in females. According to one study, dogs in the South Atlantic region of the USA are more likely to get renal stones.

Kidney Stones vs. Bladder Stones in Dogs

Kidney stones and bladder stones are formed in the same way, and the only difference is where the stone happens to form. Bladder stones are a lot more common in dogs, as minerals have more time to form a stone while it’s sitting in the bladder. 

Bladder stones and kidney stones can have similar symptoms, but bladder stones are more likely to be symptomatic, while kidney stones are more likely to be incidental (they show no symptoms). 

Dogs can also get both bladder stones and kidney stones at the same time.

What Causes Kidney Stones in Dogs?

Vet holding urinary stone

Kidney stones in dogs occur when minerals in the urine don’t stay dissolved. Instead, they form a solid, stone-like material. This is usually just a few crystals at first, but if these crystals lodge in the kidney they collect more crystals, eventually forming a kidney stone. 


What foods cause kidney stones in dogs? While there are no specific foods that cause kidney stones in dogs, renal stones are more likely with certain diets. High mineral diets mean there are more minerals to move through the kidneys, increasing the chance of them precipitating out. Some diets also cause acidic or alkaline urine – if the pH of the urine changes, the minerals will not be able to stay dissolved. Diets made by reputable companies that carefully keep to AAFCO recommendations are less likely to cause kidney stones, as they won’t have high mineral levels.

Breeds and Genetics

Dog kidney stones are also more likely in certain breeds – differences in how breeds metabolize proteins or how their kidneys function may explain this. For example, all Dalmatians lack an enzyme for processing uric acid (a by-product of protein digestion), meaning they have high levels of uric acid in their urine. This is highly likely to form urate stones, but low-purine diets can help. The gene that causes this problem has also been found in some other breeds, including Bulldogs. 

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Urinary tract infections can cause struvite stones to form because some bacteria produce urease, an enzyme that causes alkaline urine. Although these stones are usually lower in the urinary tract, as this is where most dogs get an infection, struvite stones are sometimes found in the kidneys. Female dogs are more prone to urine infections than male dogs, but it’s important to keep an eye out for symptoms in most genders. Some anatomical abnormalities increase the risk of urine infections, so it’s a good idea to get repeated UTIs investigated.

Highly Concentrated Urine

The more concentrated the urine is, the less water is available to dissolve the minerals, increasing the risk of them precipitating out and forming a kidney stone. Highly concentrated urine can happen if dogs are dehydrated, perhaps on a hot day when their water bowl runs dry or after prolonged exercise. Dry food diets do not cause dehydration, but they do mean that dogs need to drink more of their water intake, rather than getting it in their diet. It’s always important that dogs have access to plenty of fresh water, but especially on hot days, during exercise, or if their diet is dry.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones in Dogs

Some dogs get symptoms of kidney stones, but some do not. Whether or not a kidney stone causes symptoms is often related to exactly where in the kidney it forms, as well as whether it prevents urine from flowing out of the kidney. 

Some renal calculi can form in such a way that they block the ureter and cause a build-up of urine in the kidney – this is painful and an emergency situation. On the other hand, some renal calculi will form in the part of the kidney called the renal pelvis and won’t obstruct anything, making it unlikely that they cause any symptoms. 

Dogs with kidney stones may have some of the following symptoms, which are approximately in order of least serious to most serious:

  • Recurrent urinary infections
  • Change in urine output
  • Bloody urine
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting

Your dog may have some of the symptoms, none of the symptoms, or all of them. 

Diagnosing Kidney Stones in Dogs

If your vet suspects kidney stones in your dog, they will first undertake a physical exam, looking for hydration status, abdominal pain, and any concurrent diseases. 

They will then recommend urine testing. They’re looking for the acidity of the urine, which may hint at what sort of stones could be present, as well as urine infections, which not only have similar symptoms but can cause struvite stones to appear. Your dog’s urine sample may also contain crystals of minerals – these are the individual molecules of minerals that haven’t joined to a stone. It’s possible to get crystals without stones, and even possible (though rare) to get stones without seeing crystals. Your vet can examine the crystals under the microscope to tell what sort of stones may be forming in your dog’s urinary tract.

Next, your vet will recommend imaging. X-rays are really useful for diagnosing kidney stones, as most of them show up well on X-ray. However, ultrasound is also useful, as it can show the stones that aren’t easily visible on X-ray as well as show whether there’s a build-up of fluid in the kidney, suggesting the stone is causing a blockage. In most cases, vets will do both an ultrasound and X-ray to get as much information as possible about your dog’s renal stones.

Kidney Stones in Dogs Treatment

Once your dog has been diagnosed with kidney stones, your vet will talk to you about treatment. There are several treatment options we will go into below. These include:

  • Dissolution diets (dissolving the stone)
  • Surgical removal
  • Stenting
  • Endoscopic removal
  • Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (shockwave therapy)

Dissolving the stone

Unless your dog’s renal stone is so large that it’s squashing the kidney, or in a place where it’s causing a blockage, your vet will probably recommend a dissolution diet. This is a prescription diet that is designed to dissolve the stone – the exact diet will depend on the type of stone your dog has formed. 

The diet changes the pH of the urine to something that encourages the minerals to dissolve again. It may also encourage dilute urine to help the stones to dissolve. You will also need to encourage water intake in your dog to make the urine as dilute as possible. 

Surgical removal

Surgical removal of stones in the kidneys should only be considered if they are causing a severe problem and aren’t responding to other, non-invasive methods. Removing the stone will involve opening up the kidney and/or ureter, both of which are extremely delicate structures. This operation will likely involve referral to a specialist surgical team. If the stone isn’t dissolving with diet, or if it’s causing a blockage or has become very large, your vet may suggest surgery as the best option to treat your dog’s kidney stones.


Stenting doesn’t treat the kidney stone itself, but it can bypass an obstruction caused by the stone and allow the dissolution time to do its work. A stent involves inflating a small balloon in your dog’s ureter, making the tube larger and allowing urine to flow past the blockage. It allows the medicated urine to flow past the stone, encouraging it to dissolve.

Endoscopic removal

In some cases, where the stone is too large for ultrasonic removal, removal of the stones using an endoscope is possible. This is a non-invasive surgical removal – your dog will likely need to be referred to a specialist surgical team and will still need a general anesthetic. This is ‘keyhole surgery’, and it means that recovery is quicker. 

Shockwave therapy

For some stones, a useful non-invasive procedure is ‘extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy’, known as EWSL or shockwave therapy. Shockwave therapy involves using a machine that generates shockwaves, which are directed at the stone. The stone breaks up under the influence of the shockwaves. Once the stone is smaller, it can be passed, or the obstruction is relieved, and the stones can be dissolved with diet. Shockwave therapy can only be performed if the stone is less than 1.5cm in diameter. 

Home remedies and homeopathic therapy

There are no recommended home remedies and homeopathic therapies for kidney stones in dogs. Kidney stones can become an emergency and even be fatal if they start to cause an obstruction, so it’s important to get recommended treatment as soon as you notice symptoms.

Cost to Treat Kidney Stones in Dogs

Kidney stone treatment costs vary greatly, depending on what treatment is necessary. First, you’ll need some investigations and exams, likely to be in the region of $200-$800 range. 

Dissolution diets, while more expensive than usual foods, are still a relatively cheap option. An 8.5lb bag costs around $50. 

However, when renal stones are causing serious problems, treatment costs rise. Your pup might need hospitalization, emergency exams, and specialist surgery with expensive equipment. Costs will reach into the thousands. It’s really important that you communicate any budgetary constraints to your vet as soon as possible, as they may be able to recommend an alternative route.

How to Prevent Dog Kidney Stones

Woman with Dalmatian dog

For most dogs, kidney stones are so rare that you don’t need to do anything to prevent them. Keeping your dog on a complete and balanced healthy diet made by a reputable company will keep their dietary mineral consumption within recommended ranges. Ensuring they always have plenty of water and treating any urine infections as soon as you notice signs are both important, too. 

However, there are some dogs that are at such an increased risk that prevention is sensible. Dalmatians – and any dogs known to have the gene mutation that causes the overproduction of uric acid – benefit from being on a low-purine diet to prevent urinary stone formation. Your vet can help to recommend a low-purine diet to help to prevent kidney stones in Dalmatians. 

If your dog has previously had urinary stones, they’re at an increased risk of getting them again. Once the stone is removed, they may need an ongoing stone prevention diet.

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What Are Dogs Allergic To? Common Allergens https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/what-are-dogs-allergic-to/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 02:53:42 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123764 Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to a wide variety of things, from pollen and dust to different foods. An allergy occurs when the body overreacts to certain substances called allergens, releasing histamine in an attempt to destroy the perceived invader.  Allergens, which are usually proteins, can be found in plants, animals, insects, and […]

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Just like humans, dogs can be allergic to a wide variety of things, from pollen and dust to different foods. An allergy occurs when the body overreacts to certain substances called allergens, releasing histamine in an attempt to destroy the perceived invader. 

Allergens, which are usually proteins, can be found in plants, animals, insects, and even foods. Dogs can also experience allergic reactions to chemicals, materials, and medications.

Read on to explore common dog allergies, allergy symptoms to look out for, and how to help your dog.

Signs of Allergies in Dogs

Dog licking paws

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In humans, allergies are commonly associated with sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. Although some allergic dogs do show these symptoms, allergies in dogs more commonly manifest as inflamed, itchy skin. The inflamed skin sometimes leads to skin or ear infections. Other dogs might have gastrointestinal signs, such as vomiting or diarrhea.

“Allergy symptoms in dogs can be similar to those of other medical conditions,” said Dr. Alejandro Caos, a veterinarian with at-home veterinary service The Vets. “A veterinarian can perform diagnostic tests to determine if the symptoms are indeed caused by allergies or if there is another underlying medical issue.”

Depending on the type of allergy and the individual dog, you might see:

  • Red, itchy skin
  • Rash
  • Skin infections
  • Hives
  • Poor coat
  • Excessive self-licking, especially of the paws
  • Sneezing
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy ears
  • Ear infections
  • Facial swelling
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea
  • Scooting on the ground

What Are Dogs Allergic To? Common Allergens

Beagle dog scratching

Knowing what is causing your dog’s allergies is the key to helping them find relief. Dogs might be allergic to just one allergen or might be affected by multiple allergens throughout the year.

“It’s super important for pet owners to work with their veterinarian to determine the cause of their dog’s allergies before attempting to treat the symptoms,” said Dr. Lindsay Butzer of Clint Moore Animal Hospital in Boca Raton, Florida. “Allergies can have many different triggers, and treating the symptoms without addressing the root cause won’t provide long-term relief for your furry friend.”

According to Dr. Caos, allergies in dogs can be broken down into five general categories: 

  • Flea allergies (flea allergy dermatitis, caused by flea bites)
  • Environmental allergies (e.g., pollens, mold, dust, and mites)
  • Food allergies
  • Contact allergies (any substance that contacts the skin, including plants, fabrics, and chemicals)
  • Insect stings (e.g., bees, wasps)

What Plants Are Dogs Allergic To?

In addition to dust, mold and mites, environmental allergies in dogs can be caused by almost any plant pollen spread by the wind. Common culprits include grass pollens, weed pollens, tree pollens, and flower pollens. Any pollen can be a potential allergen. 

What Foods Are Dogs Allergic To?

Dogs can have adverse reactions to foods, whether true food allergies or food intolerances. Dogs can be allergic to any food ingredient, but according to one study, the most common food allergens in dogs are: 

  • Beef
  • Dairy products 
  • Chicken 
  • Wheat

What Other Things Are Dogs Allergic To?

Contact allergies, caused by substances that come in contact with the dog’s skin, are less common than flea allergies, environmental allergies, and food allergies. Dogs can suffer from contact allergies to almost any substance, but common offenders include:

  • Cleaning products
  • Laundry detergent
  • Carpet fibers
  • Plants
  • Ingredients in topical parasiticides or flea collars
  • Topical medications and shampoos
  • Metals

How to Help Your Dog With Allergies

ova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever taking a bath at home

To know how to best treat and prevent allergies, your vet first needs to identify what your dog is allergic to. In addition to conducting a comprehensive physical exam, your vet will ask you questions about your dog’s lifestyle and when the allergies seem to be the worst. If signs of a flea infestation are seen, your vet will recommend starting your dog on an oral or topical flea preventive.

Allergy testing can be helpful to pinpoint environmental allergens. “Intradermal skin testing involves injecting small amounts of allergens under the skin to identify which allergens cause an allergic reaction in the dog,” Dr. Caos says. 

Food allergies are usually diagnosed using an elimination diet trial. Your vet will instruct you to feed your dog a special minimal-ingredient prescription diet that contains a single protein and a single carbohydrate source for about 8 to 12 weeks. During the trial, the dog cannot eat any other foods, including “people foods,” treats, or oral medications (including preventatives) that have added flavors. Speak with your veterinarian before discontinuiing any medications.

If the dog’s symptoms improve during the elimination diet trial, a food allergy is suspected. To identify the specific food or foods that the dog is allergic to, other ingredients are re-added back to the dog’s diet, one at a time. If the dog’s allergy symptoms return after the reintroduction of a certain ingredient, the allergy is confirmed. 

Once your vet has diagnosed allergies in your dog, they might prescribe or recommend certain medications. “There are several prescription medications available to treat allergies in dogs,” Dr. Butzer says. “These may include corticosteroids, antihistamines, and immunosuppressive drugs like cyclosporine. Your veterinarian will recommend the best treatment based on your dog’s specific needs and the severity of their allergies.”

Apoquel is a commonly prescribed oral medicine for allergic itch in dogs that provides fast, effective relief.

Apoquel medication bottle

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT, sometimes called allergy shots) can help improve a dog’s tolerance to allergens, in turn reducing allergy symptoms. 

You can also help your dog by removing allergens from their environment through frequent cleaning and vacuuming, and washing your dog’s bedding regularly. Bathing your dog with a moisturizing oatmeal shampoo can help soothe itchy skin and remove pollen, dust, and other problematic substances from their fur. If the allergies are caused by food, avoiding the problem ingredients should resolve your dog’s allergies. Keep in mind that some dogs may have multiple types of allergies, so management may be more complex in these scenarios.

Allergies can be uncomfortable for dogs, and management of allergies in dogs is usually lifelong. Identifying what’s causing your dog’s allergies is the key to relieving their discomfort, but you can rest assured that veterinarians are skilled at diagnosing allergies. 

“Allergy testing is not always necessary to diagnose allergies in dogs, as other methods can be used,” Dr. Caos says. “A veterinarian will determine the most appropriate diagnostic approach based on the dog’s symptoms, medical history, and potential exposure to allergens.”

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What Are Cats Allergic To? Common Allergens  https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/what-are-cats-allergic-to/ Tue, 13 Jun 2023 02:52:28 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123723 When you hear the phrase “cat allergies,” your mind probably goes to humans who are allergic to cats. That’s not surprising, as an estimated 10 to 20 percent of people are allergic to our feline friends (1). But humans aren’t the only ones who suffer from allergies—cats can also be allergic to many of the […]

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When you hear the phrase “cat allergies,” your mind probably goes to humans who are allergic to cats. That’s not surprising, as an estimated 10 to 20 percent of people are allergic to our feline friends (1). But humans aren’t the only ones who suffer from allergies—cats can also be allergic to many of the same things as people. 

Luckily, cats are not typically allergic to humans, but we do share some common allergens. Cats can be allergic to environmental allergens like dust and pollen, certain types of food, and flea saliva. But how can you tell if your cat has an allergy, and how do you pinpoint what is causing the reaction? Here’s what you need to know.

Signs of Allergies in Cats

Cat is itching its neck

The most common signs of environmental and flea allergies in cats are seen in the skin and ears. “Skin and ears can become itchy. There could also be fur loss,” explains Emily Swiniarski, DVM, chief medical officer of PAWS Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. “However, cats are very secretive, so you might not see them scratching.”

Cats with allergies often get secondary skin infections or have red bumps, especially if fleas are involved. Cats can also get a rash-like skin condition called miliary dermatitis in response to allergens.

In addition to thinning fur behind the ears, allergy cats can have inflammation and hair loss on the face, neck, lower back/rump, belly, and thighs.

With food allergies in cats, the most common sign is itchy, irritated skin. That being said, there is the possibility that a food allergy could also cause gastrointestinal symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting, change in appetite, and weight loss.

It can be very difficult to diagnose allergies in cats. “Sometimes we joke that cats don’t read our textbooks, because there can be a wide variety of clinical presentations for different ailments, including allergies,” says Dr. Ekaterina Mendoza-Kuznetsova, V.V.Z., DECVD, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences at Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in North Grafton, Massachusetts. “On top of that, it can also be difficult to differentiate allergies from similar conditions.”

What Are Cats Allergic To? Common Allergens

Cat investigates as its owner dusts the radiator

As mentioned earlier, cats and people can be allergic to many of the same things. “Anything that could create allergies in a human can create allergies in a cat,” Dr. Swiniarski says. “They can be allergic to all sorts of grasses, pollen, and plants, as well as dust mites, fleas, and dogs or other pets.”

Allergies in cats can be broken down into a few general categories, including:

  • Flea allergies (flea allergy dermatitis, caused by flea bites)
  • Environmental allergies (e.g., pollen, grass, dust, mold)
  • Food allergies
  • Contact allergies (anything that comes in contact with the skin, such as shampoos, or fabrics like wool)
  • Feline asthma (triggered by inhaled substances in the air like smoke or perfume)

Perhaps the most common allergen for cats is flea bites. “With a flea allergy, a single bite can cause a hypersensitive reaction that could potentially last for a couple of weeks,” Dr. Mendoza-Kuznetsova says. “And you might never see a flea. All it takes is one bite and for the flea to jump to a different host.”

What Plants Are Cats Allergic To?

In addition to common environmental allergens like dust and mold, pollen spread by plants can cause allergies in cats. Common culprits include tree pollens, grass pollens, weed pollens, and flower pollens.

If your cat is showing signs of an environmental allergy, your veterinarian may treat them without knowing exactly which allergen is to blame. “Cats can be allergic to a variety of grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers, but it’s hard to figure out which one is causing the reaction,” Dr. Swiniarski says. There is also a lack of scientific research into which plants cats might be most allergic to. This may have to do with how difficult it is to diagnose allergies in cats.

What Foods are Cats Allergic To?

When it comes to food allergies, cats are most often allergic to proteins, such as meat and dairy. Common food allergens in cats include:

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Egg
  • Soy
  • Milk

Food allergies can present suddenly, even if a cat has been eating the same food for years, Dr. Mendoza-Kuznetsova notes. “A cat may have been eating chicken for a decade without any problems. But suddenly—and no one knows why—this cat may develop an allergy to chicken. Onset is unpredictable.” 

Cats cannot be allergic to a food that they have never tried before, Dr. Mendoza-Kuznetsova adds. So, if a cat presents with a chicken allergy, a common solution is to transition that cat’s diet to a novel protein, such as lamb. 

How to Help Your Cat with Allergies

Veterinarian examining cat in the clinic

If your veterinarian determines that your cat is suffering from allergies, there are some steps you can take to help your feline companion.

For cats with flea bite allergies, the most important step is to get them on a good flea control product. “It may take a few months, but a flea control product will decrease the number of fleas around a cat, which will lead to less bites,” Dr. Mendoza-Kuznetsova says.

If your cat has a food allergy, an elimination diet is necessary to pinpoint the food that is causing the issue. “The only way to diagnose a food allergy is a diet trial, which is very strict and not easy for picky eaters like cats,” Dr. Mendoza-Kuznetsova explains. You will work with your veterinarian to systematically remove different foods from your cat’s diet until there is an improvement in symptoms. To confirm that a particular ingredient is the culprit, you add it back to the diet and see if clinical signs reappear. Any offending foods are then permanently removed from your cat’s diet. 

As for environmental allergies, there are intradermal skin tests available, but they are not generally used to make diagnoses. “They’re only used for identifying what a cat is likely allergic to once we determine that cat is suffering from an environmental allergy, and they’re only utilized after a clinical workup has been done by a veterinarian,” Dr. Mendoza-Kuznetsova says.

It’s impossible to keep your cat safe from all allergens, especially ones like pollen and dust that get into your home, no matter how clean you keep it. That means that pet parents who have cats with environmental allergies should focus on treating symptoms, rather than trying to prevent them from happening.

“Your vet may recommend an antihistamine like cetirizine—also known as Zyrtec—to help mitigate your cat’s symptoms,” Dr. Swiniarski says. “We also have medications that can help with itchiness that we prescribe relatively frequently.” Many cats with allergies usually need more than antihistamines alone—they might need cyclosporine (Atopica) or another immunomodulator. Allergy shots (allergen-specific immunotherapy/ASIT) are also used in cats to help improve their tolerance to allergens.

As with any medical issues, pet parents should work with their cat’s care team to develop a treatment plan and should not give any medication without consulting with their veterinarian first.

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Methimazole for Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/methimazole-for-cats/ Thu, 01 Jun 2023 03:48:54 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123379 Hyperthyroidism in cats is the most common endocrine disorder found in domestic cats, particularly older cats. It is most often diagnosed in senior felines ages 8 years and older.   Feline hyperthyroidism is nearly always caused by a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of the thyroid gland. While it can also be caused by cancerous thyroid tumors, […]

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Hyperthyroidism in cats is the most common endocrine disorder found in domestic cats, particularly older cats. It is most often diagnosed in senior felines ages 8 years and older.  

Feline hyperthyroidism is nearly always caused by a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of the thyroid gland. While it can also be caused by cancerous thyroid tumors, thyroid carcinoma is far less common in cats. 

In both cases, veterinarians may recommend the medication methimazole to manage hyperthyroidism in cats, alone or as part of a broader treatment plan.

What is Methimazole?

Methimazole is an antithyroid thioamide that inhibits the formation of thyroid hormones. It is used to treat hyperthyroidism in both humans and animals.

Methimazole is available in both brand name and generic formulations. Of the branded options, only the formulation that goes by the brand name Felimazole is FDA-approved to treat hyperthyroidism in cats. Felimazole was granted approval by the FDA in May, 2009. 

Generic formulations of methimazole are considered extra-label, meaning they can be used at the discretion of your veterinarian. 

Is Methimazole Safe for Cats? 

Yes, methimazole is safe for adult cats, as long as they are not pregnant or nursing.

Methimazole is available for use in cats only with a prescription from your veterinarian. You can fill the prescription at a pharmacy or check with your veterinary clinic, as many keep methimazole in stock.

Because methimazole is also used in humans, it is generally widely available and inexpensive. 

What Does Methimazole for Cats Look Like?

Methimazole is a medication used to treat hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. It works by inhibiting the production of thyroid

Methimazole comes in liquid and tablet format for oral administration, as well as a transdermal gel that can be applied to and absorbed by a cat’s skin. 

Generic methimazole tablets are small, round, and white. There may be imprinted letters on the tablet. If there is a number imprinted on the tablet, it indicates the strength of the pill. Felimazole brand tablets are coated in a hard, shiny shell, which may be pink or orange, depending on the dose. 

The transdermal formulation of methimazole is a viscous gel that may appear clear or translucent. It comes in a metered dispenser for more accurate dosing.

What Is Methimazole Used For in Cats?

Methimazole is used to treat hyperthyroidism in cats, which occurs when the thyroid gland is overactive and produces more thyroid hormones than a cat’s body needs. 

Thyroid hormones are responsible for managing a cat’s metabolism, which is akin to the “energy engine” of the feline body. When thyroid hormone levels are elevated, it causes a cat’s body to run in “overdrive.” This imbalance puts a huge strain on a cat’s body and organs, which can cause severe illness, such as heart disease, and even death.

The most common symptom of hyperthyroidism reported by cat parents is weight loss despite an increase in appetite. Other signs of hyperthyroidism in cats include vomiting, increased thirst and urination, and changes in behavior. Your veterinarian may also notice a heart murmur, increased blood pressure, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.

How Does Methimazole Work?

Hyperthyroidism in cats is a progressive disease that requires lifelong management. As an antithyroid drug, Methimazole works by preventing the formation of thyroid hormones — specifically thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). This action is dose-dependent, so it can be adjusted to keep a cat’s thyroid hormones at the optimum level. 

Unfortunately, over time, cats are likely to require more methimazole to manage their hyperthyroidism. Over many years, the medication may eventually become ineffective or require a dose so high that it causes unwanted side effects.

Although thyroid carcinoma is rare, cats treated for hyperthyroidism are at increased risk for developing the cancerous disease. 

How to Give Methimazole to Cats

There are two different ways to give methimazole: by mouth (orally) and on the skin (transdermally). 

  • Tablets and liquids should be given by mouth every 12 hours. It is okay to hide the tablet in a small amount of food. Tablets should not be crushed because that can alter absorption. If your cat resists tablets and liquids, talk to your veterinarian about transdermal formulations. 
  • Transdermal gel should be given according to package instructions. The medication is typically applied to a hairless surface of your cat’s skin, such as the inner surface of the ear pinna (ear flap). Wear gloves when applying the medication. Alternate ears each dose and clean the other ear pinna with warm water and gentle soap to prevent build-up. 

Methimazole for Cats: Side Effects

There are many possible side effects of methimazole that you may notice at home. These include:

  • not eating (anorexia)
  • vomiting
  • weight loss
  • weight gain
  • itchiness (especially of the face)
  • weakness
  • lethargy

Cats are most likely to show signs of such side effects during the first month of treatment, and these often resolve over time. 

Cats with gastrointestinal upset as a result of methimazole may tolerate transdermal formulations without side effects. 

Changes to a cat’s organ function may also occur, including inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) and decrease in kidney function. Although it is rare, some cats can develop blood abnormalities when taking methimazole, in which case the medication should be discontinued. 

Symptoms of Too Much Methimazole in Cats

It’s important to note that any side effects that may stem from giving your cat methimazole are not dose-dependent. That means that you cannot rely on symptoms of overdose to determine if your cat is taking too much of the drug.

Thyroid values should be monitored regularly by a veterinarian to make sure your cat’s dose is appropriate. 

Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

Administration of methimazole with phenobarbital or anticoagulant medications may decrease their efficacy. Some parasite preventatives should not be given with methimazole. Cats who are on some medications before starting methimazole may need to adjust their dose after their thyroid disease is controlled. These include theophylline, blood pressure medications, and certain heart medications. 

Methimazole Dosage for Cats 

Methimazole for cats is dosed based on individual response. Most cats are started on a low dose and increased slowly following serial blood testing of thyroid levels. The goal is to keep total thyroid hormone (T4) within the normal range. There is no defined maximum dose for methimazole in cats. However, if methimazole is not effective for your cat, your veterinarian may recommend alternative treatments.

What if My Cat Misses a Dose of Methimazole?

If your cat misses a dose of methimazole, give the next dose at the appropriate time. Do not double doses or give doses too close together to compensate for the missed dose. 

If your cat misses a dose within 1 week of a planned thyroid level testing, alert your veterinarian as the missed dose may alter results.

Alternatives to Methimazole for Cats

If your cat develops side effects from methimazole or their disorder does not respond to the medication, talk to your veterinarian about alternative treatments for hyperthyroidism. These include:

I-131 radiotherapy – Injection of radioactive iodine that destroys the thyroid gland. This treatment is used in both humans and animals to cure hyperthyroidism.

Surgical thyroidectomy – Surgery to remove the enlarged thyroid gland, which eliminates the disease.

Iodine-free diet – Therapeutic diet for cats made without iodine and available by prescription only. This will not cure hyperthyroidism in cats, but can be used to manage the disease provided cats are restricted to a prescription, iodine-free diet only.

Cost of Methimazole for Cats

Generic methimazole tablets are inexpensive and can be purchased directly through your veterinarian or a prescription to a human pharmacy. A month of tablets will cost $5-50. 

Liquid and transdermal formulations may be more expensive at $40-75 per month.

Methimazole Storage Instructions

Methimazole should be stored at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, in a sealed container unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. 

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Can Dogs Get Dandruff? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/can-dogs-get-dandruff/ Wed, 31 May 2023 20:18:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123340 When we think about dandruff, our minds typically go to how it impacts humans: itching, discomfort, and embarrassment. But what about your dog? You might be noticing white flakes on their coat and a trail of specks on the dog bed, sofa, and carpet, leaving you wondering – can dogs get dandruff?  In this article, […]

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When we think about dandruff, our minds typically go to how it impacts humans: itching, discomfort, and embarrassment. But what about your dog? You might be noticing white flakes on their coat and a trail of specks on the dog bed, sofa, and carpet, leaving you wondering – can dogs get dandruff? 

In this article, we’ll provide a better understanding of dog dandruff –  including the possible causes and treatment options – giving you the tools to offer your dog relief from the itchy condition.

Can Dogs Get Dandruff?

As you may have guessed, the answer is yes, those white flakes you’re seeing on your pup could be dandruff. In fact, dog dandruff is common, according to Dr. Jennifer Frione, veterinarian and owner of Lakeside Animal Hospital in Plantation, Florida.

The condition, also known as seborrhea, occurs when the sebaceous (oil) glands in the skin produce too much oil, leading to dry, red, inflamed, and itchy skin. “Dandruff appears as flakes of dead skin cells on the coat,” Frione says.

Despite the ick factor, dog dandruff isn’t a serious medical condition – but it can be uncomfortable. Skin irritation and itching are common when your dog has dandruff, and it can cause them to scratch excessively, which can lead to hair loss.

It’s possible for dandruff to appear anywhere on your dog’s body, but it tends to be more common along their back. Dandruff can also cause red, inflamed skin, especially in areas with skin folds, including the feet, thighs, bellies, armpits, neck, and lips.

In some breeds, including Basset Hounds, American Cocker Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, Dachshunds, Golden Retrievers and West Highland White Terriers, dog dandruff can be an inherited condition. If dandruff is inherited, the symptoms usually appear when dogs are 18 to 24 months of age and last throughout their lives.

What About Puppy Dandruff? 

Puppies can get dandruff as well. In fact, they may be more prone to dandruff than older dogs. The reason: their sebaceous glands are still developing and need time to regulate. 

Dog Dandruff: What Does it Look Like?

Black dog with dandruff

Dog dandruff can appear as white, flaky scales on the coat, according to Dr. Frione. The white flakes “tend to be more prominent [along] the back and can often have red and itchy skin associated with it,” she adds.

Dandruff is easier to spot in dogs with short, dark coats and harder to see on dogs with long, light hair, including white hair, that can camouflage the flakes.

Why Does My Dog Have Dandruff? Causes to Consider

When a dog has dandruff, veterinarians will do an exam to check for things like oiliness in the skin, odor, texture of the skin and coat, and degree of flakiness to figure out what’s causing the flakes, redness, and irritation. 

Your vet will diagnose “primary seborrhea” if the dandruff appears to be inherited or genetic. If it’s not an inherited condition, it’s considered “secondary seborrhea,” which means another medical condition is causing dog dandruff.

6 Common Possible Causes of Dog Dandruff

Hormonal disorders. Certain diseases that cause hormone imbalances, including hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease, can lead to dry, flaky skin. This dog dandruff typically appears in middle-aged or older dogs who have flaking skin but aren’t super itchy.

Allergies. Dogs who are diagnosed with dandruff before they are five years old may have allergies.

Infections. Both bacterial infections and fungal infections, including yeast infections on the skin, can cause dog dandruff. When dandruff occurs alongside symptoms like boils, pimples or other bumps on the skin, it could be a sign of a bacterial infection. 

Nutrition deficiencies. Dandruff in dogs is often a side effect of a diet that doesn’t contain enough Omega-3 fatty acids

Obesity. When dogs are too overweight to groom themselves, it can cause oil to build up on the skin and lead to dandruff.

Environmental factors. Changes in temperature and humidity can cause changes in your dog’s skin.

Given that there are a number of potential causes of dog dandruff, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

They may recommend a blood test, hormone tests, and skin scraping, culture or biopsy to help diagnose the cause of dandruff.

Walking Dandruff

Interestingly, sometimes dandruff is not dandruff at all, meaning the white “flakes” you see on your puppy or adult dog are actually parasites. The condition is called walking dandruff.

“Walking dandruff, or Cheyletiellosis, is a skin parasite that affects dogs, cats, rabbits, and even humans,” Dr. Frione says. “It’s not very common, but it is very contagious and is characterized as large white mites ‘walking’ on the coat. The condition causes excessive scaling and itchiness.” 

How to Get Rid of Dog Dandruff: Treatment Options

There is no one-size-fits-all dog dandruff treatment. “The treatment depends on the cause and should be tailored to the underlying condition,” says Dr. Frione. 

Often, treating bacterial or fungal infections, changing diet, losing weight, or treating allergies will cause dandruff to disappear. When dog dandruff is genetic, treating the symptoms to provide itch relief and prevent secondary infections is the best option. 

Your vet may recommend one (or more) of these treatments:

  • Omega-3 fatty acid supplements
  • Medicated shampoos to alleviate dry skin and itchiness
  • Prescription corticosteroid medications 
  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections
  • Antifungal medications
  • Parasite treatment to kill mites (walking dandruff)

Pet owners have tried a variety of home remedies for dog dandruff and itching. For example, bathing your dog in a 50/50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water is said to help soothe some itching. However, home remedies can also cause skin conditions to worsen. Therefore, it’s important to consult your veterinarian before trying any home remedies.

It’s also important to note that you should never treat dog dandruff with non-pet dandruff products. Be sure to skip any dandruff treatments meant for humans, including shampoos. Some human supplements and medications contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, and dandruff shampoos that weren’t made for pets could make their skin even more red and irritated.

Can You Prevent Dog Dandruff?

No one wants their dog to live with red, flaky, inflamed skin and/or irritation and itchiness. These strategies can help prevent dog dandruff:

Good grooming. Brushing your dog not only removes dead hair; it also helps distribute the oil across their skin and coat, which could reduce dandruff.

Proper diet. Commercial dog diets contain all of the nutrients your dog needs for a healthy skin and coat. Your veterinarian may recommend dog food that has a fish protein, which is higher in Omega-3 fatty acids, to see if it helps alleviate itchy, flaky skin.

Weight loss. A dog that is too obese to groom themselves isn’t able to spread the oils from their sebaceous glands throughout their skin and coat or remove excess hair. Talk to your veterinarian about a safe weight management approach.

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Bladder Cancer in Cats: Symptoms and Treatment https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/bladder-cancer-in-cats-symptoms-and-treatment/ Wed, 31 May 2023 17:23:09 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123300 Bladder cancer in cats is very uncommon. Because of this, we’re still learning a lot about feline bladder cancer, and a lot of what we do know is extrapolated from the findings about bladder cancer in dogs and people. In cats who do develop cancer of their urinary tract, the bladder is the second most […]

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Bladder cancer in cats is very uncommon. Because of this, we’re still learning a lot about feline bladder cancer, and a lot of what we do know is extrapolated from the findings about bladder cancer in dogs and people. In cats who do develop cancer of their urinary tract, the bladder is the second most common site, with lymphoma of the kidneys (renal lymphoma) being the most common urinary tract cancer in cats.

Even though bladder cancer in cats is rare, you don’t have to face this diagnosis on your own. Here, we’ll explain the causes, symptoms, and treatment options you can expect if your feline family member is diagnosed with bladder cancer.

What Is Bladder Cancer?

Our pets can develop benign polyps in the bladder, and they can develop tumors in other parts of the urinary tract, such as the kidneys, ureters (tubes from kidneys to bladder), and urethra (tube from bladder to outside of body). When we refer to bladder cancer, we specifically mean malignant tumors of the bladder.

In both cats and dogs, the most common cancer of the urinary bladder is called transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). This tumor arises from the cells that line the bladder and part of the urethra. While this tumor is almost always found in the lower neck of the bladder in dogs, the site of a bladder tumor in cats is more variable. This means that we can’t assume a tumor isn’t a TCC just because it’s located somewhere else in the bladder.

Other types of cancer can affect the urinary bladder, such as rhabdomyosarcoma or lymphoma. While we’ll mainly focus on TCC in cats, other cancers of the bladder have similar signs and similar treatment methods (surgery vs chemotherapy vs NSAIDs).

Stages of Bladder Cancer in Cats

When a cat is diagnosed with bladder cancer, the veterinarian will want to perform staging. When staging, they will measure the primary tumor, determine if the cancer is in nearby lymph nodes, and check for spread (metastasis) to other organs. Additional areas that transitional cell carcinoma is known to spread to include the lungs, lymph nodes, abdominal wall, kidneys, pancreas, and liver, among others.

TCC in cats doesn’t currently have its own validated staging system. There is a form of staging from the World Health Organization called the TNM staging system, focused on the primary tumor (T), lymph nodes (N), and distant metastases (M). If desired, this can be used to set a specific stage for the tumor.

Staging usually involves imaging, such as X-rays of the abdomen and chest, abdominal ultrasound, and potentially a CT scan. Accessible lymph nodes may be aspirated with a needle to collect cells to study for evidence of spread, though aspiration of lymph nodes in the abdomen is not recommended when TCC is suspected.

It’s not currently known what percentage of cats have metastatic disease when they’re first diagnosed, though some estimates state approximately 20 percent of cats already have spread. 

Causes of Cat Bladder Cancer

The cause of bladder cancer in cats is not fully understood. Utilizing what we know about bladder cancer in dogs and humans, some of the potential contributing factors could include:

  • Carcinogens excreted in the urine that cause changes to the cells in the bladder or urethra
  • Exposure to older formulas of insecticides and pesticides for flea and ticks
  • Use of a chemotherapy drug called cyclophosphamide
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Obesity
  • Older age (median age at time of diagnosis is 15 years)

Symptoms of Bladder Cancer in Cats

Sick cat lying in bed

The symptoms of bladder cancer in cats often mimic other more common conditions, such as a urinary tract infection, feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), or bladder stones. It’s important not to immediately assume your cat has cancer if you note these signs, but if their clinical signs are not resolving despite treatment for infection and inflammation, bladder cancer is a potential diagnosis.

Symptoms include:

  • Straining to urinate
  • Blood in urine
  • Frequent urination with small amounts of urine produced
  • Straining while defecating
  • Difficulty breathing and coughing
  • Unkempt appearance
  • Overgrooming of genitals or belly
  • Urinating outside the litterbox
  • Vocalizing, especially in the litterbox
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Inability to urinate

The worst-case scenario is that the bladder tumor obstructs the urethra or a ureter. If the urethra is obstructed, your pet will be unable to urinate. This puts them at risk for bladder rupture and kidney failure. If the ureter is blocked, urine will be unable to flow from the kidney to the bladder, which would cause the kidney to enlarge and fail.

If your cat is vocalizing in the litter box but producing minimal to no urine, appears to have an enlarged abdomen, begins acting lethargic, loses their appetite, or is vomiting, this warrants a trip to an emergency veterinarian. Keep in mind that even with these symptoms, your cat is more likely to have a urinary blockage due to FLUTD than they are to have bladder cancer.

Diagnosing Bladder Cancer in Cats

Physical Exam

To diagnose bladder cancer in a cat, your veterinarian will start with a physical examination. They’ll want to perform testing to rule out the most common causes of urinary abnormalities. This could include a urinalysis with culture, blood work, abdominal radiographs, and abdominal ultrasound. If your pet appears to be blocked due to FLUTD (more common in males), your veterinarian is likely to attempt passing a urinary catheter to relieve obstruction.

If your pet has evidence of a urinary tract infection but no bladder stones, your veterinarian will typically start by treating the infection. If the signs do not improve or promptly recur, then bladder cancer should be considered as a rule-out.

Again, FLUTD in cats causes a lot of the same symptoms as both infection and a bladder tumor, but it’s more common than either of these conditions. If your veterinarian doesn’t find evidence of an infection but there is blood in the urine, your pet is much more likely to have FLUTD than they are to have bladder cancer, and they may recommend changing to a prescription urinary diet and reducing stressors in your cat’s environment.


An ultrasound would be recommended to rule out the presence of a tumor or stones that were not detected on X-ray. Some veterinarians may do a special contrast study where a contrast dye that can be visualized on X-ray is injected into the bladder.


In cats, the most common way to get a biopsy of the tumor is through abdominal surgery. This is because they have a very small urethra, which may make cystoscopy (passing a camera through the urethra into the bladder) or the use of a catheter to collect a sample nearly impossible.

If your veterinarian sees a tumor on ultrasound, it may be tempting for them to stick a needle into the tumor to aspirate a few cells rather than doing surgery to collect a sample. For suspected transitional cell carcinomas, this isn’t recommended. TCC is known to travel along needle tracks, which may cause the tumor to “seed” to other areas of the body. This is a well-known occurrence in dogs, and there are reports of cats having their body wall affected via this presumed method as well.

Treatment for Cat Bladder Cancer

Cat using litter box

When we think of treatment for bladder cancer in cats, we typically focus on surgery, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and chemotherapy.


Surgery can be done if the tumor is small and confined to the body of the bladder. The ureters and urethra connect to the bladder in the neck area, often making surgery impossible if the tumor is in the neck of the bladder. Although most TCCs still recur after tumor removal, surgery currently has the most potential to extend life out of any known treatment.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

The use of NSAIDs has been shown to prolong survival in cats with TCC. Reportedly, the use of oral piroxicam can increase survival up to 6 months. Treatment can be complicated by pre-existing conditions, especially chronic kidney disease in older cats, which may limit NSAIDs as an option for your pet.  


Multiple chemotherapy protocols exist and will typically require your cat see the oncologist for a treatment every couple of weeks for a set number of treatments. With chemotherapy, you can expect your pet to receive multiple rechecks of blood work to ensure their body is tolerating the treatment. Chemotherapy medications result in decreased white blood cell counts, which can affect your pet’s ability to fight infection, so your veterinarian will want to ensure the white blood cell counts are not falling too low before giving their next chemotherapy dose.

Importantly, chemotherapy in pets is aimed at improving quality of life for as long as possible rather than radically pursuing a cure. Because of this, our pets typically tolerate chemotherapy much better than humans. You should report any side effects to your veterinarian so that they can ensure your cat remains comfortable throughout the process. 


Your veterinarian may recommend radiation therapy. While this can be a good option for some pets, radiation therapy requires travel to a location that performs the procedure – often a university with a veterinary medicine program – and anesthesia each time the procedure is performed. For some pet parents, it is cost-prohibitive due to the time, money, and travel required.

Radical Surgery

Radical surgeries, such as removal of the entire bladder, can theoretically be performed. With this surgery, the bladder is removed, and the ureters are attached to either the colon or vagina. Because there is no longer a bladder to store urine, the cat becomes incontinent. This altered anatomy also significantly increases the risk of infection. These pets will frequently require long-term antibiotics and frequent blood monitoring to ensure their kidneys are functioning well. Because the ureters are such small tubes, it’s not uncommon for them to become blocked by scarring, which would ultimately result in kidney failure. This surgery isn’t recommended by most veterinarians.


The role of stenting isn’t well known but may have a place in the management of TCC in cats. In a 2020 study, 11.9 percent of cats with bladder cancer had involvement of their urethra, 11.9 percent had evidence of obstruction of a ureter, and 5.1 percent had evidence of both urethral and ureteral involvement. 

Stents in these areas could allow urine to continue passing through, preventing obstruction. The placement of stents is a highly specialized procedure, so travel would likely be required if you are able to find a veterinarian experienced in stent placement.

Home Care 

When your cat has a bladder tumor, they have a higher chance of developing a bladder infection. Your pet will require frequent monitoring of their urine to ensure they are not developing a UTI. If this occurs, your pet will need antibiotics to treat the infection.

When your pet is at home, ensure they have easy access to food, water, and litter boxes. Your pet may have increased urgency to urinate, so you can help prevent accidents by having multiple litter boxes in easily accessed locations. 

Prognosis for Cats with Bladder Cancer

Survival times for cats with bladder cancer are not as well defined as they are in dogs, but one study involving 20 cats with TCC found a median survival time of 261 days. This included cats who received no treatment, as well as cats who received a variety of treatment protocols. A 2020 study found a median survival time of 155 days.

Untreated, the estimate for survival is 1-3 months. Medical management (NSAIDS and/or chemotherapy) has an estimated survival time of 5-6 months. If tumor location allows for surgery to be performed, cats who receive both surgery and medical management have an estimated survival time of 9-10 months.

End stage bladder cancer in cats usually involves obstruction of either the urethra or a ureter, preventing the flow of urine from kidney to bladder to outside of the body. This results in kidney failure. At this point, many pet parents elect to help their feline family member pass on peacefully via humane euthanasia. 

Cost to Treat Bladder Cancer in Cats

The cost to treat feline bladder cancer depends on the selected treatment method, which can range from around $2,000 up to $10,000. More conservative management would include imaging to confirm the presence of a tumor, blood work and urinalysis, and the use of NSAIDs. In this scenario, you would be keeping your pet comfortable and then electing for euthanasia when quality of life becomes a concern.

Once you add in chemotherapy, the cost will start to increase. Each treatment with chemotherapy costs several hundred dollars, and lab work will need to be rechecked prior to each treatment.

If surgery is an option for your pet, you can expect this to add several thousand dollars to the total cost, particularly if the procedure is performed by a specialist. For a cat to receive surgery, NSAIDs, and chemotherapy, you are looking at the higher end of the estimate.

How to Prevent Bladder Cancer in Cats

Because we are still learning a lot about bladder cancer in cats, we don’t currently know how to prevent the disease. While we cannot guarantee that it will prevent TCC, a healthy lifestyle is always recommended. Keep your cat at a healthy weight, feed a healthy diet, and ensure they always have access to clean, fresh water.

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Dog MRI: Everything You Need to Know https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-mri/ Wed, 31 May 2023 15:58:50 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123278 We’ve all heard of X-rays, and most people will also have heard of a CT scan. But what about MRI? MRIs in humans are pretty common, and they’re becoming more common for our pets. In fact, a dog MRI can be really useful in diagnosing certain neurological problems.  If your dog needs an MRI, you’ll […]

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We’ve all heard of X-rays, and most people will also have heard of a CT scan. But what about MRI? MRIs in humans are pretty common, and they’re becoming more common for our pets. In fact, a dog MRI can be really useful in diagnosing certain neurological problems. 

If your dog needs an MRI, you’ll want to know what to expect, the cost, and the risks associated with it. In this article, we’ll cover all of this and more.

What Is an MRI? 

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It uses large magnets to create an image of body tissues, by measuring how quickly protons in the body react to the magnet. It is non-invasive, non-harmful, and the most advanced type of imaging we use for dogs and other pets.

While useful for many conditions, MRIs are the diagnostic tool of choice for brain and spinal cord problems. In these conditions, CT scans and X-rays are of limited assistance. X-rays show bones really well, because they absorb lots of radiation, but this means they can’t show an image of what’s inside a bone like the skull. CT scans are similar, as they’re produced by taking lots of X-rays in a circle. 

That’s where MRI comes in – the bone doesn’t block the MRI in the same way. MRIs can also ‘see’ smaller issues – down to 1-2 mm in size – which would be missed with a CT scan. This makes MRIs great for dogs with neurological problems or some cancers where small but significant problems may not otherwise be caught.

Why Do Dogs Need MRIs?

MRIs can theoretically be used to diagnose most problems with a physical cause. However, because the machines are expensive to run, most veterinarians don’t have access to one. That’s why they will try to utilize X-ray or ultrasound for anything they can. 

This means MRIs for dogs are typically reserved for uncovering things that X-rays and ultrasounds can’t – such as the cause of neurological abnormalities like wobbliness, seizures, paralysis, or back pain. 

MRIs usually diagnose:

MRIs may also be employed to diagnose complex joint conditions or abdominal conditions if X-rays or CT scans are not available. Because MRIs can image smaller problems than even CT scans can, they may be used for diagnosing some types of diffuse cancers where small changes can still be significant.

Types of Dog MRIs

MRIs in dogs are usually of the “normal” type. They look at a part of the body and produce an image of it, just like an X-ray would.

You may also come across the term ‘functional’ MRI, or “fMRI.” This is a type of MRI that looks at the brain and watches areas “light up” when they’re in use. It is used with humans to visualize why a patient has speech loss and memory issues, and to help plan brain surgery. 

fMRIs are not generally utilized with dogs. This is because dogs generally need an anesthetic for an MRI, which prevents their brain from functioning correctly. However, there are several studies where dogs have been trained to lie still for the fMRI, allowing research into things like whether an fMRI can predict a good service dog. fMRIs are helpful for research purposes but are unlikely to be recommended for pet dogs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

MRI for Dogs: Risks to Consider

dog sedated for MRI

The main risk for a dog MRI is that in order for pups to stay still for it, they need a general anesthetic. MRIs can take an hour or more, depending on what is being imaged, and it’s essential that the animal doesn’t move during this time. 

While all anesthetics carry a risk, your dog’s condition may mean they are more at risk than normal. Your veterinarian will explain all the risks as they apply to your pet, and what they will do to minimize those risks – like running blood tests to check organ function before the anesthetic. 

As MRIs are produced by a giant magnet, some dogs will also be at risk if they have metal in their body. While this is more common in humans, some dogs will have a pacemaker or bone implants that may mean it’s not safe for them to get an MRI. Please make sure your veterinarian knows about any previous surgeries, as this may change whether an MRI is suitable for your dog.

What to Expect During a Dog MRI

If your dog needs an MRI, be prepared to travel to a large hospital and have a long wait while they’re imaged. Your veterinarian will talk about your dog’s individual risks with you before the study – you should be honest about any previous issues or surgeries to ensure your dog is as safe as possible for the procedure. 

When your dog goes for his MRI, they’ll first be assessed by a veterinarian to make sure that the anesthetic will be safe. The veterinarian will give a sedation, followed by the anesthetic. Your dog will have a cannula placed in their leg to enable venous access, and will usually be attached to a fluid bag (drip) to keep them hydrated and their blood pressure normal. 

Once they are fully asleep and stable, your dog will be taken to the MRI suite. They will be put onto a special table that slides into the center of the machine, and will be positioned so the area of interest is central in the machine. They may have a contrast agent injected into their vein – this allows certain areas to ‘light up’ and become more visible on the MRI.

Unfortunately, you can’t stay with your pet while they have an MRI. In fact, nobody will be in the room with your pet unless necessary – usually, all anesthetic controls and monitors, and the computer itself, are outside the room. But don’t worry, your dog’s anesthetist will be able to monitor them using readouts of heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. 

Rest assured that your dog will be well taken care of and will not know that you aren’t there. Depending on your veterinarian, they may allow you to be with your dog as they come back around from their anesthetic, usually an hour or so later. 

Dog MRI Cost: Understanding the Financials

There’s no doubt that MRIs for dogs are costly. These machines are expensive to buy, expensive to house (they take up a lot of room), and expensive to run. They also require staff with advanced qualifications and extra training, which adds to the cost. Once the anesthetic, blood tests, consultations, and image interpretation are factored in, you’re looking at a pretty hefty price tag. 

So how much is a dog MRI? In the end, dog owners are looking in the region of $2,000 to $5000, depending on their location, their pet, what is being imaged, and what has already been done by their primary care practitioner. 

Pet insurance will normally take care of the cost of an MRI if it’s for a condition they’re covering, but the high cost can sometimes cause pet owners to use up the rest of their insurance money. In this case, credit cards, crowdfunding, and payment programs can all help. If you can’t afford it, you should talk to your veterinarian. They may be able to come up with a less expensive alternative or refer you to a charity clinic that offers a low cost MRI for dogs.

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Kidney Infection in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/kidney-infection-in-cats/ Wed, 31 May 2023 15:37:29 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123188 While urinary tract infections (or UTIs) are relatively common in dogs, they are much less prevalent in cats. Of these UTIs, bladder infections are more commonly encountered. Infection involving the kidneys, on the other hand, is very uncommon in both species, especially in cats. Although kidney infection in cats is overall rare, it can quickly […]

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While urinary tract infections (or UTIs) are relatively common in dogs, they are much less prevalent in cats. Of these UTIs, bladder infections are more commonly encountered. Infection involving the kidneys, on the other hand, is very uncommon in both species, especially in cats.

Although kidney infection in cats is overall rare, it can quickly become critical to a cat’s health if left untreated. Therefore, proper detection and prompt treatment are imperative at preventing severe complications, such as kidney failure

Pet parents should monitor their cats for the signs of a kidney infection, which can sometimes be subtle, and seek veterinary care if ever in doubt. Here is what you need to know about kidney infection in cats.

What Is a Kidney Infection?

The cat urinary tract is comprised of the lower urinary tract and upper urinary tract. The urethra (the tube connecting the bladder to outside the body to facilitate urination) and the urinary bladder make up the lower tract. The upper tract includes the ureters (the thin tubes connecting the bladder to each kidney) and two kidneys. The primary function of the kidneys, located on each side of the lower back, is to control fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, as well as to filter out blood toxins and other waste to produce urine. Urine travels from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder and then is excreted through the urethra.

Kidney infections—termed pyelitis or, more commonly, pyelonephritis, depending on the area of the kidney affected—are a type of upper urinary tract infection, also termed a deep infection of the urinary tract. The causes and symptoms of kidney infection in cats and dogs are quite similar to the same condition in humans. Only one or both kidneys may be affected. 

When infection of the kidneys occurs, kidney (aka renal) function becomes impaired. Therefore, hasty diagnosis and therapy is essential to preserve your cat’s renal health.

What Causes Kidney Infections in Cats?

Cat X-ray with kidneys highlighted in red

Like bladder infections, nearly all kidney infections in cats and dogs are caused by bacteria from the perineal region, mainly from fecal material from the gastrointestinal tract or else bacteria on the skin that enter the urinary tract through the urethral opening. The most common bacterial strains include Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, as well as various species of Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Enterobacter, and Pseudomonas. Urinary tract infections by anaerobic bacteria, fungi, parasites, or algae are extremely rare.

When kidney infections do arise in dogs, older canines are affected more frequently. However, no age predisposition regarding kidney infections has been established in cats. As in dogs, female cats may be at increased risk of UTIs due to the closer proximity of the female urethra to the anus, which allows for increased contact with bacteria that can enter the bladder and then spread to the kidneys.

While one-off (i.e. uncomplicated) bladder infections can occur relatively commonly in otherwise healthy female dogs, urinary tract infections in cats of both sexes and male dogs tend to only arise due to an underlying complication that impairs the animal’s normal host defenses against such infection. Acute (or sudden) causes of kidney infections in cats are rare. Typically, feline kidney infections stem from an underlying chronic condition.

Risk factors for kidney infection in cats include:

Abnormal anatomy of the urinary tract, such as:

  • Stones of the urinary tract (uroliths) or mucus plugs, which may cause urinary obstruction
  • Cancer of the urinary tract (neoplasia)
  • Abnormal positioning of the ureter and the bladder (ectopic ureters), causing abnormal draining of urine
  • Abnormal development of the kidneys (renal dysplasia)

Damage to the urethral sphincter, which increases the likelihood of bacteria entering the urethra

Inability of the bladder to empty fully (for example, neurologic impairment secondary to intervertebral disc disease, or IVDD)

Immunodeficiency (decreased immune system function): can be caused by diseases such as feline leukemia virus (FeLV); may also be secondary to the use of chemotherapeutic drugs or chronic glucocorticoid steroid use

Urine flow problems: for example, disorders that cause a slowing or stoppage of urinary flow (urine stasis) or a stream of urine to abnormally backflow up into the ureters from the bladder (vesicoureteral reflux)

Impaired renal blood flow

Concurrent systemic disease, such as:

Post-operative complications, such as suture material left in the bladder following bladder surgery (cystotomy) or due to previous urinary catheterization

While the majority of kidney infections in cats arise from ascending bacteria from a bladder infection, infection elsewhere in the body can spread through the bloodstream to travel to the kidneys. Such infections may be secondary to infection of the lining of the heart (endocarditis), infection of the spinal discs (discospondylitis), abscesses, or severe dental disease.

Cat Kidney Infection Symptoms

Lethargic cat

While lower urinary tract infections, or bladder infections (also termed cystitis), present as localized signs to the lower abdomen and bladder, kidney infections can present as systemic signs, meaning the whole body can appear ill.

Acute renal infection is very uncommon in cats but may present as the following clinical signs:

  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Abdominal and renal pain

Chronic kidney infection is more common, but its symptoms are often subclinical in cats, meaning signs may be vague or confined only to recurrent lower urinary tract infection signs. Signs include:

  • Weight loss
  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Increased urination and water consumption (termed polyuria and polydipsia, respectively, or PU/PD)
  • Recurrent lower urinary tract infection signs, such as inappropriate litter box use (i.e. urinating outside the litter box, or periuria); urinating small amounts frequently (pollakiuria) or slow urination; pain upon urinating (stranguria), which may manifest as straining or vocalizing while urinating; blood in urine (hematuria) or urine discoloration; foul-smelling urine; and urethral discharge

Without speedy diagnosis and treatment of kidney infection in cats, acute kidney injuries can lead to chronic injuries. In turn, this can lead to chronic kidney disease, in which the kidneys inevitably shut down. If detected acutely, kidney injury can be healed. However, chronic disease can only be managed and its progression slowed, yet the damage already incurred cannot be reversed. Therefore, chronic kidney disease must be properly managed for the rest of the affected cat’s life.

Additional potential consequences of kidney infection are septicemia and sepsis, in which bacteria from the kidneys or their toxins enter the bloodstream, respectively, leading to severe systemic illness. Organs such as the heart, liver, and joints may be affected. Abscessation of the kidney can also occur. Furthermore, urosepsis can arise secondary to an obstruction blocking the outflow of urine from the kidneys, thus allowing decomposed urine to enter the bloodstream, also leading to further sickness.

As eventual death is a potential consequence of unmanaged kidney infections, swift diagnosis and treatment by your veterinarian are necessary.

Diagnosing Kidney Infection in Cats

Cat getting blood work

Because a cat’s symptoms of kidney infection can be so vague, diagnosis can sometimes be difficult, especially when differentiating a kidney infection from a bladder infection. Therefore, your veterinarian will implement a combination of the following to fully diagnose a kidney infection. Like puzzle pieces, the findings of these tests each reveal a bit of the picture to assist your veterinarian in diagnosing a kidney infection.

Physical examination: A thorough physical exam with a good history of your cat’s recent behavior is the best initial tool to aid your vet in reaching a diagnosis. In the face of a kidney infection, your vet will detect pain upon kidney and bladder palpation, a thickened bladder, and possible enlarged kidneys (renomegaly). A fever and dehydration may also be observed.

Urinalysis: A urine sample, ideally obtained via direct sampling from the bladder with a sterile needle passed through the skin of the lower abdomen into the bladder (cystocentesis), is imperative to diagnose any urinary tract infection. With a UTI, the following are typically encountered: blood (hematuria), bacteria (bacteriuria), white blood cells (pyuria), and possibly cells from damaged kidneys (renal casts) in the urine. Following treatment, a urinalysis should be repeated regularly to monitor urine specific gravity (USG), an indication of kidney function, to ensure long-lasting kidney damage has not occurred.

Urine culture and sensitivity: To properly diagnose a kidney infection, urine should be cultured to determine what type of bacterial species are growing and to what antibiotics they are susceptible. A urine culture should be performed ideally at the time of initial testing, 5-7 days after antibiotics are started, 7-10 days after antibiotics are finished, and then possibly 1, 3, and 6 months later.

Blood work: Depending on the severity of your cat’s clinical signs, your vet may recommend blood work, especially if kidney damage is suspected. Blood work may reveal elevation of nitrogen waste products in the blood (azotemia) due to dehydration or kidney impairment, increased potassium and phosphorus, and elevated white blood cell count secondary to infection (neutrophilia).

Infectious disease testing: Your vet may suggest testing your cat’s blood for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) to rule out these viruses, which can cause immunodeficiency and predispose a cat to other infections, such as pyelonephritis.

Abdominal radiographs: X-rays of the urinary system may be performed to observe the size and shape of the kidneys as well as check for the presence of any masses or stones. Your vet may take special X-rays via an excretory urography study, in which contrast is used to help highlight features of the renal system.

Abdominal ultrasound: Abdominal ultrasound scans the urinary tract for not only stones, signs of obstruction, and cancer, but also analyzes the structures within the kidneys. Dilation of the renal pelvis, the area of the kidney that funnels waste contents into the ureters, is a strong indication of a kidney infection.

Blood pressure measurement: If your cat has sustained chronic kidney damage, a blood pressure reading may be performed to rule out high blood pressure (hypertension). If your cat is severely ill and in shock, low blood pressure (hypotension) may occur.

The only definitive means of diagnosing kidney infection in cats is to perform invasive kidney testing—such as direct sampling of urine from the renal pelvis (pyelocentesis) or renal biopsy—which differentiate an upper urinary tract infection from one of the lower urinary tract. However, due to the high risk of potential severe complications caused by such tests, they are not recommended. Thus, diagnosis is typically made based on supportive findings of the tests discussed above.

Cat Kidney Infection Treatment

Owner comforts cat on exam table

Regardless of severity, all kidney infections in cats, dogs, and humans require treatment. 

Proper treatment includes appropriate antibiotic use as determined by your veterinarian. Fortunately, the majority of cats are able to receive antibiotics as outpatient therapy. However, severe cases, such as those with septicemia, may require hospitalization with intravenous (IV) fluids and IV antibiotics (such as ampicillin).

Outpatient care includes proper compliance to your veterinarian’s instructions for antibiotic therapy in order to prevent persistent or recurrent infection and to help prevent antibiotic resistance. The most common antibiotics used in cats include oral amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (such as Clavamox) or injectable cefovecin (Convenia). Oral antibiotics such as marbofloxacin (Zeniquin) or pradofloxacin (Veraflox) are reserved for more severe infections. 

Oral antibiotics are typically prescribed to be used 2 to 3 times daily (every 8 to 12 hours) for 4 to 6 weeks. If urinary stones are present, antibiotics will be prescribed to be used until 2 weeks following the resolution of the stone. Once your veterinarian receives your cat’s urine culture and sensitivity results, initial antibiotic choice is subject to change. An appetite stimulant may also be prescribed on a short-term basis if your cat has not been eating well.

In addition to treating the kidney infection, your cat’s underlying concurrent disease predisposing him or her to such infection should be treated or else the kidney infection will not clear or will return. For instance, surgery, shock wave therapy (lithotripsy), or a prescription dissolution diet may be required for urinary stones. Surgery may also be required if your kitten has ectopic ureters. Additionally, systemic diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, and feline lower urinary tract disease must all be appropriately managed to prevent recurrence.

For very severe cases in which kidney necrosis or abscessation has developed, surgical removal of the affected kidney (nephrectomy) may be required.

After-care for any sustained kidney damage is also required, such as a special prescription renal diet (low in phosphorus, reduced in protein quantity but of increased quality, and higher in omega-3 fatty acids). Maintaining proper hydration will also be important.

Home remedies for kidney infections in cats are not recommended, as none have been proven to be fully effective. Additionally, some can be dangerous, and delaying prescription treatment can lead to worsening disease that can progress to kidney failure and death.

The cost of diagnostics and therapy can run from several hundred dollars to over $1,000. Therefore, a pet emergency savings account and pet insurance are important to have in advance to help offset costs.

The prognosis of feline kidney infection is usually good if caught and managed early. Recurrent kidney infections in cats can be much more difficult to manage and, thus, carry a more guarded prognostic outlook. If chronic kidney damage has already occurred, the prognosis is much worse. Therefore, prompt care by your local veterinarian is vital for your cat’s outcome.

How to Prevent Cat Kidney Infections

Pet parents can help prevent kidney infections from arising in their cats by keeping in tune with their cat’s health and tracking any behavior changes that may be a harbinger of illness. Since kidney infections in cats stem from another underlying disease, treating the predisposing disorder is key to helping reduce the likelihood of kidney infection. Therefore, adhering to your vet’s advice regarding chronic disease management is key.

Additionally, aiding your cat in maintaining a healthy weight is important, as obesity has been linked to a variety of health conditions, including diabetes mellitus and feline lower urinary tract disease, which, in turn, can increase the risk of pyelonephritis upstream. 

Moreover, proper dental hygiene is also important to prevent the showering of the bloodstream with bacteria, which can migrate to the kidneys.

Safeguarding urinary health is also important for cats. This includes proper litter box maintenance, including good hygiene as well as having a sufficient number of litter boxes for the cats in your household (the 1+1 rule is recommended, in which each cat has his or her own litter box plus one extra for the group). 

Hydration is also important, so encouraging your cat to drink more with a water fountain or increasing water intake with canned wet food is recommended. Water helps keep the urinary tract happy and increases urinary voiding, which helps rid the urinary tract of bacteria and helps prevent them from colonizing the lining of the urinary tract. 

Your vet may also suggest a prescription urinary diet and can guide you on tips to keep your cat at a healthy weight. 

Finally, environmental enrichment is important by reducing stress and the risk of cystitis in your cat; such tips include play time and mental stimulation. Cranberry extract supplements may help in theory, but their efficacy has not been fully evaluated in cats.

Fortunately, kidney infections in cats are very uncommon, and hopefully, your cat will never develop one. But if it does occur, you will be well equipped to assist your vet in quickly diagnosing and treating your cat.

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Incontinence in Dogs: Signs and Treatment https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/incontinence-in-dogs/ Tue, 30 May 2023 19:14:42 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123193 Is your dog leaking urine while resting? Urinary incontinence in dogs is a medical condition that causes canines to leak urine and be unable to control their bladder. It’s estimated that dog incontinence affects 20 percent of female dogs who have been spayed.  In this article, you’ll learn what incontinence is, why it happens, how an […]

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Is your dog leaking urine while resting? Urinary incontinence in dogs is a medical condition that causes canines to leak urine and be unable to control their bladder. It’s estimated that dog incontinence affects 20 percent of female dogs who have been spayed. 

In this article, you’ll learn what incontinence is, why it happens, how an incontinent dog is different from dogs experiencing other urinary problems, and how to treat and prevent incontinence in your dog.

What Is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence in dogs is a condition in which a dog loses voluntary control of urination. It is most often observed by pet parents when they find their dog leaking drops of urine while lying down. When the dog gets up, there is a wet spot left behind. 

While any dog can be affected, urinary incontinence is most common in middle-aged to older spayed female dogs (which is why it is sometimes called “old dog incontinence”). Medium and large breeds are more affected by dog incontinence than small breeds. 

Dogs can also have problems with fecal incontinence, but unless a dog has a neurological disease like a herniated disc in their spine that is compressing the spinal cord and causes both fecal and urinary incontinence, these two conditions typically have different causes and are treated differently.

Incontinence Vs. Urinary Problems in Dogs

Incontinence is different from other urinary disorders in that a dog usually doesn’t realize it’s happening and often does not behave differently. They still go outside and void urine normally. What you will notice with incontinence in dogs is that after your pup gets up after lying down somewhere for a little while, there will be drops or a small spot of urine. 

In contrast, if a dog has a urinary tract infection, they will likely have an increased urge to urinate, may urinate smaller amounts more often, may have a strong smell to their urine, may strain to urinate, and may have bloody urine

Urine marking, a behavioral condition usually seen in dogs that haven’t been spayed or neutered and causes them to urinate inappropriately inside the house, may be confused with incontinence, but it is not the same. 

Signs of Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

Spaniel lying on bed

An incontinent dog can pee normally when they go outside. The most common sign of urinary incontinence in dogs is that the dog is involuntarily leaking urine while lying down. 

Some of the other signs of urinary incontinence include:

  • Excessive licking “back there”
  • Brown staining around the vulva
  • Urine scald (a rash around the vulva caused by persistent wetness)

Causes of Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

In a dog with a healthy lower urinary tract, urine in the bladder is prevented from leaking by a sphincter that closes in the urethra (the tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the dog). Dog incontinence is often caused by a failure of the urethral sphincter to stop urine from escaping from the bladder. This is called urethral incompetence and in older female dogs, it is caused by hormonal changes. 

Other causes of dog incontinence include:

  • Neurological disease, such as trauma to the spinal cord due to herniated discs or blunt trauma (hit by car), nerve disease, or brainstem disease
  • Chronic inflammation from urinary tract infections
  • Birth defects
  • Cancer
  • Prostatic disease in male dogs

Diagnosing Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

If you suspect your dog has urinary incontinence, make an appointment with your veterinarian. They will conduct a full physical examination, and may also perform a rectal exam,neurological examination, and a urinalysis. 

If a urinary tract infection is suspected, your veterinarian will also order a urine culture and sensitivity to determine what bacteria is infecting the bladder and which antibiotics to use to treat the UTI

Your veterinarian may also want to run imaging studies, such as abdominal ultrasound and/or abdominal radiographs (X-rays) to see if there are any anatomical abnormalities. Sometimes bloodwork is ordered. 

Less commonly, if the cause of incontinence cannot be determined, the urinary bladder will be scoped under anesthesia, or special imaging studies will be ordered.

Dog Incontinence Treatment

Old dog wearing a diaper

Urinary incontinence in dogs is typically treated on an outpatient basis: no hospital stay is required unless your dog is sick. If there is a urinary tract infection, treating the infection can resolve the problem. Urinary tract infections can cost a couple of hundred dollars to treat unless they are complicated – then treatment is more expensive.

Dog Incontinence Medication

If a dog’s urinary incontinence is due to a leaky urethra, this condition is not cured but managed with medication. The most common medications prescribed for urinary incontinence in dogs include:

  • Phenylpropanolamine
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Diethylstilbestrol
  • Deslorelin
  • Leuprolide
  • Imipramine

Dog incontinence medication can be in the form of an oral pill or chew, or it can be implanted under the skin. Typically, medication is very successful in managing urinary incontinence due to urethral incompetence, and dogs stop leaking urine while they are on medication, negating the need for dog diapers

With the right treatment, dogs with hormonal urethral incompetence can live long, healthy lives free of the symptoms of urinary incontinence. The other good news is that the most common urinary incontinence medication, phenylpropanolamine, is relatively inexpensive: a 180-count bottle of 50 mg phenylpropanolamine will run you about $30 a month.

 How a dog responds to therapy is very individual, therefore it is important to work with a veterinarian you trust to determine the right course of therapy for your dog. 

Dog Incontinence Surgery

If there is an anatomical urinary obstruction, cancer, prostatic disease, or a neurological problem, surgery may be recommended. Once the underlying cause is treated, urinary incontinence will resolve on its own. 

How to Prevent Incontinence in Dogs

Spaying female dogs early (before the dog is fully mature) increases their risk of developing hormonal urethral incompetence in middle age, especially in large breed dogs. The same is true for early tail docking. 

You can lower your dog’s risk of developing urinary incontinence by delaying their spay/neuter surgery until they are fully done growing. Dogs mature at different rates, so ask your veterinarian when they think your dog will be fully grown.  

Obesity may increase the risk of urinary incontinence in dogs. Keep your dog at a healthy weight to reduce their risk of many diseases, including urinary incontinence. 

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Stomach Cancer in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/stomach-cancer-in-cats/ Tue, 30 May 2023 16:01:10 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123117 No one ever wants to hear that their cat has cancer. Fortunately, stomach cancer is very rare in cats, representing less than 1 percent of all cancers in cats (1). Unfortunately, the symptoms of stomach cancer in cats are common to many types of illness, ranging from minor to serious.  Let’s take a closer look […]

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No one ever wants to hear that their cat has cancer. Fortunately, stomach cancer is very rare in cats, representing less than 1 percent of all cancers in cats (1). Unfortunately, the symptoms of stomach cancer in cats are common to many types of illness, ranging from minor to serious. 

Let’s take a closer look at the causes and signs of cat stomach cancer and how to treat this condition.

What is Cat Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancer refers to abnormal growth of cells or tissue within the stomach. The medical term is gastric neoplasia. The types of cancer that develop in other organs of the body can also develop in the stomach. The most common type of stomach cancer in cats is lymphoma (lymphosarcoma). It can be part of generalized (diffuse) gastrointestinal lymphoma, which is a much more common form of cancer in cats, or it can be found on its own. 

Other more rare types of gastric cancer in cats include gastric adenocarcinoma, leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, adenoma, mast cell tumor, carcinoma, extramedullary plasmacytoma, and other sarcomas. The name of the cancer has to do with the type of cells the cancer originated from.

There are no risks associated with breed or sex. There are no known genetic risk factors for gastric neoplasia in cats. The average age at diagnosis is greater than 12 years (2).

Causes of Stomach Cancer in Cats

The cause of stomach cancer in cats is generally unknown. Cats who have gastrointestinal lymphoma are more likely to develop gastric lymphoma as the disease spreads. Similarly, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can become gastric or gastrointestinal lymphoma over time. Although there are lifestyle choices including diet and exercise that are known to affect risk of gastric neoplasia in humans, similar associations have not been found in cats.

Stomach Cancer in Cats Symptoms

British Bluepoint cat hiding under the bed

The symptoms of stomach cancer in cats tend to be the same group of symptoms cats exhibit for a long list of other illnesses and diseases that range from mild to severe. These include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Not eating (anorexia or inappetence)
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy
  • Changes in behavior (hiding, not seeking out attention, etc.)

These are also the symptoms of inflammation or infection of the stomach or intestines, parasites, and other illnesses such as endocrine and metabolic disease. If there is ulceration of the gastric tumor, there may be blood in the vomit or the stool may be dark and tarry (melena). 

Stomach cancer in humans is painful and so it is assumed that the condition is also painful in cats. Cats may show their pain by not eating, having less energy, and being less social or hiding.

Cat Stomach Cancer Stages and Progression 

Cancer is often described in stages based on the spread of the cancer to other locations in the body and whether the pet is ill at the time of diagnosis. Cancer can also be described in grades based on the aggressiveness of the tumor on the local tissue, likelihood of spread, likelihood of recurrence after surgery or chemotherapy, and consequences of its presence. The stage and grade of a cancer are not specific to its original location, such as the stomach, but rather depend on the type of cancer it is. 

In the case of gastric lymphoma, the most common type of stomach cancer in cats, it is most often high-grade, meaning aggressive and less likely to fully respond to chemotherapy. Since risk factors for its development include other gastrointestinal inflammation or cancer, gastric lymphoma is most often late-stage by the time of diagnosis, having spread from or to other tissues in the body. 

Diagnosing Feline Stomach Cancer

Cat having an ultrasound scan

The first step in diagnosing any disease in a cat is a physical exam. This involves a detailed examination of all parts of the cat’s body to assess for abnormalities. Most often the physical exam is normal or non-specific for cats with symptoms of stomach cancer. Non-specific exam findings include evidence of dehydration, weight loss, pale gums, and/or lethargy. It is rare for a veterinarian to be able to feel stomach cancer on abdominal palpation in cats.

The next important step in diagnosis is blood work. A cat with stomach cancer may have anemia, elevated blood nitrogen levels, low protein, or their blood work could be normal. Next, abdominal ultrasound can be useful in finding a tumor or abnormalities of the tissues of the stomach. Sometimes a small needle sample (aspirate) can be taken at the time of the ultrasound and analyzed under a microscope for the presence of cancer cells. Abdominal ultrasound has the advantage of assessing all of the abdominal organs for evidence of cancer spread (metastasis). Alternatively, gastroscopy can be performed where a tiny camera is inserted into the stomach to visually examine the tissue and a biopsy sample can be taken. Occasionally, exploratory abdominal surgery will be required to diagnose stomach cancer in cats. 

X-rays are not usually diagnostic for stomach cancer, although the addition of contrast material can outline a mass if there is one. They may be part of the diagnostic testing work-up for cats with gastrointestinal symptoms, so it is not wrong for your veterinarian to recommend them. While the X-rays are not likely to show cancer, they are helpful in eliminating other possible causes of your cat’s symptoms.

Cat Stomach Cancer Treatment Options

Veterinarian with gloves holding a feline patient

Treatment options for cats with stomach cancer include surgery and chemotherapy. Most often surgery will be performed first to remove the bulk of the mass and then chemotherapy will be used to treat any cancer left behind or any cancer that has already metastasized. Some types of cancer, such as lymphoma, may be treated with chemotherapy only. 

Cost to Treat Stomach Cancer in Cats

Specific costs depend on the types of treatment(s) recommended for your cat. Initial diagnostic tests may be in the range of $1,000-3,000, depending on which tests are performed. Abdominal ultrasound is less expensive than gastroscopy. Surgery to remove gastric neoplasia should be performed by a board-certified veterinary surgeon and will cost $4,000-$7,000, depending on the specific type of surgery required. A round of chemotherapy is in the range of $3,500 to $6,000.

Prognosis for Stomach Cancer in Cats

Without treatment, a cat will die from the cancer or its side effects within about one month. Specific prognosis with treatment depends on the type of cancer. Gastric lymphoma, for example, has a survival of 6-18 months, depending on response to chemotherapy. Stomach cancer is a very serious disease in cats and in general, the long-term prognosis is poor.

There is no way to prevent stomach cancer in cats.

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Dog UTI Treatment Plan: What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-uti-treatment-plan/ Tue, 30 May 2023 15:47:42 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123121 If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection, you know how uncomfortable they can be. A dog with a urinary tract infection, UTI for short, also experiences uncomfortable symptoms, and a chronic UTI can cause damage to the urinary bladder or kidneys without appropriate treatment. This article provides a deep dive into dog UTI treatment, […]

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If you’ve ever had a urinary tract infection, you know how uncomfortable they can be. A dog with a urinary tract infection, UTI for short, also experiences uncomfortable symptoms, and a chronic UTI can cause damage to the urinary bladder or kidneys without appropriate treatment. This article provides a deep dive into dog UTI treatment, including how to make your pup more comfortable and decrease the chance of recurrence.

Dog UTI Treatment Plan: What to Expect

Once your furry friend is diagnosed, dog UTI treatment depends on the underlying cause. If your dog has a one-time, uncomplicated UTI without any underlying problems, then treatment is straightforward and relatively inexpensive. If your dog has recurrent urinary tract infections or underlying disease, such as diabetes mellitus, Cushing’s disease, or urinary stones, then treatment is aimed at resolving the urinary tract infection and the underlying cause (if possible) and will cost more. 

Antibiotics are always prescribed for dog UTI home treatment. Dogs are typically given oral antibiotics in pill or capsule form for the pet parent to administer themselves, or they can be administered by the veterinary staff as a one-time injection under the skin. Be sure to give all antibiotics as prescribed until finished, even if your dog’s symptoms resolve before they’re done with the medication. 

While antibiotics are needed to resolve the UTI, they can also disrupt normal gut flora. Therefore many veterinarians will also recommend probiotics to reduce the likelihood of diarrhea or stomach upset. If you are giving antibiotics and probiotics at the same time, be sure to separate administration of these medications by at least 2 hours, otherwise the antibiotics will kill the probiotics. It’s best to give probiotics to dogs right before bed.

Additionally, because UTIs are painful, veterinarians may also prescribe pain medication, such as muscle relaxants and/or anti-inflammatories. 

If your dog has recurrent or complicated UTIs, treatment may extend beyond antibiotics and could include:

  • Therapeutic dog food to dissolve urinary stones and crystals
  • Surgery 
  • Multiple veterinary rechecks with lab tests
  • Treatment of other underlying problems (diabetes, Cushing’s, etc.)

Dog UTI Treatment Cost

Since there are a number of dog UTI treatments available, the cost will vary. The cost of antibiotics can range from $35 to $300, depending on which antibiotic is used (ex: amoxicillin treatment usually ranges from $35 to $75), the size of the dog, how long the dog has to be given antibiotics, and whether or not the UTI is complicated. 

The cost of pain medication typically ranges from $30 to $75, while therapeutic dog food ranges $40 to $100 per bag, depending on the size of the bag of dog food. 

If surgical therapy is needed, it’ll usually be anywhere from $1000 to $3000. 

Veterinary rechecks with lab tests can cost $50 to $150 per visit (with the exact price contingent on geographic location and what tests are ordered), and the cost of treatment for other underlying issues will vary.

Dog UTI Medications

Giving dog a white pill

UTI treatment for dogs always involves prescription antibiotics. Amoxicillin is often used as a first-line antibiotic in dogs that have not had a UTI before. Otherwise, antibiotics are selected based on urine culture and sensitivity, which means that bacteria in the urine are cultured in a laboratory, and then different antibiotics are tested to see which one will be effective in eliminating the infection. 

In addition to amoxicillin, some of the antibiotics that are commonly used for UTIs include:

  • Trimethoprim-sulfadiazine (TMS)
  • Amoxicillin-clavulanate (Clavamox)
  • Cefovecin
  • Enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin, orbifloxacin

Less commonly, amikacin, chloramphenicol, nitrofurantoin, or meropenem may be prescribed. 

Uncomplicated UTIs are typically treated with 7 to 10 days of antibiotics, while complicated UTIs may require 4 to 6 weeks of antibiotics.

Prescription pain medication for UTIs may include carprofen (Rimadyl), trazodone, and/or muscle relaxants. It’s also important to note that you should never give your dog any over-the-counter pain medication without first consulting with your veterinarian.  

Dietary Considerations for Dogs With UTIs

If your dog has a single, uncomplicated UTI then you do not need to change their food; regular dog food is fine for them to eat. If they have recurrent urinary tract infections or problems with urinary crystals or stones, then your veterinarian may recommend a therapeutic dog food that is designed to reduce urine crystal formation and promote bladder health. 

The type of therapeutic food that your vet will recommend will depend on the type of crystals or stones your dog has in their urine, so it’s critical to work with a veterinarian to choose the right one. 

UTI Supplements for Dogs

Probiotics are an excellent way to boost your dog’s immune system. This is because the gut has the largest collection of immune cells in the body, and dogs that develop a UTI often have alterations in their gut flora. By giving a high-quality probiotic, you can help improve immunity in the gut, which protects the whole body. 

If you don’t routinely give your dog probiotics, you should at least give your dog probiotics while they are on antibiotics and for a couple of weeks after finishing antibiotics to restore normal gut flora. Remember to separate from antibiotic administration by at least 2 hours. 

Cranberry extract is another supplement pet parents can consider for dogs that are predisposed to recurrent UTIs, as it may inhibit some bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. Additionally, fish oil (which contains omega-3 fatty acids) is known to promote health of the entire urinary tract. Before giving your dog any supplements, check with your veterinarian to make sure there are no contraindications or drug interactions. 

Dog UTI Treatment at Home: Tips and Advice

Woman cuddling dog on sofa

If your pup has an uncomplicated UTI, you can expect to see improvement after starting treatment. Your dog should start to feel better right away with pain medication, and urinary signs should improve dramatically within the first 24 to 48 hours. Uncomplicated UTIs can be assumed to be completely resolved if there is no recurrence of symptoms after treatment is completed.

If your dog starts to have signs of a UTI again after you have finished treatment, or if their symptoms don’t improve within 24 to 48 hours after starting therapy, then you should assume that treatment is not resolving the infection. In this case, your dog either needs different antibiotics or has a complicated UTI that requires additional therapy. Call your veterinarian right away for advice, as they will most likely want you to bring your dog back to run some tests. Fortunately, UTIs in dogs are often uncomplicated, easy to treat, and respond well to treatment under the supervision of a veterinarian. If your dog has signs of a UTI, work with your veterinarian to get them on the road to recovery as fast as possible.

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Dog Cushing’s Disease Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-cushings-disease-treatment-plan/ Fri, 26 May 2023 19:22:53 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=123029 If your dog has been diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, it may feel a bit overwhelming. The good news is that once your dog’s symptoms are managed, Cushing’s disease in dogs treatment is fairly straightforward for most pets who are diagnosed with this condition.  If you are just starting out on this journey with a dog […]

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If your dog has been diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, it may feel a bit overwhelming. The good news is that once your dog’s symptoms are managed, Cushing’s disease in dogs treatment is fairly straightforward for most pets who are diagnosed with this condition. 

If you are just starting out on this journey with a dog that has been newly diagnosed with Cushing’s, or you want to be more informed about what to expect in regards to treatment for Cushing’s disease in dogs, this article will give you the knowledge that you need to make informed decisions for your dog. 

Dog Cushing’s Disease Treatment Plan: What to Expect

Once a dog is diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, their health care depends on the severity of their symptoms, the type of Cushing’s disease they have, the dog’s overall health and condition, and any complicating factors (for example, if they have diabetes mellitus or osteoarthritis).

The most common type of Cushing’s disease diagnosed in dogs is called pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. This means that a small, usually slow growing tumor in the pituitary gland in the brain causes the adrenal glands to secrete too much cortisol, a steroid hormone. This type of Cushing’s disease in dogs treatment involves long-term daily medication that reduces the level of cortisol in the dog’s body back to normal levels. 

Typically, when a dog is diagnosed with pituitary-dependent Cushing’s disease, their veterinarian will prescribe an initial dosage of daily medication for the dog and ask the pet parent to come back in a few weeks for a recheck examination and blood tests.

Veterinarian takes blood from a dog

The reason for the recheck is to ensure that the medication dosage is appropriate:

  • If the dosage is appropriate, then your dog’s blood tests will be normal and their symptoms will be improving (appetite/drinking/urinating return to normal, better energy levels, etc.). If this is the case, your veterinarian will likely tell you to continue on the same dosage and ask you to return for a recheck in 3-6 months, as long as your dog is doing well.
  • If the dosage is too low, then your veterinarian will increase the medication dosage and ask you to come back again in a few weeks to repeat the examination and blood test.
  • If the dosage is too high, then your veterinarian will decrease the dosage and ask you to come back again in a few weeks to repeat the examination and blood test. 

Dogs can also develop a tumor on their adrenal gland that causes the symptoms of Cushing’s disease. This type of Cushing’s is less common, but still occurs in dogs. If this is the case, then your veterinarian will recommend surgery to remove the tumor. While this type of Cushing’s can also be managed with long-term medication, surgery will cure the condition and is the recommended treatment of Cushing’s disease in dogs that is caused by an adrenal tumor, unless your dog is not a good candidate for surgery. 

If your dog has other disease conditions, that complicates things. Sometimes, dogs can develop multiple hormonal conditions at the same time, which can be challenging to manage. Other times, dogs may have silent skin or joint problems that suddenly become a problem once the Cushing’s is under control. In these situations, it is best to have patience and realize that it will likely take longer to get multiple health conditions under control and will require more veterinary visits. 

Dog Cushing’s Disease Treatment Cost

The cost to manage Cushing’s disease in dogs depends on several things: what type of Cushing’s your dog has, how big your dog is, how easy your dog’s Cushing’s disease is to manage (e.g., how many follow-up visits and blood tests are required), the type of medication prescribed, if surgery is required, and your geographical area. Ballpark estimates are as follows:

  • Initial diagnosis: $300-$1,000 (examination, laboratory testing, abdominal ultrasound)
  • Follow-up visits: $150-$250 per visit (examination, laboratory testing)
  • Medication: Ranges from $50-$150/month, depending on the size of your dog, the type of medication prescribed, and the dosage required to control symptoms
  • Surgery: $2,000-$4,000

Cushing’s disease in dogs treatment can be costly. Pet insurance, emergency credit lines, savings accounts, and payment plans can all help with the cost of veterinary bills. 

Medication for Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

Pet parent giving a dog medication

Medication controls the symptoms of Cushing’s disease in dogs by suppressing the production of cortisol from the adrenal glands. When dosed appropriately, medication normalizes the levels of cortisol in the body and symptoms of Cushing’s resolve. While Cushing’s medications are very effective, they can also be dangerous, causing abnormally low levels of cortisol that can be fatal, if the dosage is too high. That is why it is very important for pet parents to closely monitor their dogs while on Cushing’s medications and to return to the veterinarian for scheduled rechecks, especially at the beginning of treatment. 

If you notice any of the following symptoms in your dog while they are on Cushing’s medications, stop the medication and call your veterinarian immediately:

  • Loss of appetite (misses a meal)
  • Excessive lethargy, shaking, or weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea 

Most veterinarians will counsel pet parents thoroughly on this risk associated with Cushing’s medications, and most veterinarians will also send you home with a few prednisone tablets with instructions to give them if the symptoms of low cortisol are ever noticed while on medication. 

Trilostane (trade name Vetoryl), is the most widely prescribed FDA approved medication for dog Cushing’s disease treatment. This medication works by suppressing the production of cortisol in a dog’s body, and is very effective in controlling the symptoms of Cushing’s disease in dogs. This drug is either given once or twice daily and is well tolerated in most dogs. Anecdotally, Cushing’s dogs that are treated with trilostane often need less after a year or two of treatment, and some dogs go into remission completely, no longer requiring medication. 

Mitotane, otherwise known as Lysodren, is the other main drug used to treat Cushing’s disease. It works by selectively destroying cells in the adrenal gland that secrete cortisol. It may also be used in dogs for adrenal tumors that aren’t good surgical candidates since it may destroy tumor cells as well as control symptoms. This medication is usually given once a day.

Other drugs that may be prescribed for Cushing’s disease in dogs include ketoconazole and selegiline hydrochloride.

Diet for Dogs with Cushing’s Disease

Dogs who are being treated for Cushing’s disease usually do not require a diet change; a regular maintenance diet is appropriate for most dogs unless they are also diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. If the dog is overweight, your veterinarian may recommend a short-term change to a weight loss diet to facilitate weight loss. 

Keeping Dogs with Cushing’s Disease Comfortable

Dog resting quietly on a blanket

Cushing’s disease in and of itself is not a painful condition. Dogs with Cushing’s can have a hard time regulating their body temperature and breathing, however, so make sure they have a cool place to rest and don’t force exercise, especially in the heat. The best thing you can do for a dog with Cushing’s is get the condition treated appropriately, which will resolve symptoms.

Excessive cortisol secreted in Cushing’s disease, however, can mask painful inflammatory conditions, like joint pain from osteoarthritis. It can also mask skin allergies because cortisol works the same way steroids do. If you notice that your dog starts limping, is having a hard time getting around, or starts excessively scratching their skin while they are under treatment for Cushing’s, speak to your veterinarian about how to keep your pet comfortable. 

If your dog has surgery to remove an adrenal tumor, then they will need to ‘stay quiet’ for 2 weeks to allow their incision to heal. This includes no running, jumping, or long walks. For the first 48 hours, your dog will likely just want to sleep, eat a little, and drink water. Make sure they have a warm, soft place to recover, prevent them from licking or biting at the surgery site, and monitor their incision daily for any signs of infection (heat, swelling, redness, discharge), gaping, or loose sutures. 

Dog Cushing’s Disease Treatment: Tips and Advice

Once your dog’s cortisol levels are controlled, you can expect to see rapid resolution of symptoms associated with Cushing’s. This includes resolution of:

  • Excessive drinking and urinating
  • Excessive eating
  • Excessive panting
  • Anxiety
  • Hair loss
  • Skin and urinary tract infections
  • Weakness and trembling
  • Pot belly

As stated above, if you notice signs of low cortisol, stop medication and call your veterinarian immediately. 

Cushing’s, in general, is fairly easy and rewarding to treat. Most dogs can live for years with a good quality of life, and most pet parents are very pleased with how their dogs respond to therapy. Just be patient, remain vigilant for the signs of adverse drug reactions or low cortisol, communicate regularly with your vet, take it one day at a time, and you will likely be successful in helping your dog feel much, much better. 

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Lymphoma in Dogs: Signs and Treatment Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/lymphoma-in-dogs/ Fri, 26 May 2023 16:20:26 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122991 Lymphoma in dogs is a common cancer, accounting for approximately 7-14 percent of all canine cancers according to the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. This type of cancer can present in multiple ways. What Is Lymphoma? Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, […]

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Lymphoma in dogs is a common cancer, accounting for approximately 7-14 percent of all canine cancers according to the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine. This type of cancer can present in multiple ways.

What Is Lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, lymph vessels, and bone marrow. The main functions of the lymphatic system are to aid the immune system and move fluid through the body.

In dogs, lymphoma typically begins in the lymph nodes, but it can arise from lymphoid tissues anywhere in the body. Lymphoma is sometimes seen in the skin, eyes, central nervous system, and lungs. 

When a dog develops lymphoma, they develop abnormal growth and replication of a specific type of white blood cell called a lymphocyte. This results in changes to the immune system’s ability to fight infection, changes to the movement of fluid throughout the body, and the development of metastatic tumors throughout the body. 

In most cases, dogs with lymphoma will develop flu-like symptoms and eventually pass away from their cancer.

Causes of Lymphoma in Dogs

Lymphoma most often occurs in middle-aged to older dogs, but it can be seen in dogs of any age. The veterinary community is not currently certain as to what causes lymphoma in dogs. Because specific breeds are more susceptible than others, genetics are suspected to play a role.

Breeds that are more likely to develop lymphoma include:

While these breeds have an increased risk, any dog can develop lymphoma. Additional links have been reported between lymphoma and specific herbicides, regular exposure to radiation, living in an industrial area, exposure to hazardous wastes, and secondhand smoke.

Types of Lymphoma in Dogs

The “type” of lymphoma in dogs refers to various subcategories of lymphoma: B-cell lymphoma vs. T-cell lymphoma, high-grade lymphoma vs. low-grade lymphoma, or lymphomas named for their location within the body. The symptoms of lymphoma in dogs depend on which part of the body is affected by lymphoma.

B-Cell vs. T-Cell Lymphoma

The most basic division of lymphoma type is B-cell vs. T-cell. Lymphocytes are either B-cells (the type of white blood cell that produces antibodies against pathogens) or T-cells (which help signal other cells of the immune system and kill abnormal cells in the body). 

B-cell lymphoma is more common and has a longer survival time than T-cell lymphoma in dogs.

High-Grade Lymphoma vs. Low-Grade Lymphoma

Lymphoma can be graded as high-grade (lymphoblastic) or low-grade (lymphocytic) based on the appearance of the cells. High-grade is more common and has a rapid onset and progression. Low-grade is more chronic and affects the dog more slowly.

Multicentric Lymphoma

Anatomically, the most common form of lymphoma is called multicentric lymphoma. Multicentric lymphoma in dogs presents with swelling of the lymph nodes. As the pet parent, you may notice these swollen lymph nodes under the jaw or in the neck, in front of the shoulders, the armpits, groin, or behind the knees. At the time of diagnosis, lymph node swelling is usually the only sign. However, some dogs will also experience weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive drinking.

Alimentary Lymphoma

In around 5-7 percent of cases, the dog has alimentary lymphoma. This is lymphoma originating in the gastrointestinal tract, most often the intestines. Clinical signs of this form of lymphoma include vomiting, diarrhea, appetite changes, and weight loss.

Mediastinal Lymphoma

Mediastinal lymphoma is a rare form of lymphoma. The mediastinum is the area between the lungs. This area includes the heart, large blood vessels, trachea, esophagus, thymus, and some lymph nodes. When cancer develops in this area, the tumor usually takes up space in the chest cavity, pressing on other structures in the chest. The pet parent may notice coughing, shortness of breath, and exercise intolerance.

Extranodal Lymphoma

Extranodal lymphoma is a catch-all term for lymphomas that develop elsewhere in the body. Examples can include lymphoma of the central nervous system (CNS lymphoma), lymphoma that develops in the skin (cutaneous lymphoma), and lymphoma that develops in the lungs (pulmonary lymphoma). 

Signs will differ based on where the lymphoma is. For example, dogs with CNS lymphoma may have seizures, abnormal mentation, circling, abnormal eye movements, and other neurologic irregularities. Cutaneous lymphoma in dogs may cause non-healing ulcers, papules, or red lesions on the skin.

Stages of Lymphoma in Dogs

Vet checking Golden Retriever

Staging of lymphoma is based on the location of disease and how much it has spread throughout the body. Stages III through V are more common in dogs.

Stage I: Cancer is present in a single lymph node.

Stage II: Cancer is present in lymph nodes on only one side of the diaphragm (front of body or rear of body).

Stage III: Cancer is present in lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm.

Stage IV: Cancer is present in the liver or spleen.

Stage V: Cancer involves bone marrow, nervous system, or other unusual location.

Each of the stages of lymphoma in dogs is further subdivided into substage A and substage B. Substage A means the pet feels well, while substage B means the pet is feeling ill. Pets who are feeling well have a better prognosis than pets who act sick.

Diagnosing Lymphoma in Dogs

In most cases, your veterinarian will be able to diagnose lymphoma with a physical examination and cytology of an enlarged lymph node. To collect a cytology sample, they will stick a needle into the lymph node. This procedure is well-tolerated by most dogs without sedation. The veterinarian may read the sample in-house or may send the slides to a reference lab.

If the cytology is not conclusive or an aspirate cannot be collected based on the location of the tumor, the veterinarian will collect a biopsy (surgical sample), which will be interpreted by a reference laboratory.

Determining if your dog has B-cell or T-cell lymphoma requires sending microscopic slides and fluid from the lymph node to a reference laboratory. At the reference lab, they’ll perform a test called flow cytometry or immunophenotyping to determine if the cancer is B-cell or T-cell. This information is important for determining your dog’s prognosis.

Imaging will be recommended to determine spread of the disease. This commonly involves X-rays (radiographs) of the chest and abdomen, as well as abdominal ultrasonography. In cases where the cancer originates elsewhere in the body, like the nervous system, other imaging modalities like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans will be recommended. Your dog may need to be sedated for radiographs or ultrasound, and they will definitely be sedated for MRI or CT. In some cases, a bone marrow aspirate may be recommended to determine if cancer is affecting the bone marrow. Your dog will be anesthetized for this. The veterinarian will also want to perform blood work and urinalysis for overall health screening.

While the initial diagnosis and simple staging may be performed by your private veterinarian, they usually refer you to a veterinary oncologist for additional diagnostics and treatment. Most private practices do not have a CT or MRI scan and do not perform chemotherapy treatments.

Treating Lymphoma in Dogs

Treatment for lymphoma in dogs can vary,  depending on the stage, but chemotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for most cases.


While there are various protocols, combination chemotherapies (more than one drug) have better remission rates and duration of remission than single-agent chemotherapy. These protocols involve frequent visits to the oncologist for a predetermined number of chemotherapy injections. 

Common chemotherapy agents used in the initial round of chemotherapy include: 

  • L-asparaginase
  • Vincristine
  • Cyclophosphamide
  • Doxorubicin
  • Prednisone 

The oncologist will want to check blood panels prior to each treatment to ensure the chemotherapy is being tolerated well.

Low grade lymphoma may be treated with oral chemotherapy, such as chlorambucil and prednisone.

While this can be overwhelming for you as the pet parent, rest assured that chemotherapy in dogs is aimed to preserve quality of life. Dogs tend to tolerate chemotherapy better than humans, and if your dog is having side effects, your veterinarian will alter the protocol or offer additional medications to ensure they’re still feeling well. 

Side effects that you should report to your veterinarian include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and acting ill, but dogs do not usually lose much fur. Chemotherapy is easier to go through with your pet if you know what to expect.

Other Treatments

If you choose not to pursue chemotherapy, prednisone may be offered as palliative care. While this will not significantly improve the length of your dog’s life, it may help them to feel better.

Rarely are surgery or radiation therapy recommended for localized lymphoma. Radiation alone will not treat most cases of lymphoma, so chemotherapy will typically be recommended in addition to the localized therapy.

End-of-Life Care

Eventually, the dog will not respond to chemotherapy and treatment will focus on palliative care. End stage lymphoma in dogs often causes loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. Most dogs with lymphoma will be euthanized once the veterinarian and pet parent feel the pet no longer has a good quality of life.

Cost to Treat Lymphoma in Dogs 

Treating lymphoma can be expensive. You will have multiple options laid out before you by the oncologist, and there is no shame in choosing a more affordable palliative treatment over one that prolongs life. Your focus should be ensuring that your pet is comfortable.

For initial diagnosis and complete staging alone, you can expect to pay at least $500. If your dog will need a CT or MRI, this will increase the cost to over $1,000. If you elect for prednisone alone, treatment may be $20 to $30 per month. This is an affordable option for many pet parents. While prednisone may help your dog feel comfortable, the average lifespan with no treatment or prednisone alone is four to six weeks. 

If you pursue chemotherapy, you can expect the cost to differ depending on what protocol you elect. The price is likely to be over $5,000 and can often exceed $10,000. Most dogs who receive chemotherapy will have a remission that lasts eight to nine months, and their survival can be a year or more. Almost all dogs will relapse. Around half of dogs can get a second shorter remission that lasts two to four months. The chemotherapy protocol the second time around is often different from the first round of chemotherapy.

Prognosis for Dogs with Lymphoma

Man hugging old dog

Dogs who are in stages I, II, and III tend to have longer survival times than dogs in stages IV or V. Dogs with low-grade lymphoma have longer survival times than dogs with high-grade lymphoma, and dogs with B-cell lymphoma have longer survival times than dogs with T-cell lymphoma. 

Dogs with T-cell lymphoma have a prognosis closer to six months, while dogs with B-cell lymphoma have a prognosis closer to one year if treated with chemotherapy. Dogs who have mediastinal lymphoma or lymphoma in the central nervous system have short survival times.

Note: All dogs are individuals, and prices vary by location. While survival times and costs are provided, your pet could live shorter or longer, and the amount you spend on treatment may be significantly different than the estimates we’ve provided.

How to Prevent Lymphoma in Dogs

It can be very hard on you as the pet parent to reckon with your dog’s lymphoma diagnosis, and many pet parents want to know why they’re facing this diagnosis. Was it something they did? 

There is currently no known way to prevent lymphoma in dogs, meaning you should not blame yourself for your dog’s cancer. Work with your private veterinarian and your veterinary oncologist to determine what course of action is best for your pet and your family. While this diagnosis is hard, treatment is often rewarding and usually improves your pet’s quality of life, allowing you to spend more quality time together.

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Can Cats Get Kennel Cough? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/can-cats-get-kennel-cough/ Fri, 26 May 2023 14:40:30 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122899 Kennel cough, also known as Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC), is a common medical issue in dogs. A variety of viruses and bacteria are involved. The biggest symptom is — you guessed it — coughing!  But can cats get kennel cough? If your dog is sick with kennel cough, is your cat going to […]

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Kennel cough, also known as Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (CIRDC), is a common medical issue in dogs. A variety of viruses and bacteria are involved. The biggest symptom is — you guessed it — coughing! 

But can cats get kennel cough? If your dog is sick with kennel cough, is your cat going to get sick too? Let’s take a look.

Can Cats Get Kennel Cough

The viruses involved in kennel cough are very specific to dogs in most cases, including canine distemper virus, canine parainfluenza virus, and canine adenovirus type 2. Veterinarians only use the term “kennel cough” for dogs.

However, one bacterium that is often involved in cases of kennel cough in dogs — Bordetella bronchiseptica, or Bordetella for short — can infect cats. So even though cats don’t catch dog viruses, cats can get infected with Bordetella if a dog is sick with kennel cough. In other words, cat’s don’t get kennel cough, but they can get sick and cough with Bordetella.

Since veterinarians don’t refer to this condition as kennel cough in cats, what follows is an overview of Bordetella in cats.

What Is Bordetella in Cats?

Sick cat with nasal discharge

Bordetella is a bacterium that specifically sticks to the inner lining of the respiratory tract using fimbriae, or tiny fingerlike projections that reach out and grab onto specific cells. Bordetella sticks to the throat and trachea (windpipe) all the way to the bronchi (airways in the lungs).

Bordetella is a relatively common bacterium and can be found in healthy cats. Approximately 11 percent of healthy cats carry and shed the bacterium. However, in cats sick with respiratory symptoms, around 45 percent of cats have Bordetella. 

Most cats do not show symptoms, and if they do, the cats will recover after mild to moderate symptoms. In young kittens, Bordetella can cause pneumonia, or infection and inflammation of the lower airways (such as bronchi). Pneumonia with Bordetella is much more serious as it can cause cats to struggle to breathe.

Bordetella is relatively common in household dogs and dogs in animal shelters. It can spread in grooming, doggy daycare or boarding facilities, whereas pet cats are rarely exposed to Bordetella. In dogs, a lot of coughing occurs but not so much in cats. 

What Causes Bordetella in Cats?

Bordetella is caused by exposure to the bacterium by directly touching respiratory fluid, such as nose discharge or mucus that comes out while coughing. Cats can also catch Bordetella by touching items that have bacteria on it, such as food bowls or cat toys.

There are multiple risk factors for Bordetella — healthy low-stress cats in a home are unlikely to contract this disease. Young cats are more at risk of developing pneumonia due to their immature immune systems. Other risk factors include overcrowding, stress, infection with other viruses, and exposure to cats or dogs with the disease.

Cats can readily spread Bordetella to each other, and dogs can give Bordetella to cats. Cats can give it to dogs, but this is exceedingly rare. It is important to note that cats (and dogs) might be able to give the disease to humans. However, this has not been proven and, if true, it would be very rare.

Bordetella in Cats: Symptoms

Scottish Fold cat is about to sneeze

Bordetella causes symptoms similar to other pathogens (i.e. viruses and bacteria) that cause upper respiratory disease, such as feline herpesvirus-1. It is almost impossible to tell them apart, and most cats with these symptoms have more than one pathogen anyway. The unique symptom for Bordetella is the cough—a loud, high-pitched cough often described as honking. However, cats cough less often than dogs, so this may not be present. 

Other signs of Bordetella in cats include:

  • Discharge from the nose
  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Nasal congestion (nose sounds stuffed up)
  • Redness to the eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Retching (your kitty looks like he’s ready to vomit but instead small amount of thick yellow-green mucus comes out – different from vomiting as it does not require multiple movements from the belly)
  • Fast breathing rate (if you count more than 40 breaths per minute)
  • Trouble breathing (using the belly to breathe in a dramatic way)
  • Decreased appetite
  • Decreased activity

Diagnosing Bordetella in Cats

Vet with a cat in the X-ray room

Veterinarians examine cats but may not test for the exact cause if a cat is showing disease in the upper airway, such as the nose and throat. No matter the cause, the treatment tends to be the same. Your veterinarian will need to listen to your cat’s chest very thoroughly and may recommend X-rays if they think the lungs could be involved. X-rays will look for signs of pneumonia.

If your veterinarian does recommend testing for Bordetella, this is done either with a wash into the respiratory system or with a blood test known as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 

A wash is performed by anesthetizing your cat (giving medications to your cat to make him sleep) and putting sterile saline into the lungs, then immediately sucking the fluid out. 

PCR is a common blood test for many different pathogens; most laboratories have a specific PCR panel for all respiratory pathogens in cats and can detect the bacterium even in trace amounts. While PCR is easier to obtain and does not require anesthesia, it will provide a positive test result even if the only bacteria present are dead and not causing infection anymore.

Performing culture on samples that contain Bordetella is very useful to your veterinarian. Bordetella is notorious for being resistant to some common antibiotics, and culture will demonstrate what antibiotics will or won’t be effective against your cat’s exact Bordetella strain.

Bordetella in Cats: Treatment

Cat takes liquid medicine

Bacteria are treated with antibiotics. The most recommended antibiotic for Bordetella is doxycycline. However, antibiotics such as enrofloxacin are common and relatively effective as well. Bordetella is known for creating resistance to specific antibiotics, so a change in antibiotics may be needed if the first choice is not effective.

Some cats can heal from Bordetella without medical intervention at all. However, cats that are showing symptoms of Bordetella should be treated with antibiotics to ensure the disease does not progress into the lungs and cause difficulty breathing.

Other treatments depend on your cat’s unique symptoms. For nasal congestion or coughing, nebulizing is common. Alternatively, if a cat has a stuffy nose but is doing well otherwise, placing your cat into the bathroom and running hot water in the shower to create steam could help with the congestion. If appetite has decreased, pet parents should offer a variety of dry and canned cat foods, as well as cooked plain meat, canned tuna, and cat treats to stimulate appetite.

Cost of Treating Bordetella in Cats

If your cat experiences mild to moderate symptoms and no testing is performed, the cost of treatment and examination is likely around $150-$200. However, X-rays are often recommended and would increase costs to somewhere around $500-$800. If your cat is very ill or chronically ill and your veterinarian recommends more advanced testing such as a respiratory wash, the cost typically goes closer to $1,500-$2,000.

Preventing Bordetella in Cats

Your cat should avoid contact with cats and dogs of unknown health. There is a Bordetella vaccination, but it is only recommended in animal shelters or catteries in which Bordetella is proven to cause disease in multiple cats. The vaccine can cause mild disease itself and is not recommended for pet cats.

Related Conditions 

Any pathogen causing respiratory infection in cats, such as:

  • Feline herpesvirus-1
  • Feline calicivirus
  • Mycoplasma spp. (a different bacterium)
  • Chlamydophila felis (a different bacterium)

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Fructosamine Test for Cats: What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/fructosamine-test-for-cats/ Thu, 25 May 2023 17:11:40 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122862 When a cat is diagnosed with diabetes, insulin administration is a key component of their treatment plan. Cats who are being treated with insulin should have their blood sugar levels monitored closely to avoid blood sugar levels that are too high or too low.   Some cats may be candidates for a needle-free alternative to insulin, […]

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When a cat is diagnosed with diabetes, insulin administration is a key component of their treatment plan. Cats who are being treated with insulin should have their blood sugar levels monitored closely to avoid blood sugar levels that are too high or too low.  

Some cats may be candidates for a needle-free alternative to insulin, such as Bexacat (bexagliflozin). Bexacat is a once-daily flavored tablet for treating diabetes. Cats taking Bexacat also must have their blood sugar levels regularly monitored by their veterinarian. 

Bexcat feline medication for diabetes

Veterinarians use what’s called a fructosamine test for cats and continuous glucose monitoring to adjust the dose of insulin in order to best control the cat’s blood sugar and minimize the signs of diabetes. A fructosamine test can also be used to see how cats are responding to an insulin alternative such as Bexacat. This helps determine whether cats can continue using the medication or need to switch to insulin.

In this article, you will learn what these diabetic blood tests are, how they work, and what you can expect when it comes to monitoring blood sugar levels in diabetic cats as part of treatment.

What Is a Fructosamine Test for Cats?

Serum fructosamine testing is used by veterinarians to evaluate how well a diabetic cat is responding to insulin therapy or insulin alternatives over the long term. 

Fructosamine is a protein found in blood serum that has sugar attached to it. The level of fructosamine in blood serum samples is representative of the average blood sugar levels that a cat has had over the past 1-2 weeks. If it is too high, then that lets the veterinarian know that they need to adjust the cat’s insulin dosage or type of medication, their food, or look for something else that is causing problems with the cat’s blood sugar.

In contrast to a blood glucose curve for cats, only one blood draw is required to obtain a blood sample for the fructosamine test. The fructosamine test is either run in house at the veterinary clinic or the blood sample is sent to a local laboratory for analysis.

Also unlike a glucose curve in cats, fructosamine tests do not require any special timing or fasting. However, serum fructosamine cannot detect abrupt changes in blood sugar, only long-term changes. Therefore, it is important to still monitor your cat daily at home for any signs of abnormal blood sugar levels like drinking and peeing more, and call your veterinarian immediately if you see them, even if your cat has normal fructosamine levels when they are tested.

Fructosamine Test vs. Glucose Curve in Cats

Monitoring blood sugar in cats who have been diagnosed with diabetes can be tricky. A glucose curve in cats, which is the standard blood test used for diabetics, isn’t always a reliable test for our feline companions. That’s because when cats are stressed by the veterinary hospital or by having their blood drawn, their blood sugar is higher than it would be at home when they are calm. 

A fructosamine test for cats is unaffected by stress, which can make it a good test for cats who have elevated blood sugar due to stress. This is why veterinarians use a fructosamine blood test to check blood sugar control in diabetic cats.

A fructosamine test requires a veterinary professional trained to draw blood samples from a cat — it cannot be done by a pet parent. It is typically done in a veterinary hospital, but it can also be done by a veterinary professional who comes to your home for a house call.

How often your cat needs a fructosamine test depends on how well your cat’s diabetes is controlled. If your cat’s diabetes is well controlled, then you will likely only need a fructosamine test every 6 months. If your cat’s diabetes is not controlled, then your cat may need a fructosamine blood test every few weeks until their diabetes is under control.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Cats

Continuous glucose monitors (CGM) are being used more and more in veterinary medicine as an alternative way to monitor diabetic cats at home. CGM provides continual data about your cat’s blood sugar, and is a good option if your cat’s diabetes is difficult to control, your cat is newly diagnosed with diabetes, or for cats that may be approaching diabetic remission (cure). In general, if your cat is a stable diabetic that only needs blood tests every six months, then testing them with serum fructosamine is a better choice than CGM.

The FreeStyle Libre system is the most common CGM technology that is utilized in cats. It uses a small sensor disc that is placed on an area of skin (usually the neck or thorax) that has been shaved. The sensor disc communicates with a phone app or a reader device that stores data from the disc. Collected data can also be sent to your veterinarian for analysis. CGM measures interstitial glucose, which while it is different from blood glucose, still correlates fairly closely and can be used to monitor diabetic cats. 

CGM is generally well tolerated in most cats. It is easy to place, avoids multiple needle pokes, and lasts about 2 weeks in most patients. In addition, the FreeStyle device has an alarm that will alert you if glucose levels are too high or too low.

Cat with diabetes supplies

Fructosamine Test Process: What to Expect

Fortunately, if your cat needs a fructosamine test, it is a fairly easy, quick, and straightforward outpatient procedure. Sometimes, if your cat doesn’t need an examination by a veterinarian, you may only need a veterinary technician to draw your cat’s blood and submit the sample, which can save you time and money.

For well-controlled diabetic cats, it should only take 15-20 minutes to have your cat’s blood drawn at the veterinary hospital or in your home. If your cat’s diabetes isn’t controlled, then you may need to see the veterinarian and have your cat’s blood drawn, which will take longer — between 45 minutes to an hour —and will require additional cost.

There are no restrictions after your cat’s blood is drawn for a fructosamine test — they can go back to their normal routine afterward. If there is a pressure bandage placed on their arm where blood is drawn, you will need to remove it after 15 minutes.

If your veterinary clinic runs the tests in house, then they will likely call you later the same day with results and recommendations. If they have to send the blood sample to the local laboratory, then it will be a day or two before they call you with the results.

If you don’t hear from your veterinary clinic within two days, call them and ask for an update.

Cost of Fructosamine Test for Cats

While the cost of a fructosamine test can vary by geographical location, the average cost of the test ranges from $75-$125. If your cat requires an examination by a veterinarian at the same time as a test, that is an additional cost.

What The Results Mean

If your cat is taking insulin, here is what you can expect. If your cat’s fructosamine test comes back normal and your cat doesn’t have any signs of high blood sugar at home, then your veterinarian will likely recommend that you don’t change anything about your cat’s routine. They’ll likely ask you to come back in 6 months to repeat the test.

If your cat’s fructosamine test comes back too high, then your veterinarian will likely increase your cat’s insulin dosage, recommend that you switch foods, or both. If your cat’s fructosamine test comes back too low, then your veterinarian will reduce the insulin dosage. In either case, you will likely be asked to authorize your cat to be retested in 3-4 weeks to check if those changes help regulate your cat’s blood sugar, which is the end goal.

If your cat is prescribed Bexacat, recommended monitoring includes glucose curves and fructosamine tests at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after starting treatment (1). If these tests show that your cat’s average blood glucose is too high, they will need to stop taking Bexacat and transition to insulin. If your cat is responding well to Bexacat treatment after 8 weeks, they will be re-checked every 3 months (or as medically indicated).


  1. Bexacat Patient Selection and Monitoring for Diabetic Cats. Jan 2023. Retrieved from https://assets.elanco.com/0cec44ed-3eaa-0009-2029-666567e7e4de/1b0d2a58-023b-4ce1-948e-4f0f011c0eed/Bexacat%20Vet%20Patient%20Selection-Monitoring%20Sheet%20-%202nd%20update%20-%20Jan%202023.pdf

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Ticks on Cats: How to Spot and Remove Them https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/ticks-on-cats-how-to-spot-and-remove-them/ Thu, 25 May 2023 15:13:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122817 Ticks are among the peskiest parasites that affect our feline friends. While they are certainly more common on domestic dogs (for a variety of reasons we’ll explore), cats are still at risk for getting ticks and dangerous tick-borne diseases.   Ticks are typically found in wooded areas, hiding in brush and tall grasses. They wait for […]

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Ticks are among the peskiest parasites that affect our feline friends. While they are certainly more common on domestic dogs (for a variety of reasons we’ll explore), cats are still at risk for getting ticks and dangerous tick-borne diseases.  

Ticks are typically found in wooded areas, hiding in brush and tall grasses. They wait for a host to pass by, and when an opportunity presents itself, they will make a human or animal body their new home. Eventually, they attach themselves to a host’s skin and bury their heads under it in search of what’s called a “blood meal” (which is exactly what it sounds like). 

In the process of feasting, ticks with pathogens in their saliva can transmit them to their host. A tick needs to be attached for about 24 hours for a pathogen to transmit to a cat, says Dr. Diane Delmain, an associate professor at the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. 

In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about ticks on cats, including how to remove and prevent ticks, lessening the chance of disease transmission.

Can Cats Get Ticks?

Yes, cats can definitely get ticks. Research published in 2016 suggested that nearly 19 percent of free-roaming cats in the central U.S. that were examined had ticks, and the cats with tick infestations had an average of nearly three ticks each on their bodies (1). 

Of course, indoor-only cats will have a lower rate of incidence, but they’re not immune from ticks. Most commonly, a human or indoor-outdoor animal, like a dog, brings the tick in on their body, and the tick decides that the resident feline is a more desirable host.

Dr. Delmain says cats are also less likely than dogs to be affected by ticks because they are fastidious groomers. “Many cats will groom ticks off, but some can be hard to find or reach, like those in their armpits or thighs,” she says. “While we don’t know of any cats who are genetically predisposed to tick attraction or attachment, those who have a harder time grooming than others because of age or weight may have a harder time removing them.”

Dr. Bruce Kornreich, the director of the Cornell Feline Health Center at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, adds that for similar reasons, long-haired cats may have a more difficult time removing ticks via grooming than their short-haired counterparts.

“We want all cat owners to be diligent, but it’s reasonable to recommend that people with cats with long hair should pay extra special attention and feel through all that fur and all the way down to the skin when checking for ticks,” he says.

Dangers of Ticks for Cats

A primary concern about ticks affecting cats is the increasing prevalence of these pests, due in large part to the effects of climate change. “Ticks are spreading across the country and are more prevalent in places that didn’t used to have them,” Dr. Delmain says. Tick season is also starting earlier and lasting longer, according to Dr. Kornreich.

But perhaps the most familiar tick-related danger – Lyme disease – is not something that impacts cats the way it does humans and dogs. “Cats seem to be pretty resistant to Lyme disease for reasons we don’t completely understand,” Dr. Kornreich says. “Generally speaking, they’re not nearly as susceptible as dogs and people.”

Instead, a disease called cytauxzoonosis (aka bobcat fever) is “the big, bad one” that most concerns veterinarians, according to Dr. Delmain. “Ten years ago, I would have said that all cats who get it die,” she notes. “Now, it’s closer to 60 percent, but it’s a lot of work to save the other 40 percent.”

Cytauxzoonosis affects the red and white blood cells. Cats with it can get really anemic, Dr. Delmain says, but early signs of bobcat fever are often really non-specific. “It’s more the things you see with a lot of other diseases, tick-borne or otherwise, including lethargy and not eating,” she says. The disease often progresses rapidly. Cytauxzoonosis can cause high fever, jaundice, labored breathing, shock, coma, and death.

What Does a Tick Look Like on a Cat?

tick on cat's leg

Different species of ticks have a few unique physical characteristics, but they all tend to follow the same general pattern of flat, round body with six to eight legs protruding off it. How many legs a tick has depends on their life stage, with larval ticks having six legs and more mature ticks having eight legs.  After a blood meal, the tick’s flat body becomes engorged, and this makes it much easier to spot on a cat’s body, both by the eye and through touch, Dr. Kornreich says.

An engorged tick on a cat will be the size of a pea or slightly larger, Dr. Kornreich says. “It’s something most people would definitely recognize by feeling with their hands. People get freaked out, but ticks are much more difficult to identify before they’ve taken a blood meal.”

For this reason, brushing or petting your cat regularly will help you spot and remove ticks, and deal with any potential ill effects more quickly and easily. Plus, time may be of the essence in these situations because the earlier you remove the tick, the lower the risk of disease transmission.

Other Symptoms of Ticks on Cats

There aren’t necessarily any other inherent symptoms of a tick on a cat besides potential skin irritation that comes with attachment, but there are a host of symptoms that may accompany the variety of tick-borne illnesses cat parents should be aware of.

Outside of cytauxzoonosis, Dr. Kornreich cites tularemia as one of the more concerning tick-borne diseases. Also known as rabbit fever, tularemia is found everywhere in the United States outside of the southwest and Rocky Mountains, he notes. “Cats can also be infected, and this causes lethargy, abdominal pain, vomiting, and liver problems, among other symptoms.”

Two more diseases worth knowing, Dr. Kornreich says, are anaplasmosis and hemotropic mycoplasmosis (which used to be known as haemobartonella). Both may cause severe anemia in cats, while anaplasmosis also causes enlarged lymph nodes and stiff joints.

In addition to the familiar symptoms of lethargy and poor appetite, those infected with anaplasmosis may also limp or have trouble walking, as well as pass dark or bloody stools. Rapid weight loss, white or pale coloring of the gums, and jaundice may also accompany symptomatic cases of hemotropic mycoplasmosis.

How to Remove a Tick From a Cat 

Removing a tick from cat

Once you understand how to get rid of ticks on cats properly, it’s a pretty simple process. If a tick is attached, Dr. Delmain says, you can buy a “tick twister” if you don’t already have tweezers or forceps, which can also work for removal. Simply use one of these devices to grab the tick as close to its head as you can and pull it out with straight, steady traction. 

“If you don’t have any of those,” Dr. Delmain says, “some will detach with soap and water on a cotton ball.” Once you have the tick fully removed from your cat’s body, you can kill it by putting it in a jar of rubbing alcohol. Dr. Kornreich adds that it’s best to kill ticks without touching them. 

If you are concerned about removing a tick from your cat at home, your veterinarian or a veterinary technician can help with the procedure.

Monitoring Your Cat After a Tick Bite

Some tick-borne diseases will take time to develop, Dr. Kornreich says, so it’s important to monitor for common feline symptoms of illness, like lethargy, poor appetite, and weakness. Seek professional medical help for your cat right away if you see these. 

Otherwise, neither Dr. Kornreich nor Dr. Delmain says it’s necessarily essential that you take your cat into the vet if you find and detach a tick. It’s more about what symptoms or changes you observe.

“Any time you see a cat with clinical signs, bring them to the vet promptly,” Dr. Kornreich says. “And you should always bring them in once a year, and cats older than 10 years of age should make that visit twice a year.”

How to Prevent Ticks on Cats

“We have an amazing generation of tick preventatives right now,” Dr. Delmain says. “They will kill ticks within a couple hours of them getting on the cat, and because the tick-borne diseases need attachment to last for about a day to transmit, if a cat is on these medications, the ticks can’t attach long enough to spread the disease.” 

These tick preventatives for cats are available as oral or topical medications. They may kill one or more types of ticks, so check the label to see which species the medication protects against. For example, Credelio CAT is a tiny, tasty tablet that effectively kills the blacklegged tick (aka deer tick), the most common species infesting cats in the U.S. (2). This monthly chewable also kills fleas and treats and prevents flea infestations.

Credelio Cat flea and tick control medication

Dr. Delmain says there are also collars you can try that have similar positive effects as the other drugs, but it’s important to work with your veterinarian if you want to try any of these options. Your veterinarian can help you ensure that the tick collar is tight enough to be effective.

Dr. Kornreich adds that it’s also good to keep tick populations down on your property or anywhere you or your animals roam. “We recommend cats stay indoors, but if you allow them outside, there’s reason to expect that if a lawn is well-mowed, it’s less likely for ticks to be found there because they like places that are wooded and have tall grasses.”


  1. Thomas, Jennifer E et al. “Ectoparasites of free-roaming domestic cats in the central United States.” Veterinary parasitology vol. 228 (2016): 17-22. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2016.07.034
  2. Little, Susan E et al. “Ticks from cats in the United States: Patterns of infestation and infection with pathogens.” Veterinary parasitology vol. 257 (2018): 15-20. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2018.05.002

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Dry Eye in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dry-eye-in-dogs/ Thu, 25 May 2023 14:57:47 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122770 Tears play an important role in protecting and lubricating the eyes. They clean away debris and keep the eyes healthy. When there is a problem with the quality or quantity of tears, eyes become itchy, red, and painful. Unfortunately, this is what happens in dogs experiencing dry eye.  Read on to learn more about the […]

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Tears play an important role in protecting and lubricating the eyes. They clean away debris and keep the eyes healthy. When there is a problem with the quality or quantity of tears, eyes become itchy, red, and painful. Unfortunately, this is what happens in dogs experiencing dry eye. 

Read on to learn more about the causes of dry eye in dogs, symptoms to watch for, and available treatment options. 

What Is Dry Eye in Dogs?

Dry eye is medically referred to as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, and it occurs as a result of poor tear production. Tears are made up of water, fat, and mucus, which are each produced by different glands within the eyes. In most cases of dry eye, the glands that produce the watery part of the tears become damaged, and less tears are produced. In rare cases, glands that produce the fat and mucus portions of the tears are affected, and poor quality tears are made. 

In either case, the tear film does not effectively lubricate the eyes. As a result, the cornea (the front part of the eye that is clear) and the conjunctiva (the red tissue that surrounds the eye) become dry and inflamed. 

Dry eye can occur in dogs of any age, but it is most common in those that are middle-aged and older. This is a very painful condition, and it does have the potential to lead to vision loss if left untreated. 

What Causes Dry Eye in Dogs?

There are many reasons dogs may develop dry eye. Most commonly, a dog’s immune system attacks and damages the glands that are responsible for tear production. It is thought that there may be a genetic component to this process.   

Certain breeds are more prone to developing dry eye due to their anatomy and genetics. Pugs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels, Bulldogs, and Boston Terriers are just a few of the breeds that are more likely to develop this condition. 

Less common causes of dry eye include underlying diseases or infections, congenital defects, radiation, and trauma. Giving medications that contain a drug called sulfonamide can also increase the risk of dry eye in some dogs. 

Symptoms of Dry Eye in Dogs

Dog pawing at itchy eyes

Dry eye can cause significant discomfort. Symptoms of dry eye that affected dogs may experience include: 

  • Thick, stringy eye discharge
  • Eye redness and inflammation
  • Dry or dull corneal appearance
  • Blood vessel development on the cornea
  • Frequent squinting
  • Pawing at or rubbing of the eyes 

If left untreated, dry eye can cause scarring and ulcer formation on the cornea, which may lead to blindness. 

Diagnosing Dry Eye in Dogs

In order to diagnose dry eye, veterinarians most commonly use the Schirmer tear test. During this non-invasive test, a veterinarian will place a small strip of paper between the dog’s eye and lower eyelid for one minute to assess tear production. It is then repeated on the second eye. 

A fluorescent stain can also be used to diagnose keratoconjunctivitis sicca in dogs. During this test, a veterinarian adds one drop of dye to the dog’s eyes and then counts the number of seconds it takes for the tear film to separate. In dogs with dry eye, the tear film breaks apart too quickly.  

As part of a complete eye exam, the veterinarian will also look at all other parts of the eye and check nerves and reflexes. Additional tests, such as checking the eye pressures, may also be done to rule out any other contributing eye problems. 

Dry Eye Treatment for Dogs

Vet administers drops in a dog's eye

Dry eye is treated using medications that are applied directly to the eye in the form of drops, gel, or ointments. Tear stimulants and artificial tears are most commonly prescribed. It is important to know that dry eye will not clear up on its own without some form of treatment.

Tear stimulants, such as Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus, are medications that increase tear production. While these medications work very well in dogs with dry eye, they do take a couple of months to achieve their full effect. Because of this delay, you will not notice an immediate difference in your dog’s eyes. While waiting for a tear stimulant to begin working, your pet’s veterinarian will usually prescribe artificial tears to lubricate the eyes and improve symptoms. Additional medications to treat secondary infections, corneal ulcers, or severe inflammation within the eye may also be prescribed.  

You can expect to apply medications for dry eye at least twice per day. Artificial tears are often applied more frequently. For best results, these medications should only be used as prescribed by your pet’s veterinarian. 

In some instances, surgery may be done if dogs are not responding to topical medications. The goal of the surgery is to use saliva as a new source of tears to lubricate the dog’s eyes. This procedure is complex and performed by a specialist. It does come with risks of anesthesia and of potential complications following the procedure. 

The prognosis for dogs with dry eye is generally good as long as the condition is diagnosed early and there is a good response to treatment. Any underlying conditions that may be contributing to dry eye should also be appropriately managed for best success. However, if a dog does not respond well to treatment, dry eye will continue to progress and can lead to severe eye damage and even blindness. 

Topical treatment and frequent veterinary checkups are needed for the remainder of the pet’s life to manage dry eye. 

Home Remedies for Dry Eye in Dogs

It is not recommended to try any home remedies to treat dry eyes. It is essential for dogs experiencing problematic eye symptoms to be seen by a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Because dry eye is most commonly due to immune system dysfunction, specific prescription medications are needed to stimulate tear production and reduce the pain and inflammation present. 

How to Prevent Dry Eye in Dogs

In most cases, dry eye in dogs is unpreventable since it is commonly caused by an overactive immune system. However, avoiding certain medications, decreasing trauma and radiation, and managing underlying conditions that may contribute to dry eye can help prevent this condition in some dogs. 

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Pimobendan for Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/pimobendan-for-dogs/ Wed, 24 May 2023 16:25:38 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122723 If your dog is suffering from congestive heart failure, your veterinarian may prescribe a medication called pimobendan to help your dog’s heart pump more efficiently. This medication is well-tolerated by most dogs and it can be safely combined with other cardiac medications, such as diuretics, digoxin, and enalapril.   Read on to learn more about how […]

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If your dog is suffering from congestive heart failure, your veterinarian may prescribe a medication called pimobendan to help your dog’s heart pump more efficiently. This medication is well-tolerated by most dogs and it can be safely combined with other cardiac medications, such as diuretics, digoxin, and enalapril.  

Read on to learn more about how pimobendan can help your dog, and how to safely use and store this medication at home.

What is Pimobendan?

Pimobendan is a prescription veterinary medication that is used in the management of congestive heart failure in dogs. It is an inodilator, which means it works by strengthening contractions of the heart muscle (contractility) and by dilating the blood vessels that take blood away from the heart. This combination helps the heart to pump more efficiently.  

Pimobendan is currently FDA approved for the management of signs of mild, moderate, or severe congestive heart failure in dogs due to atrioventricular valvular insufficiency or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Pimobendan is not FDA approved for use in cats, but is sometimes used off-label in this species.

Pet owners can get a prescription for pimobendan through their primary care veterinarian or through a specialist, such as a cardiologist or an internist.  

What Does Pimobendan for Dogs Look Like?

Pimobendan typically comes in the form of a chewable tablet, which is oblong, brown, and scored in the middle. Pimobendan is also available in the form of capsules. The exact appearance of pimobendan can vary depending on the manufacturer that makes the product. If you have trouble giving your dog tablets or capsules, ask your veterinarian about alternative dose forms, such as oral liquids and soft chews.

How Does Pimobendan Work?

Canine heart anatomy

Pimobendan is a positive inotrope, which means that it increases contractility of the heart. It also acts as a vasodilator, making small blood vessels called arterioles open, which decreases resistance to blood flow and reduces the heart’s workload.  

Uses of Pimobendan for Dogs

Pimobendan is used for dogs with the following conditions:

  • Mitral valve disease
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
  • Congestive heart failure

Pimobendan is used to manage heart failure in dogs. This medication prolongs survival in dogs in left heart failure due to mitral regurgitation. It is hypothesized that pimobendan also prolongs survival in dogs with heart failure due to DCM, but there is little data available on this subject to date. Pimobendan also prolongs the time to onset of congestive heart failure in dogs with advanced subclinical mitral valve disease.  

How to Give Pimobendan to Dogs

Pimobendan is administered by mouth in the form of a capsule or chewable tablet. (If you’re having trouble giving your dog a capsule or tablet, ask your veterinarian about alternative dose forms that may be available through a compounding pharmacy, and whether they are appropriate for your pet.) Pimobendan is best absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in the absence of food, and should be given on an empty stomach at least 60 minutes prior to feeding.  

Pimobendan for Dogs Side Effects

Lethargic dog

In most dogs, pimobendan is well-tolerated. Side effects that have been reported with pimobendan include:

  • Poor appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Trouble breathing
  • Weakness
  • Pleural effusion
  • Syncope

Reported side effects in patients may be related to pre-existing cardiac disease. If your dog experiences side effects while taking pimobendan, stop giving the medication and contact your veterinarian right away.

Reactions with Other Drugs and Medications

Certain drugs, such as calcium channel blockers and beta blockers, may diminish the effectiveness of pimobendan for dogs.  

Pimobendan Dosage for Dogs

The dosage of pimobendan for dogs varies depending on your dog’s size and the type and severity of your dog’s heart condition. Your veterinarian will determine the best dosage of pimobendan for your dog’s individual needs. Always follow your veterinarian’s dosing instructions closely.

What If My Dog Misses a Dose of Pimobendan?

If your dog misses a dose of pimobendan, give the dose as soon as you remember. If it’s too close to the next dose, do not give two doses at the same time. Simply skip the missed dose and continue on with the dosing schedule as prescribed. Never increase your dog’s dose of pimobendan unless directed to do so by your veterinarian.

Pimobendan for Dogs Cost

The cost of pimobendan varies depending on the size of the tablet or capsule your pet is prescribed. In general, you can expect to spend $50-$150 on a 50-count bottle of pimobendan tablets or capsules.

Pimobendan Storage Instructions

Pimobendan should be kept in its original container and stored in a dry place at room temperature, between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit.  

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Hepatitis in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/hepatitis-in-dogs/ Tue, 23 May 2023 18:56:58 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122692 You may be familiar with the effects of hepatitis in people, but have you ever wondered about hepatitis in dogs and whether our canine friends can also be affected by this condition?  The word hepatitis literally means “inflammation of the liver.” Hepatitis isn’t a single disease – instead, the term is used to describe a […]

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You may be familiar with the effects of hepatitis in people, but have you ever wondered about hepatitis in dogs and whether our canine friends can also be affected by this condition? 

The word hepatitis literally means “inflammation of the liver.” Hepatitis isn’t a single disease – instead, the term is used to describe a variety of conditions that cause liver inflammation in dogs, humans, and other species. 

Can Dogs Get Hepatitis?

Dogs can develop hepatitis, just like their human companions. And, just like in the case of humans, canine hepatitis can have a variety of potential causes. 

One key difference, however, lies in treatment. While humans with severe hepatitis may receive a liver transplant, this surgery is rarely performed in dogs. Instead, medical treatment is used to manage canine hepatitis. 

Can dogs get hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E from their human owners? Fortunately, the answer to this question is no. The viruses that cause hepatitis in humans are not transmissible to dogs.

Canine hepatitis is not a single disease. There are several forms of canine hepatitis, each with its own unique cause and its own course of disease. 

Most cases of canine hepatitis fall into one of two broad categories: infectious canine hepatitis or canine chronic hepatitis.

Infectious Canine Hepatitis

Infectious canine hepatitis is caused by an adenovirus in dogs, canine adenovirus type 1. (This virus differs from canine adenovirus type 2, which causes respiratory disease in dogs.) 

Dogs with infectious canine hepatitis can rapidly become very sick. They may even experience sudden death with minimal signs of illness. Fortunately, this condition is relatively rare in the United States due to widespread vaccination. 

Canine Chronic Hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis refers to chronic (long-term) inflammation of the liver. This condition can have a wide variety of underlying causes and it can take on a variety of clinical appearances. 

Some dogs with canine chronic hepatitis have a low-level, smoldering hepatitis with minimal signs. In other dogs, however, chronic hepatitis can cause visible signs of illness and may even progress to liver failure. 

How Do Dogs Get Hepatitis?

Infectious canine hepatitis is caused by a viral infection. Infected dogs shed large amounts of the virus in their saliva, feces, and urine, and this shedding can continue for several months after infection. Your dog could become infected through direct contact with an infected dog or by coming in contact with a contaminated surface or object. 

Infectious canine hepatitis is most common in young puppies and unvaccinated dogs, due to their lack of immunity against this virus.

Chronic hepatitis in dogs can be caused by anything that results in liver damage. In most cases, it is impossible to identify what caused a particular case of chronic hepatitis. However, potential causes include: 

  • Prior liver damage caused by infectious canine hepatitis
  • Prior bacterial or fungal infection of the liver
  • Ingestion of a toxin that affects the liver
  • Autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack its own liver
  • Abnormal copper accumulation within the liver 
  • Long-term use of certain medications (NSAIDs, phenobarbital)

Chronic hepatitis is usually diagnosed in middle-aged and older dogs. Breeds that may be at higher risk include Bedlington Terriers, West Highland White Terriers, Scottish Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, Standard Poodles, Beagles, Golden Retrievers, and Labrador Retrievers.

Hepatitis in Dogs Symptoms 

Sick Dachshund looking up

Dogs with infectious hepatitis are typically very ill. Signs, which develop within one week of exposure to the virus, include vomiting, bloody diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and lethargy. Yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes (also known as jaundice or icterus) may occur. Less common signs may include coughing, respiratory distress, eye abnormalities, and neurologic signs. In some cases, sudden death is the first sign of illness.  

Chronic hepatitis, in contrast, progresses slowly. These dogs may appear normal early in the course of disease, with symptoms only developing as their liver damage worsens. With advanced chronic hepatitis, signs may include weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst/urination, lethargy, abnormal bleeding, and yellow discoloration of the skin or gums. Hepatic encephalopathy in dogs, a brain condition that occurs when the liver is unable to remove toxins from the bloodstream, may also result in seizures.

Regardless of the underlying cause, a dog’s hepatitis symptoms may include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy
  • Yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes
  • Seizures 

Diagnosing Dog Hepatitis

Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical exam, looking for jaundice and other signs that suggest the presence of liver disease. They will obtain a thorough medical history for your dog and likely question you about possible exposures to infections and toxins.

Next, your veterinarian will likely recommend blood tests and a urinalysis. Abnormalities in your dog’s laboratory tests may suggest liver dysfunction, making hepatitis a more likely diagnosis. 

If your veterinarian suspects infectious canine hepatitis, PCR testing can be used to identify the virus in your dog’s bodily fluids. 

A definitive diagnosis of chronic hepatitis in dogs requires a liver biopsy. Biopsy samples can be collected using a large-bore needle (under sedation, with ultrasound guidance) or via surgery. Your veterinarian will talk to you about the best option for your dog. 

Hepatitis in Dogs Treatment

Infectious canine hepatitis is a viral infection that must run its course. However, hospitalization is often required for supportive care. Your veterinarian will administer fluids to prevent dehydration, give medications to control nausea and diarrhea, and administer antioxidants to reduce permanent liver damage. 

The treatment of chronic hepatitis largely depends on its suspected underlying cause. If an identifiable underlying cause is found (such as abnormal copper accumulation), treatments may be given to address this underlying condition. Bacterial hepatitis in dogs may require antibiotic therapy. Steroids or other immunosuppressive drugs may be used to reduce inflammation within the liver. Your veterinarian may also prescribe a therapeutic diet, specifically formulated to support your dog’s liver function.

Cost to Treat a Dog for Hepatitis 

The cost to treat hepatitis can vary significantly, depending on the cause of your dog’s hepatitis and the severity of their illness. 

If your dog requires hospitalization for infectious canine hepatitis or a severe case of chronic hepatitis, this could cost several thousand dollars. 

If your dog’s chronic hepatitis can be treated with outpatient therapy, the cost of medications and a prescription diet may be less than $100 per month. 

Hepatitis in Dogs: Life Expectancy

Infectious canine hepatitis is a serious condition that is fatal in up to 30 percent of cases. Even if your dog survives this disease, permanent liver damage may occur. Your veterinarian will help you determine what treatments and monitoring may be necessary if your dog recovers from infectious canine hepatitis.  

In most cases, chronic hepatitis is a condition that is managed, not cured. Your dog may require lifelong medications and dietary modifications, along with frequent veterinary rechecks. In general, your dog’s prognosis will correspond to their degree of illness at the time of diagnosis. Dogs that are very sick at the time of diagnosis may survive just days to months, while dogs that are asymptomatic may go on to lead relatively normal lives with treatment. 

How to Prevent Hepatitis in Dogs

Vaccination is the best way to prevent infectious canine hepatitis The “distemper-parvo shot” or DAPP/DHPP vaccine includes an adenovirus vaccine for dogs. As long as your pet remains up to date on this vaccine, their risk of infectious canine hepatitis is extremely low. If your puppy has not yet completed their puppy vaccine series, keep them away from other dogs and potentially-contaminated environments to prevent infection. 

Given the variety of potential causes involved in chronic hepatitis, prevention is rarely practical. Feeding a balanced diet, avoiding moldy foods, limiting your dog’s access to potential toxins, and keeping your dog’s vaccines up to date will protect against some potential causes of hepatitis, but the risk of chronic hepatitis cannot be entirely eliminated.  

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My Dog Sounds Congested: 9 Reasons It Might Be Happening https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/my-dog-sounds-congested/ Tue, 23 May 2023 16:20:43 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122626 In people congestion is a fact of life. But what about dogs? Do you ever hear what you think is a cough, sneeze, or snore coming from your pup and think, my dog sounds congested? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this article we’ll go through everything you need to know about congestion in dogs. […]

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In people congestion is a fact of life. But what about dogs? Do you ever hear what you think is a cough, sneeze, or snore coming from your pup and think, my dog sounds congested?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this article we’ll go through everything you need to know about congestion in dogs. What does it sound like? What causes it? What you can do to treat and prevent it? Keep reading to learn the answers.

Do Dogs Get Congested?

Yes, dogs get congested. They share many of the same symptoms we experience, such as sneezing and coughing.

Congestion in dogs occurs for many reasons, such as upper respiratory infections or allergies. It isn’t life-threatening, but you may feel concern if your dog starts showing the symptoms.

Viral and bacterial respiratory infections in dogs are highly contagious. It doesn’t take much for dogs in close contact with each other to get sick and start sounding congested.

Some dogs are naturally prone to congestion. Brachycephalic dogs, like Bulldogs, can sound congested because of their smoosh-faced facial structure. They have short snouts, making breathing more difficult. Congestion in these breeds is normal, but may need medical treatment if it’s causing breathing challenges.

What Dog Congestion Sounds Like

If your dog is congested, you’ll hear it. Dogs who experience congestion often cough, and that cough can be distinctive. For example, dogs with kennel cough have a dry, “goose honk” cough.

Coughing due to congestion may worsen when a dog is lying down at night. Severe coughing fits can even make a dog gag or retch, which is far from pleasant to hear.

A congested dog can also have noisy, labored, and rapid breathing. This is because they have to work extra hard to get oxygen into their body. They might breathe with their mouth open as their nose is too stuffy for oxygen to pass through the nasal passages. Sneezing and snoring are also common in congested dogs.  

Why Is My Dog Congested?

Pug sneezing outside

There are several potential reasons why your dog is congested. Many cases of dog congestion come from viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. Others may be due to chronic disease. Here’s a list of what could be causing your dog’s congestion:




  • Aspergillus

Dogs can spread viral and bacterial infections through respiratory droplets on shared items like food bowls and toys. The fungi Aspergillus can get breathed in as a dog roots through the soil with their nose. When these tiny pathogens enter the airways, the immune system fights back, causing congestion.

Beyond these common causes, there are other reasons your dog may be congested.

Seasonal allergies. Dogs with seasonal allergies are allergic to environmental substances, like pollen. Breathing in these allergens triggers an allergic response, causing congestion.

Congestive heart failure. An end-stage heart disease, congestive heart failure is when the heart can no longer pump blood effectively. It causes fluid to accumulate and leak out of the blood vessels. A fluid buildup in the lungs can lead to symptoms of congestion, like coughing and difficulty breathing.

Heartworms. Heartworms get lodged in the pulmonary (lung) arteries and damage the lungs. Dogs with heartworms often cough and have difficulty breathing.

Foreign object. If something is stuck in your dog’s nose, their immune system will work hard to get it out, causing dog nasal congestion symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose.

Respiratory tumors. A tumor in the respiratory tract can block the normal flow of air, leading to congestion.

Obesity. Excess weight makes the heart and lungs work extra hard. More pressure on the lungs can lead to a dog having difficulty breathing and sounding congested.

Diagnosing the Cause of Dog Congestion

Call your veterinarian if your dog sounds congested. Not all cases of congestion warrant a trip to the doctor, but do not assume that home remedies are all your dog needs.

Your veterinarian will advise you on bringing your dog in for an appointment. If your dog sounds congested when breathing, is lethargic, or isn’t eating or drinking well, see your vet.

During the appointment, your veterinarian will perform a physical exam, paying close attention to your dog’s lungs, heart, and nose.

Diagnostic tests will help your veterinarian figure out why your dog is congested. Blood work will give clues about your dog’s general health; chest x-rays will help them see abnormalities in your dog’s lungs or heart.

To look in your dog’s nose, your vet may order a rhinoscopy. That’s helpful if they suspect a foreign body or tumor in the nose.

Treating Congestion in Dogs

Corgi at vet

Treating congestion in dogs depends on the underlying cause. Your vet may recommend these treatments following a proper diagnosis:

  • Infection – If an infection is causing your dog’s congestion, the vet will tailor treatment based on the type and severity. For example, you usually won’t get an antiviral for viral respiratory infections like the flu or kennel cough. Instead, your vet may recommend at-home care until the illness runs its course (usually 5 to 10 days).  If there’s a high risk of secondary infection, like in puppies or immune-compromised dogs, the vet may prescribe doxycycline.
  • Allergies – If your dog’s congestion stems from an allergic reaction to inhaled allergens like ragweed, pollen, or dust, your veterinarian may prescribe an antihistamine. These might include Vetadryl Flavored Tablets or generic options, like cetirizine or diphenhydramine.
  • Congestive Heart Failure – For dogs with congestive heartfailure, veterinarians often prescribe a diuretic, such as Salix tablets (or the generic form, furosemide). 
  • Heartworms – If your dog tests positive for heartworm disease, your vet will prescribe a treatment plan based on its severity. And to help your dog breathe easier during treatment, your vet may prescribe a steroid like prednisone, which can lower the inflammation in the lungs and blood vessels. 
  • Obesity – Some dogs are predisposed to develop obesity, which can cause congestion, especially in brachycephalic breeds. If your veterinarian determines that excess weight is causing congested breathing, they may prescribe a weight management diet. Some options include Hill’s Prescription Diet Metabolic Weight Management or Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets OM Overweight Management dog food.

Talk to your vet first before giving your dog any over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to relieve their congestion. These medicines may contain ingredients that are safe for people but toxic to dogs.  

Benadryl is a common OTC medicine for relieving allergy-related congestion in humans, but should only be given to dogs with veterinary supervision and guidance.

Home Remedies for Dog Congestion

For mild congestion, at-home supportive care includes rest, hydration, and good nutrition. Adding moisture to the air can make breathing easier. Consider using a humidifier or inviting your dog into the bathroom while you shower.

Wipe your pup’s nose and eyes with a warm, damp cloth to remove nasal discharge as you see it, too.

How to Prevent Dog Congestion

Because there are so many potential causes of congestion in dogs, preventing it is not entirely practical. Vaccines are the best form of prevention against viral and bacterial respiratory infections. Limiting your dog’s time in crowded dog facilities like doggie daycares can also help decrease your dog’s risk of getting congested from these infections.

People commonly take supplements that claim to boost immune health, but these are not recommended for dogs. Currently, there’s no scientific evidence that immune-boosting supplements are beneficial for dogs.

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Where Is a Dog’s Heart? Understanding Canine Heart Anatomy https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/where-is-a-dogs-heart/ Tue, 23 May 2023 15:03:55 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122484 Lay your hands on your dog’s chest, in the space just behind their elbows. Right there, you will feel it — the thump, thump of your dog’s heart, one of the most critical and hardest-working organs in their body.  A healthy heart allows a dog to run, play, and do everything else a dog does. […]

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Lay your hands on your dog’s chest, in the space just behind their elbows. Right there, you will feel it — the thump, thump of your dog’s heart, one of the most critical and hardest-working organs in their body. 

A healthy heart allows a dog to run, play, and do everything else a dog does. So, understanding canine heart anatomy is essential to ensure your dog stays in good physical condition.

Where Is a Dog’s Heart Located in the Body?

A dog’s heart sits roughly in the middle of the chest between the lungs in an upright position. The position of a dog’s heart is roughly the same for most dogs, but there is some variation between breeds, says Dr. Joanne Harris, a veterinary cardiology specialist at HeartVets in Exeter, U.K.

“If you have a very barrel-chested breed like a French Bulldog, for example, or an English Bulldog, their heart will sit in a slightly different position because their chest is very round,” says Dr. Harris. “Whereas if you have a very narrow deep-chested breed like a Whippet, Doberman, or Boxer, then everything is more upright.”

Knowing the location of a dog heart might be helpful in the rare situation when you might need to give a dog CPR

“You can do external cardiac massage in dogs just as you can on people,” says Dr. Harris. “It’s easier in those narrow-chested breeds because you can go across the heart rather than having to put just downward pressure on it.”

However, Dr. Harris says she doesn’t actually recommend anyone without proper training to perform CPR on dogs. For one, she says that heart attacks are uncommon in dogs since they don’t get coronary artery disease as people do, so the situations in which CPR is required are rare. Secondly, she says it is easy to misjudge a situation where a dog needs CPR.

“I would say fainting is by far the most common reason that dogs may acutely collapse and not seem to have a heartbeat, and I think in that moment of panic, some dogs owners may struggle to feel a heartbeat,” says Dr. Harris, “but we wouldn’t recommend in that situation that they attempt any kind of CPR unless they have some training in this.” 

Dog Heart Anatomy: A Closer Look

Dog heart anatomy

The cardiovascular system of a dog consists of a four-chambered, oval-shaped heart and a network of blood vessels, including veins, arteries, and capillaries. The right side of a dog’s heart pumps blood to the lungs, while the left side pumps blood to the rest of the body. 

The size of a canine heart will vary depending on the dog’s size. “Obviously, a Chihuahua is going to have a smaller heart than a Great Dane,” says Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, Director of Primary Care at Bond Vet. “However, the size of the heart relative to the size of the dog is fairly consistent between breeds.”

All dogs have a circulating blood volume of about 80 milliliters per kilogram in body weight — but the amount of blood each dog circulates will, once again, differ depending on a dog’s size. “A Chihuahua may have around 400ml of blood, but a Great Dane would have around 6.5 liters,” says Dr. Harris.

What’s a normal heart rate for dogs? It is commonly believed that a dog’s body weight will affect heart rate, with smaller dogs having a faster heartbeat than younger dogs — but research has shown this may be untrue. For most dogs, the average heart rate is about 120 beats per minute (bpm), although young dogs under 12 months can have a slightly higher rate. Additionally, excited or nervous dogs may have a higher heart rate than calm dogs, experts say.

Dog Heart vs. Human Heart

Dogs and humans might be physically different in many ways, but the anatomy of our hearts is comparable.

“A dog heart and a human heart are actually very similar, having four chambers (left and right atria, and left and right ventricles) and a similar method of functioning,” says Dr. Fadl. “Some of the larger blood vessels coming directly from the heart even share the same names, including the aorta (the vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body) and the vena cava (the large vessel that returns blood to the heart).”

But when it comes to heart conditions, there are some key differences between humans and dogs, says Dr. Fadl. “Humans commonly get atherosclerosis or plaque buildup in their arteries, which can lead to a blockage and a heart attack,” says Dr. Fadl. “Dogs don’t really tend to have this type of issue. Instead, more common conditions for them include a leaky heart valve (usually with age, especially in small dogs) or problems with the heart muscles (more common in larger breeds).”

All heart murmurs in puppies should be monitored. Quiet heart murmurs in puppies are usually benign, but if a quiet murmur gets louder or does not go away by 6 months of age, then the puppy likely has a congenital heart abnormality. Loud heart murmurs are almost always associated with heart conditions in puppies. “So, if your puppy is diagnosed with a moderate or loud heart murmur at a young age, then it is best to seek cardiologist advice and find out if the puppy needs an echocardiogram,” says Dr. Harris. 

Other common heart issues dogs may face include congestive heart failure and heartworm disease in areas where it is endemic.

Heart Health for Dogs: What to Know

Chihuahua with leash on walkway outdoors

You can do many things to help keep your dog — and their heart — as healthy as possible.

“Maintaining a healthy weight is good to prevent excess strain on the heart, lungs, and joints,” says Dr. Fadl. “Take your dog to recommended checkups with your veterinarian, even if they seem healthy. It’s not unusual for vets to discover subtle signs of disease (like the abnormal heart sounds or rhythms mentioned above) in the early stages before symptoms develop. Earlier diagnosis often means treatment is more effective and less costly. Also, keep your dog on heartworm prevention as recommended, to protect their heart from these parasites.”

According to Dr. Harris, a lot of heart disease in dogs has a genetic component. For example, little dogs like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Chihuahuas, Poodles, and Dachshunds have a higher likelihood of developing disease of the heart valves. If you want to buy a breed that is prone to heart disease, Dr. Harris says “…it’s best to do your research first and find out what screening programs are in place and buy puppies from breeders that are breeding dogs that have been screened and are listed as being clear of that disease.”

Dr. Harris also advises taking your dog to a cardiology specialist if a veterinarian detects a heart murmur or irregular heart rhythm. And, of course, seek medical advice if your dog faints or collapses or displays symptoms like shallow breathing or unusual tiredness after exercise.

Your quick action may save your dog’s life — and ensure that their heart keeps working in the healthiest way possible.

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12 Heartworm Symptoms in Cats You Shouldn’t Ignore https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/heartworm-symptoms-in-cats/ Tue, 23 May 2023 14:47:09 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122488 Heartworm in cats is not talked about as much as heartworm in dogs, but cats can become infected with heartworms, too. In some cases, the prognosis is deadly. Heartworm symptoms in cats can be subtle or even nonexistent, so it’s important to keep cats protected from becoming infected in the first place such as Revolution […]

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Heartworm in cats is not talked about as much as heartworm in dogs, but cats can become infected with heartworms, too. In some cases, the prognosis is deadly. Heartworm symptoms in cats can be subtle or even nonexistent, so it’s important to keep cats protected from becoming infected in the first place such as Revolution or Revolution Plus.

According to Mark Cousins, DVM, DABVP (Feline Practice), of The Cat Practice Veterinary Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana, it’s hard to know the true prevalence of heartworm disease in cats because most veterinarians do not routinely screen cats for heartworm. However, a 2020 study comparing heartworm prevalence for a random sample of 100 shelter dogs and 100 shelter cats from a heartworm-endemic region found that the rate of infection may be more similar between dogs and cats than previously thought (1).

“As a feline practitioner from New Orleans—where heartworm rates are known to be quite high in dogs—I can tell you that heartworm is also very common in cats,” says Dr. Cousins, who is on the board of directors for the American Heartworm Society. “Anyone with a cat who lives in an area known to have heartworm in dogs should also be concerned about protecting their cats.”

How Do Cats Get Heartworm?

Cats become infected with heartworms when they are bitten by a mosquito that carries heartworm larvae. The larvae develop into immature adults within the cat’s tissues and then enter the bloodstream. The immature adults become mature adult heartworms after reaching their ultimate destination—the heart and its associated vessels.

Unlike dogs, cats are not ideal hosts for heartworms, so although cats can become infected, heartworm disease is quite different in cats than dogs. “[Cats] can and do develop adult worms, but the majority of infections in cats are from immature worms that are eliminated before they reach the adult stage, thanks to the cat’s immune system,” Dr. Cousins says. “These immature worms are not harmless; they cause disease in the cat.”

According to Dr. Cousins, cats usually harbor less than six adult heartworms, and single-worm infections are common. Heartworm-infected dogs generally have a dozen or more adult heartworms, sometimes even carrying over 100 worms.

12 Heartworm Symptoms in Cats You Shouldn’t Ignore

Closeup of a cat with a mosquito on its face

Heartworm symptoms in cats range from very mild to severe. Because cat heartworm symptoms resemble those of other illnesses and diseases, they can sometimes be overlooked. According to the American Heartworm Society, some common signs of heartworm in cats include:

  • Chronic coughing
  • Asthma-like attacks
  • Wheezing
  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty walking
  • Fainting 
  • Seizures
  • Fluid accumulation in the abdomen (ascites)
  • Collapse
  • Sudden death

“Death from heartworm disease in cats typically occurs when an adult worm living inside the cat dies,” Dr. Cousins says. “This causes an acute respiratory disease syndrome. The death of just one adult worm inside a cat can cause a fatal reaction.”

Cat Heartworm Symptoms: Next Steps

If you’re worried that your cat might have heartworms, do not delay scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian. There are two simple blood tests veterinarians can use to screen cats for heartworm infection:

Antigen tests, which are used to screen dogs for heartworms, only detect the presence of adult female heartworms. Antigen tests are a useful tool to detect adult heartworms in cats, but only if a cat is harboring adult female worms. 

“A better screening test for cats is an antibody test, which tells the veterinarian that the cat has been infected with heartworms at some point in its past,” Dr. Cousins says. “This tells the veterinarian and owner that the cat has been exposed to and infected with heartworms and therefore is at risk.”

If a cat has a positive antibody test, the vet can perform an antigen test and/or heat-treated antigen test (which helps rule out potential false-negative test results) to see if adult worms are present. Chest X-rays and an ultrasound of the heart (echocardiogram) may also be recommended.

Dr. Cousins points out that most cats with adult heartworms can survive, especially if they receive good supportive care. “Anecdotal evidence suggests that anti-inflammatory medications like steroids, as well as a class of drugs called leukotrienes, can be helpful,” he says. 

Owners of cats that test positive for adult worms should talk to their veterinarian about spotting signs of acute respiratory disease, which can indicate that worm death is occurring. Supportive care at the veterinary clinic can help cats survive this critical time.

Do Cats Need Heartworm Prevention?

Pet owner giving cat a chewable

Pet parents might think that indoor cats don’t need to worry about heartworms, or that prevention is only needed in the summer months, but both of these assumptions are false. The American Heartworm Society recommends year-round heartworm prevention in all cats, including those that live primarily indoors. 

“Studies have shown that heartworm in cats is not limited to outdoor pets,” Dr. Cousins says. “Mosquitoes love to come indoors! And it only takes one feeding session by a mosquito to infect a cat. No one knows when the first and last mosquitoes of a so-called season will be present.” 

Mosquitoes can survive in colder climates due to elevated temperatures within urban “heat islands” (areas of warmth created by buildings and concrete). Mosquitoes can even live indoors, so it’s impossible to identify an entirely safe season when cats are not at risk of becoming infected with heartworms. 

“I also find that cat owners are better at adhering to heartworm prevention if they give a pill or apply a spot-on medication on a routine, year-round basis,” Dr. Cousins says.

Although effective treatment options are available for dogs with adult heartworms, there are no FDA-approved treatments for heartworms in cats. “This makes prevention especially important for cats, and there are safe and highly effective preventives out there for them,” Dr. Cousins says.

Every heartworm preventive for cats protects against multiple parasites. Revolution topical solution is formulated to prevent heartworm disease in cats while also protecting against fleas, ear mites, and harmful intestinal worms like roundworms and hookworms. roundworms and hookworms. Revolution Plus topical parasiticide does all that and more, offering protection against five species of ticks, including the black legged tick, which transmits Lyme disease.

Whichever heartworm preventative you choose for your cat, make sure you work with your veterinarian to find the right option for your cat’s age, weight, and risk level. You’ll need to have a negative heartworm test on file in order for your vet to prescribe heartworm prevention medication. And be sure to administer your cats monthly heartworm medication consistently for continuous protection, all year through.

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Dog Teeth Chattering: Causes and What It Means https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/dog-teeth-chattering/ Tue, 23 May 2023 14:33:16 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122492 Your dog’s jaw starts to shake. Their teeth might even tap together. Is your dog feeling cold, which is a common reason humans chatter their teeth? Or is something else happening? Aside from being cold, there are other potential reasons for teeth chattering in dogs, such as smelling something interesting or, in some cases, an […]

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Your dog’s jaw starts to shake. Their teeth might even tap together. Is your dog feeling cold, which is a common reason humans chatter their teeth? Or is something else happening?

Aside from being cold, there are other potential reasons for teeth chattering in dogs, such as smelling something interesting or, in some cases, an underlying health problem. 

Let’s take a closer look at what causes dog teeth chattering—and what to do about this behavior.

What Is Dog Teeth Chattering?

So, what exactly is teeth chattering in dogs, and what does it look like? This depends on how you define teeth chattering, says Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a professor emeritus at Tufts University and the chief scientific officer at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies

To Dr. Dodman, teeth chattering is what happens when a dog smells something new and exciting, like urine from another dog. The movement of the dog’s jaw helps move chemical signals from the smell to the vomeronasal organ—also called the Jacobson’s organ—in the roof of their mouth, allowing them to supercharge their sense of smell. This is called a Flehmen response. 

“Chattering has something to do with tasting, smelling, appreciating certain foreign materials, notably other dogs’ excretions or other interesting smells like bits of dead animal or an old piece of rotten chicken on the side of the road,” Dr. Dodman says. 

Dr. Dodman says that when chattering is part of a Flehmen response, a dog might briefly quiver their jaw while sniffing or licking. They might even appear like they’re about to yawn. They probably won’t tap their teeth together. Most of these episodes only last about 30 seconds—sometimes too quick for you to see, he adds.

But dog teeth chattering can also be defined another way. Dr. Roxanne LeBrun, a veterinarian at Best Friends Animal Society, a leading U.S. animal welfare organization, describes it as “an involuntary movement caused by contractions in the muscles used for mastication,” which can happen in response to dental pain, neurologic issues, or even anxiety.

In these situations, you might literally hear your dog’s teeth tap together as their jaw shakes. “It is a pretty obvious motion of the mouth, and you can often hear the teeth tapping against each other,” says Dr. LeBrun.

Causes of Dog Teeth Chattering

White dog wrapping in blanket shivering

Veterinary experts say several things can cause teeth chattering in dogs, including:

  • Flehmen response
  • Dental disease, which can affect the teeth, gums, and tissues
  • Neurologic issues such as seizures
  • A neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerves controlling the jaw muscle
  • Anxiety or fright
  • Cold temperatures

So how can you tell if your dog’s teeth chattering is a response to something stinky and interesting—or an underlying health problem? Dr. Pieter Vanacker, a veterinary surgeon at AniCura Veterinary Center Anthemis in Kapelle-op-den-Bos, Belgium, says you must assess the situation and the dog’s overall behavior. In other words, get the context.

“It’s very important at that moment to see what the dog is doing,” Dr. Vanacker says. “What are the circumstances in which he starts doing that? So, for example, when you go for a walk with the dog, he’s going to sniff the environment, and he’s starting to shiver his teeth, it’s possible he found something he likes. But if it happens around the moment he wants to eat, it’s possible that he has a tooth [issue] and eating hurts him a little.”

Dr. Vanacker says if you see your dog chattering their teeth more than usual, or if you notice anything unusual about his behavior, it might be worth taking your dog to the veterinary clinic.

Should You Worry About Teeth Chattering in Dogs?

In many cases, you don’t need to worry about dog teeth chattering, especially if your dog seems to do it while sniffing or licking something. 

However, one situation in which you should take teeth chattering very seriously is when a dog is suddenly not responding to you, says Dr. Vanacker. In these situations, your dog may be experiencing a focal seizure. If you notice your dog chattering their teeth or biting at the air for no apparent reason, contact a veterinarian to rule out focal seizures.

And of course, if you think your dog is suffering due to an issue like dental pain or anxiety, you should also contact your veterinarian.

What to Do About a Dog’s Chattering Teeth

Golden Retriever showing teeth

In most cases, teeth chattering in dogs does not indicate a serious issue that requires a trip to the emergency clinic. But if you’re still concerned, carefully document what’s happening so you can discuss the behavior with your veterinarian.

“If you notice teeth chattering, it’s a good idea to make a mental note of the conditions it’s occurring in and the generalized demeanor of your dog,” says Dr. LeBrun. “Ask yourself questions like: Are they in an unfamiliar or scary environment? How is the ambient temperature? Do they respond to you speaking or petting them?

“Another very helpful thing you can do is try to capture the episode on video to share with your veterinarian,” she adds. “It may provide hard-to-describe details that help your veterinarian identify how concerned to be about the behavior and where to direct their physical exam.”

If your dog turns out to be suffering from dental issues, neurological problems, anxiety, or another condition, your vet will be able to provide advice on what to do. For instance, your veterinarian might advise a professional dental cleaning to address any oral health issues, or to consult a dog behavior expert for ways to ease your dog’s anxiety. If you tackle the root of the issue, a dog’s teeth chattering might completely disappear.

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Gabapentin for Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/gabapentin-for-cats/ Mon, 22 May 2023 19:03:12 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122433 If your feline friend becomes fearful or feisty at the veterinary clinic, you may be familiar with gabapentin for cats. Although this medication has other applications in human patients, its most common use in cats is to treat fear and anxiety associated with veterinary visits. What is Gabapentin? Gabapentin was approved by the U.S. Food […]

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If your feline friend becomes fearful or feisty at the veterinary clinic, you may be familiar with gabapentin for cats. Although this medication has other applications in human patients, its most common use in cats is to treat fear and anxiety associated with veterinary visits.

What is Gabapentin?

Gabapentin was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993 for the treatment of epilepsy in humans. In addition to preventing seizures, gabapentin was later approved to treat neuralgia (nerve pain) occurring after herpes infection in people. 

Over time, veterinarians began adopting the use of gabapentin to treat pain and seizures in cats. A 2017 study determined that gabapentin was highly effective in alleviating the stress associated with veterinary visits in cats. This led to a dramatic increase in the use of gabapentin as a cat anxiety medication. 

Although gabapentin is not labeled for use in feline patients, it is frequently used in an “off-label” manner. This means that the manufacturer has not submitted the testing and documentation that is requires for FDA approval, but there are published research studies to support its use and veterinarians have safely used this drug for years. 

Most veterinarians in the United States stock gabapentin capsules that are appropriately sized for dogs and cats. If your veterinarian does not stock this medication, they may provide you with a prescription to obtain this medication from a human or veterinary pharmacy. Gabapentin does not require a visit to a veterinary specialist. 

What Does Gabapentin for Cats Look Like?

Most veterinary hospitals provide gabapentin to cat owners as 100 mg or 300 mg capsules. The color of these capsules may vary, depending on the manufacturer. 

How Does Gabapentin Work?

Gabapentin binds to multiple receptors within the brain and spinal cord, influencing the levels of certain neurotransmitters (chemical signals) that are circulating within the body. 

In the brain, gabapentin primarily acts to decrease the excitability of neurons. This slows the transmission of abnormal electrical signals, reducing the likelihood of seizures and exerting a calming effect. In the spinal cord, gabapentin limits the transmission of pain signals, reducing the sensation of pain.  

What Is Gabapentin Used For in Cats?

anxious cat at vet

Gabapentin is primarily intended to control seizures and reduce neuropathic (nerve-associated) pain. 

However, this medication has also been shown to reduce stress associated with veterinary visits. Therefore, many veterinarians prescribe gabapentin for cats who become anxious or aggressive in the veterinary clinic.  

Common scenarios in which your veterinarian might prescribe your cat gabapentin include: 

  • Anxiety with veterinary visits
  • Anxiety in other short-lived situations
  • Chronic pain
  • Nerve pain
  • Seizures
  • Epilepsy

How to Give Gabapentin to Cats

Gabapentin is typically given by mouth. This medication can be given with or without food. 

You can also dissolve gabapentin in water for cats, but your cat might notice the taste of the medication and resist this method. Instead, consider mixing the contents of a capsule with wet cat food or another tasty treat. 

Gabapentin acts quickly and its effects are typically seen within one to two hours. The effects of gabapentin typically begin to wear off within approximately eight hours, though they may persist for 24 hours.  

Gabapentin for Cats Side Effects

The most common side effect of gabapentin is sedation or sleepiness. You might also notice that your cat cannot or will not walk after gabapentin, and they may appear extra-clumsy. Less commonly, gabapentin may cause vomiting

Fortunately, gabapentin side effects are often short-lived and resolve within 10-12 hours. 

Gabapentin side effects in cats may include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Sedation
  • Inability to walk
  • Reluctance to walk
  • Clumsiness
  • Vomiting 

Reactions with Other Drugs and Medications

Gabapentin should be used with caution in cats taking any type of opioid (including buprenorphine and morphine). Combining gabapentin with an opioid may increase the amount of gabapentin that is present in the bloodstream, leading to an increased risk of side effects, as well as excessive sedation.

Caution should be used when combining gabapentin with drugs that depress the central nervous system. This includes, but is not limited to: valium and other benzodiazepines, CBD, phenobarbital, and most sedatives. The combination of gabapentin and any CNS depressant can cause an increased risk for sedation.

Antacids may decrease your cat’s ability to absorb gabapentin from the gastrointestinal tract. If your cat is taking antacids, your veterinarian may prescribe a higher dose of gabapentin to overcome this interaction.

Talk to your veterinarian about any medications, vitamins, supplements, or anxiety medications for cats that your pet is taking before starting treatment with gabapentin. 

Gabapentin Dosage for Cats

gabapentin pills on shelf
Editorial credit: PureRadiancePhoto / Shutterstock.com

Your veterinarian calculates a gabapentin dosage for cats by weight, taking into account the medication’s intended purpose. 

Cats that are taking gabapentin for the control of seizures may require a relatively high dose of gabapentin, which may be given as often as every eight hours. In contrast, a gabapentin dose for cats with chronic pain is often relatively low and these cats may receive gabapentin just once daily. 

What if My Cat Misses a Dose of Gabapentin?

If your cat misses a dose of gabapentin, you should give the missed dose as soon as you remember. Adjust your cat’s dosing schedule and continue to give the rest of your cat’s doses at the recommended intervals. 

If it’s almost time for your cat’s next dose of gabapentin, you may want to wait and give the dose at the scheduled time. This will allow you to get your pet back on a regular dosing schedule. 

If your cat has a history of seizures, do not stop giving gabapentin abruptly. Cat gabapentin withdrawal could lead to a recurrence of your cat’s seizures. 

Cost of Gabapentin for Cats

Gabapentin is a relatively inexpensive medication and the generic form of medication is usually dispensed. In most cases, you will pay less than $1 per pill for gabapentin. 

A one-month supply of gabapentin for a cat that is taking this medication once daily will likely cost around $30. 

Keep in mind, however, that veterinary hospitals and pharmacies may charge a prescription dispensing fee to account for supplies and staff time spent labeling and dispensing medications. If you are purchasing a few gabapentin capsules to give before veterinary visits, you may spend approximately $15-$20 due to medication costs and dispensing fees. 

Gabapentin Storage Instructions

Gabapentin capsules can be stored at room temperature, in a cabinet, or on your kitchen counter. Liquid gabapentin may require refrigeration. Talk to your veterinarian or pharmacist if you have questions about appropriate gabapentin storage.

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Happy Tail Syndrome in Dogs and Puppies https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/happy-tail-syndrome/ Mon, 22 May 2023 17:37:03 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122401 A dog’s tail isn’t just for show – it’s a big part of how they communicate! A dog wags their tail when happy or excited, tucks it in when frightened or anxious, or holds it up like a flag when confident or focused. In fact, some dogs are so expressive with their tails that they […]

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A dog’s tail isn’t just for show – it’s a big part of how they communicate! A dog wags their tail when happy or excited, tucks it in when frightened or anxious, or holds it up like a flag when confident or focused. In fact, some dogs are so expressive with their tails that they develop a frustrating condition known as happy tail syndrome. 

In stark contrast to its name, this condition is anything but happy for the affected dogs and their caregivers. Throughout this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about happy tail syndrome in dogs, including causes, symptoms, treatments, and possible prevention.

What Is Happy Tail Syndrome?

Happy tail syndrome is a painful condition characterized by a non-healing wound at the tip of a dog’s tail. The syndrome develops when a dog wags their tail so enthusiastically that it repeatedly bangs against hard surfaces like walls, chairs, and tables, or even people and other pets. 

A dog’s tail is composed of a chain of hard, vertebral bones covered by very little muscle or fat for padding. Therefore, it’s easy for the thin skin at the tip of the tail to split open as the tail whacks against these hard surfaces over and over.

Despite our best attempts, dogs who wag their tails so vigorously that they damage it are often unable to stop the behavior. As the tail continues to bang against surfaces every time a “happy dog” wags it, a non-healing, painful, bloody ulcer develops at the tip of the tail. 

This is often accompanied by blood splatters and smears on surfaces around the household, a frustrated pet parent, and a not-so-happy dog. The longer the condition remains untreated, the worse it becomes. Occasionally, the chronic wound becomes infected and the bones and nerves at the tip of the tail are also compromised.

Large breed dogs with powerful, long tails and shorter hair coats are the most likely to develop happy tail syndrome. This condition is diagnosed most commonly in Pit Bulls, Labradors, Greyhounds, and Great Danes, but any dog can be affected. While there is no clear age predilection, it is more common in younger, more enthusiastic dogs. 

Causes of Happy Tail Syndrome

Pit Bull playing in yard

The most typical cause of happy tail syndrome in a dog is exuberantly wagging their tail to express themself until the tip is damaged from repeated trauma, as discussed above. However, it sometimes happens after a stay at a boarding facility, where a dog may be wagging more than usual in combination with tighter-than-usual living quarters – a recipe for happy tail syndrome. 

In less common instances, a pup can develop a dog tail injury that leads to happy tail syndrome. For example, they hurt the tip of their tail playing at the dog park, climbing under a fence, having it caught in a doorway, etc. Once the initial damage occurs, however, the tail wagging and striking surfaces prevents the wound from healing, much like the more common presentation of happy tail.

Symptoms of Happy Tail in Dogs

Dogs with happy tail syndrome may have one of more of the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding from the tip of the tail
  • Bald spots at the tip of the tail
  • Biting/chewing at the tail
  • Whining during or after tail wagging
  • A foul smell around the tail
  • Black or discolored skin near the end of the tail
  • Pain or yelping when the end of the tail is touched or handled

Despite the pain associated with this condition, dogs affected by happy tail syndrome often do not stop wagging their tail.

How to Treat Happy Tail Syndrome

Since we cannot tell a dog to simply stop wagging their tail, treatment of happy tail syndrome can be frustrating. Ultimately, treatment depends on the severity of the syndrome and whether or not it is a recurring issue. 

In minor cases, dogs can be treated with a combination of pain medications, antibiotics if needed, and a bandage. The bandage acts as a dog tail protector during the healing process, providing padding and cushion around the wound. Unfortunately, the tail is a very difficult area to cover as any bandages tend to slip off, especially in dogs that wag their tail energetically. 

Many pets will also need to wear an Elizabethean collar (also known as e-collar or cone-of-shame) to prevent them from ripping off the bandage and causing further trauma to the tail, and most will require a sedative to help decrease their incessant wagging. 

While veterinarians typically try a more conservative treatment such as bandaging and oral medications first, most chronic or recurrent cases of happy tail syndrome will require a surgical tail amputation. The tail will be shortened to a length that it no longer strikes surfaces when the dog becomes excited, and any damaged vertebrae, infected tissue, etc. will also be removed at that time. 

But don’t worry, dogs with happy tail syndrome are not upset that their tail has been shortened  and will continue to wag their stumpier tail as happily as before (this time without injury). 

How to Prevent Happy Tail in Dogs

Black dog wagging tail

Since you can’t bubblewrap your dog’s tail indefinitely, or reasonably pad every hard surface in your household, a dog tail injury like happy tail syndrome is not easily preventable. 

That being said, pet parents can be vigilant for areas where their dog’s tail tends to whack against hard objects, such as hallways. Take steps to prevent your dog from becoming overly excited in that area, or quickly move them if they do begin wagging enthusiastically. 

Another potential prevention technique for happy tail syndrome is encouraging calm behavior as often as possible. Provide treats and other rewards when your dog is relaxed, and avoid showing attention during periods of over-excitement. Instead, wait until they calm down before acknowledging or rewarding them. 

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Can Dogs Eat Carrots? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/can-dogs-eat-carrots/ Sun, 21 May 2023 02:02:59 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=122234 Carrots are crunchy, tasty, slightly sweet, and pair perfectly with everything from hummus to delicious dips. There’s plenty to love about these yummy, snackable veggies, and plenty of people who consider them a healthy, go-to treat. So it’s only natural to wonder, “Can dogs eat carrots, too?” Though most canines are more likely to salivate […]

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Carrots are crunchy, tasty, slightly sweet, and pair perfectly with everything from hummus to delicious dips. There’s plenty to love about these yummy, snackable veggies, and plenty of people who consider them a healthy, go-to treat. So it’s only natural to wonder, “Can dogs eat carrots, too?”

Though most canines are more likely to salivate over a juicy, protein-packed steak than a tray of crudites, all dogs are omnivorous, meaning they can eat both meat and plants. And, in fact, a meat-only diet would end up doing more harm to your dog’s health than good. 

But does that mean you should be supplementing your pup’s daily diet with carrots? Let’s find out what the experts have to say about canines and carrots!

Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

Puppy holding a carrot in their mouth

Yes, dogs can absolutely eat carrots. Not only are they non-toxic, but they also hold many nutritional benefits our dogs can enjoy, too.

In fact, carrots are one of the top human foods nutritionists and veterinarians recommend sharing with your dog. They’re especially good as snacks for obese dogs because they provide plenty of crunch without as many calories as traditional biscuit treats. 

But what about different types of carrots or styles of preparation? Here are some more answers about carrots and dogs that get right to the root of this colorful root vegetable.  

Can Puppies Eat Carrots?

Yes! Keep in mind that since puppies are growing, they require more protein, fat, and certain nutrients than adult dogs. Because of this, pet parents should be careful not to feed too many carrots to their puppies – consider them a special treat, not a mainstay or the majority of their diet.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Carrots?

Dog eating a raw carrot

Yes! Raw carrots and cooked carrots are both very nutritious for dogs. And for dogs who like to chew, chomping on raw carrots can provide a satisfying crunch. Carrot skin contains additional nutrients that are good for your dog, so there’s no need to break out the peeler. You can let your pup chow down on carrots, peels included!

Can Dogs Have Baby Carrots?

Yes! Baby carrots are an easy way for pet parents to control portions while minimizing chopping and prep work. And even though baby carrots have had their skin peeled off, they are still very nutritious. Depending on your dog’s size, baby carrots may still need to be chopped or sliced to prevent choking.   

Can Dogs Eat Peas and Carrots?

Yes! Peas and carrots are a classic pairing, so it’s great news that this nutrient-dense duo is safe for dogs, too. Together, peas and carrots provide a variety of nutrients, textures, and tastes dogs love. And to make things easier, many pet parents reach for a handful of frozen peas and carrots for a refreshing summertime dog treat. Frozen vegetables are a great alternative to fresh and just as nutritious.

Are Carrots Good for Dogs?

Carrots contain a host of nutritional benefits for dogs, as well as potential health benefits. The vibrant orange veggies are rich in beta-carotene, a pigment that your dog’s body converts into vitamin A to help promote strong bones, good eyesight, night vision, and a healthy coat.

Carrots also supply your dog with vitamins K and C, as well as essential minerals including potassium and calcium. Keeping the peel on the carrot provides additional vitamin C and niacin. But if you prefer the convenience of baby carrots, there’s no need to worry. Carrots still pack a nutritional wallop in terms of vitamins and minerals, even without the peel. 

Carrots are a great source of fiber, too. They provide dogs with both soluble and insoluble fiber, each of which plays a different role in your dog’s health. Soluble fiber helps lower glucose levels, reduce cholesterol, and slow digestion so your dog feels full longer. Insoluble fiber helps prevent constipation, remove toxins from the colon, and encourage regular, normal poop.

Are Carrots Bad for Dogs?

Dog eating a carrot side of mouth

Carrots could be bad for your dog if you feed them too much. Though they’re packed with beneficial vitamins and nutrients, sweet-tasting carrots contain plenty of natural sugars, too. But just because carrots are naturally sweet doesn’t mean your dog should eat them with abandon. Like any other treat, the calories can add up quickly.

Carrots are also high in oxalates, a natural compound found in many plants. If your dog has bladder stones made of oxalates (or is prone to forming them), feeding carrots would not be a good choice.

Finally, carrots can present a choking hazard. So it’s always best to offer your dog smaller, bite-sized chunks of carrot instead of larger pieces they could swallow whole or get lodged in their windpipe.  

Dogs and Carrots: Feeding Tips

Dog eating carrot outside

While carrots have many health benefits, it’s all too easy to go overboard with this natural snack. So be sure to factor in the calories they add to your dog’s diet, just like you would for any commercial dog treat. 

So how many carrots can a dog eat? Only 10 percent of your dog’s daily calories should come from treats. On average, a baby carrot contains about 4 calories. So for every 10 pounds of doggy weight, your dog can eat 5 baby carrots each day. Of course, if you are offering your pup any other treats, you would need to reduce that amount accordingly. 

When it comes to preparing carrots for dogs to enjoy, pet parents have plenty of pup-safe options. 

Raw carrots are easy to prep (especially if you leave the skin on) and provide lots of crunch. But in terms of nutritional benefit, cooked carrots are equivalent to raw. Cooking carrots helps break down the veggie’s tough cell walls so a dog’s body can more easily absorb the nutrients locked within.

Just remember that excessive boiling could cause some vitamins and minerals to leech out of the carrots and into the water, so steaming is best. 

And if you’re tempted to share some carrots off your own plate with your pup, keep in mind that carrots can be harmful to dogs if they are part of “people food.”

Carrots are often cooked with additives like oil and salt, which can be detrimental to dogs when consumed in excess. Or, they may be part of a recipe that includes seasonings like garlic or onion, which are toxic to dogs.

Carrot-based baked goods such as carrot cake should also be avoided due to high levels of sugar and fat, which could contribute to dog obesity and serious health issues like diabetes. In addition, some recipes contain added raisins which are highly toxic to dogs.

To ensure your dog gets the biggest nutritional boost out of carrots, remember to keep your prep simple and offer them to your pup in moderation. That’s the key to unlocking the benefits of carrots for dogs.

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Toxoplasmosis in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/toxoplasmosis-in-cats/ Wed, 17 May 2023 17:37:45 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121994 Toxoplasmosis is a type of infection commonly associated with domestic cats. Once cats are initially exposed to the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, they begin actively shedding oocysts in their stool.  Toxoplasmosis is considered a public health concern because the infection can pass from cats to people during this shedding stage. A study recently estimated that […]

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Toxoplasmosis is a type of infection commonly associated with domestic cats. Once cats are initially exposed to the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, they begin actively shedding oocysts in their stool. 

Toxoplasmosis is considered a public health concern because the infection can pass from cats to people during this shedding stage. A study recently estimated that 37.5 percent of domestic cats worldwide have been exposed to the parasite that causes this infection as demonstrated by the presence of antibodies within their blood. Additionally, about 2.6 percent of cats were shedding oocysts in their stool indicating a current, active infection. 

Because infected cats can pose a risk to humans, pet parents should understand what toxoplasmosis is and how to prevent their cats from becoming infected.

What Is Toxoplasmosis?

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a protozoan parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. It affects many different types of animals and can result in a wide variety of symptoms. It is relatively common in cats but most are asymptomatic despite being infected with the parasite. 

This disease is also zoonotic, which means that it can spread from cats to people. Outdoor cats are much more likely to become infected compared to indoor cats due to their likelihood of coming into contact with contaminated soil or other animals who may be carrying the parasite.  

Causes of Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Cats can get toxoplasmosis when they ingest an infected rodent or bird, raw meat, or contaminated fecal material within the environment. 

In as little as three days after becoming infected, cats begin to shed oocysts in their stool. Shedding may continue for up to 20 days. After the oocysts are passed by the cat and exposed to the environment, they become infectious and can cause disease in other animals or people if accidentally ingested. Infected cats usually only actively shed oocysts once in their lives after their first exposure to Toxoplasma gondii. However, the parasite can enter the tissues of the cat and cause a chronic, inactive infection. If a cat becomes immunosuppressed, re-shedding of oocysts may occur.

Since toxoplasmosis can be passed from cats to humans, it is understandable that many pet parents may be concerned about exposure. This transmission occurs through accidental ingestion of infected fecal material, not by simply breathing in cat litter. Accidental ingestion can occur if a pet parent cleans the litter box of an infected cat and forgets to wash his or her hands afterwards before touching his or her mouth or eating a meal. Practicing good hand hygiene when tending to the litter box, such as wearing gloves and washing hands, can reduce the risk of infection in people.

Toxoplasmosis Symptoms in Cats

Cat feeling sick on bed

Many healthy cats do not show any signs that they have been infected by Toxoplasma gondii. However, when cats do show symptoms, they can be highly variable depending on the cat’s health status and age. 

Symptoms that may be seen in cats with toxoplasmosis include:

This infection can also negatively affect the brain and eyes in some cats. Infected cats may experience the following symptoms:

  • Confusion
  • Incoordination
  • Abnormal behaviors
  • Head pressing
  • Vocalizing
  • Seizures
  • Localized or generalized eye inflammation

Diagnosing Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Veterinarians will start with a physical exam and take a history from the pet parent to identify any abnormalities or clues as to what might be affecting the cat. If toxoplasmosis is suspected, a stool sample can be collected and examined under the microscope to identify oocysts that the cat may be shedding. Blood and other body fluids may be sent to a laboratory for more specific testing. 

Diagnosis can also be made by sending a tissue sample to a pathologist for review; however, this can be costly and is typically done post-mortem. Additional testing, such as X-rays, a neurological exam, and an eye exam can be performed to support a diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.

Toxoplasmosis Treatment in Cats

Clindamycin, an antibiotic, is commonly prescribed for a period of 3 to 4 weeks to treat toxoplasmosis in cats. An anti-parasitic medication known as pyrimethamine in combination with an antibiotic called sulfadiazine may also be used. In many instances, no treatment is necessary in cats.

Some cats may require hospitalization if they are very ill from the infection. Treatment may consist of intravenous fluids and other necessary supportive care, such as oxygen therapy, until they are feeling better. Cats may be given additional treatment based on their presenting symptoms at the discretion of the veterinarian.

Treatment costs for toxoplasmosis can vary greatly depending on the symptoms the cat is experiencing and the types of treatment being administered. Clindamycin is given orally at home and can range from $20-$30 for a course of treatment. Supportive care or hospitalization can range from $500 or more. 

Follow up stool testing to identify whether oocyst shedding has stopped can also add additional costs to the final bill.

How to Prevent Toxoplasmosis in Cats

Cute cat in house

The best preventative measure pet parents can take to reduce the risk of toxoplasmosis in their cats is to keep them indoors. Since rodents are a reservoir for infection, ensuring the home is rodent-free is critical. 

If a cat does become infected, it is important to separate him from other cats within the household. This includes providing separate food and water bowls, separate bedding, and a separate litter box until the shedding of oocysts stops.  

If pet parents are unable to keep their cats inside, deterring rodents and birds from the property is helpful. Ensure outdoor cats always have access to clean, fresh water so they are not tempted to search for other water sources that could potentially be contaminated. Feeding cats dry food rather than a raw diet also reduces their risk of contracting the infection.

Pet parents may also be interested in learning how they can prevent infection in themselves if their cat is diagnosed with toxoplasmosis. Cleaning the litter box every day can greatly reduce the risk of cat to human transmission. Oocysts that have been shed by an infected cat must be exposed to the environment for one to five days before becoming infectious. The exact time period will depend on environmental conditions, but cleaning the litter box each day is an important guideline to follow. 

Pet parents should always wash their hands after tending to the litter box or after coming into contact with any areas outdoors, such as sandboxes, that cats may have defecated in as well.

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Cat Overgrooming: Why it Happens and What to Do https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-behavior/cat-overgrooming/ Wed, 17 May 2023 15:40:43 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121936 Cats are excellent self-groomers. So excellent, in fact, that they don’t need to take baths with water. Their tongues are rough like bristles on a brush, and they typically spend nearly half the time they are awake grooming themselves!  So, if grooming is such a normal behavior for cats, why do some cats groom too […]

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Cats are excellent self-groomers. So excellent, in fact, that they don’t need to take baths with water. Their tongues are rough like bristles on a brush, and they typically spend nearly half the time they are awake grooming themselves! 

So, if grooming is such a normal behavior for cats, why do some cats groom too much? And how do you know if your cat is grooming too much? Read on for everything you need to know about cat overgrooming, including why it happens, what signs to look for, and how to handle it.

Excessive Grooming in Cats: How Much Is Too Much?

Grooming is essential for cats to maintain skin health, remove shedding fur, get rid of parasites like fleas, and cool off. Cats will groom by licking, chewing, and nibbling on themselves. They use their paws and tongues, contorting their bodies into many different poses to reach every square inch. Cats may focus on one area of the body or cover the entire body head to toe. When grooming each other, cats tend to focus on the head and neck – the hardest places to reach themselves.

Cats groom approximately 15 percent of each day, which equates to an average of 4 minutes every hour. Exactly when or how frequently they choose to groom themselves varies from cat to cat, and when they become dirty, they groom for longer.

Most cats groom after resting and eating. Cats will also groom immediately after stressful situations – when they get scared, they’ll run off, suddenly stop, and furiously but briefly lick themselves. This could be a way of trying to calm down.

Overgrooming is essentially when cats groom so much that they remove healthy fur. This results in alopecia, or abnormal fur loss. The fur loss may cause your cat to be completely bald, develop bald patches, or have an unusually thin fur coat through which you can see skin. Because a lot of the excessive grooming can occur in secret, most cat parents don’t realize they have an overgrooming cat until fur is missing.

Cat Overgrooming: Why It Happens

Around 75 percent of cats with overgrooming issues have underlying medical conditions. Only 10 percent of cats overgroom strictly due to behavior, while the rest of the population (around 15 percent) have both medical and behavioral concerns [1]. All in all, if your cat is overgrooming, there’s most likely a medical cause.

There are three general causes of cat overgrooming:

  • Painful conditions. Any source of pain or discomfort could lead to cat overgrooming. Conditions such as bladder inflammation (cystitis), back pain, or full anal sacs have led to overgrooming. Cats may overgroom in specific areas depending on where the discomfort is coming from.
  • Pruritus (itchiness). Parasites like fleas, skin infections with bacteria or a fungus, or an allergy to something results in overgrooming. Allergies or hypersensitivity can include fleas, food, or environmental, such as pollen or dust.
  • Psychogenic (behavior-related and not medical) issues. Stress can lead to overgrooming, and it can be caused by an ongoing issue like fights between cats or be triggered by something specific, such as the addition or loss of a person (or animal) in the home. With some medical conditions (i.e. hyperthyroidism), cats can be hyperactive, which also leads to overgrooming. Siamese cats and other Asian breeds, such as Himalayan cats, are more likely to overgroom for psychogenic reasons.

Signs of Overgrooming in Cats

Cats who are overgrooming for medical reasons do not have a typical pattern but may focus on a painful area. Cats who are overgrooming for psychogenic reasons typically overgroom their sides, often symmetrically.

Signs of overgrooming are different for each cat but can include:

  • Complete fur loss or baldness anywhere on the body
  • Thinning fur coat
  • Redness or crusts on the skin
  • Tufts of fur found near your cat’s resting areas
  • Less or more activity
  • Decreased or increased appetite

Cat Overgrooming Treatment

Vet observing cat

Pet parents must seek veterinary help to identify and manage the underlying cause of cat overgrooming. Even if your cat is not damaging his skin to the point of needing immediate medical care, it shows that your cat is uncomfortable and should be treated. 

Veterinarians will do a thorough exam and recommend testing of both the skin and your cat’s overall health. Looking at fur or a skin scrape sample under the microscope can identify mites, lice, or ringworm. Doing blood and urine testing will screen for underlying medical causes for pain or discomfort.

If your cat has an allergy, testing for what they’re allergic to can be challenging to interpret. Most cats with allergies go through a food trial, meaning they eat a prescription diet that only has one animal source as the protein for at least two months with no treats, no people food, and no other cat foods. Antihistamines like cetirizine may be an option, and monthly flea preventives are crucial to avoiding flea bites.

For the 10 percent of cats with behavioral (stress) concerns that lead to overgrooming, management typically involves increased enrichment, attempting to limit or get rid of any stressors, and possibly medication such as fluoxetine. Without changes in the environment, medical care will not be effective in these cases.

How to Stop a Cat From Overgrooming

If your cat is overgrooming, in most cases, you should not actively attempt to stop them. Shouting at your cat to stop or adding collars that prevent normal grooming will not be effective long-term. If the reason for overgrooming is stress, either one of these things would make your cat’s stress increase. And if the reason is medical, their desire to groom will not cease until it is treated.

Veterinary guidance on how to best treat underlying issues should eventually lead to improvement. Methods such as Elizabethan collars should be used short-term if your cat is damaging their skin and creating infection or other issues. Medical treatment of overgrooming often takes place over months, and improvement is gradual.

Even if you and your veterinarian suspect medical causes for the overgrooming, consider increasing enrichment for your cat in case stress is involved. Offer food puzzles or activities such as snuffle-mats or balls that dispense food when rolled. Actively play with a variety of wand toys with your cat each day. Offer fresh catnip weekly. Ensure your cat has a variety of toys, and cycle through them a couple at a time so a toy is not out in the house for more than a week at a time (you can bring them back out during a different week). Cat videos, music for cats, and pheromone diffusers or sprays are all great enrichment options as well.

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10 Cat Dental Problems to Watch Out For https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-dental-problems/ Wed, 17 May 2023 14:58:42 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121905 Dental disease in cats is often quite painful and can impact the overall health and wellbeing of your favorite feline friend. That’s why it’s so important to practice good dental hygiene at home.  Ideally, pet parents should brush their cat’s teeth daily using a pet-safe enzymatic toothpaste, with a focus on cleaning each tooth and […]

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Dental disease in cats is often quite painful and can impact the overall health and wellbeing of your favorite feline friend. That’s why it’s so important to practice good dental hygiene at home. 

Ideally, pet parents should brush their cat’s teeth daily using a pet-safe enzymatic toothpaste, with a focus on cleaning each tooth and the gumline with a soft toothbrush or finger toothbrush for cats. Cats should also have annual professional dental cleanings.

In this article, we’ll cover many common cat dental problems, plus share helpful tips on how to avoid cat dental disease.

10 Common Cat Dental Problems

Let’s go over some of the most typical feline dental problems that could impact your cat.


Plaque is an accumulation of bacteria across the surface of the tooth. It can harden over time to create tartar and cause bad breath (halitosis), as well as tooth decay. Oral bacteria and the toxins they release can cause inflammation in the whole body and potentially impair organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, and brain.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is disease of the gums and structures around the teeth. Its milder form, gingivitis (gum disease), is inflammation of the gums that causes redness, swelling, bleeding, and pain. Gum recession (or wearing away of the gum line) can also occur. Gingivitis may progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of periodontal disease that affects the ligaments that attach teeth to underlying bone, causing loose teeth. 

As periodontitis progresses, it can lead to endodontic disease, which impacts the inside of the tooth itself. Tooth decay, tooth root abscesses, facial swelling, draining tracts, and fistulas that form between the roof of the mouth and nasal passage can occur in both periodontitis and endodontic disease. 

When bacteria destroy underlying bone, your cat may experience bone loss (osteomyelitis) and jaw fractures.

Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions 

As a cat’s tooth becomes infected or inflamed, their body can start to destroy and resorb (or “dissolve”) it, leading to intense discomfort. This is called a feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion (FORL). 

Though they can impact any cat, at least one FORL can be found in up to 60 percent of cats over 6 years of age. The canine teeth are most commonly affected, but any affected teeth should be extracted by your veterinarian to prevent progressive pain.

Broken (or Fractured) Teeth

Fractured teeth in cats should never be ignored. The pulp cavity, which leads to the root canal, extends far to the edge of a cat’s tooth, particularly the canine teeth. Therefore, a fracture (even at just the tip of a tooth) can expose the pulp cavity to food, other debris, and bacteria in the mouth that can lead to painful tooth root abscesses. 

Thus, your vet will need to investigate your cat’s tooth fracture more closely via dental radiographs to evaluate whether or not an extraction of the broken tooth is necessary to prevent further problems.

Feline Stomatitis Syndrome 

Approximately 0.7-4 percent of cats are affected with feline stomatitis syndrome, also known as feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS).

Due to an exaggerated immune response, the gums, teeth (especially a cat’s back premolars and molars, or cheek teeth), and tissue at the back of the throat can become intensely inflamed, causing swelling, bleeding, and painful ulceration of the mouth. 

Cats with FCGS will often drool and stop eating. This disease can be difficult to manage and may require extraction of all teeth, which seems drastic but actually alleviates unmanageable pain.

Vet checking cat's teeth

Persistent Deciduous Teeth or Retained Teeth

When deciduous teeth (AKA baby teeth) do not erupt or fall out normally, cats may develop dental issues later on. If a persistent baby tooth doesn’t fall out during kittenhood, it causes overcrowding of the mouth as the corresponding permanent tooth tries to grow in. 

Plaque accumulation is more likely to occur due to the narrower space between teeth, leading to a worse chance of periodontal disease. Additionally, because it’s fighting for space to accommodate the roots of both the persistent and permanent teeth, the tooth socket may fail to support the adult tooth.

Persistent baby teeth should be extracted by your veterinarian if they haven’t fallen out at 6-7 months of age at the latest. Earlier intervention is preferred so the emerging permanent tooth can assume its normal position without competition.

Retained teeth are those that fail to develop and erupt altogether. A dentigerous cyst can occur under the gumline, leading to pain and impaction that may affect surrounding teeth. Your vet may detect the absence of a tooth upon physical exam and proceed with dental radiographs and surgical extraction of unerupted teeth as needed.

Enamel Defects

Problems with a cat’s enamel can lead to soft spots and decay. As a kitten is developing, enamel defects may arise because of trauma to an emerging tooth, malnutrition, or an illness that causes high fevers. 

Certain medications, such as tetracyclines, can sometimes result in enamel hypoplasia (weakened enamel) in young kittens. Teeth will be weakened and prone to more decay if the enamel is damaged. 

Preventative dental care, as well as fluoride therapy and bonding agents, can help limit further enamel damage.

Tooth Malalignment (Malocclusion)

Malocclusion is abnormal positioning of the teeth that can cause improper wearing over time, as well as worsened plaque and tartar accumulation. Pain in the mouth can also arise if an offset bite causes teeth to rub on the upper palate or gums. 

Persistent deciduous teeth can also lead to malocclusion or malalignment as your kitten develops. Depending on the severity of your cat’s malocclusion, your vet may either recommend extracting the most concerning teeth or refer you to a veterinary dental specialist who may be able to perform realignment via “kitty braces.” 

Oral Tumors

Tumors of the oral cavity may be either benign or malignant. Malignant oral tumors make up 3 percent of all cancers in cats. Even if an oral tumor is benign, it can cause oral pain and lead to worsening dental disease or infection. 

Trauma or Fractures to the Mouth and Jaw

Trauma caused by blunt force or other injury can lead to jaw dislocation or fractures of the mouth, including the upper or lower jaw or teeth. Your veterinarian will often recommend stabilizing your cat’s facial fracture with surgical wire, pins, or metal plates until it heals. 

As previously mentioned, fractures to the lower jaw can also arise from deep infection and bone loss as a result of severe periodontal disease.

Risk Factors for Cat Dental Problems

While many cat dental problems can be prevented, or at least managed, some cats are genetically predisposed to more severe dental disease than others. For instance, purebred cat breeds, such as the Abyssinian, are more often plagued by periodontal disease. Purebred cats are also at increased risk for stomatitis syndrome. Brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds, such as Persians, often have abnormal teeth positioning. 

Cats with certain diseases are also at a heightened risk for dental disease, such as those with feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), Bartonellosis (which causes cat scratch fever), and calicivirus. Cats with kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and various autoimmune disorders may also be at increased risk of gingivitis, stomatitis, and other oral diseases. 

Starting when your cat is a kitten, annual checkups with your veterinarian are important to help detect these issues and abnormalities early on and monitor for dental and other health effects.

Cat Dental Care Tips

brushing cat teeth with fingerbrush

Brush Regularly

When brushing your cat’s teeth, brush for approximately 30 seconds per side, and wash your hands thoroughly afterward. Some toothpaste intended for humans can be toxic to cats, so be sure to only use a pet-approved product. Baking soda is also dangerous to cats and should be avoided.

Pet parents should be patient and take their time when first introducing their cats to teeth brushing:

  1. Start in a calm setting and just give your cat a taste of toothpaste. 
  2. Gently lift the lip and touch the gum, and offer a treat to get your cat to associate the act with something positive. (You may also dip a cotton swab in tuna juice and rub it on your cat’s gum line.) 
  3. Gradually work your way up to placing the toothbrush to the tooth, first without toothpaste, then with toothpaste. 

Remember, any brushing (even if it’s not daily) is better than none; if daily brushing is too difficult, aim for at least three times weekly.

Schedule Professional Teeth-Cleaning Appointments

Cat oral care does not stop at home. Just like humans, cats should have regular professional dental cleanings to scale for tartar under the gum line and between teeth, as well as detect other oral problems. 

Most cats should start an annual prophylactic dental cleaning before 3 years of age. Thereafter, most cats require an annual cleaning, while others with worse disease may need biannual cleanings. Ideally, no more than two years should pass between cat dental cleanings after age 3.

How to Help Prevent Cat Dental Disease

While daily cat tooth brushing is the most important step pet parents can take to help offset dental disease, additional preventative measures may also assist.


Feeding dry cat food can partially help crack off some tartar accumulation. Starting early with dry cat food that targets dental health can help to keep your cat’s teeth cleaner and stronger. A variety of specially designed dry foods are available, both with and without a prescription,  to help you stay on top of your cat’s oral health. 

The good news is that you can shop for prescription and non-prescription options directly from your vet! If you don’t have a prescription yet, don’t worry. Your vet will review your prescription purchase when you order to ensure it’s safe for your cat.

Here are some highly recommended prescription options:

Here are our top picks for non-prescription options:

If your cat is already experiencing dental disease, specialty dry food may not be the answer. Cats with severe pre-existing dental disease may have a difficult time eating dry food due to pain. Furthermore, cats with bladder or kidney issues may be better off eating canned wet diets. Please note that raw diets, which carry significant health risks, have not been scientifically proven to help prevent dental disease in pets.

Dental Treats and Water Additives

Cat dental treats can also help remove some daily plaque accumulation but are no substitute for daily brushing. These treats should be used in moderation to help maintain a healthy weight. Greenies Dental Treats and Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Crunchy Bites are both shown to help clean teeth and freshen breath. To make them even more appealing, they feature flavors cats can’t resist! 

When shopping for dental treats for your cats, be sure to look for products bearing the seal of approval from the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC).

VOHC-approved water additives for cats can also help reduce oral bacteria that would otherwise cause plaque development.

Chew toys

Certain cat chew toys can help rub off daily plaque. As with dogs, avoid hard chew toys such as deer antlers, which can cause broken teeth and other cat dental problems. Steer clear of anything with threads or string, as these can pose a linear gastrointestinal foreign body risk to cats.

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8 Dog Training Mistakes to Avoid Making https://www.greatpetcare.com/training/dog-training-mistakes/ Tue, 16 May 2023 18:37:09 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121842 Whether you’re becoming a dog parent for the first time or you’re an experienced pet parent who’s bringing home the eighth or ninth dog in his or her life, there’s one part of the “getting to know you” phase that can be as unpredictable as it is important. Training. It’s something people are still trying […]

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Whether you’re becoming a dog parent for the first time or you’re an experienced pet parent who’s bringing home the eighth or ninth dog in his or her life, there’s one part of the “getting to know you” phase that can be as unpredictable as it is important.


It’s something people are still trying to figure out, but first, it’s critical to understand why proper training is necessary.

The Importance of Dog Training

Training is as integral to a dog’s life as food, water, and exercise, says Jenn Prill, a certified professional dog trainer, certified canine behavior consultant, and owner of SideKick Dog Training in Milwaukee. 

“The world is difficult enough to navigate as a human – let alone as a dog who cannot speak our language, has different ideas of what is socially acceptable, and doesn’t have opposable thumbs,” she says. “Training allows us to teach our dogs the ‘rules’ of living in the human world, urban environments, and a home.”

Jennifer Pratt is another Milwaukee-based certified trainer and behavior consultant and the founder of Wag the Dog and Company. She adds that training is how your dog learns to take in the world and how you learn what they think of it and how you can support them. 

“We don’t get dogs because they’re so much work. We want to enjoy their companionship and doing things with them,” Pratt says. “Dog training allows for that because it opens up communication and helps us establish relationships with our dogs.”

But for all our best intentions, when it comes to training our dogs, it’s easy to make a mistake. Unfortunately, making those can mean critical setbacks when it comes to a dog’s development and, in turn, the development of your relationship with your dog.

8 Dog Training Mistakes to Avoid

Woman training Corgi

Here are some of the most common dog training mishaps that pet parents make. 

Mistake #1: Delaying Socialization

If you think training for your new puppy can wait until behaviors worthy of correction start arising, you’re thinking about training all wrong.

“Puppies learn the most about the outside world between 6 and 16 weeks of age,” says Dr. Amanda E. Florsheim, founder and owner of Veterinary Behavior Solutions and The Training Studio outside of Dallas. That means it’s the absolute best time for acclimating your dog to a wide variety of places and experiences, including riding in the car, going on walks, different textures and surfaces, meeting new people or other species like cats, she says.

Thinking about socialization as a gateway to what most people traditionally think of as training is the best way to approach things with a puppy. Prill says teaching behaviors like how to sit, lay down, or drop should not be the focus of training around this age. 

“Instead, focus on socialization, house training, crate training, chewing, puppy mouthing/play biting, etc.,” she says. “There are so many more skills that are important for a puppy to be learning during such a critical time period and for the family to be focusing on for their puppy to help him become a confident, happy, healthy member of the family.”

Mistake #2: Thinking Your Dog Is Too Old for Training

On the flip side, it turns out you can teach an old dog new tricks. In fact, it’s important for your dog’s physical and mental well-being that you do. Just don’t necessarily expect to see results as quickly from senior dogs in comparison to puppies and young adult dogs. 

“Think of [training] like your dog’s daily Sudoku puzzle,” Dr. Florsheim says. “We want to keep those brains sharp and thinking well into their senior years. Some things may have to be modified to account for any physical limitation, but dogs of any age can participate in most types of training quite successfully.”

Mistake #3: Not Respecting a Dog’s Individuality

Debby McMullen is a certified dog behavior consultant and owner of Pawsitive Reactions LLC in Pittsburgh. She says one of the most common training mistakes she observes is simply a matter of expectations.

“Accepting that [dogs] are a different species than humans and have very different needs is very important,” she says. “Accepting that they have their own likes and dislikes, as well as the same emotions that humans have is important. Accepting that they are not robots nor accessories is important.”

This is especially common when the dog parent is experienced because he or she may naturally compare the new dog with previous pets. 

Mistake #4: Ignoring Breed-Specific Behaviors

While individuality is real and important, it’s also critical to remember that dogs have been bred over thousands of years for some specific purposes, and some “unwanted behaviors” that parents may observe are simply the dog acting on instinct. 

“When it comes to training, dogs all learn basically the same way, but some breeds are task-oriented – diggers, herders, protectors, or lap dogs,” Pratt says. “That stuff is in the dog’s DNA, so it’s important to provide that in their daily life to keep them fulfilled and happy.”

An inability to provide breed-specific outlets for your dog can lead to behaviors that are hard to correct.

Mistake #5: Using Outdated Methods 

“Alpha,” “dominance,” “fear” – these are all instant red flags when it comes to training. Utilizing resources that recommend this style, or hiring a trainer or behavior consultant who leans on them, will hinder your dog’s development – or worse.

“Fear is the hardest thing to modify,” Pratt says. “Making sure you’re not instilling fear, and finding a professional to help in case that does happen, is so important.”

Instead, lean on methods and experts that are described as “fear free” or centered around “positive reinforcement.” These training methods and techniques focus on rewarding behaviors you want and redirecting others that you might not.

To distill it down to one question, Pratt suggests asking “What happens when my dog gets it wrong?” Does the reinforcement get removed? Or do they get a correction? The former will allow your dog to thrive. The latter will not.

Mistake #6: Getting Advice in the Wrong Places

In addition to some of the outdated, dominance-centric trainers and materials out there, Pratt says she has noticed a concerning trend related to the solicitation of advice from strangers online.

“People have a potential behavior that they want to work on with their dog, like jumping or growling when you approach the food bowl, and they go directly to social media to find help,” she says. “Other people feel OK giving advice because they may have had dogs in their lives for so long. Everyone has an opinion on how to raise them, but that doesn’t mean those opinions are informed or even helpful.”

Whether you simply need a question answered or you need an in-person consultation, professional help with a behavior-related issue should come from someone who promotes fear-free methods, as discussed previously. You should also seek out someone with qualifications such as:

  • CPDT (Certified Professional Dog Trainer)
  • CBCC (Certified Behavior Consultant Canine)
  • IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants)

Mistake #7: Hovering Over Your Dog

Part of training is knowing when to stay out of your dog’s way and giving him enough latitude from time to time to have the confidence to figure something out for himself. And Dr. Florsheim says there’s never a better time for that than during a walk, or what she calls a “sniffari.”

“While we want dogs to learn to walk with us and focus on us when we need them too, allow them to have some extra leash so they can sniff and explore,” she says. 

Mistake #8: Pushing Your Dog Too Hard

Does your dog seem to lose interest in training after five minutes? There’s nothing wrong with him, Dr. Florsheim says. You just need to stop the session at four minutes. 

It’s always best to leave them wanting more, she says. It’s similarly important to not try to fit a square peg into a round hole. Some dogs like to train in groups, while others have a hard time focusing in that setting. One dog might like to train using agility games, while another prefers to use his nose.

It’s all about setting them up for success, Dr. Florsheim adds. “Find out what your dog loves, and work with that.”

Dog Training Tips for Success

A truly proactive approach to dog training starts before your dog even comes home with you. Pratt recommends thinking ahead with the other human members of your family about your feelings regarding things like your dog being on the couch. That way, when your dog comes home with you, everyone is clear and consistent and on the same page.

“In some situations, the dog is going to get frustrated by not knowing what it can and can’t do,” she says. 

Another early key to heading off potentially unwanted behavior is managing the environment. Prill describes this as simply observing what’s around you and taking small steps that prevent your dog from even having the opportunity to “act out.”

“It can be as simple as putting up a baby gate or buying a garbage can or laundry bin with a lid,” she says. “Immediately, there’s a decrease in the ‘bad’ behavior, and you’re able to make the ‘good’ choices more appealing for the dog.” 

When to Consult a Training Professional

It’s always better to seek professional training help too early than too late. 

“I typically tell folks to reach out for help before annoying behaviors become concerning habits,” Prill says. “Chewing occasionally on the table leg can lead to your dog pulling baseboards off the wall to chew on. And a dog woofing at the mail person each day can lead to a dog working themselves up for several minutes at anything that moves on the street outside the front window.”

Additionally, some “bad behaviors” could be the result of a medical problem your dog is dealing with. (For example, he won’t sit on command because it hurts.) It’s important to identify physical problems quickly, and being proactive about consulting a professional trainer could help in this respect.

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Kidney Infection in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/kidney-infection-in-dogs/ Tue, 16 May 2023 17:19:35 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121797 A kidney infection in dogs – known medically as pyelonephritis – can be a serious issue for your canine companion.  The kidneys function to remove toxins from the blood and excrete waste in the form of urine. When the kidneys are infected, these important functions can become compromised.  Identifying and treating a kidney infection quickly […]

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A kidney infection in dogs – known medically as pyelonephritis – can be a serious issue for your canine companion. 

The kidneys function to remove toxins from the blood and excrete waste in the form of urine. When the kidneys are infected, these important functions can become compromised. 

Identifying and treating a kidney infection quickly is essential to ensure a good outcome for your dog.

What Is a Kidney Infection?

Kidney infections in dogs are most commonly caused by bacteria. This most commonly occurs due to a urinary tract infection that then ascends the ureters – the tubes that connect the kidney to the bladder – and into the kidney. 

Kidney infections can come on suddenly (acute) or be gradual and long lasting (chronic). Left untreated, kidney infections can lead to kidney failure and sepsis.

What Causes Kidney Infections in Dogs?

Kidney infections typically start as a bacterial infection in the lower urinary tract – the bladder and urethra – which then ascends to the kidneys. E. coli is the most common bacteria causing kidney infections, but other bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Enterococcus spp. have also been isolated from dogs with kidney infections. 

Dogs with urinary tract abnormalities or systemic disorders are at higher risk of developing urinary tract infections, and thus, kidney infections. 

Factors that can predispose a dog to kidney infection include:

Congenital anatomical abnormalities

If your dog has one or more of these predisposing factors, it is especially important to keep an eye out for symptoms of urinary tract infection and kidney infection and seek treatment right away if these signs occur.

Dog Kidney Infection Symptoms

Symptoms of kidney infections in dogs can vary widely depending on the type of bacteria present and whether the infection is acute or chronic. 

Some dogs with kidney infections are asymptomatic. Others have symptoms of a lower urinary tract infection or can even be critically ill and develop kidney failure and sepsis. 

Symptoms of kidney infections in dogs can include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Painful urination
  • Inappropriate urination (such as accidents in the house)
  • Urinating frequent small volumes
  • Abdominal pain
  • Urinating more frequently
  • Urinating larger volumes than usual
  • Drinking more than usual
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting

If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, see your veterinarian right away. It is especially important to keep an eye out for symptoms of kidney infection if your dog has a history of recurrent urinary tract infections, chronic kidney disease, bladder or kidney stones, or other chronic conditions that may predispose them to kidney infection.

Diagnosing Kidney Infections in Dogs

dog getting ultrasound

To diagnose a kidney infection, your veterinarian may recommend some or all of the following tests:

Physical Examination. Your veterinarian will perform a comprehensive head-to-tail physical examination on your dog.  Abnormalities noted on physical examination may include fever, dehydration, abdominal pain, and weight loss.

Urinalysis. Your veterinarian will likely recommend submitting a urine sample from your dog for analysis. This allows your veterinarian to look for signs of infection such as bacteria and white blood cells in the urine.

Blood Work. A complete blood count and biochemistry panel may be recommended to evaluate your dog’s kidney function and to rule out other possible causes for your dog’s symptoms. In some cases of kidney infection, blood work is normal. In others, signs of renal failure may be present.

Radiographs (X-rays). Your veterinarian may recommend abdominal radiographs (x-rays) to visualize your dog’s urinary tract and assess for changes such as enlarged kidneys, stones, or an enlarged prostate.

Ultrasound. Ultrasound allows your veterinarian to assess the size and shape of your dog’s kidneys, as well as the appearance of the layers of the kidney tissues. The changes noted on ultrasound can be diagnostic for kidney infection in many patients.

Culture. Collecting a sample of urine directly from the kidney and submitting it to a laboratory for culture is the gold standard for diagnosing a kidney infection in dogs. This must be performed either using an ultrasound or by performing surgery. The sample is then grown in the laboratory and the bacterial type identified and used for sensitivity testing.

Sensitivity Testing. Bacteria grown from the dog’s culture sample are tested using several different antibiotic types to determine which types of antibiotics the bacteria are susceptible to. This is used to guide treatment choices and ensure the best outcomes for your dog.

Dog Kidney Infection Treatment

Woman holding pills for dog

The treatment for a kidney infection in dogs is antibiotics. The antibiotic should ideally be chosen based on culture and sensitivity results. Dogs with kidney infections typically require antibiotic treatment for 10-14 days, but longer treatments may be recommended for some canines.

In addition to antibiotics, supportive care may be prescribed, particularly for dogs with acute infections or those with renal failure. Supportive care may include hospitalization for intravenous (IV) fluids, pain control, and antiemetic medications.

Many dogs with a kidney infection have other underlying medical conditions that predisposed them to developing a kidney infection. These underlying conditions must also be addressed.

Following completion of antibiotic therapy, it is recommended that a recheck urinalysis, urine culture, and blood work be performed to ensure the infection has been cleared and kidney values have returned to normal. A urine culture should be performed at 1, 3, and 6 months following treatment to monitor for recurrence of the infection.

Cost to Treat Kidney Infection in Dogs

The cost to treat kidney infection in dogs can vary widely depending on the severity of the infection. For many dogs, antibiotics may be the only treatment necessary to address this condition. Depending on the type of antibiotic needed, the size of the dog, and the duration of treatment, pet owners should expect to pay $50-$200 for this treatment. 

In severe cases requiring hospitalization and supportive care, pet owners should expect to pay significantly more for treatment, with costs quickly adding up over $2,000.

How to Prevent Dog Kidney Infections

In general, kidney infections can’t be prevented. But there are some steps you can take to reduce your dog’s risk of developing a kidney infection, such as identifying and treating urinary tract infections early, before they lead to kidney infections. 

It is also important to address any underlying conditions your dog may have, such as diabetes mellitus or Cushing’s disease, as these may predispose your dog to developing a kidney infection.

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Haws Syndrome in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/haws-syndrome-in-cats/ Tue, 16 May 2023 15:40:05 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121735 Most pet parents probably don’t know that their pet has THREE eyelids on each eye: 2 you can see easily, and 1 that sits in the inner corner of the eye. This third eyelid is usually tucked away, so when cat parents notice it sticking out, they may wonder why. If you notice this, you […]

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Most pet parents probably don’t know that their pet has THREE eyelids on each eye: 2 you can see easily, and 1 that sits in the inner corner of the eye. This third eyelid is usually tucked away, so when cat parents notice it sticking out, they may wonder why. If you notice this, you should give your veterinarian a call, but if they diagnose Haws syndrome in cats, you shouldn’t be too worried.

What Is Haws Syndrome?

Haws syndrome is specific to cats – dogs do not get this. It is a rare condition that tends to affect cats less than 2 years old. It is when the third eyelids stick up over part of a cat’s eyes. 

This condition is not painful and does not affect the eye, although your cat’s vision will be slightly decreased because the eyelid physically covers part of the eye.

A lack of response in sympathetic nerves – the nervous system responsible for the “fight or flight” response – allows the eyelids to stay up when they should go down. It is unknown why this occurs.

What Causes Haws Syndrome in Cats?

Haws syndrome has no known cause. The syndrome itself is not contagious. No breed appears to be more heavily affected over others.

However, many cases are associated with a recent bout of diarrhea, most of which resolve in a matter of a few days. One study found a specific gastrointestinal (i.e. stomach and/or intestines) virus called torovirus in many cats with Haws syndrome, but other studies have not had this same result. A case was reported of a cat with Giardia infection and Haws syndrome. Still, many other cats have not had diarrhea.

Haws Syndrome Cat Symptoms

Haws syndrome has only one symptom – the third eyelids are constantly raised in both eyes. 

Haws syndrome does not cause death. The eyes themselves are otherwise normal – normal vision, no inflammation or infection, and no swelling around the eyes that could cause the third eyelids to raise. 

While diarrhea is sometimes noted around the time that Haws syndrome occurs, diarrhea is not a symptom of Haws syndrome.

Diagnosing Cats with Haws Syndrome

Vet checking cat eyes

Diagnosis is based on a physical examination by a veterinarian. Your veterinarian will need to perform a thorough ophthalmic (eye) examination to look for a potential cause of the raised eyelids. Additionally, your veterinarian may focus on the nervous system. 

Fecal testing may be performed to look for a cause of any diarrhea that may have occurred around the time of diagnosis.

An eye drop that stimulates the sympathetic nerves such as phenylephrine can be applied to the eyes once to confirm diagnosis. Within 20 minutes of applying this medication, the third eyelids will return to normal position. If this medication is not used, Haws syndrome would be diagnosed based on a physical examination, ruling out any other diseases that could have caused the raised third eyelids.

How to Treat Haws Syndrome in Cats

There is no treatment for Haws syndrome, but it often goes away on its own. Studies about Haws syndrome in cats are few and far between. In one study, 62 percent of cats’ raised eyelids resolved within 4 weeks. In another study, the average time till the syndrome resolved was 47 days.

Eye medication such as phenylephrine can be used to replace the eyelids in their original positions, but because cats do not have any discomfort or significant decrease of vision with this condition, this kind of medication would often be unnecessary.

How to Prevent Haws Syndrome in Cats

There is no way to prevent Haws syndrome. Until the syndrome is better understood, it is unlikely prevention will be possible. 

Although diarrhea is not necessarily a cause of Haws syndrome, preventing diarrhea may decrease the chance of Haws in the future. One way to do this is  to prevent your kitty from getting into the trash or eating food items other than cat food. For cats younger than 2 years old, providing your cat with regular deworming will help decrease parasites and thus lower the chances of diarrhea.

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Roundworms in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/roundworms-in-cats/ Tue, 16 May 2023 15:28:43 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121670 Roundworms are an extremely common parasite in cats of all ages. According to the Companion Animal Parasite Council, more than 25 percent of cats have tested positive for roundworms in recent studies. Roundworm infections are most common in kittens and cats allowed outdoors or allowed to hunt, but all cats are susceptible.  Treatment of roundworms […]

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Roundworms are an extremely common parasite in cats of all ages. According to the Companion Animal Parasite Council, more than 25 percent of cats have tested positive for roundworms in recent studies. Roundworm infections are most common in kittens and cats allowed outdoors or allowed to hunt, but all cats are susceptible. 

Treatment of roundworms in cats is essential in order to prevent complications and stop the shedding of roundworm eggs into the environment.

What Are Roundworms?

Roundworms are large, round, parasitic worms that live in the small intestine of infected cats. The most common roundworm species in cats is Toxocara cati, though infection with other species is also possible. 

How Do Cats Get Roundworms?

Cats become infected with roundworms by ingesting roundworm eggs from the environment, or by ingesting other vertebrate hosts that are infected with roundworms, such as birds and rodents. Kittens can also be infected with roundworms while nursing. However, unlike dogs, which can be infected in utero, kittens cannot be infected with roundworms prior to birth.

After a cat ingests roundworm eggs, the roundworm larvae migrate through the liver and lungs before making their way back to the small intestine, where they develop into adult worms. 

This migration may result in pulmonary disease, irritation of the stomach that induces vomiting, and inflammation of the intestines, which can cause diarrhea. However, many cats infected with roundworms are asymptomatic, particularly adult cats. 

Can Humans Get Roundworms from Cats?

Yes, humans can be infected with roundworms. Infection is most common in children and most often occurs due to infected soil at playgrounds or parks, or in sandboxes. 

Parents should make sure that children are not eating dirt and are not playing in areas where pets may have defecated. Infected cats shed roundworm eggs in their feces, so it is very important to clean up feces promptly and practice good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing.

Can You See Roundworms in Cat Poop or Vomit?

You may see adult roundworms in cat vomit. These worms are recognizable as being large, light tan in color, and having three prominent lips on one end. In general, however, pet owners typically do not see roundworms in cat poop or vomit. 

Roundworm eggs are shed in the feces of an infected cat, but these eggs are microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye. This is why routine fecal testing for parasites is very important to diagnose infections in cats that may otherwise be missed.

Symptoms of Roundworms in Cats

As stated above, many cats with roundworm infections, particularly adult cats, are asymptomatic. This means that these cats can be shedding roundworm eggs into their environments without their owners ever realizing there’s a problem.

When cats do develop signs of roundworm infection, symptoms can include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Poor hair coat
  • Pot-bellied appearance
  • Failure to thrive
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Sudden death

Diagnosing Roundworms in Cats

To diagnose a roundworm infection in your cat, your veterinarian may recommend some or all of the following tests:

Physical Examination. Your veterinarian will perform a comprehensive head-to-tail physical examination on your cat, including palpating your cat’s abdomen, checking their weight, and assessing their hair coat. 

Fecal Floatation. Your veterinarian may recommend assessing a sample of your cat’s feces for the presence of roundworm eggs. Presence of eggs indicates a roundworm infection. False negatives may occur in some cases.

Fecal Antigen Testing. This test uses a sample of your cat’s feces to detect an antigen produced by both young and adult roundworms in your cat’s small intestine. Because it is not dependent on egg production, false negatives are less common than with fecal floatation testing. This test is typically performed in combination with a fecal floatation test.

Roundworm Treatment for Cats

Roundworms in cats can become severe enough to cause intestinal obstruction or even death, particularly in young kittens. It is important to treat a roundworm infection for the health of your cat and to prevent transmission of roundworms to other pets and people in the household. 

Cat roundworm treatment typically consists of a prescribed medication to be taken for a certain period of time.

Roundworm Medicine for Cats

A number of deworming medications are effective against cat roundworms. Your veterinarian may prescribe medications such as:

  • Fenbendazole
  • Milbemycin
  • Moxidectin
  • Pyrantel pamoate

The dosage and duration of treatment will depend on the medication and the size of your cat. Treatment may be repeated at 2-3 week intervals to ensure the infection is cleared.

General Cost to Treat Roundworms in Cats

Fortunately, treatment for roundworms in cats is relatively inexpensive. Pet owners can expect to spend $20-$75, depending on the type of medication prescribed and the duration and frequency of the treatment.

How to Prevent Roundworms in Cats

There are a few ways to prevent roundworms from becoming an issue in your cat.

Kittens should be dewormed at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age, and then monthly until 6 months of age. Cats over 6 months of age should be treated with parasite control products effective against roundworms monthly. 

Promptly cleaning up feces and stopping ingestion of prey animals can also prevent a cat roundworm infection.

Related Conditions

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Cat Cancer Treatment Plan: What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-cancer-treatment/ Mon, 15 May 2023 14:15:56 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=121472 According to the Colorado State University Animal Cancer Center, approximately 1 in 5 cats will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifespan. This means that the risk of cancer in cats is lower than the risk of cancer in people. However, to the parent of a cat with cancer, that statistic may […]

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According to the Colorado State University Animal Cancer Center, approximately 1 in 5 cats will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifespan. This means that the risk of cancer in cats is lower than the risk of cancer in people. However, to the parent of a cat with cancer, that statistic may provide little comfort. A cancer diagnosis can be challenging and overwhelming, but veterinarians currently have access to a wide variety of cat cancer treatments in order to provide the best possible care for your kitty.

Cancer in Cats Treatment Plan: What to Expect

Though a feline cancer diagnosis may seem scary and daunting, your veterinarian and veterinary team will be there to walk you through the care that your cat will need – both immediately and in the coming weeks and months.

Depending on the type of cancer your pet is diagnosed with, treatment options can vary significantly. Some types of cancer can be surgical removed, while others require radiation and/or chemotherapy. Your veterinarian will like want to perform a complete set of diagnostic tests, including bloodwork, radiographs, ultrasound, or other advanced imaging. Your veterinarian may refer you to an oncologist (cancer specialists) for advanced cases.

Your veterinarian, along with other members of your cat’s veterinary care team, will strive to answer all of your questions about cancer treatment to the best of their ability. They will recommend the best possible treatment for your cat and can also provide alternative treatment options (if necessary). They’ll also talk to you about the costs and side effects associated with recommended treatments, as well as your cat’s anticipated prognosis.

Cat Cancer Treatment Cost

Much like the available treatment options, the cost of cancer treatment for cats can vary dramatically, depending on the level of care your cat requires. There is no one-size-fits-all cat cancer treatment plan; the best treatment for your kitty will depend on a number of different factors.

If your cat’s cancer can be treated with surgery alone, the total cost may be less than $1,000. However, the costs associated with cat chemotherapy and/or radiation can be much higher. A full course of chemotherapy or radiation may cost $3,000-$6,000, and some cats require a combination of both chemotherapy and radiation in order to ensure the best possible prognosis.

Types of Cat Cancer Treatment

Feline cancer can be addressed through a variety of different treatments. Depending on the type of cancer and how far it has progressed, your cat may receive one form of treatment or a combination of treatments.


Many cat tumors can be successfully treated with surgery. When removing a tumor surgically, your veterinarian will likely attempt to obtain wide “margins” of normal tissue around the tumor to increase the likelihood of removing the entire thing. The tumor will then be sent to a veterinary pathologist for analysis determine the extract type of cancer and to ensure all affected cells and tissue were removed. Even if removal is not curative, getting rid of the bulk of a tumor may help improve your cat’s prognosis. 


You are likely familiar with the use of chemotherapy in human patients. Fortunately, cat chemotherapy is often far better-tolerated than chemotherapy in humans. Some side effects are inevitable, but nausea and vomiting are relatively uncommon, and cats do not typically lose their hair. Chemotherapy for cats may be administered at home (as oral tablets) or in the veterinary hospital, depending on your cat’s particular cancer and recommended treatment protocol. 


Radiation therapy is intended to kill off cancer cells while causing minimal damage to surrounding cells. This treatment is administered under general anesthesia in order to allow directed therapy and minimize risk to surrounding tissues. Depending on your cat’s particular cancer, radiation may be delivered with the intent to eliminate a tumor, or to shrink or control the tumor. 


Immunotherapy is a relatively new addition to veterinary oncology. The idea behind immunotherapy is to administer an injection that directs your cat’s immune system to attack a specific type of cancer.

Cat Cancer Medications

While the above are the primary treatments used to address feline cancer, your veterinarian may also recommend a number of different medications.

Cat cancer medications may be used alone in the treatment of cancer (for palliative or hospice care) or in conjunction with more definitive treatments.

Common medications often recommended for cats with cancer include:

Pain medications. Some forms of feline cancer are painful, requiring the use of medications to alleviate discomfort.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). These medications control both pain and inflammation, making them beneficial in cats with certain types of cancer.

Steroids. Some steroids, such as prednisone, can alleviate inflammation that may occur with cat tumors. Some steroids may also provide antineoplastic (or anti-cancer) properties.

Antiemetics. If your cat’s cancer leads to nausea, your veterinarian may prescribe antiemetic (anti-nausea) medication.

Appetite stimulants. Cat cancer can lead to a decrease in appetite. Because a loss of appetite and a lack of adequate caloric intake may cause a worsening of your cat’s condition, your veterinarian may prescribe a stimulant to increase your cat’s appetite.

Antibiotics. Cancer and its associated treatments can weaken your cat’s immune system. Your veterinarian may recommend antibiotics to prevent or treat bacterial infections.

All of these cat cancer medications can have potential side effects. However, your veterinarian will carefully balance the risks versus benefits before recommending any meds for your cat. If you have questions about your cat’s medication, talk to your veterinarian.

Dietary Considerations for Cats With Cancer

A well-balanced diet is an essential component of cancer treatments for cats. Cancer can lead to changes in your cat’s metabolism, increasing their caloric requirements and making it difficult for them to maintain a healthy body weight. Cancer cachexia (weight loss caused by cancer) can negatively impact your cat’s prognosis.

Talk to your veterinarian about the best diet to support your cat through treatment. They may recommend a diet that is specifically formulated for cats with cancer or cachexia.

Additional Lifestyle Considerations

Cats with cancer should be kept indoors. This will reduce the risk of illness or injury, which could place additional stress on their immune system.

If your cat is receiving chemotherapy, your veterinarian will instruct you how to handle your cat’s bedding and litter box. Because chemotherapy drugs can be excreted in urine and feces, following these recommendations will limit your exposure to chemotherapy drugs.

Depending on your cat’s particular cancer, your veterinarian may make other recommendations regarding your cat’s lifestyle.

Prognosis for Cats Undergoing Cancer Treatment

The prognosis for cancer is highly variable. Factors to consider include what type of cancer your cat has, how aggressive your cat’s particular cancer is, and how far the cancer has spread at the time of diagnosis. In most cases, your veterinarian will be able to provide you with an estimated prognosis after performing diagnostic tests.

Early detection is key for improving feline cancer outcomes. If your pet exhibits any signs of cancer — weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea/bloody stool, change in appetite, or lumps or bumps — it’s important to schedule a veterinary visit as soon as possible. Early diagnosis allows for early treatment, which can help bring better results for your cat.

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Cat Nail Caps: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives to Consider https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-grooming/cat-nail-caps/ Sun, 30 Apr 2023 16:53:02 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119423 Ask any cat parent what they love most about their kitty and you’re sure to get a wide range of answers. For some, it’s that warm, cuddly feeling when they curl up in your lap. Others like the reassuring rumble of a contented purr…and who can resist those adorable toe beans? However, the sharp, pointy […]

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Ask any cat parent what they love most about their kitty and you’re sure to get a wide range of answers. For some, it’s that warm, cuddly feeling when they curl up in your lap. Others like the reassuring rumble of a contented purr…and who can resist those adorable toe beans? However, the sharp, pointy claws on the other end of those toe beans are often not so beloved. That may lead cat parents to wonder: Are cat nail caps a good solution?

According to one survey, 83 percent of people with cats reported that their pets scratched “inappropriate items” around their homes, with the most frequent targets being chairs, furniture, and carpeting. To combat this destructive behavior, some cat parents turn to cat nail caps as a possible solution. But are these popular protectors a good idea for cats? We talked to some experts to get their opinion on nail caps for cats.

What are Cat Nail Caps? 

Scratching is a natural instinct for cats. Cats scratch for a variety of reasons, whether that’s to express emotions, mark objects with their scent, or perform routine maintenance on their nails. But nobody wants their furniture ruined by their pet. Thus, cat parents often go to great lengths to curb scratching if it becomes destructive. Some pet parents use cat nail caps to prevent damage from cat claws.

Cat nail caps are tiny protective plastic or acrylic covers that fit over a cat’s nails. They’re designed to prevent the damage cats can do to people and objects with their razor-sharp claws. They’re considered by many to be a more humane alternative to declawing.

Typically, nail caps are secured to cat claws with built-in adhesive or special glue that’s included in the packaging. Most are designed to last about 4-6 weeks and then fall off naturally as the cat’s nails grow. Many come in a variety of bright colors to add a pop of pizzazz to kitty claws.

Are Nail Caps Safe for Cats?

According to the experts we spoke with, cat claw caps have a variety of benefits, as well as some potential downsides. Some veterinarians recommend them, while others advise cat parents to steer clear.

So what’s the verdict? Like most judgment calls, cat parents will need to take their pet’s preferences and nature into consideration when deciding if cat nail caps are a good fit for their feline. It’s also a  good idea to consult with a veterinarian who knows your cat well. 

To prepare you for that conversation, we rounded up answers to the questions pet parents most commonly ask about cat nail caps, along with some expert insights from veterinarians about nail capping cats. 

Cat Nail Caps Pros and Cons

We consulted several veterinarians to help pet parents understand the controversy surrounding cat nail caps. Some experts consider them a viable solution for shielding sharp cat claws, while others warn that using them can be risky. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of cat claw covers.

The Pros of Cat Nail Caps

Cat claw caps are effective. When it comes to protection, cat nail caps are an easy and effective way to prevent the damage sharp cat nails can do to your home, as well as injuries to members of your household.

This can be especially helpful for homes with young children or elderly cat owners who have more fragile skin, says head veterinarian Dr. Patrik Holmboe, DVM, of Cooper Pet Care

Cat nail caps do not impede nail use or growth. Contrary to popular belief, “nail caps don’t prevent the normal retraction movement of the nail,” Holmboe says. He also notes that with claw caps for cats, nail growth is not affected in any way. “In fact, this is why the caps only last 4-6 weeks, as it is the nail growth which usually makes them fall off,” he adds.

Cat nail covers are affordable. Especially when compared to the cost of replacing expensive home furnishings or carpets, cat nail caps are a low-cost way to prevent damage or injuries within your home.   

“For ten to twenty dollars, you can often get hundreds, which will last many rounds of application,” says Holmboe. “As long as a cat tolerates the application of them, you can continually replace them,” he says.

Using cat nail caps is considered a more compassionate alternative to declawing. “Declawing is never recommended as a solution,” says leading pet trend expert Charlotte Reed, executive producer and host of The Pet Buzz syndicated radio talk show. “It’s not recommended by most vets and it has even been banned in some places because it is considered an inhumane procedure,” she adds.

 The Humane Society of the United States also opposes declawing and suggests a range of alternative solutions to prevent cats from aggressive scratching, including the use of cat nail caps to blunt sharp claws. However, the organization urges pet parents not to rely solely on cat nail caps to solve the problem. 

Though cat nail covers do allow cats to exercise their natural urge to scratch without inflicting damage on furniture or carpets, the Humane Society recommends pet parents also provide a more acceptable surface for a cat to scratch on, like a scratching post.

Cat nail caps can be a fun feline fashion accessory. Many companies offer acrylic cat nail caps in a variety of fun colors and patterns. If you’re looking to give your favorite feline a  paw-i-cure, cat nail caps offer a fun way to do it safely, according to Dr. Krysia Chipperfield, DVM, of All About Cats Veterinary Clinic

The Cons of Kitty Nail Caps

There are some potential downsides to cat nail caps that pet parents may want to consider. Here’s a roundup of those most commonly mentioned by our veterinary experts.

They’re temporary and require regular reapplication. Holmboe reminds cat owners that cat nail covers do require regular monitoring and replacement, generally every 4-6 weeks. Depending on the temperament of your cat, this could prove time-consuming and difficult. It may be more effort than reward for some pet parents, says Chipperfield. 

Cat nail caps could present a choking hazard. “They often come off very easily and some cats nibble at them incessantly,” says Chipperfield. That can make them a danger to your cat and others in your home, such as young children or other pets. 

Cat nail caps are not recommended for outdoor cats. “If a cat goes outside, cat nail caps can limit their climbing ability,” says Holmboe. They can also prevent cats from defending themselves in the case of a fight. That makes them a poor choice for outdoor cats, as well as cats prone to escape attempts. 

Cat nail caps could limit some benefits cats get from scratching. “Scratching is an instinctive behavior for cats, and they scratch to get rid of the dead nail sheaths on their nails,” says cat expert and behaviorist, Samantha Bell. Nail caps, she warns, can prevent some cats from feeling like they’re truly scratching. “And the dead nail sheaths build up inside the caps, putting pressure on their toes and making them feel uncomfortable,” she adds.

Some cats could find nail caps annoying…or even harmful. As most pet parents know, cats can be very opinionated, and some may not appreciate nail caps, while others might tear off when you attempt to apply the caps to their claws.  

“If a cat really dislikes the caps, that could cause stress and anxiety,” warns Chipperfield. Some cats could self-inflict injuries trying to get them off, which is why Chipperfield doesn’t recommend them to her clients. 

Reed says that, in some cases, cat caps could inhibit a cat’s gait or affect their ability to climb, which could contribute to inappropriate elimination, depression, and aggression in cats. 

Safety Tips When Using Cat Nail Caps

If you choose to use caps for cat claws, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind: 

Consider the Materials

When shopping for cat nail caps, “make sure that the cap material and the adhesive are nontoxic,” says Chipperfield. That way, you don’t have to worry about your kitty nibbling or licking a hazardous substance off their capped claws.

Size Appropriately

When purchasing cat caps for nails, make sure you’re buying the correct size, based on your cat’s weight. “If you choose the wrong size or apply them incorrectly, then they can come off easily,” Holmboe says.

Consult Your Veterinarian

“Before applying nail caps, you should trim your cat’s nails,” says Reed. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that yourself, you can take your kitty to a groomer or your veterinarian.

While you’re there, you may also want to ask your professional if they apply or remove cat nail caps. “Many veterinary offices and groomers can do it for you,” says Dr. Megan Conrad, DVM, a veterinarian at Hello Ralphie. 

Check the Instructions

Before you attempt to apply cat nail caps, always read the manufacturer’s directions to make sure you do it properly. Conrad also offers this tip: “With any brand, try the caps on one at a time — without glue first — to check the fit.” 

Keep an Eye on Your Cat

Kitty claw caps normally come off naturally after about 4 to 6 weeks, as the cat’s outer nail sheds. “Cat parents need to keep an eye on their cat’s paws to ensure this is happening and the claw and cap don’t start to grow into the paw pad,” Conrad adds.

If that happens, follow the manufacturer’s directions for removing the nail cap. And if you’re having any trouble, consult your veterinarian.

Wearing nail caps can be stressful for some cats, “especially the first time,” says Chipperfield. So always keep an eye on your cat and watch for signs of anxiety or discomfort.

Cat Nail Cap Alternatives

Though scratching is instinctive for cats, there’s still hope for your furniture and rugs, even if you decide cat nail caps aren’t the best choice for your cat.

Keep Claws Trimmed

Reed recommends trimming cat nails on a regular basis as an alternative for pet parents who decide against nail caps. You can take your cat to the groomer to have this done professionally. Or you can do this at home if you (and your cat) are comfortable with that. “Getting the sharp tips off of the claws helps reduce damage to furniture, skin, and other items,” she says. 

Offer Cat a Scratching Post

Other cat claw cover alternatives include using scratching posts. “You can even provide several areas for scratching with different textures and surface types, depending on what your cat prefers,” says Reed. She suggests noticing what types of items and materials your cat tends to scratch and using that as a guide to help you to determine appropriate solutions. “Try directing your cat to the scratching post if they scratch in other areas so they know this is an appropriate place to do so,” she says. 

You can position scratching posts near furniture that cats typically scratch to encourage them to use that instead. Once the cat gets used to using the scratcher, slowly move it away closer to the area where you’d like to eventually keep it. Chipperfield recommends positively rewarding your cat whenever they use their scratching post. Try petting them, using appraising words, and giving them their favorite cat treat.

Limit Access to Furniture

You can make furniture less appealing to cats by covering it with a blanket or sheet to limit access. Pet stores sell special pet furniture guards and shields that you can also place around your furniture. A spray deterrent is another option. Many companies make cat repellent sprays containing scents that cats dislike. Spritzing this on items you want a cat to avoid scratching can help to deter them.

Cat nail caps have a variety of benefits and disadvantages for cats. If you choose to use them, make sure you follow the safety tips above to ensure your cat is safe and happy when wearing them. And most importantly, if your cat shows any signs of agitation while wearing cat claw caps, remove them and try one of the many expert-backed alternatives to cat nail caps.

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Why Is My Dog Always Hungry? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/why-is-my-dog-always-hungry/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 20:36:35 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120429 It’s no secret that dogs love to eat. The majority of dogs are highly food motivated, meaning that they are willing to perform tasks such as sitting, staying, or rolling over for a treat. As dog owners, we exploit their hearty appetites for training purposes.  So what exactly makes dogs so eager to eat? And […]

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It’s no secret that dogs love to eat. The majority of dogs are highly food motivated, meaning that they are willing to perform tasks such as sitting, staying, or rolling over for a treat. As dog owners, we exploit their hearty appetites for training purposes. 

So what exactly makes dogs so eager to eat? And do you find yourself asking: why is my dog always hungry? Should we be worried if our canine companion never seems satisfied? 

Read on to learn about hunger in dogs, the difference between normal and abnormal dog appetites, reasons your dog may always be hungry, and what you should do about it. 

Hunger in Dogs: What’s Normal

Some dogs will scarf down their food in the blink of an eye or seemingly materialize out of nowhere the second they hear you open the pantry door or crinkle a food wrapper. Other dogs may have a more peckish appetite and turn up their nose at some meals and treats. Both appetite types can be normal. 

While all dogs should display some level of hunger throughout the day, normal hunger in dogs will typically vary based on age, sex, and breed. Expect a young, playful puppy to act hungrier and more ravenous than an older, sedentary dog. 

Younger dogs will generally have voracious appetites to support their growth and higher level of activity. As dogs age, their appetite tends to decrease. Older dogs have less demand for calories as they are not growing, less active, and have slower metabolisms. 

Dogs who are sexually intact often have bigger appetites than their spayed and neutered counterparts as sex hormones can boost metabolism. On the other hand, some intact dogs actually show less interest in food, particularly if there is a potential mate nearby. 

Another major factor affecting hunger in dogs is breed. Some breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers and Beagles, are known for their large appetites. Other breeds, like Chihuahuas, usually have humble appetites in proportion with their small size.

Do Dogs Get Full?

It’s not uncommon for dogs to appear like bottomless pits, however, at some point all dogs will reach a point of satiation or fullness. The point at which a dog gets full varies from dog to dog. 

Hunger and fullness are controlled by hormones inside the body. When the stomach is full, it sends hormone signals to the brain letting it know that it has eaten enough. Some dogs are able to override these signals and continue to eat regardless. This is common in rescue situations where the dog was previously in an environment where food was scarce, or in households in which dogs are given treats and essentially rewarded every time they beg. 

In cases where a dog never seems full, it can be tempting to continue to feed them, especially when they consumed their recommended serving size in the blink of an eye. However, continuing to feed dogs until they no longer want to eat can result in obesity and a number of associated health conditions. 

A good rule of thumb is to look for external signs that your dog has eaten enough as opposed to gauging their hunger by whether or not they will eat more. If their weight is stable, they are able to rest and relax after meals, and if there are no associated changes in thirst, urination, and defecation, then you can rest assured that they are eating enough to satisfy them. In cases where you are still unsure, consult your veterinarian.

Signs a Dog is Actually Hungry

Jack Russell licking his lips

As discussed, it can be difficult to differentiate real hunger from a dog that simply acts hungry all the time. Scarfing down food at mealtimes, constantly begging, trying to scavenge for food, being aggressive about food, etc. can all be signs that a dog is actually hungry but some dogs will act this way whether or not they truly need more calories. 

Reliable signs that your dog is actually hungry include:

  • A sudden increase in appetite, known as polyphagia.
  • Becoming aggressive around food when they weren’t previously.
  • Breakthroughs in training regarding food such as counter surfing, digging into trash, stealing food from plates, etc.
  • Weight loss.
  • A loss of sheen to the coat.
  • Restlessness or whining incessantly despite regular meals.
  • Continuing to lick the food bowl after eating for more than a few moments.
  • Developing coprophagia (i.e. consuming feces).

Essentially, any change in your dog’s normal behavior or habits around eating is a good indication that your dog is truly hungry, and warrants an investigation to determine the underlying cause. 

Why Is My Dog Always Hungry? 10 Possible Reasons

If your dog is always acting hungry, there are a variety of reasons that could explain your pup’s behavior. Here are some of the most common causes of hunger in dogs. 

Inadequate calories/nutrition. It is possible that your dog may not be eating enough to satisfy their caloric needs. Make sure you are feeding a complete and balanced diet and check the food label for recommended feeding amounts and portion sizes. If you still aren’t sure if you’re dog is getting the right amount of food, talk to your veterinarian to help determine appropriate portions. 

Boredom. Just as humans sometimes find themselves standing in front of the pantry when they need something to do, dogs will also eat when they are bored. Make sure your dog has plenty of enrichment activities and gets exercise throughout the day to alleviate boredom. 

Anxiety or stress. Anxiety in dogs raises their level of stress hormone, known as cortisol. Extra cortisol increases appetite and leads to emotional eating. 

Diabetes Mellitus. Perhaps one of the most telling signs of diabetes in dogs is a sudden increase in hunger. This is due to the development of hypoglycemia and the body’s attempt to increase accessible blood sugar. The associated hunger is often accompanied by weight loss, increased thirst, and an increase in urination. 

Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease). Dogs suffering from hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing’s disease have an excess amount of the stress hormone, cortisol, in their system. Extra cortisol makes dogs excessively hungry. Dogs with Cushing’s disease also develop a pot bellied appearance, symmetrical hair loss, skin infections, pant excessively, and have increased thirst and urination.

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. Dogs with EPI are not producing adequate amounts of the pancreatic enzymes needed to properly digest fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Since these dogs are unable to digest nutrients properly, the nutrients are not absorbed and pass in the stool, leaving affected dogs perpetually hungry. These pets often have large bowel movements and obvious weight loss.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease. IBD affects the intestines ability to properly absorb nutrients. Dogs with this condition will often have an increased appetite along with weight loss, diarrhea, and occasionally vomiting. 

Cancer. Cancer often uses glucose as a source of energy to grow inside the body. Some dogs with cancer experience an increased appetite as their body attempts to fuel the cancer’s growth, while other dogs may show a loss of appetite. Other signs of illness may include lethargy, weakness, vomiting, etc.

Intestinal parasites. Dogs with heavy burdens of intestinal parasites like hookworms, roundworms, or tapeworms will usually be hungrier than usual due to the stolen nutrients. Other signs of a parasite infection include weight loss, a poor hair coat, diarrhea, and possibly vomiting. It is very uncommon to actually see worms in your pet’s stool, so a lack of worms does not mean parasites are not present. 

Medications. Certain medications, particularly steroids like prednisone, can result in a noticeable increase in appetite. 

How to Deal With a Dog That Is Always Hungry

Brown dog begging for food

If your dog has a sudden increase in appetite, it is your responsibility to consult a veterinarian, determine the cause, and treat any medical or behavioral conditions if needed. 

If your dog simply overeats, it is your job to determine how much and how often they really need to eat to avoid the development of obesity. 

For dogs that are healthy but have seemingly insatiable appetites, adding healthy fiber to their diet can be a great way to help them feel full. This can be accomplished with prescription pet foods for weight management and/or weight loss, or by working with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist to determine what can be added to their diet to supplement fiber without creating a dietary imbalance. 

Be cautious not to reward begging by giving your dog a treat every time they pull out their adorable puppy dog stare or sharing your snacks every time you rummage the pantry. Create firm boundaries around treats by giving them only after desired behaviors like sitting, staying, and/or pottying outside. 

Lastly, making sure your dog receives plenty of physical and mental stimulation can help dogs with hearty appetites enjoy decent amounts of treats without developing obesity or behavioral problems surrounding food. Simply taking your dog on a walk and allowing them time to stop and sniff as often as desired can be a great way to provide both physical and mental stimulation, burn calories, and enjoy parts of life outside of eating. 

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Short Spine Syndrome in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/short-spine-syndrome-in-dogs/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 18:39:49 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120403 If you enjoy watching funny dog videos on social media, you have probably seen one or more videos featuring a “Quasimodo dog.” Canine celebrities such as Cuda, Quasi the Great, and Ivy entertain countless people with their unusual appearances and antics, while simultaneously raising awareness of a condition known as short spine syndrome in dogs.  […]

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If you enjoy watching funny dog videos on social media, you have probably seen one or more videos featuring a “Quasimodo dog.” Canine celebrities such as Cuda, Quasi the Great, and Ivy entertain countless people with their unusual appearances and antics, while simultaneously raising awareness of a condition known as short spine syndrome in dogs. 

Dogs with short spine syndrome often look like a cross between the Hunchback of Notre Dame and a frog, with an abnormally hunched back and strangely-bent hindlimbs. These dogs have also been called “Baboon Dogs,” due to their unique appearance and posture. The unusual appearance of these hunchbacked dogs can all be traced back to a spinal abnormality, which gives these unique dogs their characteristic appearance.

What Is Short Spine Syndrome?

Short spine syndrome is an incredibly rare spinal condition in dogs. Most veterinarians will never encounter a case of short spine syndrome during their career, and you will probably never personally meet a dog with short spine syndrome. However, even though this condition is rare, it can (and does!) occur. 

Dogs with short spine syndrome have a shortened, compressed spine. Their abnormal spine not only affects their overall body length, it also alters some of their bodily proportions. Short spine syndrome gives affected dogs a unique, characteristic appearance, and it can also have significant impacts on their mobility.

What Causes Short Spine Syndrome in Dogs?

Short spine syndrome is caused by a genetic abnormality. This abnormality was first noted hundreds of years ago, and it is thought to be associated with inbreeding. However, the exact genetic mutation that is responsible for this condition has not yet been identified.

In dogs with short spine syndrome, the vertebrae (back bones) do not develop normally. Instead, these bones remain in a softened or malleable state for a prolonged period of time, which allows them to become abnormally compressed. In some cases, adjacent vertebrae will fuse together into one larger vertebra. These spine abnormalities lead to the unique appearance of dogs with short spine syndrome.

Signs of Short Spine Syndrome in Dogs

A dog with short spine syndrome typically has a hunchback appearance with no visible neck. The back is shortened and it often slopes steeply downward toward a tail that is twisted or kinked. Affected dogs often have fewer ribs that normal and they may have a “barrel-chested” appearance. Although the limbs are typically of normal length, the knees and elbows tend to be bowed outward. This can make walking and running difficult. 

Because short spine syndrome is caused by a genetic abnormality, the unusual body conformation and posture associated with this condition are typically apparent from an early age. 

Signs of short spine syndrome may include: 

  • Hunchback appearance
  • Lack of a visible neck 
  • Short back
  • Back slopes steeply toward the ground
  • Barrel-chested appearance
  • Missing ribs
  • Twisted or kinked tail
  • Outwardly bowed knees/elbows
  • Difficult walking and running

Diagnosing Dog Short Spine Syndrome

Veterinarians can often diagnose short spine syndrome based on a physical exam alone. However, spinal radiographs (X-rays) are often performed to characterize the spinal abnormalities in affected dogs and rule out other conditions. Referral to a veterinary neurologist may be suggested for additional diagnostic testing. 

Managing Short Spine Syndrome in Dogs

There is no cure for short spine syndrome in dogs. Treatment is instead focused on keeping affected dogs comfortable and aiding their mobility. Veterinarians may treat short spine syndrome with pain medication, nutritional supplements, and/or physical therapy. Affected dogs may also require nursing care to help keep their bodies clean, prevent pressure sores, and prevent infection.

Short Spine Syndrome Life Expectancy

Because this condition is so rare, we do lack sufficient information to predict the expected lifespan of dogs with short spine syndrome. 

Short spine syndrome can affect a dog’s quality of life and lead to a variety of impacts that might decrease the dog’s lifespan. However, there are reports of dogs with short spine syndrome going on to live relatively normal lifespans.

Dogs with Short Spine Syndrome: Other Tips and Advice

Dogs with short spine syndrome are often unable to bend their neck. Placing their food and water bowls in an accessible location can help them eat and drink comfortably. Because they are unable to bend their neck and lick themselves, dogs with short spine syndrome may also require more frequent bathing and grooming than other dogs.

Short spine syndrome has significant impacts on a dog’s mobility. These dogs are typically unable to jump on and off furniture, so stairs or a ramp are recommended. Secured rugs can also be used to help these dogs navigate wood or tile floors and other slippery surfaces.

A dog with short spine syndrome will not be able to participate in the same activities as a normal dog. Swimming, jogging, and long games of Frisbee are out; instead, you will need to be creative in identifying your dog’s preferred method of play. 

Work closely with your veterinarian to determine that you are providing the best possible environment and lifestyle for your dog. 

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Cat Ear Infection: 6 Symptoms to Watch For https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-ear-infection/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 18:36:54 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120374 Cat ears are super cute – little perky triangles sticking up off their cute little heads. Cats express themselves with their ears, laying them flat when scared or swiveling them to and fro when they hear an unusual noise.  But cat ear infections can cause discomfort and pain, and it may not be obvious from […]

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Cat ears are super cute – little perky triangles sticking up off their cute little heads. Cats express themselves with their ears, laying them flat when scared or swiveling them to and fro when they hear an unusual noise. 

But cat ear infections can cause discomfort and pain, and it may not be obvious from the outside that your cat is suffering. Read this article to understand the inside of cat ears more thoroughly, and the typical symptoms of an ear infection.

Understanding Cat Ear Anatomy

Your cat’s ear is made of multiple parts. These include the:

  • Pinnae
  • Ear canal
  • Tympanum (ear drum)
  • Middle ear
  • Tympanic bulla
  • Internal ear
  • Cochlea
  • Vestibular system

The pinnae is the part of a cat’s ear that you can see – the cute triangles that stick out from your cat’s head. The ear canal itself is L-shaped. There is a vertical canal (the tall part of the “L”) and the horizontal canal (the flat part of the “L”). The vertical canal can be seen by looking into the opening at the base of your cat’s pinna. The horizontal canal cannot be seen without the use of an otoscope.

At the bottom of this canal is the tympanum, or ear drum. Behind it is the middle ear, a small open cavity that is typically filled with air. The bone around the middle ear is called the tympanic bulla and is the round smooth protuberance just behind and below your cat’s pinna. Next to this is the internal ear, which contains the organ for hearing (cochlea) and the system of fluid-filled canals responsible for balance (vestibular system).

Cat ear infections most commonly affect the vertical and horizontal canal, and this is known as an external ear infection or otitis externa. Infections can occur in the middle ear as well and are known as otitis media. Internal ear infections are very difficult to diagnose – essentially, veterinarians can only diagnose based on the symptoms your cat has.

Causes of Cat Ear Infections

Approximately half of all external ear infections are due to ear mites, specifically Otodectes cynotis. The next most common cause is hypersensitivity such as an allergy to food, the environment, or something your cat comes into contact with like certain medications.

Other possible causes include:

  • Parasites other than ear mites, such as Demodex mites
  • Foreign bodies, i.e. things that shouldn’t be in the ear such as grass
  • Skin disorders such as seborrhea (white scaly skin disease)
  • Immune-mediated disorders such as vasculitis
  • Glandular disorders such as ceruminous cystomatosis
  • Proliferative necrotizing otitis of cats (rare)

Symptoms of Ear Infections in Cats

Cat ear with infection and gunk

With mild ear infections, pet parents may never notice symptoms in their cats – even if it itches, cats are very discrete in their scratching and grooming habits. Most cats, however, will develop symptoms. 

Symptoms of ear infections in cats include:

  • Redness in the canals
  • Discharge in the canals
  • Frequent head shaking or head bobbing
  • Frequent scratching of the ears
  • Fur loss and abrasions on or around the base of the ears (due to scratching)
  • Swelling, crust, or redness of the pinna

If your cat also has inflammation of the inner ear, you may notice your cat stumbling and walking drunkenly, which is called ataxia. In middle ear infections, the nerve that controls one side of the face may be affected, preventing your cat from blinking on one side or making the face look like it has two different sides.

Diagnosing Cat Ear Infections

Veterinarians diagnose external ear infections by looking inside the ears for inflammation. Cytology is a common test, which involves taking a small sampling of the debris in an ear to smear on a slide, stain it, and look under the microscope. The type of medication used to treat secondary infections in the ears will depend on what infectious agents veterinarians see. Parasites, yeast, and bacteria are diagnosed this way.

To diagnose middle ear infections, veterinarians will attempt to look deep inside your cat’s ear canal with an otoscope. Looking at the eardrum can help diagnose middle ear infections but it isn’t always apparent. If the ear is very inflamed or painful, they may not be able to see the eardrum without sedation. X-rays of the bullae, or bones of the middle ear, can help with diagnosis. 

To diagnose inner ear infections, veterinarians assume it is present if your cat has ataxia and also a middle ear infection.

Treating Cat Ear Infections

Cat ear infections are treated first and foremost by cleaning out the ears. If waxy debris is trapped inside, medication cannot reach the entire ear. However, cleaning too vigorously could irritate the ear or worsen the infection, so this task is best left to your veterinarian. In severe cases, they may sedate your cat to thoroughly clean the ears.

Next, your veterinarian will recommend medication to treat the ear infection, as well as any pain or inflammation. Depending on the type of infection, the treatment may be a combination of antibiotic, antifungal, and/or anti-inflammatory medicines.

In cases of external ear infections, your vet may prescribe a topical medication, like ear drops, ointment, gel, or cream. These are often applied into the ear canal for a week or more.

In cases where the middle or inner ear is severely infected or your cat is experiencing chronic infections, your vet may opt for oral or injectable medications. For bacterial infections, your vet may prescribe an antibiotic like Clavamox or Baytril. For fungal infections, an antifungal medication like Itrafungol is often used. Steroids may be given if swelling or inflammation is intense.

Additional treatment may be required, depending on what’s causing the ear infection. If ear mites are the culprit, your veterinarian will recommend a monthly parasite preventative to rid your cat of pests and prevent chronic infections. These are typically topical treatments, like Revolution Plus or Advantage Multi that you apply to the skin on the back of the head to fight fleas as well as a variety of parasites for an entire month.

Revolution Plus Topical Solution for Cats

If an allergy is causing ear infections, your veterinarian may prescribe a prescription diet for food allergies or medication such as Atopica to help reduce the inflammation that environmental allergies can trigger.

Royal Canin Selected Protein Cat Food
Atopica for cats

Treating secondary infections, or infections of bacteria and yeast that did not cause the original inflammation in the ear, is only half the battle. The most common reason for secondary infections is because ear mites are present. If parasites are found, a topical treatment is often applied to the skin on the back of the head that fights fleas as well as a variety of parasites for an entire month. If an allergy is causing ear infections, your veterinarian may prescribe a prescription diet for food allergies or medication such as antihistamines to combat environmental allergies.

Antibiotics by mouth (oral) or injection are not very useful in ear infections, as medication given these ways does not get into the ear very well. However, in cases of middle ear and inner ear infections, antibiotics are frequently used due to the severity. Steroids orally or by injection may be given if swelling or inflammation is intense.

Home Remedies for Cat Ear Infections

There are no home remedies that will eliminate infections such as bacteria, yeast, or parasites. 

Mixing a solution that is 1/4 to 1/2 white vinegar with water could be used to clean the ears if your cat has a history of yeast infections. However, vinegar and water do not dry easily, and moist environments can lead to worsening of infections. Also, it does not combat infections as well as commercial ear cleansers. 

Using commercial cat ear cleansers that have antibacterial, antifungal, and drying properties once or twice per week will decrease infection and prevent it in the future.

Many cats – around 40 percent – develop ear infections due to hypersensitivities, which is commonly linked to a food allergy. For this reason, focusing on a novel protein diet may help prevent ear infections. Novel protein diets are complete and balanced diets that contain a single type of meat that your cat has never had before. A home-cooked diet is incredibly dangerous for cats if not prescribed by a veterinary nutritionist, as finding the right balance of amino acids and minerals is critical and requires specific supplements.

How to Prevent Cat Ear Infections

Cleaning cat ears

For cats who live with many other cats or go outside – even if just on your porch – monthly flea topical medication that also prevents ear mites is best. If your cat develops a couple ear infections and parasites are not involved, preventing the allergy with a novel protein diet, avoiding contact with specific medications, and giving antihistamines or other therapies for reducing environmental allergies will help prevent ear infections.

Regular weekly cleanings of your cat’s ears with an ear cleanser that is antibacterial, antifungal, and has drying properties will prevent future ear infections. Squirt the solution into the ear canal until you see the canal is full, massage the base of your cat’s ear several times, then allow your cat to shake it out. You can gently wipe around the pinnae of your cat’s ear with cotton gauze to get rid of debris. 

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Clavamox for Dogs: Uses, Dosing, Side Effects https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/clavamox-for-dogs/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 18:02:54 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120343 Clavamox is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in dogs and cats. This broad-spectrum antibiotic can be used to treat a wide variety of bacteria, making it an effective choice for the treatment of many bacterial infections.  If your veterinarian has prescribed a course of Clavamox for your dog, you may be wondering what […]

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Clavamox is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in dogs and cats. This broad-spectrum antibiotic can be used to treat a wide variety of bacteria, making it an effective choice for the treatment of many bacterial infections. 

If your veterinarian has prescribed a course of Clavamox for your dog, you may be wondering what it is and how it works. Let’s take a closer look at Clavamox for dogs, including potential uses and side effects.

What is Clavamox?

Clavamox is an FDA-approved antibiotic that is labeled for use in dogs and cats. If you have ever taken Augmentin to treat a sinus infection or other illness, you are familiar with Clavamox. Clavamox is the veterinary equivalent of Augmentin, and it contains the same active ingredients. 

Clavamox was initially developed in the 1980s. For the last 40 years, it has been widely used by veterinarians to treat many different types of bacterial infections. Clavamox is effective against a broad range of bacteria, including bacteria that may be resistant to other antibiotics. It’s also well-distributed in the body, which means it can be used to treat infections in numerous organs/tissues.

Almost every veterinarian keeps Clavamox (or its generic equivalent) in stock and uses it regularly, and you will not need to see a specialist to obtain this medication. Many dogs are treated with Clavamox at some point during their lives. 

What Does Clavamox for Dogs Look Like?

Clavamox for dogs is available in three different forms: tablets, chewable tablets, and liquid suspension.

Clavamox tablets and Clavamox chewables for dogs will degrade with prolonged air exposure, so both are supplied in a blister pack. Clavamox tablets are white, round pills, while Clavamox chewables are square, brown/tan tablets that are scored down the center. 

Liquid Clavamox is shipped as a white powder in a small bottle. Your veterinarian will add a carefully-measured amount of water to this powder, creating a white suspension. Clavamox drops are typically dosed using a small dropper, with lines on the dropper to indicate dosing quantities. 

How Does Clavamox Work?

Dog gets prescription from vet

Clavamox is a combination of two drugs: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. 

You are probably familiar with amoxicillin, a commonly-used antibiotic. This antibiotic kills susceptible bacteria by blocking their ability to create functional cell walls. 

Unfortunately, some bacteria have developed the ability to evade amoxicillin’s action, through the use of an enzyme known as beta-lactamase. Clavulanic acid inhibits beta-lactamase, overcoming this bacterial defense. 

Clavamox is capable of killing a far greater variety of bacteria than amoxicillin alone, thanks to the addition of clavulanic acid. 

What Is Clavamox Used for in Dogs?

Clavamox is one of the most widely-used antibiotics in veterinary medicine. It is effective against a broad range of bacteria and it reaches many different areas of the body. 

Common conditions in dogs that may be treated with Clavamox include: 

  • Skin infections
  • Wound infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Pneumonia
  • Bone infections
  • Infections of the mouth and teeth
  • Infections of the inner ear (but not external ear infections) 

How to Give Clavamox to Dogs

Pet owner holds out tablet to dog

Clavamox for dogs can be given with or without food. Giving Clavamox with a meal may help minimize the risk of gastrointestinal side effects, such as vomiting or diarrhea. 

When giving Clavamox tablets for dogs, you can hide the tablet in a small amount of canned food, peanut butter, or another soft treat. Crushing the pill is not recommended, because some dogs will taste the crushed pill and may be reluctant to take the medication. 

Clavamox chewable tablets are flavored to taste like pork. Most dogs will readily accept Clavamox chewable tablets, just as they would take a treat. If a dog is especially picky or stubborn, chewable tablets can be crushed and mixed with a small amount of canned food. 

Clavamox drops for dogs can be squirted directly into your dog’s mouth, using the provided dropper. Shake well before using. Clavamox drops can also be mixed with food, but the smell of the medication may lead your dog to not eat the food or medication.  

Clavamox for Dogs Side Effects

Clavamox is well-tolerated in most dogs, but side effects can occur. The most common side effect is gastrointestinal upset, which may result in decreased appetite, vomiting, or diarrhea. A small number of dogs may be allergic to Clavamox; fortunately, antibiotic allergies are relatively rare in dogs.

When giving Clavamox to dogs, watch for the following signs: 

  • Decreased appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin rash or hives
  • Facial swelling
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Fever

If your dog develops any side effects that may be associated with Clavamox, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. If your dog only has a mild decrease in appetite or slightly soft stools, you can continue giving Clavamox until you receive instructions from your veterinarian. However, if your dog is vomiting or showing signs of a potential allergic reaction, stop giving Clavamox immediately, and do not give any more doses until you are able to speak with your veterinarian. 

Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

Clavamox may interact with a number of other drugs, including several different antibiotics and immunosuppressants. Often times the interactions affect the efficacy or metabolism of either the Clavamox or the other drug, but can sometimes cause organ damage. 

Be sure your veterinarian is aware of any prescription or over-the-counter medications your dog is taking before starting your dog on Clavamox. 

Clavamox Dosage for Dogs

Your veterinarian will select the best Clavamox dose for your dog, based upon your dog’s body weight and the condition to be treated. Clavamox tablets/chews are available in a variety of sizes, so most dogs (except very large dogs) can be treated with one appropriately-sized tablet twice daily. 

It is important for you to give all the medication as directed by your veterinarian. If you find yourself with leftover antibiotics, it is important to consult your veterinarian before giving them to your pet without direction. Misuse of antibiotics can lead to hard-to-treat resistant infections.

What if My Dog Misses a Dose of Clavamox?

If your dog misses a dose of Clavamox, give the missed dose as soon as possible and continue dosing your pet as directed.

If it’s already time for your dog’s next dose of Clavamox, skip the missed dose and resume dosing at the next scheduled dosing time. 

Clavamox for Dogs Cost

The cost of Clavamox for dogs varies, depending on your dog’s dosage and the drug formulation (tablet, chewable, or liquid). In general, you can expect to spend anywhere from $2-$10 per day for Clavamox treatment for dogs. 

Generic formulations are available and may be slightly less expensive. 

Clavamox Storage Instructions

Clavamox tablets for dogs and chewable tablets can be stored at room temperature. These tablets are sensitive to air, which is why they are supplied in a blister pack. Do not open each dose until you are ready to administer the dose to your pet. 

Clavamox drops for dogs should be stored in the refrigerator, once reconstituted to their liquid form. 

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Pneumonia in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/pneumonia-in-cats/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 16:21:52 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120313 Pneumonia in humans can be a scary diagnosis. People often experience shortness of breath and an overall sick feeling, which can sometimes result in a trip to the hospital.  But what about our furry feline friends? Can cats get pneumonia? We’ll answer that question and many more throughout this article, so read on for everything […]

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Pneumonia in humans can be a scary diagnosis. People often experience shortness of breath and an overall sick feeling, which can sometimes result in a trip to the hospital. 

But what about our furry feline friends? Can cats get pneumonia? We’ll answer that question and many more throughout this article, so read on for everything you need to know about pneumonia in cats. 

What Is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia refers to inflammation in the lungs. The lungs have many tubes – from large (like the trachea or windpipe) to very small (like bronchioles) – that end in small sacs of air called alveolar sacs. 

In pneumonia, the lungs end up accumulating fluid inside these small alveolar sacs, preventing them from filling with air to supply oxygen to the body. Humans and any animal with lungs can develop pneumonia, but the causes vary between species.

Can Cats Get Pneumonia?

Yes, cats (and dogs) can get pneumonia. It is not a common diagnosis among our feline friends, but it is not very rare either.

Cats often demonstrate subtle signs of pneumonia, which can make it hard to detect. So how do you know if your cat has pneumonia? First, it’s important to understand the different types of pneumonia that can affect cats.

Types of Pneumonia in Cats

There are three main types of pneumonia in cats:

Aspiration pneumonia. Fluid or particulates being breathed in instead of swallowed may result in aspiration pneumonia in cats.

Infectious pneumonia. Cats can develop infectious pneumonia from many different kinds of pathogens (small organisms that cause infection), including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and protozoa.

Inhalation pneumonia. This type of pneumonia in cats occurs when foreign material (such as smoke) is breathed into the airways

Causes of Pneumonia in Cats

Aspiration Pneumonia

Approximately half of cats with pneumonia have aspiration pneumonia, which occurs when your cat accidentally breathes in fluid or particulates such as vomitus, food, medication, or stomach acid. 

The most common reasons this happens include:

  • Sedation or anesthesia (when your cat is made unconscious with medications at the veterinarian)
  • Disease in the esophagus (the tube leading from the mouth to the stomach)
  • Neurologic issues
  • Force feeding (i.e. giving food or medication your cat did not choose to take)

Most animals that are diagnosed with aspiration pneumonia had recent gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting.

Infectious Pneumonia

Infectious pneumonia usually occurs because of immunosuppression, meaning there is some reason your cat’s immune system isn’t as strong as it should be. This could be due to age (young kittens), feline leukemia and/or feline immunodeficiency virus, stress (i.e. in an animal shelter or after a surgery), certain medications, or other concurrent illness.

Infectious pneumonia can be caused by a variety of things, including:

  • Viruses such as feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus-1, and feline infectious peritonitis
  • Bacteria such as Bordetella bronchiseptica, Mycoplasma spp., and Streptococcus spp.
  • Fungi such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis, and Cryptococcus spp.
  • Protozoa such as Toxoplasma gondii
  • Parasites such as lungworms (i.e. Aelurostrongylus abstrusus) or roundworms migrating through the lungs such as Toxocara cati

Viruses and bacteria are the most common pathogens causing pneumonia and typically work together. However, in most cases, a virus causes your cat to become ill first, allowing bacteria that are normally found in their airways to proliferate and create a bacterial infection as well. In very young kittens, bacteria can be the primary cause of pneumonia. 

Fungal pneumonia in cats is rare and accounts for approximately 15 percent of cases, while protozoal pneumonia is very rare and accounts for approximately 5 percent. Parasites like roundworms are very common, but it is uncommon for them to cause significant pneumonia.

Inhalation Pneumonia

Inhalation pneumonia is caused by either smoke or a chemical that should not be breathed in. For example, cats that are in house fires inhale a lot of smoke, which often causes pneumonia.

Symptoms of Pneumonia in Cats 

Gray and white cat at vet

Pneumonia is harder to detect in cats, as 20 percent don’t have changes in breathing when they have pneumonia, and 40 percent do not show signs of overall illness like change in appetite. Still, pneumonia symptoms in cats may be present and can include:

  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Nasal discharge
  • Decreased activity
  • Decreased appetite
  • Changes in breathing (increase in effort as seen by movement of the belly, inability to rest or be comfortable, fast breathing, or open-mouth breathing)
  • Weakness
  • Fever 

Diagnosing Pneumonia in Cats

In order to determine a diagnosis, your veterinarian will start by examining your cat. In milder forms of pneumonia, the lungs sound normal on examination, so X-rays are crucial. X-rays show inflammation in the lungs and certain patterns that can hint at the cause, but they alone cannot fully determine what caused the pneumonia. That’s why history is very important in helping to determine what type of pneumonia your cat has (for example, if they had been vomiting or were in a house fire).

Viruses are difficult to detect with testing but may be found by swabbing the back of your cat’s throat. To determine what type of bacteria is involved in your cat’s pneumonia, a test using a fluid sample from the lungs is often recommended (i.e. bronchoalveolar lavage). Fungi and protozoa are typically diagnosed with blood tests that detect the presence of the pathogen in the body. Parasites are diagnosed with fecal (poop) testing. 

Treating Cat Pneumonia 

Cat at veterinary hospital getting treatment

Most cases of pneumonia are treated with antibiotics and supportive care. While bacteria may not be the primary cause of pneumonia when viruses are present, they frequently worsen the pneumonia, so antibiotics are crucial. Supportive care such as fluid therapy to hydrate your cat helps keep them healthy while they recover.

If your cat is very ill and having trouble breathing, hospitalization may be necessary. When cats are struggling to breathe, they cannot eat, drink, or take medicine by mouth. Veterinary hospitals can give your cat oxygen therapy to help them breathe, as well as fluids and medication through an intravenous (IV) catheter.  

Nebulization is a very important way of treating your cat’s pneumonia at home. This involves putting saline and medication into a small machine that blows concentrated air through the solution, filling a small space for your cat to breathe in the medicated air. Putting your cat in a carrier with moistened towels covering the openings while the nebulizer is running is a great way to trap the medicated air in the carrier.

Fungal, protozoal, and parasitic pneumonia require specific medication depending on the exact pathogen causing it. Fungal and protozoal pneumonia are difficult to treat, as medication must be given for several months before success is achieved.

Prognosis for Cats with Pneumonia

Cats with mild or moderate pneumonia that respond to antibiotics have a good prognosis. Cats that are very ill and struggling to breathe have a worse prognosis, although around 90 percent of these cats survive with hospitalization. 

Fungal and protozoal pneumonia can be difficult to treat, and if your cat is very ill already due to these pathogens, waiting weeks before seeing improvement may not be possible.

How to Prevent Pneumonia in Cats

If your cat develops gastrointestinal symptoms (such as vomiting) that occur more than once, they should be seen by a veterinarian right away. If your cat is being force-fed or takes large volumes of liquid medication, seek advice from your veterinarian to avoid accidentally forcing your cat to aspirate food or medication instead of swallowing it.

Preventing your cat from eating small prey like mice is ideal. Keep your cat away from cats of unknown health status, especially other cats’ feces or litter boxes. This will help avoid protozoa and parasites. 

If you work with any chemicals that are dangerous when inhaled, do not allow your cat to be anywhere near them.

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Cat Limping: 14 Reasons Why It Happens https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-limping/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 15:45:20 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120248 Cats are known to hide their pain, but if you see a cat limping, that is an obvious sign that they are in a lot of pain—enough pain that they can’t hide it. If you’ve ever had this happen to your cat, then you’ve likely asked yourself (or Googled), why is my cat limping?  In […]

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Cats are known to hide their pain, but if you see a cat limping, that is an obvious sign that they are in a lot of pain—enough pain that they can’t hide it. If you’ve ever had this happen to your cat, then you’ve likely asked yourself (or Googled), why is my cat limping

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at cat limping, including potential causes of lameness in cats, what to do if your cat is limping, and how to prevent the problem, if possible. 

Why Is My Cat Limping?

Cat lying down on doormat

There are many potential causes of limping in cats. A bone, muscle, tendon, or ligament injury is the most obvious reason that a cat is limping.

Infections from bite wounds are also a very common reason why cats limp. When cats fight, they can leave behind deep puncture wounds caused by bites. These wounds become infected and abscess, causing inflammation, pain, swelling, and lameness in cats, especially outdoor cats that like to fight. Sometimes, you may see or feel the swelling, and other times, you may not notice it. 

Other reasons that a cat may limp include:

Arthritis that causes joint pain (worse in obese cats); you may not see your cat limping but you may notice your cat jumping less, grooming less, sleeping more, playing less, etc.

Cancer in the bone or nerves that causes pain; this can affect any leg

Toe pain from a torn toe nail, foreign body, burned/injured toe pads, or phantom pain from a declawing surgery; cats may also lick their paws a lot or have increased aggression due to chronic pain from declawing

Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus that causes cats to have an abnormal, dropped stance in their back legs (called down in the hocks)

Hip dysplasia that causes pain or dysfunction in the hip joints of a cat’s back legs

Bone infection that causes bone pain in any leg

Bone fractures that healed abnormally, causing abnormal gaits in cats

Tick bite paralysis caused by a bite from certain species of female ticks

Spinal disc disease that causes a cat to drag their legs or be unable to get up

Pinched nerve that usually causes neck and shoulder pain and limping in front legs

Saddle thrombus/aortic thromboembolic disease caused by heart disease that causes a blood clot to block blood flow to the rear legs, resulting in rear leg lameness

Vaccine reaction that causes pain, swelling, and limping after the injection is given 

What to Do If Your Cat Is Limping

It can be tempting to take the wait-and-see approach if you notice your cat limping. However, some conditions are more serious than others and require prompt veterinary attention. You might be asking yourself, what should I do if my cat is limping but acting normal? What about a cat limping all of a sudden or a limp that comes and goes? Here is a general guide: 

Cat Limping SignsWhen to See a Vet
Your cat limps once and then never has another problemYour cat is likely fine and doesn’t need to see a vet or get treatment
Your cat is limping all of a sudden and it doesn’t improveTake your cat to the vet as soon as possible
Your cat is limping and you notice injuries, bite wounds, or swellingTake your cat to the vet the same day
Your cat is unable to walk or is dragging their hind limbTake your cat to the vet the same day
Your cat is limping off and onTake your cat to the vet as soon as possible
Your cat is limping and acting sick (not eating, hiding, vomiting, diarrhea, low energy) Take your cat to the vet the same day
Your cat is limping and has already been diagnosed with the cause of the limpingCall your vet the same day for recommendations—they may be able to help you over the phone

Pay special attention to when the limping occurs (e.g., after sleeping, running, playing, etc.) and how long the cat has been limping—your vet will want this information. 

If your vet advises you to monitor your cat’s limping at home, here are some steps you can take to make your cat more comfortable:

  • Put all food, water, bedding, and toys on the ground level
  • Place a ramp for your cat to walk up
  • If you have been tasked with keeping your cat “quiet,” keep your cat in a small bathroom or large dog crate to limit movement
  • If you have started treatment but still notice your cat limping, call your vet

It is very important to NOT give your cat any human over-the-counter or prescription pain meds. This is especially important in regards to ibuprofen or acetaminophen—these medications are extremely toxic to cats and should never be given to a cat. 

Diagnosing Cat Limping

Veterinarians prep cat for X-rays

A veterinarian will utilize a physical examination, an oral history from you, and various tests to diagnose cat limping. A physical examination is almost always necessary and depending on the cause of limping, may be all that is required to diagnose the problem. Abscesses, for example, can be diagnosed with a physical examination.

Common tests a veterinarian may run for a limping cat include:

  • Radiographs (X-rays) to look at bone and muscle
  • Blood work to rule out problems like diabetes
  • MRI or CT scan if the cause of limping isn’t readily apparent

How to Treat a Limping Cat

Cat with bandage on leg

Almost all limping cats will be given pain medication but beyond that, how lameness in cats is treated depends on the underlying cause. Here are some examples:

  • Arthritis is treated with weight loss if needed and pain medication. Joint supplements, laser therapy, acupuncture, and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as other adjunct treatments, are also available
  • Abscesses are lanced by a veterinarian and then treated with antibiotics and pain medications
  • Cancer requires surgery +/- radiation therapy
  • Paw injuries are treated appropriately
  • Bone infections receive antibiotics
  • Spinal and nerve disease is treated with surgery, anti-inflammatories, and cage rest
  • Saddle thrombus is treated with pain medication, cage rest, blood thinners, and time

Your veterinarian will tailor your cat’s treatment to their specific condition and treat it appropriately. 

How to Prevent Cat Limping

Cat using scratching post

While you can’t prevent all causes of cat limping, there are several things you can do as a pet parent to minimize your cat’s risk, such as:

  • Keep your cat indoors to avoid abscesses and injuries
  • Keep your cat at a healthy weight to reduce problems with arthritis
  • Have your cat checked by a veterinarian yearly to catch any problems early
  • Give your cat omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil
  • Do not declaw your cat
  • Give your cat adequate scratching surfaces
  • Keep your cat active with 3-4 daily play sessions every day

Related Conditions

  • Abscesses
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Cancer
  • Injuries
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Saddle thrombus

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Dog Eye Allergies: Symptoms and Treatment Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-eye-allergies/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 19:08:02 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120077 Dog eye allergies are a common issue that can cause discomfort to our canine friends. Like humans, there are things you can do to mitigate their suffering. Keep reading to learn what causes dog eye allergies, and what you can to do help.  What Are Eye Allergies in Dogs? Eye allergies in dogs, otherwise known […]

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Dog eye allergies are a common issue that can cause discomfort to our canine friends. Like humans, there are things you can do to mitigate their suffering. Keep reading to learn what causes dog eye allergies, and what you can to do help. 

What Are Eye Allergies in Dogs?

Eye allergies in dogs, otherwise known as allergic conjunctivitis, is an inflammatory condition. Just like in people, this inflammation is irritating to dogs, causing itchy, red, watery eyes. 

Dog eye allergies are often confused with eye infections because they cause similar symptoms and are similarly common. So, how can you spot the difference? Eye allergies are often coupled with other allergy symptoms, such as sneezing or itchy skin. But other key differences between dog eye allergies and infections include:

Dog Eye AllergyDog Eye Infection 
Eye allergies usually have clear, watery discharge; can also have white dischargeEye infections have persistent yellow, green, or white eye discharge
Eye allergies are only symptomatic when the dog is exposed to the allergenEye infections have persistent symptoms
Eye allergies often improve with sterile saline eye rinses or antihistaminesEye infections don’t get better with sterile saline eye rinses or antihistamines
Eye allergies may or may not cause squintingEye infections often cause dogs to severely squint
Eye allergies are often seasonalEye infections are random
Eye allergies can cause swollen, red eyelidsEye infections may or may not cause swollen eyelids

These differences may be subtle and hard to differentiate. Especially if you notice any of these symptoms for the first time, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. Other red flags include a lack of response to at-home treatments, or more explicit signs of infection like yellow or green discharge. 

Causes of Dog Eye Allergies

Believe it or not, dogs can have allergies just like humans. Eye allergies occur when a dog’s immune system has a hypersensitive response to otherwise harmless environmental substances. We call these things allergens, and they can include grass pollen, tree pollen, mold, cat dander, dust, insect particles, and more. When a dog comes into contact with an allergen, their immune system recognizes it as a “foreign invader.” This causes an inflammatory response, resulting in dog eye allergy symptoms. While any dog can develop eye allergies, dogs that have skin allergies tend to have more problems with eye allergies than other dogs. 

Eye allergies in dogs can also occur after contacting certain chemicals or eating certain food ingredients. If your dog is sensitive to a particular laundry detergent or after eating chicken, for example, it can cause itchy, red eyes. 

Symptoms of Dog Eye Allergies

Dog on couch pawing at eye

Dog eye allergies can be simple to spot if you know what you are looking for. If your dog goes outside in the spring or summer and comes back in with red, itchy eyes, you can usually assume it’s eye allergies. Symptoms of eye allergies in dogs can include:

  • Acute onset of itchy, red, watery eyes
  • Swollen, red eyelids
  • Dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca)
  • Pawing at eyes
  • Rubbing face on carpet or furniture
  • Increased eye discharge that may be clear, white, or caked on eyelids
  • Yellow or green eye discharge if the eye develops a secondary infection

Remember that dog eye allergies can mimic the symptoms of other more serious eye conditions. This includes conditions like eye infections, glaucoma, eyelash disorders, dry eye, and corneal ulcers. In addition, infectious conditions like distemper or eye worms can cause itchy, red eyes and ocular discharge. If it’s the first time you notice eye symptoms in your dog, go to the vet to rule out other more serious causes of red eyes.

Diagnosing Dog Eye Allergies

Veterinarian examines a dog's eyes

Your vet will perform a physical exam, ophthalmic (eye) exam, and other ocular tests to diagnose what’s going on. Your vet will also ask you questions about how long the problem has been going on, if it’s happened before, and if your dog has any problems with skin allergies.

Eye tests your vet may run include staining the eye to look for corneal ulcers, a Schirmer Tear test to check tear production, and tonometry to check pressure inside the eyes to rule out glaucoma. Other tests can include bacterial or viral culture if your vet suspects infection.

Dog Eye Allergy Treatment

Veterinarian administers eye drops to a dog

If your dog has mild eye allergies, you can often manage the condition at home by rinsing your dog’s eyes with sterile saline any time they become red. While human over-the-counter eye drops may be effective in some dogs, always check with your vet before using any human eye drops on your dog.

If these treatments don’t help, the problem may not be an eye allergy or your dog may need stronger prescription-strength topical medications, like artificial tears. In either case, it’s time to call your vet for advice. Your vet may run more tests, chat with you about food allergies, or prescribe different a medication. 

Never use steroid eye drops in your dog without the supervision of a veterinarian. These can cause serious side effects that can result in severe pain and blindness if used inappropriately. 

Eye allergies usually clear up on their own when the dog is no longer exposed to the allergen. However, they may appear again in the future if the allergen reappears. Set a reminder in your phone for the same time next year to prevent allergy symptoms before they start.

How to Prevent Dog Eye Allergies

You can minimize your dog’s eye allergy symptoms by applying an eye lube (ask your vet for a product recommendation) before the dog goes outside and then rinsing their eyes with sterile saline after they come back inside. This will remove any allergens from your dog’s eyes. Antihistamines can also be helpful to prevent allergy symptoms in the first place if you start them before symptoms begin. Ask your veterinarian for a type of antihistamine and dosage to use in your dog.

Related Conditions

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Normal Dog Heart Rate: What Should It Be? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/normal-dog-heart-rate/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 18:28:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120076 A dog’s heart is a nonstop machine that beats in a tightly controlled rhythm to circulate blood throughout the body. Heart rate is defined as the number of times the heart beats per minute. Many conditions can disrupt a dog’s normal heart rate, causing organs not to get the vital blood they need to function […]

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A dog’s heart is a nonstop machine that beats in a tightly controlled rhythm to circulate blood throughout the body. Heart rate is defined as the number of times the heart beats per minute.

Many conditions can disrupt a dog’s normal heart rate, causing organs not to get the vital blood they need to function properly. That’s not something to take lightly. An abnormal heart rate often signals the need for veterinary care and attention.

What constitutes an abnormal heart rate in dogs? What can you do about it? Can cardiovascular nutritional supplements promote a normal dog heart rate? We’ll answer these questions and more so you can help keep your dog’s heart (and heart rate) going strong.

Why Understanding a Dog’s Heart Rate Matters

Knowing your dog’s normal heart rate will help you and your veterinarian quickly recognize when the rate is abnormal.

A normal dog heart rate is also known as the resting heart rate, the rate at which the heart beats when the body is at rest (like when you’re sitting still at the doctor’s office while a nurse takes your heart rate).

Regularly monitoring your dog’s resting heart rate will give you an accurate estimate of what’s normal. No need to buy a stethoscope, though. Later in the article, we’ll explain how to measure your dog’s heart rate without special equipment.

Also, you don’t have to check your dog’s heart rate every week. A dog’s resting heart rate stays steady over time. An occasional check at home and heart rate checks at each veterinary appointment are sufficient for the average, healthy dog.

Changes in heart rate can signal an underlying health issue that needs attention. Other times, though, a change in heart rate is normal and temporary, such as an increased heart rate with exercise. Your veterinarian can help you determine whether a change in heart rate is normal or indicates an actual health problem.

What Is a Normal Dog Heart Rate?

A dog’s normal heart rate primarily depends on their size and age. Normal heart rates are generally higher in puppies and small dogs than in adult dogs and large dogs.

Here’s a chart of average heart rates in dogs, measured in beats per minute (BPM):

Type of DogNormal Heart Rate (BPM)Abnormally Slow Heart Rate (BPM)Abnormally Fast Heart Rate (BPM)
Puppy160 to 220Less than 160Greater than 220
Small Adult Dog100 to 140Less than 80 to 100Greater than 140-180
Large Adult Dog60 to 100Less than 60Greater than 100-140

An abnormally slow heart rate is called bradycardia, while an abnormally fast heart rate is called tachycardia.

Abnormal Heart Rates in Dogs

Abnormal heart rates in dogs are either physiologic (normal and temporary) or pathologic (caused by an underlying health issue).

Bradycardia occurs when the heart beats too slowly. Here are some causes of bradycardia in dogs:


  • Very athletic dog


  • Liver or kidney failure
  • Hypokalemia (low potassium levels)
  • Myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation)
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

Tachycardia occurs when the heart beats too quickly. A rapid heartbeat doesn’t allow the heart’s chambers to fully refill with blood between contractions (when the heart ‘squeezes’). Here are common causes of tachycardia in dogs:


  • Stress
  • Exercise
  • Anxiety
  • Excitement


How to Check a Dog’s Heart Rate

Check your dog’s heart rate regularly when your dog is at rest.

There are several places on your dog’s body where you can check the heart rate:

  • Directly over the heart: Place your hand on the left side of the chest, behind the elbow of the left front leg.
  • Inside the front of the right or left hind leg.

Even though the heart rate is reported as beats per minute (BPM), you do not have to count for 60 seconds. Instead, count the number of beats for 15 seconds, then multiply that number by four. For example, if you count 30 beats in 15 seconds, the heart rate is 120 BPM (30 x 4).

Track the time with a watch, stopwatch, or your phone’s timer. Also, take your dog’s heart rate several times to ensure your measurement is accurate. Write down the measurement, especially if it’s abnormal.

Abnormal Dog Heart Rate: Next Steps

Pet parent and dog at vet

Take your dog to your veterinarian if your dog’s heart rate is abnormal and you’re unsure why. During the appointment, tell your veterinarian what heart rate you measured at home. They will perform a physical exam and listen closely to your dog’s heart.

Your veterinarian will then perform other diagnostic tests to examine your dog’s heart. One such test is an electrocardiogram, which evaluates the heart’s electrical activity. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound that shows the heart’s structures and how the heart is beating and pumping blood. A chest X-ray may show an abnormal appearance of the heart (e.g., enlargement).

In addition, your veterinarian will perform bloodwork and a urinalysis to evaluate your dog’s overall health and look for evidence of an underlying illness.

Treating an Abnormal Heart Rate

An abnormal heart rate can lead to other health problems, so it is essential to re-establish a normal heart rate.

In cases of physiologic changes, such as exercise or anxiety, treatment may not be necessary. However, if your dog has an underlying illness, that illness will need to be treated and managed to get your dog’s heart rate back to normal.

For example, if your dog is diagnosed with congestive heart disease, a medication like Vetmedin (pimobendan) can help relax and open up coronary blood vessels, reducing the strain on the heart and stabilizing your dog’s heart rate.

Some dog breeds are predisposed to cardiovascular stress, while others may experience changes in their heart rate as they age. Ask your vet if your dog would benefit from a cardiovascular nutritional supplement to help maintain a normal heart rate. These supplements come in a variety of forms, from tasty chews to capsules, and feature natural ingredients that help support healthy cardiac function. Such as:

  • Taurine – an amino acid used to treat types of heart disease in dogs caused by a taurine deficiency
  • Potassium and Magnesium – help the heart muscle contract and relax
  • Selenium – protects the integrity of blood vessels
  • Arginine and Hawthorn berry extract – promote circulation and normal blood pressure

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Dog Heartworm Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/dog-heartworm-treatment-plan/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 17:33:49 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=120005 Heartworm disease in dogs is an infectious disease caused by a parasitic worm that infects the heart and great vessels. It is carried by mosquitoes and while it is most common in hot and humid areas, it has been diagnosed in all 50 states.  If your dog has been diagnosed with heartworm disease, it may […]

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Heartworm disease in dogs is an infectious disease caused by a parasitic worm that infects the heart and great vessels. It is carried by mosquitoes and while it is most common in hot and humid areas, it has been diagnosed in all 50 states. 

If your dog has been diagnosed with heartworm disease, it may feel overwhelming and scary. You may wonder what a dog’s life expectancy after heartworm treatment is, and you may not know the right course of action to take. Fortunately, your veterinarian is an excellent resource for all of your questions. Read on to learn more about heartworm treatment for dogs and what to expect.

Dog Heartworm Treatment Plan: What to Expect

Heartworm dirofilaria

Dogs usually require treatment for heartworms in the following situations:

  • You missed your dog’s heartworm prevention, you live in an area with heartworm disease, and your dog tests positive for heartworms
  • You have adopted a dog who tested positive for heartworm disease
  • You didn’t know that your dog had heartworm disease until they were tested

The goals of heartworm treatment for dogs are to improve the health of the dog and eliminate all life stages of the parasite from their body. The type of treatment your veterinarian will recommend depends on several things:

  • How sick your dog is from heartworm
  • If your dog has any other health conditions
  • How many worms they are carrying

If your dog is not exhibiting any symptoms of heartworm disease, then treatment is generally straightforward and successful. If your dog is sick from heartworms, then they will need to be stabilized before starting treatment to eliminate heartworms. This may require that they receive intravenous medications, such as steroids, diuretics, blood pressure medication, heart medication, and fluid therapy. Sometimes, dogs are carrying so many worms that they require surgical removal of worms. Treating these patients can be very difficult, which is why heartworm prevention is so important in dogs. 

The American Heartworm Society recommends that all dogs undergoing treatment for heartworm disease, whether they are sick or not, are hospitalized while they are receiving and recovering from medication injections to kill worms. This is because it is critical that they stay very quiet while they are receiving medication to eliminate the worms. Overheating, excitement, or exercise during treatment—and for 6-8 weeks after the last medication injection—are the most significant factors contributing to life-threatening heart and lung complications associated with heartworm disease treatment, including death from pulmonary thromboembolism. It is best that a dog go on cage/kennel rest as soon as they are diagnosed with heartworm disease.

In some cases, your veterinarian may elect to pre-treat your dog with medication before starting injections to eliminate the worms. These medications can be given at home (and are covered in more detail in the “Dog Heartworm Medicine” section of this article). 

For most dogs, heartworm treatment takes about four months from beginning to end. However, expect some testing to be required after treatment has stopped, and plan to keep your dog on heartworm prevention continually after they are treated. 

Dog Heartworm Treatment Cost

Veterinarian examines dog X-ray

Cost of heartworm disease varies, but in general, you can expect the following:

  • Initial physical examination and heartworm test: $75-$125
  • Confirmation tests: $25-$45 
  • Additional tests (chest X-rays, chest ultrasound): $250-$1,000
  • Pre-treatment medications: $50-$100
  • Heartworm prevention to kill heartworm larvae: $20-$60
  • Injections to kill adult heartworms: $500-$1,500
  • Hospitalization during injections: $20-$40/day
  • Follow-up veterinary visits and testing: $100-$150
  • Surgery costs: $3,000-$6,000

If your dog is very sick or requires multiple rounds of treatment, the cost goes up.

Heartworm disease in dogs treatment can be costly. Pet insurance, emergency credit lines, savings accounts, and payment plans can all help with the cost of veterinary bills. In addition, if you can afford part of the treatment but not all, talk to your veterinarian—they can offer options that can still help your dog.

Dog Life Expectancy After Heartworm Treatment

Dog life expectancy after heartworm treatment varies. Heartworms cause serious inflammation and damage to the heart and lungs. The longer a dog is infected with heartworms, the more damage occurs. Dog life expectancy after heartworm treatment depends on how much damage was done, how the dog tolerates treatment, and the overall health of the dog. 

In general, dogs that are asymptomatic for heartworm disease can live a long, healthy life free of symptoms after treatment. Dogs who are sick with heartworm disease and have symptoms (cough, exercise intolerance, etc.) have a poorer prognosis with treatment. Your veterinarian will be able to best advise you of your dog’s life expectancy after treatment. 

Dog Heartworm Medicine

Pet owner giving dog heartworm prevantative

Dogs who are initially diagnosed with heartworms are given several medications to weaken adult worms, kill worm larvae, and reduce side effects associated with killing adult worms. 

Doxycycline, an antibiotic, is often given for four weeks prior to administration of melarsomine to kill a bacteria called Wolbachia, which is often present with heartworms. This drug often minimizes side effects associated with melarsomine and kills worm larvae.

If a dog is showing signs of heartworm disease (coughing, etc.), they will also be pre-treated with steroids and other medications before melarsomine injections. 

Heartworm prevention medication is often administered for eight weeks before giving melarsomine to kill worm larvae. 

Melarsomine is the only drug approved by the FDA to kill adult heartworms. It is administered by an injection into muscle. After each injection, dogs must be kept as quiet as possible while worms die. This equates to six to eight weeks of rest, no exceptions. Most dogs need to be crated or kenneled to stay quiet, and they must be kept on a leash to do their business. If you have guests over, ensure that your dog remains crated in a separate, quiet room to minimize stress and excitement. Remember—this is for your dog’s own good.

Additional medications that may be prescribed include aspirin or heparin to reduce clotting or risk of pulmonary thromboembolism. There is no natural heartworm treatment for dogs.

After treatment, dogs should be given heartworm prevention monthly for the duration of their lifespan. If they have any lingering symptoms associated with inflammation caused by the worms, they will be prescribed medication to manage those. 

How to Treat Heartworm in Dogs at Home

Dog resting quietly

Letting a dog who is undergoing treatment for heartworms exercise or get excited is a serious no-no can result in serious adverse side effects. However, it can be challenging to keep dogs quiet. Here are some tips that can help you:

  • Keep your dog indoors and in a large kennel/crate most of the time
  • Keep your dog on a leash when they urinate/defecate
  • Keep on-leash walks very short and slow; allow your dog to sniff for 10 minutes several times a day
  • Refrain from having visitors to your home if that makes your dog excited
  • Spend lots of time with your dog just hanging out
  • Utilize food puzzles and long-lasting chews
  • Reduce overall calories by 20 percent to prevent weight gain while confined
  • Train your dog to follow quiet commands while crated
  • Utilize over-the-counter calming aids
  • If you are struggling, talk to your vet and ask them for advice or additional tools
  • If your dog had surgery, monitor the surgical site daily for two weeks for any signs of inflammation and infection, such as redness, swelling, discharge, or odor

Heartworm Treatment for Dogs: Tips and Advice

Most dogs will have lower energy while being treated for heartworms. Signs that your dog is experiencing serious side effects of heartworm treatment in dogs and that you need to call a veterinarian immediately include:

  • Pale gums
  • Coughing
  • Extreme lethargy
  • Paralysis/dragging legs/can’t get up
  • Confusion
  • Swelling, redness, or discharge from injection site

Heartworm poses a grave risk to dogs. The longer they remain in a dog’s heart and lungs, the greater the damage to the cardiopulmonary system, the greater the risk of illness and death, and the higher likelihood that heartworms will be spread to other dogs. While heartworm treatment can feel overwhelming, remember you are doing the right thing and giving your dog the best chance at a healthy life by choosing to have them treated.

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Glucose Curve for Dogs: What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/glucose-curve-for-dogs/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 16:48:28 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119964 Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a serious disease. While it is common knowledge that diabetes means high blood sugar, few people without first hand experience realize how dangerous diabetes is or how much work is required to achieve and maintain normal blood sugar levels. Most dogs with diabetes require insulin injections every 12 hours. Unlike in […]

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Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a serious disease. While it is common knowledge that diabetes means high blood sugar, few people without first hand experience realize how dangerous diabetes is or how much work is required to achieve and maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Most dogs with diabetes require insulin injections every 12 hours. Unlike in diabetic people, we do not try to achieve normal blood sugar levels (70-130) in dogs. Rather, the goal is to keep blood sugar levels below harmful amounts (as high as upper 200s depending on the pet) while also preventing hypoglycemic episodes. While there are several reasons behind this more conservative use of insulin in dogs, the dangers of low blood sugar are among the most serious. Low blood sugar can quickly cause seizures, coma, and death.

Since both high and low blood sugar levels are dangerous, your veterinarian will want to regularly measure the effects of your dog’s insulin dose on their blood sugar to make sure it neither drops too low nor stays too high. A glucose curve for dogs is a day-long procedure that can help veterinarians understand your dog’s response to insulin. The results of the glucose curve are used to assess and improve control of your dog’s diabetes and are a very important part of diabetes management for dogs. 

What is a Glucose Curve for Dogs?

A glucose curve for a diabetic dog is a series of blood sugar (blood glucose or BG) measurements starting before a meal and insulin dose and repeated throughout a 12 or 24 hour period. Blood glucose is measured every 1-2 hours. The goal is to determine how well the dog is responding to the current dose of insulin.

In a typical curve the blood glucose will immediately go up after a meal then decrease as the insulin takes effect. Then as the insulin wears off again the blood glucose will rise until the next meal and insulin dose. The exact pattern or shape of this curve depends on the type of insulin, the dose, and how well the individual dog responds to insulin. Your veterinarian uses the information obtained in a glucose curve to adjust insulin levels and make other recommendations such as dietary changes. It is very important not to change your dog’s insulin dose without consulting your veterinarian first.

Most of the time a glucose curve is performed in your veterinarian’s clinic. However, some pet parents are comfortable performing blood glucose sampling at home with a small hand-held unit (glucometer) very similar to the ones human diabetics use. Glucometers are relatively inexpensive and readily available ($50-$100 plus refill test strips). The procedure is the same, with blood sampling every 1-2 hours. Pet parents send the results to their veterinarian after the full curve has been collected. The veterinarian then interprets the glucose curve and recommends changes to the insulin dose if necessary.

Although insulin is used commonly it is a very dangerous drug. Too much insulin can lead to low blood sugar which can cause collapse, seizures, and even death. Too little insulin and it will be ineffective, putting dogs at risk for abnormal metabolism which can also be fatal if untreated. This is why it is very important to regularly perform glucose curve tests to make sure a dog’s insulin dose is effective.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Dogs

Until recently, each measurement of blood glucose required drawing blood and immediately testing it in either a hand-held glucose monitor designed for canine blood samples or in a large blood analyzer found in most veterinary clinics. 

In the past few years continuous glucose monitors have become available for dogs. Continuous glucose monitors are flat, golf-ball sized patches that are adhered to an area of a dog’s skin. Glucose levels can be read with a hand-held scanner or phone app as frequently as is required for up to 2 weeks. Though these have the advantage of being less invasive, they may not be as accurate as blood glucose testing. The device can be expensive, up to $300 per monitor. The scanner can be purchased and reused for future glucose curves or may be rented from your veterinarian.

Blood Glucose Curve for Dogs: What to Expect

Vet drawing dog's blood

A glucose curve is a scheduled procedure with your veterinarian. It is important that your dog have a fairly typical day the day before. This means they should eat at their normal times, have their normal walks and other activities, and receive their prescribed dose of insulin. If your dog does not eat, vomits or has diarrhea, misses an insulin dose, or shows any signs of illness call your veterinarian to reschedule the glucose curve. Your veterinarian may still want to see your pet to determine the cause of their illness. But since illness affects metabolism and blood glucose levels the glucose curve should be postponed if your dog is sick.

On the day of the glucose curve your veterinarian will have you withhold food and insulin until you are at the clinic and baseline blood glucose is assessed. If your dog will not eat at the veterinary clinic or there are other extenuating circumstances, your veterinarian may instruct you to feed and administer insulin before arrival at the clinic. Otherwise, bring your dog’s breakfast and insulin with you. You should prepare to spend about 1 hour at the veterinary clinic in the morning. After breakfast your dog will remain at the clinic for 12 or 24 hours.

Small blood samples are taken every 1-2 hours to measure glucose concentration in blood. Some veterinarians will place an IV catheter and draw blood from it while others will use very small needles to draw blood samples from the paw or ear. The specifics will depend on many factors including your dog’s overall health, any other illnesses, and veterinarian preference.

When the glucose curve is completed you can pick up your dog and return to a normal eating and dosing schedule. Your veterinarian will call you within several days of the glucose curve to discuss the results and make any recommendations.

If your dog’s insulin schedule is not morning and evening, for example if you work non-standard hours and dose insulin at 2pm and 2am, then your veterinarian will likely recommend either a continuous glucose monitor for home testing or having a glucose curve performed at a 24-hour veterinary facility that is able to accommodate your dog’s insulin schedule.

Glucose curves will need to be repeated at least every 6 months for dogs with well-controlled diabetes. If changes are made to your dog’s insulin dose after a glucose curve your veterinarian will want to repeat the glucose curve at this new dose in 2-4 weeks.

How Much Does a Glucose Curve Cost?

The cost of a glucose curve will vary between veterinarians and also based on the length of the curve (12 vs 24 hours) and type of sampling (blood collection vs continuous monitor). A range from $150 to $500 is average, although some glucose curves may cost more.

Performing a Dog Glucose Curve at Home: What to Know

If you and your veterinarian are comfortable with it, it is possible to perform a glucose curve at home. This can be especially useful for dogs who are very fearful or uncooperative at the veterinarian’s office. The procedure is the same, with sampling every 1 or 2 hours for 12 or 24 hours. A glucose curve can also be collected at home after a continuous glucose monitor is placed on your dog by the veterinarian. In either case, you send the numbers to your veterinarian for analysis.

Even if you perform a glucose curve at home, do not make changes to your dog’s insulin dose unless instructed by your veterinarian. While the blood glucose measurements you collected are important in determining whether changes need to be made, there are other factors involved as well including your pet’s other health challenges, health history, method of sample collection, and type of insulin your dog is on.

Dog Blood Glucose Curve Results: What They Mean

Veterinarian explaining test results to pet parent

The results of your dog’s glucose curve tell your veterinarian how well their diabetes is controlled. If all of the numbers are too high that means that your dog may need more insulin, a different type of insulin, or to have other changes made in their lifestyle such as diet type or changes to other medications. An inconsistent curve, or one where the lowest number is too low, could mean that your dog is getting too much insulin.

Diabetes is a very complex disease because of all of the ways blood glucose levels influence overall metabolism in the body. Regularly assessing blood glucose curves helps your veterinarian make sure your dog stays healthy despite their diabetes.

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Preventing Fleas on Cats: Methods, Tips, and Product Options https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/preventing-fleas-on-cats/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 16:36:08 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119823 If the thought of fleas hopping between you and your pet makes your skin itch, you’re not alone. That, paired with the fact that fleas can transmit serious diseases to you and your pet, is why veterinarians recommend routine flea prevention for cats.  “Fleas are small insects that survive by feeding on animal or human blood,” explains […]

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If the thought of fleas hopping between you and your pet makes your skin itch, you’re not alone. That, paired with the fact that fleas can transmit serious diseases to you and your pet, is why veterinarians recommend routine flea prevention for cats. 

“Fleas are small insects that survive by feeding on animal or human blood,” explains Dr. Kathryn Duncan, DVM, Ph.D., DACVM, a parasitology field specialist at Merck Animal Health. “They’re found in many geographical locations and environments—even indoors—and can affect cats of all ages and breeds.”

To protect both pets and humans from these nasty critters, we’ve rounded up the most effective options for preventing fleas on cats. 

Flea Prevention for Cats: Why It’s Important

Once fleas find a steady food source, like your cat, they tend to remain on that animal. However, their eggs will fall off into the environment, becoming scattered throughout your home. These eggs will eventually hatch and become larvae, and then they will grow into biting adults. Once fleas invade your home, it could take months to get rid of them. 

“Fleas cause irritation and skin allergies, and can transmit other parasites such as tapeworms to your cat,” Dr. Duncan says. “In kittens, fleas can cause fatal anemia if present in large numbers.”

When not biting your cat—commonly around their neck, ears, and tail—fleas happily feast on humans. Duncan warns that fleas don’t just cause itchy welts; they can spread diseases to us, such as flea-borne typhus and cat scratch disease (CSD). 

In order to prevent the risky and unpleasant effects of fleas, it’s essential to ensure that all of your pets receive veterinarian-recommended flea prevention on a regular basis.

How to Prevent Fleas on Cats: 5 Methods to Try

Indoor cat stares out the window

Fleas are a problem for many cats; just ask Dr. Patrik Holmboe, DVM, who says treating and discussing cat flea prevention is an everyday occurrence at his Amsterdam-based clinic. But there’s good news: flea infestations are typically preventable—when your cat is routinely treated with preventative flea medication, he says.

While there are many ideas when it comes to flea prevention for cats, Dr. Duncan says she only trusts Federal Drug Administration (FDA)- or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved products to be effective and safe.

In addition to giving prescription flea prevention for cats, the following steps can also help reduce the risk of fleas entering your home:

Limit travel. Anywhere other pets have been, like a boarding facility, is at risk of harboring fleas.

Keep a sanitary home. Rodents have their own fleas, but despite the name (rat fleas), they’ll happily hop onto you or your cat. 

Limit outdoor exposure. Even if your cat doesn’t venture outdoors, fleas from the environment can latch onto shoes or clothing from other flea-infested homes.

Don’t share pet supplies. This is especially true for any brushes, pet clothing, or carriers from friends or the thrift store. If bringing home any secondhand supplies, transport them in a sealed plastic bag and immediately wash them once home.   

Limit exposure to other pets. Since fleas can jump from pet to pet or humans—yes, dogs can give fleas to humans and cats—avoid spending time with any pets that aren’t treated with flea control medication. 

Vacuuming your home and furniture continuously for about three weeks is a crucial step in eradicating an established flea infestation. However, the veterinarians we spoke to say deep cleaning, pesticides, and natural remedies will not stop fleas from hitching a ride on your pet. Treating your home is unlikely to be fruitful unless you take steps to prevent reinfestation.

Remember, these measures are not as beneficial as the year-round use of an effective flea prevention product. To truly prevent fleas, you’re going to need to work with your veterinarian to develop a flea prevention plan. 

Flea Preventatives for Cats: Options to Consider

According to Drs. Holmboe and Duncan, preventative flea medication is the number one way to protect your cat, yourself, and your home from fleas. 

“We are lucky there are options for effective and safe flea control in cats, and product recommendations vary based on individual preferences,” Dr. Duncan says. When in doubt about the best flea prevention for cats, consider these options, then talk to your veterinarian.   

Topical Flea Treatment for Cats 

Pet owner applies spot-on flea treatment to cat

FDA- and EPA-approved topical or spot-on flea treatments for cats are a safe and effective way to prevent fleas—if applied correctly, our experts stress. “This involves placing the product on the animals’ skin, not their fur,” Dr. Holmboe says. “Additionally, make sure the animal doesn’t lick it off or otherwise get the medication washed off within 24 hours of application.” Some products are absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream [1, 2], while many topical preventatives instead distribute across your cat’s skin and oil glands.

A compelling perk of topical flea medications for cats is that they may protect your pet against other parasites, such as heartworms, hookworms, ear mites, and ticks, in addition to killing and preventing fleas. Topical flea treatments for cats should be applied every one to three months, depending on the medication you choose. Read the product label or ask your veterinarian if you have questions about the dosing frequency for your cat’s flea prevention.

Oral Flea Treatment for Cats

Pet owner giving cat a pill

Oral medication is Dr. Holmboe’s go-to method of flea prevention for cats, and it works very quickly. Medications with the active ingredient nitenpyram, for example, start killing fleas within 30 minutes of taking the pill [3], however this product only remains in the bloodstream for a short time and does not offer any long-last prevention. In contrast, lotilaner (Credelio) begins killing fleas in as little as 8 hours [4] and prevents reinfestation for one full month. 

Credelio Cat packaging

While oral medication allows you to avoid the need for skin application, you have to convince your cat to swallow a pill or eat a chewable tablet. Cats may readily accept the medication if it has an appealing smell and flavor. For example, Credelio CAT is a small, chewable tablet made with a vanilla and yeast scent and flavor to please even picky cats. Like topical flea treatments, FDA-approved oral flea treatments for cats are considered safe and effective. Depending on the product you choose, it should be administered every one to three months, according to the instructions on the label.

Flea Collars for Cats

Cat wearing a flea collar is itching

According to Dr. Holmboe, the benefit of cat flea collars is that they are effective for six or more months. However, he says they’re not as effective as oral or spot-on flea treatments for cats [5] and can become a safety hazard if snagged. Many cat flea collars kill existing fleas and protect against fleas and ticks. 

Natural Flea Treatment for Cats and Other Product Considerations

Pet owner spraying cat with flea treatment

Other cat flea treatments include medicated flea shampoos, powders, and dips made especially for cats and kittens. These can be useful for treating an initial flea infestation, but they won’t protect your cat from future fleas, Dr. Holmboe says. Additionally, some products may be toxic for cats. Unlike other cat flea treatments, there are some flea shampoos that may be safe for kittens. However, always consult your veterinarian before putting anything in your kitten’s fur on their skin.

As for natural flea remedies for cats, Dr. Holmboe says they’re just not effective. Rather than reaching for potentially dangerous essential oils or other natural remedies, discuss the pros and cons of each medicated option carefully with your veterinarian. They can help you decide which flea preventative is best for your cat. 

Cat Flea Preventatives: Safety Tips

Cat owner talking to vet holding a pill

According to the FDA, there have been limited reports of topical flea products with the active ingredient isoxazoline associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including muscle tremors, ataxia, and seizures [6]. However, Dr. Duncan says, “the benefits of flea prevention outweigh the potential, and rare, side effects.”

To ensure the safest and most effective application of flea medication, our experts offer a few tips:

Follow all product guidelines. If you have questions about how to apply or administer your cat’s flea medication, contact the manufacturer, or talk to your veterinarian. 

Use the correct dose and never split doses between pets. Because products made for dogs can be toxic to cats, only apply or administer flea medication labeled for cats. 

Don’t use expired medications. “It’s best to throw away expired products and purchase new as efficacy declines after expiration,” Dr. Duncan says. 

Follow the recommended application intervals. Dosing intervals vary by medication, so always read the label before applying or administering the next dose. Because fleas can survive indoors during winter months, Dr. Duncan recommends treating pets with flea preventatives year-round. 

Monitor your cat. “There are minor and rare side effects that may result from using flea and tick preventives, such as low appetite, lethargy, or vomiting,” Dr. Duncan says. “Pet owners should monitor their pet’s behaviors within the first few days of treatment and seek care from a veterinarian if side effects occur.”

What to Do if You Find a Flea on Your Cat

Look for signs of redness, crusting, or scabs on your cat’s skin if they’re scratching more than usual. When inspecting your cat’s skin, you may spot live fleas moving around in their fur and small black dots, which are flea dirt or flea waste material. Flea combs can also be used at home to routinely check your cat for fleas.

If you suspect your cat has fleas—or any other skin condition—call your veterinarian for care. They’ll likely recommend or prescribe medication to kill fleas and prevent their return.

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Pancreatitis in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/pancreatitis-in-cats/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 16:15:29 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119874 Although pancreatitis is a condition that affects humans and dogs, we used to think that pancreatitis in cats was relatively uncommon. In recent years, however, the evidence has begun to suggest otherwise.  In fact, a 2016 study found that 45 percent of clinically healthy cats undergoing necropsy (the equivalent of a human autopsy) at one […]

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Although pancreatitis is a condition that affects humans and dogs, we used to think that pancreatitis in cats was relatively uncommon. In recent years, however, the evidence has begun to suggest otherwise. 

In fact, a 2016 study found that 45 percent of clinically healthy cats undergoing necropsy (the equivalent of a human autopsy) at one veterinary school showed at least some evidence of pancreatitis. Granted, these cats had other medical conditions that may have predisposed them to pancreatitis, but this was still a surprising statistic and an eye-opener for many in the veterinary community.

In this article, we’ll explain what pancreatitis is, how cats develop this condition, and what veterinarians do to treat pancreatitis in cats. 

What Is Pancreatitis?

The term “pancreatitis” means “inflammation of the pancreas.”

The pancreas is an organ within a cat’s abdomen, sitting tucked up against the stomach and small intestine. This organ has two unique functions:

  • It produces insulin, which is released into the bloodstream to regulate blood sugar.
  • It produces digestive enzymes, which are released into the intestines to aid in digestion.

There are two different forms of pancreatitis: acute and chronic pancreatitis. In the case of acute pancreatitis, inflammation develops suddenly. Cats with acute pancreatitis may become seriously ill within a very short period of time. Chronic pancreatitis, in contrast, refers to pancreatitis that persists over months to years. Chronic pancreatitis in cats is often accompanied by low-grade inflammation, which results in chronic, subtle signs.

Causes of Pancreatitis in Cats

In most cases, we don’t know what causes pancreatitis in cats. A limited number of cat pancreatitis cases have been associated with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii and other infectious organisms. 

Toxins, dietary factors, trauma, and autoimmune disease may also play a role in this condition. However, most cases of pancreatitis are “idiopathic,” which means they do not have a known cause.

Pancreatitis is often associated with inflammation of the liver and intestines. This condition is sometimes referred to as “triaditis,” due to the triad of organs involved (pancreas, liver, and intestines.) The cause of this condition is also unknown.

Although diabetes will not cause pancreatitis, a diabetic cat experiencing pancreatitis may have a harder time regulating glucose levels.

There is currently no known relationship between pancreatitis and age, breed, gender, or body condition/weight.

Symptoms of Pancreatitis in Cats

Cat refusing to eat food

Signs of pancreatitis in cats may vary, depending on the severity of your cat’s pancreatic inflammation. In mild, chronic cases of pancreatitis, clinical signs may be subtle and vague, such as a slight decrease in appetite or mild lethargy. 

In the case of acute pancreatitis, cats may develop sudden signs of illness, which may progress to shock and even death.

The most common sign of clinical pancreatitis is loss of appetite and vomiting. Increased salivation and teeth grinding may also occur, due to underlying nausea. Diarrhea and abdominal pain may also be observed, although these findings are less consistent.

Pancreatitis symptoms in cats may include:

  • Loss of appetite or anorexia
  • Lethargy
  • Nausea
  • Increased salivation
  • Grinding teeth
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Shock

If your cat is showing signs of pancreatitis, seek veterinary care.

Diagnosing Feline Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis can prove challenging to diagnose. Unfortunately, there is no single, definitive diagnostic test for this condition.

Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical exam. During this exam, they will assess your cat’s hydration status, listen to your cat’s heart and lungs, and palpate for signs of abdominal pain or other abnormalities. Cats with pancreatitis may be dehydrated and may show signs of weight loss and abdominal discomfort, although some cats may appear completely normal on a physical exam.

Next, your veterinarian will likely perform screening blood tests, including a complete blood cell count (CBC) and serum biochemistry profile. Abdominal X-rays may also be recommended. These tests may be normal in cats with pancreatitis, but they help your veterinarian rule out other conditions that may cause similar signs.

The best test for feline pancreatitis is a blood test called feline pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity or fPLI. This test can be performed in-house by some veterinary practices, or it may be sent to an outside laboratory. 

While this test is the most specific test available for feline pancreatitis, it is not a very sensitive test and it may miss some cases of pancreatitis. Therefore, a normal fPLI test does not completely rule out the possibility of pancreatitis.

Abdominal ultrasound can also be a useful diagnostic tool, especially in the case of suspected acute pancreatitis. This test can allow a veterinarian to visualize inflammation of the pancreas and surrounding tissues. However, ultrasound is often less helpful in diagnosing chronic feline pancreatitis.

Your veterinarian will recommend the best diagnostic tests for your cat, interpreting the results of these tests in light of your cat’s physical exam and other findings. In some cases, veterinarians must rely upon their experience and clinical intuition in determining whether or not to treat a cat for pancreatitis.

Treating Pancreatitis in Cats

Cat being checked by vet

Early treatment of pancreatitis in cats is essential for improving outcomes. This is especially true in cases of acute pancreatitis, which can quickly become life-threatening.

Treatment for pancreatitis is primarily supportive in nature. In most cases, treatment is focused on reducing nausea and abdominal pain while preventing dehydration. 

In mild cases, treatment can be provided on an outpatient basis, using anti-nausea medications, pain medications, and subcutaneous fluids (administered under the skin). In cases of acute pancreatitis or severe chronic pancreatitis, your veterinarian will likely recommend hospitalization. While hospitalized, your cat will receive injectable medications and intravenous (IV) fluids.

Rarely, antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications may be used to treat pancreatitis in cats.

When treating pancreatitis, restoring your cat’s appetite is a primary goal. Your veterinarian may recommend a prescription diet to meet your cat’s nutritional needs while minimizing the risks of exacerbating gastrointestinal inflammation. If your cat is especially reluctant to eat, your veterinarian may prescribe appetite stimulants.

Recovery times for pancreatitis in cats may range from a few days to several weeks, depending on the severity of your cat’s pancreatic inflammation. If you have additional questions about how to treat pancreatitis in cats, talk to your veterinarian.

How to Prevent Pancreatitis in Cats

Unfortunately, there is no sure-fire way to prevent pancreatitis in your cat. However, there are some measures that may decrease your cat’s risk.

Ensure your cat eats a healthy, well-balanced diet and limit their access to fatty treats. Rich table scraps have been shown to increase the risk of pancreatitis in dogs, and some veterinarians suspect the same may be true for cats.

Limit your cat’s exposure to potential toxins, including poisonous plants and pesticides. Additionally, reduce your cat’s risk of infectious disease through appropriate vaccination and keeping your cat indoors.

Finally, work with your veterinarian to keep your cat healthy. Regular wellness visits allow the early detection of medical problems, which can result in early treatment. If your cat is showing signs of illness, even if they are subtle, contact your veterinarian to arrange for an evaluation.

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What Do Cat Fleas Look Like? https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/what-do-cat-fleas-look-like/ Thu, 27 Apr 2023 15:29:41 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119784 Cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) are extremely common parasitic insects who feed on the blood of domestic cats. Interestingly, over 90 percent of the fleas we find on dogs are also cat fleas! As many as 1 in 4 cats are carrying fleas. With this fact in mind, you’ll definitely want to know how to identify […]

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Cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) are extremely common parasitic insects who feed on the blood of domestic cats. Interestingly, over 90 percent of the fleas we find on dogs are also cat fleas!

As many as 1 in 4 cats are carrying fleas. With this fact in mind, you’ll definitely want to know how to identify cat fleas. But what do cat fleas look like? And how can you tell if your cat has them? Luckily, we have your back.

Cat Flea Anatomy

Adult cat fleas are very small, and it’s not particularly easy to get a good look at their anatomy because of their size and tendency to jump around. So, what do cat fleas look like if we’re looking at them through a microscope?

Cat fleas are wingless insects with three pairs of legs attached to their thorax, which is the part of the body behind the head. Their third pair of legs is larger than the other two pairs and allows them to jump. Cat fleas have a large abdomen, which is the back segment of their body.

Often described as “laterally flattened,” cat fleas look like their sides have been squished towards each other. They’re covered with hard plates known as sclerites. Their flattened bodies and the presence of sclerites make them very hard to squash. These sclerites have tiny hairs or spines on them which are directed backwards, allowing them to move easily through the cat’s fur.

Another unique feature of Ctenocephalides fleas is that they have both a pronotal and genal comb. These “combs” are a series of spines, and their location around the mouth and head of a flea can be used to differentiate flea species. A genal comb is one that is located above the mouthparts while the pronotal comb is located near the start of the thorax.

Cat fleas have two small eyespots, one on each side of the head. While these eyes don’t form normal visual images, they are sensitive to light, producing visual cues that the flea can use to navigate its environment. Their mouthparts, which they use to collect a blood meal from their host, are found at the bottom of their head.

What Do Cat Fleas Look Like to the Human Eye? 

Cat flea under microscope

Adult cat fleas are very small, with females being around 2.5 mm in length and males being around 1 mm in length. Some people describe fleas on cats as looking like black specks or coffee grounds. Cat fleas are around the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen or smaller.

The easiest way to see adult fleas is to use a quick-acting insecticide to kill the fleas and then a flea comb to collect fleas. However, keep in mind that cats are fastidious groomers! This means that it can be very hard to actually catch a flea on your cat before they’ve groomed it off of themselves.

You’re more likely to see these small, dark, oval-shaped insects if you part the fur and look at the skin. Cat fleas can be fast little bugs, so you may see them weaving in and out of your pet’s fur as they move around. Cat fleas can also jump long distances, so you may see them catapult off your pet’s body. In this way, they sometimes seem to “disappear” when you see them.

Although fleas often feast around a cat’s flanks and rump, you may have an easier time finding them up around the neck of your cat. This is because your cat is much more likely to successfully groom off the cat fleas on the back half of their body. Given the medium to dark brown color of fleas, they are easier to find on cats with light fur.

What Do Flea Eggs Look Like to the Human Eye?

Adult female fleas shed eggs within two days of meeting male fleas on your cat. Impressively, one female flea can create 25-50 eggs in one day. These glistening, white flea eggs are only around 0.5 mm in length, making them very easy to miss. 

While it’s possible to find these eggs on your cat, most of the eggs fall off into the environment. If you’re going to find them on the cat, it will more likely be up around their head and neck where they may have a harder time grooming the flea eggs off. You may see these eggs in the cat’s bedding, and they’d be nearly impossible to see on a carpet.

What About Cat Flea Larvae? 

After around 3-4 days, these eggs hatch into larvae. Cat flea larvae are a bit larger than adult fleas, measuring up to 5 mm in length. The larvae appear like tiny white worms or maggots with small white hairs on their body. You may occasionally find larvae on your cat, but most of the larvae will develop in the environment. The cat flea larvae will feed on organic debris in the environment, including the droppings of adult fleas.

What Do Flea Pupae Look Like?  

After around two weeks, the larvae will develop into pupae, which finish their development in silk cocoons. These 5 mm cocoons are sticky and thus become covered with environmental debris, making them very hard to see. The pupal stage can be brief (around 8 days) but can last up to 30 weeks depending on environmental conditions. Adult fleas will hatch from the pupae. The adult fleas jump onto your cat and feed on blood, allowing them to continue their life cycle.

Other Signs Your Cat May Have Fleas

Because it’s so difficult to spot a flea on your cat, sometimes you must rely on other signs to help you determine that your cat has fleas.

One thing you might find is flea dirt, which is a nice way of saying flea poop. Flea dirt can look like black pepper flakes in your pet’s fur and is often noted on the skin along the base of their furs. You can find flea dirt anywhere on your cat but may have more luck locating it up along the neck where cats have more difficulty grooming.

If you were to take some of this flea dirt and place it on a damp paper towel, you would see a reddish ring around the flea dirt. This is because flea dirt is digested blood.

Other signs that could signify that your cat has fleas include:

  • Itchy skin (pruritus), which makes your cat scratch at themselves and groom more than usual
  • Redness or pink tinge to skin due to inflammation (erythema)
  • Single, raised red or pink spots on the skin from flea bites on cat
  • Symmetrical hair loss, usually affecting the sides, rump, tail-base, and thighs
  • Vomiting hairballs from overgrooming
  • Scratch marks from itching
  • Tapeworms (your cat can get tapeworms from swallowing fleas)

Cats who are allergic to flea saliva can develop flea allergy dermatitis, which causes moderate to severe skin inflammation and crusts or small bumps (papules), often around the neck and lower back. These cats will be excessively itchy and uncomfortable and are more likely to develop a secondary skin infection.

Flea Prevention for Cats

woman applying flea preventive to cat

Cat fleas have worldwide distribution. Anywhere there are fleas, your cat is at risk for developing an infestation. Luckily, many monthly preventative medications are available to protect your cats from fleas, most of which are spot-on treatments. Other options include chewable tablets, flea collars, and flea sprays.

Some flea and tick preventatives are available over-the-counter while some require a prescription from your veterinarian. Do not use products that contain permethrin, as this can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and death in cats. Any product you use must be labeled as safe for cats.

Examples of ingredients which are safe for most cats and can help kill and prevent fleas include fipronil, fluralaner, imidacloprid, selamectin, and more.

To prevent your cat from getting fleas, make sure you are also using prevention on the other pets in the home, too. Fleas can move between dogs and cats. Remember that most fleas on dogs are actually cat fleas. Keeping your cat indoors can also prevent a flea infestation.

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Blood in Dog Urine: 6 Common Causes https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/blood-in-dog-urine/ Wed, 26 Apr 2023 17:06:24 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119688 If you’ve noticed blood in your dog’s urine, you’re probably feeling a bit concerned – and rightly so. Blood in dog urine can be a scary thing to see.  There are several possible causes, and it’s important for your dog to see a veterinarian to obtain a diagnosis and treatment.  Let’s look at the six […]

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If you’ve noticed blood in your dog’s urine, you’re probably feeling a bit concerned – and rightly so. Blood in dog urine can be a scary thing to see. 

There are several possible causes, and it’s important for your dog to see a veterinarian to obtain a diagnosis and treatment. 

Let’s look at the six most common causes for blood in a dog’s urine and what other symptoms you might see if your dog has one of these conditions.

Blood in Dog Urine: What it Looks Like

Blood in a dog’s urine can have a variable appearance depending on the volume of blood present. 

Sometimes, the urine is slightly pink-tinged because a very small volume of blood is present. Other times, the urine may appear obviously red from a large volume of blood present. You may also see urine with red blood clots in it or specks of red blood. 

Some pet owners may spot blood in their dog’s urine when their dog urinates outside, but if the volume of blood in the urine is small, this may be tough to see. Other owners only notice blood in the urine when they see the urine against a light-colored background, such as when the dog urinates on snow or when wiping up urine with a paper towel.

What Causes Blood in a Dog’s Urine?

There are several possible causes for blood in the urine. Because many of these causes can have similar symptoms, it’s important not to try to diagnose your dog at home. If your dog has bloody urine, see your veterinarian right away for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. 

Possible causes for blood in the urine include:

Urinary Tract Infection

Possibly the most common cause for blood in the urine is a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria from the genitalia and urethra penetrate a dog’s bladder. In addition to blood in the urine, other symptoms may include pain, frequent urination, urinating small volumes, and inappropriate urination. Urinary tract infections are more common in female dogs than in males. 

Kidney Infection

A kidney infection – also called pyelonephritis – is a bacterial infection of one or both kidneys. It commonly occurs when an infection from the lower urinary tract – the bladder and urethra – ascends to the kidney(s) via the ureters. Some dogs with kidney infection are asymptomatic, while others have upper urinary tract signs including increased drinking, increased urination, kidney pain, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, and blood in the urine. 

Urolithiasis (Urinary Stones)

Stones in the urinary tract – known medically as urolithiasis – can cause blood in the urine due to the resulting inflammation and trauma to the surrounding tissues. Stones can be found in the upper urinary tract, such as in the kidney or ureter, or in the lower urinary tract, such as in the bladder or urethra. The majority of stones occur in the lower urinary tract. Other symptoms of urinary stones include painful urination, frequent urination, and urinary incontinence. 


Tumors of the lower urinary tract may lead to blood in the urine as well as other symptoms such as straining to urinate, more frequent urination, painful urination, and incontinence. Dogs with tumors of the lower urinary tract may also strain to defecate due to the tumor pressing against the rectal wall. Tumors of the bladder or urethra may lead to urinary tract obstruction, resulting in unproductive straining, pain, lethargy, and systemic illness.

Prostatic Disease

In unneutered male dogs, diseases of the prostate such as Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) can cause blood in the urine. These conditions are common in intact (unneutered) male dogs and uncommon in neutered males. Other symptoms associated with prostate disease include straining to defecate, increased urination, straining to urinate, urinary incontinence, and bleeding from the penis.

Bleeding Disorders

A less common, but possible, cause of blood in dog urine is a bleeding disorder. Bleeding disorders can be inherited or can be acquired secondary to other conditions. One example of an acquired bleeding disorder is bleeding that occurs due to rodenticide toxicity, which can result in blood in the urine. Typically, blood in the urine is not the first or only symptom of a bleeding disorder. Other symptoms may include pale gums, weakness, bruising, bleeding from the nose, coughing, or exercise intolerance. 

Other Symptoms to Watch For

Dachshund peeing in snow

Any time you see blood in your dog’s urine, it warrants a trip to the veterinarian. Be sure to note any other symptoms your dog may be experiencing, such as straining to urinate, painful urination, frequent urination, accidents in the house, or any other changes in health or behavior. Make sure to tell your veterinarian about these symptoms at your visit, as they can help your veterinarian diagnose the cause of your dog’s changes in urination. 

Your veterinarian will likely also ask you about any changes in your dog’s eating and drinking habits, energy level, and defecation habits. This history is an important part of your pet’s medical workup, so be sure to give your veterinarian as much detail as you can.

Diagnosing the Cause of a Dog Peeing Blood

To diagnose the cause of the blood in your dog’s urine, your veterinarian may recommend some or all of the following tests:

Physical Examination. Your veterinarian will perform a comprehensive head-to-tail physical examination, including palpating your dog’s abdomen and examining your dog’s genitalia. The physical examination may also include a rectal examination, which allows the veterinarian to palpate the urethra and examine the prostate in male dogs.

Urinalysis. Your veterinarian will likely request a urine sample for analysis which can be used to identify blood in the urine as well as other changes such as bacteria, crystals, and casts in the urine. 

Radiographs (X-Rays). Your veterinarian may recommend radiographs (X-rays) of your pet’s abdomen to evaluate the urinary tract. Radiographs can help diagnose abnormalities such as stones and certain types of prostatic disease, as well as identify changes associated with other systemic illnesses.

Ultrasound. Your veterinarian may recommend ultrasound imaging of your pet’s urinary tract to evaluate structures such as the bladder, kidneys, and prostate. Ultrasound can be used to diagnose certain diseases and may also be used to collect urine samples via a special method called cystocentesis.

Blood in Dog Urine Treatment

Vet treating Border Collie in office

The treatment for blood in your dog’s urine depends on the underlying cause. Some causes of blood in the urine, such as urinary tract infections or kidney infections, are treated with prescription medications from your veterinarian. Other causes of blood in the urine, such as bladder stones, are treated with surgery to remove the stones. Your veterinarian will determine the best course of treatment for your dog.

You should not attempt any home remedies. There are no effective home remedies that will get rid of blood in your dog’s urine. It is important not to delay seeking veterinary care for blood in the urine, as many causes of this issue can be serious and can progress in severity if left untreated. You should never attempt to treat your dog with home remedies or over-the-counter treatments unless directed to do so by your veterinarian.

How to Prevent Blood in Dog Urine

Prostatic disease can be prevented by having your dog neutered. In dogs predisposed to developing bladder stones, a prescription veterinary diet may be used to prevent the recurrence of bladder stones following initial treatment. In general, other causes of blood in the urine cannot be prevented.

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Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/flea-allergy-dermatitis-in-cats/ Wed, 26 Apr 2023 16:42:07 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119628 Nobody likes the idea of bugs crawling in their hair, and many of us can still remember the maddening sensation of having lice as kids. So, when we hear that our cat has fleas, we can imagine the discomfort they feel from having the creepy crawlies in their fur. For some of our feline friends, […]

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Nobody likes the idea of bugs crawling in their hair, and many of us can still remember the maddening sensation of having lice as kids. So, when we hear that our cat has fleas, we can imagine the discomfort they feel from having the creepy crawlies in their fur. For some of our feline friends, cat flea bites lead to an extremely uncomfortable condition called flea allergy dermatitis.  

Overall, flea allergy dermatitis is the most common skin disease of dogs and cats in most countries of the world. In areas known to have fleas, flea allergy dermatitis is the first thing your veterinarian wants to rule out when you bring in your itchy cat. This can be very frustrating for you as the pet parent, who may not even know your pet has fleas. It can take just one flea bite to cause flea allergy dermatitis.

What Is Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats? 

Flea allergy dermatitis is more than the simple itchiness that your cat experiences from having fleas crawling around and biting them. Some cats are actually allergic to the flea’s saliva.

Not all cats are allergic to flea bites. In fact, most cats will experience only mild skin irritation as a response to fleas biting. Your typical cat may still have redness and hair loss from overgrooming, but it won’t be as severe as you’d see with flea allergy dermatitis. On the other hand, cats who are allergic to flea saliva can have a full-blown allergic response to just one flea bite! Around 2 percent of cats are allergic to flea saliva, with no specific breed predispositions known at this time.

Causes of Flea Allergies in Cats

Cat is itchy from fleas

Flea allergies in cats only happen from flea bites. The mere presence of a flea won’t cause a reaction, but it would be very rare for a flea to land on your cat and NOT try to take a bite. The warm environment of a cat’s fur is perfect for a flea to find their next meal. Fleas bite your cat to feed on blood, which is how your cat gets exposed to the flea’s saliva. 

When a flea bites them, the cat’s body has an overreaction to specific proteins in the flea’s saliva, and this exaggerated response manifests as flea allergy dermatitis. Repeated exposure to flea saliva causes the cat to develop a hypersensitivity reaction. In most cases, this hypersensitivity reaction manifests as flea allergy dermatitis.

Like how allergies can worsen in people with repeated exposure, your cat’s signs may worsen with each reinfestation.

Symptoms of Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats

Most signs of flea allergies in cats are related to the condition of your cat’s skin. Some pet parents may refer to this as a flea rash. The typical signs of flea allergy dermatitis in cats include:

  • Itchy skin (pruritus), most notably on the rump, head, and neck
  • Redness or pink tinge to skin due to inflammation (erythema)
  • Symmetrical hair loss, usually affecting the sides, rump, tail-base, and thighs
  • Crusts or small bumps (papules), often around the neck and lower back
  • Vomiting hairballs from overgrooming
  • Scratch marks from itching
  • Tapeworms (your cat can get tapeworms from swallowing fleas)

While live fleas and flea dirt can certainly be present with a flea allergy in cats, keep in mind that cats are fastidious groomers. It’s common for cat parents not to even know that their flea-allergic cat has fleas!

In some cases, a condition known as eosinophilic granuloma complex (ECG) may also occur. With ECG, your cat may develop lip ulcers, raised plaques on the skin, or granulomas of the skin.

Diagnosing a Flea Allergy in Cats

Vet looks for fleas on cat

In most cases, your veterinarian will be able to diagnose flea allergy dermatitis in your cat with a physical exam. If your pet has the characteristic skin allergy signs and the veterinarian finds a flea or flea dirt, a flea allergy will be their presumptive diagnosis. 

The veterinarian may use a flea comb to check for fleas or dirt. Flea dirt is the excrement of fleas, which turns red or a rusty color when wetted because it’s digested blood. If the veterinarian finds brown or black specks on your cat, they may wet the specks with a paper towel to see if they turn this characteristic rusty red color.

Typically, the veterinarian won’t need to run blood work. However, if your cat is very young or has a very high number of fleas on them, the fleas can actually feed on your cat enough to cause anemia. If the veterinarian suspects anemia based on their physical examination, the veterinarian may at least recommend checking to ensure your cat isn’t anemic from blood loss. Signs of anemia would include pale gums, weakness, and lethargy.  

In most cases, the veterinarian will recommend treating your pet intensively for flea allergy dermatitis for at least six weeks. If the fleas are gone after this time but the itchiness and red skin continues, then your veterinarian may recommend food elimination diets or skin testing for allergies. While flea allergies are the top cause of itchy skin conditions in areas with fleas, environmental allergies and food allergies can also cause skin inflammation in cats. 

Treating Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats

Pet owner using a flea comb on their cat

Luckily, there’s a solution to flea allergy dermatitis in cats—keep the fleas off your pet! The hard part about a flea infestation is that the environment must also be treated. While 5 percent of the fleas in an infestation are adult fleas which can jump onto your pet and bite them, the remaining 95 percent are still in earlier life stages within the environment—eggs, larvae, and pupae. You must disrupt the life cycle to halt the infestation. Most insecticides will kill fleas but preventing reinfestation is the ongoing challenge.

To treat the active infestation, your veterinarian may recommend an oral medication (nitenpyram) that can rapidly kill adult fleas on your pet within 6 hours. This medication does not have residual activity, so reinfestation is not prevented. This is why the veterinarian will also recommend a routine flea and tick preventative, such as imidacloprid, fipronil, fluralaner, or selamectin. These spot-on treatments have good efficacy, safety, and residual activity. Other prevention options can include chewable tablets, flea collars, and flea sprays. As a note, spot-on treatments must be applied directly to the skin, so make sure you’re parting the fur when you put the spot-on on your pet.

Permethrin is in many flea treatments for dogs, but this medication is very dangerous for cats. This ingredient can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and death in cats. Ensure the product you use is labeled for cats! Do not use any product that lists permethrin as an ingredient on your cat.

All that skin irritation and scratching can result in a secondary skin infection. If this is the case for your cat, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics to help treat the infection. If your pet’s skin allergy is moderate to severe, the veterinarian may also give a steroid injection or prescribe short-term steroids like prednisolone to give your pet more immediate relief. Steroids help reduce inflammation and can slow the immune system’s overreaction to the flea’s saliva.

Most cats continue treatment at home. Hospitalization is not typically necessary, but very young, sick, or anemic animals may need to stay in the hospital for monitoring or, rarely, a blood transfusion.

When it comes to managing the fleas in the environment, there are several steps you can take:

  • Use products with residual activity (spot-on treatments) at the recommended intervals.
  • Treat all in-contact animals with flea and tick prevention! This is a MUST.
  • Wash your pet’s bedding, blankets, and soft toys on high heat. Repeat several times per week.
  • Apply a spray that is designed to kill the flea (including younger life stages) to the surfaces in your home. You should apply the spray until the surface is damp to the touch.
  • Vacuum the carpets and upholstery daily while managing the infestation. Throw out the contents of the vacuum bag or canister in a tightly sealed plastic bag after each vacuuming session. 
  • Consider outdoor exposures. It’s very difficult to control exposure if your cat goes outside, so consider keeping severely allergic cats indoors. If you think your outdoor area needs treatment, consider consulting a pest specialist. 

If you can’t get in soon to see your veterinarian, it’s a good idea to bathe your cat if they’ll tolerate it. You can use a cat-friendly shampoo, but regular dish soap such as Dawn is safe in a pinch. Whether your cat allows the bath or not, you can use a flea comb to help remove more fleas. Some flea and tick preventatives are available without a prescription and can help you start getting the infestation under control. 

How to Prevent Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats

Pet owner applies spot-on treatment to cat

Remember that it can only take one flea bite to keep your flea-allergic cat itchy! While the task may seem daunting, prevention is key to keeping your pet healthy and happy. 

Keep your cat and any in-contact pets on monthly flea control year-round. Fleas can continue to live indoors during the winter months. While the warmer months of the year have typically been considered flea season (year-round in some southern and coastal areas, spring to fall in northern areas), flea season has been expanding to involve more months of the year. Year-round prevention is the best way to keep your pet from experiencing an allergic reaction. 

Wild animals, community cats, stray animals, and pets you share a fence-line with can all be flea reservoirs. Keeping your cat indoors reduces their potential exposure to new flea infestations.

Remember that a large part of a flea infestation occurs in the environment. Regular vacuuming can help catch fleas who may have hitched a ride on your dog during their afternoon walk.

If you are struggling to control a flea infestation, consider speaking with your veterinarian or a pest specialist. Once you get rid of a flea infestation, prevention of future infestations becomes easier. With patience, you can help your flea-allergic cat get back to their usual frisky self.

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How Do Cats Get Fleas? https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/how-do-cats-get-fleas/ Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:09:09 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119587 Fleas are tiny, pesky parasites. Although we frequently hear about them being a nuisance for dogs, cats – even strictly indoor cats – can get fleas as well. Fleas can become a big problem within a few days of landing on your cat. Not only do they need to be eliminated as quickly and effectively […]

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Fleas are tiny, pesky parasites. Although we frequently hear about them being a nuisance for dogs, cats – even strictly indoor cats – can get fleas as well.

Fleas can become a big problem within a few days of landing on your cat. Not only do they need to be eliminated as quickly and effectively as possible, but they must also be prevented from returning. 

That’s why veterinarians recommend a year-round preventative for your cat, like Revolution Plus… because it’s a lot easier to prevent flea infestations than it is to get rid of fleas once they appear.

Before we get into all that, let’s start by answering the main question you’re probably wondering: how do cats get fleas?

How Do Cats Get Fleas?

Contrary to popular belief, fleas cannot fly. Instead, they use their strong legs to jump and land on a cat’s body. Fleas can jump an average of 8 inches, which is quite far, given their tiny size.

The cat flea (also known as Ctenocephalides felis) can easily hop on indoor cats who occasionally spend time outside with their owners. Indoor cats who freely roam outside are also easy targets for fleas.

But how do indoor cats get fleas if they rarely or never venture outside? Unfortunately, cat fleas have found clever ways to get inside your home and onto your kitty:

Other pets. If you have a dog, your dog can carry fleas inside the home after a walk or playtime outside. Even if your dog is on a year-round flea preventative, fleas can ingeniously hop off your dog and onto your cat before getting killed 

Humans. Cat fleas can hitch a ride inside on your clothes or shoes.

Rodents. Rodents can have fleas. If you have a rodent problem in your home, fleas will have easy access to your cat.

Traveling. Traveling can be as simple as going to the veterinarian’s office. Other pets in the waiting room may have fleas that can jump onto your cat.

New home. A new home may look spotless, but immature fleas may be biding their time in the crooks and crevices of the house, waiting to become adults and jump onto your cat.

Old furniture. Did you recently buy furniture from a yard sale or consignment store? That furniture may also have immature fleas. 

The Flea Life Cycle

flea on carpet

Understanding the flea life cycle goes along with knowing how your cat can get fleas.  

Adult fleas land on a cat and promptly start feeding on their blood. Adult female fleas then begin laying eggs – up to 40 to 50 per day! These eggs fall off the host and hatch after about 12 days as flea larvae. The larvae wrap themselves in a cocoon and mature into pupae.

The pupae can be dormant in their cocoons for months, even years. When the pupae sense that a host is nearby, they will emerge from their cocoons as mature adults. Mature adults will jump onto their host within a few hours of coming out of their cocoon, and the cycle begins again.

It’s also important to note that adult fleas comprise only a small percentage (5 percent) of the flea population in a home. Eggs make up 50 percent, larvae make up 35 percent, and pupae make up 10 percent.

How to Tell a Cat Has Fleas

Fleas are tiny and difficult to find on your cat. But they irritate a cat’s skin and can cause significant discomfort. Here are the common signs and symptoms of a cat flea infestation:

  • Patches of hair loss
  • Excessive grooming
  • Constant itching and scratching
  • Red, scabbed skin from scratching

Fleas also leave behind flea dirt, which is rust-colored flea poop. You can see flea dirt on your cat and where your cat likes to spend time, such as their bed or a cat tree.

Because fleas take a blood meal, a severe flea infestation can cause anemia, especially in kittens. Signs of anemia include lethargy and pale gums. This can be life-threatening in kittens and requires immediate veterinary treatment.

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats

Before going over the different flea treatments for cats, it’s important to note few considerations:

  1. It can take at least three months to eliminate all flea life stages successfully.
  2. All pets in the home need to be treated for fleas simultaneously, not just your cat.
  3. Your home (indoors and outdoors) must be treated to eliminate all fleas and sources of fleas.

When it comes to eliminating fleas on cats, there are several treatment options available. Some treat active infestations, while others break the flea life cycle and prevent future infestations.

Shampoos. Flea shampoos are fast-acting and kill adult fleas on contact. However, they don’t provide long-term flea control.

Spot-on treatments and oral tablets. Both of these options break the flea life cycle and do provide long-term flea control (up to several months). They may contain an adulticide or an insect growth regulator (IGR). IGRs break the life cycle at the larval stage, preventing fleas from maturing into adults.

Natural remedies. Natural flea treatments often contain essential oils and have become more popular recently. However, they are not nearly as effective as insecticide-containing flea treatments. Also, if not used properly, essential oils can be toxic to cats.

Flea comb. Because the typical flea treatments are generally considered unsafe for kittens younger than 8 to 10 weeks old and weighing less than 1.5 to 2 pounds, the best option for them is a flea comb. After combing through your kitten’s fur, immediately dip the comb in a bowl of soapy water to kill the fleas.

Flea treatments are available over-the-counter (OTC) or with a veterinary prescription. OTC flea treatments are less expensive but may not be as effective or long-lasting as prescription flea treatments, like Revolution Plus, a monthly topical flea preventative for cats that also protects against other parasites like fleas, ticks, heartworms and intestinal worms.

With so many options for flea treatments for cats, it’s best to work with your veterinarian to select the most appropriate one for your particular kitty. 

However, you must never use flea products formulated strictly for dogs on cats. Some dog flea products contain permethrin, which is toxic to cats. If you have a dog, ask your veterinarian about permethrin-free flea treatments.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Home

woman vacuuming with cat

It will take diligent work to eliminate the flea eggs, larvae, and pupae lurking inside and outside your home. Here are some strategies:

  • Vacuum frequently, focusing on where immature fleas like to hide: bedding, soft furniture, carpeting, and cracks and crevices. Empty the vacuum bag outside your home
  • Wash your cat’s bedding and soft furniture, such as pillows, in hot water
  • Hire a pest control service to get rid of rodents
  • Mow your lawn regularly and get rid of piles of leaves. Fleas love to hide in tall grass and leaf piles

Flea Prevention for Cats

Fleas are a big nuisance, so prevention is key. A year-round flea preventative for your cat and all household pets is the best way to avoid fleas. These come in both topical and oral options to fit the needs of all the animals in your home.

Flea medicine for cats

Also, regularly check your pets’ fur for fleas with a flea comb. If you detect fleas, use the treatment strategies described above.

Continue to vacuum and clean regularly to ensure no flea eggs, larvae, or pupae are in your home.

Keep your cat indoors as much as possible, and check them for fleas whenever they do venture outside or travel with you.

And if you do have a multi-pet household, be sure to use a year-round flea preventative for your dog, too. The most common way for fleas to hitch a ride into your home is on the family dog, which could put your indoor cat at risk for flea infestations.

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Liver Shunts in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/liver-shunts-in-dogs/ Tue, 25 Apr 2023 17:25:12 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119523 One of the most important functions of the liver in dogs is to detoxify the blood. When the items your dog ingests make it to the small intestine, it absorbs both nutrients and toxins into the bloodstream. Luckily, the blood passes through the liver, where it is detoxified before going to the rest of the […]

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One of the most important functions of the liver in dogs is to detoxify the blood. When the items your dog ingests make it to the small intestine, it absorbs both nutrients and toxins into the bloodstream. Luckily, the blood passes through the liver, where it is detoxified before going to the rest of the body.

But what happens if the blood bypasses the liver, and those toxins aren’t filtered? When your dog has a liver shunt, this is exactly what occurs. Here, we’ll explain what a liver shunt is, signs to watch for, and treatment options.

What Is a Liver Shunt?

The vessels that carry blood from the intestines, spleen, and pancreas to the liver make up the portal venous system. When a vein is connected abnormally in a way that allows blood to bypass the liver, it is called a portosystemic shunt. Blood is “shunted” from the portal venous system to another vessel, bypassing detoxification in the liver. These shunts can be present at birth (congenital) or acquired later in life.

When a dog has a congenital venous shunt, around 75 percent of the time they have only one abnormal vessel. In the remaining 25 percent, they have multiple abnormal connections, resulting in multiple shunts. Shunts can occur outside of the liver (extrahepatic) or within the liver (intrahepatic).

Acquired shunts usually develop later in life as a response to other issues. With acquired shunts, your dog will typically develop multiple abnormal connections, meaning they have multiple shunts.

When the liver can’t detoxify blood, these toxins will go to the rest of the body, causing significant health concerns for your pup.

Causes of Liver Shunts in Dogs

Congenital liver shunts have different causes than acquired liver shunts. Let’s break down the origin of both. 

Causes of Congenital Liver Shunts

When your dog was a developing fetus inside their mother, they didn’t need their liver to detoxify blood from the intestinal tract because they weren’t eating anything. While in their mother’s uterus, puppies have a large shunt called the ductus venosus that allows blood to bypass the liver. This shunt is supposed to collapse after birth. 

If this vessel remains open after birth or your puppy develops another abnormal venous connection while growing within their mother, it is considered a congenital liver shunt.

Genetics play some role in the development of portosystemic shunts, with some breeds more likely to be affected than others. However, this condition is considered a complex trait that isn’t simply inherited from a dog’s parents.

Breeds that have a higher risk of developing congenital portosystemic liver shunts include:

  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Old English Sheepdog
  • Irish Wolfhound
  • Cairn Terrier
  • Maltese
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Miniature Schnauzer

Small and toy breeds tend to develop single extrahepatic shunts. Single intrahepatic shunts are more common in large breeds.

Causes of Acquired Liver Shunts

Acquired liver shunts occur later in life. If your dog develops significant liver disease, they can experience scarring (cirrhosis) of the liver. Because of the scarring, the blood vessels in the portal venous system may have high blood pressure (portal hypertension). Blood in the portal venous system will attempt to follow the path of least resistance, causing the dog to develop multiple abnormal connections that shunt blood around the liver. These shunts can occur in any breed or age of animal.

Symptoms of a Liver Shunt in Dogs

Dog staring off into space

A dog with a large congenital liver shunt will develop symptoms earlier in life than a dog with a small, less severe shunt. Signs of a liver shunt in dogs can include:

  • Stunted growth
  • Poor muscle development
  • Abnormal behaviors (appears disoriented, stares into space, walks in circles, presses head against walls), which sometimes develop after eating meals
  • Seizures
  • Drinking and/or urinating too much
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Prolonged recovery after anesthesia

The signs of acquired shunts are similar (minus stunted growth), but your dog may also have signs of the underlying disease that’s causing portal hypertension. For example, a dog with severe liver cirrhosis may also have jaundice (yellow gums, eyes). Symptoms of acquired shunts are most often seen in middle-aged or older canines.

Diagnosing Liver Shunts in Dogs

To diagnose this condition, the veterinarian will start with a physical exam and routine lab work.

The blood work may show that the puppy is mildly anemic, and the blood chemistry may have changes in values that suggest a liver shunt. Urinalysis can show diluted urine and spiky crystals called ammonium biurate crystals. Although routine lab work may suggest a shunt and rule out other conditions, it’s unlikely to give a definitive diagnosis of liver shunt.

As most dogs with liver shunts will have elevated bile acids, your veterinarian will almost certainly want to run a bile acids test, which helps determine if the liver is functioning appropriately. This test involves taking blood from a dog who has not eaten in at least 12 hours (preprandial sample), feeding them a meal, and then drawing a second blood sample two hours after eating (postprandial sample). In a normal dog, bile acids enter the intestine and remain there until food has been digested. The intestines will absorb the bile acids, which will move through the portal venous system back to the liver. If the dog has a shunt, their bile acids will bypass the liver, so the levels remain elevated.

Other testing may include:

  • X-rays of the abdomen, which may show a small liver
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen, especially if the ultrasound machine allows examination of blood vessels (Doppler flow analysis)
  • CT scan with contrast that allows the study of vessels
  • MRI
  • Exploratory surgery to see if an abnormal vessel is present

Liver biopsy may also be recommended if the dog has acquired portosystemic shunts or during surgical correction of congenital portosystemic shunts. 

Treatment for a Dog Liver Shunt

Labrador at vet for treatment

Depending on the situation, there are a variety of treatment options for congenital liver shunts.

Medical Treatment

If your dog is having significant clinical signs from their congenital liver shunt, initial stabilization should be completed with special diets and medications. Your pet may also receive a rectal enema to remove intestinal toxins before they are absorbed. Intravenous fluids may be administered to stabilize blood sugar. If your dog is having seizures, they will also be started on an anti-seizure medication such as diazepam.

Diet changes will aim to reduce the amount of protein in the diet and ensure that proteins are high quality and highly digestible. High levels of protein typically worsen the signs of liver shunts.

Your pet may be given a medication called lactulose. This decreases the absorption of ammonia and other toxins from the intestines, making the environment of the intestines less favorable to bacteria that produce toxins. Your veterinarian may also recommend specific antibiotics that reduce populations of toxin-producing bacteria.  

Surgical Treatment

In most cases of congenital liver shunts, surgery will be recommended. Most surgeons now use a metal band with an inner ring of casein (milk protein) called an ameroid constrictor, which slowly closes the shunt over time. The inner ring of casein absorbs normal abdominal fluid and gradually swells, pressing on the shunt and encouraging it to scar shut. 

Survival with this surgery is over 95%, and most dogs are clinically normal within 4-8 weeks after placement. The shunt is typically closed within 3-4 weeks. In dogs whose shunt does not completely close, the remaining shunt is usually less severe and can often be managed with diet and medication. Dogs with a single shunt have an excellent prognosis after surgery, especially if the shunt is extrahepatic.

About 1/3 of dogs treated medically will live a long life, but these tend to be dogs who are diagnosed later in life, meaning their shunt is less severe. Over half of dogs treated medically will be euthanized within 10 months of diagnosis because they continue to have uncontrollable neurologic signs, changes to their behavior, or liver damage.

Surgery is not typically recommended for acquired liver shunts. Instead, these dogs must be managed with a protein-restricted diet and lactulose for the remainder of their life.

Liver Supplements 

Pet parents often question if liver supplements will help their pets. Generally, they may help and are unlikely to hurt. Examples of liver supplements to speak to your veterinarian about include milk thistle and SAM-e (S-adenosyl-L-methionine), and active ingredients in these supplements vary. 

Supplements alone will not be enough, however, and most of these pets will still benefit from surgery or medical management.

Cost to Treat Liver Shunts in Dogs

Treating your pet’s liver shunt can be very expensive, but the positive outcomes make it worth it for many pet parents. Cost varies by the size of your dog and the type of shunt. The workup for diagnosing liver shunts can be around $1,500 to $2,000, sometimes more. Surgery for an extrahepatic congenital shunt (usually a small breed dog) can range from $3,500 to $5,000.

Both diagnosis of and treatment for intrahepatic shunts, which are more common in large breed dogs, are usually more complicated. Cost can range from $4,500 to $7,500 for workup and open abdominal surgery, but it can reach $8,000 to $9,500 for more complex procedures, like using a coil within the shunt to close the abnormal venous connection.

Overall, the price ranges from $2,000 to up over $10,000 for the treatment of liver shunts in dogs. 

In cases where medical management is acceptable, the workup can still be costly but long-term management with a medication like lactulose is usually affordable.

How to Prevent Liver Shunts in Dogs 

While it’s recommended not to breed dogs with portosystemic shunts due to the role genetics play, there is nothing you as a pet parent can do to prevent your puppy from developing a congenital liver shunt. They usually have them before they’ve even entered your home!

Acquired liver shunts can be prevented in some cases by keeping your pet’s liver healthy. Long-term or inappropriate usage of some medications, such as paracetamol or phenobarbital, can damage the liver. Keep your dog vaccinated against diseases that can affect the liver, such as leptospirosis or adenovirus.

Other cases may occur due to conditions you cannot prevent, such as idiopathic hepatitis, which is inflammation of the liver that occurs without a known cause. Annual or biannual lab work may help you and your veterinarian detect liver diseases early, allowing treatment to slow progression and keep your pet healthier for longer.

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Hepatic Lipidosis in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/hepatic-lipidosis-in-cats/ Tue, 25 Apr 2023 16:23:30 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119491 A cat’s liver works hard, performing such functions as producing proteins and vitamins, removing toxins, and metabolizing fats and carbohydrates. A cat can quickly become very ill when the liver becomes diseased by conditions like hepatic lipidosis. Hepatic lipidosis in cats is one of the most common liver diseases and can be fatal if not […]

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A cat’s liver works hard, performing such functions as producing proteins and vitamins, removing toxins, and metabolizing fats and carbohydrates. A cat can quickly become very ill when the liver becomes diseased by conditions like hepatic lipidosis.

Hepatic lipidosis in cats is one of the most common liver diseases and can be fatal if not treated immediately and aggressively. Fortunately, with early and effective treatment, cats can fully recover from hepatic lipidosis and not relapse.

What is Hepatic Lipidosis?

Hepatic lipidosis in cats is also known as fatty liver syndrome. It is a common feline liver disease caused by the liver being overwhelmed with body fat that is transported to the liver when a cat becomes anorexic.

Causes of Hepatic Lipidosis in Cats

Hepatic lipidosis in cats is usually caused by an underlying medical condition, including those listed below:

In addition to these medical conditions, several risk factors can make cats more prone to developing hepatic lipidosis. These risk factors include obesity, stress, and a sudden change in diet. Overweight or obese cats are especially susceptible to hepatic lipidosis because of how much extra body fat they have.

The common denominator for these causes and risk factors is anorexia. When a cat stops eating for several days, the body starts using its fat stores for energy because the cat is not getting fat from their diet. The fat moves to the liver to be processed into energy.

Unfortunately, this massive movement of fat to the liver clogs the liver’s cells. The liver cannot process the fat quickly enough and stops functioning well. In severe cases, the liver stops working, leading to liver failure.

Symptoms of Feline Hepatic Lipidosis

Lethargic cat not feeling well

Hepatic lipidosis can make a cat seriously ill very quickly. Here are common signs of hepatic lipidosis in cats:

  • Pallor
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Muscle wasting
  • Clotting problems
  • Excessive salivation
  • Neck bent downward
  • Avoiding the food bowl
  • Dramatic, rapid weight loss
  • Behavioral changes (social withdrawal, depression)
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes, skin, gums)

The presence of jaundice indicates severe disease. A cat with jaundice from hepatic lipidosis could die from the disease and needs immediate and aggressive treatment.

Diagnosing Fatty Liver Disease in Cats

Take your cat to your veterinarian as quickly as you can if your cat has symptoms of hepatic lipidosis.

Your veterinarian will first take a history and perform a physical examination. For the history, share as much detail as possible about your cat’s symptoms and dietary and medication history.

In addition to the history and physical examination, your veterinarian will use bloodwork, abdominal ultrasound, and tissue sampling to diagnose hepatic lipidosis.

The bloodwork will reveal abnormalities that indicate liver disease, such as elevated liver enzymes. The bloodwork may also indicate anemia and abnormal levels of electrolytes like potassium and sodium.

An abdominal ultrasound will show an enlarged liver. On the ultrasound, your veterinarian will also look at other abdominal organs, like the kidney and pancreas, for evidence of underlying disease in these organs.

Tissue sampling, by biopsy or ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate (FNA), is the best way to definitively diagnose hepatic lipidosis. Performing an FNA involves inserting a long, thin needle into the liver and removing a small piece of tissue. A biopsy would require surgery and may not be possible, depending on a cat’s health status.

Treating Hepatic Lipidosis in Cats

cat at veterinary hospital

Treatment for hepatic lipidosis in cats must start early to maximize the chance of a full recovery and can last 6 to 12 weeks. There are several treatment goals for this condition. 

Through treatment, veterinarians try to:

  • Correct dehydration
  • Correct nutritional deficiencies
  • Stop fat mobilization to the liver
  • Restore normal electrolyte levels

Cats will need to be hospitalized for at least the early part of their treatment. Treatment includes nutritional support, medications, and intravenous fluid therapy. Nutritional support is complex and will be explained in the next section.

Medications are given to reduce symptoms, support liver function, and, if needed, manage the underlying disease that contributed to the hepatic lipidosis.

Depending on a cat’s nutritional deficiencies because of anorexia, injectable nutritional supplements may be given to correct those deficiencies.

Intravenous fluid therapy restores hydration and normal electrolyte levels. It is administered before beginning nutritional support. To prevent overhydration, obese and overweight cats with hepatic lipidosis should be given fluid therapy according to their ideal weight, not their current weight.

Nutritional Support for Cats with Hepatic Lipidosis

Nutritional support is provided to cats with hepatic lipidosis through long-term feeding tubes for several weeks or more. The tube is either an esophagostomy tube (placed directly into the esophagus) or a gastrostomy tube (placed directly into the stomach). For severe cases of hepatic lipidosis, cats may need to be fed intravenously before being fed through a feeding tube.

Affected cats are fed a high-protein, calorie-dense, balanced food. The goal is for cats to take in enough calories to stop fat mobilization. It is crucial to avoid forced feeding by mouth. Forced feeding can lead to food aversion syndrome, complicating and prolonging treatment.

Nutritional support through the feeding tube is gradually increased until a cat takes in their optimal daily caloric intake. Your cat will not stay in the hospital the entire time they are tube fed, so your veterinarian will instruct you on how to do the feedings at home and maintain the tube.

The tube can be removed after a cat can eat enough on their own, by mouth, to maintain their body weight.

The Cost to Treat a Cat for Fatty Liver Disease

The costs for treating fatty liver disease in cats can quickly add up, so be prepared. Here are the typical expenses for treating this condition:

  • Medications
  • Hospitalization
  • Nutritional support
  • Feeding tube placement
  • Continued monitoring
  • Intravenous fluid therapy

The total cost will vary, depending on disease severity and how long your cat needs to be hospitalized.

How to Prevent Hepatic Lipidosis

Hepatic lipidosis in cats is not entirely preventable, but you can reduce your cat’s likelihood of developing the disease. For example, monitor your cat’s weight and work with your veterinarian on a weight loss plan if your cat is overweight or obese.

Also, reduce your cat’s stress and stay on top of managing chronic diseases. Make changes to your cat’s diet gradually and take your cat for regular wellness visits.

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Limber Tail Syndrome in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/limber-tail-syndrome-in-dogs/ Mon, 24 Apr 2023 19:55:44 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119346 Despite first being described and referenced in 1997, there’s still a lot we don’t know about limber tail syndrome in dogs – an infrequent issue where a dog’s tail goes limp and painful. It’s also known as swimmer’s tail, rudder tail, limp tail, staved tail, cold tail, and drop tail, although the official term for […]

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Despite first being described and referenced in 1997, there’s still a lot we don’t know about limber tail syndrome in dogs – an infrequent issue where a dog’s tail goes limp and painful. It’s also known as swimmer’s tail, rudder tail, limp tail, staved tail, cold tail, and drop tail, although the official term for it is acute caudal myopathy. 

Early estimates of the frequency of limp tail in dogs found it affected 1 in 200 working dogs, and it’s thought to be less common in dogs that are not working breeds. However, a more recent study in Labradors found that, on average, 1 in 10 dogs had a case of limp tail. It’s obviously a lot more common than previously thought, probably because – thanks to its low severity – most dogs will recover quickly and may never see a vet for the condition. 

What Is Limber Tail in Dogs?

Limber tail syndrome in dogs (acute caudal myopathy) is a condition characterized by a painful and limp tail. It goes by a number of other names, the most common of which are “swimmer’s tail” and “cold tail.” 

Luckily, limber tail is not considered a serious condition – on average, dogs recover within 3 days, although some take over a week to feel better. 

Limber tail is not thought to be a common condition in the general dog population. However, it is around five times more common in working dogs (especially gun dogs such as Retrievers and Pointers) and in higher latitudes, meaning in some northern areas with a rural population it may be quite common. It also seems to have some sort of genetic basis, appearing in certain breeding lines more often. Some dogs seem to be prone to limber tail syndrome and will be affected by repeated episodes.

How Do Dogs Get Limber Tail?

Labrador Retriever swimming in lake

It is not known exactly what causes limber tail syndrome in dogs, but the signs and the way the condition develops suddenly are thought to be related to overworked muscles – in other words, a sprained tail. 

Here are some activities and conditions that may cause limber tail in dogs. 


Swimming is one of the most common causes of limp tail in dogs (hence the terms “swimmer’s tail” and “rudder tail”). Dogs that swim are about five times more likely to have a case than non-swimmers. It is not clear whether the exposure to the cold water or the actual act of swimming causes a dog’s tail to be limp after swimming. However, it seems likely that overuse of the tail muscles while swimming (dogs use their tails like a rudder) could cause a painful, sore tail for a few days afterwards. Having said that, some cases happen after immersion in cold water and it’s possible the cold water itself is a contributing factor.

Vigorous Exercise

Vigorous exercise is also thought to be a contributing factor to limp tail syndrome. Again, this makes sense if we accept that limp tail in dogs is caused by painful, overworked muscles. 

Cold or Wet Weather

Anecdotally, cold or wet weather may increase the chances of a dog suffering with limp tail. In this study, a few cases occurred without swimming but in cold or wet weather, showing that swimming isn’t the only cause of limp tail. However, most of these cases had also had vigorous exercise, making it difficult to know the exact cause of the problem.


A few cases of limber tail seem to happen after confinement such as in a crate or car. It’s not clear how this would cause limber tail, but may be as a result of ‘stiffening up.’ It could be that the confinement itself wasn’t related to the development of limber tail – in this study, all of the cases that had limber tail after confinement had also been swimming, had vigorous exercise, or been exposed to cold weather.


There is one case of a dog with hypothyroidism developing signs consistent with limber tail. It’s likely that this was unrelated, but since no other studies into this have been done it’s possible that there is a connection.

Symptoms of Limber Tail Syndrome  

Limber tail syndrome is usually diagnosed based on symptoms alone, as they are quite distinctive. 

Dogs with limber tail have a limp or droopy (flaccid) tail, which may be completely droopy or may stick out straight behind them for a few inches before drooping. The tail base is usually very painful, which may make dogs aggressive or even constipated as they try to avoid using their tail muscles for pooping. 

Other symptoms of limber tail syndrome in dogs include:

  • Limp, droopy, or flaccid tail
  • Stiff tail base
  • Painful tail base
  • Unusual posture (related to pain)
  • Reluctance to sit or squat
  • Aggression (likely related to pain)
  • Constipation (usually due to reluctance to squat)
  • Erect hair at tail base
  • Staggering gait

How to Diagnose Limber Tail in Dogs

Dog with limp tail

In most dogs, the combination of a painful, stiff tail base and limp length of tail is enough to diagnose the condition – especially in a working breed or if the dog was previously swimming.  

Your vet will feel (palpate) your dog’s tail to confirm the tail pain and also to feel for swelling related to an injury such as a bruise or fracture.

While a clinical exam is usually sufficient for your veterinarian to diagnose your dog with limber tail, they may recommend further tests if they aren’t sure. This may involve blood tests and X-rays to check for a broken bone, which would cause similar signs. 

Another commonly mistaken condition is anal gland problems – your vet may examine your dog’s anal glands and empty them in case this is causing their symptoms. 

Limber Tail Treatment 

While limber tail does resolve on its own without treatment, it’s a painful condition. Most veterinarians will recommend giving your dog some pain relief in order to make their recovery faster and more pleasant. In most cases, anti-inflammatory NSAIDs are all that is necessary to treat dogs with limber tail syndrome. 

Pain medication should be combined with rest (but not close confinement such as in a crate, which could make it worse) and being kept warm and dry. 

You may be wondering: how long does limber tail last? On average, limber tail syndrome in dogs lasts around 3-4 days, although it ranges from a few hours to 10 days. 

Natural anti-inflammatories and home remedies for limber tail in dogs are not sufficient to relieve pain and keep your dog comfortable.

Medications for Limber Tail in Dogs

In general, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are the most common drug used to treat limber tail in dogs. Common NSAIDs prescribed to dogs for limp tail include:

  • Meloxicam (brand names Metacam, Loxicom)
  • Carprofen (brand name Rimadyl)
  • Firocoxib (brand name Previcox)
  • Deracoxib (brand name Deramaxx)

General Cost for Limber Tail Treatment 

Limber tail is not generally considered an expensive condition to treat. In most cases, an examination and a week’s worth of NSAIDs is all that is required. This is likely to cost $50-$150 depending on your veterinarian and the size of your dog. 

In more unusual cases where further investigations, more medications, or follow-up exams are required, the fee may rise to $500. If you have budget constraints it’s important to communicate these to your veterinarian as soon as possible, as they can adjust their investigations and treatment plan to help you stay within budget.

How to Prevent Limber Tail in Dogs

Since the cause of limber tail isn’t fully understood, it’s difficult to prevent swimmer’s tail in dogs. For most pet dogs, limber tail is unlikely, and prevention isn’t necessary. 

However, taking a few sensible precautions can possibly help prevent this condition:

  • Build up fitness slowly and avoid strenuous physical activity until your dog is conditioned and ready.
  • Avoid immersion in cold water when possible. This may mean changing your walking route for a few months if you have an at-risk dog.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise in cold or wet weather, especially if your dog isn’t used to it.
  • Avoid confinement in small crates – ensure your dog has space to stretch out comfortably.

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8 Dog Park Dangers You Need to Know https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/dog-park-dangers/ Mon, 24 Apr 2023 15:52:35 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=119233 The number of dedicated dog parks in large U.S. cities increased 80 percent between 2009 and 2020, according to data from the Trust for Public Land. That’s great news for dogs and dog lovers alike! The idea of a public gathering spot where dogs can run freely and socialize with other pets and people is […]

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The number of dedicated dog parks in large U.S. cities increased 80 percent between 2009 and 2020, according to data from the Trust for Public Land. That’s great news for dogs and dog lovers alike! The idea of a public gathering spot where dogs can run freely and socialize with other pets and people is a dream come true. 

While dog parks may be popular and appealing, they can also pose hidden dangers for the unsuspecting pet parent. By knowing what to watch out for, you can better protect your pup from common dog park risks. 

Are Dog Parks Good for Dogs?

Irish setter running for ball in park

Dog parks offer several benefits for pets. First and foremost, they give dogs an opportunity to socialize with other pets and people. Socialization from an early age is important, as it helps dogs acclimate to a variety of new sights, sounds, and situations. 

Another pro of dog parks is that they provide a space for dogs to exercise, which is vital to their overall well-being. Regular, appropriate exercise can help support joint health, strengthen muscles, and keep your dog at a healthy weight.

Lastly, dog parks can benefit dogs and humans on an emotional level, helping them forge a stronger bond as they spend quality time together. 

That being said, not all dogs enjoy going to the dog park, so always keep your pup’s preferences and comfort level in mind.

8 Dog Park Dangers to Know

While dog parks offer a lot of potential perks, they can also present several hazards for dogs. Below, we look at some of the top dog park dangers pet parents should be aware of. 

Untrained and Unsocialized Dogs

Two dogs stare each other down

Dog parks bring together dogs with a wide range of personalities, temperaments, and behaviors. This means not all pups at the park will be the best-trained listeners. 

Dogs who won’t come when called, refuse to sit and stay, or don’t follow other basic training cues like drop it can put other dogs and themselves at risk of injury. If your dog isn’t well-trained, teach them the basics before spending time at the dog park. 

Dogs who did not socialize with other dogs at a young age may struggle to read the body language of other dogs. These dogs may fail to back down when warning signals are given. If they do not have good recall training, this can make the situation more dangerous.

Rule Breakers

Dog parks bring members of the community together in a shared space, with the expectation that everyone will follow a similar set of rules and guidelines designed to promote safety. 

But even if you follow all dog park rules to the letter, that doesn’t mean other pet parents will do the same. Pet parents who don’t clean up their pet’s waste or who are on their phones and not paying attention to their dog’s behavior can create hazards for others. Keep in mind that some visitors may bring small children with them, which may pose a risk if adults do not supervise their kids around dogs.

Infectious Diseases

Any communal space can pose the risk of spreading infectious diseases between animals, such as parvovirus and kennel cough. “Dogs not up to date on vaccines are at a greater risk for contracting diseases,” says Dr. Clarke Garthwaite, VMD at Horsham Veterinary Hospital in Pennsylvania. “Diseases at dog parks can spread from contact with other animals, as well as exposure to their urine and feces.”

Young puppies in particular may not be properly protected against disease risks. “Puppies that have not completed their vaccination series should avoid dog parks,” Dr. Garthwaite says. 


Dog sniffing feces in grass

Before heading to the dog park, pet parents should also consider parasitic risks, such as fleas, ticks, worms, and Giardia. “Intestinal parasites are often transmitted through feces,” says Dr. Garthwaite. In a national study, nearly 50 percent of dog parks sampled had at least one dog infected with intestinal worms (1). 

“Making sure your dog is receiving monthly heartworm and flea/tick prevention helps reduce the risk of fleas, ticks, heartworm and intestinal parasites and makes for less risk at the dog park,” says Dr. Garthwaite. 

A broad-spectrum parasite control product, such as Interceptor Plus, can protect against multiple types of worms in dogs, including heartworm disease. To provide your pet with 360-degree protection, consider also using a flea and tick control product, such as Credelio.

Interceptor Plus packaging
Credelio for Dogs

Pet parents should speak with their veterinarian to identify appropriate parasite control products for their individual pet. (Editorial note: Dr. Clarke Garthwaite, who was interviewed, and Dr. Rhiannon Koehler, our veterinary reviewer, did not endorse or recommend any specific products for this article.) 

Too Much Activity

A new setting with lots of sights and sounds can potentially over-excite your pet. “Some dogs will play too hard and for too long at dog parks,” cautions Dr. Garthwaite. 

If your pet shows signs of overdoing it, such as a limp, be sure to monitor them and contact your veterinarian with any concerns.

“If your dog comes up lame after playing, you can rest them for 24 hours and schedule an appointment with your local veterinarian if you are concerned,” says Dr. Garthwaite. 

While too much exercise can put any dog at risk of joint damage, pet parents should be especially cautious about over-exercising puppies, since their bones and joints are still developing. 

In addition, the youthful energy and overall environment of a dog park may be too much for senior pets to handle.

“Senior pets can get tired more quickly, and play should be monitored closely and limited,” advises Dr. Garthwaite. “Many senior pets have other conditions, such as osteoarthritis, which may be exacerbated through rough play.” Low-impact exercises, such as walking or swimming, are more ideal for dogs with osteoarthritis.

Lastly, dogs who have flatter faces like Bulldogs or Pugs are prone to overheating when they exercise too much. If you notice your flat-faced canine is acting tired or breathing heavily at the dog park, it’s time to cut your visit short. Consider keeping your dog at home when it’s really hot outside. High temperatures and overexertion can lead to heat stroke in dogs, a life-threatening condition that requires immediate care.


Dog running toward pool filled with water at dog park

A pup who overdoes it at the dog park is also at risk of dehydration, especially on a hot summer day. 

“Make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water throughout their time in the park, taking breaks if they need to,” Dr. Garthwaite says. It is best to provide your dog with their own water rather than using a shared water source, which could pose a risk of disease transmission.

Rough Play or Dog Fights

While pet parents may enter dog parks with the best of intentions and utopian vision, the reality is that not all pets will play together nicely…or at least not as nice as we’d hope. 

“It’s important to be mindful of behavior dynamics between different dogs,” says Dr. Garthwaite. “Not every dog will play well in a dog park.”

This, of course, can result in rough play or outright fights, which can prompt a trip to the veterinarian.

“In the event that there is a fight, check your pet for injuries and follow up with your veterinarian if needed,” advises Dr. Garthwaite. 

Pet parents who stay in tune with dog body language may be able to help prevent altercations from occurring. Keep in mind that dog parks don’t usually separate large dogs from small dogs, and a large dog can seriously harm a small dog, often unintentionally. 

Escape Risk

Golden Retriever looks out from gate

The ideal dog park is well-maintained, clean, safe, and secure. But not all parks are equally maintained. Loose, damaged, or worn-out gates and fences can create the risk of escape. A loose dog can be exposed to multiple dangers, such as getting hit by a car or becoming lost. Do a scan of the perimeter to make sure the fence is secure before letting your dog off-leash.

Dog Park Etiquette: Tips and Advice

Woman training two Australian Shepherds at park

While dog parks can present dangers, consider these tips to help mitigate risk and make your time more enjoyable:

Brush up on basic training. Regular training sessions can not only improve your bond with your pet but can also make trips to the dog park and interactions with other pets safer and less stressful.

Take preventive care measures. Keeping your pet up to date on vaccinations can protect them against serious diseases while also protecting other pets and people at the dog park. Regular flea and tick control and heartworm preventives can also protect pets against tick-borne diseases, heartworm disease, and intestinal parasites that they may be exposed to when spending time outdoors.

Be vigilant. Many dog parks are off-leash since they are fenced in, but that can sometimes give pet parents a false sense of security. While at the dog park, always keep a close eye on your pet and be mindful of other pets’ behaviors to prevent harmful encounters. 

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Can Dogs Get Cavities? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/can-dogs-get-cavities/ Mon, 17 Apr 2023 02:12:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=118626 Nobody likes a cavity. Whether it’s the toothache that comes at the onset or the drilling that’s necessary to fix one, cavities are a nuisance – and an extremely common one at that, at least for humans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 90 percent of Americans aged 20 or […]

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Nobody likes a cavity. Whether it’s the toothache that comes at the onset or the drilling that’s necessary to fix one, cavities are a nuisance – and an extremely common one at that, at least for humans.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 90 percent of Americans aged 20 or older have had at least one cavity in their lives, while 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 20 and 64 currently have a cavity. 

The prevalence of cavities among humans, however, does not translate to their canine best friends. A 1998 study in the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry found that of the 435 dogs whose dental records were reviewed, just 23 (or 5.3 percent of dogs) had cavities. 

That said, they can still be irritating and painful problems for a dog and potentially expensive ones for a dog parent. Here’s everything you need to know about canine cavities.

What Is a Cavity? 

Dog teeth needing a cleaning

“Cavities” is the more colloquial word for a problem in the dental community known as “caries.” According to a paper in The Canadian Veterinary Journal, the word “caries” is Latin for rottenness.

Dr. Amy Stone is a clinical associate professor at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. She describes cavities as “resulting from bacterial decay of the tooth structure due to the release of acids from oral bacteria digesting carbohydrates on the surface of the tooth.”

As the decay continues, small holes form on the hard surface of the tooth, which expands and goes deeper over time if left untreated.

Can Dogs Get Cavities? 

Dog licking lips

Dogs can get cavities, but dogs do not get cavities as frequently as humans. While the process by which cavities develop is the same between dogs and humans, there are several reasons why they don’t happen as often in dogs.

“Human saliva is more acidic, human teeth have many pits and fissures (whereas dog teeth are mostly conical), and there is more space between dog teeth to prevent food trapping,” Dr. Stone says. “These differences mean the bacteria species that most commonly cause caries are not as prevalent in the canine [mouth].”

Stone adds that there isn’t a breed- or age-specific predisposition to developing cavities, though they don’t appear to be a problem in deciduous (or “baby”) teeth, which suggests they’re typical among dogs who are more than a year old.

Because of the way a dog’s mouth is structured, cavities are most common toward the back of the dog’s mouth – specifically on teeth called maxillary molars. Dr. Stone says these teeth have thinner enamel, as well as pits and grooves that allow cavity-causing bacteria to thrive. 

Causes of Cavities in Dogs

Holding teeth of the dog looking at owner

Cavities do not come about because of another illness or condition. Nor are they simply the result of a lack of dental care or cleaning, Dr. Stone says. “It’s more about the diet. If dogs eat fruit, honey, cookies made for humans, or sweetened peanut butter, they are more likely to develop them.” 

This is another reason why humans get cavities far more frequently than dogs do – the food we eat contains much more sugar, both natural and added. 

The other common cause for cavities in dogs, Dr. Stone says, is dry mouth. Also known as xerostomia, dry mouth is simply a lack of sufficient saliva. When it comes to dogs, slobbering, of course, can be a nuisance for their parents, but it actually helps with their oral health. Like human saliva, the canine variety contains various antibacterial compounds that can help neutralize the bacteria that cause cavities. 

Signs of dry mouth include bad breath, inflamed gums, and a cracked tongue. Dry mouth may be a side effect of different medications, including cancer treatment and antihistamines. 

How to Treat Cavities in Dogs

Holding open dog's mouth looking at cavities

Canine cavities are diagnosed by a veterinarian or veterinary dentistry specialist, though pet owners may pick up on some of the signs and symptoms at home. These include bad breath, abnormal chewing, dropping food from the mouth, reduced appetite, swelling around the mouth, and of course, discoloration on your dog’s teeth or the appearance of a small, dark spot on the tooth.

“Caries can be treated with fillings or sealants if they are caught when they are not deep into the tooth structure,” Dr. Stone says. “Otherwise, extraction is needed, except in some cases when a root canal may be appropriate. That should be determined by a veterinary dental specialist.”  

That determination will primarily be based on the severity of the decay and status of the tooth or teeth in question.

How to Prevent Dog Cavities

Happy dog playing outside

The best canine cavity prevention tip, Dr. Stone says, is to not feed your dog sugary foods, like those listed above.

“Some animals will develop cavities anyway,” she says. “However, following this suggestion will not allow the precursors to be present.”

Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly will lead to a decrease in bacteria in the area where the gums meet the teeth, which Stone says may help somewhat with the prevention of cavities, though it is more critical for preventing periodontal disease, which is not only much more prevalent than cavities in dogs, but also one of the top two diagnoses for dogs (alongside obesity, she says). 

To help with gum disease, and potential caries as well, your veterinarian may recommend a full dental prophylaxis, which is a combined cleaning and full oral examination under anesthesia.

Before your dog can be anesthetized, your veterinarian will need to determine that your dog is physically capable of undergoing anesthesia, Stone says. This is typically done with a full physical examination that includes monitoring vital signs and by checking a blood sample to make sure your dog’s heart and internal organs are healthy for anesthesia. 

“Once under (anesthesia), a full oral exam, dental radiographs, ultrasonic scaling of the teeth to remove the bacteria above and below the gumline, and polishing with fluoride paste will occur,” Stone adds. “This is the one opportunity that we have to put fluoride on the tooth surface to help protect the tooth from cavities. It’s not safe to use fluoride in dog toothpaste when doing normal brushing because dogs swallow the toothpaste and that much fluoride can be toxic.”

While cavities are not prevalent among dogs, they do exist, and provide one more reason to keep up on the home dental care and get your dog’s teeth checked by a veterinarian at least once a year.

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6 Cat UTI Symptoms to Get Checked Right Away https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/6-cat-uti-symptoms-to-get-checked-right-away/ Mon, 17 Apr 2023 02:08:38 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=118631 A cat’s urinary system is a complex network made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. It plays an important role in numerous body functions, such as ridding the body of waste products and balancing water and electrolytes for the body’s cells. Unfortunately, cats are prone to a number of painful and uncomfortable urinary […]

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A cat’s urinary system is a complex network made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. It plays an important role in numerous body functions, such as ridding the body of waste products and balancing water and electrolytes for the body’s cells.

Unfortunately, cats are prone to a number of painful and uncomfortable urinary tract issues. There are so many potential issues specifically related to urinary health that an umbrella term – known as both feline urinary syndrome (FUS) and feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) – was created to capture the breadth of problems facing cats in that area.

Among the causes of FUS are urinary tract infections (UTIs). These infections are fairly common conditions in humans, particularly adult women. “The infection is not demonstrably different in felines than it is in humans,” explains Dr. Byron de la Navarre, chief of staff at Animal House of Chicago, “though symptoms will naturally present differently.”

But how can you tell if a behavior or action is a symptom of a UTI in cats, a sign of another urinary problem, or something else entirely? Read on for more info about cat urinary tract infections, plus the 5 symptoms of cat UTIs to get checked right away.

Urinary Tract Infections in Cats: An Overview

Cat tucked into itself at home cozy

A urinary tract infection is when bacteria that does not typically live in the bladder gets to the bladder, causing irritation and inflammation, says Dr. Victoria Guillen of Pleasant Care Pet Hospital and Cat Care Clinic in Cincinnati.

“Female cats are more likely to get an infection of their urinary tract than male cats due to their anatomy,” Dr. Guillen says. Additionally, she says older cats are at a higher risk of getting a UTI as they have a higher preponderance of kidney disease than their younger counterparts. This is because the acid content and concentration of urine helps prevent UTIs, and kidney disease can alter the acidity of urine and decrease urine concentration. When that happens, infection is more likely.

Feline UTIs are a relatively rare condition. According to a 2021 study in Topics in Companion Animal Medicine, UTIs are considerably more common in dogs than in cats, with 39.3 percent of analyzed dogs showing a urine culture that was positive for UTI-causing bacteria and just 24.7 percent of cats showing the same.

Cat UTI Symptoms to Get Checked

Cat looking to play with treat

While it can sometimes be tough to tell when your cat is fighting a UTI, here are five symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored.

Urinating in Inappropriate Places

Cats’ instinctual attraction toward using the litter box is one of nature’s miracles, and when they don’t follow through, it can be very jarring. One of the most common symptoms of many feline diseases is improper elimination, or doing their business outside of the litter box.

“What’s difficult about not using the litter box is that it can be hard to isolate what’s causing the problem,” Dr. de la Navarre says. “It could be as simple as you moving something in the room, and the cat is showing you they’re not happy about it, so they pee inappropriately.”

He adds that if you moved the litter box, and the cat is peeing where it used to be, it’s fairly likely that the cat wants it put back in its original location. But if you’re seeing repeated incidents of inappropriate urination without explanation, it’s worth discussing with your veterinarian, as a UTI or other cause of FLUTD may be present.

Blood in Urine

If you see blood in your cat’s urine, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection. Inflammation in a cat’s urinary tract or bladder can cause discolored urine or blood-tinged urine. Pay extra attention to your cat’s litter box for signs of bloody urine and seek veterinary care if you notice any. 

Increased Frequency in Urination

Cat sleeping on bed

When UTI-causing bacteria are present in large enough numbers, a cat’s bladder can become irritated and inflamed, Dr. de la Navarre says. “It gets uncomfortable, so they tend to pee more frequently.”

If your cat is posturing to urinate more than usual but is producing minimal to no urine, prompt veterinary attention is recommended to determine if your cat has a UTI or something more serious like a blockage.

“A urinary blockage is a medical emergency and should be addressed promptly, as it can result in death if not treated,” Dr. Guillen says.

This can happen when the urethra gets severely inflamed or if a stone forms and doesn’t pass through, Dr. de la Navarre says. “They’re much more common in male cats than female cats, and recurrence is fairly common. In that case, surgery may be recommended to prevent future blockages.”

Increased Thirst

Also known as polydipsia, increased thirst can be a product of increased frequency of urination or a cause of it; in either case, it’s worth checking with your veterinarian. If a UTI is present, drinking more water than usual may be the cat’s way of trying to flush out the urinary tract and rid themself of the bacteria causing the infection.

Your veterinarian may also test for the possibility of diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, or hyperthyroidism, as polydipsia is a symptom of these three common conditions. 

Vocalizing or Straining While Urinating

Cat laying on floor looking at owner

Healthy cats usually go about their “business” without calling too much attention to themselves, but in the case of a UTI, Dr. de la Navarre says a cat may yowl or vocalize while attempting to urinate. Additionally, you may observe your cat physically straining to use the bathroom when they’re dealing with a UTI.

Another potential underlying cause for straining and/or vocalizing during urination is cystitis, which is an inflammatory condition of the bladder that can lead to the formation of stones. Dr. Guillen says stress can be a cause of cystitis, and a special diet may be recommended by your veterinarian to help rebalance the acidity in urine, which can break up any potential stones and flush out unwanted bacteria.

Vocalizing and straining while attempting to urinate can also signal that your cat could have a urinary blockage. A cat who is repeatedly straining in the litter box and yowling should be examined quickly to ensure they are able to pass urine. Blockage can result in kidney failure and bladder rupture, which can be fatal.

Unusually Lethargic, Restless, or Standoffish Behavior

Does your cat just seem “off,” exhibiting unusual behavior like restlessness or lethargy? Changes like this can be a symptom of dozens of diseases and conditions, including UTIs. 

Guillen says that because of cats’ sometimes subtle nature, behavior that’s abnormal for them – especially if it lasts for more than a day or so – is worth discussing with your veterinarian. “A full medical workup is always recommended before assuming it is a behavior issue,” she explains. 

Next Steps if You Suspect a Cat UTI

Cat laying on bed feeling sad

If you suspect a cat urinary tract infection, or any other urinary issue, call your veterinarian and discuss your observations.

If it seems like a blockage is possible (and especially if your cat is male), Dr. de la Navarre says you should make sure to seek out immediate care. “If nothing or very little is coming out, that can become toxic to the cat within hours,” he explains.

Dr. Guillen says cats who are eating and behaving otherwise normally can schedule an appointment. The vet will take a urine sample, which may be cultured at a lab to test for UTI-causing bacteria or examined under the microscope for evidence of infection. X-rays of the abdomen and/or blood work may also be ordered, she says, depending on the age, overall health, and symptom profile of the cat.

“If the cat has a true UTI, then antibiotics are typically prescribed,” she notes. “If there is a urinary stone in the bladder, a special prescription diet may be prescribed to dissolve it.” Some stones will not dissolve with a prescription diet and need to be surgically removed.

To prevent recurrence, Dr. Guillen recommends having plenty of clean water available to drink, especially from cat fountains. Some vets, she says, will want the cat to stay on a special urinary diet for an extended period, potentially lifelong. 

She also advises following the rule of “plus one” when it comes to litter boxes in the house: “One cat should have two, two cats should have three, etc.” Having options, and especially giving a cat its own box that no other cat in the house uses, makes them feel more comfortable and confident.

The post 6 Cat UTI Symptoms to Get Checked Right Away appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Dog Paws: Anatomy, Care, and Protection Tips https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-paws-anatomy-care-and-protection-tips/ Sun, 16 Apr 2023 18:48:03 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=118633 Paws enable your dog to walk, run, jump, and do zoomies, so keeping them in top condition is important.  Proper dog paw care begins with an understanding of their anatomy and learning to identify signs of a problem. Here we cover what you need to know about dog paws, then follow up with vet-recommended care […]

The post Dog Paws: Anatomy, Care, and Protection Tips appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Paws enable your dog to walk, run, jump, and do zoomies, so keeping them in top condition is important. 

Proper dog paw care begins with an understanding of their anatomy and learning to identify signs of a problem. Here we cover what you need to know about dog paws, then follow up with vet-recommended care tips to help keep your pup’s feet healthy. 

If your dog is exhibiting any unusual symptoms like limping, swelling, or redness, have a talk with your veterinarian.

What Are Dog Paws Made Of?

Dog holding paw up

Though there are some structural differences between dog paws and our own hands and feet, all are essentially made of the same components. The dog paw consists of skin, bone, tendons, ligaments, fat, blood vessels, and connective tissue, explains Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club, based in New York City.

The cushioned dog pads at the bottom of the paws are made of multiple layers of skin (plus collagen and elastic fibers) that house fat tissue. These pads help protect dog feet and insulate them from extreme temperatures. They’re not foolproof, however. “Dog paws and pads are tough but they are not impervious to pain, trauma, and disease,” says Dr. Klein.

Dog claws are comprised of two main components. The hard outer layer is made of keratin, a protein that is also the foundation of human nails and hair. The inner layer (called the quick), contains nerves and blood vessels that when cut, bleed and cause pain.

Anatomy of a Dog’s Paws

Owner holding dog's paw

Each component of the dog paw plays an important role. These are the basic structures you should know about.

Digital Dog Paw Pads

Dogs typically have four toes – called digits – on each paw that they use to walk on. “Each digit has an oblong to circular semi-firm pad on the underside that helps protect the digit bones (AKA phalanges) of the foot,” says Dr. Nancy Haiko, an associate veterinarian with Heart + Paw at their Glen Mills, Pennsylvania location. Without the cushion and traction that these paw pads provide, a dog wouldn’t be able to walk, jump, or run.

The carpal dog pad is located on the front paws. It’s “further up the leg, usually [higher than] the dewclaw if present,” says Dr. Ashley Barnes, medical director at Louisville Family Animal Hospital in Louisville, Colorado. Its role, veterinarians say, is to cushion the carpal joint – it’s what enables your dog to bust into a zoomie or jump off the sofa without injuring herself.

Dog Metacarpal and Metatarsal Pads

The metacarpal dog pad is the heart-shaped cushion on the bottom of the front of the foot, says Dr. Haiko. It “helps protect the metacarpal bones and cushions the impact of walking and running for the joints of the limb.” On the rear paws is the metatarsal pad, which serves a similar function.

Dog Dewclaw

The dewclaw is essentially a fifth toe – complete with nail and paw pad – located on the side of the leg, says Dr. Haiko. “The dewclaw is similar to a human’s thumb, but it does not have the same utility in dogs.” Most dogs have dewclaws on their front paws, though, says Dr. Barnes, some breeds, like the Great Pyrenees, also have it on their hind legs. (Some dogs have two declaws on the rear paws.)

The dewclaw allows dogs to hold their treats, makes it easier to dig, and provides a good grip when lifting themselves over higher surfaces. In some dogs, dewclaws are not well-formed and essentially don’t serve any known purpose.

Dog Claws

Each toe, including the dewclaw, has a claw (or nail) that Dr. Haiko says extends from the third digit bone. They’re designed to “help dogs maintain their grip on the ground or surface.” They’re also used for digging.

Types of Dog Paws

Dog holding paws up outside

Not all dog feet are alike. Depending on what a dog was bred for, the paw can take on one of three shapes.

Webbed Feet

Webbing is a skin-covered membrane situated between dog toes, says Dr. Klein. Though most dogs have some form of webbing, he says it’s more prominent in certain breeds (like the Labrador Retriever). “These are usually breeds that were bred to swim for their function or purpose. Webbing also aids in moving over snow.”

Hare Feet

Dogs with hare feet have two center toes that are longer than the others, giving them the appearance of a hare’s foot, says Dr. Klein. Dog breeds who are fast runners or sprinters – like Greyhounds and Whippets – have hare feet, says Dr. Haiko.  

Cat Feet

Cat feet are small, compact, and round, says Dr. Haiko. “This foot conformation is designed for stability, endurance, and can also support a significant amount of weight such as in Newfoundlands and Saint Bernard dog breeds.”

Healthy Dog Paws Vs. Unhealthy Paws

Owner holding dog paw outside

The condition of the paws speaks to your dog’s overall health and can signal a potential issue. 

Healthy Dog Paws

Healthy dog paw pads, says Dr. Klein, are smooth and have no cracks, calluses, burns, or blisters; and there’s no sign of inflammation, irritation, or bad smell. Additionally, the bottom of the paw should be free of mats and excessive fur, says Dr. Haiko.

Healthy paws also have strong, uncracked nails that are properly trimmed, “and the nails are not grown into the pad or surrounding skin,” adds Dr. Klein.

Unhealthy Dog Paws

Unhealthy paws might appear red and swollen, have matted fur between the toes, overgrown nails, and a foul smell, says Dr. Haiko. 

The pads may have cracks, cuts, callouses, or abrasions, says Dr. Barnes. A dog who’s started an intense exercise regimen, however, may get cuts or blisters on the paw pad, says Dr. Klein. “Over some time and use, pads become tougher and more resilient.”

Common Dog Paw Problems

Holding dog paw up close

Our pups can experience a range of dog paw injuries and diseases that affect their toes, paw pads, and nails. Speak to your veterinarian if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Some signs to watch for are swelling, redness, limping, bleeding, hair loss, and excessive chewing.


Pododermatitis, or inflammation of the skin on the paws, is considered a common malady in dogs. It’s caused by underlying issues like trauma, allergies, infections, and insect bites.

A dog with pododermatitis will commonly lick and chew her paws, and they’ll appear red and swollen. Pain and discomfort can cause a dog to limp.

Burned Dog Paws

Exposure to extreme heat or to chemicals (like battery acid) can destroy the paw pad – including the interior. Most dog paw burns occur during warmer months, when pups are more likely to walk on hot surfaces.

Self-Chewing of Dog Paws and Nails

Some chewing is usually considered normal, veterinarians say. Excessive gnawing, however, can mean a dog has allergies, parasites, or another underlying condition. Left unchecked, it can lead to issues like bleeding, swelling, redness, pain, sores, and infection.

Cracked Dog Paws

Cold weather, nutritional imbalances, and thickening of the outer layer of the skin are things that can cause dog paws to crack. Other signs include dryness, peeling, redness, swelling, limping, and bleeding.


Hyperkeratosis is the overgrowth of keratin on a dog’s skin, causing it to become thick, flaky, and cracked. It can also cause symptoms like loss of skin color, pain, secondary infections, and difficulty walking. Though hyperkeratosis is oftentimes harmless, it can also indicate an issue like canine distemper virus or zinc-responsive dermatosis, a skin condition caused by zinc deficiency. Given that Cocker Spaniels are predisposed, scientists think there may also be a genetic factor.

Paw Swelling

This is caused by things like bone fractures, arthritis, infections, bee stings, and even heart disease. Some common symptoms of paw swelling include pain, redness, bleeding, and limping. Affected dogs may also have low energy, loss of appetite, and fever.

Interdigital Cyst on Dogs

This is a bump or swelling between dog toes, usually on the front paws. It appears raised, reddish-purple, and swollen. Though interdigital cysts are often caused by a bacterial infection or allergies, they’re also linked to trauma – which can cause blood or pus to ooze – and excess body weight. Breeds at higher risk include the English Bulldog, Great Dane, and Labrador Retriever.

Dog Paw Parasites

Flea and tick bites can cause inflammation, redness, irritation, itchiness, and infection. These problems are exacerbated as the dog chews and scratches the paw to find relief.

Broken Nails

Dog nails can crack, break, or tear. If these breaks happen too close to the quick, their nails can bleed and cause dogs pain and discomfort. If left untreated, broken nails can also lead to an infection. 

Injured Dewclaw

When the dewclaw tears or breaks, the nail’s quick can become exposed, resulting in pain and bleeding. Dogs who are more active run a greater risk of snagging their dewclaws on objects.

How to Groom and Clean Your Dog’s Paws

Holding dog paws about to groom

Taking care of your dog’s paws is an essential part of good pet parenting. Here are a few vet-recommended guidelines to help you provide the best dog paw care.

Trim Hair to Prevent Mats

If your dog has a lot of fur between her toes, veterinarians say trimming them to prevent mats is a good idea. This isn’t as easy as it may seem, however, and it can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. “So it is recommended to learn from your veterinarian or groomer the proper way to clean and trim or have them do the job,” recommends Dr. Klein. Aside from mastering proper technique, using the correct grooming tools is also key.

Keep Those Nails Trimmed

Nails that are too long are at increased risk for splitting, which is not only painful for your dog, but may require a trip to your veterinarian. It can also create unequal pressure on dog toes and sore nail beds, causing your dog to slip and trip on certain surfaces.

Dog nails should be trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks to help prevent broken toenails, says Dr. Haiko. If you’re not comfortable doing this, ask your veterinarian or groomer for a demonstration. As with trimming excess paw hair, using a good pair of nail clippers is essential.

Wash and Wipe Your Dog’s Paws

Wiping your dog’s paws after being outside helps keep them clean and dry, says Dr. Haiko. “It also may reduce the amounts of allergens that can be absorbed through the skin. This can be an issue for dogs with seasonal allergies.”

While a washcloth and towel can do the trick, wipes and cleaners designed specifically for dog paws are useful in getting off heavy-duty grime.

How to Protect Your Dog’s Paws Year Round

Holding dog paws protecting them

Preventing problems before they become unmanageable is easier on your dog – and you. Aside from keeping your dog’s paws clean, trimming the nails and any matted hair, there are some other things you can do.

Perform Routine Dog Paw Checks

Though the veterinarian will check out your dog’s paws during wellness exams, this is something pet parents can also do at home. “Owners should make a routine of examining the paws, pads, and the interdigital spaces (between the toes) on a regular basis but especially if the dog shows any sign of lameness or licking the paws,” says Dr. Klein.

Check for Parasites on Your Dog’s Paws

Fleas are the size of a sesame seed and move stealthily, so it’s easier to search for signs of flea bites or flea dirt (they resemble coffee grounds) with a flea comb. If you do locate fleas, discuss a treatment plan with your veterinarian. 

Though ticks can be hard to distinguish from bumps, they’re generally brown and have hard, oval bodies with 8 legs. If you see one (you can use a flea comb to search), use gloves and tweezers or a tick removal tool to pluck it off your dog’s paws. Check with your veterinarian with concerns about Lyme disease or other tick-borne illnesses.

Take Extra Care with Winter Sidewalks

Cold surfaces can be brutal on dog paws. “In the winter months, consider having your dog wear protective dog boots. This can help prevent ice and snow from being packed in between the toes and on the underside of the paws,” says Dr. Haiko.  

Also watch for deicers used on streets and sidewalks, says Dr. Klein. “They are irritating to skin and pads and potentially toxic if ingested when a dog is licking their paws.” Aside from wearing booties for protection, he recommends soaking or wiping paws off after winter walks. 

Veterinarians also recommend using dog paw wax or balm to protect feet when it’s snowy and icy outside. Dog balms can help prevent damage to dog pads and can soothe, heal, and moisturize dog paws that are cracked and dry.

Avoid Hot Surfaces

If you’re unable to comfortably hold your hand against the pavement during warmer months, avoid taking your dog for a walk, recommends Dr. Barnes. Or you can fit your dog with boots.

Dog Paw FAQs

Dog sitting in dog bed looking sad

Why do dogs lick their paws?

The paws may be irritated, cut, itchy, burned, or have something lodged in them, says Dr. Klein. “Some dogs also lick their paws because of behavioral issues such as stress and/or boredom and may even start to self-mutilate themselves.”

Why do dog paws smell like Fritos?

Paws smelling like Fritos is due to the presence of yeast or bacteria. “The toes provide a place that is dark and moist to allow the microbes to thrive. This can be normal in small amounts, but too much smell may indicate infection,” explains Dr. Barnes.

Do dogs sweat through their paws?

Yes. Dogs have sweat glands on their paws, which scientists believe makes the paws sticky, thus providing better traction.

How many toes does a dog have?

Most dogs have 4 toes plus a dewclaw on the front paws, and 4 toes (minus a dewclaw) in the back. Some breeds have 1 or 2 dewclaws in the rear.

The post Dog Paws: Anatomy, Care, and Protection Tips appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Dog Teeth Cleaning: Procedure, Costs, and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-teeth-cleaning-procedure-costs-and-what-to-expect/ Sun, 16 Apr 2023 18:44:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=118637 Toothbrushes, floss, whitening strips, braces, retainers, biyearly exams – we do so much to keep our own dental health good because we know the importance. So why is the health of our canine’s chompers so easily ignored or their bad breath just dismissed?  Sure, it’s not always fun to try to stick your hand near […]

The post Dog Teeth Cleaning: Procedure, Costs, and What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

Toothbrushes, floss, whitening strips, braces, retainers, biyearly exams – we do so much to keep our own dental health good because we know the importance. So why is the health of our canine’s chompers so easily ignored or their bad breath just dismissed? 

Sure, it’s not always fun to try to stick your hand near your dog’s mouth with unfamiliar objects that could freak them out a little, but that doesn’t make doggie dental care less important. 

And even if you are on top of at-home dental care for your dog, some dogs just need extra help with their oral health – not just for their breath, but their overall health and wellbeing.

Why Dog Dental Care Is So Important

Holding open dog's mouth for dog teeth cleaning

Dr. Jean Herrman, owner of Companion Animal Dental Services in Bolton, Connecticut, likens an unclean or uncared for mouth to taking an IV of bacteria. “It’s the only part of a dog’s body where the bone is completely exposed,” she says. “You have sores in there, and the bacteria then gets introduced into other systems of the body.”

What can that lead to? “Locally, severe dental disease can cause pain from abscesses; nasal infections; eye infection, gum loss, tooth loss, eye loss, or blindness; increased risk of oral cancer; and jaw fractures,” says Dr. Brook Niemiec, who is a Diplomate for the American Veterinary Dental College and runs Veterinary Dental Specialities’ 20 practices across the U.S. “Systemically, periodontal disease has been shown to have negative effects on the heart, liver, and kidneys. In addition, it has been shown to affect cognition, as well as increase systemic inflammation.”

These potential problems are why prevention is so important, and one step in that direction is home dental care. Herrman advises a slow, patient, phased approach if you’re attempting to brush your dog’s teeth for the first time. 

“Start by petting your dog’s face and talking to them nicely,” she says. “Next you can try lifting the lip and gently looking around. Then rub your finger along the teeth. Pick up some dog toothpaste and put it on your finger. Try using a soft wipe or gauze to gently touch the surface of the teeth. Once your dog is comfortable and accepting of this, then you might be ready to move onto actually brushing.”

All of these steps can be taken during separate attempts if necessary, and you should reward your dog with praise, play, or whatever he likes in order to create a positive association with brushing and build trust, Dr. Herrman says.

If your canine needs a little extra convincing, persuade your pet to open up with a dog-safe toothpaste in extra-appealing, dog-friendly flavors, like beef, malt, or poultry.

Dr. Niemiec recommends practicing home dental care daily because plaque, which is the bacteria-laden sticky film that coats the teeth and under the gums, forms in just 24 hours. Meanwhile, tartar, which is hardened plaque that is much more difficult to clear away, forms in three days, he adds.

Home dental care for your dog, however, doesn’t always need to take the form of brushing. “The most effective means of home care is brushing, but dental treats, dental diets, oral rinses and dental wipes can also be effective,” he says.

Dental chews help scrub plaque and tartar from the surface of your dog’s teeth every time they chomp down on them. Many also contain bacteria-fighting ingredients to help combat bad breath. Water additives are an easy way to improve your dog’s dental and gum health while they hydrate.

OraVet Dental Hygiene Chews for Medium Dogs

In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend a prescription dental diet formulated to help improve your dog’s dental and oral health. These diets often contain ingredients designed to help control oral bacteria paired with kibble shaped to scrape away plaque and tartar as your dog chews.

When it comes to professional dog teeth cleaning, both Dr. Niemiec and Dr. Herrman say it’s ideal to have it done roughly annually for dogs of all sizes, but smaller dogs (ten pounds or fewer) may want to consider cleaning closer to every nine months. It’s also important to start having your dog’s teeth cleaned early in his life, as the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) says most dogs will have developed some degree of dental disease within the first three years of their lives.

Signs You Should Schedule a Dog Dental Cleaning

Vet checking a dog's teeth for signs of needing a teeth cleaning

Usually, when you start noticing signs that suggest it’s time to schedule a dog teeth cleaning, it’s actually past time to schedule a dog tooth cleaning.

Dr. Niemiec notes that most other areas of medicine, including human, human dental, and veterinary non-dental all practice preventative care, but veterinary dental care instead is reactive. “We need to move towards prevention,” he says, which means more regularity in both home and professional dental cleaning.

That said, one sign that it’s definitely time to schedule professional dental care is bad breath. 

“Bad breath is a sure sign of periodontal disease in dogs,” Dr. Niemiec says. “‘Doggy breath’ is not normal. It is a sign of severe infection.”

Other signs that you should seek out immediate veterinary dental care, he says, may include yellow or brown teeth (which are indicative of tartar buildup), red or swollen gums, bleeding from the mouth, changes in the way your dog eats food or treats, facial swellings, or any visible growths.

Dog Dental Cleaning Procedure: Step by Step

Dog smiling looking up to sky

The full name for the procedure more commonly known as a dog dental cleaning is a “complete oral health assessment and treatment” or COHAT, says Dr. Herrman, and the biggest difference between this and what humans receive for dental care is that the pet version must be done under anesthesia.

Dr. Niemiec says any “anesthesia-free” or “non-anesthesia” cleanings are not effective because vets cannot clean under the gums without the help of anesthesia. In addition, if you’ve ever had your teeth professionally cleaned, you know it isn’t the most comfortable procedure and may be painful in some instances. We know what is happening and can psychologically deal with it, but a dog cannot. Anesthesia-free dental cleanings are not only ineffective but could also be considered inhumane.

Before the anesthesia is given, the veterinarian will measure your dog’s blood pressure and take an EKG. The vet will often also check bloodwork to make sure your dog is safe for anesthesia. Vitals will be monitored throughout the procedure, and once the dog is asleep, Herrman says the vet will take X-rays of the mouth, do a complete oral exam, and probe each tooth one by one to assess if there is a problem.

Most of the tools used are the same ones that are used on humans, Dr. Niemiec says, including scalers and curettes (both scraping tools that remove plaque and tartar from different spots in the mouth, including under the gums). An ultrasonic scaler, which vibrates, is also used for cleaning.

If there are problems with any teeth or the gums that will require further surgical work, which happens often, Dr. Herrman will inform the dog parent of what she’s found and, with their permission, conduct any necessary extractions, grafting, gum alterations, or other procedures while the dog is still under anesthesia.

Dog Dental Cleaning Cost

There’s a wide range in professional dog dental cleaning costs based on a variety of factors, including location and level of care, says Dr. Niemiec, but the starting price for a cleaning might be around $500 and top out near $1,500. 

Dr. Herrman adds that if additional work is done during the same procedure, the cost will rise. “Brushing your dog’s teeth at home is the best thing you can do to avoid extra costs associated with dental disease,” she says.

On average, the cost of treating dental disease in dogs is $600.”

Source: Pets Best claims data from 2017 – 2021 for average 1st year condition costs.

A basic pet insurance policy may not cover the costs of routine dental care unless you have wellness or preventative care add-ons. The CareCredit health and pet care credit card is a solution that can help you feel more prepared. It allows you to pay over time with flexible financing options.* The card is accepted at most veterinary hospitals** and can be used for any type of care your dog needs, including teeth cleaning.

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    Dr. Niemiec adds that it’s important to know everything that goes into the procedure you’re agreeing to pay for. Best practices include pre-anesthetic exam and bloodwork, full anesthesia with vital monitoring, full mouth radiographs, cleaning, and polish.

    What to Expect After a Dog Dental Cleaning

    Your dog should be monitored pretty closely for the first 24 to 28 hours after anesthesia, Dr. Niemiec says, adding that dogs tend to bounce back quickly. 

    “If extractions were necessary, some bleeding should be expected for the first few days,” he says. “Soft food is generally recommended for two weeks if any oral surgery is performed.”

    Some vets like to see the dog about two weeks after the procedure, but that’s not required, he says.

    Herrman says if there was pain or other problems that stemmed from oral health issues, you should see your dog resume his happy, healthy behavior very quickly after the post-anesthesia recovery. 

    “Most dogs tend to eat amazingly and are jumping around afterward,” she says. “Toothaches hurt. If you alleviate that for them, they’ll look, feel, and act so much better.”

    *Subject to credit approval. See carecredit.com for details.

    **Internal estimates based on publicly available market sizing information, as of Feb 2023

    This information is shared solely for your convenience. Neither Synchrony nor any of its affiliates, including CareCredit, make any representations or warranties regarding the products described, and no endorsement is implied. You are urged to consult with your individual veterinarian with respect to any professional advice presented.

    The post Dog Teeth Cleaning: Procedure, Costs, and What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    When to Switch to Adult Dog Food: 5 Signs It’s Time https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/when-to-switch-to-adult-dog-food/ Tue, 11 Apr 2023 02:02:19 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117976 You might always think of your adorable puppy as your little baby, but before you know it, that tiny fluff ball will grow into a full-fledged dog! And though dogs never outgrow our hearts, they do outgrow their diet as they mature. If you’re wondering when to switch to adult dog food, you’re in luck. […]

    The post When to Switch to Adult Dog Food: 5 Signs It’s Time appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    You might always think of your adorable puppy as your little baby, but before you know it, that tiny fluff ball will grow into a full-fledged dog! And though dogs never outgrow our hearts, they do outgrow their diet as they mature. If you’re wondering when to switch to adult dog food, you’re in luck. We’ve got all the information you need.  

    Knowing when to switch from puppy food to adult food is an important part of helping your pup develop into a healthy adult. It can also play a key role in preventing a wide range of health concerns, ranging from obesity to hip dysplasia and more. 

    However, since every dog matures at a different rate, knowing when it’s time to upgrade can be tricky. To guide pet parents, we’ve outlined five signs that can help confirm it’s time to switch, plus some tips for making the switch from puppy to dog food as stress-free as possible for you both.  

    Is Your Puppy Ready for Adult Dog Food? 

    Dog eating from bowl

    Your beloved puppy isn’t just brimming with cuteness. Inside that energetic body, there’s a lot of rapid growth going on throughout puppyhood. That’s why puppies need a special diet that’s formulated to provide all the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for healthy development.   

    Switching to adult dog food before your puppy is fully mature could derail your puppy’s healthy development. The challenge is that guidelines for when to switch to adult food are generally pretty broad.

    According to Alex Schechter, DVM, founding veterinarian of Burwood Veterinary Urgent Care and Wellness Center, “Pet parents should offer their puppies adult dog food typically around 9-12 months of age for small to medium breeds and around 12-18 months of age for larger breeds.”  

    “The transition from puppy food to adult dog food depends on specific factors such as the puppy’s breed, overall health, and activity level. Different breeds have different growth rates, and they can reach their adult size at different ages,” he explains. 

    Puppy Food vs Adult Food

    Dog looking sweetly to camera

    Food is food, right? Well, not when it comes to puppy food vs. dog food. Here are some key differences, as well as what to look for in an adult dog food once your pup is ready,   

    Difference Between Puppy and Adult Dog Food

    Unlike jars of baby food and food for adult humans, most puppy food looks pretty similar to adult dog food, albeit with different packaging. However, beneath the surface similarities, puppy food and adult dog food are very different.

    Puppy food formulas are designed to support rapid growth and development. “Compared to adult dog food, puppy food is calorie-dense and contains higher levels of protein and fat,” says Schechter. “It also has slightly higher levels of calcium and phosphorus, which is necessary for developing strong bones and teeth.” 

    Puppies also have smaller tummies than adult dogs. So they typically need to be fed smaller, but more frequent meals, throughout the day.

    “In contrast, adult dog food has lower levels of protein, fat, and calories to maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity,” he continues. “Adult dog food also contains fewer vitamins and minerals, as adult dogs have already gone through their critical growth and development period.”

    Similarities Between Puppy and Adult Dog Food

    Though puppies and adult dogs require different nutritional formulas based on their stage of life, it’s worth remembering that some things remain consistent, no matter how old a dog is — such as their breed.

    So when you’re thinking about making the big switch to adult dog food, don’t forget to take your dog’s unique breed needs into consideration.   

    For example, Hill’s Science Diet Large Breed Puppy dry dog food delivers a specialized formula designed to keep larger breed puppies, like Great Danes, from growing too quickly, which could cause bone strain and deformities. 

    While rapid growth is no longer a concern for such dogs once they reach adulthood, breed size can still impact their health. That’s why Hill’s Science Diet Large Breed Adult dry dog food contains glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health and mobility. 

    Similarly, small breed dogs of any age can appreciate the smaller bite-sized kibble pieces in Hill’s Science Diet Small Paws dry dog food, which is available in formulas designed to address the unique nutritional needs of small breed dogs, from puppies to adult dogs and seniors. 

    How Long is a Dog a Puppy?

    Dog holding empty bowl

    All dogs are different — and we love them for that! But that also means there’s no one-size-fits-all answer about exactly when dogs stop being puppies and start being adults. 

    Generally, dogs can be considered adults when they stop growing, which can happen anywhere between the ages of 6-18 months old. But that’s a pretty wide window, and where your dog is likely to fall within that range often depends on their breed size. 

    Most puppies — large breed, small breed, and in-between — develop at approximately the same rate until they’re about six months old. That’s when growth in smaller breeds starts to taper off. As a result, small breed dogs are typically considered adult at 6-8 months of age. While larger breeds tend to keep growing until they’re 12-18 months of age.

    Admittedly, this framework is still pretty broad. So if you’re still wondering, “When are dogs fully grown and ready for adult dog food?” here are some additional signs that can help you figure out if your dog is outgrowing their puppy diet. 

    When to Switch to Adult Dog Food: 5 Signs It’s Time

    How long should a puppy eat puppy food isn’t a question you can answer with a precise date on a calendar. However, keeping an eye out for some telltale signs can give you a better sense of when your pup may be ready for a more mature diet. 

    It’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before switching your pup’s food. But if you spot the signs below, it’s worth scheduling a call or visit with your vet to discuss it.

    1. Your puppy has stopped growing 

    Dog taking food from owner's hand

    Once you know when your puppy should stop growing based on breed size estimates, stay alert for signs that confirm your dog’s growth is slowing or has stopped. These can be observational, such as noticing that your puppy has finally grown into those adorable oversized paws and gangly legs. But, ideally, you want to ensure your pup’s growth period has ended. 

    You can do this by comparing your dog’s weight to the breed standard weights set by the  American Kennel Club (AKC). If you have a mixed breed dog, you can ask your veterinarian for help determining whether your dog has reached their mature weight for their general size.   

    2. Your puppy is gaining weight 

    Dog eating from owner's hand

    As puppies approach adulthood, they no longer need the higher levels of protein, fat, and calories that puppy food contains to support rapid growth and development. At the same time, their energy levels start to decrease. This combination often results in excess weight gain, which is another sign that adult food would be a better fit for your pup. 

    Just be sure to confirm with your vet that what you’re noticing is indeed extra weight and not normal, healthy puppy growth.    

    3. Your puppy’s growth plates are closing 

    Dog eating from food bowl

    The growth plates in a puppy’s longer bones are made from soft cartilage that gradually hardens and turns into calcified bone as your puppy matures. While signs of skeletal growth plate closure are subtle and can only really be seen on X-rays, some pet parents may notice changes if they run their hands down their dogs’ rib cage. If you can feel a bump or “knob” at the end of the rib, your pup may still have some growing to do. If not, they may have reached maturity. 

    4. Your puppy isn’t as hungry 

    Dog sitting on floor with tongue out

    If your puppy is leaving food in their bowl, they could be ready to make the switch to adult food. Puppies’ energy levels also tend to decrease as they mature, which might mean your dog isn’t as ravenous as they used to be when they needed to fuel all their puppy antics.  

    5. Your puppy is experiencing stomach upset 

    Puppy looking sick laying in bed

    “Diarrhea, vomiting, or other gastrointestinal issues can all indicate it’s time to switch your dog’s food from puppy food to adult food,” says Schechter. This could be due to higher levels of fat or protein your dog’s body no longer needs. However, digestive issues like diarrhea can be caused by many things. So it’s always best to consult your veterinarian so they can recommend the appropriate treatment.   

    How to Switch from Puppy Food to Adult Food

    Happy dog eating food from their bowl

    When you and your veterinarian determine it’s time to transition your puppy to an adult dog food, it’s important to do so gradually. 

    To help your dog’s digestive system acclimate to the new food, it’s best to introduce their new food over a week, following this schedule:

    • Days 1-2: Feed 75% puppy food and 25% adult food.
    • Days 3-4: Feed 50% each of puppy food and adult food.
    • Day 5-6: Feed 25% puppy food and 75% adult food. 
    • Day 7: Feed 100% adult food.

    Many pet parents choose to stick to the same brand of adult dog food as the puppy food they’ve been using, but you don’t have to do this if you’d prefer to try a different brand. Just be sure to choose a complete and balanced adult dog food formula that fits your dog’s unique needs, such as Hill’s Science Diet Dog Food. 

    “Many veterinarians often recommend Hill’s Science Diet as it is considered as high-quality pet food formulated to meet the nutritional needs of pets at different life stages and with various health conditions,” Schechter says.  

    Whichever brand you choose, check the feeding guidelines on your dog’s new food and make sure you’re feeding the recommended amount for their weight. 

    If your dog doesn’t want to eat their new adult diet or experiences any signs of gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea, talk to your veterinarian to see if you need to try a different formula or simply extend the transition period. 

    It’s also a good idea to make sure all family members know that you’re transitioning to a new food and have one person in control of feeds.

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    Galliprant for Dogs: Osteoarthritis Pain Relief https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/galliprant-for-dogs/ Mon, 10 Apr 2023 18:40:53 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=118022 Dogs with arthritis experience pain and inflammation within their joints, which can cause discomfort and trouble getting around. If your dog is experiencing arthritis pain, a veterinarian may prescribe a medication called Galliprant to provide some relief. While there are many options available to treat pain in dogs, Galliprant is an effective medication that is […]

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    Dogs with arthritis experience pain and inflammation within their joints, which can cause discomfort and trouble getting around. If your dog is experiencing arthritis pain, a veterinarian may prescribe a medication called Galliprant to provide some relief. While there are many options available to treat pain in dogs, Galliprant is an effective medication that is well-tolerated. Let’s learn more about Galliprant and why your dog’s veterinarian may recommend it. 

    What Is Galliprant for Dogs?

    Galliprant medication package

    Galliprant is a type of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prescribed by veterinarians to reduce pain and inflammation in dogs living with arthritis. It is manufactured by Elanco and was approved by the FDA for use in dogs in March 2016. It is a flavored, chewable tablet given by mouth once daily with less risk for side effects than other types of NSAIDs. Pet parents can get Galliprant from their dog’s primary care veterinarian, and it is readily available throughout the United States. This medication is also available in a generic form called grapiprant.

    What Does Galliprant for Dogs Look Like?

    Galliprant is an oval-shaped, light brown tablet that is imprinted with the letter “G.” The 20mg and 60mg tablets also have a score line where the pills can be split for easy dosing. 

    What Is Galliprant Used For in Dogs?

    X-ray of degenerative joint disease in dog

    Veterinarians prescribe Galliprant to reduce pain and inflammation in dogs with arthritis, which is a common condition that develops as pets age. Over time, the cartilage that cushions the joints begins to break down, and the bones within the joint start to rub against one another. As a result of this joint damage, the body begins producing substances called prostaglandins. The production of prostaglandins results in swelling and inflammation and is very painful for dogs. In order to alleviate this discomfort, veterinarians prescribe pain medications, such as Galliprant. This NSAID specifically targets the source of pain and inflammation by preventing prostaglandins from interacting with receptors that they use to function. As a result, pain and inflammation is reduced and dogs feel better. 

    How Does Galliprant Work?

    NSAIDs are a type of medication used to reduce pain, inflammation, and fevers in dogs. Traditional NSAIDs, such as meloxicam, carprofen, and deracoxib, work by inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for producing prostaglandins. These prostaglandins increase pain and inflammation within the body. Therefore, by inhibiting this enzyme, pain and inflammation is reduced. However, traditional NSAIDs can also have negative effects on the kidneys, liver, platelets, stomach, and intestines. 

    Galliprant is unique because it is considered a non-cyclooxygenase inhibiting NSAID. While this medication does not prevent the production of prostaglandins, it effectively blocks prostaglandins from interacting with specific receptors. This results in arthritic dogs experiencing less pain and inflammation. Due to the way this medication works, it also has less risk for negative effects on the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract compared to traditional NSAIDs [1].

    How to Give Galliprant to Dogs

    Woman holding out tablet in front of dog

    Galliprant is given orally to dogs once daily. The tablets are pork-flavored, so the majority of dogs will eagerly take them. However, if your dog won’t readily take the medication, you can disguise it in wet food, a pill pocket, or a piece of cheese. If your dog still won’t take Galliprant using these tips, you can ask your pet’s veterinarian for further assistance. 

    Galliprant Reviews

    Galliprant is perceived well in the veterinary community as an effective medication for many dogs living with arthritis. I have personally prescribed Galliprant to many of my patients with good results. I like that it has less risk for side effects compared to other brands of NSAIDs currently available. Only having to give Galliprant once a day is also a great perk for many pet parents, especially if their dogs do not readily take medications. The downside to Galliprant is that it is quite expensive for large breed dogs.

    Dogs who would benefit from Galliprant include those with arthritis who need an alternative to traditional NSAIDs, such as Rimadyl or Metacam, because of underlying health conditions like liver and kidney diseases. While a medication called gabapentin can also be used for pain relief in dogs, it is generally more effective for pain and inflammation of the spine, brain, and nervous system rather than the joints. It is also commonly prescribed to prevent seizures. For dogs experiencing arthritis, an NSAID is a better choice. Your pet’s veterinarian can recommend the best type of NSAID for your dog based on their particular needs and health history. 

    Galliprant Side Effects

    Dog lying on floor next to food bowl

    When giving Galliprant to your dog, you should watch for potential side effects that can occur, which include the following: 

    • Vomiting 
    • Diarrhea 
    • Reduced appetite
    • Soft stool containing mucus or blood

    While less common, some dogs may experience decreased energy and tiredness while taking this medication. If you notice any of these side effects or other abnormal behaviors while your dog is taking Galliprant, promptly contact your pet’s veterinarian for guidance.

    Galliprant should not be taken with aspirin, any other types of NSAIDs, or corticosteroids. Giving these together can result in an increased risk for serious side effects, including ulcers of the stomach or intestines and loss of appetite. Be sure to let your pet’s veterinarian know about any medications and supplements your dog is taking prior to starting them on Galliprant. 

    Galliprant Dosage for Dogs

    The dosage of Galliprant will vary based on your dog’s weight. It is important to note that dogs should be at least 9 months of age and should weigh at least 8 pounds for safe and accurate dosing of this medication [2]. Galliprant is available in 20mg, 60mg, and 100mg tablets. Your dog’s veterinarian will determine the proper dosage and will monitor their response while they are taking the medication. 

    What Does Galliprant Cost?

    The cost of Galliprant will vary based on your dog’s size and your location. Pet parents can expect to spend about $40-$50 per month for smaller dogs, while costs can increase to around $100 a month for large breed dogs. 

    Galliprant Storage Instructions

    This product may be kept at room temperature and should be stored in a secure location out of reach of pets and children.  

    Where to Buy Galliprant for Dogs

    If you’re interested in buying Galliprant for dogs, you can check to see if it is available on your veterinarian’s online pharmacy.


    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5645826/
    2. https://www.elancolabels.com/us/galliprant-with-tear-off

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    Toxoplasmosis in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/toxoplasmosis-in-dogs/ Tue, 04 Apr 2023 13:53:18 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117832 Toxoplasmosis is an infection most often associated with disease in cats. However, dogs can also be infected by Toxoplasma gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. Fortunately, most otherwise healthy adult dogs will not show symptoms of toxoplasmosis and don’t require treatment, but there may be some instances where some dogs may need to be treated.  […]

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    Toxoplasmosis is an infection most often associated with disease in cats. However, dogs can also be infected by Toxoplasma gondii, the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. Fortunately, most otherwise healthy adult dogs will not show symptoms of toxoplasmosis and don’t require treatment, but there may be some instances where some dogs may need to be treated. 

    To help ease any worries, this article provides everything pet parents need to know about toxoplasmosis in dogs.

    What Is Toxoplasmosis?

    Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by a single-celled organism called Toxoplasma gondii, or T. gondii for short. T. gondii is a parasite that can infect nearly all mammals including humans, though it can only grow to maturity and reproduce in domestic and wild cats. 

    Toxoplasma gondii has been found all over planet Earth. If a cat eats prey animals or raw meat infected with T. gondii, the parasite will mature and reproduce in the cat’s digestive tract. When the cats infected with T. gondii defecate, their feces contain millions of infectious parasitic eggs.  

    Over time, a cat’s immune system forces the parasite to stop reproducing and instead, form dormant cysts in muscle and brain tissue. Humans become infected when they accidentally ingest parasite eggs from contaminated food or water, or from not washing their hands after cleaning the litter box used by a cat that is actively infected with Toxoplasma.

    Toxoplasma behaves differently in dogs because they are considered intermediate hosts (i.e. the parasite cannot mature or reproduce in dogs), and infected dogs are not considered contagious to other animals or humans. Most healthy dogs can eliminate the infection on their own if they come into contact with the parasite, though puppies, geriatric dogs, young dogs with the distemper virus, and adult dogs with compromised immune systems are at higher risk for becoming sick from toxoplasmosis. 

    Causes of Toxoplasmosis in Dogs

    Toxoplasmosis in dogs can either be an acute or chronic condition. Dogs become infected with Toxoplasma gondii by accidentally ingesting parasitic eggs in soil, eating cat poop, or eating contaminated produce or raw meat.  

    Symptoms of Toxoplasmosis in Dogs

    Most dogs do not show any symptoms of toxoplasmosis, and even if they do, the symptoms can be quite vague. Toxoplasmosis symptoms in dogs may include:

    If your dog is experiencing any of the symptoms listed here, please make an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as possible. These symptoms are also associated with many other disease conditions and often require veterinary assistance to diagnose and resolve the issue. 

    Toxoplasmosis symptoms in dogs that require treatment are more common with the acute form of the disease; the chronic form usually has no symptoms and does not require treatment.

    Diagnosing Toxoplasmosis in Dogs

    To diagnose toxoplasmosis, a veterinarian will conduct a full physical examination and measure vitals, including body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, and weight. Be sure to let your veterinarian know if your dog has eaten cat poop or if you have stray cats that visit your yard. Laboratory tests on blood and urine will be ordered to evaluate your dog’s immune system and organ function.  

    Your veterinarian will likely order a fecal test to check for other parasites that can cause the same symptoms as toxoplasmosis. They might also order imaging tests such as radiographs (X-rays) and abdominal ultrasound to get more information. If your dog has neurological signs, your veterinarian may want to evaluate their spinal fluid for signs of infection or inflammation, and also conduct a neurological examination. Remember, symptoms of toxoplasmosis are rare in dogs, so your veterinarian may need to run a few tests to figure out what is going on.

    The most specific tests for toxoplasma are serological tests that measure the level of toxoplasma proteins (antigens) present in the body. PCR is the typical test to diagnose toxoplasmosis and determine if the infection is acute or chronic. 

    If you are curious as to whether your dog has been exposed to toxoplasmosis, you can have their antibodies tested. If they have already been infected, they will have antibodies in their blood, however, antibody tests are not useful to determine if a dog has an active infection or if they need treatment.

    Treating Dogs for Toxoplasmosis

    Vet examining dog

    If your dog is very sick from toxoplasmosis, they will need to be hospitalized for treatment. While hospitalized, dogs will typically receive intravenous fluid treatment for hydration and intravenous antibiotics to eliminate the infection through an IV catheter placed in their arm. If your dog has seizures, anticonvulsant medication may be prescribed to control them.

    Most of the time, however, dogs will be treated for toxoplasmosis with antibiotics on an outpatient basis, as dogs rarely show symptoms or get very ill from this disease. Also remember – most dogs don’t require any treatment for toxoplasmosis. Usually it is only the dogs with compromised immune systems and very young dogs with developing immune systems that show clinical signs associated with toxoplasmosis.

    Cost to Treat Toxoplasmosis in Dogs

    The cost for treating toxoplasmosis in dogs depends on a few factors, starting with the testing portion of the process. The cost of testing for toxoplasmosis varies and can range from $300-$1,500. From there, the cost will vary based on the necessary treatment. Hospitalized treatment can cost upwards of $1,000, but when it comes to a simple dose of antibiotics, most dogs can be treated for under $100

    How to Prevent Toxoplasmosis in Dogs

    Even though Toxoplasma gondii is a common parasite, the good news is that most dogs do not get sick from it, and there are ways to minimize your dog’s exposure. 

    Because the parasite that causes toxoplasmosis is commonly spread by ingestion of raw meat and unwashed produce, the best way to prevent your dog from acquiring this parasite is to refrain from feeding your dog raw meat and always wash produce before giving it to them.

    To avoid ingestion of cat poop, you should limit your dog’s access to it. Keep feral cats out of your yard, and if you have a cat, keep the litter box in an area where your dog cannot access it. 

    Additional strategies to reduce your dog’s exposure to toxoplasmosis include:

    • Washing your hands after playing outside
    • Covering outdoor sandboxes
    • Cleaning the litter box daily

    If you have further questions about toxoplasmosis in people, check out the CDC website for more information.

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    Dog Stroke Symptoms: 12 Signs to Watch For https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-stroke-symptoms/ Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:05:18 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116290 Strokes are among the many health conditions that dogs share with people. They are caused by the narrowing or blockage of blood vessels that go to the brain, depriving it of blood and oxygen and causing neurons (brain cells) to die. Dog strokes are often massive and quite frightening for pet parents to witness. If […]

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    Strokes are among the many health conditions that dogs share with people. They are caused by the narrowing or blockage of blood vessels that go to the brain, depriving it of blood and oxygen and causing neurons (brain cells) to die.

    Dog strokes are often massive and quite frightening for pet parents to witness. If your dog has a stroke, they will need immediate veterinary care for the best chance of survival and recovery. Learning how to recognize dog stroke symptoms can help you get help quickly. 

    Can Dogs Have Strokes?

    Yes, dogs can have strokes.

    Although strokes occur in both dogs and people, there are a few differences to be aware of. First, strokes are much less common in dogs than in people. Also, unlike people, dogs cannot tell us when they have mild stroke signs, such as slurred speech or dizziness. By the time a pet parent typically notices dog stroke symptoms, the stroke has progressed and become massive.

    Strokes in dogs are either ischemic (blocked blood vessel) or hemorrhagic (ruptured blood vessel), with ischemic being the most common form.

    All breeds of dogs can be affected by strokes. However, certain breeds are prone to health conditions that put them at higher risk. For example, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are susceptible to heart disease, a stroke risk factor in dogs.

    Strokes affect dogs of all ages. But older dogs have a higher risk because they are more likely to have one or more underlying health conditions that increase the risk of strokes.

    Dog Stroke Symptoms

    Symptoms of strokes in dogs appear suddenly and are similar whether the stroke is ischemic or hemorrhagic.

    A dog’s stroke symptoms depend on several factors: 

    1. Region of the brain affected by the stroke
    2. Duration of blood and oxygen deprivation
    3. Severity of blood and oxygen deprivation

    Mild signs of stroke, such as dizziness and memory loss, are usually not apparent, but there are many dog stroke symptoms to watch for. These include:

    Some of these dog stroke signs are also seen with syncope (fainting) and vestibular disease. Your veterinarian can rule out those other conditions using diagnostic testing.

    What Causes Dog Strokes?

    A blood clot is the most common cause of strokes in dogs. For hemorrhagic strokes, trauma can cause a blood vessel to rupture and leak blood into the brain.

    A blockage in a blood vessel (such as bacteria or a tumor) can also cause a stroke, but in nearly half of stroke cases in dogs, the cause remains unknown.

    Various health conditions increase a dog’s risk of having a stroke:

    Diagnosing Dog Strokes

    old dog getting vet care

    If your dog is having a stroke, take them to your veterinarian right away. The longer your dog’s brain is deprived of oxygen, the worse the prognosis.

    Call your veterinarian before you leave the house to let them know you’re on your way. If your dog has a stroke after regular business hours, take them to the nearest emergency veterinary hospital.

    After taking a detailed history and conducting a physical exam, your veterinarian will evaluate your dog’s heart to differentiate between a stroke and syncope. A heart evaluation includes an electrocardiogram to analyze heart rhythm, an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) to evaluate blood flow, and a chest X-ray to look at the physical appearance of the heart.

    Once your veterinarian has ruled out syncope, they may recommend that your dog have an MRI or computed tomography scan to evaluate brain function and rule out other diseases.

    Your veterinarian will also perform basic diagnostic tests, including blood work and a urinalysis. Hormone testing will be recommended if your veterinarian suspects an underlying hormonal condition, such as hypothyroidism.

    Although strokes are an emergency in dogs, a proper evaluation is crucial to accurately diagnose a stroke and develop the most appropriate treatment plan.

    Dog Stroke Treatment

    Early stroke treatment is critical to quickly restore blood flow to the brain and increase the likelihood of a full recovery.

    Treatment for strokes in dogs consists of medications and various supportive care measures to manage underlying health conditions and alleviate and resolve symptoms.

    Some of these medications may include:

    • Blood thinners to break down blood clots
    • Hormone therapy to manage hypothyroidism
    • Blood pressure medication for hypertension

    Other medications may be needed depending on your dog’s underlying health conditions. For example, hypothyroidism would be managed with a thyroid hormone supplement.

    Several supportive care options, such as supplemental oxygen to supply oxygen to the brain, are also available. Other supportive care measures include intravenous fluid therapy, physical therapy, and nutritional management.

    Surgery is not part of the treatment protocol for strokes in dogs. 

    Recovering from a Stroke

    Even with early treatment, dogs with a stroke will face a long recovery. The neurologic signs will gradually resolve on their own as blood flow and oxygen are restored to the brain.

    However, if the stroke was severe or treatment was delayed, a dog may have permanent brain damage and lingering symptoms. In the worst-case scenario, strokes can be fatal in dogs.

    Preventing Dog Strokes

    Unfortunately strokes in dogs cannot be prevented. However, you can decrease your dog’s risk of a stroke by staying on top of their health.

    Be sure to take your dog to regular wellness visits and follow your veterinarian’s instructions for managing any underlying health conditions. For example, if your dog has diabetes, follow your veterinarian’s prescription instructions for administering insulin. Prioritizing your pup’s health is the best way to encourage general wellness and avoid a stroke.

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    Can Dogs Have Cinnamon? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/can-dogs-have-cinnamon/ Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:00:22 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116629 Cinnamon is a tasty addition to many enjoyable foods such as oatmeal, baked goods, and chai tea. You may have wondered: can dogs have cinnamon?  Since certain human foods can be toxic to dogs it is important to seek advice from a veterinarian prior to feeding any human food or unusual ingredients to your dog. […]

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    Cinnamon is a tasty addition to many enjoyable foods such as oatmeal, baked goods, and chai tea. You may have wondered: can dogs have cinnamon? 

    Since certain human foods can be toxic to dogs it is important to seek advice from a veterinarian prior to feeding any human food or unusual ingredients to your dog. While cinnamon is safe for humans to consume, the question of whether or not it is safe for dogs to eat is a topic of debate among pet owners and veterinarians. 

    In this article, we will explore the potential benefits and risks of feeding cinnamon to dogs and provide guidance on whether or not it is safe to include cinnamon in your dog’s diet. 

    Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

    In short, yes, dogs can eat cinnamon. The cinnamon spice is non-toxic to dogs and generally well-tolerated in quantities usually consumed by humans. It is ok to give your canine companion small quantities of ground cinnamon as long as it is mixed in with food and they are not allowed to sniff a heap of ground cinnamon, as this may cause irritation of their nose, throat and lungs.

    Cinnamon sticks, which are rolled pieces of cinnamon tree bark, should not be fed to dogs. The sticks may hurt your dog’s mouth as he chews it and pieces of the sticks can become lodged in your dog’s mouth, throat, stomach, or intestines. 

    It is ok for small amounts of cinnamon to be incorporated into your dog’s food or treats. In fact, many commercially available dog treats contain cinnamon as an ingredient.

    Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Rolls?

    Cinnamon rolls can be harmful when fed to dogs. They typically contain large amounts of sugar and butter, which can be harmful to dogs if consumed in large quantities. The high levels of fat in cinnamon rolls can lead to an upset stomach, unhealthy weight gain, and even pancreatitis, a potentially serious condition. 

    Additionally, the uncooked dough used to make cinnamon rolls should never be fed to dogs as it can expand in the stomach, leading to gastrointestinal blockage and serious complications. Cinnamon rolls may also contain raisins, which are very toxic to dogs even in small quantities. In general, it is best to keep all baked goods, including cinnamon rolls, out of reach.

    Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

    It is not recommended for dogs to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. While the cereal itself is not toxic to dogs, it is not a suitable part of a dog’s diet. Cinnamon Toast Crunch contains a high amount of sugar, which can be harmful to dogs if consumed in large quantities and if fed over a long period of time may contribute to tooth decay and obesity. Additionally, the cereal contains several other ingredients that are not suitable for dogs, such as artificial flavors and preservatives. Ingesting large amounts of these ingredients can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs, including vomiting and diarrhea.

    Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon Applesauce?

    Dogs can eat some kinds of cinnamon applesauce. If you feed your dog a store-bought cinnamon applesauce, you must pay careful attention to the ingredient list. 

    Cinnamon applesauce that has been sweetened with added sugar isn’t recommended. You must also make sure that the applesauce doesn’t contain any sugar substitutes, especially xylitol, which is very toxic to dogs and can cause dangerously low blood sugar and liver damage.

    Is Cinnamon Safe For Dogs?

    ground cinnamon and cinnamon sticks

    Cinnamon is generally safe for dogs to consume in small amounts, but it is not a necessary part of a dog’s diet and should not be given to them in large amounts. 

    In high amounts, cinnamon can cause irritation to the mouth and throat, and it can also cause vomiting and diarrhea. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, it would take over 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to cause issues in a dog. 

    However, dogs should never be fed cinnamon oil, as it is highly concentrated cinnamon and even small amounts could lead to severe irritation of the mouth and throat. Additionally, studies in rats show that high doses of cinnamon fed over time can lead to kidney disease and liver disease so there are concerns that the same could be true for dogs.

    It is also worth noting that cinnamon may be accompanied by other spices in baked goods that are not safe, such as nutmeg. Nutmeg can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities and can cause symptoms such as vomiting, tremors, and hallucinations.

    If your dog eats a lot of cinnamon or if you are concerned that your dog has ingested a potentially toxic substance, it is important to contact your veterinarian or a pet poison control hotline immediately. Symptoms to watch for include vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Prompt medical attention can help to minimize the potential risks and ensure the best outcome for your dog.

    Is Cinnamon Good for Dogs?

    Not many studies have looked at potential health benefits of feeding cinnamon to dogs but there are many known benefits in humans. In humans and mice there is evidence that cinnamon may help with blood sugar regulation in diabetics, lower cholesterol, may reduce the risk of cancer, may help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease as well as act as a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. However, even in humans, more studies are needed to determine the proper beneficial dosage of cinnamon while mitigating any potentially harmful side effects.

    One short study in dogs did show that cinnamon helped to lower their blood pressure. In the future, we may start seeing cinnamon recommended as a supplement in addition to tried and tested medications for the management of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic conditions. 

    However, at this time, if you choose to try giving cinnamon to your dog daily, it is recommended to first speak with your veterinarian and discuss any conditions specific to your dog.

    Precautions When Giving Dogs Cinnamon

    If you feed your dog cinnamon, ensure that the cinnamon-containing food isn’t high in fat or sugar and you’ll want to closely check the ingredients to make sure there isn’t any xylitol, nutmeg, macadamia nuts or other ingredients that are toxic to. 

    If you’re not sure about feeding your dog a particular food make sure you speak with your veterinarian before offering it to your dog.

    How to Give Dogs Cinnamon

    If you choose to feed your dog cinnamon, make sure to feed only ¼ to a ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon per day to help avoid any possible side effects. 

    You can mix the cinnamon in with your dog’s food, just ensure you mix it with canned or moistened food so that your dog doesn’t sniff the powder, which may cause irritation of his nose or lungs. 

    There are also many commercially available dog treats that include cinnamon as an ingredient. 

    Again, make sure you speak with your veterinarian prior to incorporating cinnamon into your dog’s diet and start with a very small amount to make sure your dog isn’t sensitive to this yummy spice.

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    Evans Syndrome in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/evans-syndrome-in-dogs/ Fri, 31 Mar 2023 19:41:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117676 In 1951, Dr. Robert Evans and associates studied the relationship between autoimmune conditions affecting red blood cells and autoimmune conditions affecting platelets in people, developing the first list of diagnostic criteria for Evans syndrome, a dangerous condition that can affect both humans and our pets. While not super common in canines, Evans syndrome in dogs […]

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    In 1951, Dr. Robert Evans and associates studied the relationship between autoimmune conditions affecting red blood cells and autoimmune conditions affecting platelets in people, developing the first list of diagnostic criteria for Evans syndrome, a dangerous condition that can affect both humans and our pets.

    While not super common in canines, Evans syndrome in dogs is a serious and life-threatening medical condition, and we want you to be prepared to help your dog should the symptoms arise. Here, we’ll explain what Evans syndrome is, symptoms to watch for, and treatment options.

    What Is Evans Syndrome?

    Evans syndrome is the name given to the condition that arises when the immune system is attacking and destroying both the dog’s red blood cells and platelets. 

    When the body attacks only the red blood cells, which are important for carrying oxygen throughout the body, this is called immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA). When the body attacks only the platelets, which are essential for clotting, this is called immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (IMTP). With Evans syndrome, you have both IMHA and IMTP concurrently.

    When Evans syndrome occurs, damaged cells are removed from the bloodstream by the liver and spleen. The destruction and removal of these cells leaves the dog at severe risk for significant anemia and spontaneous bleeding. 

    This is absolutely a medical emergency! Your pet will need emergency care at a veterinary clinic, so don’t watch and wait if you’re concerned about Evans syndrome.

    Causes of Evans Syndrome in Dogs

    Your dog may have no known underlying cause of Evans syndrome, which is called primary or idiopathic Evans syndrome. When the syndrome has a known trigger, it’s considered secondary. 

    Potential causes of secondary Evans syndrome include:

    In these situations, the immune system has been stimulated and over-reacts, targeting the pet’s own red blood cells and platelets. 

    In some cases, genetics may play a role. Dog breeds more likely to develop Evans syndrome include Cocker Spaniels and Old English Sheepdogs. Dogs whose relatives have had Evans syndrome may be at an increased risk. However, any breed of dog can develop Evans syndrome, including mixed breed pups and those with no family history of Evans syndrome.

    Symptoms of Evans Syndrome

    Dogs with Evans syndrome are usually critically ill. If you’re noticing symptoms of Evans syndrome, you need to get your pet to an emergency veterinarian as soon as possible.

    Symptoms include:

    • Pale mucous membranes (pale gums, conjunctiva around eyes, genitals)
    • Lethargy and weakness
    • Rapid breathing
    • Bruises in the skin or mouth (can be pinpoint or larger)
    • Bleeding from the nose or mouth
    • Blood in the urine or feces
    • Collapse

    With Evans syndrome, we are seeing symptoms of both anemia (typical of IMHA) and bleeding or bruising (typical of IMTP).

    Diagnosing Evans Syndrome in Dogs

    The emergency veterinarian will perform a quick but thorough physical exam of your pet. Signs they may notice that suggest Evans syndrome include bruising, lethargy, pale mucous membranes, a high heart rate, a heart murmur, high respiratory rate, fever, and blood on rectal palpation. Your veterinarian will want to rule out exposure to anticoagulants (rat bait, human medications) and trauma (hit by a car).

    Testing for Evans syndrome can include:

    • Complete blood count (CBC) and blood chemistry
    • Looking at blood under a microscope
    • Urinalysis
    • Coagulation testing
    • Slide agglutination test
    • Direct Coombs test
    • Screening for tick-borne disease
    • X-rays of the chest and abdomen
    • Ultrasonographic exam of the abdomen

    Your dog’s CBC would show low red blood cell numbers, low platelet numbers, and potentially high white blood cell numbers (as the immune system is overreacting). On review of a microscopic slide, your veterinarian may notice that there are very few platelets, that some red blood cells appear abnormally small (spherocytosis), and that young red blood cells are being released into circulation to replace dying red blood cells (reticulocytosis).  

    Your pet’s lab work may also provide evidence of abnormal organ function, such as elevated liver enzymes. This is often due to the stress of anemia on the organs, which require oxygen and good blood flow to function appropriately.

    A slide agglutination test can indicate whether your dog has IMHA but does not definitively diagnose Evans syndrome (both IMHA and IMTP). A drop of blood from an EDTA anticoagulant tube is placed on a slide with 1-2 drops of saline and gently rocked back and forth. With IMHA, the blood cells will clump together (agglutinate), forming a speckled appearance on the slide. The veterinarian will examine the slide under a microscope to confirm. While a positive slide agglutination test can be indicative of IMHA, a negative slide agglutination test does not rule out IMHA.

    A direct Coombs test (also called a direct antiglobulin or DAT) identifies antibodies on the surface of red blood cells. If the CBC and chemistry results are suggestive of IMHA and your dog has a positive Coombs test, they will be diagnosed with IMHA. False negative tests do occur. Like the slide agglutination test, the direct Coombs test can’t tell you if the pet has concurrent IMTP, which is a component of Evans syndrome.

    Ticks carry diseases that can cause Evans syndrome in dogs. Ruling out these diseases involves laboratory testing of blood and examining the blood cells under a microscope. You may have also heard of a 4Dx SNAP test. This test screens not just for heartworms but also for Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis, three diseases that are transmitted by ticks.

    Your veterinarian may also want to perform X-rays of the chest and abdomen, as well as ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen. Imaging helps to rule out cancer, which can cause Evans syndrome. By using an ultrasound machine to look at the abdomen, your veterinarian can also rule out free blood in the abdomen. In some cases, a bone marrow sample may be recommended to rule out specific cancers.

    Treatment for Dogs with Evans Syndrome

    Dog getting intravenous fluids

    Treatment for Evans syndrome will involve hospitalization with fluids, supportive care, and blood transfusions. Steroids, such as dexamethasone injections, are used in addition to other medications that modulate the immune system to halt the body’s attacks on its own cells.

    If your dog has an infection, specific antibiotics will be started. Even if testing for tick-borne diseases is negative, some veterinarians may start your pet on doxycycline to cover all their bases.

    A single low dose of the chemotherapy agent vincristine given into a vein has been shown to accelerate the return of appropriate platelet levels. This dose is too low to cause the typical side effects seen with chemotherapy agents but can be beneficial if your dog’s platelet levels are low enough to cause spontaneous bleeding.

    With Evans syndrome, your dog may experience bleeding in their stomach and intestines. To prevent this or reduce the effects if it’s occurring, your veterinarian will start medications to reduce ulceration and coat the stomach and esophagus, such as omeprazole and sucralfate.

    Evans syndrome also increases the likelihood of developing blood clots (thromboembolism). Because of this, your pet may be started on a medication like clopidogrel to reduce the likelihood of dangerous clot formation.

    If your dog’s Evans syndrome is caused by an underlying cancer, treatments aimed at the cancer itself could include chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, and other disease-directed treatments.

    In the most severe cases, the veterinarian may recommend plasma exchange or plasmapheresis. Your pet’s blood is circulated through a filter to allow their plasma to be cleaned of destructive circulating immune chemicals while preserving red blood cells and platelets. Donor plasma will be returned to the pet.

    Evans Syndrome in Dogs Survival Rate

    Evans syndrome is life-threatening and certainly more serious than either IMHA or IMTP on their own.

    Dogs who survive the first few days after hospitalization and are discharged from the hospital generally have a good long-term prognosis. 

    Pets with secondary Evans syndrome have a variable prognosis depending on the underlying cause. For example, if the pet has cancer, their prognosis will depend specifically on that cancer, whereas a dog who developed Evans syndrome in response to a vaccination may have a better prognosis if they survive the initial illness and aren’t vaccinated in the future.

    Some studies report that Evans syndrome has a mortality rate around 30 percent, while some hospitals report a less than 10 percent mortality rate. Around 40 percent of cases will experience recurrence or a relapse when medications are withdrawn, indicating the importance of long-term management of Evans syndrome in dogs. Survival depends heavily on treatability of the underlying cause and rapid initiation of treatment.

    Long-Term Management of Evans Syndrome in Dogs

    After your pet survives the onset of Evans syndrome, you’ll work with the veterinarian to determine a long-term management plan.

    Many pets will need to be on immunosuppressants for life. The goal will be to reduce the medication to the lowest effective dose. It may take months and many follow-up appointments to achieve long-term control in severe and relapsing cases. Your veterinarian will likely plan a slow taper to find a good long-term dose. Tapering medications too soon or too rapidly can lead to relapse, which is often more severe than the initial onset of Evans syndrome.

    Your veterinarian will likely advise against vaccinating your pet in the future, which may reduce your ability to do things like board your dog or see groomers. Your veterinarian may recommend titer testing to see if your pet continues to have protection against dangerous diseases that are typically prevented by vaccination.

    Cost to Treat Evans Syndrome

    Evans syndrome will require testing for diagnosis and multiple days of hospitalization on fluids, blood transfusions, and immunosuppressants. Although mild cases may be manageable for several thousand dollars, treating Evans syndrome can easily cost over $10,000. 

    If you are unsure about your ability to afford treatment, you could consider online fundraising or applying for CareCredit to help you pay for your dog’s treatment. Proactively getting pet health insurance can also help you to be covered should Evans syndrome arise.

    You can also expect $150-$300 per month to manage the condition long-term. In secondary Evans syndrome, cost of management will depend on the underlying cost. For example, pursuing treatment for cancer will raise the cost significantly.

    How to Prevent Evans Syndrome in Dogs

    Given that most cases of Evans syndrome have an unknown cause, you cannot always prevent your pet from developing this life-threatening condition. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of secondary Evans syndrome.

    Keep your pet on tick prevention to reduce risk of transmission of tick-borne diseases that can lead to Evans syndrome. Consider requesting that your pet get tested for tick-borne diseases at their annual visits. The 4Dx SNAP test is typically run in-house, takes under 15 minutes, and only requires three drops of blood.

    Make sure to get your pet their regular wellness exams. Your veterinarian may detect conditions like cancer that can cause Evans syndrome before your pet is symptomatic.

    What about vaccinations? Your pet has a higher risk of becoming seriously ill from an infectious disease if they are unvaccinated than they do of developing Evans syndrome from a vaccination. If your pet has no history of Evans syndrome or other autoimmune conditions, vaccination is almost always safe and effective. If your pet does have a history of autoimmune conditions, you may choose to forego vaccinations. In this case, work with your veterinarian to reduce risk to your pet of contracting infectious diseases.

    Lastly, because of the familial association of Evans syndrome, breeders should not breed dogs who have developed this condition.

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    Elevated Liver Enzymes in Dogs: Causes and What It Means https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/elevated-liver-enzymes-in-dogs/ Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:44:08 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117648 Your dog’s liver is an amazing organ with many important functions. The liver filters blood, removing toxins, and also has an important role in metabolism: producing bile that helps to digest fats in the small intestine and storing excess glucose (sugar) in the form of glycogen. The liver even has an essential role in blood […]

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    Your dog’s liver is an amazing organ with many important functions. The liver filters blood, removing toxins, and also has an important role in metabolism: producing bile that helps to digest fats in the small intestine and storing excess glucose (sugar) in the form of glycogen. The liver even has an essential role in blood clotting. Overall, it’s said to have over 500 vital functions!

    With this organ being so important to your pet’s health, it can be very concerning to hear from the veterinarian that your dog has elevated liver enzymes. One of the challenges is determining if liver enzymes are elevated due to liver disease or a non-liver cause. Here, we’ll discuss what elevated liver enzymes mean, what may have caused this to happen, and next steps to take.

    What Are Liver Enzymes in Dogs?

    Liver enzymes are important proteins for specific chemical reactions within the body. Liver enzyme values are considered an important component of your dog’s routine health screening. When they’re elevated, it generally indicates inflammation or damage to the liver. 

    Common liver enzymes to note on your pet’s blood work include:

    • ALT (alanine aminotransferase)
    • AST (aspartate aminotransferase)
    • ALP (alkaline phosphate)
    • GGT (gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase). 

    We can divide these liver enzymes into two groups: 

    1. Enzymes that indicate hepatocellular damage, which is damage to the actual liver cells (ALT and AST)
    2. Enzymes that indicate cholestasis, which is reduced or stopped bile flow (ALP and GGT)

    Elevated Liver Enzymes in Dogs: What They Mean

    Most routine blood work will include liver enzymes, allowing your veterinarian to screen for liver disease. Additionally, specific blood tests called liver panels, which also include liver enzymes, may be run in your dog if there is high concern for or history of liver disease. Elevated liver enzymes in dogs could indicate damage to the liver cells or issues with bile movement. 

    Whether or not your veterinarian is concerned by elevated liver enzymes depends on several factors, such as:

    • Degree of elevation
    • Symptoms your dog might be showing
    • Whether the enzyme levels are static or increasing over time
    • How many enzymes are elevated
    • Other blood work and urinalysis findings
    • Patient age

    If any of these enzymes are decreased on the lab work, it’s not considered a significant finding.

    Causes of Elevated Dog Liver Enzymes

    Liver enzymes can be elevated for several reasons. We’ll break this broadly into three categories:

    Damage to the liver or bile flow issues

    • Toxins could include xylitol, blue-green algae, Amanita mushrooms, aflatoxins, sago palms, and heavy metals
    • Infectious causes such as leptospirosis, infectious canine hepatitis, or histoplasmosis
    • Tumors of the liver, gallbladder, or biliary tract
    • Liver inflammation (hepatitis)
    • Cirrhosis
    • Gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis)
    • Gallbladder distended with mucoid content (gallbladder mucocele)
    • Breed-related disorders, such as copper storage hepatopathy

    Non-liver diseases

    Normal factors

    • It is normal for puppies to have an elevated ALP because this enzyme is also produced from growing bones, not just the liver cells
    • Nodular hyperplasia, which is very common in older dogs, can cause increased liver enzymes

    Ultimately, there are many potential causes for elevated liver enzymes, some of which may not be included here. If your veterinarian plans to determine the underlying cause, additional testing will need to be performed.

    Next Steps for Dogs with Elevated Liver Enzymes

    Vet doing dog's bloodwork

    Your veterinarian will look at the whole picture when determining your pet’s next steps. Routine blood work has other values that can suggest if the liver is functioning appropriately or is damaged, including blood urea nitrogen (BUN), albumin, cholesterol, glucose, and total bilirubin. Changes in these values may be helpful in determining if your pet has reduced liver function or obstructed bile flow.

    If your veterinarian is not concerned about your pet’s elevated liver enzymes, they may recommend rerunning labs in 1-3 months. In some cases, they may start your pet on medications to protect the liver and then recheck after your pet completes the medications. Two additional laboratory tests – bile acids and blood ammonia – may also be recommended.

    Bile acid testing can detect whether the liver is functioning appropriately. With this test, your pet’s blood is drawn after a 12-hour fasting period. Your pet is then fed, and blood is drawn again two hours later. Significantly elevated bile acids after eating could indicate liver dysfunction.

    Ammonia levels can also be a good indicator of liver function. In normal pets, small protein molecules called amino acids are broken down into ammonia in the intestines. The ammonia is absorbed into the blood and converted into urea by the liver. Increased ammonia levels in the blood is indicative of liver dysfunction, meaning that the liver is struggling to convert the ammonia. 

    If your veterinarian is concerned about the liver enzyme elevation, they may recommend an abdominal ultrasound to visualize the liver. In some cases, liver biopsies may be recommended. While some veterinarians may feel comfortable collecting samples of the liver using a long needle and ultrasound machine, collecting liver biopsies is often a surgical procedure.

    If your dog has symptoms of liver disease, such as poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, neurologic signs, fluid in the abdomen (ascites), or jaundice, your veterinarian will likely take a more aggressive approach to determine the cause of their symptoms. This could include imaging (abdominal ultrasound, CT scan), liver biopsies, and hospitalization while figuring out the cause of symptoms. Importantly, if your veterinarian suspects liver disease, they will likely want to test your pet’s ability to clot their blood prior to surgical intervention or liver biopsy.

    How to Treat Elevated Liver Enzymes in Dogs

    How to treat elevated liver enzymes in dogs depends on the underlying cause.

    If your pet is not acting sick, your veterinarian may simply start your pet on a trial of antibiotics, antioxidants like Denamarin, and/or other prescription medications like Ursodiol and then recheck the liver enzymes after the medications. 

    Typically, Denamarin is recommended for concerns regarding hepatocellular damage, while Ursodiol may be more beneficial if there are gallbladder concerns. Your pet may be placed on both of these medications or other medications with similar active compounds, and they can typically receive them at home.

    Treatment can be more complicated if other causes are suspected. For example, a liver tumor is often treated surgically. Leptospirosis typically requires hospitalization on intravenous fluids and treatment with an antibiotic called doxycycline. Chronic hepatitis may require immunosuppressive drugs, such as steroids. With signs of liver failure or severe illness, your pet will likely need to be hospitalized for several days.Keep in mind that your dog’s liver enzymes may be elevated due to other conditions, such as Cushing’s disease or pancreatitis. In those cases, treatment would focus on the underlying cause for the elevated liver enzymes rather than on the liver itself.

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    Glaucoma in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/glaucoma-in-cats/ Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:23:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117582 You may be familiar with glaucoma in humans, but did you realize that cats can also develop glaucoma? Although this condition is relatively uncommon, it can have significant impacts on the life of affected cats. Read on to learn more about how we diagnose and treat this condition in our feline friends. What is Glaucoma […]

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    You may be familiar with glaucoma in humans, but did you realize that cats can also develop glaucoma? Although this condition is relatively uncommon, it can have significant impacts on the life of affected cats. Read on to learn more about how we diagnose and treat this condition in our feline friends.

    What is Glaucoma in Cats?

    Glaucoma is a disease in which the intraocular pressure (IOP), or pressure within the eye, is abnormally high. This occurs when fluid in the eye, known as aqueous humor, is unable to drain effectively. The eye is constantly producing aqueous humor; if it cannot drain, the pressure in the eye will increase like a water balloon that is being overfilled. The buildup of fluid in the eye itself can put pressure on the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain.

    Fortunately, glaucoma is relatively rare in cats. Siamese and Burmese cats are predisposed to this condition, however, and therefore are more likely to develop glaucoma.

    Glaucoma should not be confused with cataracts. Cataracts are caused by changes within the lens of the eye, while glaucoma is caused by increased quantities of the fluid that surrounds the lens. While both conditions can cause blindness in cats, they are separate diseases.   

    Glaucoma in Cats Symptoms

    Closeup of a cat with a bulging eye

    Glaucoma can affect one or both eyes. Clinical signs may vary, depending on the severity of the condition. Without effective treatment (and sometimes despite effective treatment), glaucoma in cats will progress and symptoms may become more pronounced over time. 

    Signs of early stage glaucoma in cats can include:

    • Redness of the eye(s)
    • Squinting
    • Pawing at the eye(s) or other signs of discomfort
    • Cloudiness (of the surface of the eye) due to inflammation

    As glaucoma progresses, the pressure build up on the optic nerve can lead to blindness. In severe cases, the eye(s) may be visibly enlarged and bulge from the eye socket.

    What Causes Glaucoma in Cats?

    Cat owner pets a Burmese cat

    Glaucoma in cats can be divided into two broad categories: primary glaucoma and secondary glaucoma. 

    Primary glaucoma is caused by an anatomical defect of the eye that blocks fluid drainage within the eye. This form of glaucoma is relatively uncommon in cats. It primarily affects Siamese and Burmese cats, though it has been uncommonly reported in other breeds, including Russian Blue and Domestic Shorthair cats. 

    Secondary glaucoma, in contrast, occurs secondary to another condition. Most cases of feline glaucoma are secondary to another disorder of the eye that interferes with fluid drainage. Potential triggers of secondary glaucoma include eye inflammation, head trauma, tumors within the eye, damage to the lens, luxation (displacement) of the lens, and other conditions. 

    Diagnosing Glaucoma in Cats

    Veterinarian examines a cat's eyes

    Your veterinarian will use a tool called a tonometer to measure your cat’s IOP (eye pressure). In most cases, this test can be done without anesthesia or sedation. Your veterinarian will administer numbing eye drops, then touch the tonometer to the surface of the eye. You may be familiar with these procedures from your own optometry appointments. 

    In addition to assessing your cat’s IOP, your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical examination. Your veterinarian will also perform an ophthalmic examination, looking for other ocular conditions that may be associated with your cat’s glaucoma. 

    Cat Glaucoma Treatment

    Glaucoma in cats requires treatment, for a number of reasons. First, this condition is painful for a cat with glaucoma. Treating your cat’s glaucoma is essential, in order to keep your cat comfortable and maintain their quality of life. Additionally, untreated glaucoma will progress, causing damage within the eye and leading to blindness. This blindness is usually permanent, once it occurs. 

    Glaucoma is often managed with eye drops, such as dorzolamide and timolol. These drops slow the production of aqueous humor and/or promote the drainage of aqueous humor. Your veterinarian may also prescribe medications to treat an underlying eye disease contributing to your cat’s glaucoma. It is important to give all medications consistently, as directed by your veterinarian. 

    If your cat’s glaucoma does not respond to medical treatment, your veterinarian may recommend surgery. Rarely, surgery may be attempted to restore drainage of aqueous humor in an effort to preserve your cat’s vision. In most cases, however, surgical treatment involves enucleation or removal of the eye. If your cat’s eye is causing pain and has already lost vision, removing the eye may be the most humane option for your cat. 

    Managing Glaucoma in Cats

    Cat owner administering eye drops to their pet

    Cats with glaucoma will typically remain on medication for the rest of their lives. Therefore, it’s helpful to make medication time as pleasant and low-stress as possible. Experiment with different locations for medication administration—are you and your cat more comfortable with your cat on the floor, on a countertop, or even sitting in your lap? Give your cat lots of affection before administering eye drops, and follow eye drops with a tasty treat to create a positive association. 

    If your cat becomes blind due to glaucoma, they will likely adapt surprisingly quickly to their loss of vision. You can help your cat acclimate by not rearranging furniture or other items within your home, so they can learn their way around your home without sight. Within a few weeks, most cats are getting around so well that they may not even realize they are blind. For more information on coping with feline blindness, see our Guide to Life with a Blind Cat.

    How to Prevent Glaucoma in Cats

    Siamese cat on cat tree

    There’s no surefire way to prevent glaucoma in cats. However, there are ways you can decrease your cat’s risk. 

    Ensure that your cat receives regular veterinary care. Siamese and Burmese cats, in particular, should receive regular eye exams. Early diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma will maximize your cat’s wellbeing and minimize their risk of blindness. 

    If your cat is showing signs of an eye issue, have them seen by your veterinarian as soon as possible. Even if their ocular issues don’t indicate glaucoma, many eye conditions can cause glaucoma if they are left untreated. Early diagnosis and treatment of eye issues can play a key role in preserving your cat’s vision.

    Finally, minimize your cat’s risk of secondary glaucoma by reducing their risk of eye disease or injury. Keeping your cat indoors will not only reduce their risk of trauma, it can also reduce the risk of infectious and inflammatory diseases that may contribute to glaucoma. 

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    How Often Do Puppies Poop? https://www.greatpetcare.com/new-dog/how-often-do-puppies-poop/ Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:51:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117446 If you’ve got a new puppy, you’re probably already aware that pee and poop are a big part of the package. The sheer volume of output might leave you wondering how often do puppies poop, or what to do if you’ve got a puppy not pooping. Helping your pup learn the ins and outs of […]

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    If you’ve got a new puppy, you’re probably already aware that pee and poop are a big part of the package. The sheer volume of output might leave you wondering how often do puppies poop, or what to do if you’ve got a puppy not pooping. Helping your pup learn the ins and outs of potty training means that you’re probably spending plenty of time getting acquainted with your best friend’s bathroom habits, including potty location, frequency, consistency, color, and yes, even odor.

    It’s understandable to have questions when it comes to the business of #2, partly because it’s one of the least pleasant aspects of pet parenthood (who likes cleaning up all those piles?) and also because your pup’s “deposits” are a major indicator of overall health. But how much is too much, and what can you do if you’re worried about a decrease in poop output?

    How Often Do Puppies Poop?

    Puppy pooping on grass

    The combination of a pup’s small size, developing digestive tract, frequent meals throughout the day, and nutrient-rich food means that puppies poop a lot. While there’s no across-the-board standard for how often puppies need to poop, most pups between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks have bowel movements an average of four to six times per day, and some have even more. The exact number of times a puppy poops each day varies based on factors that include your pup’s size (a bigger puppy + more food = more poop) and the quality of food they eat. A low-quality dog food might not be easily digestible, resulting in greater output, as well as loose, stinky, strangely-colored stool.  

    As puppies grow and mature, the fast and frequent poop production phase will decrease. By the time your puppy hits a year of age, they should be having the more typical adult bowel movement frequency of one to two times per day.

    How Long Can a Puppy Go Without Pooping?

    Consistent elimination (pooping and peeing) is an indicator of good health, so a sudden change in your pup’s pooping habits could mean that there’s an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. If a puppy who has been “regular” stops pooping for 24 hours or longer, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues, especially if the change in bowel movements is accompanied by a decreased appetite or vomiting. That said, not every reason behind a decrease in poop production is cause for alarm.

    Puppy Not Pooping: Common Causes

    Black and white puppy with water bowl outside

    There’s no single reason why a puppy isn’t pooping, and the following list includes the most common factors why a puppy hasn’t pooped in 12 hours or longer:


    Pups who are just settling into their new home will likely be nervous about the lifestyle changes, leading to infrequent or even nonexistent defecation during the first few days. This can be normal and usually doesn’t require a veterinary visit, but if your puppy isn’t eating, make sure to consult with a veterinarian.


    Since puppies explore the world with their mouths and are willing to try to eat anything they can grab, the biggest concern with a puppy not pooping is an intestinal blockage. In addition to not pooping, signs that your puppy might have a blockage include a loss of appetite, depression, vomiting, unproductive squatting, and abdominal pain. If you suspect your puppy has eaten something inedible, like a sock or toy that can’t be passed naturally, see your veterinarian immediately. In rare cases, a blockage can be caused by intestinal parasites, specifically roundworms

    Rapid food switch

    Changing a puppy’s food abruptly and without time to adjust to it might lead to a change in pooping habits, from a decrease in output to the opposite extreme, diarrhea. Similarly, switching from a low-quality food to a nutrient-dense food could lead to a decrease in output. If you’re changing your new puppy’s diet, make sure to do so slowly over 5 to 7 days to prevent stomach upset. Each day, add a little more of the new food and a little less of the old food until you’re feeding only the new diet. Whichever food you choose, make sure it’s appropriate for growing puppies!


    A puppy who is not drinking enough water can end up constipated, which will lead to either dry, hard-to-pass poop, or no poop at all. Constipated puppies may strain to poop, have a decreased appetite, or throw up. Make sure your puppy always has access to fresh water. If your puppy isn’t drinking water, giving them canned food can increase their water intake due to the higher moisture content. On a hot day, you could make frozen snacks for your pet, which will help them take in more water and keep cool.


    Some medications can impact a puppy’s elimination schedule, but since medications should only be given under a veterinarian’s supervision, your vet will advise about potential poop changes to watch out for. If you have any concerns about changes to your puppy’s poop habits after starting a medication, make sure to consult with your veterinarian before stopping any medications.

    What To Do If Your Puppy Isn’t Pooping

    Puppy with metal food bowl

    A brief change in your puppy’s pooping habits isn’t a cause for concern, especially when coupled with new home stress or a change in food. However, an extended poop-free period coupled with any of the indicators of a blockage, like loss of appetite, abdominal pain, straining to eliminate or vomiting, requires immediate veterinary care. 

    In some cases, transitioning to a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice might help settle your pup’s stomach and level out any puppy pooping issues. Adding an appropriate amount of plain canned pumpkin (1 to 2 teaspoons for small pups and 2 to 3 teaspoons for a larger pup) to your puppy’s meals can also help to improve digestive health because of its high water and fiber content. Consult with your veterinarian before using a bland diet for your puppy. It’s best to err on the side of caution when it comes to elimination issues to keep your puppy happy and healthy.

    The post How Often Do Puppies Poop? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Why Do Dogs Like Sticks? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/why-do-dogs-like-sticks/ Thu, 30 Mar 2023 18:43:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117449 It brings us joy to watch our dogs enjoying themselves on a hike or at the beach, proudly carrying a stick in their mouth and wagging their tail. There are plenty of funny videos online of dogs bumping into doors while carrying a big branch. Dogs also often pick up sticks in the yard to […]

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    It brings us joy to watch our dogs enjoying themselves on a hike or at the beach, proudly carrying a stick in their mouth and wagging their tail. There are plenty of funny videos online of dogs bumping into doors while carrying a big branch. Dogs also often pick up sticks in the yard to chew on. 

    But while toting small sticks is mostly harmless, oftentimes carrying, chewing on, and playing fetch with large sticks can be dangerous for your pet. 

    In this article, we’ll go over why dogs are attracted to sticks and whether or not playing with them is a safe activity. 

    Why Do Dogs Like Sticks?

    Dog breeds such as Golden/Labrador Retrievers, Pointers, and Setters are predisposed or bred to carry objects in their mouths, as they were heavily relied upon during times of hunting. “Seeking out a stick and then chewing on it can be a way to carry out that natural behavior,” says Dr. Michelle Lugones, veterinarian at Best Friends Animal Society

    Many dogs find fetching a stick entertaining, especially if their parents make the game part of playtime, adds Dr. Lugones. And you have probably seen some dogs carry sticks that seem way too large for them. Why do dogs like big sticks like this? According to Dr. Lugones, “They may enjoy the challenge, not see that size as a challenge, or they may just like how the weight of that stick feels in their mouths.” 

    Puppies especially enjoy picking up sticks for play. This is part of how they interact with their environment. “Puppies frequently use their mouths and noses to investigate their surroundings, which may lead them to discovering the appeal of sticks,” says Dr. Alison Gerken, a veterinarian who exclusively treats pets with behavior disorders at the San Francisco SPCA.  

    Why Do Dogs Like to Chew on Sticks?

    Jack Russell carrying big stick

    Canines like to chew on sticks for a variety of reasons. Wild and domesticated dogs gnaw on bones as part of their natural behavior. Dogs enjoy chewing sticks because they resemble bones and the texture is appealing to nibble on or carry around in their mouths, according to Dr. Lugones. 

    Chewing on things, adds Dr. Gerken, also helps to remove plaque from teeth to keep them clean. “Chewing can also occur to alleviate tooth-related pain (such as from teething in puppies or dental disease in adults) as well as frustration, anxiety or boredom.” 

    However, praising your dog when they carry a sizable stick, or laughing at how silly your pup looks with a stick in their mouth, may cause them to think this behavior is acceptable.  

    Can Dogs Eat Sticks?

    The fact is, chewing on and eating sticks can lead to problems. “Sticks can splinter into smaller pieces that can be swallowed. If these pieces are too large to pass through the gastrointestinal tract, a potentially life-threatening obstruction may develop,” says Dr. Gerken. 

    A stick splintering during chewing can also result in an infection or mouth pain. Or the stick could impale the tongue or the roof of the mouth during chewing, causing injuries. Sticks can also become wedged between the teeth, causing oral infections. Oral injuries are often some of the most common problems that land dogs in the emergency room.

    If your dog is regularly seeking out sticks to snack on, it may be a sign of a condition called pica, which is the compulsive ingestion of non-food items. “The cause of pica can be anything from malnutrition, underlying diseases, gastrointestinal parasites, to stress or boredom,” says Dr. Lugones. 

    If your dog is showing signs of pica, bring them to the veterinarian for an examination and screening tests for any underlying issues. “If there isn’t a medical reason, they may discuss training and behavioral strategies to promote calmness, decrease stress, and prevent any further pica,” Dr. Lugones adds.  

    Is It Safe for Dogs to Play with Sticks? 

    While it may seem harmless to throw a stick for your dog to fetch or catch, Dr. Lugones says it can cause severe injury if the dog doesn’t land the catch or the fetch goes awry.  

    “Injury to the mouth, throat, face, and teeth can occur and a dog could accidentally be impaled with a stick when they accidentally land part of their body onto it instead of catching or fetching it,” she warns. 

    If your dog unintentionally runs into a stationary object, such as a gate or door with a large stick in their mouth, it could also cause damage, says Dr. Lugones. It may lead to lacerations or splinters in the mouth, throat, or face, neck injury, or fractured teeth. “These may sound outlandish, but veterinarians see and treat dogs in the emergency room for scenarios like these.”  

    How to Stop a Dog From Eating Sticks

    Three dogs fight over stick

    Because of the dangers of chewing sticks, Dr. Gerken recommends that pet parents avoid playing fetch or catch using sticks. This includes keeping your yard free of sticks as best you can, and monitoring your dog closely on walks without distractions, such as phone calls or social media browsing. 

    “With so many other dog-friendly toys that can be chewed, fetched and carried, there is no need for pet parents to take the risks associated with permitting their dog to chew sticks,” states Dr. Gerken. She recommends carrying a treat pouch with your pooch’s favorite snack, or keeping a small toy handy when outside to distract them from going after a stick.

    For dental-related chewing, it’s best to utilize dog chew toys or treats specifically designed for teething, or keeping teeth clean. Heavy duty toys, such as Kongs or West Paw’s Zogoflex, can provide your dog with enrichment and help with their chewing urges. 

    If your pet is excessively going after sticks, and it is hard to remove all small branches from the yard, Dr. Gerken recommends training your dog to wear a basket muzzle (that is not made of fabric) to prevent them from reaching for sticks. 

    “A basket muzzle allows a dog to pant, drink water and even accept treats, but prevents dogs from picking up items that they should not chew or ingest, including sticks. Muzzleupproject.com is a great resource for training dogs to wear muzzles.” 

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    Can Dogs Eat Ham? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/can-dogs-eat-ham/ Thu, 30 Mar 2023 16:19:36 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117430 From sandwich staple to holiday feast centerpiece, ham is a versatile protein that many people enjoy. But make sure to think twice before offering to share some with your dog. While it may be hard to say no to their adorable begging eyes, you should know the risks of feeding dogs ham. Continue reading to […]

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    From sandwich staple to holiday feast centerpiece, ham is a versatile protein that many people enjoy. But make sure to think twice before offering to share some with your dog. While it may be hard to say no to their adorable begging eyes, you should know the risks of feeding dogs ham. Continue reading to find out more about feeding ham to your dog. 

    Can Dogs Eat Ham? 

    Sliced ham on dinner table

    Feeding ham to dogs is not a good idea. Ham is a pork leg that has been cured in salt and often sugar and other spices. This food is also high in fat and calories. For these reasons, pet parents should not feed their dogs or puppies ham. 

    Can Dogs Have Ham That’s Fresh, Cured or Smoked? 

    Ham comes in many different varieties, such as honey ham, jamon Iberico, prosciutto, and smoked ham. None of these types of ham should be fed to dogs. 

    While most hams are cured in salts or sodium containing nitrates, fresh hams are uncured pork leg cuts. Fresh hams are lower in sodium content than their cured counterparts but still typically contain much more sodium than turkey breast or chicken breast and should also not be included in your dog’s diet. 

    Most types of hams often contain high amounts of fat, which can also be harmful to dogs. 

    Can Dogs Eat Ham Bones? 

    Dogs should not eat ham bones. If the bone is hollow, it may get stuck on your dog’s lower jaw, requiring an emergency trip to the vet. 

    Cooked ham bones become brittle and can splinter in your dog’s mouth, throat, stomach, or intestines. This can cause severe pain and could lead to a blockage in the digestive system or, worse yet, a tear in the stomach or intestines. 

    Raw ham bones also carry risks. While they are unlikely to splinter, the bones are very hard and can hurt your dog’s mouth or crack a tooth. Raw ham bones may also carry harmful bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria, or E. coli, which may lead to vomiting and diarrhea that may sometimes become severe. 

    Can Dogs Eat Deli Ham? 

    In general, dogs also shouldn’t eat deli ham. Whether it’s prosciutto, honey ham, or turkey ham, sliced and deli hams like most types of hams are too high in sodium and may be high in fat. A tiny bit here and there probably wouldn’t hurt, but there are definitely better treat options for your dog that are healthier and less likely to cause an upset stomach. 

    Is Ham Bad for Dogs?

    Mini Schnauzer begging at table

    Cured meats like ham are high in salt, which can be harmful to dogs. If your dog is fed a commercially prepared complete and balanced diet, their diet already contains all the sodium that they need. Adding in ham in any significant amount can lead to excess sodium, which can lead to bloating, increased water intake, and an upset stomach. Dogs who eat too much ham can potentially experience life-threatening salt poisoning, however, this is very unlikely to occur unless they do not have access to plenty of fresh water. 

    Another reason why ham isn’t a good choice for dogs is its fat content. Most hams are quite high in fat, which at minimum may upset your dog’s stomach but at worst could lead to a potentially deadly condition called pancreatitis. Some dogs with underlying health issues, such as diabetes, are more sensitive to added fats in their diets and are at a much higher risk of developing pancreatitis. Certain breeds of dogs, especially Miniature Schnauzers, are prone to pancreatitis and should never be fed ham or any other fatty foods. 

    Many hams, especially the wet hams commonly found in the United States during the holidays, contain added sugars that can be detrimental to your dog’s health. 

    Risks of Feeding Ham to Dogs

    Sliced ham on gray table

    Consider these risks before feeding a dog ham:

    • While ham is not toxic to dogs, most varieties contain too much fat, salt, and/or sugar for dogs, which can have a variety of harmful health consequences. 
    • The most common side effect of feeding your dog ham would be that it can cause an upset stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhea. This upset stomach can become more severe and lead to dehydration or pancreatitis. 
    • As a reminder, there are many risks that come with feeding dogs ham bones, cooked or raw, so these bones should never be fed to any dog. These risks range from choking to intestinal blockages and even death.
    • Even if your dog tolerates being fed ham in the short term, feeding ham over a long period of time can lead to your dog becoming overweight or obese. This is because ham is high in fat and calories and these extra calories can really add up, especially in small dogs, as their calorie requirements are very low. 
    • Feeding sweetened ham to dogs frequently can also lead to tooth decay
    • Many varieties of hams also contain nitrates, which are known carcinogens, meaning they promote cancer. For this reason, feeding ham on a daily or frequent basis can increase your dog’s risk of cancers. 

    What to Do if Your Dog Eats Ham

    Owner gives Yorkshire Terrier a taste of deli ham

    If you’re reading this and you have fed your dog ham in the past and they are currently acting healthy, there is no need to go running to your veterinarian. However, you shouldn’t continue feeding your dog ham for the reasons previously stated. 

    If your dog is going to develop an issue from eating ham, they will typically start showing signs of illness within one day. Your dog will be at greatest risk of developing illness from eating ham if they eat a large amount. The smaller the dog, the smaller amount of ham they need to eat to cause them to be sick. If your dog eats a large amount of ham, this should be treated as an emergency and you should take them to the vet right away. Your veterinarian may induce vomiting if the ham was ingested less than two hours prior. If it has been longer than two hours, your veterinarian will likely perform blood work and put your dog on intravenous (IV) fluids and anti-nausea medications and keep them hospitalized for observation. 

    If your dog swallowed any amount of a ham bone, they should also be taken to their veterinarian immediately. Your veterinarian will need to take X-rays of your dog’s throat, stomach, and intestines to check for signs of a blockage or perforation of the intestines. 

    However, dogs who have only eaten a small amount of ham may do just fine but should be monitored carefully at home. When in doubt, if you are worried about the amount or type of ham your dog ate, it is always best to reach out to your veterinarian or animal poison control for guidance. Signs that your dog may be seriously ill from eating ham include: 

    • Not wanting to eat for longer than a day
    • Not wanting to drink water
    • Vomiting more than a few times in a day
    • Explosive or bloody diarrhea
    • Crying when you touch their belly 
    • Acting very tired or listless. 

    If any of those signs develop, you’ll need to take your dog in for medical care urgently. 

    How to Prevent Dogs From Eating Ham

    Dog sniffs metal trash can

    In order to prevent your dog from sneaking a slice of ham, make sure to put food trays and plates up high and out of reach from your dog. You should also make sure that your dog does not get into the trash. Trash cans with heavy lids and those that your dog cannot knock over are best to prevent them from access to leftovers. You can also secure ham bones and scraps in the freezer until trash day if you’re worried about your dog getting into the trash. 

    If you absolutely must share bits of your meals or ingredients with your dog, there are safer alternatives to feed than ham. These include turkey breast without any skin or spices, plain cooked pumpkin or squash meat, raw or steamed unseasoned green beans, and fresh or frozen unsweetened cranberries

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    Tracheal Collapse in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/tracheal-collapse-in-dogs/ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:55:55 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117274 Tracheal collapse is a relatively common cause of coughing in small breed dogs. Affected dogs may begin to show signs of coughing and respiratory difficulties as early as 6 to 12 months old. In most cases, however, tracheal collapse does not become apparent until the dog is middle-aged or older.  Read on to learn more […]

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    Tracheal collapse is a relatively common cause of coughing in small breed dogs. Affected dogs may begin to show signs of coughing and respiratory difficulties as early as 6 to 12 months old. In most cases, however, tracheal collapse does not become apparent until the dog is middle-aged or older. 

    Read on to learn more about tracheal collapse in dogs, including why it occurs and how it can be diagnosed and managed.  

    What is Tracheal Collapse in Dogs?

    Dog panting with mouth open

    Tracheal collapse refers to a narrowing of the trachea (windpipe). This is a relatively common condition in small-breed dogs, and it is most commonly reported in Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, Lhasa Apsos, and Toy Poodles.

    The trachea is a hollow tube that carries air from your dog’s mouth and nose to the lungs. In a normal, healthy dog, the trachea is held open by round cartilage rings. These rings go approximately three-fourths of the way around the trachea, and support the trachea much like tent poles support a tent. The remaining one-fourth of the trachea is covered by a thin membrane, which stretches between the two ends of the cartilage rings. This tubular structure allows the trachea to remain open, directing air to the lungs without any obstructions. 

    In a dog with tracheal collapse, however, the trachea becomes narrowed. This narrowing is caused by two factors. First, the rings of cartilage are too weak to maintain their normal, round shape. Weakened tracheal rings can be compressed by external pressure or by sucking forces within the trachea, flattening the trachea and making it harder for a dog to breathe. Additionally, the membrane that stretches between the tracheal rings can also become weakened, causing it to sag or bulge into the trachea. This further interferes with the flow of air, worsening a dog’s respiratory difficulties. 

    Dog Tracheal Collapse Symptoms

    Yorkshire Terrier exercising

    The most common sign of tracheal collapse is intermittent coughing. You might notice this coughing when your dog is excited, barking, exercising, or panting. Some dogs with tracheal collapse cough when eating or drinking, while others cough when pressure is placed on the throat (such as when the dog pulls against its collar). Many veterinarians and pet owners describe the cough associated with tracheal collapse as a “goose honk” cough, because of its characteristic honking sound. The cough may also be mistaken for vomiting, because it sometimes ends in a gag or retch. 

    You may see other signs of respiratory issues. These may include increased respiratory rate, increased respiratory effort (struggling to breathe), increased breathing sounds, and an inability to exercise for long periods of time. In severe cases, tracheal collapse can cause life-threatening respiratory distress when a dog becomes excessively excited, anxious, or overheated. 

    Signs of tracheal collapse in dogs may include: 

    • Cough brought on by exercise or excitement
    • Cough associated with eating or drinking
    • Coughing when pressure is placed on the throat
    • Shortness of breath
    • Increased respiratory effort 
    • Noisy breathing sounds
    • Exercise intolerance
    • Acute episodes of respiratory distress

    Stages of Tracheal Collapse in Dogs

    Tracheal collapse can be divided into four separate grades or stages: 

    • Grade I: The tracheal membrane sags but the cartilage maintains its normal shape. The trachea is narrowed by approximately 25%. Most dogs with Grade I collapse have few, if any, respiratory symptoms at home or on a veterinary exam. 
    • Grade II: The tracheal membrane sags and the cartilage is partially flattened. The trachea is narrowed by approximately 50%. Dogs with Grade II tracheal collapse often show symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing
    • Grade III: The tracheal cartilage is nearly flattened and the tracheal membrane sags so dramatically that it periodically touches the opposite side of the trachea. The trachea is narrowed by 75%. These dogs experience severe symptoms and require urgent treatment. 
    • Grade IV: Cartilage is flattened or inverted, with the tracheal membrane almost completely obstructing the trachea. Grade IV tracheal collapse is untreatable and often fatal. If your dog has Grade IV tracheal collapse, your veterinarian may talk to you about when to euthanize a dog with tracheal collapse.

    Tracheal collapse is a progressive disease. Dogs that start with Grade I tracheal collapse may progress to Grade II or Grade III over time. Fortunately, Grade IV tracheal collapse is uncommon. 

    What Causes Tracheal Collapse in Dogs?

    We don’t know exactly what causes tracheal collapse in dogs.

    Most cases of tracheal collapse are suspected to have an underlying genetic component. While we haven’t yet identified the exact genes that are responsible for this condition, tracheal collapse appears to be a hereditary condition in predisposed small breed dogs. 

    However, tracheal collapse does occasionally occur in unexpected breeds. In these cases, the condition may be caused by the environment, underlying health conditions, and other factors. 

    Diagnosing Tracheal Collapse in Dogs

    Radiography of dog with tracheal collapsed

    A thorough physical exam is the first step in diagnosing tracheal collapse. Your veterinarian will listen closely to your dog’s heart and lungs and press gently on your dog’s trachea to elicit a cough. Your veterinarian may also recommend screening laboratory tests, to look for heartworm disease and other potential causes of illnesses. 

    Next, your veterinarian will likely recommend X-rays. Images taken at specific points during your dog’s breathing cycle may clearly show the tracheal narrowing that accompanies tracheal collapse. Additionally, X-rays allow your veterinarian to rule out other heart and lung diseases that may cause coughing. 

    If your dog’s X-rays do not provide clear evidence of tracheal collapse, your veterinarian may refer you to a specialist for more advanced testing. Fluoroscopy and/or endoscopy can be more accurate in diagnosing some cases of tracheal collapse, although these tests are more expensive and not always necessary for every patient. 

    Tracheal Collapse in Dogs Treatment

    Dog with oxygen mask

    Treatment for tracheal collapse in dogs typically involves using medication to manage (not cure) the condition. Your veterinarian may prescribe cough suppressants, corticosteroids (such as prednisone), bronchodilators, and even sedatives in an attempt to reduce your dog’s signs of tracheal collapse. 

    If your dog is experiencing an acute episode of respiratory distress due to tracheal collapse, hospitalization may be required. An emergency veterinarian will administer oxygen therapy, along with injectable medications to aid your dog’s breathing. 

    In severe cases, surgical treatment may be needed. This surgery is only performed by specialists, so your veterinarian will refer you to a veterinary surgeon at a specialty practice or veterinary teaching hospital. Surgical treatment of tracheal collapse requires placing a stent that will help hold the trachea open and allow smooth airflow. 

    Managing Tracheal Collapse in Dogs

    Dog in field wearing a harness

    While medication is a mainstay of treatment for most cases of tracheal collapse, there are also lifestyle changes that you can make at home to help minimize your dog’s symptoms. 

    Keep your dog at a healthy weight. Overweight and obese dogs have more fat surrounding their trachea. This can increase pressure on the trachea, worsening symptoms of tracheal collapse. 

    Use a harness when walking your dog, instead of a collar. Neck collars place pressure on the trachea, which often triggers coughing in dogs with tracheal collapse. A harness distributes pressure across your dog’s chest, limiting pressure on the trachea. 

    Avoid smoke and other airborne irritants, such as scented candles and strong cleaners. Many dogs with tracheal collapse are sensitive to these irritants, and they may trigger coughing episodes that can worsen signs of tracheal collapse. 

    How long can a dog live with tracheal collapse? It depends on the severity of the dog’s tracheal collapse and your ability to manage their condition. Many dogs with mild tracheal collapse go on to live long, relatively normal lives. 

    How to Prevent Tracheal Collapse in Dogs

    There is no guaranteed way to prevent tracheal collapse in dogs. However, if you have a small-breed dog that is predisposed to tracheal collapse, keeping them at a lean weight and limiting your use of neck collars may help reduce the risk of this condition. 

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    Bladder Stones in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/bladder-stones-in-dogs/ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 17:51:48 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117277 When an adult dog has an accident in the house, you know there’s an issue. While many pet parents may jump to the conclusion that their dog is angry at them or trying to tell them something, it could be a medical condition causing frequent, painful urges to urinate.  In fact, urinary accidents are one […]

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    When an adult dog has an accident in the house, you know there’s an issue. While many pet parents may jump to the conclusion that their dog is angry at them or trying to tell them something, it could be a medical condition causing frequent, painful urges to urinate

    In fact, urinary accidents are one of the most common signs of urinary tract infections (UTI) and bladder stones in dogs. If this is the case, instead of a time out, your dog may need a trip to the vet.

    What Are Bladder Stones?

    Bladder stones are collections of mineral crystals that develop in the bladder or lower urinary tract. The medical term for these stones is “urolith,” which refers to a stone within the urine that may be in the bladder or urethra.

    Kidney stones (nephroliths) may be formed of the same minerals as bladder stones, but they are found in the kidney or occasionally the ureter (the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder). Most kidney stones do not cause problems in dogs unless the stone blocks the urine from flowing out of the kidney or leads to repeated urinary tract infections.

    For a serious illness, bladder stones are fairly common in dogs. While urinary tract infections are much more common, bladder stones occur frequently enough in dogs that family veterinarians are very experienced in treating them. 

    What Causes Bladder Stones in Dogs?

    Microscopic mineral crystals are often found in urine and may never become a problem. However, when conditions are right – such as higher acidity of urine, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and low water intake – these crystals may form into stones. Unless conditions in the bladder change, the stones will continue to multiply and grow.

    Some types of bladder stones develop because of the way the body processes proteins and minerals. As these metabolic processes are under genetic control, there are known genetic risk factors for specific types of bladder stones in many dog breeds.

    Types of Bladder Stones in Dogs

    x-ray of dog bladder stones

    There are several types of bladder stones that are common in dogs, each named based on the mineral that is most prevalent. By far the most common are struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) and calcium oxalate.

    These types of stones account for about 90 percent of all bladder stones in dogs, with struvite stones being more prevalent in females and calcium oxalate stones being more prevalent in males.

    Struvite bladder stones in dogs are most often associated with urinary tract infections, which is why female dogs are at much higher risk for their development. (Male dogs are at low risk for urinary tract infections due to their long, narrow urethra that acts as a barrier to bacteria reaching the bladder.) Specifically, females with hooded vulvas or those who are obese and unable to clean themselves properly are more prone to UTIs. 

    Breed Risk of Bladder Stones in Dogs

    As mentioned above, there are certain breeds that are genetically more at risk for certain types of bladder stones [1]. 

    Some breeds that are at increased risk for struvite stones include:

    Breeds at increased risk for calcium oxalate stones include:

    • Standard Poodle
    • Miniature Schnauzer (both male and female)
    • Pomeranian
    • Brussels Griffon
    • Miniature Pinscher
    • Maltese
    • Bichon Frise
    • Yorkshire Terrier

    Beyond these two most common types of stones, we’ve broken down a few others types of bladder stones that may arise in dogs, as well as the breeds that are at higher risk for them:

    Symptoms of Bladder Stones in Dogs

    Symptoms of bladder stones in dogs are similar to those of UTIs and other types of lower urinary disease. Most often pet parents notice that their dog needs to urinate more frequently, will attempt to urinate frequently on walks, or is straining to urinate. Having urinary accidents in the house is also a sign of lower urinary disease, as is foul smelling urine and urine with blood in it. 

    Urinary disease is painful, especially in the abdominal area, and dogs may show signs of pain by hunching their backs, not wanting to be pet, or otherwise being protective of their bellies. If left untreated, dogs can become very ill from their lower urinary disease and may vomit, have diarrhea, be lethargic, or not want to eat. 

    If a dog is unable to urinate for 12 hours or more despite trying, they may have a urinary obstruction, which is fatal if left untreated. This is a medical emergency and you should seek veterinary attention immediately.  

    Diagnosing Bladder Stones in Dogs

    Most bladder stones are diagnosed through a combination of urine testing and X-rays. Occasionally it is possible for a veterinarian to feel bladder stones on a physical exam. Your veterinarian will also assess the size of the bladder, pain associated with it, and overall physical health. Urine testing can tell your veterinarian what type(s) of stones your dog has, which is important information because different types of stones require different treatments. 

    Most, but not all, types of bladder stones are visible on X-rays, which can show the size, shape, location, and relative quantity (one, a few, or many) of the stones. Some bladder stones are not visible on an X-ray and require an abdominal ultrasound to confirm their presence. Bloodwork is also useful in forming a complete diagnosis and designing a tailored treatment plan.

    Bladder Stones in Dogs Treatment

    dog peeing in house

    Veterinarians treat bladder stones with medical or surgical management. Medical management may include antibiotics for a concurrent urinary tract infection, anti-inflammatory pain control, and a prescription diet that dissolves existing stones and reduces the risk of new ones developing. 

    Your veterinarian can write your pup a prescription for a urinary dissolution diet, and there are several companies that make prescription dog food, including Royal Canin, Hill’s, Purina, and Blue Buffalo. If your dog is prescribed this kind of diet, they should stay on it for the rest of their life unless specifically directed otherwise by a veterinarian.

    Urate, xanthine, and silica stones may have different treatment protocols. Dogs with urate stones may be placed on medication called allopurinol and started on a vegetarian diet. Dogs with xanthine stones may also be started on a vegetarian diet, and dogs with silica stones should be offered purified water and given a specific limited-ingredient diet low in silica.

    Depending on the size and type, some bladder stones in dogs are treated with surgical removal during a procedure called a cystotomy.  Calcium oxalate stones, for example, are not dissolvable with diet and typically require surgery, which involves going in through the abdomen, making an incision in the bladder, and scooping out the stones. The surgery can be complicated by stones stuck in the urethra, especially in male dogs. 

    Once the stones are removed, a sample is sent out for analysis so that a long-term treatment or prevention plan can be designed. Dogs who have surgery will also be placed on prescription diets to reduce the risk of recurrence.

    Lithotripsy (laser treatment to dissolve bladder stones) is not routinely performed in dogs but may be recommended for some ureteral, urethral, and kidney stones, or in dogs with other complicating medical issues.

    There are no effective home remedies for bladder stones. Over-the-counter supplements, such as those containing cranberry extract or other plant derivatives, are not effective at treating bladder stones or symptoms in dogs. If your dog is displaying signs of a urinary problem, it is best to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

    Cost to Treat Bladder Stones in Dogs

    The cost of bladder stone care in dogs depends on the treatment. 

    When it comes to prescription diets, the size of your dog and how much they eat factor into the cost. A 20 lb bag of food or case of 24 cans can range from $90 to $150, regardless of which brand you and your veterinarian select. These diets are also part of the long-term treatment and prevention plans for most types of bladder stones in dogs, so the cost will be ongoing.

    The cost of surgery is typically in the range of $2,000 to $5,000, depending on whether your primary veterinarian or a specialist surgeon performs the procedure, how complicated the stone removal is, and how quickly your pup recovers. If the surgery is performed as an emergency due to stones preventing your dog from urinating, it will be more expensive. Similarly, if the urethra has ruptured, the cost of surgery will increase and involvement of a surgical specialist is usually required at that point.

    How to Prevent Bladder Stones in Dogs

    Bladder stones are not fully preventable. However, making sure your dog always has access to plenty of clean, fresh water can be helpful in reducing the likelihood of stone developing. Similarly, regular bathroom breaks, such as walks that are long enough to ensure your dog fully empties his bladder, can also help reduce the risk of bladder stones.

    For dogs with a history of urinary crystals or bladder stones, a special prescription diet can reduce the risk of recurrence. There is no known benefit of dissolution diets for dogs without a history of bladder stones.

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    Chemotherapy for Cats: What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/chemotherapy-for-cats/ Wed, 29 Mar 2023 15:42:57 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117187 If your cat is diagnosed with cancer, it can be mentally and emotionally difficult. If your cat needs chemotherapy, it can be downright overwhelming!  This article will cover what to expect during chemotherapy for cats to help you feel prepared and confident, including the treatment process, costs, and recovery, along with how to keep your […]

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    If your cat is diagnosed with cancer, it can be mentally and emotionally difficult. If your cat needs chemotherapy, it can be downright overwhelming! 

    This article will cover what to expect during chemotherapy for cats to help you feel prepared and confident, including the treatment process, costs, and recovery, along with how to keep your cat comfortable during the process.

    What is Chemotherapy?

    Cat chemotherapy describes medications that are used to treat cancer. Whether used by itself or in conjunction with other cat cancer treatments such as surgery and radiation therapy, chemotherapy can shrink tumors, kill or slow the growth of cancer cells throughout the body, reduce inflammation, and manage symptoms associated with cancer (such as pain or nausea).

    Chemotherapy can be helpful for many types of cancer in cats. However, it is most commonly used in cancer that can’t be treated with surgery (such as lymphoma) or when cancer metastasizes (spreads). 

    Depending on the situation, it may be one single drug or a combination of drugs, and it can be administered several ways, including injection, intravenous, and pill form. The good news is that the side effects of cat chemotherapy are minimal compared to the side effects that humans experience.

    Chemotherapy for Cats: Step by Step

    If your cat is receiving a single injection of chemotherapy or receiving it in pill form, your veterinary provider will administer the injection and/or send you home with detailed instructions that include how to give pills and monitor for side effects.

    Since the process for intravenous chemotherapy is a bit more involved, we’ll go over it step by step.

    Step 1. Pre-Treatment Appointment

    First, your veterinarian will have an appointment with you before starting therapy to discuss what drug(s) will be administered and how often, how long treatment will last (it can vary), and any associated costs.

    Step 2. Treatment Prep

    When your cat goes in for treatment, the support staff will check their vitals, such as weight, temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate. If everything looks ok, your cat will be prepped for treatment by a veterinary technician. This includes shaving and sterilizing their arm and placing an intravenous catheter. 

    Because chemotherapy can cause bone marrow suppression in some cats, blood may be drawn from the catheter to check your cat’s blood cells before treatment. Your cat might also receive pre-treatment with medications to reduce nausea or allergic reactions to chemotherapy drugs.

    Step 3. Chemotherapy Infusion

    Once the catheter is secured, your cat will receive an IV infusion of fluids and chemotherapy drugs. Infusions can take 45 minutes to several hours to complete. Most treatment centers will allow you to stay with your cat while they are receiving treatment.

    Step 4. Post-Treatment Care

    After treatment, the veterinarian or veterinary technician will go over any side effects to look out for (pain, nausea, appetite loss, etc.) and schedule your cat for their next treatment, if appropriate. This is the best time to ask your provider any questions for home treatment.

    Step 5. At-Home Care

    During chemo treatment, you should be able to continue your at-home relationship with your cat without interruption. It is safe for most people to pet, hug, and kiss cats who are undergoing chemotherapy, with the exception of pregnant or nursing mothers, who should avoid contact with the cat for 3 days after treatment. If you are pregnant or nursing, be sure to let your veterinary provider know.

    Extra care should be taken with litter boxes, as chemotherapy drugs are excreted via urine and feces. Use gloves for 3-5 days after chemotherapy treatments when cleaning your cat’s litter box. It is safe for cats in multi-cat households to continue sharing boxes.

    If you are giving chemotherapy drugs at home, follow all instructions from your veterinarian, including safe handling practices.

    Cat Chemotherapy Side Effects

    Cat feeling lethargic

    Chemotherapy targets fast-growing cells, causing adverse side effects for some cats. In general, side effects of chemotherapy in cats are milder and less prevalent than in humans and can be easily controlled with medication. The most common side effects include:

    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Drooling
    • Excessive tiredness after treatment
    • Bone marrow suppression
    • Increased thirst and urination in cats treated with steroids
    • Whisker thinning
    • Shaved hair that grows back more slowly

    If your cat is receiving chemotherapy, it is important to provide them with a quiet, warm place to rest. In addition, you should also:

    Monitor appetite. Decreased appetite is common after treatment for the first day, but if your cat’s appetite remains poor for longer than 48 hours, or if they’re vomiting, contact your vet. You can entice cats to eat by feeding canned food that has been slightly warmed in the microwave or by adding chicken broth or toppers to their food.

    Monitor the litter box. If you notice diarrhea, or if your cat is straining in the litter box without producing feces or urine, call your veterinarian.

    Monitor energy level. It is normal for cats to have lower energy immediately following treatment, but if it lasts longer than 24 hours, contact your vet.

    Monitor hydration. Provide ample fresh water and ask your veterinarian how to check your cat’s hydration status and temperature. Give your vet a call if you notice signs of dehydration or a fever.

    Is Chemotherapy for Cats Worth It?

    The decision to pursue chemotherapy is a highly individualized choice, and no matter what your veterinarian thinks, it’s entirely up to you. Choosing to go with chemo depends on several factors, including:

    • If the type of cancer your cat has will respond well to chemotherapy
    • Whether you are treating to cure (remission), slow cancer growth, or provide palliative care (manage symptoms when a cure is not possible)
    • Your cat’s age, overall health, and quality of life with and without treatment
    • Your financial situation

    If your cat has been diagnosed with cancer and chemotherapy has been recommended, first make sure that you are working with a veterinarian you trust and is receptive to questions from you. If you aren’t comfortable, you have the right to get a second opinion. Be sure to ask your provider about the following:

    • Prognosis with chemotherapy and without
    • Possible risks and side effects of treatment
    • Other treatment options
    • If a local veterinary oncologist is available to administer treatment (oncologists have access to the latest treatments, research, and drugs)
    • Overall cost, including follow-up care (examinations and lab tests)
    • What is best for your cat

    Cat Chemotherapy Cost

    Depending on the treatment, the cost of chemotherapy varies. Intravenous drug therapy is the most expensive treatment, and you will pay more to work with a board certified oncologist vs. a local veterinarian. 

    In general, chemotherapy for cats costs $1,000-$5,000.

    Cat Chemotherapy Success Rate

    The success rate of chemotherapy depends on what type of cancer your cat has been diagnosed with, how far the cancer has spread, and the overall health of your cat. 

    Some cancers have an excellent success rate of treatment with chemotherapy, but with others, all chemotherapy can do is slow the progression of the disease or help your cat feel better. The variability of success underscores how important it is to ask your veterinarian questions before starting therapy.

    Cats and Chemotherapy: Other Tips and Advice

    Cat getting pill

    In addition to educating yourself about the type of cancer your cat has and the options for treatment, it’s also very helpful to enlist support from your community. A cancer diagnosis is hard, no matter if it’s a pet or a human. Having a supportive group of humans beside you as you walk through this journey can be incredibly helpful. 

    Many pet parents have found utilizing an online service like CareCorrals can help create a circle of support, empathy, and love. If you find that you are struggling mentally or emotionally, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional or join a support group.

    The post Chemotherapy for Cats: What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Tetanus in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/tetanus-in-dogs/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 18:06:50 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116987 Tetanus, otherwise known as lockjaw, is a disease we often hear about in people but not so much in dogs. And for a good reason. Tetanus in dogs is uncommon because they are relatively resistant to the toxin released by the bacteria that causes the disease. However, even though it’s not common, tetanus can become […]

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    Tetanus, otherwise known as lockjaw, is a disease we often hear about in people but not so much in dogs.

    And for a good reason. Tetanus in dogs is uncommon because they are relatively resistant to the toxin released by the bacteria that causes the disease. However, even though it’s not common, tetanus can become life threatening in dogs if not detected and treated early.

    In this article, we’ll cover the basics of dog tetanus, including symptoms, treatment, and prevention.

    What is Tetanus?

    Tetanus is a bacterial infection that affects the nervous system. The bacteria that causes tetanus (Clostridium tetani, or C. tetani for short) lives in soil. It can also be found in an animal’s intestinal tract and is shed through the feces. C. tetani is an anaerobe, thriving in environments with little to no oxygen. It is very hardy and can live in these environments for years.

    C. tetani enters the body through a puncture wound. The bacteria multiplies within the wound and releases a neurotoxin called tetanospasmin when cells in the wound begin to die. The toxin then attaches to nerve cells that control voluntary movement and blocks the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the nervous system).

    Without this control, muscles involuntarily spasm and contract. Involuntary muscle movements can be life-threatening when the respiratory muscles spasm, leading to an inability to breathe.

    People get tetanus shots to protect themselves from the disease. The first shot is given during childhood. Because tetanus shots do not provide lifelong protection, adults need booster shots to maintain disease protection. 

    Can Dogs Get Tetanus?

    Yes, dogs can get tetanus, but it is unusual because they are typically resistant to the toxin released by C. tetani

    There are two forms of tetanus in dogs: localized and generalized. Localized tetanus causes symptoms at the site of the wound. Generalized tetanus occurs when the toxin enters the nerve tract and travels from the wound to the brain and spinal cord. 

    If a dog does get tetanus, it is more likely to be localized tetanus. However, it is possible for localized tetanus to progress to generalized tetanus.

    How Do Dogs Get Tetanus?

    As with people, dogs get tetanus when C. tetani enters the body through a puncture wound. It’s important for pet parents to be aware that the wound does not have to be large in order for tetanus to be present – a minor puncture wound can allow entry of C. tetani. Additionally, while any dog can technically get tetanus, it is most likely to affect young, large-breed dogs.

    Symptoms of Tetanus in Dogs

    Tetanus symptoms in dogs are due to tetanospasmin’s effects on nerve cells, resulting in involuntary muscle contractions and spasms. The incubation time (i.e. time until symptoms appear) for tetanus in dogs is usually about 5 to 10 days, but it can range from 3 days to several weeks. This timeframe is so long because of dogs’ resistance to tetanospasmin.

    Symptoms of both localized and generalized tetanus in dogs include:

    Localized Tetanus

    • Muscle stiffness near the wound
    • Muscle tremors near the wound

    Generalized Tetanus

    • Lockjaw
    • Erect ears
    • Wrinkled forehead
    • Inability to swallow
    • Excessive drooling
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Stiff head and neck
    • Mouth partially open
    • Elevated third eyelids
    • Stiff and extended tail
    • Curled lips (‘sinister smile’)
    • Difficulty walking or turning around
    • Fever due to heat from constant muscle contraction

    It’s also important to note that the muscle spasms associated with tetanus can be severe enough to cause bone fractures.

    Diagnosing Tetanus in Dogs

    Veterinarians diagnose tetanus according to symptoms. Ideally, the wound can be identified; however, because of the long incubation time of tetanus in dogs, the wound usually heals by the time symptoms appear.

    Tests to identify C. tetani are not always reliable, so testing is usually not performed to make the diagnosis. However, a veterinarian may perform diagnostic testing to assess an affected dog’s overall health. This can include bloodwork, urinalysis, chest X-rays, and an electrocardiogram to measure heart rate and rhythm.

    Treatment for Tetanus in Dogs

    Dog getting vet care

    When it comes to treating tetanus in dogs, the earlier treatment is started, the better. The goal is to begin treatment before tetanospasmin has attached to nerve cells. If the wound can be identified, the veterinarian will debride (remove all dead tissue) and clean it.

    Beyond wound care, the specific course of treatment depends on disease severity, but several treatments are generally recommended, including: 

    Antibiotics The first line of treatment is typically an antibiotic, specifically penicillin. Killing C. tetani prevents the release of tetanospasmin, and improvements from antibiotic treatment are typically seen within the first week.

    Other medications. Additional medications to relax the muscles and control spasms may also be used. Because light and noise can trigger muscle spasms, dogs must remain in a dark, quiet room during treatment.

    Antitoxin. A tetanus antitoxin is another form of treatment, though it is a controversial option. An antitoxin is a blood product that contains antibodies against tetanospasmin and is derived from the blood of a horse or human. Its role is to prevent attachment of the neurotoxin to nerve cells, so it is effective only during the early stages of the disease.

    Unfortunately, this antitoxin can have serious side effects. Because it is a blood product of another species, it may be rejected by a dog’s immune system and cause anaphylactic shock, a severe and life-threatening allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis is more likely with intravenous administration of the antitoxin.

    Depending on disease severity, additional supportive care measures may be taken, such as:

    • Feeding tube
    • Breathing support
    • Intravenous fluid therapy
    • Soft bedding and regular body rotation to prevent bed sores

    Full recovery from tetanus typically takes at least one month. 

    How Much Does It Cost to Treat Tetanus in Dogs?

    The cost to treat tetanus in dogs varies according to how severe it is. Localized tetanus treatment costs are lower because the dog may not need hospitalization or require intensive care.

    Generalized tetanus is much more expensive to treat, given the costs of intensive supportive care, medications, and hospitalization.

    How to Prevent Tetanus in Dogs

    Although people get tetanus shots in childhood and adulthood, because tetanus is so uncommon in dogs, these shots are not routinely given in the canine community.

    The best prevention against tetanus in dogs is prompt and thorough cleaning of puncture wounds and antibiotic treatment. If the cleaning is beyond what you can do yourself, your veterinarian can thoroughly debride and clean the wound, and also prescribe an appropriate antibiotic to administer at home.

    The post Tetanus in Dogs appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Cat Zoomies: What They Are and Why They Happen https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-behavior/cat-zoomies/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:51:36 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116687 It always seems to happen just as you’re winding down for the night. Everything is quiet and calm. And then … zoom, zoom, zoom! The cat is tearing around the house like she’s on a sugar high. Cat zoomies strike again! Zoomies are common, cute, and generally harmless – but not always. Turns out, there’s […]

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    It always seems to happen just as you’re winding down for the night. Everything is quiet and calm. And then … zoom, zoom, zoom! The cat is tearing around the house like she’s on a sugar high. Cat zoomies strike again!

    Zoomies are common, cute, and generally harmless – but not always. Turns out, there’s a lot more to it than crazy kitty behavior, and too much of the zoomies could signal a problem requiring a visit to the vet.

    You may have wondered: why do cats get the zoomies? What can I do to minimize zoomies and keep my cat safe? And what actually are cat zoomies?

    Read on to find out all this and much more as we zoom in for a closer look at zoomies. 

    What are Cat Zoomies?

    The technical name for the zoomies is “frenetic random activity periods,” or “frapping.”

    Zoomies are sudden bursts of high energy that tend to happen at three points in the day – dawn, dusk, and after using the litter box. They also follow long periods of sleep, when a freshly recharged kitty is ready to hunt.

    What Do Zoomies Look Like?

    Unlike standard cat play, like chasing a feather toy, zoomies look more like your cat is reacting to an annoying, invisible little brother who’s teasing her just out of view. She’ll pounce on nothing in particular, chirp, or yowl – and if your feet are on the floor, she might ambush your socks. Her pupils will dilate, her ears will sweep back, and her head and tail will flicker and jerk like she’s trying to find something she can’t quite catch. 

    In most cases, again, these bouts of frenetic random activity are harmless – and usually hilarious to watch. But they’re definitely not quite as random as you might think. Zoomies only seem random to us because we might not know what’s causing them.  

    Why Do Cats Get the Zoomies?

    Two cats running around the house

    On the whole, it’s typically indoor cats who get the zoomies. The key reason for this has to do with the fact that all cats, domestic or not, are hunters.

    Predators without prey. At its simplest, with domesticated cats, we’ve taken the tiger out of the jungle, but not the jungle out of the tiger. “Cats have to hunt,” says Linda Hall, a certified cat behaviorist in Ohio. And outdoor cats get to do that. For them, “dinner is not served on a platter,” Hall says. “And they don’t run around looking for dead birds. They hunt.”

    Indoor cats, Hall says, are predators with no prey. There’s nothing to chase, nothing to pounce on, but the instinct to do so is as sharp as that of any feral cat or tiger in the jungle.

    “Cats are ambush predators,” says Marilyn Krieger, a.k.a. The Cat Coach, a certified cat behaviorist in California. “[Outdoor cats] use short bursts of energy [that] our little indoor guys don’t get the opportunity to release.” Except as zoomies, of course.

    Age matters. Age can also play a factor when it comes to the zoomies. Older cats can get them sometimes for medical reasons, which we’ll discuss in a moment – but those bouts of erratic racing around tend to be much more common in kittens and younger cats.

    “Age does affect the zoomies,” says Rita Reimers, a certified cat behaviorist in the Charlotte area. For one thing, age slows down cats as much as anyone, but “cats over 10 may have arthritis,” Reimers says, which would certainly put a damper on too much zooming.

    Time of day matters too. Contrary to common belief (and to those zoomie sessions in the overnight hours), cats are not actually nocturnal. They are crepuscular, which means they’re most active during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk, when their natural prey are most active.

    The main reason cats sleep so much, Krieger says, is to store up energy for those short bursts of blinding speed needed to catch darting rodents and fleeing birds when the sun comes up or goes down. So when indoor cats wake up from a long nap with “a bundle or neurotransmitters” firing, but nothing to hunt, that energy gets released as sudden, frenetic activity. 

    Why Do Cats Get the Zoomies at Night? 

    Generally, cats get the zoomies after they wake up. Indoor cats often adjust their sleeping habits around their feeding schedules, but also around your schedule.

    In other words, your cat might be sleeping during the day so that she can spend more time around you when you’re home. But that might mean she wakes up in the wee hours of the morning, looking to find something to pounce on that isn’t there.

    Why Does My Cat Get the Zoomies After Pooping? 

    Every cat parent knows the pattern: your kitty visits the litter box, scratches to bury her business, and then rips through the house as if she’s been set free from jail.

    It might be simple relief that causes cats to run after using the litter box, but it also could be a digestive issue, such as irritation or infection. Constipation, going outside the litter box, or vomiting could be signs of an infection in the colon, rectum, or urinary tract. (This might also be true for cats that zoom around before pooping.) If you see any of these signs, call your veterinarian.

    Additionally, while you’re cleaning your cat’s litter box, Krieger says, it’s always smart to inspect what’s in there. “You want to make sure to check the feces,” she says. “Make sure [your cats] are not constipated,” and make sure there is nothing out-of-the-ordinary about the droppings. Look for changes of color, spots of blood, and the size of droppings compared to what is normal.

    Are Cat Zoomies Normal?

    Short bouts of the zoomies, lasting for five or ten minutes, once or twice a day, are not uncommon and generally aren’t cause for concern. But like any otherwise normal pet behaviors, too much of the zoomies could be a sign of distress in cats.

    Pain. “They may have a little pain or are itchy,” Krieger says. “If you see [excessive scratching or licking accompanying zoomies] you have to get the cat to a vet.”

    Hyperthyroidism. Unusual bouts of frapping could be stemming from feline hyperthyroidism. This is especially common in middle-aged cats. If your cat is acting strangely or losing weight, take her to the veterinarian.

    Feline cognitive dysfunction. Another condition affecting older cats is feline cognitive dysfunction, which is often accompanied by disorientation and long bouts of staring at nothing in particular. Cats with cognitive dysfunction might wake up startled and start bolting around the room. If you see this behavior, it’s time to see a vet.

    Less medically serious and much more correctible (and probably more likely) is that your cat isn’t getting enough exercise. More on that in a moment. First, let’s look at ways to keep zooming cats from hurting themselves.

    Keeping Cats Safe During Zoomies

    For the most part, a healthy cat zooming around the place is pretty safe. But there is still potential for your cat to get hurt, especially on things like throw rugs or slippery floors. It’s best to keep small rugs and other slippery things secured if you have a cat who likes to bolt around the room.

    Reimers also cautions against leaving bags out. Cats love playing with and hiding inside of bags, but looped handles can find their way around their necks or legs, which could lead to injury. For that same reason, try to keep strings on blinds out of kitty’s reach too.

    And don’t forget to tuck away loose items and toxic foods cats can swallow when they’re keyed up:

    • Raisins or grapes
    • Sugar-free gums or candies
    • Prescription pills

    “Be really careful not to leave that stuff around,” says Hall. “Cats don’t stop to investigate. If they’re in hunting mode and they’re zooming, we don’t know what they’re going to get into.”

    Krieger says that it helps to think of zoomie-proofing as baby-proofing. Try to keep sharp, breakable, and loose things protected, secured, covered, or better yet, out of the way. 

    How to Stop Cat Zoomies

    cat on exercise wheel

    There are a few things you can do to stop, or at least lessen, the zoomies.

    As mentioned, a big reason your cat might get the zoomies is because she’s bored and under-exercised. So the first thing cat parents can do is play with their fur baby to help burn off some of that energy.

    Feather or pole toys, or anything cats can chase work great, says Hall. But if you utilize a laser pointer, Hall has some advice. Cats don’t just need to hunt, she says, they need to catch what they’re hunting. But a cat can’t catch a laser, and that could affect her self-confidence. If you do use a laser pointer, Hall recommends pointing it at something she can chase or catch.

    Krieger says a great way to head off the zoomies is to “have your cat hunt more for their food. Roll a treat and let them chase and catch it.”

    Another option is a “treasure hunt,” which is also great for getting cats to spend zoomie energy constructively (and at more convenient times). These hunts also mentally stimulate cats by getting them to find solutions. Put some food inside boxes or couch cushions or someplace where she will have to seek it out. 

    Hall adds that treat balls and food puzzle toys also mentally stimulate cats and get them expending would-be-zoomie energy.

    Bottom line? “Make them work for their food,” advises Krieger.

    The post Cat Zoomies: What They Are and Why They Happen appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Dog Begging: Why They Do It and How to Stop It https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/dog-begging-why-they-do-it-and-how-to-stop-it/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:20:19 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116616 They’re called puppy dog eyes for a reason—those big, pleading, adorably sad eyes that just ache for a bite of whatever you’re eating.  Hard to resist. But giving in to a begging dog can lead to real problems for you and your pooch. This can range from pesky, unwanted behaviors to medical issues like canine […]

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    They’re called puppy dog eyes for a reason—those big, pleading, adorably sad eyes that just ache for a bite of whatever you’re eating. 

    Hard to resist. But giving in to a begging dog can lead to real problems for you and your pooch. This can range from pesky, unwanted behaviors to medical issues like canine obesity stemming from eating too many table scraps and treats.

    Fortunately, stopping a dog from begging isn’t complicated. It just takes a little patience and a few simple steps. Here’s what you need to know about dog begging.

    Why Do Dogs Beg?

    Happy dog smiling begging for food outside

    To figure out why dogs beg, it might be best to first ask—what do dogs beg for? In general, dogs beg for three things: food, toys, and attention/play.

    In other words, dogs don’t beg to be annoying and they don’t do it for any complex, social, or evolutionary reasons. They do it “because they want something,” says certified animal behaviorist Yody Blass, owner and director of Companion Animal Behavior in Virginia. 

    Blass says the old-school way of thinking about begging behaviors in dogs usually got around to theories about wolves, dominance, and submission, but there isn’t much backing up those theories these days. The truth, she says, is a little more basic: your dog begs because begging works.

    “A big part of it is people letting it happen,” Blass says. “Over time, dogs learn what they can and can’t get away with.”

    What Does Dog Begging Look Like?

    Dog begging at the table

    Your dog is smart—and he knows how to game you when he wants something. That usually means he’s figured out that being adorable works. “If we have the goods and they want the goods, they’re going to be cute,” Blass says. “They know how to work us.”

    The cute stuff is tough to resist but easy to spot—big, wet eyes, droopy ears, wagging tail, a gentle paw on your lap, maybe a pleading whimper.

    But not all behaviors are cute and, left unchecked, dog begging behaviors at the dinner table can escalate to more nuisance or even assertive behaviors, such as:

    • Yipping
    • Barking
    • Nipping 
    • Jumping 
    • Excessive pawing
    • Grabbing food behind your back

    Your dog’s breed and natural temperament likely play a role in what types of begging behaviors he exhibits, Blass says.

    Keep in mind that not all begging is about food. Sometimes your dog begs because he wants to play. Sometimes he wants to go outside. Sometimes he just wants your attention. “Anything dogs want to do, they have their ways of begging for it,” says Phyllis Beasley, a certified professional dog trainer and owner of Praise Dog!Training in South Carolina.

    What’s important to remember is something all dog parents occasionally forget—your dog can’t talk like a human. So he needs to get his message across however he can. 

    If he’s begging for something other than food, he might stare at his leash waiting for a walk, or stand by the back door hoping to be let out. Sometimes he might boop you with his nose or try to get you to follow him. Pet parents don’t always interpret these as begging behaviors, Beasley says. 

    But if staring or hovering or booping isn’t working, your dog might get vocal. “If a dog barks at you for something, we call that ‘demand barking,’” she says. “It’s not bad behavior, per se, it’s the dog communicating that he wants something. But it’s not the way to do it.”

    How to Stop a Dog from Begging

    Dog begging with face between owners legs underneath the table

    The best way to curb demand barking or pushier dog begging behaviors is to teach your dog to sit for what he wants, Beasley says. “I call it the ‘Say please’ protocol.’”

    The good news, she says, is that most dog parents usually teach their pups how to “sit.” For instance, you might teach your dog to sit in front of the fridge when he wants an ice cube (like Beasley’s German Shepherd does). 

    But it’s important for pet parents to learn to recognize what their dog is saying by quietly sitting near something he wants and rewarding polite behavior. “We have a saying that behaviors that are rewarded are repeated,” Beasley says. “The key is consistency.”

    When it comes to a dog begging for food, approaches you can try include feeding your dog first, feeding your dog in a different room, or blocking your dog’s access to where you eat. 

    According to Yody Blass, three tried-and-true things dog parents can do are ignore, redirect, and invest in some basic training.

    Ignoring is exactly what it sounds like. When you feel those big saucer eyes lock in on you, don’t engage. “[Dogs are] used to us giving in,” Blass says. “You need to make them wait—although that’s only going to work to a point.”

    This is where redirecting comes in. Redirect the dog’s attention to something he would like besides your dinner—maybe a toy or a snuffle mat—in another part of the house. When he figures out that when you get something he also gets something he likes, but can only get it away from the table, you’ll be more likely to eat without “that look” keeping you company.

    This, of course, will only happen if you put in some time training your dog to respect your cues, gestures, and hand signals, Blass says. But this is where a lot of dog families get frustrated. “I think a lot of people miss that training part,” she says. “You need to work on it every day for two or three minutes.”

    And if all that is still not getting your dog to stop begging, she says, call a professional. “It’s helpful to have someone come in and work with you.”

    Dog Begging: Other Tips and Advice

    Dog barking at owner begging for food

    Whether your dog is begging for food, play, or a nice ice cube, stopping a dog from begging takes a little patience and a little practice. Remember that they don’t think they’re doing anything wrong, so punishing a dog for “bad” behavior won’t work, Beasley says.

    Teaching basic cues like “leave it” or simply “no” can go a long way. They’re especially effective with hand or body gestures, since dogs are excellent at picking up nonverbal cues from people, Beasley says.

    Her own German Shepherd, for instance, loves fetching a ball and would do it for hours. But when Beasley has had enough, she will gesture with her arms and say “Enough” and then completely disengage.

    The bottom line is, your dog will react to the way you respond to begging. Whatever you reward, you reinforce, and if “bad” or unwanted behaviors are getting him what he wants, he will keep doing it as long as it works.

    The post Dog Begging: Why They Do It and How to Stop It appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    What Colors Can Cats See? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/what-colors-can-cats-see/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:18:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116620 Can cats see color? There was a time when people thought cats couldn’t see any color at all, believing felines only viewed the world in shades of gray. But in the 1960s, that perception was turned on its head. Scientists realized that cats could see some color, and that their visual capacities were much more […]

    The post What Colors Can Cats See? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Can cats see color? There was a time when people thought cats couldn’t see any color at all, believing felines only viewed the world in shades of gray. But in the 1960s, that perception was turned on its head. Scientists realized that cats could see some color, and that their visual capacities were much more complex than previously thought (1). 

    While cats see fewer colors than humans, they have extra visual abilities that we lack. For instance, cats can see quite well in the dark!

    So what colors can cats see? To understand cat color perception, it’s helpful to know how their eyes are structured. Here’s what you need to know about cat vision.

    Cat Vision: Understanding Feline Eye Anatomy

    Cat sitting on a cat tree looking out the window

    There are many similarities between human eyes and cat eyes, at least in the anatomical sense, says Dr. Kelli Ramey, a veterinary ophthalmologist and owner of Calgary Animal Eye Care in Calgary, Canada.

    “We have all the same basic structures: the cornea, the clear windshield of the eye; the iris, the colored part of the eye; a lens; and a retina,” says Ramey. “Probably the predominant anatomic difference between our eyes and cats’ eyes is the shape of the pupil. So that cat eye has that vertical slit-shaped pupil, which actually helps them with more of their distance vision, and it can improve their visual acuity at a distance.”

    A critical difference between humans’ and cats’ eyes lies in the composition of the retina—namely, the photoreceptor cells known as cones and rods. Human eyes have more cones, enabling broad color vision. Cat eyes mainly consist of rods that allow for black-and-white vision in dim light. While cats do have cones that allow them to see color, their visual abilities focus more on seeing in the dark rather than distinguishing a range of colors.

    “Cats can see better in the dark than we can largely because they have more rods than cones and a greater density of rods than we have,” says Dr. Riley Aronson, an ophthalmology research fellow at University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine. “This helps them hunt in darker lighting, since cats are technically crepuscular (most active at dawn and dusk). Another reason they see better in the dark is because cats (excluding blue-eyed cats) have another layer in the back of their eye called a tapetum lucidum—or tapetum for short. This helps reflect light back through the retina, meaning the photoreceptors (rods and cones) receive more light.”

    While cats are known to have two types of cones in their retinas, some recent studies have suggested that cats could have a third cone, allowing them to see a broader spectrum of color (2). But this idea is controversial since these cones cannot be consistently detected in anatomic or behavioral studies of vision in cats (3).

    What Colors Can Cats See?

    Cat being held by owner

    There is still a lot to learn about feline vision, but most experts agree that cats see shades of blue-violet and yellow-green. On the other hand, cats cannot see red, orange, and brown hues.

    So does that mean cats can’t see the laser pointer’s red dot? Aronson says cats can see the laser, just not the color.

    “It is the movement of the dot that they see, rather than the color,” says Aronson. “Cats are similar to people with red-green colorblindness and are thought to perceive red objects as green.”

    Cats may respond more favorably to objects within their color range, says Ramey.

    “If we want to play to the strengths of cats’ color vision, buying them toys and beds … that are in that blue to yellow-green color range just means that they’re going to potentially find things more easily,” says Ramey. “If you’re throwing a ball and it’s red, it’s going to be harder for them to find and track compared to a blue ball.”

    Do Cats See Color the Same Way as Dogs?

    Cat and dog sitting together on a couch

    Cats see color in a similar way to dogs, but there are some crucial differences between cat and dog vision.

    “Dogs are a little bit more toward that blue and strong yellow, whereas cats [see] a little bit more blue and greenish-yellow,” says Ramey. “It’s not a huge difference, but it’s small enough that it’s noted in the research.”

    Another distinction is that dogs have better visual acuity than cats. “Things will actually look a bit more blurry to cats,” Ramey explains.

    Cat vision might be more “blurry,” but they have excellent motion detection – better than dogs do. And cats can see well in the near dark. However, cats are more near-sighted than dogs, and can only see about 20 feet in front of them.

    “Evolutionarily, this makes sense for them,” says Aronson. “They hunt when it’s darker and hunt close up. The vertical pupil helps them hunt from trees and higher distances.” They are experts at tracking moving prey. 

    Color Blindness in Cats

    Cat getting scratches under their chin

    Is it possible that some cats are colorblind? Ramey says it’s impossible to know.

    “Since individual cats can’t communicate exactly what they see from cat to cat,” says Ramey, “I don’t think we know for sure. We know more generalities.”

    Aronson takes a similar view: “I think colorblindness would be hard to diagnose in cats since we can’t see that they’re struggling with crayons in elementary school, for example.”

    That said, Aronson says some medical issues could impact a cat’s vision as a whole. “Anything that degrades the retina itself,” says Aronson. “For cats, these diseases include retinal degeneration, PRA (progressive retinal atrophy), taurine deficiency in the diet, fluoroquinolone (an antibiotic class) toxicity, and retinal detachment.”

    While color blindness hasn’t been recognized in cats, experts say cats see color in a comparable way to humans with red-green color blindness.

    “Probably the closest we can perceive to what cats see in color would be for like a colorblind person,” says Ramey.


    In summary, cats can see color, but not in the same way as humans, or even dogs. Most experts believe their vision is limited to shades of blue-violet and yellow-green, and that they’re unable to see hues of red, orange, and brown.

    What cats lack in color vision, however, they gain in night vision and motion detection. In other words, don’t underestimate what your cats can see.

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    Why Does My Dog Pee on My Bed? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/why-does-my-dog-pee-on-my-bed/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:14:51 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116623 What could be more frustrating than getting ready for a good night’s sleep only to discover your dog has peed on your bed? Peeing on beds is a rather uncommon behavior in dogs, according to veterinary behaviorist Valarie Tynes, DVM, Dipl. ACVB, Dipl. ACAW., shelter veterinary behaviorist at SPCA of Texas, who sees many more […]

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    What could be more frustrating than getting ready for a good night’s sleep only to discover your dog has peed on your bed? Peeing on beds is a rather uncommon behavior in dogs, according to veterinary behaviorist Valarie Tynes, DVM, Dipl. ACVB, Dipl. ACAW., shelter veterinary behaviorist at SPCA of Texas, who sees many more cases of cats peeing on beds than dogs. 

    “This is highly unlikely to be something that happens because the dog is mad at you or trying to get back at you for something,” she says. “We know that animals share many of the same emotions that humans do, but there is minimal if any evidence to suggest that four-legged animals act out of spite or vengeance.”

    Dogs can start peeing on beds for a variety of reasons, both medical and behavioral. Read on to find out what causes this behavior and get tips for how to best address the issue and clean up the mess.

    Why Does My Dog Pee on My Bed?

    Dog head tilt happy dog at home but he keeps peeing on bed

    “Dogs pee in the house for a variety of different reasons, ranging from separation anxiety to a fear of going outside to just never having been well housetrained,” Dr. Tynes says.

    In order to stop your dog from peeing on your bed, you must understand why they are doing it. Before assuming your dog’s bed peeing is behavioral, it’s vital to have your dog checked out by a veterinarian to rule out a medical problem.

    Some medical conditions in dogs that can cause peeing on things inside the house include:

    “If an adult dog over the age of about 5 to 7 years suddenly starts peeing on the bed, I am going to lean more heavily toward the likelihood of an underlying medical problem, such as a urinary tract problem,” Dr. Tynes says. “If the behavior first occurs in a 2- to 3-year-old dog, I still want to rule out urinary tract disease, but the problem is more likely to be a primary behavior condition.”

    Sometimes, you might think your dog is purposely peeing on your bed when what’s actually happening is out of their control. If your old dog is peeing on the bed or your dog pees on the bed at night, it could be involuntary urine leakage. 

    “If a dog sleeps in the bed with you and is elderly and becomes incontinent, they could begin leaving urine on the bed because they leak urine while they sleep,” Dr. Tynes says. “Leaking urine while sleeping is a problem that is more common in female dogs.”

    Senior dogs are also more likely to develop medical conditions that lead to increased urine output, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and Cushing’s disease. These conditions may make it more difficult for your senior dog to avoid urinating in bed. Other conditions, such as bladder stones, urinary tract tumors, and infections, may also be more common in senior dogs, for a variety of reasons.

    In addition to medical causes, peeing on the bed can be a behavioral issue. Some behavioral conditions that can cause peeing on things inside the house include:

    In a senior dog, cognitive dysfunction (dementia) can also lead to changes in urinary habits.

    The reasons why a dog might choose to specifically pee on a bed versus elsewhere in the house can be tricky to reveal. Dr. Tynes says that dogs who have been punished in the past for having accidents in the house might be afraid to eliminate in the presence of their owner and instead search for a nice safe place to hide and do their business. 

    “Many dogs will avoid urinating on a hard surface and try to find something absorbent instead,” she says. “This could be beds, rugs, clothing on the floor, or even furniture.”

    Dog Peeing on Bed: How to Stop It

    Child reading on bed with dog snuggling

    The first thing to do if your dog starts peeing on your bed is to schedule a visit with your veterinarian. A veterinary visit is especially essential in senior dogs, due to the likelihood of underlying medical conditions related to urinary changes. Your vet can check your dog over to look for a medical cause for the bed peeing. If the issue is due to a urinary tract infection, incontinence or another medical concern, your vet will prescribe medications to help your dog. 

    If you or your vet suspect the behavior is due to urine marking, spaying or neutering your dog might help stop it. Urine marking, which is driven by hormones, is more common in unneutered male dogs. However, spayed or neutered dogs can also urine mark, something that is not related to territory marking or mating, but is believed to be associated with anxiety.

    “Sites for urine marking are usually chosen because they are in a location that an animal feels is necessary to mark so that their own feelings of safety and security are increased,” Dr. Tynes says. “The anxiety might be due to changes in the composition of the home—new people, new animals, new items—that worry the pet and lead to the animal feeling the need to mark items in the home with their own scent.”

    If your vet gives your dog a clean bill of health, your next step is to contact a qualified veterinary behaviorist who can attempt to determine the underlying cause of the urination in the house, whether that’s anxiety, fear, inadequate house training, or another cause.

    To shed some light on what’s driving the bed peeing behavior, the behaviorist will ask you about other behaviors your dog might be exhibiting at home. 

    “A dog with separation anxiety is likely to also be destructive,” Dr. Tynes says. “If an owner will set up a camera and capture some video of the dog while alone, you should also be able to see that the dog is acting anxious or distressed. Dogs with separation anxiety may also act distressed the moment they see their owner preparing to leave.”

    In cases of inadequate housetraining or urine marking, you might notice your dog peeing in other places inside the house in addition to your bed. “It would be uncommon for them to only pee on the bed,” Dr. Tynes says.

    There are some basic principles that can be applied to changing any unwanted behavior in dogs, Dr. Tynes says, including peeing on the bed. The first step is preventing the behavior from occurring by avoiding the situation that allows the behavior to occur. 

    “In the case of peeing on the bed, close doors to the bedroom or keep the dog near you either by tethering or the use of some type of containment, such as an ex-pen or crate,” she says. “Second, reinforce the dog for the behavior you want to be repeated. In this case, take the dog outside frequently, wait for it to urinate, and then praise and reward the dog with a tiny treat.”

    It can take some time to resolve inappropriate urination, so work closely with your behaviorist and pack your patience. With diligence, you can address the underlying cause and stop your dog from peeing on your bed. 

    Cleaning Up After Your Dog Pees on the Bed

    Dog laying upside down on soft bed at home

    While you are working on resolving the behavior, it’s important to clean up properly when accidents happen. Using odor eliminating products to remove all traces of pee scent is a crucial step to prevent a dog from wanting to return to that spot to go again.

    If your dog is peeing on your bedding, including blankets, sheets and comforter, wash these following the directions on the tag. If the pee has seeped into the mattress, you’ll want to clean that carefully as well.

    “With urinary accidents, soak or blot the urine to get as much of the liquid out as possible,” Dr. Tynes says. “Clean with plain soap and water if safe for the surface. Some people have success with enzymatic cleaners for pet accidents.”

    Remember: It’s Not Personal

    People often think their dog is peeing on the bed on purpose to send a message of some kind. Try to remember that dogs don’t do things out of spite. Your dog is peeing on the bed for a reason, but it’s unlikely because they are mad at you. Instead, your dog’s peeing on the bed is likely an indication that something is wrong, and it’s up to you to work with your veterinarian to find and solve the problem.

    “People often take an animal peeing on their bed or clothing as a personal affront,” Dr. Tyne says. “Most often, the animal chooses a site for elimination because it is a quiet, out-of-the-way spot where they feel safe and has a substrate under their feet that they like.”

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    Jaundice in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/jaundice-in-dogs/ Tue, 28 Mar 2023 14:32:46 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116649 The color yellow is normally associated with happiness, friendship, and feelings of summer warmth. However, in medicine, the color yellow can mean serious problems. If your canine companion suddenly develops yellowing of the skin or eyes, it could be a sign of jaundice in dogs.  Jaundice is an uncommon but serious condition in dogs, and […]

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    The color yellow is normally associated with happiness, friendship, and feelings of summer warmth. However, in medicine, the color yellow can mean serious problems. If your canine companion suddenly develops yellowing of the skin or eyes, it could be a sign of jaundice in dogs. 

    Jaundice is an uncommon but serious condition in dogs, and while it is not always life-threatening, it can be a warning sign of underlying health issues that require prompt veterinary attention. In this article, we’ll dive into the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for jaundice in dogs, as well as precautions you can take to prevent some of its causes.

    What is Jaundice?

    Jaundice, also known as icterus, is a visible yellow discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes and gums. Jaundice is a result of excessive levels of bilirubin (a yellow pigment) in the bloodstream or the organs of the body. 

    Normally, bilirubin is produced when the body breaks down old or damaged red blood cells. The bilirubin is transported by the bloodstream to the liver, which metabolizes it into a form that can be excreted. Bilirubin is then stored in bile in the gallbladder and ultimately excreted in the stool.

    Most people are familiar with jaundice in newborn babies, as it is very common. In fact, according to the American Association of Family Physicians, about 50 percent of full-term babies and 80 percent of premature babies will develop jaundice in their first week of life. Most of the time, jaundice in babies doesn’t need to be treated and is not a very serious problem.

    Humans aren’t the only species to develop jaundice. Jaundice is commonly treated by veterinarians in dogs, cats, horses, and a variety of other animals.

    What Does Jaundice Look Like in Dogs?

    Jaundice can be much harder to diagnose in dogs than in people due to the presence of their fur coats. In dogs with light-colored skin, owners may notice a yellow discoloration on their inner ear flaps or on the hairless parts of their bellies. In most dogs, jaundice will be apparent on their gums, but some dogs have dark gums, making it tough to tell. The easiest place to detect jaundice in dogs is typically the sclera, or whites of the eyes.

    Causes of Jaundice in Dogs

    When it comes to what causes jaundice in dogs, we need to first break it down by the type we’re dealing with. Typically, jaundice (or icterus) is divided into three main categories: Pre-hepatic, Hepatic, and Post-hepatic.

    Pre-hepatic icterus may occur in cases of severe hemolytic anemia (low levels of red blood cells due to bursting of the cells). This happens because there is more bilirubin to process than the liver can keep up with. Possible causes of hemolytic anemia in dogs include:

    Hepatic icterus, the most common type of icterus, can occur anytime there is serious liver disease in dogs, which prevents the liver from processing bilirubin or from moving bile into the gallbladder. This can occur due to several different causes including:

    Post-hepatic icterus in dogs can be seen with obstructions of the common bile duct or gallbladder. Examples of conditions that can lead to post-hepatic jaundice include:

    • Severe pancreatitis
    • Abdominal tumors
    • Gallbladder mucocele
    • Gallstones
    • Gallbladder rupture

    Other Symptoms Associated with Jaundice

    According to a recent study in dogs, the most common symptoms present along with jaundice were:

    • Vomiting 
    • Inappetence 
    • Lethargy 
    • Fever 

    Other symptoms pet parents should watch out for are:

    Diagnosing the Cause of Jaundice in Dogs

    Vet looking at dog's eyes

    As you can see, jaundice can have many different causes. Since most causes of jaundice in dogs are quite serious, it’s critical that you take your dog to your veterinarian at the first sign of jaundice or any of the associated symptoms. 

    Your veterinarian will need to take a detailed history to ensure your dog has not been exposed to any toxins, drugs, or infectious diseases that could be playing a role. Next, she will need to take blood for a complete blood cell count and blood chemistry panel, as well as urine for a urinalysis. This is a good starting point and will guide your veterinarian to the next best steps. 

    Most causes of jaundice will also require an abdominal ultrasound to guide the diagnosis. If the jaundice is determined to be hepatic in nature liver clotting tests, leptospirosis testing, and liver biopsies will need to be performed. 

    Treating Dogs for Jaundice

    Treatment for jaundice in dogs is based on the determined cause or probable cause. However, many dogs with jaundice present to veterinarians in serious to critical condition, and stabilizing them while waiting for the results of testing is imperative. 

    Initial stabilization usually involves intravenous (IV) fluids to correct dehydration and possibly IV antibiotics if there is a high suspicion of infectious causes. Dogs with sudden or chronic liver failure often have low blood sugar, which also requires prompt attention by administering a sugar solution.

    When jaundice is caused by anemia, treatment often involves blood transfusions and steroids. Dogs that have abnormal blood clotting capabilities often require plasma transfusion, especially before having invasive liver biopsies performed.

    Surgery is typically only performed for cases of post-hepatic jaundice where the bile duct or gallbladder is obstructed or ruptured.

    Prognosis for Dogs with Jaundice

    Prognosis for dogs with jaundice is variable and depends on the cause. A recent study that followed 115 dogs with jaundice showed that about 50 percent of them died from their disease. Of the different causes of jaundice, the prognosis was worse for dogs with pre-hepatic jaundice from hemolytic anemia than those with hepatic or post-hepatic causes. 

    How to Prevent Jaundice in Dogs

    While there is nothing you can do to prevent all causes of jaundice in your dog, there are a few precautions you can take to prevent certain causes. These include:

    • Keeping your dog up to date on her leptospirosis and adenovirus vaccinations
    • Never giving your dog over-the-counter medications without first consulting your veterinarian
    • Never giving any prescribed medications at higher than recommended doses
    • Performing drug monitoring when your pet takes medications on a long-term basis
    • Preventing your pup from eating foods containing xylitol, a sweetener found in sugar-free gums and other products, which is toxic to dogs
    • Keeping toxic plants such as Sago Palm away from your dog
    • Having regular screening blood work performed on your dog as this can help catch issues before they progress to jaundice

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    Can Cats Have Down Syndrome? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/can-cats-have-down-syndrome/ Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:18:00 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=117556 Every year, about 6,000 babies in the United States are born with Down syndrome, a chromosomal condition marked by traits like cognitive challenges, shortened stature, a flattened face, and hearing loss.  Down syndrome is a relatively common diagnosis in the human population. But if you’re a feline parent, you may be wondering: can cats have […]

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    Every year, about 6,000 babies in the United States are born with Down syndrome, a chromosomal condition marked by traits like cognitive challenges, shortened stature, a flattened face, and hearing loss. 

    Down syndrome is a relatively common diagnosis in the human population. But if you’re a feline parent, you may be wondering: can cats have down syndrome? 

    Here, we answer that question, plus provide insights into what may be at the center of your cat’s unique characteristics. As always, it’s best to contact your veterinarian if your cat is displaying any unusual signs.

    What is Down Syndrome?

    Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that most often occurs when there’s an error during cell division. The medical term for this prevalent form of Down syndrome is called Trisomy 21 (or nondisjunction).

    Each cell in the human body typically contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. Most children born with Down syndrome, however, have three copies of Chromosome 21.

    “The fetus gets three of these chromosomes when the egg is fertilized, rather than one from the egg and one from the sperm. The upshot is that either the egg or the sperm carried an extra Chromosome 21,” explains Dr. Liz Stelow, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist and chief of service of clinical behavior service at the University of California, Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

    Instead of the typical 46 chromosomes, the cells of people with Down syndrome contain 47. Scientists theorize that the extra genes on Chromosome 21 disrupt how genetic information is decoded.

    People with Down syndrome vary in their abilities and personalities, just as you’d expect in the general population. Common characteristics of the condition – which are present in varying degrees – include learning challenges, slower speech, a flattened face, slanted eyes, a short neck, small ears, low muscle tone, and a shorter stature.

    Can Cats Have Down Syndrome?

    The short answer is that Down syndrome in cats doesn’t exist. In humans, the condition is most commonly the result of an extra copy of Chromosome 21. Given that cats have just 19 pairs of chromosomes, they can’t have Trisomy 21.

    There are, however, genetic mutations that can cause traits similar to those found in people with Down syndrome, says Dr. Sasha Gibbons, an associate veterinarian at Just Cats Veterinary Hospital in Stamford, Connecticut.  “But the etiology (cause) of these changes are slightly different than that of people.”

    An example is the mutation linked to the UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase (UGDH gene), which results in the shortened legs in the Munchkin cat breed.  

    Can Other Animals Have Down Syndrome?

    Even if cats and other animal species could acquire three copies of Chromosome 21, their genes are structured differently than ours. This means that any condition or disease, if present, would be expressed uniquely.    

    Though Down syndrome is a human condition, there are interesting genetic similarities to Trisomy 21 found in the animal kingdom.  


    Mice have 20 chromosomes and are unable to develop Trisomy 21, but there are similarities between human Chromosome 21 and mouse Chromosome 16. Mice with Trisomy 16 exhibit learning difficulties.

    More recently, mice who received an inserted copy of human Chromosome 21 have displayed characteristics consistent with Down syndrome in humans – including learning challenges, a greater risk for heart defects, and a marked facial structure.  


    Chromosome 22 (of 24 pairs) in chimpanzees is structurally similar to human Chromosome 21. To date, scientists have identified two chimpanzees with Trisomy 22, including one with a shorter stature and a prevalence for heart disease, and who developed cataracts at a young age.

    Cat Conditions That May Be Confused With Down Syndrome

    White munchkin cat

    While there’s no such phenomenon as a Down syndrome cat, some felines exhibit traits and behaviors – like a broad face, short stature, and poor muscle tone – that mimic those in people with the condition.

    So, if Down syndrome in cats doesn’t exist, then what’s behind these traits? The following conditions may help explain what’s going on with your kitty. Always contact your veterinarian if you suspect something is amiss.

    Cerebellar Hypoplasia

    Cerebellar hypoplasia is a condition where the brain’s cerebellum fails to fully develop. It’s often brought on by the distemper virus infection (panleukopenia) that occurs during pregnancy, says Dr. Drew Weigner, past president of EveryCat Health Foundation. It “causes incoordination and tremors in affected kittens who appear otherwise normal.”


    Hydrocephalus is a birth defect that causes liquid in the brain to accumulate, says Dr. Weigner, who says that it results in “an enlarged head and neurologic symptoms.” Cats with hydrocephalus may also have a larger skull, a downward gaze, seizures, blindness, and a propensity to walk in circles. 


    According to Dr. Gibbons, seizure disorders that result in brain damage could cause symptoms similar to Down syndrome, such as “slower-than-normal nerve reflexes, and the appearance of lower-than-average intelligence.”

    Head and Facial Trauma

    A cat who’s had an accident at a very young age can develop head or face trauma, which Dr. Weigner says “can affect their appearance and coordination.”


    What seems like a cat with Down syndrome may actually be signs of exposure to lead and insecticides. Dr. Weigner notes that this can result in neurologic symptoms in cats. Certain flowers like lilies and foods like grapes and chocolate can also cause a range of unwanted symptoms, including lethargy and weakness.


    Dysautonomia – the degeneration of nerve cells – presents signs similar to Down syndrome, says Dr. Weigner. Signs of feline dysautonomia include mental dullness and unresponsive pupils.

    Eyelid Agenesis

    Eyelid agenesis is a birth defect that can result in a flattened face or almond-shaped eyes, according to Dr. Gibbons. “That would give an appearance to cats that could resemble a human with Down syndrome.”


    Cats with strabismus have eyes that appear crossed. “While they’re otherwise normal, they can be somewhat clumsy because, well, they’re cross-eyed,”  says Dr. Weigner. 

    Chromosomal Abnormalities in Cats

    It’s important to note that not every cat who looks or behaves differently has a chromosomal abnormality. “More commonly, certain behavioral abnormalities, such as wool sucking, or compulsive ingestion of wool in clothing, is associated with certain breeds, in this case in Siamese cats. But that doesn’t mean their genes are abnormal,” says Dr. Weigner.

    Gene mutations do occur in cats, however, and they can cause health issues. One breed-specific genetic mutation called Burmese head defect causes a malformed skull and face. “Unfortunately, it’s usually fatal and these kittens don’t survive long after birth. There’s now a genetic test that detects carriers of this abnormality so they’re not used for breeding,” Dr. Weigner explains.

    Though any form of trisomy (a third copy of a chromosome) in cats is considered rare, Dr. Stelow notes the exception is XXY trisomy, which results in a sterile male. “This is the feline equivalent of human Klinefelter syndrome and is the explanation for calico or tortoiseshell male cats.”

    Female cats can acquire a rare single X chromosome that’s similar to Turner’s syndrome in humans, which Dr. Stelow says can lead to aggression issues.

    Feline Genetic Research

    Though Down syndrome in cats may not be a recognized condition in the veterinary community, scientists have been studying how gene abnormalities contribute to other conditions and diseases.     

    One of these efforts is the Feline Genome Project at the Feline Genetics and Comparative Medicine Laboratory, University of Missouri in Columbia. The Project consists of scientists working to compile DNA sequencing in the cat genome, similar in scope to the Human Genome Project. Identifying gene mutations that cause disease can ultimately aid in improving cat health. If you’d like to participate, the Feline Genome accepts volunteer samples of cat DNA from the public.

    In another recent large-scale study of more than 11,000 cats, researchers sought to identify genetic variants that cause diseases, as well as their frequency in both pedigreed and non-pedigreed cats. They’ve been able to identify 13 new gene variants linked to diseases in 47 breeds and found that three of these are unique to non-pedigreed cats. As with the Feline Genome Project, these types of studies provide information that can ultimately benefit the health and welfare of cats.

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    5 Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/symptoms-of-hyperthyroidism-in-cats/ Fri, 24 Mar 2023 20:06:09 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116525 Feline hyperthyroidism is a common condition in older cats. Fortunately, hyperthyroidism is relatively easy to diagnose, requiring only a single blood test. This condition is also relatively easy to treat, carrying a good prognosis. However, many cats don’t receive an early diagnosis or prompt treatment. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism in cats can be subtle and […]

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    Feline hyperthyroidism is a common condition in older cats. Fortunately, hyperthyroidism is relatively easy to diagnose, requiring only a single blood test. This condition is also relatively easy to treat, carrying a good prognosis.

    However, many cats don’t receive an early diagnosis or prompt treatment. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism in cats can be subtle and often mistaken for normal age-related changes, leading to unnecessary delays in diagnosis and treatment.

    If you share your home with an older feline, take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these five signs of hyperthyroidism in cats. Also, learn what to do if you notice signs of hyperthyroidism in your feline companion.  

    Cat Hyperthyroidism: A Common Condition

    Feline hyperthyroidism is a common condition in middle-aged and older cats. In fact, it’s estimated that approximately 10 percent of cats over 10 years of age are affected by hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine (hormonal) disease in cats.

    We don’t know exactly what causes hyperthyroidism in cats. Most cases are associated with a benign tumor of the thyroid gland. Many potential causes of these tumors have been considered, including dietary factors and environmental contaminants, but the truth is that we really don’t know why it’s such a common condition.  

    5 Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism in Cats

    Orange cat sleeping

    Hyperthyroidism causes abnormally high levels of thyroid hormone in the bloodstream. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism are all caused by an excess of circulating thyroid hormone.

    In most cases, symptoms of hyperthyroidism come on relatively gradually, over a period of weeks to months. However, given their subtle nature, it’s not uncommon for these signs to go unnoticed for a long period of time, until they become far more obvious and difficult to ignore. In this case, it can appear as though the signs of hyperthyroidism have come on relatively suddenly.

    Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism in cats include the following:

    Weight Loss

    This is often the first sign of hyperthyroidism that owners notice, and it’s also the most common sign of hyperthyroidism. Because thyroid hormone regulates your cat’s metabolism, an increase in thyroid hormone will increase your cat’s metabolism and lead to weight loss.

    Many older cats are overweight, and a cat with hyperthyroidism may first lose some of their excess body weight. Your normally-chunky cat may begin to slim down and look healthier, leading you to think that their weight loss is a positive change. However, weight loss that isn’t accompanied by calorie restriction suggests a possibility of hyperthyroidism (or other medical conditions). If left untreated, cats with hyperthyroidism will eventually begin to burn muscle, leading them to become excessively skinny.

    Increased Appetite

    In addition to burning fat and muscle, cats with hyperthyroidism will eat more to fuel their increased metabolism. If your cat is fed free choice, you may notice that you are needing to refill the food bowl more often than usual. If you feed your cat carefully-measured meals, you may notice that your cat is eating more quickly than usual and always begging for more food.

    Even as you increase their food intake, however, cats with hyperthyroidism will continue to lose weight. Increased food intake accompanied by weight loss is a big red flag that suggests hyperthyroidism.

    Increased Thirst and Urination

    If your cat is drinking more water than usual and visiting the litter box more often than usual, this could be a sign of hyperthyroidism. (It could also be a sign of many other medical conditions!) Approximately 50 percent of cats with hyperthyroidism demonstrate increased thirst and urination.

    Thyroid hormone can act on the brain to trigger an increase in thirst. Additionally, hyperthyroidism affects how blood flows through your cat’s kidneys, resulting in increased urine production. Your cat will drink more water to compensate for this increased urine output.

    Changes in activity level

    An increase in your cat’s metabolism can lead to behavioral changes. Your cat may become more active than usual, as if they’re full of “nervous energy. You might notice your cat pacing or acting restless. Muscle twitches and hyperreactivity can also occur.

    Cats with hyperthyroidism also tend to become more talkative. They may be more likely to yowl (a loud, drawn-out meow), especially during the overnight hours, often appearing confused or restless.

    Gastrointestinal upset

    Vomiting, regurgitation, and diarrhea are relatively common symptoms of hyperthyroidism in cats.

    An increased level of thyroid hormones may act on the chemoreceptor trigger zone, a part of the brain that recognizes and responds to abnormalities in the bloodstream. This causes nausea and vomiting.  

    Gastrointestinal issues in cats may also be associated with increased food intake. Cats with hyperthyroidism tend to quickly scarf down large quantities of food, especially in multi-cat homes. This overindulgence can lead to regurgitation, vomiting, and diarrhea.

    What to Do If You Notice Symptoms

    Signs of hyperthyroidism, especially in a middle-aged or older cat, warrant a visit to your veterinarian.

    Your veterinarian will begin by performing a thorough physical exam. They will look for signs of hyperthyroidism, as well as signs of other medical conditions that may cause similar symptoms. Your veterinarian may be able to palpate an enlarged thyroid gland. This finding is strongly suggestive of hyperthyroidism as the cause of your cat’s signs.

    Next, your veterinarian will recommend laboratory testing. Blood tests will be used to evaluate your cat’s thyroid hormone (T4) level,  as well as your cat’s overall health and organ function. A urinalysis may be performed, to assess your cat’s kidney function and rule out other potential causes of urinary changes. Cats can have hyperthyroidism in combination with other conditions, such as feline diabetes and chronic kidney disease, so your veterinarian will perform a thorough workup before attributing your cat’s signs solely to hyperthyroidism. Your veterinarian might also check your cat’s blood pressure, as high blood pressure can also occur with hyperthyroidism.

    If your cat is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, there are several available treatment options. Most cats are treated with methimazole, a medication that is given twice daily for the remainder of your cat’s life. Alternatives include radioactive iodine therapy and dietary iodine restriction (with the use of a prescription diet). 

    Your cat will be closely monitored during the early stages of treatment, with frequent physical examinations and blood tests. Once your cat’s hyperthyroidism has stabilized, recheck visits will decrease in frequency to once every 6-12 months.

    With prompt and effective treatment, most cats with hyperthyroidism experience a complete resolution of clinical signs. With appropriate monitoring and treatment, these cats typically go on to live long, healthy lives.

    The post 5 Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism in Cats appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Chemotherapy for Dogs: What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/chemotherapy-for-dogs/ Thu, 23 Mar 2023 18:47:46 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116465 Cancer. For pet parents, it’s one of our worst nightmares to get a diagnosis of cancer in our canine companion. For veterinarians, it’s one of the hardest conversations we have with clients. Unfortunately, cancer is the leading cause of death in senior dogs, so it’s a conversation many pet parents will have with their veterinarian. […]

    The post Chemotherapy for Dogs: What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Cancer. For pet parents, it’s one of our worst nightmares to get a diagnosis of cancer in our canine companion. For veterinarians, it’s one of the hardest conversations we have with clients. Unfortunately, cancer is the leading cause of death in senior dogs, so it’s a conversation many pet parents will have with their veterinarian.

    Luckily, the treatment options for cancer are always evolving and improving. If you’re staring down a diagnosis of cancer in your dog, your veterinarian may discuss chemotherapy as a treatment option with you. Here, we’ll discuss types of chemotherapy for dogs and what you should expect if you pursue chemotherapy for your pet..

    What Is Chemotherapy?

    Simply put, the term “chemotherapy” refers to drugs used to kill cancers or slow cancer growth and spread. These drugs can be given as oral medications, as injections, or as intravenous infusions.

    The medication or combination of medications that your veterinarian recommends will depend on what cancer your dog has and your dog’s individual health.

    Chemo in dogs is different from chemo in humans. In humans, chemotherapy protocols are extremely aggressive and typically aimed at curing cancer. For dogs, we are focused on ensuring the pet has a good quality of life for as long as possible. The veterinarian will not tolerate adverse effects and will likely alter protocols if the pet is not tolerating chemotherapy well.

    When Is Chemotherapy Recommended for Dogs?

    Whether chemotherapy is recommended for a dog depends on the type of cancer the pet has, how aggressive the cancer is, and the pet’s overall health.

    Chemotherapy is a common recommendation for many types of dog cancer, particularly if the cancer has already spread (metastasized) or is a type of cancer that frequently metastasizes, such as lymphoma or osteosarcoma. 

    For example, with osteosarcoma, which typically affects one of the bones of a leg, most oncologists will recommend surgery to remove the limb with the primary tumor, as well as chemotherapy to address spread of the cancer. This is because most osteosarcomas have already metastasized on a microscopic level by the time they are discovered.

    Your veterinarian may also recommend chemotherapy if the tumor is unable to be removed surgically. Sometimes, chemotherapy may be used to shrink large tumors prior to surgery or as a follow-up to surgery if microscopic cells are left behind. 

    Access to radiation treatments is also very limited currently, with few specialty centers currently having the capability to perform radiation. As a result, pets who may have benefitted from radiation therapy may end up relying more on chemotherapy.

    Dog Chemotherapy Medications

    Veterinarians use a wide range of chemotherapy medications used to treat cancer in dogs. In the table below, we list some of the common chemotherapy medications used in dogs, examples of cancers they can be used for, and their method of administration.

    Name of DrugUsesHow It’s Administered
    Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)Lymphoma
    Splenic hemangiosarcoma
    Soft tissue sarcomas
    Mammary gland carcinoma
    Carcinomas and sarcomas
    Intravenous infusion
    Vincristine (Oncovin)Lymphoma
    Mast cell tumor
    Transmissible venereal tumor
    Intravenous injection
    Vinblastine (Velban)Mast cell tumor
    Intravenous injection
    Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar)Lymphoma
    Lymphocytic leukemia
    Carcinomas and sarcomas
    Intravenous injection
    or oral medication
    Mast cell tumor
    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    Transitional cell carcinoma
    Squamous cell carcinoma
    Other carcinomas
    Intravenous infusion (usually with IV fluids for several hours before and after administration)
    Carboplatin (Paraplatin)Osteosarcoma
    Carcinomas and sarcomas
    Slow intravenous injection. An infusion
    Mitoxantrone (Novantrone)Lymphoma
    Transitional cell carcinoma
    Intravenous infusion
    Dactinomycin / Actinomycin-D (Cosmegen)Lymphoma
    Bone and soft tissue sarcomas
    Intravenous infusion
    Chlorambucil (Leukeran)Lymphoma
    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    Mast cell tumor
    IgM myeloma
    Cytosine Arabinoside / Cytarabine (Cytosar-U)Lymphoma (myeloproliferative)Intravenous infusion, some protocols involve subcutaneous
    (under the skin) administration
    L-Asparaginase (Elspar)LymphomaIntramuscular or subcutaneous injection
    Lomustine / CCNU (Gleostine, CeeNu)Lymphoma
    Mast cell tumors
    Brain tumors
    Rabacfosadine (Tanovea)LymphomaIntravenous infusion
    Toceranib (Palladia)Mast cell tumors
    Anal sac adenocarcinoma

    Injectable medications are given in a veterinary clinic – most often at a specialty center. Oral medications are typically given at home, and dosing instructions vary by drug.

    This list is not all-inclusive of chemotherapy medications for dogs. Your veterinarian may recommend other chemotherapy medications or choose a specific chemotherapeutic agent for a different use than we’ve listed. Some medications may have other names that are not included on this chart. 

    If your veterinarian’s recommendations differ from the information included above, you absolutely should follow the recommendations from your pet’s doctor.

    What to Expect During Treatment

    Dog getting intravenous medication

    How many doses your dog will get and over what length of time varies a lot based on the type of cancer, the stage, the drugs used, and your dog’s health. It’s possible that your pet may be receiving chemotherapy for the rest of their life. It’s also possible that your pet may stop treatment if the cancer goes into remission.

    The oncologist or veterinary professional will determine which medications your dog receives, how often they receive the medication, and for how long they undergo chemotherapy. 

    Appointments last anywhere from under an hour to most of the day. Some treatments, such as cytosine arabinoside infusion, may require overnight hospitalization. Most injectable chemotherapy protocols involve a set number of treatments that are spaced out every 1-3 weeks. Chemotherapy treatments can last several months to over a year.

    Prior to administering the next dose of chemotherapy, the veterinarian will run blood work to ensure your pet still has an adequate number of white blood cells and is tolerating the protocol well. If your pet is receiving injectable chemotherapy, your pet will likely have a shaved area on their leg where the veterinarian placed the catheter.

    It’s very important that intravenous injections make it into the vein and do not leak into surrounding tissues. This means the placement of the catheter will require a clean needle stick. Although most dogs don’t have to be sedated for treatment and will rest comfortably during the infusion, sedation is sometimes necessary to make the treatment safe for the dog and the veterinary team.

    Cost of Chemotherapy for Dogs

    The cost of chemotherapy for dogs varies depending on the specific protocol recommended, how well your pet is tolerating and responding to their protocol, and whether other treatments are recommended. Prices differ between private practices that do chemotherapy, specialty clinics, and universities. Prices can range anywhere from $3,500 to well over $10,000.

    Keep in mind that even if you cannot afford the “gold standard” chemotherapy protocol, there may be other options that will still improve your pet’s quality of life. If you do wish to pursue treatment but are struggling to afford it, other suggestions could include:

    • Asking the veterinarian about alternative protocols that may be more affordable
    • Running a fundraiser for your pet
    • Looking for clinical trials that your pet could join
    • Applying for CareCredit to help you pay for treatment in affordable monthly installments

    If you already have pet insurance, some companies will cover the cost of cancer treatment. This may be a good reason to consider purchasing pet insurance while your pets are young and healthy. 

    Chemotherapy Side Effects for Dogs

    Most dogs have minimal to no side effects from chemotherapy treatments. As a reminder, negative side effects are generally not tolerated by the veterinary profession. If your pet is showing negative effects of chemotherapy, you need to follow up with their doctor. 

    Your dog may be more likely to experience negative side effects if they have pre-existing gastrointestinal, kidney, or liver disease. Underlying conditions may affect which drugs can be given and how often. Make sure to discuss your pet’s health history with the veterinarian prior to beginning a chemotherapy protocol to reduce risk.

    When side effects do occur, they’re commonly related to the gastrointestinal tract or bone marrow. Common GI tract side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and loss of appetite. Decreased production of white blood cells in the bone marrow can result in immunosuppression, making your dog prone to secondary infections. In most cases, the white blood cell count will be at its lowest 7-10 days after treatment. If your pet’s white blood cell count is too low, they may be placed on antibiotics to prevent infection. This can also impact their ability to receive their next injection as scheduled.

    Some medications, such as doxorubicin, can cause tissue sloughing if they escape the vein and leak into surrounding tissues (extravasation). Other chemotherapeutic agents, such as carboplatin, can be locally irritating. The veterinarian will monitor for extravasation and manage accordingly if this occurs.

    Other side effects can be related to the specific drug. For example, doxorubicin results in heart toxicity over time and cyclophosphamide can cause bloody urine (sterile hemorrhagic cystitis). Your veterinarian will be aware of these drug-specific side effects and will alter their plans based on how your pet is handling their medications.

    Prednisone commonly causes increased drinking, urination, and appetite. You may also see muscle wasting if your pet is on this medication for a long-time.

    Most dogs will not lose their fur during chemotherapy, though you may see fur loss in curly-coated and wire-haired breeds. It’s also possible to see the loss of whiskers and eyelashes.

    Make sure to contact your veterinarian if you are noticing any side effects in your dog.

    Chemotherapy Alternatives for Dogs

    Other treatment recommendations could include surgery, radiation, and immunotherapy. Surgery is typically performed if there’s an isolated tumor, such as a mast cell tumor, that can be removed. For some cancers, like lymphoma, surgery is not typically recommended.

    Radiation therapy is generally recommended for tumors that cannot be completely removed surgically or are not surgically accessible. Importantly, radiation treatments require full sedation for each treatment. Limited practices currently offer radiation, and the travel in addition to the treatments can be costly

    Immunotherapy is a developing cancer treatment option. Immunotherapy uses the dog’s own immune system to destroy cancer cells. An example of this is Oncept, which is a vaccination for melanoma in dogs. Research is ongoing into the use of immunotherapy for other cancers, such as osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, and transitional cell carcinoma.

    Things to Consider Before Chemotherapy for Dogs

    Woman and dog at vet

    Before considering chemotherapy for your dog, it’s best to have a candid conversation with your veterinarian about the process, risks, and benefits. Consider asking for a referral to a veterinary oncologist, which is a veterinarian who specializes in cancer treatment, for at least a consultation.

    Remember that many factors can play into your pet’s response to chemotherapy, such as their underlying health, the specific cancer they have, and how aggressive their cancer is.

    Questions you can discuss with your veterinarian and the oncologist prior to moving forward with treatment could include:

    • Does my dog have other underlying conditions that may complicate cancer treatment?
    • Does the veterinarian expect my dog to have a good response to chemotherapy?
    • How long does the veterinarian expect chemotherapy to extend my dog’s life?
    • Is chemotherapy potentially going to cure my dog, or do we expect relapse?
    • What will chemotherapy cost, and can I afford this without negatively impacting the bond I have with my pet?

    There are other considerations to keep in mind, as well. Not all dogs respond to chemotherapy the same. While your veterinarian can tell you what they expect, your dog may do better or worse than the average pet. If you pursue chemotherapy, this is a risk you must accept.

    Additionally, consider how your pet is behaviorally. If you have a highly anxious or stressed dog, a dog prone to aggression in the veterinary office, or a dog who can’t have their blood drawn or an injection administered without sedation, the process of chemotherapy will likely be very stress-inducing for your pet. Additional sedatives or anti-anxiety medications may increase the cost.

    Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can bring up a lot of painful feelings, as well. It’s emotionally taxing not only to receive the diagnosis but also to go through chemotherapy with your pet. This is totally normal, and your veterinarian will understand that this isn’t an easy decision to make. Consider finding support groups, pet grief counselors, or a therapist to help you throughout the process.

    Is Chemotherapy for Dogs Worth It?

    Whether chemotherapy is a good option for your canine family member depends on your individual dog, the type of cancer your dog has, and your personal finances. 

    In some cases, chemotherapy can extend a pet’s life by well over a year. In other cases, chemo may only buy you a couple extra weeks or months. In both situations, it’s likely to be quite costly. 

    If your family is unable to afford chemotherapy or can’t accommodate the many rechecks and treatment appointments, it’s okay to discuss other options with your veterinarian. In most cases, veterinarians just want to find an option that works for your family and preserves the bond you have with your dog.

    Importantly, remember that chemotherapy is generally tolerated better by our canine companions because the goal of chemo in dogs is to preserve quality of life for as long as possible. Rest assured that if you are pursuing chemotherapy, your veterinary oncologist and primary veterinarian will work together to ensure your pet continues to feel great for as long as possible.

    The post Chemotherapy for Dogs: What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    8 Dog UTI Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-uti-symptoms/ Thu, 23 Mar 2023 15:53:37 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116429 Your dog usually has a pretty good track record when it comes to potty habits: she trots into the backyard every few hours, does her business, and heads straight back into the house to resume destroying her chew toy. But lately, something is off: She’s having accidents in the house, asking to go out more […]

    The post 8 Dog UTI Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Your dog usually has a pretty good track record when it comes to potty habits: she trots into the backyard every few hours, does her business, and heads straight back into the house to resume destroying her chew toy. But lately, something is off: She’s having accidents in the house, asking to go out more often, and straining to pee – all common symptoms of a urinary tract infection.

    It’s estimated that 14 percent of dogs will be diagnosed with a UTI during their lifetime, and urinary tract infections are among the most common reasons dogs visit the vet. Some dogs may only get a single urinary tract infection, while others have chronic or recurrent UTIs, developing three or more infections in a year.

    Read on to learn everything you need to know about dog UTI symptoms – and when it’s time to call the veterinarian.

    Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs: An Overview

    E. coli and other bacteria cause UTI in dogs. Bacteria enters the urethra and travel toward the bladder. Dogs have defenses – like sterile urine – that fight off infection-causing bacteria, but the system isn’t always effective.

    Once bacteria reach the bladder, kidney, or prostate (in unneutered male dogs), it can grow and reproduce, causing symptoms of UTI in dogs. Treatment not only alleviates the symptoms, it also prevents the infection from spreading and causing additional damage.

    “If a urinary tract infection is left untreated, a dog may develop complications like lower urinary tract dysfunction (or urinary incontinence), kidney infection, [chronic inflammation in the bladder], bladder stones, or an infected prostate gland,” explains Dr. Georgina Ushi.

    Although male dog UTI symptoms and female dog UTI symptoms are the same, Dr. Ushi notes that females are more susceptible to infections, along with older dogs and dogs with underlying health conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, Cushing’s disease, bladder tumors, or weakened immune systems.

    UTIs are also more common in breeds such as English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, and Pugs that have excess skin folds around their vulvas that provide the warm, dark, moist environments where bacteria thrive.

    8 Dog UTI Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

    Chihuahua peeing on carpet

    Any of these eight symptoms could be a sign of a dog UTI and warrant a trip to the vet.

    Straining to pee. Dogs with UTIs may whine, whimper, or arch their backs during their potty breaks because the infection causes pain during urination.

    Bloody or cloudy urine. Any change in the color of your dog’s urine is cause for concern. “Cloudy urine can mean there is pus in the urine, which can indicate inflammation or infection of the bladder,” Dr. Ushi says. “[Blood in the urine] could also indicate infection or inflammation of the urinary tract, and possibly that there are stones in the bladder.” 

    Frequent urination. A UTI can make your dog feel like she has to urinate even when her bladder isn’t full. This means that a dog that can normally go several hours between bathroom breaks starts asking to go out much more often.

    Potty accidents. When a pup with an A+ track record for doing her business outside starts having accidents in the house, it can be a hallmark sign of UTI in dogs.

    Peeing multiple times in a row. Urinary tract infections aren’t just painful; the infection makes it difficult for dogs to control the flow of urine, which means your potty-trained dog can’t hold it until she gets outside. A common symptom of UTIs in dogs is peeing again right after they go to the bathroom.

    Increased genital licking. Most dogs are willing to get into some pretty tricky positions to lick their nether regions, and the occasional lick-a-thon is totally normal. However, pay attention to any increased licking of the genitals – it might be one of the first signs your dog has a UTI. “It is believed that dogs experience some pain and discomfort in the genital area from infection and inflammation [of a UTI],” Dr. Ushi says. “Increased licking is their way of trying to soothe the area.”

    Low volume of urine. If words like “dribble” and “trickle” best describe your dog’s urine flow, pay attention. Dr. Ushi notes that, “not producing any urine or small drops is a symptom not to be ignored.” The reason: It could be a sign that something is blocking the passage of urine from the bladder.

    “If you notice straining with little to no production of urine, an emergency trip to the vet is warranted,” she says. Your vet will want to rule out possible causes for reduced urine flow, including bladder stones, scar tissue that narrows the urethra, or tumors in the urinary tract.

    Fever. A normal temperature for dogs is 99.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. While fever is not a common sign of UTI in dogs, an elevated temperature in a dog diagnosed with a UTI could be a sign that the infection has spread. “There may be an underlying cause of the fever, such as a kidney infection…prostate infection in unneutered males or infection in another part of the body,” Dr. Ushi says.

    Next Steps if You Suspect a Dog UTI

    If you notice your dog has common symptoms of a urinary tract infection, call your veterinarian. “A urinary tract infection should be treated as soon as possible,” says Dr. Ushi.

    Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam, collect a urine sample, and run a urinalysis to detect the presence of white blood cells and bacteria that will help them diagnose a urinary tract infection.

    In order to get the best results, they may want a sterile sample, which is collected by passing a urinary catheter into the bladder or using a needle to collect a sample through the skin and bladder wall. This method minimizes possible contamination from the urethra and genitals, according to Ushi.

    Dogs that test positive for UTIs may be prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications to alleviate the symptoms and clear the infection. In the case of a recurrent or chronic UTI, your veterinarian will want to determine the bacteria causing the infection to recommend a targeted medication for treatment.

    Not only is a UTI painful for your dog, it could cause additional health issues if left untreated, making it even more important not to ignore the warning signs and make an appointment to get immediate medical attention.

    The post 8 Dog UTI Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    Dog Smegma: Causes and Information https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-smegma/ Thu, 23 Mar 2023 14:51:41 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116413 If you own an intact (unneutered) male dog, you are probably familiar with smegma. Even if you hadn’t yet heard the medical term for this fluid, most owners of intact male dogs have noticed the small drops of yellow/green pus-like discharge that may be seen around their dog’s penis. In some cases, this fluid may […]

    The post Dog Smegma: Causes and Information appeared first on Great Pet Care.

    If you own an intact (unneutered) male dog, you are probably familiar with smegma. Even if you hadn’t yet heard the medical term for this fluid, most owners of intact male dogs have noticed the small drops of yellow/green pus-like discharge that may be seen around their dog’s penis. In some cases, this fluid may even drip onto your floor or furniture.

    While smegma may seem a bit disgusting to us humans – leading us to wonder how to stop dog smegma production – this fluid is actually completely normal and natural. Read on to learn more about smegma in dogs, including when it should be ignored and when it’s a cause for concern.

    A Brief Intro to Dog Penis Anatomy

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    When you look at the outside of a dog’s penis, what you are typically seeing is the prepuce (also known as the sheath or foreskin). The prepuce is a fold of skin that surrounds and protects the penis.

    A dog’s penis lies inside the prepuce. The penis is bright red or pink in color, because it is covered in a mucous membrane (like your gums or the inside of your eyelids). A mucous membrane is more susceptible to drying out and becoming injured than normal skin, so the prepuce serves to protect this delicate mucous membrane.

    A dog’s penis may extend from the prepuce under a variety of circumstances. Most obviously, the penis will protrude during sexual activity. In some dogs, however, the pink/red tissue of the penis will protrude anytime they are excited (even in a non-sexual way) or even when they are calm and relaxed. All of these variations can be normal for dogs.

    What is Dog Smegma?

    Smegma is a white, yellow, or green fluid found in the space between the penis and the prepuce. It contains a combination of dead skin cells and proteins. Smegma serves to lubricate and protect the penis, and it is completely normal.

    In many dogs, smegma may be nearly invisible. It remains in the pocket of tissue between the penis and prepuce in very small quantities, where it cannot be seen.

    In some dogs, however, larger quantities of smegma are produced. In these dogs, you may see drops of smegma leaking from the tip of your dog’s prepuce. Smegma may also coat the hair around the opening of your dog’s prepuce and small drops of smegma may be found on your floor and furniture. 

    In many cases, visible smegma production is normal and doesn’t indicate a problem.

    Dog Smegma and Signs of Infection

    While occasional smegma in dogs is typically a normal occurrence, a sudden or dramatic increase in smegma can indicate an underlying medical issue. 

    If you notice that your dog is producing more smegma than usual, this could indicate an infection or other medical problem. Dramatic changes in the color, odor, or other characteristics of your dog’s smegma can also suggest an issue. Finally, most male dogs attempt to clean away excess smegma through licking, so increased licking of the genitals could suggest increased smegma production associated with an infection or other medical issue.

    A variety of medical conditions can cause changes in your dog’s smegma. Infections impacting the penis, prepuce, urinary tract, prostate gland, or other structures of your dog’s reproductive tract can lead to changes in your dog’s smegma. An increase in smegma could also suggest other urinary tract disorders, such as urethral stones, bladder stones, or urinary tract tumors. Even seemingly-unrelated issues, such as skin allergies, can lead to changes in your dog’s smegma.

    If you’re concerned about the possibility of a dog smegma infection, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. 

    Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam, paying special attention to your dog’s genitals. Additional testing, such as bloodwork, urinalysis, or X-rays, may also be recommended. Based on your veterinarian’s findings, they can determine whether there may be an underlying health issue involved in your dog’s smegma changes.

    Investing in a reliable pet insurance plan, such as a policy from MetLife, helps pet parents be more prepared. Pet insurance plans typically cover necessary tests and treatments associated with underlying smegma issues. Should your dog require the services of a specialist, you’ll have peace of mind without breaking the bank.

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      Does Smegma Require Treatment?

      Most male dog smegma is completely normal. While it may be icky to us, it doesn’t present a problem for our dogs. Therefore, no treatment is required.

      If your veterinarian determines that your dog’s smegma is associated with an infection or underlying medical issue, they will recommend appropriate treatment for your dog. Treatments may include cleaning or flushing of the prepuce, oral antibiotics, or other medications.

      How to Clean Dog Smegma

      Most dogs clean their own smegma by licking away excess discharge from the prepuce. If your dog is not cleaning their smegma and your vet has determined there is no underlying medical problem, you can use a warm, moist washcloth or tissue to wipe excess smegma away from your dog’s prepuce. If your dog has long hair, keeping the hair around their prepuce trimmed can reduce the accumulation of smegma.

      Less commonly, your veterinarian may recommend more thorough cleaning of your dog’s smegma. Your veterinarian may provide an antiseptic solution and syringe, which you can use to flush excess smegma from your dog’s prepuce. Follow your veterinarian’s instructions carefully.

      Do not attempt to put cleaner inside your dog’s prepuce unless you have been advised to do so by your veterinarian.

      If your dog leaves small quantities of smegma on your floors or furniture, these can be cleaned with any cleaner that is approved for use on that surface. For example, you can use carpet cleaner on carpeted floors and upholstery cleaner on upholstered furniture.  

      How to Stop Dog Smegma

      Neutering your dog is the best way to reduce smegma production. Intact (unneutered) dogs produce larger amounts of smegma, increasing the likelihood that this smegma will drip onto your floors and furniture. In most cases, you will see a reduction in dog smegma after neutering.

      Even neutered dogs, however, produce a small amount of smegma. In most cases, this is not apparent to owners, but you may occasionally notice a small drip of fluid. This is biologically normal and cannot be completely prevented.

      The post Dog Smegma: Causes and Information appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Can Dogs Have Watermelon? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/can-dogs-have-watermelon/ Wed, 22 Mar 2023 20:10:01 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116379 Watermelon is delicious any time of year, but there’s no doubt that it’s a summertime staple. The juicy fruit is a symbol of the season and is often a dish included at picnics and cookouts alike.  So if you have a pup that’s begging you for a piece, you may be wondering: can dogs have […]

      The post Can Dogs Have Watermelon? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Watermelon is delicious any time of year, but there’s no doubt that it’s a summertime staple. The juicy fruit is a symbol of the season and is often a dish included at picnics and cookouts alike. 

      So if you have a pup that’s begging you for a piece, you may be wondering: can dogs have watermelon? And is watermelon good for dogs? Before you feed them a slice, keep reading to learn all about dogs and watermelon.

      Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

      Yes, your pup can enjoy a bit of watermelon.

      “It is perfectly fine for dogs to eat small amounts of watermelon as a low calorie treat,” says Dr. Joseph J. Wakshlag, professor of clinical nutrition and sports medicine & rehabilitation at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. “Let’s remember that dogs should get less than 10 percent of their overall calories from any treat in general so as to not lead to imbalances in their diets.” 

      Can Dogs Have Watermelon With Seeds?

      Seedless watermelon is probably your best bet, but if you choose a watermelon that’s packed with seeds, it’s usually okay to still feed it to your pup. It all depends on the type of seeds in the watermelon and how many seeds there are.

      “It’s best to remove seeds, as they are hard to digest and can cause stomach upset,” says Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, director of primary care at Bond Vet. “If a large amount of seeds is ingested, they could even cause an intestinal obstruction. This applies more to the hard, black seeds rather than immature (soft, white) seeds, although either can potentially cause an issue if too many are ingested.”

      However, if you have a larger dog, obstructions are less likely to occur from seeds.

      “Obstructions from seeds are unlikely to ever occur in larger dogs over 20 pounds. But if you can, I would avoid them so as to not cause GI upset,” adds Dr. Wakshlag.

      Can Dogs Have Watermelon Rind?

      While the flesh of watermelon is okay to give to your dog, do not give them rinds.

      “The biggest issue is the rind – we have seen more than one dog who has gotten into the rind and eaten chunks of it develop obstructions or vomit up the chunks since they are very hard to digest,” explains Dr. Wakshlag. “This is a summer picnic hazard for sure – keep the rinds in the compost bin and away from your dog, in general.”

      Dr. Fadl adds that in addition to GI issues, watermelon rinds can also be a choking hazard for your pup. 

      Can Puppies Eat Watermelon?

      Your puppy can also enjoy watermelon, but just pay attention to the seeds and the overall amount of watermelon you’re feeding them 

      “In general, puppies can have a small amount of treats (less than 10 percent of their daily calorie intake), which could include dog-safe fruits or veggies,” says Dr. Fadl. “However, puppies are smaller than adults and their bodies (including their digestive systems) are still developing. It might be best to stick with very small amounts, so they don’t fill up on watermelon and then skip their nutritionally balanced puppy food, and to avoid offering a lot of new foods in a short time frame as that could cause stomach upset.”

      Dr. Wakshlag also notes that puppies may have a harder time than larger dogs digesting seeds, so it’s best to take them out.

      Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs

      Feeding your pup watermelon does have some added health benefits, like extra hydration in warm summer months.

      “The high water content can certainly contribute to hydration, especially in the summer or when a dog is being active,” says Dr. Fadl. “Watermelon also contains a lot of nutrients, but is low in calories. All of this can potentially make it a great treat – but again, in moderation.” 

      Precautions When Giving Dogs Watermelon

      To reiterate, you should always avoid feeding your pup watermelon rinds, and be sure to keep the seeds to a minimum.

      “Remove the rind prior to giving watermelon to your dog. Also remove as many seeds as possible (especially the mature black seeds),” says Dr. Fadl.

      And if you are thinking of feeding your pup anything watermelon flavored (not the fruit itself), take extra caution.

      “Watermelon flavorings can be totally different from the actual fruit and might contain toxic ingredients like xylitol,” says Dr. Fadl. “The information here about feeding watermelon to your dog applies solely to the actual fruit.”

      If you have any concerns about feeding your dog watermelon, be sure to get advice from your veterinarian. “When in doubt, check with your vet. Although watermelon is safe for most dogs, there are always individuals who might not tolerate it,” says Dr. Fadl. “The fruit’s sugar content could make it less than ideal for diabetic dogs. And dogs with food allergies or sensitive stomachs should have a systematic method for introducing new foods, so a pet owner can know what does and doesn’t cause their symptoms to flare up.”

      How to Give Dogs Watermelon

      Planning to serve your pup some watermelon at your next summer shindig? Check out these simple tips.

      Size accordingly. Dr. Fadl suggests that you cut the watermelon into chunks in a size that’s easy and safe for your dog to chew (based on their body/mouth size) while also removing the rind and as many seeds as possible.

      Freeze it up. “It’s also possible to freeze chunks of watermelon, or to puree it and freeze it into ‘pupsicles’,” says Dr. Fadl. “There might be additional fun, dog-friendly recipes online – just be sure to double check that all ingredients are safe for dogs.”

      Dogs and Watermelon: The Verdict

      As long as you’re taking the correct precautions, your pup can safely enjoy a piece of watermelon every now and then, according to Dr. Fadl. “For most dogs, a bit of watermelon as a treat from time to time is perfectly fine.”

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      5 Reasons You Should NEVER Punish Your Dog https://www.greatpetcare.com/training/reasons-you-should-never-punish-your-dog/ Wed, 22 Mar 2023 18:51:23 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116347 Dog training is an essential part of helping your pet become a well-behaved member of the family. In the past, training involved some cruel techniques. However, the dog training community today supports the use of positive reinforcement methods rather than punishment to get results and help pet parents bond with their canine companions.  Rubbing the […]

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      Dog training is an essential part of helping your pet become a well-behaved member of the family. In the past, training involved some cruel techniques. However, the dog training community today supports the use of positive reinforcement methods rather than punishment to get results and help pet parents bond with their canine companions. 

      Rubbing the dog’s face in a pee accident, or hitting him with an empty paper towel roll for unruly behavior, will do nothing but confuse or intimidate the animal. In some instances, we may not even realize we are punishing a dog with our actions. 

      There are easier and safer ways to get consistent, desired results. In this article, you will learn about why it’s never a good idea to punish your dog. You will also take away some helpful training tips from experts to help your pet learn right from wrong and become a happy, confident, and obedient dog. 

      Punishment Vs. Positive Reinforcement

      When you punish your dog for unwanted behavior by either hitting, yelling, or yanking at the leash, it causes him to become stressed, fearful and, in some cases, more aggressive. In some dogs, this attention (even when negative) reinforces bad behavior. 

      Punishing a dog may work in the moment, but it is rarely effective in getting long-term results. It also causes mistrust that fractures your bond with your beloved pet. 

      In the past, it was believed that dogs learned through punishment. However, in the last ten years, great strides were made in our understanding of our canine companions and how they learn. “Through many studies and even more research, we learned that dogs learn best through positive reinforcement, habit building, and teaching alternative behaviors,” says Marissa Sunny, dog behaviorist at Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS). 

      BFAS is a leading animal welfare organization working towards putting an end to euthanizing cats and dogs in the country’s shelters by 2025. Unruly, unwanted behavior is among the main reasons why so many dogs end up in shelters. These numbers can be significantly reduced if pet parents give their dogs obedience training that promotes positive reinforcement. 

      “You can teach your dog to live in our human world in harmony with you and your family without harsh training methods,” says Linda Keehn, certified dog behavior consultant and certified professional dog trainer of Positive Canine Training, LLC, based in Cedarhurst, New York. “The dog will be happy to work for and with a humane leader that is clear in what is expected, fair in those expectations, and forgiving of mistakes.”  

      Positive reinforcement includes using high value rewards such as treats, verbal praise, or physical affection that builds the dog’s confidence and motivation. It makes the dog happier and more willing to continue the behavior that resulted in the outpouring of love.  

      5 Reasons To NEVER Punish a Dog

      positive puppy training

      When we bring a dog home for the first time, we can’t expect them to know the rules of the house or read our minds. Sure, dogs are intuitive, smart, and can pick up on a lot of cues, but they also look to us for guidance. 

      When your puppy starts going through the bathroom trash or goes into your closet to chew on slippers, punishing him physically or verbally will just cause confusion and harm. Worse, it will make him afraid and could cause him to no longer trust you. 

      Similarly, when your adult dog starts pulling on the leash, pulling back won’t make him learn the right way to walk.  

      In this section, we will go over reasons why you should never punish your dog. You will also learn how to properly address unwanted behavior and build a positive and trusting relationship with your canine companion. 

      Punishment leads to fear, anxiety, and confusion 

      Similar to humans, dogs learn when they feel safe and trust the teacher. “If the learner is afraid, anxious, stressed or confused, the brain shuts down as safety becomes the primary thought process,” says Keehn. “This is not a state that promotes learning.”

      According to Sunny, it’s important to avoid things that promote fear, anxiety, confusion or stress in your dog. This may include rubbing the pup’s nose in their urine if he peed in the house, tapping him with a rolled-up newspaper, or using leash corrections. 

      “These things are confusing to dogs, and don’t get to the root of the behavior.” 

      Punishment is not as effective as positive reinforcement 

      The best way your dog will learn is through reward-based training. It’s good to ensure that your dog has favorable associations with certain objects and actions, so he has a consistent positive or neutral experience with them, says Sunny. “Just like people, a negative experience with something will hold a much larger weight to a dog than a positive association.” 

      Sunny recommends keeping an eye on your dog’s body language to see if he is getting pushed “over the threshold and becoming scared, frustrated, or overwhelmed with something.” In this case, it’s best to go slow and be patient with them and use positive reinforcement. 

      Punishment-based training, according to Keehn, tells a dog what not to do. Whereas reward-based training teaches a dog what to do. For example, if your dog is sitting calmly next to you, reward them with praise. This will teach him that being calm is to his benefit. 

      Punishment breaks the bond between you and your dog 

      “Punishment can be effective, but at the price of the trust of your dog. The price of the bond you wanted to forge when you brought your dog into your life,” says Kheen. By using reward-based training, you are communicating effectively by showing him what’s acceptable, and this helps build a relationship. 

      Kheen uses the example of punishing a dog for jumping upon you when entering the house to demonstrate the importance of positive interactions to build upon the bond you have with your dog. The dog is excited to see you after many hours and wants to greet you in the way dogs do — face to face– which leads him to reach for yours. Instead of being grateful for this exuberant greeting, a punishment technique would include kneeing him in the chest to “correct” this behavior. 

      “How do you think this makes him feel? Not so great. But what if I just bent down and pet him so he could get his greeting with all four paws on the ground. No conflict, just understanding and love.” This solves the jumping problem without hurting or pushing the dog and breaking that trust. 

      Punishment techniques can cause your dog pain

      Prong collars and choke chains are not only painful, they are unproductive. “I would steer away from any equipment, or technique that causes pain, fear, or intimidation,” suggests Keehn. 

      Using a choke chain or prong collar is an out-of-date method to control dogs from pulling on their leash. 

      You can get your dog to walk well on a leash without inflicting discomfort or pain by using reward-based training techniques. If the dog doesn’t seem to respond to regular training niblets, try using high value treats during walks. These treats are typically moist and aromatic, such as string cheese, peanut butter, small pieces of a hot dog or sardines. 

      Punishment can cause unwanted consequences 

      When a dog gets punished for behavior we consider bad, there’s a chance he could misinterpret the message and lead to some unwanted consequences, such as aggression. 

      For example, if a dog barks through the fence or screen door when other dogs pass by, it could get irritating for the humans really fast. We naturally want to curb this behavior. Using a shock collar whenever your dog barks at strangers may put an end to the barking, but it may make him associate the activity with pain. 

      “After a few times [of being shocked], the dog associates other dogs walking by with pain, so he becomes more aggressive to dogs walking by or even any encounters he has with other dogs,” says Keehn. 

      “There is no way for the dog to know the owner was causing the shock. He may think the dog walking by caused it.” This also applies to using electric fences in front of the houses where the likelihood of people and dogs passing by is greater. 

      Training Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship With Your Dog

      Woman holding puppy

      Proper training is the best investment a pet parent can make to prevent fear, anxiety, stress, and unwanted behaviors. Whether you start off doing the training yourself with basic techniques at home, go to group classes, or hire a professional trainer, it’s important to keep in mind that with time, patience, and love, it is possible to foster a healthy relationship with your dog and help him become a great pet. 

      Below are some training tips to consider when starting your dog training journey. 

      Understand your pet 

      “The first thing I would recommend is learning to speak your dog’s language,” says Sunny. Having a better grasp of the dog’s body language can help discern his true feelings. “Often, we misread the dog’s stress as excitement, which leads us to accidentally put them in very stressful situations.” 

      By paying attention to their body language, we can better understand why something bad happened and correct our own behavior, similar to sitting down to allow the dog to greet us at the door properly. 

      Build a Trusting Relationship

      When there is a trustworthy leader, dogs are more than happy to take direction. You can build a trusting relationship with your dog by using positive reinforcement. “Dogs will continue to do things that they get rewarded for, until it becomes a habit and they no longer need the reinforcement,” states Sunny.  

      To be effective at this, Sunny recommends giving the dog ample opportunity to succeed. 

      “For example, when potty training you want to take your dog outside, on a leash, to the area that you would like them to eliminate in. As soon as they do, get very happy, praise them, give them treats, and let them off leash (if safe to do so). This will help them learn to go outside and go potty before getting to play.”

      Use Redirection

      It is natural for dogs, especially puppies, to chew on your wrists and ankles, or your favorite shoes. “It is our responsibility to redirect them to appropriate things,” says Sunny. “When a dog starts to chew on something they are not supposed to, you can calmly say ‘Eh!’ and hand them something they are allowed to chew on, like a toy. When they chew on the toy, praise them!” 

      Hire a Professional Dog Trainer 

      “I think pet parents should consider hiring a trainer as soon as they are seriously considering a dog – even before they get a dog,” says Kheen. When considering getting a dog, she recommends budgeting a few training sessions or basic level group classes. 

      “This will get you all off to a great start and limit unwanted behaviors before they start.”

      For training to work long-term, it has to be consistent. This means the work doesn’t end as soon as the session ends. By continuing to use the learned techniques with your dog, they will learn the commands and form a habit.

      The post 5 Reasons You Should NEVER Punish Your Dog appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Giardia in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/giardia-in-dogs/ Wed, 22 Mar 2023 18:03:30 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116314 Giardia is a common intestinal parasite of dogs that causes diarrhea as its primary symptom, though many dogs with this condition don’t experience any symptoms.  Giardia in dogs is generally not severe, though some young dogs may become severely infected and can experience dehydration due to diarrhea. Fortunately, treating Giardia in dogs is relatively inexpensive, […]

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      Giardia is a common intestinal parasite of dogs that causes diarrhea as its primary symptom, though many dogs with this condition don’t experience any symptoms. 

      Giardia in dogs is generally not severe, though some young dogs may become severely infected and can experience dehydration due to diarrhea. Fortunately, treating Giardia in dogs is relatively inexpensive, although multiple courses of treatment may be needed. Read on to learn more about this parasitic infection in dogs and what you can do if your dog is infected.

      What is Giardia?

      Giardia is a protozoan parasite, found worldwide, that infects many mammalian species. The parasite is found in soil, water, or food contaminated with infected feces. Infection in dogs is common, particularly in crowded environments such as shelters, breeding facilities, and kennels. Several studies have also found an increased prevalence of Giardia in dogs that visit dog parks. Young animals are more commonly infected than older animals, and infection is typically more severe in younger animals.

      Giardia parasites attach to the small intestines and damage the cells lining the small intestine, causing malabsorption and hypersecretion that leads to diarrhea. Within about 5-12 days of infection, the infected dog will begin shedding Giardia cysts in its feces, posing an infection risk to other animals and potentially even re-infecting itself.

      How Do Dogs Get Giardia?

      rendering of giardia parasite

      Transmission of Giardia occurs via the fecal-oral route, meaning that dogs must ingest contaminated feces to become infected. This can occur directly if dogs eat poop or indirectly by ingesting contaminated food or water. Because it only takes a small number of Giardia cysts to cause an infection, even walking through contaminated soil and then licking the paws can cause a dog to become infected with Giardia. Infective Giardia cysts can live in the environment for months under ideal conditions.

      Giardia is not contagious directly between dogs, but exposure to an infected dog’s feces can cause your dog to become infected. Similarly, dogs cannot directly transmit Giardia to humans. However, humans can become infected with Giardia by the same fecal-oral route that affects dogs. Ingesting contaminated water is a common route for exposure to Giardia in humans. 

      Giardia Symptoms in Dogs

      Many dogs with Giardia have no symptoms. However, it’s still important for the Giardia to be diagnosed and treated, because asymptomatic dogs are still shedding infective Giardia cysts into the environment, increasing the risk of infecting other dogs and people. 

      When dogs have symptoms of Giardia, they may include:

      • Diarrhea
      • Increased frequency of defecation
      • Abdominal discomfort
      • Dehydration
      • Lethargy
      • Poor body condition
      • Vomiting (rare)
      • Fever (rare)
      • Blood in the stool (rare)

      What does Giardia poop look like? Poop from a dog with Giardia may be liquid to semi-formed, and is often pale and mucous-like in appearance. The quantity of stool is typically normal. 

      How to Diagnose Giardia in Dogs

      Giardia can be difficult to diagnose because the shedding of cysts occurs intermittently. To identify Giardia in the feces, your veterinarian may recommend some or all of the following tests:

      • Fecal flotation with centrifugation. This is the most commonly used test for the diagnosis of Giardia. In this test, a sample of your dog’s feces is mixed with a special solution that makes Giardia cysts float to the surface where they can then be identified under a microscope.
      • Fecal enzyme-linked absorbent immunoassay (ELISA). This test identifies Giardia-specific antigens from trophozoites, which are the growing stage in the parasite life cycle. This eliminates the diagnostic problem of intermittent shedding of cysts. 
      • Fecal direct smear. A small amount of your dog’s feces is mixed with two to three drops of saline and then examined under a microscope to identify Giardia trophozoites. 

      Because Giardia can be difficult to diagnose, a negative test result does not necessarily rule out Giardia as the cause of your dog’s symptoms. Your veterinarian may recommend repeating the test(s), sometimes as frequently as every other day, over several days to increase the chances of diagnosing Giardia.

      Giardia in Dogs: Treatment

      dog taking medication

      The main goal of treatment is to stop the symptoms of Giardia, such as diarrhea. The secondary goal of treatment is to eliminate the infection, which can be difficult due to the resistance of some Giardia strains to treatment. 

      In addition to medication, good sanitation is essential to remove the source of infection and prevent re-infection. Feces must be picked up and disposed of daily and surfaces should be cleaned and sanitized. Following treatment, a recheck fecal flotation with centrifugation should be performed to assess whether the infection has been successfully cleared.

      Medications for Giardia in Dogs

      Medications used to treat Giardia in dogs include Metronidazole, Fenbendazole, or a combination of febantel, pyrantel pamoate, and praziquantel (DrontalPlus). The dosage and duration of these treatments will depend on the treatment used, your dog’s weight, and the severity of your dog’s infection. 

      Be sure to follow your veterinarian’s dosing instructions and give the entire course of medication, even if your dog’s symptoms resolve before the course is finished. In some cases, your veterinarian may recommend giving a second course of medication to ensure that the infection is fully cleared.

      Probiotics for Dog Giardia

      Probiotics work by populating your dog’s gut with healthy bacteria. Probiotics do not treat Giardia, but they are not harmful and may be helpful in the treatment of diarrhea. Your veterinarian may prescribe a probiotic to help resolve your dog’s diarrhea after treatment for Giardia. Probiotics are generally given in the form of a capsule or powder sprinkled on your dog’s food.

      General Cost to Treat Giardia in Dogs

      Giardia is generally inexpensive to treat and pet owners should expect to spend $50-$150 dollars treating this condition in most cases, depending on the size of the dog and the severity of the condition. 

      In some cases, multiple courses of treatment may be needed to clear the infection, and this can incur an additional cost. 

      How to Prevent Giardia in Dogs

      There are a few things that pet parents can do to help prevent their dogs from contracting Giardia

      Practice good hygiene. Clean up feces daily to prevent Giardia from spreading from one animal to another. Dispose of feces immediately. Wear gloves and wash hands after contact with feces.

      Avoid contact with contaminated water sources. These include areas where wildlife or other dogs may defecate.

      Sanitize areas where infected dogs have been. Giardia cysts can live in the environment for long periods of time. Use disinfectants that are effective against Giardia or steam clean the area to inactivate the cysts.

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      Incontinence in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/incontinence-in-cats/ Wed, 22 Mar 2023 15:56:58 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116253 When a cat urinates a little bit outside of the litter box, pet parents sometimes tend to feel a bit angry. Cat urine is stinky, and no one wants to spend extra time cleaning up the mess! Most cats can sense the need to urinate and choose to urinate outside the box for one reason […]

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      When a cat urinates a little bit outside of the litter box, pet parents sometimes tend to feel a bit angry. Cat urine is stinky, and no one wants to spend extra time cleaning up the mess! Most cats can sense the need to urinate and choose to urinate outside the box for one reason or another. 

      Even more troubling is when your cat doesn’t even know that they’ve urinated. This is called urinary incontinence in cats. If your cat is urinating outside of the litter box, how will your veterinarian determine if your cat is incontinent? How does it differ from cats who know they are urinating? Read on for an overview, including symptoms, causes, and treatments.

      What Is Incontinence?

      Urinary incontinence is when urine leaks from the bladder, and a cat is unaware that it has happened. Incontinence in cats is rare. Only 4 percent of cats with urinary issues are incontinent, but it can occur at any age.

      Urine leakage while your cat is sleeping or resting is common. If your cat is excited or extra stimulated from something like active play, leakage may occur then, too. Cats with urinary problems that are not incontinent choose where they urinate, including outside of the litter box. When this occurs, you may catch your cat squatting in the usual position for urination or standing with their tail straight up, spraying urine directly behind them. 

      Incontinence Symptoms in Cats

      Determining if your cat is incontinent versus choosing to urinate outside the litter box can be difficult. Incontinent cats have variable symptoms. They may urinate a small or large amount, dribble (i.e. drip) or not dribble urine, and be incontinent sometimes while continent other times. If you feel like your cat is leaking urine, is always wet around the butt and genitalia, or has urine scalding (skin irritation from urine in that area), they are more likely to be incontinent. Also, incontinent cats tend to urinate smaller amounts than the average cat.

      Possible symptoms of incontinence in cats  include:

      • Fecal incontinence (i.e. cannot control pooping)
      • Stumbling or walking drunk
      • Weakness when trying to stand or move around
      • Increased drinking
      • Tail cannot move and hangs limply down
      • Redness and moisture to skin around butt and genital area

      Urinary signs include:

      • Straining to urinate
      • Dribbling urine
      • Urinating small amounts
      • Bloody (red-tinged) urine
      • Vocalizing in the litter box
      • Urinating outside the litter box
      • Licking genitalia frequently
      • Urinating while sleeping or lying down to rest

      Causes of Feline Incontinence

      There are many possible causes of incontinence in cats. 40 percent of cats will have issues with the spinal cord. Following closely are problems with the urethra, the tube leading urine out of the body from the bladder. Other problems with the bladder or problems with anatomy make up the remaining causes.

      Cat incontinence causes may include:

      Problems with the spine

      • Inflammation of the lumbar vertebrae (lower back bones of the spine) keep urethra from staying closed
      • Trauma
      • Intervertebral disk disease (soft disks that cushion between each bone of the spine can become inflamed and pinch the spine)
      • Cancer
      • Spinal stroke, i.e. embolism

      Problems with the urethra

      • Weak muscle in the urethra. A weak muscle cannot keep the urethra closed, leading to urine leakage.
      • Urethral sphincter incompetence (urethra cannot stay closed for reasons other than muscle). One cause is a congenital condition, meaning a cat was born with the issue due to genetics
      • Inflammation or cancer of the urethra
      • Urinary tract infections (temporary incontinence)
      • Partial blockage

      Problems with the bladder

      • Overactive muscle (constantly squeezing the bladder)
      • Inflammation of the bladder (temporary incontinence) 
      • Cancer of the bladder
      • Bladder infection or stones
      • Cerebellar disease (inflammation in the tail-end of the brain that controls movement and balance)
      • Bladder muscle instability due to feline leukemia virus infection
      • Bladder atony (muscle is stretched and non-responsive after being unusually full)

      Problems with anatomy 

      • Ectopic ureters (tubes from kidneys that lead to the bladder connect to the bladder at abnormal places)
      • Underdeveloped urethra
      • Malformations of the spine

      Diagnosing Cats with Incontinence

      Woman with cat at vet

      Urinary incontinence is diagnosed by physical examination and extensive history from pet parents. A history of recent trauma would hint to the issue, but most of the time, questions are asked about how much urine is produced and where, if your cat is peeing while lying down or sleeping, and how your cat feels otherwise (if there are any changes in appetite, activity, etc.).

      Medical causes need to be ruled out right away. Usually, veterinarians will focus on confirming the urinary system – kidneys and bladder – are working well. Some cats will have urinary tract infections or other inflammation in the bladder or urethra that show up on their urinalysis (urine testing). To confirm the presence of bacteria, a urine culture should be performed as well. 

      Bloodwork ensures the kidneys are functioning well and should include a feline leukemia virus test, even if one had been performed in the past. X-rays can look for stones in the bladder or kidneys, although not all stones show up on X-ray. An ultrasound may be performed to more closely evaluate the bladder and kidneys. Contrast imaging, which involves putting dye into the urinary system and taking X-rays to look for anatomic reasons for incontinence, may be suggested. Proving that the urethral sphincter is unable to stay closed is very challenging and rarely can be diagnosed with tests.

      If your cat is incontinent, looking at issues in the spine is also important. X-rays can hint to certain things, but more advanced imaging is needed to know if the spine is normal. An MRI could be helpful and can also evaluate the brain.

      Treatment for Cat Incontinence

      Around 40 percent of cats with incontinence will regain continence without lifelong treatment or surgery. 

      Most Treatable Causes

      The most treatable causes are urinary tract infections, which can be cured with antibiotics, or inflammation of the bladder, which can be managed with anti-inflammatory and sometimes anti-anxiety medications. 

      If your cat is diagnosed with chronic bladder inflammation, known as feline idiopathic cystitis, other changes will be recommended, such as encouraging water intake with canned food and water fountains.

      Treating Partial Urethra Blockage

      Partial blockages of the urethra usually result in regaining continence after treatment in about 66 percent of cats. Treatment may include physically unblocking your cat with a catheter under anesthesia, surgery, or medical management to allow your cat to more comfortably pass the stones themselves.

      Treating Urethra Issues

      If the urethra has weak muscles or sphincter incompetence and urine leaks for these reasons, there are medications that can help strengthen this muscle, such as phenylpropanolamine. Keep in mind that the medications may not work or may only help a little – each cat responds differently. These same medications may help cats with feline leukemia virus who are incontinent. 

      Treating Anatomic Problems

      In order to improve continence in cats with anatomic problems, surgery is necessary. Whether surgery is successful or what type of surgery is necessary varies and depends on the exact anatomic issue. In most cases, continence is improved but may not completely resolve. 

      Cats with spinal cord disease or trauma causing incontinence do not regain continence as often, and there is rarely any treatment available.

      Managing Incontinence in Cats

      Cat in crate with pee pad

      In many cases, your cat will remain incontinent to some degree. How you manage it depends on your comfort with your cat’s accidents, and where the accidents happen. If your cat urinates every time they’re sleeping, consider washable cat beds left in their favorite spots to encourage use. 

      Put waterproof covers, potty pads, or towels over furniture or other surfaces that frequently experience accidents. In case your cat has some continence, and their urges are frequent, provide litter boxes on every floor or in each area of your home so there is a better chance they make it. Keep all litter boxes clean daily. If your cat has neurologic or spine issues, they may have trouble getting in the litter box. Choose a litter box with high sides that has a very low opening so it’s easy to get in and out.

      Incontinent cat diapers can be placed on your cat, especially if they dribble frequently. However, these diapers should be changed at minimum every four hours or more frequently depending on volume. If your cat has inflamed skin due to urine leaking out, diapers are not a good idea until the skin has been treated.

      How to Prevent Incontinence in Cats

      Most causes of incontinence cannot be prevented, but some can, including:

      Trauma. If your cat goes outdoors, consider cat-proof fencing for your yard or taking them for walks on a harness and leash instead of allowing them to roam freely. Ensure your home is both entertaining and safe for your cat.

      Inflammation of the bladder. While cats tend to have feline idiopathic cystitis no matter what you do, flare-ups that could lead to incontinence can be prevented. Feed canned food, increase water intake, decrease stress when possible, and consider a prescription diet based on your veterinarian’s recommendations.

      Stones. Stones can cause partial blockage of the urethra and are often associated with chronic inflammation of the bladder. If your cat has cystitis and develops stones, exclusively feeding a prescription diet is the best way to prevent creation of more stones.

      In any case, as soon as you notice a change in behavior in your cat, they should be seen by a veterinarian. Catching issues early will make treatment easier and quicker, and treating issues early can prevent incontinence or decrease it substantially.

      The post Incontinence in Cats appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Horner’s Syndrome in Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/horners-syndrome-in-cats/ Tue, 21 Mar 2023 19:56:18 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116214 Horner’s syndrome in cats. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’ve been wondering what it is, how to tell if your cat has it, and what to do about it. If so, you’ve come to the right place. Not many cats will experience Horner’s syndrome. It involves a very specific set of […]

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      Horner’s syndrome in cats. Maybe you’ve heard of it, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’ve been wondering what it is, how to tell if your cat has it, and what to do about it. If so, you’ve come to the right place.

      Not many cats will experience Horner’s syndrome. It involves a very specific set of symptoms in the eye due to a variety of medical conditions, injuries, or surgeries. Many cats will eventually resolve the syndrome and have a good quality of life, but it’s normal to wonder: what is Horner’s syndrome? And what causes it?

      What Is Horner’s Syndrome?

      First things first. Horner’s syndrome is when an animal has distinct changes in the eye, and it typically occurs in only one eye. While it is a rare condition, it affects many species, including humans, dogs, and cats. 

      A cat has Horner’s syndrome when they have at least three out of these four signs:

      • Constricted, small pupil, also known as miosis
      • Droopy upper eyelid, also known as ptosis
      • Sunken eye, also known as enophthalmos
      • Third eyelid elevation (pink flesh that comes from the inner corner of the eye but stays up instead of moving up and down when blinking)

      Francois Pourfour du Petit wrote about this syndrome in 1727 after experimenting with the nerves running along the outside of the chest in animals. In future centuries, physicians attempted to understand the syndrome further, and a thorough explanation of what causes it was given by ophthalmologist Johann Friedrich Horner in the mid-19th century.

      What Causes Horner’s Syndrome in Cats?

      The cause of Horner’s syndrome is the disruption of the sympathetic nerves to the eye. The sympathetic nervous system maintains the body’s involuntary processes, or things that an animal cannot control. For example, the pupil dilates in dim light and gets smaller in bright light. A person or animal does not think about this process – it just happens.

      The sympathetic nerves that reach many components of the eye travel from the brain stem down through both the neck and chest spinal cords. The nerves then leave the spinal cords to go back toward the head through the chest, into the neck, past the base of the ear, and up to the structures of the eye.

      Causes of Horner’s syndrome involve parts of the body in which the sympathetic nerves pass:

      • Inflammatory conditions of the brain, especially the brainstem
      • Trauma to the head, neck, chest, or spinal cord near those areas
      • Issues inside the chest such as tumors or blood
      • Ear issues such as middle ear infections
      • Cancer in the neck, spinal cord, nerves under the armpit (brachial plexus), or lungs
      • Medical care such as surgery of the jaw, ear, or neck
      • Vascular (blood vessel) disease such as blood clots (rare)
      • Inflammation of nerves (also rare)

      About 40 percent of all cases of Horner’s syndrome in cats are considered idiopathic, meaning a cause cannot be identified.

      Horner’s Syndrome Symptoms in Cats

      As previously mentioned, cats with Horner’s syndrome must have three of the four signs outlined above in at least one eye. 

      Since most cases have an underlying cause, other symptoms may include:

      • Inability of blood vessels to constrict locally, causing redness in the eye
      • Neurologic issues such as changes in behavior, limb weakness, or stumbling
      • Pain, especially of the front legs or head/neck
      • Decreased ability to breathe well (i.e. fast breathing rate)
      • Regurgitation (passive ejection of food from the gastrointestinal system) or trouble eating
      • Head-shaking
      • Debris or redness in the ears

      Diagnosing Cats with Horner’s Syndrome

      Veterinarian looking at cat's eye

      Cats are diagnosed with Horner’s syndrome through physical examination by a veterinarian; no special tests are needed. To find the cause of Horner’s syndrome, a more in-depth physical examination, thorough history from pet parents, and testing are all required. 

      During the physical examination, your veterinarian will look deep into your cat’s ear canals to see the eardrum and attempt to look for signs of middle ear disease. Evaluation of your cat’s gait (walk) and a more thorough neurologic examination are necessary.

      When it comes to finding the actual cause, a complete understanding of your cat’s recent health and activities is needed to solve the puzzle that is Horner’s syndrome. Consider if there is any chance for trauma – did your cat leave the house for a little while? Did you notice any wounds or limping? Has there been any head-shaking? Has he undergone surgery recently?

      Testing will be done to find the cause of cat Horner’s syndrome. X-rays are important to look for issues in the chest, like tumors or evidence of trauma. Sometimes x-rays are done on the skull to look for evidence of middle ear disease. Advanced imaging may be recommended via a specialist, like a CT scan of the skull and chest, or an MRI of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerves. In rare cases, if the cause is in the brain, a spinal tap to look at the fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain may be performed.

      When finding the exact cause proves to be challenging, a test can be performed at the veterinary clinic using an eye medication called phenylephrine at a very low concentration that stimulates the sympathetic response. When the medication is applied, it should dilate the pupil after 30 minutes – but only in cats with damage to the sympathetic nerves leading to the eye at the level of the skull. If the nerves were damaged elsewhere, such as the spinal cord or chest, the test won’t work. In short, this test determines where the damage is to identify the cause.

      Keep in mind that nearly half of cats never have a cause identified, but it’s important to run tests to look for a cause – especially if your cat has symptoms other than the signs in the eye itself.

      Horner’s Syndrome Treatments

      There are currently no treatments for Horner’s syndrome. If there is an underlying cause, the cause should be treated, and Horner’s syndrome may eventually go away. 

      In some cats, Horner’s syndrome never goes away or only does so partially. If cat Horner’s syndrome was caused by inner ear surgery, about 25 percent of felines will have it permanently. If no cause was identified, Horner’s syndrome usually resolves on its own, but it takes at least two months.

      How to Prevent Horner’s Syndrome in Cats

      While some of the causes of Horner’s syndrome in cats are preventable, most are not. Avoiding trauma is best done by keeping your cat indoors and away from situations in which they could become hurt, like not letting them onto a balcony where they could fall or jump.

      If you notice debris or redness in your cat’s ears, scratching at their ears, or head-shaking, bring them to your veterinarian as soon as possible to treat the ear infection before it gets worse and causes Horner’s syndrome. 

      If you notice any changes in your cat’s behavior, such as how they walk, their appetite, or their activity level, bring them to your veterinarian for a full evaluation. A medical condition could be found before it results in Horner’s syndrome.

      The post Horner’s Syndrome in Cats appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Can Dogs Have Almond Butter? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-nutrition/can-dogs-have-almond-butter/ Tue, 21 Mar 2023 15:00:44 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116185 Peanut butter has long been a staple in dog parents’ pantries – whether as a go-to high value treat to get your dog to take a pill or excel at training, as a special surprise in a frozen fillable toy to keep them occupied, or on a lick mat to distract them during baths and […]

      The post Can Dogs Have Almond Butter? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Peanut butter has long been a staple in dog parents’ pantries – whether as a go-to high value treat to get your dog to take a pill or excel at training, as a special surprise in a frozen fillable toy to keep them occupied, or on a lick mat to distract them during baths and grooming sessions. 

      But, you might be wondering, what about other nut butters besides peanut butter? Can dogs have almond butter? If you’ve replaced peanut butter with almond butter in your pantry and are wondering if it’s okay to give to your pup, you’ve come to the right place. 

      Almond butter has started gaining popularity in recent years, as it provides a safer alternative to those with peanut allergies. This tasty, creamy butter is slightly healthier than peanut butter, as it has more minerals, fiber, and vitamins, but it’s similar in calories and sugar. 

      Read on to find out whether or not almond butter is safe for your pet and what to consider when giving it to your dog.  

      Can Dogs Eat Almond Butter?

      First things first: is almond butter safe for dogs? Yes, it’s safe to feed your dog a small amount of almond butter as a treat occasionally. However, like peanut butter, it’s important to keep a few things in mind before reaching for this yummy butter for your pup.  

      Almond butter is made from ground-up raw or roasted almonds, which offer several health benefits but are best consumed in moderation. Almonds are a source of vitamin E, fiber, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that boosts your dog’s immune system and helps keep skin healthy. However, almonds are also high in fat and calories. An ounce (around 23 almonds) has 165 calories. 

      According to Dr. Jo Myers, practicing veterinarian at Vetster telehealth company, almond butter “doesn’t have any nutritional benefit” for dogs who are already eating a well-balanced diet. It presents a risk of weight gain and obesity, upset stomach (gastroenteritis), and pancreatitis, which is why it’s important to keep the quantity of almond butter small. “As the amount of almond butter goes up, so do the risks for problems,” Dr. Myers explains.

      Additionally, Dr. Myers suggests that you should always check for any potentially toxic additives such as the sugar-free sweetener xylitol before giving almond butter to your pet. Xylitol is a natural substance derived from plants and is often used as a sugar alternative in candy, gum, and nut butters. It is extremely dangerous for dogs, causing low blood sugar and serious liver problems. 

      Almond Butter Vs. Peanut Butter for Dogs

      As we mentioned, almond butter is a little bit healthier than peanut butter, but honestly, the two nut butters are pretty similar when it comes to feeding them to your dog. Two tablespoons of peanut butter is around 200 calories, and the same applies to almond butter. 

      In terms of canine nutrition, both nut butters are essentially equivalent, says Dr. Myers. She adds that either of these butters can interchangeably be given to your dog in small quantities every now and again. “Almond butter can be put in a stuffable toy, on a lick mat, in recipes for dog treats, or to hide a pill – essentially the same as how peanut butter is traditionally used,” she explains. 

      One thing to keep in mind is that almond butter tends to cost more money than peanut butter, making it a more expensive treat alternative. 

      Precautions When Giving Dogs Almond Butter

      dog licking almond butter jar

      Because of the high caloric value, almond butter needs to be given to your dog in small quantities and only occasionally to prevent upset stomach or weight gain. Check the label to make sure it doesn’t have xylitol or other ingredients that may be harmful to your pup. 

      Natural almond butter, without any additional ingredients, is a safer option. The only listed ingredients should be almonds, and in some cases, a bit of salt. Even better, look for almond butter that has been made from organic almonds. 

      Expiration dates are helpful, but it’s crucial to check the food item itself to ensure it’s still safe to consume. “Food can be dangerously contaminated but still be in date, and food can remain safe to eat for months after the expiration date,” says Myers. “It’s more important to make sure it looks and tastes good, like something you would eat, and hasn’t spoiled.” 

      Additionally, before giving almond butter to your canine, stir the contents thoroughly because the oil will usually separate and rise to the top. 

      Although it’s uncommon, some dogs can be allergic to peanuts. In this case, before giving your pet any other nut butter, test them for allergies at the vet

      How to Give Dogs Almond Butter

      If you’re looking to swap in almond butter for peanut butter every now and then, here are some fun ways you can incorporate it into your dog’s diet: 

      Dog Treats: Almond butter can be used to make dog biscuits or cookies. Combine one cup of almond butter with an egg, two cups of whole wheat flour, and a tablespoon of baking powder to make a mixture. Place small chunks of the dough (or cut out fun shapes using cookie cutters) on a baking sheet and bake them at 350°F for 20 minutes. You may also substitute wheat flour with oat flour. Sweet potatoes, pureed pumpkin, or bananas can be added for extra flavor and taste, depending on your pet’s preferences.  

      Food Toys: Dogs need mental stimulation to keep boredom at bay, and a food-dispensing toy is a perfect solution. Scoop a bit of almond butter inside, or better yet, stuff the toy with a little yogurt or kibble, line it with almond butter, and freeze it. Voila! A refreshing (and time-consuming) snack for your pup.

      Lick Mat: Licking peanut butter or almond butter off a rubber or silicone lick mat is useful to your dog in a number of ways. First, the act of licking this high-value food from the textured mat’s grooves and brittles helps relieve your dog’s boredom and/or stress. Secondly, it will help them stay occupied during activities such as bathing (just put one up on the wall and you’ve got yourself a preoccupied dog) and grooming/trimming nails. It also helps create positive associations with these activities, which are not always high on a dog’s list of favorite pastimes. Lastly, if you’ve got a puppy at home, using a lick mat can help them stay busy and burn off excess energy.

      Pilling: Similar to using peanut butter to hide a pill, you can choose almond butter as a high-value treat to entice your dog to take medication. Place a dab of almond butter on your finger or a teaspoon, or use your fingers to roll it into a ball. Hide the pill inside and let your dog enjoy the tasty goodness.

      The post Can Dogs Have Almond Butter? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Can Cats Get Heartworm? https://www.greatpetcare.com/parasites/can-cats-get-heartworm/ Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:01:20 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=116047 Heartworm prevention is a fact of life for pet parents in much of North America, with heartworms having been diagnosed in all 50 of the United States and southern areas of Canada. Heartworms can be found in countries on every continent of the world, except Antarctica. These pesky parasites don’t exclusively affect our dogs though! […]

      The post Can Cats Get Heartworm? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Heartworm prevention is a fact of life for pet parents in much of North America, with heartworms having been diagnosed in all 50 of the United States and southern areas of Canada. Heartworms can be found in countries on every continent of the world, except Antarctica. These pesky parasites don’t exclusively affect our dogs though! Heartworms can also be found in wolves, foxes, coyotes, ferrets, sea lions, and other species, which unfortunately includes our friendly feline companions. More and more pet parents are becoming aware of heartworms in cats. 

      Heartworms are one of the more dangerous parasites in cats, so it’s important for you to understand what these parasites are and how they affect your pet. However, even more critical is knowing how to protect your cat from the risk of heartworm disease with a monthly parasite preventative, like Revolution Plus.

      Can Cats Get Heartworm? 

      The simple answer is that yes, cats can get heartworms. However, heartworm disease in cats isn’t the same as it is in dogs. Before we get to the differences between heartworms in dogs and heartworms in cats, let’s go over what heartworms actually are.

      Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) is a parasite that is spread to dogs and cats by mosquitoes. The name “heartworm” gives you two important pieces of information about these parasites. One, they are worms, and two, they affect the heart. An adult heartworm looks like a thin, cooked spaghetti noodle, with adult worms ranging from 4 inches to over a foot in length. The adults typically live in the pulmonary artery (which carries blood to the lungs from the heart) and right ventricle of the heart. As a result, heartworms mostly impact the heart and lungs. 

      While the heartworms themselves aren’t thought to cause pain, the secondary conditions that result from the worms can cause severe distress and death. Cats are considered an atypical host for heartworms while dogs are the preferred host. As a result, dogs can have 30 to over 100 adult worms in their heart and lungs while cats who have adult heartworms typically only have one to three. This doesn’t mean that heartworms are any less severe in cats, with heartworms more likely to cause severe respiratory disease or sudden death in cats than in dogs.  

      How Common Is Heartworm in Cats?

      A 2020 study in Florida found that the prevalence of adult heartworms in shelter cats was 4 percent compared to 28 percent in shelter dogs, meaning for every seven dogs with adult heartworms there was one cat with adult heartworms (1). Overall, the prevalence of heartworm disease in cats is suspected to be about 5 percent to 15 percent of the prevalence in dogs in any given area (2).

      What Causes Heartworm in Cats?

      Closeup of a mosquito

      Cats get heartworms through mosquito bites. Currently, mosquitoes are the only known vector of heartworms. When the mosquito pierces the cat’s skin while biting, heartworm larvae that were picked up from another animal (usually a dog) can enter the cat. Most heartworms that are passed to a cat will not make it to adulthood, but those that survive will migrate into the pulmonary artery and right ventricle of the heart, developing into adult worms over six to eight months. Adult worms live in cats for around two to four years. While this is the overall gist of a heartworm’s life cycle, more specifics about the lifecycle can help us understand their effects on cats. 

      Because dogs are the preferred host of heartworms, adult male and female heartworms will mate while parasitizing a dog, producing microfilariae (baby heartworms). Microfilariae are microscopic and move throughout the bloodstream. These microfilariae are ingested by mosquitoes when they bite the dog. Within a few weeks, the microfilariae will develop into stage three larvae within the mosquito. This stage is the infective stage that can be passed on to cats or other dogs when the mosquito feeds. 

      Over two months, the larvae that pass into the cat will develop into immature worms in the animal’s subcutaneous tissue, fat, or muscle. Immature adult heartworms will enter the bloodstream, which will allow them to move into the heart and pulmonary artery which they call home. Once these immature worms reach the heart and lungs, you may begin to see signs of heartworm disease in cats. These immature worms can cause a severe inflammatory response that affects the arteries, small airways (bronchioles), and air sacs of the lungs (alveoli). 

      If the cat survives the initial migration of the worms into the heart and lungs, the worms will mature into adult heartworms over three to five months. While adult heartworms live for up to five years in dogs, they typically have a shorter lifespan (two to four years) in cats. Because the cat is an atypical host, these worms don’t usually reproduce within the cat, meaning the cat usually doesn’t have circulating microfilariae and isn’t infectious to other animals. When adult worms die, some cats have an extreme inflammatory response that can manifest as respiratory distress, shock, or sudden death of the cat. 

      Can People Get Heartworms from Cats?

      This all sounds very scary for your cat, and honestly, it is! A natural worry you might develop is if you or your family members can get heartworms from your cat. Humans can get heartworms, but this isn’t common. Because heartworms do not produce microfilariae in cats, human infections are usually carried by mosquitoes from dogs or wild canids. Your heartworm-positive cat is almost never at risk of transmitting heartworms to you. Humans are accidental hosts and aren’t suitable for the worms to thrive in. Heartworms that die in the pulmonary vessels result in nodule formation in the lungs, which can be hard to distinguish from lung cancer nodules and result in the need for a biopsy. Most of the time, humans don’t have any clinical signs of heartworm infection. In the United States, 116 cases of heartworms affecting humans have been reported (3).

      Heartworm Symptoms in Cats

      Cat with mosquito on nose

      One of the most alarming characteristics of heartworm infection in cats is that you often don’t know your cat has heartworms until it’s too late. Unlike parasites that affect the stomach and intestines, you’re not going to find heartworms or their eggs in your cat’s feces, so you’re probably not going to know your cat has heartworms unless they develop signs or you’re routinely getting them tested by a veterinarian. 

      Common clinical signs of heartworms in cats include:

      • Intermittent vomiting
      • Diarrhea
      • Rapid and labored breathing
      • Coughing, gagging, and wheezing
      • Loss of appetite
      • Lethargy
      • Weight loss

      In some cats, these signs will appear around two months after the initial infection when the immature adult worms are migrating into the heart and lungs. If you’re noticing these symptoms in your cat, it’s important to have your cat examined. These clinical signs, especially the respiratory symptoms, are often mistaken for feline asthma. This severe inflammatory response is called heartworm-associated respiratory disease (HARD).

      So, is heartworm in cats fatal? Unfortunately, the answer is often yes. For around 10 percent to 20 percent of cats (4, 5), the first sign of heartworm infection is sudden death, which can occur at around two months when the worms migrate to the heart and lungs or later on when an adult worm dies (sometimes two to four years after infection). Sudden death usually occurs due to severe inflammation in the lungs, which is not responsive to medications like steroids. 

      Stages of Heartworm Disease in Cats

      Although there are more stages of heartworm disease in dogs, the American Heartworm Society (6) divides feline heartworm infection into two stages:

      Stage 1 occurs when the immature worms arrive in the pulmonary arteries, at which point many of them die. This is the point at which cats can develop HARD. Some cats may die or be euthanized at this stage due to the severity of their illness.

      Stage 2 occurs when adult worms die, resulting in an extreme inflammatory, anaphylactic response that is very often fatal. Dying adult heartworms can form a clot (embolism). Cats who do survive often have permanent lung damage and long-term respiratory disease. Adult worms can die at any point, but in cats they may live for two to four years. This stage can occur anywhere from around six to eight months after the initial mosquito bite up to around four years later. Again, many cats who experience this stage will be euthanized due to the severity of illness. 

      Diagnosing Heartworm in Cats

      Veterinarian looking at an X-ray of a cat patient

      Diagnosing heartworms in cats is a bit tricky. After performing a physical exam and collecting your pet’s history, additional testing your veterinarian may do to determine if your cat has heartworms include:

      Heartworm antigen test: The usual SNAP test that your veterinarian runs for your dog at the clinic specifically detects an antigen that is associated with adult female heartworms. This means the heartworms need to be at least 6 months old and that there needs to be adult female heartworms for the test to be positive. Recall that dogs can have well over 100 worms. The chances that at least one of those is a female worm is very high. But cats often have only one to three worms. If all their adult worms are male, they will test negative on this SNAP test. Furthermore, cats that are having HARD symptoms at two months after infection will still test negative. So, veterinarians often must rely on other testing to confirm a diagnosis of heartworms in cats.

      Heartworm antibody test: The preferred method for screening cats is to run both an antigen and antibody test. While the antigen test detects adult female heartworms, the antibody test detects exposure to heartworm larvae. The antibody test can be positive as early as two months after initial infection. One issue with the antibody test is that antibodies can persist for years, so a cat who was exposed but cleared the infection on their own may test positive. However, if your cat’s physical exam and history are suggestive of heartworms and either the antigen or antibody test is positive, your veterinarian is likely to move forward with management of heartworm symptoms.

      Chest X-rays (thoracic radiography): Your veterinarian is also likely to perform radiographs of the chest to look for changes to the heart and lungs that may be suggestive of heartworms.

      Ultrasound of heart (echocardiogram): In some cases, an echocardiogram may be beneficial. Worms can sometimes be visualized within the right ventricle or pulmonary artery with an echocardiogram. Not all clinics have the capability to perform an echocardiogram.

      Heartworm in Cats Treatment

      There is no approved medical treatment for heartworms in cats. The injectable medication (melarsomine) used in dogs is toxic to cats at low doses, and the sudden death of the worms from the injection may also result in the sudden death of the cat itself. The only way a cat will be cured of heartworms is if they clear the infection and survive on their own, which occurs in around 80 percent of cases (5). Instead of treating heartworms, the goal is to manage the symptoms.

      In cats who are experiencing respiratory distress or shock, they will need emergency treatment. If your pet is having difficulty breathing or collapses, you need to take them to the emergency veterinarian immediately. Treatment may include steroids, intravenous fluids, bronchodilators, and oxygen administration. 

      Long-term management of symptomatic cats may include slowly tapering doses of steroids such as prednisone to reduce inflammation in the lungs, as well as bronchodilators. A bacteria called Wolbachia lives within the heartworms, so your cat may be prescribed doxycycline to kill these bacteria and weaken the heartworms. No home remedies are shown to be effective, but it’s recommended to reduce stress in the home, as this could contribute to development of symptoms. 

      The disease can be monitored with repeat antibody and antigen tests. Your veterinarian may recommend this testing on an annual basis in asymptomatic cats but may want to test more often in cats with symptoms. In cats who have heart or lung changes identified on X-rays or an echocardiogram, repeat imaging may be recommended every six months. 

      Heartworm Surgery for Cats

      In cats with severe symptoms, especially those rare cases with high worm burdens causing obstruction in the heart (caval syndrome), surgical removal of the heartworms may be recommended. This is a very rare procedure and usually reserved for severe cases due to the high risk associated with the surgery. Typically, instruments are introduced through the right jugular vein into the right side of the heart to remove worms (7).

      Cost of Treating Heartworms in Cats

      Cost will vary depending on what treatments you pursue. If your cat is in respiratory distress or shock and you elect to attempt treatment, emergency services can cost several thousand dollars. However, if your cat’s case is mild, management with steroids is usually very affordable and may be under $10 to $20 for the prescription itself after the initial testing. Initial diagnostics will usually cost under $500 for exam, antibody test, and antigen test but may increase to over $1,000 depending on if advanced imaging (echocardiogram) is performed. Chest X-rays are usually around $200-$300. Surgical removal of heartworms is an extremely specialized procedure, which may cost over $6,000 and is not guaranteed to be successful. 

      Heartworm Prevention in Cats

      Veterinarian giving cat medication

      We can all agree that your cat would be much better off if you can prevent heartworm disease from developing in the first place. Luckily, pet parents have plenty of heartworm prevention tactics at their disposal to protect pets from developing the disease.

      Keeping your cats indoors is one way to reduce exposure to mosquitoes. However, that doesn’t mean that indoor cats are risk free, just that they are less likely to get bitten than cats who live or venture outside. One study at North Carolina State University found that about a third of heartworm-positive cats were housed exclusively indoors (4), so you’ll definitely need heartworm prevention for indoor cats, too.

      Since mosquito season is growing longer and their range is growing wider as the climate changes, the best way to protect cats from the risk of developing heartworm disease is to keep them on a heartworm preventative medication year round. Current heartworm preventative options for cats include either monthly oral medications or topical solutions that are applied to the skin between the shoulder blades once a month. There is a long-term injectable heartworm preventative, but it is currently only used in dogs.

      A prescription is needed for heartworm preventatives, as well as a yearly heartworm test. Some preventatives also protect your cat from other parasites, such as Revolution (which prevents heartworm disease as well as fleas, ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms) and Revolution Plus (which does all that plus protects against ticks, too).

      Preventatives that work against heartworms often include antiparasitic drugs, such as:

      • Selamectin
      • Moxidectin
      • Ivermectin
      • Eprinomectin
      • Milbemycin

      Related Conditions 

      The post Can Cats Get Heartworm? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Dog Paw Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/dog-paw-infections-causes-symptoms-and-treatments/ Sat, 18 Mar 2023 15:46:44 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=115974 Paws are a fascinating and essential part of a dog’s body. They come in many shapes and sizes yet share the same anatomy and perform the same functions, including shock absorption, insulation, and balance support. Keeping the paws healthy is key to a dog’s ability to move about their environment comfortably and easily. Paw infections […]

      The post Dog Paw Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Paws are a fascinating and essential part of a dog’s body. They come in many shapes and sizes yet share the same anatomy and perform the same functions, including shock absorption, insulation, and balance support.

      Keeping the paws healthy is key to a dog’s ability to move about their environment comfortably and easily.

      Paw infections are often painful and irritating, making life difficult for dogs. Unfortunately, given the paws’ location, these infections are challenging to treat and may take a long time to heal.

      The sooner you recognize their paws are infected, the sooner you can get your dog the veterinary care they need. 

      Types of Dog Paw Infections

      Dog scratching paw

      Generally, infections are caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, that invade the body and activate the immune system. 

      The main types of dog paw infections are:

      Causes of Dog Paw Infections

      Dog paw infections occur when the paws’ protective padding is damaged, allowing microorganisms to enter the paw and multiply.

      Here are a few ways in which the paw can become damaged and prone to infection:

      Trauma. Trauma to the paw can be as tiny as a puncture wound or as large as a long gash. Either way, microorganisms enter that wound and cause a painful infection.

      Allergies. Common dog allergies include food, fleas, and environmental. Allergies make a dog’s paws feel incredibly itchy, leading to constant licking and biting at the area. This will eventually damage the paws’ protective covering, allowing bacteria or other microorganisms to enter.

      Immune suppression. A dog’s immune system may be suppressed because of treatment, such as for cancer. A suppressed immune system cannot mount a strong immune response to fight off an infection.

      Body type. Dogs with skinny legs and thin paw padding, such as Greyhounds, are prone to paw infections.

      Dog Paw Infection Symptoms

      Dog on belly with paws up

      The symptoms of an infected dog paw are usually quite evident and similar regardless of the underlying cause.

      Here are signs of a paw infection to look for:

      • Redness
      • Swelling
      • Visible injury
      • Pain in the paw
      • Discolored nails
      • Foul smell from the paw
      • Reluctance to have paws touched
      • Greasy or discolored paw discharge
      • Difficulty walking or refusal to walk
      • Vocalizing when trying to walk
      • Constant licking or biting at the paws
      • Signs of allergies (e.g., watery eyes, skin rash, itchy skin)

      These symptoms range in severity according to the infection’s severity, and knowing the normal appearance of your dog’s paws will help you recognize anything out of the ordinary more quickly. 

      Diagnosing Dog Paw Infections

      Dog holding out paw to owner

      If your dog is showing signs of a paw infection, your veterinarian will need to diagnose the infection and perform a few basic tests to determine the infection’s cause.

      Your veterinarian will first take a history from you and conduct a physical exam, paying close attention to your dog’s paws. Tell them your dog’s symptoms and when they first appeared, and if your dog recently suffered a paw injury. Your veterinarian will ask you other questions to get more details from you about the problem.

      To look for microorganisms in the paw, your veterinarian also will do a few simple tests, such as a skin scrape and tape impression. For the skin scrape, they’ll gently scrape a thin layer of the paw pad to collect skin cells, then place this scraping on a microscope slide. For a tape impression, your vet will press a piece of tape across the affected paw and place the tape on a microscope slide.

      Once analyzed under a microscope, the appearance of the microorganisms will allow your veterinarian to determine whether bacteria, yeast, or fungi caused the infection.

      Additional diagnostic testing is needed for severe paw infections. X-rays of your dog’s paw and leg will help your vet determine if the infection has spread beyond the paw. Blood work indicates whether the infection has entered your dog’s bloodstream.

      Dog Paw Infection Treatments

      Close up of dog's paws

      Treatment for a paw infection depends on the underlying cause and the infection’s severity and duration. Allow at least a few days for the paw to heal.

      Medications to treat dog paw infections include antibiotics and antifungals. They can be applied topically to the paw as an ointment or, for severe infections, given by mouth. Pain medications are given to relieve pain and discomfort.

      Infected dog paws must also be cleaned to remove as much dirt, debris, and damaged tissue as possible. After the paw is cleaned, it is bandaged to protect it from further injury, allowing it to heal as fully as possible.

      Cleaning and bandaging may be challenging, depending on how well your dog tolerates their infected paw being handled. Your veterinarian will provide at-home instructions for cleaning and bandaging the infected paw, and your dog will wear an e-collar during treatment to keep them from biting and picking at the bandage.

      Follow your veterinarian’s treatment instructions to ensure that the infection clears and the paw fully heals. Let them know if you’re having trouble keeping the paw clean and bandaged.

      How to Prevent Dog Paw Infections

      Lady and dog sitting in forrest

      Dogs love to run and play, so preventing a paw infection may not be easy. However, a few prevention strategies can help make paw infections much less likely for your dog:

      Regular grooming. Keep your dog’s nails trimmed. Overgrown nails can curl under and puncture the paw pad.

      Paw protection. Put booties on your dog’s paws when your dog goes outside.

      Keep an eye on the paws. Inspect your dog’s paws regularly, especially after going outside.

      Wash after walks. Clean and dry your dog’s paws after taking a walk or vigorous outdoor play. Dog paw cleaners can make this process easy and efficient. 

      Allergy treatment. Manage your dog’s allergies to make the paws feel less itchy.

      Prevent pests. Have your dog on year-round flea and tick prevention to avoid itchy bites.

      Dog paw infections can be very uncomfortable, but they are treatable and preventable. Taking good care of your dog’s paws will help keep them healthy and infection free.

      The post Dog Paw Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Are Cats Ticklish? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-behavior/are-cats-ticklish/ Thu, 16 Mar 2023 22:10:57 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=115916 Look up “tickle” in Merriam-Webster, and you’ll find this: “to touch (a body part, a person, etc.) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements.” For some people, especially young kids, being tickled can cause a giddy and giggly reaction. For many others, it’s an action they despise […]

      The post Are Cats Ticklish? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Look up “tickle” in Merriam-Webster, and you’ll find this: “to touch (a body part, a person, etc.) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements.”

      For some people, especially young kids, being tickled can cause a giddy and giggly reaction. For many others, it’s an action they despise – likely because it stimulates the same area of the brain as both our pain and fight or flight responses. But whichever camp they fall into, humans are all familiar with the concept of tickling.

      And as it turns out, other animals may respond to it, too. Tickling can make apes laugh just like (some) people do. It can prompt a dog to “smile” by lifting up the corners of their mouth. It’s even been found to decrease anxiety in rats. But what about our feline friends? Are cats ticklish? 

      Are Cats Ticklish? Experts Weigh In

      Owner holding cat and laughing

      The short answer: we’re not sure if tickling a cat causes any real reaction.

      We do know that mammals tend to experience two types of ticklish touch: 

      • Knismesis: a light, almost itchy-feeling sensation (and the one that dogs, horses, sharks, meerkats and others respond to)
      • Gargalesis: causes humans (and gorillas and rats) to dissolve into writhing laughter

      With that said, no one is fully sure whether cats can be tickled or what it might feel like to them. 

      “It’s really hard to tell if animals are ticklish or not, because they do not react like we do to tickles: laughing, giggling, wiggling around,” says Joanna Wachowiak-Finlaison, a certified animal behavior consultant and owner of High Five Animal Training. “Ticklish, to me, sounds like a very human concept.”

      Wachowiak-Finlaison also notes that since “most of their body is covered in fur, cats are not really going to feel a very light touch the way we do on our skin.”

      All that hair makes Dr. Marci L. Koski, certified feline behavior/training consultant and owner of Feline Behavior Solutions, further question whether cats can feel a ticklish touch. “Having fur all over their bodies could create a tickling kind of feeling if cats were sensitive to that, which could be problematic for them,” she says.

      Common Cat Tickle Spots

      Cat being tickled under their chin

      Wachowiak-Finlaison believes that the most ticklish way a cat reacts is the little twitches and flick-away response they have when you lightly touch the tips of their ears. She also suspects that a cat is more likely to feel a tickly sensation in other spots where their skin is exposed, like the nose.

      For general touch and petting, she says most cats enjoy it when you gently rub the tips or backs of your fingers along their jawline, which mimics the way cats greet each other. “This is the polite place to pet them,” she says. “If I’m touching a new cat, I always let it rub against my fingers.”

      The chest is also a preferred spot for most cats, she says. Just stay away from the belly, as almost all cats hate having it touched. 

      Do Cats Like to Be Tickled?

      Cute couple holding their cat

      Whatever sensation cats are getting from a light, tickly touch, Wachowiak-Finlaison says how they feel about it is “definitely an individual thing,” just as it is for humans. Cats all have different preferences for the type of touch they like best, where they prefer it to be, and how much they like to be touched in general.

      “That’s why it really pays to know your cat’s body language,” she adds, noting that Sphinxes may be one cat breed that has even more distinct reactions to touch since they aren’t covered in long hair.

      How to Tickle a Cat Without Creating Stress

      Lady petting cat on her lap

      Whether you’re tickling or just petting a cat, it’s important to monitor their response carefully. Wachowiak-Finlaison even recommends a “consent test,” which works like this: pet your cat a few times, then stop. Leave your hand hanging and see what the cat does next. If they lean into it again, asking for more, then you know they’re liking it and can keep going.

      Wachowiak-Finlaison also underscores the importance of touching (or tickling) cats more softly than you would a dog, as well as always “watching for any tiny sign that the cat isn’t enjoying it.” If you see any indication that your cat isn’t into the way they’re being touched or tickled, stop right away.

      When NOT to Tickle a Cat

      Child holding cat happily

      You certainly don’t want to test out tickling if your cat is scared, upset or has already made it clear that they’re not in a hands-on mood.

      Even if your cat is relaxed and calm – and seems to enjoy petting in a particular moment – it’s crucial to keep an eye out for signs that things have shifted. Wachowiak-Finlaison says the first signal that a cat is not enjoying your touch is usually a twitch at the tip of their tail. Also look out for them pushing back or flattening their ears slightly, or shifting their body weight away from you. Ideally, you’ll have gotten the hint before they get to larger signs of dismay, like hissing, spitting, and big tail swishes.

      “My most important message is to learn your cat’s body language and always watch your cat,” Wachowiak-Finlaison notes. “Don’t just keep petting your cat mindlessly. Pay close attention to the small signs.”

      The post Are Cats Ticklish? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Tresaderm for Cats https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/tresaderm-for-cats/ Thu, 09 Mar 2023 21:56:41 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=115379 Does your cat have itchy ears? Whether your cat is scratching uncontrollably or shows more subtle signs of itchy ears, like cat head bobbing, a trip to the veterinarian is often needed to identify and resolve the issue.  If your veterinarian diagnoses your cat with an ear infection or ear mites, there’s a good chance […]

      The post Tresaderm for Cats appeared first on Great Pet Care.


      Does your cat have itchy ears? Whether your cat is scratching uncontrollably or shows more subtle signs of itchy ears, like cat head bobbing, a trip to the veterinarian is often needed to identify and resolve the issue. 

      If your veterinarian diagnoses your cat with an ear infection or ear mites, there’s a good chance you will leave with a prescription for a drug called Tresaderm to treat the problem. Tresaderm is also occasionally prescribed as a topical treatment for certain skin infections in cats. 

      Let’s take a closer look at this commonly used medicine for cats and learn how it helps our furry feline friends feel better.

      What is Tresaderm?

      Cat sleeping on rock

      Tresaderm is a topical solution consisting of a steroid (dexamethasone) in combination with an antifungal (thiabendazole) and an antibiotic (neomycin). The name-brand drug is a registered trademark of Merial Limited and is FDA approved for the treatment of certain skin and ear infections in both dogs and cats.

      There is one FDA-approved generic form available, as well, which is manufactured by Putney, Inc. The generic form of Tresaderm is known as thiabendazole, dexamethasone, neomycin sulfate solution, after its active ingredients.

      Is Tresaderm Safe For Cats?

      Tresaderm is safe for topical use in cats. It is widely prescribed for felines, with most cats experiencing few (if any) negative reactions or side effects. When these do occur, they are typically mild. 

      Pet owners can get Tresaderm for cats through their veterinarian by prescription only.

      What Does Tresaderm For Cats Look Like?

      Brand-name Tresaderm is a topical solution that comes in a 7.5 mL or 15 mL white dropper bottle which must be kept in the refrigerator. The generic form of thiabendazole, dexamethasone, neomycin sulfate solution may come in different packaging. 

      How Does Tresaderm Work?

      Cat sitting on table scratchy ears

      Tresaderm contains three different medications, each with its own mechanism of action. 

      • Dexamethasone is a steroid that suppresses inflammatory reactions and decreases itching. 
      • Thiabendazole is an antiparasitic and antifungal medication that is effective against yeast infections and ear mites
      • Neomycin is an antibiotic that kills many different types of bacteria, including some that infect the ear and skin. 

      What Is Tresaderm Used for In Cats?

      Tresaderm is FDA approved for the treatment of certain skin and ear infections in cats and dogs. Your veterinarian may prescribe Tresaderm for your cat to treat conditions including:

      • Bacterial ear infections
      • Yeast ear infections
      • Ear mites
      • Skin infections

      How to Give Tresaderm to Cats

      vet giving cat ear drops

      Instructions for administering Tresaderm vary according to what’s ailing your cat. Always follow your veterinarian’s guidance. And use these tips to ensure your cat gets the full benefit of the application.  

      Tresaderm for cat ear infections

      Administer Tresaderm topically in the ear canal. To do this, hold the bottle vertically, with the tip pointed down. Place the tip of the bottle into your cat’s ear canal, and gently squeeze the bottle to dispense the desired number of drops.

      Remove the bottle and rub the base of your cat’s ear briefly to help work the medication into the ear canal. Then stand back, as your cat will likely want to shake their head — and it’s okay to allow them to do so! You can then repeat this process with the second ear if your veterinarian has instructed you to treat both ears.

      Tresaderm for cat skin infections

      Apply Tresaderm topically in a light layer to the affected area. Hold the bottle vertically with the tip down and gently squeeze the bottle to moisten the affected area (approximately 2-4 drops per square inch of affected skin). 

      Do not allow your cat to lick the Tresaderm off of the area. You may need to use a protective collar, such as an e-collar (also known as an Elizabethan collar) or an alternative, to keep your cat from licking the area.

      Tresaderm for Cats Side Effects

      Cat scratching ears

      Tresaderm is generally safe for cats and has few side effects. Tresaderm is not absorbed systemically, so side effects are limited to local reactions at the site of application. 

      Though side effects are rare, if you suspect your cat is experiencing side effects from the Tresaderm application, stop using the medication and contact your veterinarian immediately. 

      Side effects from Tresaderm can include:

      • Localized erythema (redness) lasting 24 to 48 hours in cats with hypersensitivity to neomycin
      • Hearing loss if administered to cats with ruptured eardrums
      • Temporary discomfort if the product is applied to compromised or irritated areas of skin, e.g., skin that is split (fissured) or exposed and unprotected due to hair loss (denuded). 

      Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

      Dog sleeping at home stretching arms out

      Because Tresaderm is only used topically and the drugs are not significantly absorbed systemically, it is unlikely to interact or interfere with other drugs the patient may be taking.

      Tresaderm for Cats Dosage

      The exact dosage of Tresaderm for your cat will vary depending on your cat’s size and the type and severity of the infection being treated. In general, ear infections and skin infections typically require drops administered twice daily according to your veterinarian’s instructions.

      Always follow your veterinarian’s dosage instructions carefully, and be sure to complete the full course of medication. Even if your cat appears to feel better before the course of treatment is complete, it is important to administer all of the medication as prescribed to ensure that the infection is completely cleared.

      What If My Cat Misses A Dose Of Tresaderm?

      If your cat misses a dose of Tresaderm, give the dose as soon as you remember. If the next dose is due soon, do not double the dose or give two doses at the same time to make up for the missed dose. Simply skip the missed dose and continue on with the next dose as prescribed. 

      If your cat has missed multiple doses of Tresaderm, contact your veterinarian for advice on how to proceed. 

      Cost of Tresaderm for Cats

      The cost of Tresaderm for cat may vary significantly depending on your cat’s dose and your location.

      In general, pet parents can expect to pay approximately $25-50 for this product. The generic formulation, if available, may cost less than the brand-name product.

      Tresaderm Storage Instructions

      When not in use, Tresaderm must be refrigerated. Store in a refrigerator set to a temperature between 36-46 degrees Fahrenheit.

      The post Tresaderm for Cats appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Puppy Crying in Crate: What You Should Do https://www.greatpetcare.com/new-dog/puppy-crying-in-crate-what-you-should-do/ Tue, 07 Mar 2023 16:32:51 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=115222 You want your adorable new puppy to consider their crate a place of refuge — a quiet, cozy, safe space that’s perfect for naps and sweet dreams at night. But what happens if your pup isn’t feeling so great about their crating situation? Many new pet parents wonder what’s the best way to deal with […]

      The post Puppy Crying in Crate: What You Should Do appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      You want your adorable new puppy to consider their crate a place of refuge — a quiet, cozy, safe space that’s perfect for naps and sweet dreams at night. But what happens if your pup isn’t feeling so great about their crating situation? Many new pet parents wonder what’s the best way to deal with a puppy crying in the crate. 

      When crate training a puppy, a certain amount of whining is to be expected, particularly during the introductory stages. But how much canine complaining is too much? And what exactly should you do when you’ve got a crying puppy on your hands? 

      Worried pet parents, read on to understand why your pup might be crying in the crate, as well as training tips and tricks for dealing with puppy whining.

      Puppy Crying in Crate: What to Expect

      Puppy in crate looking very sad

      A crate is an important training tool during puppyhood. Not only does it streamline the potty training process, but it also keeps your pup safe from harm when you’re not able to watch them. That said, it takes gradual training to make sure your pup feels comfortable inside their new home. And even with a slow and steady introduction to the crate, it’s natural for your pup to resort to occasional whining while inside. 

      Pet parents need to remember that whining is an important form of communication. Puppy cries can signify anything from pain, to hunger, to boredom, and everything in between. That’s why it’s important to respond to your pup’s cries and ensure their basic needs are being met. Some whining in the crate is natural, but a puppy screaming in the crate for hours is definitely a sign that something is wrong.

      How Long to Let Puppy Cry in Crate

      Puppy outside of the crate

      When it comes to determining how long to let a puppy “cry it out” in the crate, the answer is: probably shorter than you think! 

      A young puppy just getting used to a new home is likely to be nervous about the unfamiliar environment. Letting an anxious pup cry in their crate for too long could just compound their stress and might even make them reluctant to use the crate. 

      You don’t want to leave an older puppy barking in the crate too long, either. Older puppies might cry or bark to signal the need for a potty break, so a prompt response could help you avoid a mess. But your pup might also be letting you know they still have plenty of endless puppy energy to burn. Over-crating a puppy can lead to a multitude of problems, including crate resistance and increased barking. So remember that the crate is a tool and not a lifestyle.

      Causes of Puppy Crying in the Crate & What To Do

      Puppy playing with toy in crate

      It may take you a little time to learn how to decode the meaning behind your crated puppy’s crying and whining sounds. Does that cry mean your pup’s a little lonely or in desperate need of a bathroom break?

      But it helps to know some of the most likely reasons why a crated puppy might whine or cry for your attention, which include the following:

      • Fear/isolation distress – Typically occurs when a puppy feels uncomfortable being left alone
      • Elimination whining – Indicates the puppy needs a potty break
      • Boredom –  The puppy may not have gotten enough exercise prior to being crated
      • Hunger – When the puppy realizes it’s close to mealtime
      • Pain – Often points to an ongoing health issue, like teething, or there might be an issue related to the crate itself, like a paw caught in the crate

      Since there are many reasons why a puppy might be crying while in the crate, pet parents should try to determine the reason for the puppy whining before attempting to deal with it. In some cases, ignoring the crying for a very brief time could be the right choice. But if the crying escalates or persists, your puppy is likely trying to let you know they need something. Delaying too long could result in undue stress for your pup or a mess for you to clean up.  

      How to Respond to Typical Puppy Whining Scenarios

      Puppy outside the crate looking at owner

      To help pet parents learn how to understand and respond to a puppy crying in a crate, we outlined some common scenarios and solutions.

      Puppy crying at night

      Potential causes: Fear/isolation distress, elimination whining

      The most likely reason for a puppy crying in the crate at night is the need to go out for a bathroom break. Young pups under 12 weeks usually can’t last through an entire night. So if your puppy wakes you in the middle of the night, it usually means you need to head outside for a potty walk ASAP. 

      However, pups that are crated in a room by themselves at night might also be suffering from isolation distress. Pups should spend the night crated close to people so they don’t feel abandoned. 

      Puppy whining in crate when you leave the room

      Potential causes: isolation distress, boredom

      This type of crying usually happens during the early stages of crate training, while the pup is still getting used to being in the crate on their own. Make sure that you’re progressing through your pup’s alone-time training slowly. And always exercise your puppy and take a quick trip outside for a potty break before putting them in, to eliminate other causes of crying. It also helps to leave your puppy with a safe, treat-stuffed busy toy when in the crate to keep them occupied. 

      Puppy crying in crate all of a sudden

      Potential causes: pain, hunger, elimination whining

      A puppy that’s been quiet and suddenly launches into crying might need to go outside for a potty trip. However, this type of puppy barking could also signal physical discomfort. A sudden outburst might mean your puppy is ready for the next meal. Or, in some cases, it might signal some sort of physical discomfort.

      What if Puppy Won’t Stop Crying in the Crate

      Puppy in crate looking sad wants to leave

      If you feel like you’re trying everything, yet your puppy still won’t stop crying in the crate, here are some key troubleshooting tips to try:

      • Go back to basics. Leaving a new puppy alone in a crate for long periods of time before they are ready is a recipe for a very unhappy pup. You may need to reset by starting your puppy out with very short periods of alone time in the crate. Then, once they are comfortable, slowly and gradually increase the duration over time.
      • Keep the crate in a populated location during the day and a bedroom near people at night to prevent isolation distress.
      • Go on a potty walk just before you crate your pup and immediately after letting them out, every time. 
      • Offer your puppy a safe chew toy or treat-stuffed puzzle toy to play with when they are crated to encourage a positive association. Supervise play to make sure your pup remains safe. 
      • Provide enough exercise before crating to ensure a worn-out pup.

      Puppy Crying and Whining in Crate: When to Worry

      Puppy pushing crate door

      A certain amount of puppy whining in the crate is part of the crate-training territory. However, for puppies that never settle down in the crate or injure themselves trying to escape, pet parents may have to reconsider whether crating is appropriate. 

      Although crating is a solution that works for many dogs, some dogs are resistant to close confinement. A trainer can help determine if behavioral modification can address the issue, or if an alternate confinement solution — such as a puppy-proofed powder room or secure exercise pen — might be a better fit.   

      Crate Training Puppy Tips for Success

      Puppy laying on rug with a ball

      For most puppies, crying and whining in the crate is a temporary phase that’s simply a part of growing up. However, those cries can sometimes weaken the resolve of even the toughest pet parent. To help pet parents ensure crate training success, here are some pro tips to keep in mind.:

      • Never punish your puppy for whining in the crate. Whining is communication which means your puppy is trying to tell you something.
      • Try feeding your puppy inside the crate to help foster a positive association with being inside. 
      • Hide high-value treats inside the crate for them to discover when they return to the crate. Before long, you may notice that they enter eagerly in the hopes of finding a treat.  
      • Don’t over-crate your puppy. Remember that pups have limited “hold times” so don’t force a pup to stay in the crate for longer than they’re physically able. 
      • Consider using a white noise machine near the crate to blot out ambient noises.
      • Vary the length of your pup’s crate times, doing some sessions as short as fifteen minutes so the crate doesn’t become a symbol of extended alone time.  

      The post Puppy Crying in Crate: What You Should Do appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/why-do-dogs-chase-their-tails/ Thu, 02 Mar 2023 20:59:53 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=115006 Dogs are weird. It’s why we love them. They like to sniff butts, chase sticks, and boop our legs. Some dogs also like to chase their tails. But is tail chasing in dogs cute, or is it a sign of something wrong? We spoke with veterinary behaviorists to get the facts about why dogs chase […]

      The post Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Dogs are weird. It’s why we love them. They like to sniff butts, chase sticks, and boop our legs. Some dogs also like to chase their tails.

      But is tail chasing in dogs cute, or is it a sign of something wrong? We spoke with veterinary behaviorists to get the facts about why dogs chase their tails and what you might need to keep an eye out for.

      Is It Normal for Dogs to Chase Their Tails?

      Border Collie catches his tail

      So, is tail chasing something dogs just do? The short answer is yes, but with a big caveat. Dr. Leanne Lilly, a veterinary behaviorist at the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, says tail chasing in dogs can just be a form of play—but only if it’s brief and intermittent and, generally, if your pup is still young.

      “Silly play tends to happen in younger animals,” adds Dr. Julia Albright, a veterinary behaviorist. “Puppies, up to 18 months.” 

      Playful tail chasing in dogs is fairly easy to recognize, Dr. Lilly says. “If they take one or two jumps, catch it, then let it go,” she says, then it’s probably play. “But if you see a dog who chases his tail obsessively, to the exclusion of everything else, it’s time to get him to a vet.”   

      Some breeds are more inclined than others to chase their tails, Dr. Lilly adds. Bull Terriers and German Shepherds, in particular, are known tail chasers. 

      But again, normal, harmless, playful tail chasing in dogs is a brief catch-and-release. Frequent, obsessive, or even aggressive tail chasing and chewing is likely a sign of something more concerning.

      Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?

      German Shepherd runs after his tail

      If your dog is whirling around in circles chasing his tail, this puzzling behavior likely raises a few questions, like: Why is my dog chasing his tail and biting it? Does he think it’s a toy? What could possibly be so interesting back there?

      Let’s look at a couple possible emotional reasons and then some physical ones for dogs chasing their tails.


      Wild dogs and wolves don’t typically chase their tails, Dr. Lilly says, but captive wolves (and some captive big cats, FYI) sometimes do. This points to one of the non-play reasons dogs might chase their tails: stress

      “Dogs might do it as a coping mechanism,” Dr. Lilly says—something to fixate on when they are feeling anxious or frustrated.

      Dr. Albright says that one of her three dogs loves to go for walks and gets frustrated when he can’t go out. Sometimes he goes after his tail. But his frustrated tail chasing looks different than a dog who might have a medical issue around back. “It’s not frantic,” she says, but it is clearly her dog working off some of his stress.


      Just as some humans have OCD tics, Dr. Albright says, so do dogs, and tail chasing might be one of them. She says the behavior might start because of some kind of stressor, but continues when there isn’t anything presently stressing the dog out. This is where the tendencies of Bull Terriers and German Shepherds to chase might come into play. But it’s not wise to assume your dog is chasing his tail just because his breed is more prone to do that.

      Pain, Discomfort, and Medical Issues

      Dog tails are lively, complicated structures. They are, in fact, limbs made up of vertebrae, muscles, cartilage, and nerves, and that means dogs’ tails are as prone to injury, nerve damage, infection, and disease as any other part of their bodies. “Tail pain is a main cause of tail chasing,” Dr. Lilly says.

      And if there is any kind of medical problem happening in your dog’s tail, he might try to catch and chew on it as a way of treating the issue. “A ton of medical issues can lead to tail chasing,” Dr. Albright says.

      Some tail troubles in dogs can be fairly easy to address, such as:

      Other reasons for tail chasing in dogs can be more serious, such as:

      • Skin injury
      • Tumors
      • Arthritis
      • Bone fractures or bone infections
      • Spinal cord injury

      And because dogs can’t just tell us what they’re feeling, some signs of tail trouble to watch out for include:

      • Limp tail
      • Pain when touched
      • Swelling
      • Kinks/bumps/bends in the tail

      Dr. Lilly says that dogs obsessively chasing their tails or excessively spinning in one direction could be a sign of pain or discomfort on one side of the body, near the dog’s hind end. 

      Excessive tail spinning also (though less frequently) could be a symptom of a deeper issue. “There’s always a small chance that a repetitive behavior is part of a seizure or other psychomotor disorder,” Dr. Lilly says. It’s why she says pet parents should default to going to a vet and not make assumptions.

      How to Stop a Dog From Chasing Their Tail

      Owner teaches Akita dog new trick

      The best way to stop dogs from chasing their tails is to find out why they’re chasing them in the first place.

      Our experts stress that tail chasing lasting more than 10 seconds, or in dogs older than a year or two, should be addressed medically. “For any behavior that’s not normal, the vet is the best place to start,” Dr. Lilly says. “Always go to a vet first.”

      In other words, don’t assume your pup is just acting up. Let your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist rule out more serious issues first. Once you do rule out medical trouble, there are steps pet parents can take to curb tail chasing in dogs:

      Don’t: Encourage. There’s a chance your pup’s habitual tail chasing might actually be a way of seeking attention. If you laugh or in some other way reward your pup with attention when he whirls around chasing his backside, says Dr. Lilly, “it’s like yelling ‘ice cream’ at a kids’ party.” 

      Do: Redirect. “Whenever we need a dog to be in a different place,” says Dr. Albright, “we redirect.” In the moment, mid-spin, she says, “call him away, calmly. Ask him to do other things.” If he does tricks, now would be a good time to break a few out. Or maybe take a walk, or play with a toy. And if he doesn’t know any tricks, well…maybe now you have a reason to teach him a couple.

      Don’t: Redirect with food. Food rewards are a training tool for dogs. If you offer him treats in exchange for not spinning, he’ll probably figure out how to game you for post-spinny treats very quickly.

      Definitely Don’t: Restrain. Dr. Albright says never try to physically stop or restrain your dog while he’s in the middle of chasing. It will just add to his stress and could make things worse.

      Tail Chasing in Dogs: Other Advice

      Dog waiting for garbage truck

      Tail chasing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. But it could happen because of the vacuum! In other words, stress reactions have precursors—something that signals that a behavior is about to start. 

      Dr. Albright says the best thing pet parents can do is learn to recognize what triggers behaviors like spinning and tail chasing in dogs. And it could be anything—the vacuum cleaner, the mailman, loud garbage trucks, kids playing close by. Does your dog start chasing or spinning when these things show up in his space? Especially if he is blocked from seeing what’s causing him stress, or, conversely, feels he can’t get away from it?

      Dr. Lilly says pet parents can work around these patterns once they recognize what triggers a bout of stressful tail chasing in dogs. If you know when the garbage truck shows up, for example, maybe leave on some music or another sound your pup likes as a way to drown out the noise of the truck. If you know what time a repeating stressor occurs, a food bowl with a timer could train your dog to think of the garbage truck or afternoon siren or mailman visit as time for a snack, Dr. Lilly says. Reassociation and avoidance, she says, go a long way.

      The bottom line for dog parents is to pay attention to your pooch; to never assume behaviors like tail chasing are just your dog being weird; and to see a veterinary behaviorist or vet if your dog is chasing his tail a lot. 

      That whole butt-sniffing thing, though—you’re just gonna have to live with that one.

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      14 Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease in Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-health/symptoms-of-cushings-disease-in-dogs/ Wed, 01 Mar 2023 20:12:55 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=114853 Cushing’s disease – otherwise known as Cushing’s syndrome or hyperadrenocorticism – is considered to be the most common hormonal disorder in middle-aged and older dogs. This condition can abnormally affect many systems in the body and shorten the lifespan of afflicted dogs. Fortunately, there is treatment available, and by recognizing symptoms of Cushing’s disease in dogs […]

      The post 14 Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease in Dogs appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Cushing’s disease – otherwise known as Cushing’s syndrome or hyperadrenocorticism – is considered to be the most common hormonal disorder in middle-aged and older dogs. This condition can abnormally affect many systems in the body and shorten the lifespan of afflicted dogs. Fortunately, there is treatment available, and by recognizing symptoms of Cushing’s disease in dogs early, you can get your pup the help they need.

      An Overview of Cushing’s Disease

      Cushing’s disease is a condition that causes the adrenal glands to secrete too much of a hormone called cortisol. Excessive secretion of cortisol is most commonly caused by a small, slow growing, typically benign tumor in the pituitary gland, or more rarely, by an often malignant tumor in an adrenal gland. 

      The symptoms of Cushing’s disease in dogs can also be caused by excessive or long-term administration of corticosteroid drugs – typically prednisone, prednisolone, or triamcinolone.

      Different types of Cushing’s disease are managed in different ways:

      • Cushing’s disease that’s due to a tumor in the pituitary gland is managed with medication 
      • Cushing’s disease that stems from a tumor in an adrenal gland is cured with surgery
      • Cushing’s-like symptoms as a result of corticosteroid drugs resolve when the dog stops taking the drug(s)

      Signs and Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

      Cushing’s disease has typically very recognizable symptoms, and it tends to behave the same way in most dogs. How severe the signs are depends on how long the dog has been affected by Cushing’s disease and how much excess cortisol is circulating in their system. The earlier you catch this disease, the less wear and tear it has on your dog’s body, and the faster they can return to normal with appropriate treatment. 

      To help you spot any signs and symptoms of cushing’s disease in your dog, we’ve broken them down into two categories.

      Early Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

      Dog drinking a lot

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      Increased appetite. We know that in people, excessive cortisol levels stimulate their appetite and lead to weight gain. The same appears to be true for dogs. Since insulin in part controls hunger and satiety, the mechanisms that cause this may be related to insulin resistance due to persistently high blood sugar, which is a result of excessively high cortisol. In addition, fat hormones that control hunger are disrupted by cortisol.

      Increased urination. Excessive cortisol inhibits ADH, a hormone secreted by the kidney to concentrate urine in order to conserve body water. Thus, dogs affected by Cushing’s disease typically pee more than they typically should.

      Increased thirst. Because dogs with Cushing’s are peeing more than normal, they’re chronically dehydrated, which causes them to drink more than normal.

      Behavioral changes. Cortisol also functions as a fight or flight hormone, telling the body when to sleep and when to wake up. Chronically elevated cortisol in dogs can cause anxiety, excessive licking of surfaces like the floor, irritability, pacing, and abnormal sleep patterns.

      Increased panting. There are several reasons why Cushing’s causes panting in dogs. Dogs with Cushing’s have weakened respiratory muscles. Coupled with an enlarged liver that keeps the diaphragm from expanding properly and abnormal fat deposits in the chest, this results in difficulty breathing and increased panting. Additionally, increased anxiety can also cause panting.

      Increased shedding and hair thinning. Excessive cortisol disrupts hair growth, which can lead to thinner hair and shedding. Anxiety can also cause increased shedding.

      Symptoms of Advanced Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

      German Shepherd with hair loss

      Pot belly. Over time, cortisol weakens muscles, including abdominal muscles. This, plus an enlarged liver that is associated with Cushing’s, causes a pendulous abdomen.

      Hair loss. Because cortisol disrupts hair growth, dogs start to develop bald patches and hair loss called flank alopecia, usually on both sides of their body.

      Skin changes. Excessively elevated cortisol disrupts normal skin cell growth over time and can cause many skin changes, including increased pigmentation, thin skin, excessive bruising, testicular atrophy, blackheads, bacterial infections, hardening of the skin (calcinosis cutis), and slow wound healing.

      Urinary tract infections. Because elevated cortisol negatively impacts the immune system, dogs are more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections that they would normally have fought off. The most common are skin and urinary tract infections.

      Obesity. Because dogs with Cushing’s eat more, move less, and have altered metabolism, they tend to gain weight quickly.

      Weakness. Over time, cortisol weakens muscles and causes them to shrink. Dogs with Cushing’s often have shaky back legs and decreased endurance.

      Palsy. Excessive cortisol can also cause facial nerve damage, resulting in a droopy, lopsided appearance to your dog’s face. Additional signs associated with facial nerve palsy can include messy eating, dropping food, extreme drooling, inability to close an eyelid, and discharge from the affected eye.

      High blood pressure. Metabolic, hormonal, and electrolyte imbalances in Cushing’s can lead to a dog having elevated blood pressure. This puts additional wear and tear on the cardiovascular system, liver, and kidneys, and can also predispose a dog to stroke, blood clots, and other issues. Additionally, high blood pressure may cause a dog to feel anxious.

      What To Do if You Notice Signs of Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

      Dachshund at vet

      If you notice these signs and symptoms, it is often not an emergency, but an urgency. It is best to call your veterinarian as soon as possible to set up a consultation and physical exam for your dog. 

      Your veterinarian will first want to get a history from you (i.e. what you’ve noticed at home and how long it’s been going on). They’ll then conduct a full physical examination and run some baseline tests, including:

      • Blood chemistry to check electrolytes, blood sugar, and internal organ function
      • A complete blood count to check blood cells
      • A urinalysis to check urinary health 

      These tests do not specifically diagnose Cushing’s disease, but they can rule out other problems that can cause a lot of the same clinical signs, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and liver problems.

      If your veterinarian suspects Cushing’s, they’ll typically want to run additional blood tests. The most common test is called an ACTH stimulation test, which examines how your dog’s hormones respond to an injection of a hormone called ACTH. It’s a very sensitive test for Cushing’s and only takes two hours to complete. Other recommended tests may include dexamethasone suppression tests, a urine cortisol:creatinine ratio test, or measuring your dog’s ACTH levels.

      While all of these tests can determine whether your dog has Cushing’s, they cannot differentiate between pituitary and adrenal disease. To find out which form your pup has, your veterinarian may also recommend imaging with abdominal ultrasound. This will tell you specifically whether your dog needs medication for pituitary disease or surgery for adrenal disease.

      Fortunately, Cushing’s disease is a common hormonal condition seen in dogs, and it responds very well to treatment. If you notice these symptoms in your dog, seek help as soon as you can to get them back on the road to recovery.

      The post 14 Symptoms of Cushing’s Disease in Dogs appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Why Do Female Dogs Hump? https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/why-do-female-dogs-hump/ Wed, 01 Mar 2023 17:39:31 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=114832 Though dog mounting situations can be embarrassing for any pet parent, veterinarians say it’s a common canine behavior. This also extends to female dogs, who are not averse to humping things, people, and even other dogs.  Why do female dogs hump, though? Here we outline what to know about this behavior, then follow up with […]

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      Though dog mounting situations can be embarrassing for any pet parent, veterinarians say it’s a common canine behavior. This also extends to female dogs, who are not averse to humping things, people, and even other dogs. 

      Why do female dogs hump, though? Here we outline what to know about this behavior, then follow up with expert-vetted tips on how pet parents can work to correct it. 

      Though dog humping is considered normal, there are times when it can signal that something is amiss. It’s why we recommend contacting your veterinarian if you suspect something’s off or if the humping starts suddenly.

      Do Girl Dogs Hump?

      Dog humping isn’t a behavior reserved just for males. “While it is less commonly seen, female dogs may also hump,” says Dr. Mary R. Burch, director of AKC Family Dog. And though it’s more common in younger, unspayed dogs, “Female dogs may hump both before and after being spayed,” says Dr. Burch, who is a certified applied animal behaviorist.

      While any dog can exhibit this behavior, studies show a strong link between smaller breeds and compulsive behaviors, including dog mounting.

      Researchers shed some light on why this may be. For one, smaller dogs are usually more reactive and excitable than larger ones, and they tend to be products of overprotective pet parents. It can also be that we perceive similar behaviors differently depending on the dog’s size. “It may be more tolerated in smaller dogs because it is less disruptive,” says Dr. Valli Parthasarathy, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist with Synergy Behavior Solutions in Portland, Oregon.

      Why Do Female Dogs Hump?

      There isn’t one specific reason. A female dog who mounts another dog may be frustrated, emotionally aroused, engaging in play, trying to establish status, or even seeking attention,  says Dr. Parthasarathy. “They can hump other people or inanimate objects such as pillows for similar reasons, except for social standing.”

      How Sex Hormones Play a Role in Female Dog Humping

      Though it may seem surprising, female dog humping is not usually sexual in nature, veterinarians say. One classic study examining the link between hormones and behavior found that estrogen levels (the hormone vital to sex and reproduction) didn’t impact whether a female dog mounted another dog, says Dr. Parthasarathy. “However, female dogs would mount other female dogs who were actively in heat more frequently than when not in heat.”

      Anxiety and Emotional Arousal

      Anxiety is a top cause of female dog humping, veterinarians say. In one study looking at undesirable canine behavior, 65 percent of the dogs classified as anxious had a tendency to hump people. One view is that it’s a way to release energy caused by anxiety or excitement.

      Play and Social Interaction

      Mounting can be a way for dogs (including puppies) to play and socialize with each other. For dogs, play is an important way to display camaraderie and build relationships.

      For Pleasure

      Sometimes the answer to why do female dogs hump? is straightforward: Because it feels good. It can also be soothing. A female dog who humps an object before settling in for sleep is akin to thumb sucking in a human child.  

      Dominance Theory

      Dog mounting can be a way to establish dominance with other dogs. Of course, if a dog is humping an object – whether it’s the furniture or a favorite toy – the dominance theory doesn’t apply.

      Compulsive Behaviors

      A dog with a malady like canine compulsive disorder may engage in excessive and repetitive behaviors. Though compulsive disorders are not a common reason for female dog humping, it should still be evaluated by a veterinarian.

      Inadequate Physical or Mental Stimulation

      Though it’s not a common cause, a lack of mental stimulation or exercise can contribute to some dog humping behavior, says Dr. Parthasarathy. “But often humping has other root causes other than this.” In these cases, “Mental enrichment can help provide dogs a healthy outlet if lack of stimulation is playing a role.”

      Medical Issues

      What looks like dog mounting may actually be a way for a pup to relieve the pain or discomfort associated with a medical condition. Medical issues that may lead to dog humping include skin allergies caused by a flea infestation, vaginitis, or a urinary tract infection.

      Sudden Humping: What Does It Mean?

      While dog humping is considered normal, it can sometimes be a sign of something more serious, especially when it starts suddenly. When this happens, it’s recommended that you contact your veterinarian, as it usually indicates a medical condition.

      Why Does My Female Dog Hump All of a Sudden?

      “While humping can be from stress, excitement, or dominance, it can also be the sign of a medical condition such as an allergy, an infection, or a skin irritation if the dog is not fully housetrained (think of diaper rash),” says Dr. Burch.

      New stressors or anything that increases pain or discomfort can increase anxiety, and thus lead to sudden humping, says Dr. Parthasarathy. Additionally, “If a particular dog is being mounted, that dog should be checked as well for any health changes.”

      How to Stop a Female Dog From Humping

      Woman exercising with dog

      A humping dog who has received a clean bill of health from the veterinarian may benefit from behavior training. “Training and redirection are good ways to stop humping,” says Dr. Burch. In the study where 65 percent of anxious dogs exhibited mounting behavior, 72.3 percent improved after receiving such training.

      First, determine what precedes the dog humping behavior, says Dr. Parthasarathy. “Who is present and when is it happening?” Then, if possible, work to avoid or prevent those situations. “This may mean taking a break from dog parks, reducing situations that trigger emotional arousal, or removing favored items that are being humped.”

      Behavior therapy can also encourage dogs to practice behaviors aside from humping in these situations, Dr. Parthasarathy says. “If humping does occur, then calmly redirect the dog to do a different activity. Avoid scolding or punishing the dog for humping.”

      If the dog is humping for attention, playing a backyard game where the dog has to retrieve a ball may help, says Dr. Burch. “Chasing and retrieving a ball are incompatible with humping.”

      If you need help applying these techniques, ask your veterinarian for guidance. Or consider working with a certified dog behaviorist or certified dog trainer.

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      Can Cats Eat Corn? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-nutrition/can-cats-eat-corn/ Wed, 01 Mar 2023 16:35:10 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=114786 As the largest crop grown in America has shown, many of us like corn—especially when it’s slathered with butter and covered in salt. In fact, one plant biologist called humans “walking corn chips” because so much of our diet is derived from the wholesome, easy-to-grow grain. But if you’re wondering: can cats eat corn? You’re […]

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      As the largest crop grown in America has shown, many of us like corn—especially when it’s slathered with butter and covered in salt. In fact, one plant biologist called humans “walking corn chips” because so much of our diet is derived from the wholesome, easy-to-grow grain.

      But if you’re wondering: can cats eat corn? You’re not alone. Many feline pet parents have the same question. 

      Before you feed, hold onto that cob. Read on to learn whether or not cats can eat corn, if corn has any benefits for our feline friends, and what you should know before sharing corn-based dishes with your pet.

      Can Cats Eat Corn? 

      Yes! Cats can indeed eat corn. “Corn is a highly nutritious carbohydrate source that’s found in many manufactured cat foods,” says Dr. Nancy Welborn, an assistant professor of veterinary clinical sciences at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine in Baton Rouge. 

      However, just because corn is found in well-balanced, veterinarian-approved cat foods, that doesn’t mean it’s something you should go out of your way to feed your pet. “Cats are obligate carnivores,” explains Dr. Welborn, “which basically means they need a higher concentration of protein in their diets.”

      A little bit of carbs in a cat’s diet, corn included, is okay. But a lot is not. To live her best life, your cat needs kitty chow with the right balance of macronutrients and a hearty portion of high-quality protein. Additional treats or supplements are rarely beneficial.

      Can Cats Eat Corn on the Cob? 

      Gray cat with corn on cob

      Cats can technically eat corn on the cob. That said, it’s best to keep this treat in the “human food” category. Most of the time, corn on the cob is covered in salt, oil or fat, and seasonings—none of which are great for cat consumption. 

      In this case, even a couple of licks can be a calorie bomb, especially considering how few calories the average cat’s compact body needs. Cats aren’t going to a job or the gym with you every day, so those extra calories can add up quickly. In fact, more than half of cats in the U.S. are overweight or obese, and overfeeding can lead to additional health problems over time like diabetes, says Dr. Welborn. 

      But there’s a reason why videos of cats eating corn on the cob are a rarity. Compared to dogs, cats are much less likely to beg for a taste anyway—so they won’t even know what they’re missing. Keep corn husks and cobs off the menu, too; toys designed for cats to gnaw on are a safer option for a happy cat. 

      Can Cats Eat Corn Tortillas? 

      Keep corn tortillas off the menu for cats, too. They’re a high-calorie snack and don’t offer the right balance of proteins, fats, and carbs for the optimal feline diet. 

      Can Cats Eat Corn Chips? 

      Corn chips are another no-no for cats. Processed foods tend to be high in calories and contain ingredients your cat doesn’t need in her diet. 

      Can Cats Eat Cornbread? 

      While we all want to treat our pets and make them feel included, cornbread is another human food you can skip sharing with your cat for the same reasons you’d keep these other corn-based dishes out of her diet. 

      Are There Benefits of Cats Eating Corn? 

      Corn is found in many cat foods because it’s an inexpensive, healthful source of kitty fuel. The grain offers up nutrients including fiber, protein, and fatty acids, says Dr. Welborn. And corn byproducts found in kibble can help boost the palatability (a.k.a. tastiness) of food and support healthy digestion.   

      Is Corn Bad For Cats? 

      As the base for high-fructose corn syrup and other high-calorie, highly-processed foods, corn doesn’t always get the best rap in the human diet or the feline diet. 

      But the good news is, corn and corn products are rarely bad for cats. Here are the answers to some of the most common corn-related concerns. 

      Does corn provide empty calories for cats? 

      There’s a common misconception that corn’s just a “filler” in pet foods that crowds cats’ bellies with empty calories. But the research does not back up this belief, per an article published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. As mentioned above, corn can be a nutritious part of a cat’s diet and is found in many veterinarian-approved cat foods.

      Is corn gluten meal bad for cats? 

      With the rise of “grain-free” diets and human concerns like food allergies and gluten intolerances, you may wonder if similar health problems could affect your pet. However, veterinary reports show the main cause of allergies in cats is actually from protein-based foods; grain-based foods are at the root of less than 1.5% of all food allergy cases. Honestly, “grain-free” is just a marketing term, says Dr. Welborn. (And even pet foods that claim to be grain-free may not be! One supposedly grain-free cat food, for example, was found to contain barley, according to a study by veterinarians at Tufts University.)

      Feeding Cats Corn: Tips to Consider 

      Cat pawing at corn on table

      When it comes to cats and corn, there are two key rules to keep in mind, according to Dr. Welborn:  

      1. Everything in moderation. Avoid extra corn products in your cat’s diet, especially if she is overweight. Occasionally, plain corn is okay as long as there’s no salt, butter, oil, or seasonings on it. 
      1. But generally, just stick with cat food. For enrichment and training, opt for veterinarian-approved treats that are designed specifically for cats. Another cost-effective option? Simply take a portion of your cat’s kibble out of the bowl so you know she’s getting in the usual amount of calories she needs to stick with a healthy, balanced diet. 

      The Bottom Line on Corn for Cats 

      All in all, corn is rarely bad for cats. In fact, it’s a common ingredient that provides nutritional value in many high-quality cat foods. But if you’re worried something in your cat’s diet could be making her sick due to concerning symptoms like an upset stomach or diarrhea, by all means, contact your veterinarian. It’s better to figure out what’s going on together with a full exam than to try to rework your cat’s diet on your own. 

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      Cat Arthritis Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-arthritis-treatment-plan/ Tue, 21 Feb 2023 19:21:31 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=113026 Arthritis, also referred to as osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease, is a common condition in cats. In fact, about 40 percent of all cats show clinical signs of osteoarthritis (1), and up to 90 percent of cats over 12 years old show radiographic (X-ray) evidence of the disease (2). The symptoms of arthritis in […]

      The post Cat Arthritis Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Arthritis, also referred to as osteoarthritis (OA) or degenerative joint disease, is a common condition in cats. In fact, about 40 percent of all cats show clinical signs of osteoarthritis (1), and up to 90 percent of cats over 12 years old show radiographic (X-ray) evidence of the disease (2).

      The symptoms of arthritis in cats can vary from subtle to severe, depending on your cat’s joint changes and their pain sensitivity. However, even mild arthritis warrants treatment. Arthritis is a chronic, progressive disease, and early intervention plays a valuable role in maintaining your cat’s quality of life. 

      Here is what you can expect when it comes to managing feline osteoarthritis, including cat arthritis treatment plan steps and tips for keeping your pet comfortable.

      Cat Arthritis Treatment Plan: What to Expect

      A cat has trouble climbing down stairs

      Once your cat has an official diagnosis of osteoarthritis, your veterinarian will recommend a treatment plan for your cat. This treatment plan will reflect the severity and location of your cat’s arthritis, other medical conditions your cat is dealing with, and your family’s lifestyle and financial considerations. 

      Arthritis treatment for cats typically involves a combination of the following: 

      • Medication
      • Dietary changes
      • Nutritional supplements
      • Lifestyle changes

      In rare cases, your veterinarian may recommend surgery for severe arthritis. The goal of surgery is to alleviate instability or correct misalignments in joints. 

      Feline Arthritis Treatment Cost

      The cost of arthritis treatment for cats can vary, depending on the severity of your cat’s condition and how your cat responds to therapy. In general, you can expect that your cat will see your veterinarian every three to six months for arthritis monitoring. Additionally, your cat may require a number of different medications and/or supplements. 

      In general, you can expect to spend $200-$500 per year on arthritis treatments for your cat. If your cat needs surgery or other advanced treatments, this cost will be higher. 

      Cat Arthritis Medications

      Medications play a key role in the management of arthritis in cats. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) control pain and inflammation. For this reason, they are a commonly-used arthritis medicine for cats. However, there are risks associated with long-term NSAID use in cats. Your veterinarian will carefully weigh the expected benefits of NSAIDs against the potential risks for your cat when making treatment recommendations. 

      There are two NSAIDs labeled for use in cats—meloxicam (Metacam oral liquid) and robenacoxib (Onsior tablets)—but neither is specifically approved for the treatment of chronic pain associated with arthritis (they are indicated for postoperative pain). 

      Other pain medications can also be valuable in cats. These medications may be prescribed in addition to an NSAID or in place of an NSAID:

      • Amantadine: This medication has multiple uses, one of which is to decrease the brain’s sensation of pain. 
      • Gabapentin: This anti-seizure medication can alleviate the sensation of pain, especially nerve pain. 
      • Tramadol: This pain medication has variable results in cats, but some studies have demonstrated that it may help relieve arthritis pain when combined with an NSAID (3).

      Finding the best cat arthritis medicine may require some trial and error, because each cat responds differently to medication. Your veterinarian will work closely with you to develop an effective pain management plan for your cat’s arthritis. 

      Finally, there is a new drug that has recently become available for the treatment of osteoarthritis in cats. Frunevetmab (Solensia) is an antibody injection that veterinarians give once monthly for the treatment of arthritis. This medication blocks the effects of certain chemicals involved in joint inflammation. 

      Tips for Managing Arthritis Pain in Cats

      A cat uses elevated food and water bowls

      Simple changes at home can keep a cat with arthritis more comfortable. Consider the following: 

      • Be sure your cat’s litter box is easy to access. If your litter box has high sides, cut a low opening in the front so your cat can easily step in and out of the litter box. 
      • Use a large litter box to provide plenty of room for your cat to maneuver.
      • Elevate your cat’s food and water bowls to a comfortable height. 
      • Place steps or ramps to allow your cat to access elevated surfaces, such as your bed, sofa, etc. 
      • Use heating pads, set on a low setting, under cat beds to provide a comfy resting spot for your cat. Turn off heating pads when unattended. 

      These simple steps can make your home environment more comfortable for a cat with arthritis. 

      Dietary Considerations for Cats With Arthritis

      One of the most valuable things you can do for your arthritic cat is to control their body weight. Excess weight puts extra pressure on your cat’s joints. Additionally, fat itself releases chemicals that promote inflammation, worsening your cat’s arthritis. In general, cats with arthritis should be kept at the low end of their healthy weight range. Talk to your veterinarian about your cat’s body weight and, if needed, work with your veterinarian to formulate a weight loss plan

      Prescription diets are also available specifically to support joint health in cats. These diets are low in calories, but also contain supplements to promote joint health and control inflammation.

      Arthritis Supplements for Cats

      A cat sniffs a fish oil supplement capsule

      Cat arthritis supplements can play a valuable role in combating feline arthritis. 

      Glucosamine and chondroitin are available in many over-the-counter and prescription cat joint supplements. These compounds work together to promote cartilage healing within the joints, while also improving the quantity and quality of your cat’s joint fluid. 

      Omega-3 fatty acids, especially EHA and DHA, play a valuable role in combating inflammation within the body. Fish oil supplements are the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, as these fatty acids are more easily absorbed from fish sources than from plant-based sources. 

      Nutritional supplements can vary significantly in quality, and they are not well-regulated. For this reason, it’s best to only purchase supplements from a trusted provider. Talk to your veterinarian to determine the best supplements for your cat’s arthritis treatment. 

      Arthritic Cat Exercise Plan

      A cat uses a puzzle feeder

      Exercise can play a valuable role in the treatment of feline arthritis. Keeping your cat active and moving not only promotes weight loss, but it can also help strengthen muscles that provide support for your cat’s joints. 

      Ideally, a cat with arthritis should receive low-impact exercise. Intense or prolonged exercise, such as an hours-long session of chasing a laser pointer, could lead to a worsening of your cat’s arthritis pain. 

      Instead, increase your cat’s activity level in subtle, gradual ways. Consider using a hunting feeder for your cat, which is a small toy that dispenses food as your cat plays with it. Alternatively, you could hide your cat’s daily meals in multiple areas throughout your home. Find toys that your cat enjoys playing with and encourage short play sessions throughout the day. 

      If you’re looking to be a bit more proactive in your cat’s exercise, purchase a harness and attempt taking your cat for leash walks. Swimming is also an excellent exercise for cats with arthritis, if your cat will tolerate it! 

      Arthritis in Cats Treatment: Tips and Advice

      A cat receives laser therapy

      Arthritis is a chronic condition, and it is likely to progress over time. Treatment for arthritis in cats is intended to reduce the discomfort associated with arthritis and slow its progression, not to completely cure the arthritis. Your cat will require lifelong treatment. 

      With effective pain medication, you should see a significant improvement in your cat’s pain level. Limping may resolve (or at least lessen) and your cat’s overall activity level is likely to increase. Your cat may not become completely pain-free with treatment, but you should see an improvement in your cat’s signs of arthritis. 

      Monitor your cat for any side effects associated with their medication or supplements. Side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, and lethargy warrant a call to your veterinarian. If your cat experiences side effects with a particular medication, your veterinarian can recommend measures to decrease side effects or prescribe an alternative treatment.

      You may also want to consider alternative therapies for your cat’s arthritis. Acupuncture, laser therapy, and physical therapy have all been shown to be beneficial in managing feline arthritis. Stem cell treatments have also shown promising results in dogs, horses, and humans, but these treatments have not yet been studied in cats. 

      Finally, remain in touch with your veterinarian. Managing arthritis is a long-term commitment, and it’s important to keep the lines of communication open. If you have any questions or concerns about your cat, reach out to your veterinary team. Your cat’s veterinarian is the best person to provide you with information about treatment for cat arthritis. 

      The post Cat Arthritis Treatment Plan: Steps and What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Why Do Cats Bring You Dead Animals? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-behavior/why-do-cats-bring-you-dead-animals/ Tue, 24 Jan 2023 21:46:37 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=109109 Birthday and holiday gifts. Wedding registries and Valentine presents. Most items generously bestowed upon us in moments of celebration highlight how loved we are. Our feline friends may be eager to join in the festivities but often miss the mark by ignoring our gift list and opting to leave us a dead animal they’ve caught […]

      The post Why Do Cats Bring You Dead Animals? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Birthday and holiday gifts. Wedding registries and Valentine presents. Most items generously bestowed upon us in moments of celebration highlight how loved we are. Our feline friends may be eager to join in the festivities but often miss the mark by ignoring our gift list and opting to leave us a dead animal they’ve caught instead. 

      But why do cats bring you dead animals? Why not consume it or leave it elsewhere out of our sight? 

      To understand what goes on between our kitty’s pert little ears, we have to start to think like a cat.

      Understanding a Cat’s Prey Drive

      In the wild, cats hunt between 10-20 times daily, accounting for up to 80 percent of their awake time. Dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter released upon anticipation of a reward, is released while a cat hunts, even more so when a cat catches its prey. 

      Each attempt at hunting is only successful less than half of the time. Therefore, cats also use hunting experiences as a means of practicing to be an even better predator, and playing with their prey helps felines sharpen their skills. Cats may also play with their prey to disorient or tire out these wild animals to make killing them easier, conserving energy for the cat. 

      Although our cats don’t need to worry about where their next meal is coming from, our pets still harbor a well-ingrained hunting instinct that has been passed down evolutionarily from their big cat relatives.

      Small prey items that a domestic cat can safely conquer primarily include rodents (mice, rats, moles, shrews, chipmunks, squirrels), birds (especially songbirds), small reptiles and amphibians (snakes, lizards, frogs), and the occasional rabbit or insect. Hunting also encourages a cat to naturally exercise, and the way in which a cat catches small prey items lends itself to the natural eating preference for our domestic cats: multiple mini meals (or grazing) throughout the day.

      When domestic cats are not allowed to hunt or if they lack simulated hunting such as through playing and other environmental enrichment exercises, behavioral and health problems can occur. Cats can become bored, frustrated, and stressed. Obesity, urinary disorders, as well as behavioral issues such as aggression and household destruction have been linked to cats that lack mental and physical stimulation.

      While all domestic cat breeds may engage in hunting activity, some kitties have a higher prey drive than others. More active hunters include the Siamese, Maine Coon, Bengal, Abyssinian, and Burmese. Breeds that are more relaxed and tend to be less interested in hunting include Himalayans and Ragdolls.

      Why Do Cats Bring You Dead Animals?

      cat hunting outside

      Although cats are sometimes solitary animals, big cats often hunt in groups, and stray domestic cats live in colonies. Therefore, sharing prey with their pack is a typical behavior. 

      Since our house cats regard us as part of their posse, many cats will bring us dead animals (often intact) as a sign of affection. Cats may also do this as a method of storing their prey for later consumption, to try to share their knowledge with us on how to hunt (much like a mother cat teaches her kittens), or to pass on a gift to us as a recognized member of their group.

      Our cats view us as family, and they wish to provide for our survival – mistakenly yet kindly thinking a dead mouse offering is to our palate’s liking. 

      Mother cats often resist fully killing their prey to bring home injured animals to their young to help them practice killing so they can hunt later on when they’re older. Morbid, yes, but it’s an evolutionary means of survival wired in our cats’ brains from their ancestors. They may amusingly think we humans need to brush up on our hunting skills. 

      Though this instinct does not mean that our kitties are evil, cold-blooded killers, their hunting behavior should be controlled.

      What Should You Do If Your Cat Brings You a Dead Animal?

      If your cat presents you with a prey animal that is still alive but injured, safely transporting the animal to a local veterinarian (ideally, a wildlife vet) or certified wildlife rehabilitator is recommended. 

      Wear thick gloves when picking up the animal to prevent any bites, place the animal in a box with air holes for ventilation, and keep it warm. Avoid trying to feed or nurse the wild animal yourself as more harm than good may inadvertently result, despite one’s best intentions.

      If the prey animal is dead, wear disposable gloves to place it in a plastic bag that you can tie and place in your outdoor garbage bin for disposal. Use a soapy solution to clean any blood or entrails left behind, and follow up with a disinfectant to kill any germs.

      If you observe your kitty consuming a prey item, a checkup with your veterinarian may be warranted. Firstly, wildlife can transmit fleas, ticks, and other parasites and infections to your cat, such as roundworms, toxoplasmosis, hantavirus, leptospirosis, and plague. Some of these diseases can be zoonotic, meaning they can be spread to humans, so having your cat examined by your vet and trying to prevent your cat from acquiring these diseases in the first place are important. 

      Secondly, allowing your cat to hunt outdoors may result in other injuries, such as small mammal or snake bites. Additionally, if rat bait (or a rodenticide) is used near your property, the rodent that consumed the poison can make your cat very sick if your cat eats the rodent. Therefore, have your cat examined by your veterinarian if you notice your cat has been hunting.

      How to Stop Your Cat from Bringing You Gifts

      Cat climbing up cat tree

      Not only is the sight of dead animals unsightly for a squeamish cat parent, but the impact on local wildlife populations and biodiversity is even more reason to keep our cats from hunting outdoors.

      Songbirds are especially at risk from cats. The American Bird Conservancy reports that outdoor cats are responsible for killing approximately 2.4 billion birds in the United States each year and have contributed to the extinction of 63 various species of wild mammals, birds, and reptiles around the world.

      So what can pet parents do if cats bring them dead animals?

      Keeping your cats strictly indoors or with only supervised access to the outdoors in a secured area or by using a harness and leash are the best ways to prevent unwanted hunting activity and subsequent “gift giving.” Training cats not to hunt is not very effective, and punishment can lead to negative behavioral consequences (including stress, distrust, and displaced aggression).

      If you are going to let your cat outdoors, fitting their collar with a bell will help reduce their ability to sneak up on potential prey. An alternative suggestion, which has shown a potential for greater success, is to use a colorful BirdBeSafe collar that is designed to be highly visible to birds. Keep bird feeders up high (or avoid installing them at all) to prevent cats from climbing them. Additionally, avoid letting your kitty outside at night and in the early mornings when most wild animals, such as small mammals and birds, are most active. Having your cat spayed or neutered is also strongly encouraged, in part to reduce their likelihood of straying and expanding their kill zone radius.

      Environmental enrichment is key to keeping indoor cats healthy and happy. Cat trees placed by windows for outdoor viewing, games that mimic a cat’s prey drive, or interactive toys can keep cats fulfilled. 

      Doc & Phoebe’s Indoor Hunting Cat Feeder, created by veterinarian Dr. Liz Bales, is one of the best tools out there to engage your kitty’s hunting instinct. This indoor feeding system also boasts health benefits, such as reducing obesity, regurgitation after eating (i.e. “scarf and barf”), and urinary issues, and is the next best thing to hunting for helping your cat feel rewarded.

      The post Why Do Cats Bring You Dead Animals? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

      Zyrtec for Dogs: Is It Safe? https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/zyrtec-for-dogs/ Mon, 23 Jan 2023 21:25:05 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=108653 Just like their owners, every dog experiences an occasional itch on their skin. In some cases, however, that itching moves beyond the occasional itch, turning into a recurring issue. Chronic itching can have a number of different causes, the most common of which is allergic skin disease. Canine allergies can be challenging to manage. Veterinarians […]

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      Just like their owners, every dog experiences an occasional itch on their skin. In some cases, however, that itching moves beyond the occasional itch, turning into a recurring issue. Chronic itching can have a number of different causes, the most common of which is allergic skin disease.

      Canine allergies can be challenging to manage. Veterinarians and pet owners often turn to a wide variety of dog allergy medicines in an effort to provide relief, including antihistamines such as Zyrtec.

      What is Zyrtec?

      Zyrtec, also known by the generic name cetirizine, is a second-generation antihistamine. It was developed in the 1980’s, with the goal of treating allergy symptoms while minimizing some of the side effects associated with Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and other first-generation antihistamines.

      Zyrtec is FDA-approved for use in humans only. However, it is frequently used “off-label” as an allergy medicine for dogs. Although the manufacturer of Zyrtec has not pursued the research and testing needed to receive FDA approval for its use in dogs, veterinarians have prescribed Zyrtec for canine patients for many years. Its use has been studied both in veterinary patients and in the laboratory environment.

      Zyrtec can be purchased at any human drugstore, and the generic version may also be available directly from your veterinarian. Just be sure to talk to a veterinarian before using to get specific dosing recommendations for your dog.

      All featured products are chosen at the discretion of the author. However, Great Pet Care may make a small affiliate commission if you click through and make a purchase.

      What Does Zyrtec Look Like?

      Zyrtec for dog allergies is most commonly supplied as a white, uncoated tablet. You may also find it as a colorless to pale yellow liquid suspension. Most veterinarians recommend tablets for larger dogs and the liquid suspension for small-breed dogs.

      Zyrtec is also available as a chewable children’s tablet. However, it’s best to avoid the chewable version of Zyrtec for dogs. Some flavors and formulations may contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is toxic to dogs.

      Liquid-filled capsules are also available, but these are larger than tablets and therefore less convenient for dogs.

      Is Zyrtec Safe for Dogs?

      Zyrtec, or cetirizine, is generally regarded as a safe medication for most dogs. In healthy dogs with no underlying medical conditions, and when given at appropriate doses, significant side effects are rare. When side effects do occur, they tend to be minimal.

      However, not every dog is a good candidate for Zyrtec. Always talk to your veterinarian before giving your dog Zyrtec or any other over-the-counter medication. Your veterinarian is familiar with your dog’s medical history and risk factors. They can make the best medication recommendations for your individual dog.

      Combination products containing Zyrtec can be highly toxic to dogs. For example, Zyrtec-D combines Zyrtec and a decongestant. Decongestants have a number of serious side effects in dogs and can even be fatal. Therefore, Zyrtec-D is NOT safe for dogs.

      How Does It Work?

      Beagle itching outside

      Zyrtec is an antihistamine. It works against histamine, a chemical substance produced during an allergic reaction. Histamine is responsible for many of the effects that we associate with allergies in dogs, such as itching and skin inflammation.

      Zyrtec blocks the receptors on which histamine acts. This minimizes the impacts of histamine, reducing itching, inflammation, and other signs of allergies.  

      What Is Zyrtec Used For in Dogs?

      Zyrtec is an allergy medicine for dogs. It is frequently used to treat skin itching and inflammation associated with atopic dermatitis, a condition caused by a reaction to inhaled allergens. Zyrtec can also be used to treat other allergic reactions, including insect bites and stings and hives.

      Common applications for Zyrtec in dogs include:

      • Atopic dermatitis (atopy)
      • Insect bites and stings
      • Hives

      Your veterinarian may also recommend Zyrtec to treat other allergic conditions. If Zyrtec doesn’t help or something else is needed, your veterinarian can recommend the appropriate treatments and testing.

      Allergies in dogs manifest in many ways, including scratching and itching, sneezing, coughing, hives, skin infections, ear infections, and more. Pet insurance can help cover the costs associated with testing and treatment. Consider a plan with MetLife to help manage costs in diagnosing and treating your dog with allergies.

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        How to Give This Medication to Dogs

        Zyrtec is typically given as a flavorless tablet or a liquid medication. In its generic form, cetirizine may be available as compounded liquid medication in a variety of flavors from your veterinarian. Zyrtec is given once daily and can be given with or without food.

        Side Effects of Zyrtec for Dogs

        Zyrtec is typically associated with minimal side effects in dogs. It’s less likely to cause sedation than other antihistamines, though drowsiness may occur at high doses. In contrast, some dogs become more excitable after taking Zyrtec.

        Gastrointestinal effects, such as vomiting and diarrhea, may occur but are also relatively uncommon. You may also notice decreased appetite and increased salivation, both of which may indicate nausea.

        Side effects to watch for with Zyrtec include:

        • Drowsiness
        • Hyperexcitability
        • Vomiting
        • Nausea
        • Increased salivation
        • Decreased appetite
        • Diarrhea

        If you see any of these side effects, stop giving Zyrtec and contact your veterinarian. Fortunately, any side effects associated with Zyrtec should wear off within approximately 24 hours.

        Dogs with the following conditions may be at higher risk of side effects from Zyrtec:

        If your dog has one of these conditions, avoid giving Zyrtec unless it is under the guidance of your veterinarian.

        Avoid Zyrtec-D or any other formulations that may contain a decongestant. Pseudoephedrine, a common decongestant in human medications, is highly toxic to dogs.

        Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

        Cetirizine can interact with a number of commonly-used veterinary drugs, including digoxin, selegiline, amitraz, ketoconazole, fluconazole, and azithromycin. Zyrtec can also worsen the drowsiness that may be caused by sedatives and anxiety medications.

        Talk to your veterinarian before combining cetirizine with any other prescription or over-the-counter medications.

        Zyrtec Dosage for Dogs

        Dog getting allergy medication

        Your veterinarian will determine the best dose for your dog, based on your dog’s body weight, the severity of your dog’s allergies, and your dog’s expected susceptibility to side effects.  

        Zyrtec is typically given once daily.

        Cost of Zyrtec for Dogs

        Zyrtec is an inexpensive medication, especially when purchased in its generic version (cetirizine). In general, you can expect to spend less than $30 per month for your dog’s cetirizine.

        Zyrtec Storage Instructions

        Zyrtec tablets and liquid suspension do not require refrigeration.

        Zyrtec can be stored at room temperature, on a counter or in a medicine cabinet.

        The post Zyrtec for Dogs: Is It Safe? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        8 Sounds Dogs Love https://www.greatpetcare.com/dog-behavior/sounds-dogs-love/ Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:21:51 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=108569 While dogs are typically known for their prominent sniffers, their hearing ability is a close contender. They can hear things we’re unable to and are attuned to sounds expressing emotion. That’s why it’s not surprising that some sounds we may readily dismiss  – like thunderstorms or vacuum cleaners – can rile up our pups.  You […]

        The post 8 Sounds Dogs Love appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        While dogs are typically known for their prominent sniffers, their hearing ability is a close contender. They can hear things we’re unable to and are attuned to sounds expressing emotion. That’s why it’s not surprising that some sounds we may readily dismiss  – like thunderstorms or vacuum cleaners – can rile up our pups

        You probably already know which sounds drive your dog nuts, but what about sounds dogs love? Knowing which sounds positively affect our best pals can aid in creating comfortable environments for them – which ultimately benefits their wellbeing. 

        While it’s important to keep in mind that every dog is different and individual preferences will vary, we’ve outlined some sounds for dogs we think your pup might enjoy.

        Sounds for Dogs 101

        Dogs have an acute sense of hearing that in some ways surpasses ours. One is the phenomenon of sounds only dogs can hear, like high-pitched dog whistles. “At very high pitches, a dog’s hearing is exponentially better (over a hundred times better) than a person’s hearing,” says Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer for the American Kennel Club, based in New York City. ”The average adult person can’t hear sounds above 20,000 hertz. Dogs can hear high pitched sounds as high as 47,000-65,000 hertz.” 

        They can also register softer sounds more acutely, Dr. Klein adds. “Dogs can hear sounds between -5 and -15 decibels, sounds not loud enough for human’s hearing.”

        According to Dr. Klein, this supersonic hearing is partly a product of their heritage. “As we’ve learned from wolves, a distant relative, their predatory background required them to hear minute sounds of small animals like mice and other small animals to catch for survival as well as for protection,” he explains.

        Canine evolution is just one aspect of how dogs internalize sound, though. Individual dogs likely react to noise largely based on associations made with past experiences, says Dr. Carley Faughn, senior strategist for lifesaving research at Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah, and a board-certified applied animal behaviorist. 

        For example, when someone knocks at the door or rings the doorbell, “they might bark in excitement, jump playfully, and show loose body language if that sound typically follows someone entering the house that they enjoy spending time with,” she explains. On the other hand, “they might bark, charge the door, and growl if they experienced a prior negative association with this sound.”

        In other words, a given sound can mean different things to different dogs.

        Why Do Dogs Like Certain Sounds?

        When it comes to dogs, sounds associated with pleasant experiences will typically cause them to react favorably. “Some common noises dogs like are things related to food, like the crinkle of a treat bag, rustling of a food bin, opening of a can, [or] noises their toys make and their owners’ voices,” says Dr. Ashley Barnes, medical director at Louisville Family Animal Hospital in Louisville, Colorado. 

        Our dogs are individuals with personal preferences and varied histories, however, so their reactions to certain sounds will differ. “If a dog enjoys a certain sound, then they might tilt their head predictably in interest, they might show signs of excitement like barking and jumping playfully, or they might simply relax and fall asleep,” says Faughn. “Similar to humans, music, for example, can have different effects on different people and dogs.”

        Differences in their bodies versus ours also play a role in how our best friends react to noise. We can hear sounds from all directions without having to move our head, neck, or ears, according to Dr. Klein, “whereas a dog will often lift an ear or cock their head to hear more clearly, especially some dogs with higher or unusually pitched sounds.” 

        How Do Puppies Respond to Sounds?

        Dr. Faughn explains that puppies react a bit differently to sound than adult dogs. “Most likely some sounds that puppies like might differ from adult dogs because they have not yet lived long enough to build associations – positive or negative – with certain sounds,” she says.

        8 Sounds Dogs Love

        Dog listening to guitar

        Learning to differentiate between sounds dogs love and sounds that make dogs go crazy can give insight into what triggers those negative reactions, says Dr. Barnes. “People can also use sounds to aid in training as dogs tend to respond well to sounds that are associated with positive experiences.”  

        Again, keep in mind that dogs are individuals, so it’s possible yours may not fall in love with all the sounds on our list. 

        Certain Genres of Music

        Though dogs can have personal music preferences like we do, they seem to gravitate to certain genres. Some research shows that dogs generally appear calmer while listening to classical tunes. Another study found that dogs have a preference for reggae and soft rock music genres. “Using evidence-based sensory stimulation, like playing reggae, can be a very useful tool especially in shelters where it can be stressful regardless of the design and enrichment provided,” says Dr. Faughn.

        Dr. Faughn mentions the puppy programs at shelters and sanctuaries she’s overseen have used these music genres to create calmer environments. “And if the puppies are still nursing with their mom, then these sounds might relax her, which could in turn help the puppies to relax and begin building some positive associations with sounds around them.”

        Squeaking Noises

        Squeaking may not be a sound we’re especially fond of (it can be downright irritating!), but to a dog it could signal something pleasant is about to happen. While some dogs may not like the sound of a squeaker toy because it will startle them, “others will come running as soon as you open that new toy and squeak it,” says Dr. Faughn. It may be that dogs enjoy the reward of chewing down on a toy that elicits a sound, or that it satisfies their prey drive.

        The Sound of Food Containers Opening

        What dog doesn’t love sounds letting them know dinner is about to be served? “Plates and silverware clicking, as well as food cans or bags opening, will get your dog thinking there is about to be a tasty treat coming their way,” says Dr. Amber Karwacki, a partner doctor at Heart + Paw at their Callowhill, Philadelphia location. The behavior is similar to that of Pavlov’s dogs, who learned to equate an assistant’s approaching footsteps with food. 

        Other Dogs’ Sounds

        Dogs are social beings who thrive when they’re able to interact with people and other dogs. One of the ways they communicate is with vocalizations, like barking and howling. While barking can indicate fear, loneliness, or anxiety, it can also be a way for them to engage in positive experiences, like initiating play or creating strong bonds.

        Your Soft Voice

        The sound of your voice or that of a baby cooing can be calming to dogs, says Karwacki, “and a great way to get them to settle down.” Interestingly, dogs can differentiate between familiar voices and those of people they don’t know. They can also discern emotion, so keeping your voice soft and relaxed is essential.


        While your dog may prefer the familiarity of your voice, the sound of other humans talking can also be calming. “Anecdotally, I have observed dogs relax when calm audiobooks with a soothing human voice are played,” says Dr. Faughn. 

        One study backs up this observation, finding that shelter dogs exposed to audiobooks benefited from their calming effects. In fact, the dogs studied spent more time in a relaxed state when exposed to audiobooks than to other controlled sounds, including classical and pop music, and specifically designed sounds for dogs.

        Leash Sounds

        “You might notice your dog getting very excited when they hear the sound of their leash, harness, treat bag, or other items that are associated with positive interactions such as going on a fun walk or enjoying a tasty treat,” says Dr. Faughn. 

        Keep in mind that leash sounds may not elicit a positive response in dogs who’ve had prior negative experiences with them. For example, some dogs may equate a leash solely with getting in the car and driving to the veterinarian. 

        White Noise

        Veterinarians say dogs who react negatively to loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms can find refuge with white noise. And according to Klein, “White noise is said to be a good sound to have on near nursing puppies.”

        White noise is effective because it serves as a distraction. It drowns out the sounds that annoy dogs so they can focus on the soothing hum.

        How Good Dog Sounds Can Help

        Dog listening with ears

        Knowing which sounds dogs love and which ones they dislike can help you create a more comfortable environment for them. For example, “You can play the comforting sounds when your puppy is by themselves,” says Dr. Karwacki. “With sounds that trigger a response, you can train your dog to relax and not react to the sounds so they learn to be calm no matter what they hear.” 

        Here are a few guidelines to help you create a positive environment using sounds dogs love. 

        Try Out Different Sounds

        Test a couple of different reggae, soft rock, and soothing classical tunes to see if your dog has a preference, says Dr. Faughn. “This tool can be used when you see your dog expressing signs of stress, such as when you’re away from home. Audiobooks and music can go a long way to help our pets to relax in a variety of situations.” She also recommends trying out different dog toys with varying sounds to see which your dog prefers.  

        Switch Up Your Music

        By continuously playing the same music, you run the risk of your dog adapting to it, which can cancel any potential benefits, says Dr. Faughn. “Changing the music out regularly might help your dog to continue enjoying a rotation of music over time.”

        Experiment with Puppy Sounds

        Slowly and positively expose puppies to various sounds they’re likely to encounter throughout their lives, says Dr. Faughn. For example, “Pairing a noise like the garage door opening with a tasty treat and rewarding them, with verbal praise or other things they like, when they appear to notice a noise or sound that might be new to them.”

        Avoid Sounds That Make Dogs Go Crazy

        Because dogs have such sensitive hearing, certain sounds like vacuums, thunder, and fireworks will affect some more intensely, says Dr. Klein. Even mundane household sounds that we may take for granted (such as a beeping smoke detector or faulty microwave oven) can upset dogs.

        While many reactions to sound are tied to a dog’s past experiences, they can also be a product of canine evolution. “A very loud noise can signal danger in the wild, so dogs (and people) are programmed to pay attention when this happens,” says Dr. Barnes.

        Don’t Forget About Body Language

        A final tip from Klein: try to understand why your dog is reacting to a certain sound by reading body language. This includes “carriage of head and neck, carriage and motion of tail to differentiate from welcoming, alarming, playful, territorial, or frightened.”

        The post 8 Sounds Dogs Love appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Scent Training for Dogs: What it Is and How to Do It https://www.greatpetcare.com/training/scent-training-for-dogs/ Sat, 21 Jan 2023 21:41:31 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=108406 Your dog’s nose is so much more than an oh-so-boopable facial feature. In fact, it’s been the key to canine survival for millennia. Ancient canines’ lives depended on their ability to sniff out danger, food, and mates. And though life isn’t quite so perilous for modern doggos, they still rely primarily on their super sniffers […]

        The post Scent Training for Dogs: What it Is and How to Do It appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Your dog’s nose is so much more than an oh-so-boopable facial feature. In fact, it’s been the key to canine survival for millennia. Ancient canines’ lives depended on their ability to sniff out danger, food, and mates. And though life isn’t quite so perilous for modern doggos, they still rely primarily on their super sniffers to gather intel on the world around them. A dog’s sense of smell is estimated to be hundreds to thousands of times more powerful than our own…and even more sensitive than sophisticated lab instruments.1 That’s what makes dogs such great candidates for scent training.

        Scent training for dogs gives canines a chance to use their enhanced olfaction to detect everything from illicit drugs to explosives, as well as illnesses like cancer and diabetes. That’s great news for us humans, but we’re not the only ones to benefit from scent work.

        According to New York-based scent trainer Diana Ludwiczak, when dogs use their nose to sniff things out, it can have a surprisingly calming effect on their mood. 

        Scent training provides both physical and mental stimulation, encouraging dogs to “expend energy by utilizing their brain in combination with their nose to find things,” she says. Ludwiczak has observed this calming effect first hand when she trains dogs how to detect bed bugs for her company, Doctor Sniffs Bed Bug Dogs.

        However, scent training isn’t just for working dogs. Any dog can benefit from the stimulation and engagement that scent training provides. And your pup doesn’t have to be a bloodhound or any other breed known for their nose to give it a try! 

        What is Scent Training for Dogs?

        Dog sniffing in the grass

        Scent-focused training helps dogs learn how to use their instinctive sniffing abilities to detect specific smells and alert their handler or a pet parent when they do.

        Scent training has many practical applications. Some dogs learn scent work to help them fulfill a certain role or job. For example, scent training is essential for dogs used for search and rescue missions, narcotics enforcement, and bomb detection.

        Other dogs undergo competitive scent training. The American Kennel Club considers scent work a sport and stages trials where AKC-registered dogs can pit their scent detection skills against others.

        Finally, for many dogs, scent training offers a fun new way to play — one that can boost confidence, bust boredom, instill discipline, offer enrichment, and foster bonding. 

        “While scent detection is an important career for some dogs, for others scent training is more about helping to alleviate anxiety or expend energy,” says Ludwiczak. 

        How Dog Scent Training Works

        Dog sniffing on log in the forest

        As you might expect, how scent training is conducted varies depending on whether a dog will be sniffing for fun, for sport, or for work.

        Working dogs typically undergo training by an accredited organization, such as the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT), or the World Detector Dog Organization (WDDO). However, since professional sniffers are often highly specialized to detect specific scents (e.g., mold, narcotics, cadavers, etc.), they may require specialized training and accreditation from industry-specific organizations, such as the North American Police Work Dog Association (NAPWDA) or the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association (NESDCA).

        Pet parents can also find professional trainers who will teach dogs how to detect scents for fun or sport. And while the training is often based on the same principles used for working dogs, the standards are not nearly as stringent.

        According to scent trainer Joan Hunter Mayer, owner of The Inquisitive Canine in Santa Barbara, California, getting started is easy and prior obedience training isn’t usually required.

        Mayer is a K9 Nose Work Instructor certified by the National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW), which specializes in training “designed to include any dog, no matter the breed, age, gender, disposition, or size,” says Mayer. 

        However, it’s worth keeping in mind that some breeds of dogs may be easier to scent train than others. For example, “German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, Labrador Retrievers, hounds, pointers, and spaniels are all great breeds for scent detection because they have endless energy and a desire to learn new things,” says Ludwiczak. “I love training rescue dogs who have some combination of a few of these breeds in them.”

        In Mayer’s scent-training classes, dogs start out by searching for either a favorite toy or food reward that’s been hidden in a series of increasingly challenging environments. New challenges and search skills are added as the dog progresses. Once a dog has mastered the basics, the search target changes to a unique scent, such as birch, anise, or clove. Now the dog learns how to search by odor only, according to a scent cue. When they find the source of the scent, a tasty treat or favorite toy rewards them and reinforces the lesson.

        Nose Work for Dogs: Fun Scent Training Games to Try

        Dog sniffing in the yard

        If you’re interested in scent training for your dog, but you’re more of a hands-on pet parent, there are plenty of DIY scent games that you can play with your pet at home. Just keep in mind: “Each dog is an individual, and needs to be treated as such,” says Mayer. 

        “The variables in how well a dog performs in this sport are numerous and varied. Your dog’s breed and whether they’re a member of a working group is one consideration, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate with the success of the dog, or the dog-handler team,” she adds.

        Your best bet is to remain attuned to your dog’s engagement level and responses. If training is getting more frustrating than fun, it may be time to take a break and try again when you are both more rested and refreshed. 

        Here are some great at-home starter activities to help sharpen your pup’s scent-detection skills.

        Create a scavenger hunt

        This can be a great scent-training game to play with any dog. Start by keeping them outside of a room or away from a designated space while you hide several small treats or a favorite toy.

        When it’s time to begin the hunt, let them in and ask, “Where is it?” in an excited voice, letting them smell one of the treats that you’ve hidden, so they can sniff the rest out. When playing scent-training games, “it’s a good idea to use a different voice,” says Elena Zimmerman, a pet parent who started training her mixed breed dog when he was six months old, using techniques she learned from a certified dog trainer friend and lots of online training videos. 

        “Use the same questions and phrases consistently when you’re searching, such as ‘Where is it?’ and ‘All done!’” she suggests. “This helps them recognize what kind of game they’re playing and what to expect.”

        Play the “shell game”

        This is a great option if you don’t have a lot of space for a full scavenger hunt, or if your dog is easily distracted. 

        Place a small treat or toy under one of several overturned plastic cups and let your dog sniff out which one hides the treasure. As they get better at it, you can increase the difficulty by showing your pup where you’re hiding the treat and then swapping or moving the cups around. 

        Introduce interactive food toys

        Investing in an item like an interactive food puzzle or mat is an easy way to enrich mealtime, strengthen scent-training skills, and appeal to your dog’s inner hunter. 

        Simply hide treats within the toy for your dog to sniff out and enjoy. Just be sure to keep tabs on the calorie content of the treats you’re using and the quantities you hide…they tend to add up fast!

        Scent Training for Dogs: Tips for Success

        Dog wearing raincoat sniffing leaves

        When approaching scent training, Mayer recommends taking a more relaxed approach than is often used with traditional obedience training. 

        “You want an enthusiastic dog who is going to utilize their skills,” she says. “Once you give your dog the cue to search, allow them to do their job by giving them the freedom to hunt and problem solve.”

        Although it might be difficult to do so, Mayer says to avoid giving them direction or telling them what to do after the initial search command. “This is their environment. We’re just there to keep them safe,” she says.

        Scent training has plenty of positive advantages to offer dogs of all ages, temperaments, and breeds. Not only does scent work help dogs “burn both mental and physical energy, but it also builds confidence and independence, and helps dogs form stronger bonds with their handler,” Mayer says. 

        Plus, scent training can also help pet parents learn more about their dogs, by “honing in on body language and understanding how to translate their cues.”

        “Dogs, by nature, are predators and problem solvers. If we don’t give them problems to solve, they’ll likely develop their own,” Mayer adds. “Nose work and other scent-specific classes give dogs the opportunity to utilize their innate survival skills and thrive.”

        The post Scent Training for Dogs: What it Is and How to Do It appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Wheatgrass for Cats: Benefits and Uses https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/wheatgrass-for-cats/ Fri, 20 Jan 2023 18:01:27 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=108188 Wheatgrass for cats has become popular in the past few years. Since cats are obligate carnivores, it may seem odd that they like to munch on grass. However, there are many potential health benefits cats receive when they chew on and ingest wheatgrass.  Wheatgrass is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a nutrient-dense […]

        The post Wheatgrass for Cats: Benefits and Uses appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Wheatgrass for cats has become popular in the past few years. Since cats are obligate carnivores, it may seem odd that they like to munch on grass. However, there are many potential health benefits cats receive when they chew on and ingest wheatgrass. 

        Wheatgrass is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a nutrient-dense food. But what exactly is wheatgrass and is it truly safe for our feline friends?

        What Is Wheatgrass?

        Wheatgrass is a variety of grass that is used like an herbal medicine for its therapeutic and nutritional properties. It is the young, fresh shoot of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum, that is harvested before the grain sprouts. 

        Due to the concentration of nutrients, wheatgrass is considered a superfood. Fresh wheatgrass contains iron, calcium, natural enzymes, magnesium, chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins A, C, E, K and B complex. Because of the rich variety of nutrients present in this plant, wheatgrass is commonly used to help with detoxification and as nutritional support to provide additional nutrients that complement the diet.

        Cat Grass Vs. Wheatgrass

        Is cat grass the same thing as wheatgrass? While wheatgrass is commonly marketed as cat grass, cat grass can actually be any plant ranging from barley, oats, flax, rye, fescue, or bluegrass. When a company makes cat products that contain any of these grasses, they are all labeled as cat grass.  

        When shopping for wheatgrass for cats, look for organic products to make sure that they are not sprayed by herbicides which are toxic to cats – whether it is the seed or the actual plant that is being purchased.

        Can Cats Eat Wheatgrass?

        Yes, cats can eat wheatgrass. While it may seem like a strange behavior – especially since cats are obligate carnivores – they can benefit tremendously from eating wheatgrass. Many cats will naturally self-select and choose to eat it on their own due to the high nutrient concentration.

        Benefits of Wheatgrass for Cats

        Wheatgrass sprouting

        There are many reasons why wheatgrass can benefit cats. Some of the potential benefits of wheatgrass for cats include:

        Detoxification. Wheatgrass contains high chlorophyll content. The chlorophyll helps cleanse the blood and supports detoxification in the body to help remove heavy metals, reduce inflammation, and provide additional antioxidants to heal the body.  

        Enrichment. Wheatgrass is also a great environmental enrichment option to provide something different for your cat. Most cats do not have access to the outdoors to graze on natural foliage and experience this type of stimulation. By offering cats the option to self-select wheatgrass in the home, it is a great way to bring the outdoors inside safely without worries over pesticides or herbicides being sprayed on the grass.

        Digestive Aid. Many cats will eat wheatgrass to help their digestive system. Wheatgrass contains fiber from the plant material and can help with clearing hairballs that cats can naturally build up from grooming. For cats prone to constipation, allowing cats to eat wheatgrass may help resolve or at least improve the constipation. Cats may vomit after eating a large amount of wheatgrass, but this is usually due to not being able to break down the cellulose in the plant walls. 

        Weight Loss. Due to the higher fiber content, another benefit is that it can help with weight loss. When cats eat natural prey in the wild, they are ingesting the intestinal tracts of animals which many times contain fermented fibers and vegetable matter. Wheatgrass is another beneficial way to provide this type of vegetable matter that is phytonutrient rich to cats, especially for overweight cats.

        Joint Benefits. Because of the vitamin A and other minerals and amino acids present in wheatgrass, this grass can be helpful for aging cats and joint health. Studies in humans have shown a reduction in pain from osteoarthritis inflammation when they ingested wheatgrass. Allowing cats access to wheatgrass to choose what their bodies need can be helpful for healthy aging by reducing inflammation, supporting eye health, and a healthy skin and coat. 

        Wheatgrass for Cats Side Effects

        If cats consume too much wheatgrass at one time, it may cause gastrointestinal upset like vomiting since cats do not possess the same digestive enzymes to break down plant material like people. 

        For cats with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts, start by offering only small amounts or letting your cat eat wheatgrass for a minute or two to keep them from creating an upset gastrointestinal tract.

        Powder forms of wheatgrass are more concentrated. Giving too can cause gastrointestinal problems or even imbalance the diet. So, if a supplement form of wheatgrass is being used, like wheatgrass powder or juice, only give it a few times a week or ask your veterinarian to provide the proper dosing for your cat. 

        There are no known health problems where a cat should not be allowed to choose if they want to ingest some wheatgrass. If the cat vomits after eating it, limit the time and amount of wheatgrass given to the cat. 

        Eating wheatgrass outside may create a problem regarding the chemicals that may be present. Herbicides and pesticides are commonly used in neighborhoods and can drift onto the grass in your yard. If there is any concern with neighbors or the city spraying chemicals near the house, it is best to purchase organic wheatgrass from a local store, online, or gardening center or grow it at home with organic seeds.

        How to Use Wheatgrass for Cats

        Adult cat eating wheatgrass

        There are a few ways to provide wheatgrass to cats. Wheatgrass can be easily grown at home in a pot or container inside. You can purchase kits online or in pet stores. It’s ideal to leave it on a sunny counter and keep it moist. Within a few days the shoots of the fresh wheatgrass will come through for your cat to chew on. The wheatgrass can stay fresh for about a week until it starts to wilt.

        Allowing cats to self-select what they need and want is the best option. Most cats will have a little nibble and feel satisfied due to the fiber and nutrient density of the wheat grass. But if there are any concerns about the cat having gastrointestinal upset, a few blades of the wheat grass can be cut off and fed to the cat each day for enrichment. 

        The post Wheatgrass for Cats: Benefits and Uses appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Why Does My Cat Stare at Me? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-behavior/why-does-my-cat-stare-at-me/ Thu, 19 Jan 2023 20:01:23 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=108033 Staring is rude — but our feline companions don’t have any qualms about displaying this behavior. For cats, it would be bizarre not to stare. They peer fixedly at each other. They eyeball potential prey and other items of interest. They stare down their pet parents, often without blinking. So, you might wonder: why does […]

        The post Why Does My Cat Stare at Me? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Staring is rude — but our feline companions don’t have any qualms about displaying this behavior. For cats, it would be bizarre not to stare. They peer fixedly at each other. They eyeball potential prey and other items of interest. They stare down their pet parents, often without blinking.

        So, you might wonder: why does my cat stare at me? 

        Experts say that staring is a way for cats to figure out the workings of their world and communicate what they’re thinking and feeling. You can learn to interpret your cat’s wide-eyed gapes by considering the context and noticing other non-verbal cues. And, as it turns out, cats have a lot to tell us.

        Cat Non-Verbal Communication

        Research suggests that cats have lived alongside humans for at least 10,000 years as pest controllers and companions. But remarkably, we only scientifically began to study cat behavior a few decades ago — and there are many things we have yet to understand about our feline friends.

        We have learned that cats communicate in several ways: through vocalization, body language, tail movement, and of course, eye contact. For instance, an angry cat might hiss, stand with an arched back, thrash his or her tail, and stare with dilated pupils. A happy cat, on the other hand, might purr while maintaining a relaxed body posture and an upright tail with a soft curve at the end. He or she might also hold your gaze while slowly blinking.

        So when trying to figure out what your cat is saying with their wide-eyed looks, you always need to consider your kitty’s other non-verbal cues. It’s also essential to think about context, says Jane Ehrlich, a feline behaviorist based in Arizona and owner of Cattitude Feline Behavior.

        “Has the cat just been fed? Has the cat been sleeping all day, and you think it may want food?” asks Ehrlich. “When the cat is staring at us, what is the body language? You don’t take one aspect of body language and make an assumption — you take in the whole thing.”

        Mikel Delgado, a cat behavior expert at Feline Minds and author of the book Play with Your Cat, takes a similar view.

        “It’s impossible to know by just a stare what your cat wants,” says Delgado. “You have to take into consideration what else they are doing — are they relaxed, active, agitated?”

        Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?

        Cat starting at man

        Nicholas Dodman, a professor emeritus at Tufts University and the chief scientific officer at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies, says that a cat stare isn’t always about communication.

        “They stare at prey when they’re in hunting mode,” says Dodman. “And sometimes they just stare at things, objects. They might stare at a wall because they hear something inside the wall, and they’re scanning and trying to triangulate with their ears, but their eyes are focused on the spot, too.”

        But a cat often stares to communicate something. Experts say it often has to do with one of four things: contentment, aggression, curiosity, or boredom.


        When cats are content, their stares are often accompanied by slow, steady blinks — sometimes called “cat kisses.”

        Scientists have confirmed that a cat’s slow blink is a form of positive emotional communication between feline and human, particularly when you blink back at your cat. 

        Delgado says that when we blink at our cats, we can put them at ease.

        “That lets them know you’re friendly and trustworthy,” said Delgado, “and often, they will blink back.”

        Ehrlich says that people commonly interpret a slow blink as the cat saying, “I love you,” but she questions this interpretation.

        “I think the cat is saying, ‘I’m comfortable with you,’ which is huge anyway,” says Ehrlich. “It’s our human lens that says, ‘we need to feel loved,’ so we’re going to get any signal we can and translate it into, ‘Oh, the cat feels affection and love for us.'”

        Dodman notes that research has shown that when dogs and humans gaze at each other, both parties release oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone.” While Dodman says he isn’t aware of any similar research on cats, Dodman hypothesizes that mutual blinking would generate similar effects.

        “Cats only look directly into the eyes of the people they trust and love,” he says. “I imagine they’re having a chemical reaction inside their body — a release of this neurohormone — oxytocin — which is bonding in both directions.”


        In some situations, a cat may stare at you because they’re frightened, leading them to act defensively.

        “Say a veterinarian is trying to make friends with the cat — ‘Here kitty, kitty’ — and sort of walks up to it while it’s on the floor of the practice,” says Dodman. “The cat might back itself into a corner and look at the person directly because it doesn’t want to take its eyes off this threatening target. In that case, the pupils are dilated — widely dilated — big black holes — and the ears sometimes press back. Body posture is tense — they often draw their legs into the center, almost like an elephant standing on a platform in a circus, and the tail might get puffy.”

        But a cat might also stare at you in a more predatory way. Maybe you’re sitting in their favorite spot, and they’re feeling territorial. Or perhaps they simply don’t like you.

        “If a cat has it in for you … they hold the look, their pupils are slits,” says Dodman. “Their ears would probably be forward, and tail would be low and slightly swishing from side to side, and … they kind of walk like a model, with one foot in front of another, and slowly advance on you.”

        Whenever this happens, watch out! A cat might be getting ready for a confrontation.


        According to Dodman, cats may stare at their pet parents as they try to figure out what they’re doing.

        “My cat does that sometimes,” he says. “I’ll be at the sink washing up, and water’s running, which is an attraction to the cat, and she comes up to see what’s happening … but then I’m doing something with a dish, and I’ve got a dish scrubber in my hand and she kind of looks at me [and seems to say], ‘What on earth are you doing?’”

        Ehrlich says that feral cats may stare at humans to suss us out.

        “I think a reason they still stare at us is to check out if we’re OK, because it’s natural that we are still a predator,” says Ehrlich.

        Ehlich adds that ferals tend to stare less as they become more comfortable in your presence.

        “I find that as the feral gets closer to me, she stares a little bit less,” she says. “So it seems like the amount of time of staring has decreased as trust has increased.”


        Cats will also stare when they’re bored. Or hungry. Or both.

        “My cat will stare at me when he wants something to happen,” says Dodman. “Something happening could be, ‘Here, I’m over here. Have you noticed that it’s time for you to feed me? Did you think about that? I’m here. Can you see me?’ Or sometimes you wake up in the morning and find that your cat is right above you staring right at you, and that means, ‘Get out of bed,’ and it usually also means, ‘and feed me.'”

        Ehlich says that if a cat knows that he or she will get food when they stare a you, he or she will continue to do it.

        “It’s back to the old: I do this behavior, and I get this response,” says Ehrlich. “So I don’t think there’s a mystery there.”

        Should You Worry About Cat Staring?

        Ginger cat staring on bed

        Delgado says that if you notice a significant change in your cat’s behavior, this could indicate that something is wrong.

        “If your cat is showing other signs of distress, such as hiding, not eating, hissing or growling, or not using the litter box, it’s worth making sure there isn’t a medical issue by taking them to the veterinarian,” says Delgado.

        Ehrlich says that you should also be on the lookout for changes in your cat’s staring behavior.

        “If her staring has changed at all — is it longer, shorter, wider, or have the pupils changed sizes? — then I would check it out,” says Ehrlich.

        Older cats can also get feline cognitive dysfunction, or FCD, which some experts think can cause them to fixate on objects or simply into space. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), FCD affects more than 55 percent of cats between the ages of 11 to 15 and more than 80% between the ages of 16 to 20.

        But in most cases, there is nothing you should worry about. If you catch your cat staring, it’s just a cat being a cat.

        The post Why Does My Cat Stare at Me? appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Cat Dental Cleaning: Procedure, Costs, and What to Expect https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-dental-cleaning/ Thu, 19 Jan 2023 18:06:31 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=107955 What if you never brushed your teeth or went to the dentist? Can you imagine the degree of dental decay or infection and oral pain you would experience, not to mention the smell?  A healthy mouth is just as important for pets as it is for humans. Believe it or not, an estimated 50-90% of […]

        The post Cat Dental Cleaning: Procedure, Costs, and What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        What if you never brushed your teeth or went to the dentist? Can you imagine the degree of dental decay or infection and oral pain you would experience, not to mention the smell? 

        A healthy mouth is just as important for pets as it is for humans. Believe it or not, an estimated 50-90% of cats older than 4 have some degree of dental disease (1). Periodontal disease is not only painful but also leads to bacteria from the mouth entering the bloodstream. This can cause systemic chronic inflammation and flood the body’s organs with bacteria. 

        Dental disease worsens with time and is more prevalent in older cats. It’s important to establish a home dental care routine for your cat from an early age and take them to the vet for regular dental cleanings. 

        Let’s take a closer look at signs you should schedule a cat dental cleaning. Plus, learn what to expect before, during, and after this procedure.

        Signs You Should Schedule a Cat Dental Cleaning

        Cat has inflamed gums and teeth covered with plaque and tartar

        Preventing dental disease in cats is important. You can do this by regularly brushing your cat’s teeth and scheduling veterinary cleanings. An annual check-up with your vet is also essential for catching dental issues as early as possible.

        If you notice any of these signs, your cat may have dental disease that may warrant professional attention:

        • Bad breath (halitosis)
        • Visible tartar buildup or red gums
        • Drooling
        • Bleeding from the mouth
        • Pawing at the face, shaking the head, or teeth chattering
        • Facial swelling or nasal discharge
        • Dropping food or changes in appetite
        • Difficulty swallowing
        • Weight loss
        • Behavior changes (lethargy, hiding, irritability, or aggression)

        It’s important to note that even cats with severe dental disease may not necessarily stop eating. The drive to eat and survive is a strong instinct in cats, and cats often hide signs of pain. Dental disease occurs in the wild, too. But wild animals hide their pain and eat to survive, struggling through their discomfort. Our domestic cats are much the same. So even if your cat is eating well, regular oral checkups are still necessary. If your cat isn’t eating as much, is avoiding dry food, or dropping more food than normal, these signs of oral pain need to be addressed by your vet.

        If you have a senior cat, old age is not a reason to avoid dental cleanings. Dental pain is a welfare issue that affects your cat’s quality of life. Speak with your vet about the benefits versus risks of anesthesia and dental care around your senior kitty.

        Cat Dental Cleaning Procedure: Step by Step

        Your veterinarian will let you know if your cat requires a professional dental cleaning or further treatments. Here are some of the steps you can expect as part of your cat’s dental cleaning procedure.

        Physical Exam

        Veterinary dentist checks cat teeth condition

        The first step is a physical exam, during which your vet will examine your cat’s mouth. If your vet finds severe infections, they may prescribe an oral antibiotic to be taken before your cat’s dental procedure. They might also perform blood work to check your pet’s health and confirm they’re fit for anesthesia.

        General Anesthesia

        Cat dental cleanings are similar to those for humans, but your cat will be under general anesthesia. This is necessary because cats won’t hold their mouths open willingly and could bite. The anesthesia also allows for safe placement of a tube in the windpipe, protecting the airway from water used during the cleaning. Since dental disease can be painful, working on your cat’s mouth while they’re awake would cause unnecessary discomfort. When your cat is asleep, they won’t feel any pain. This makes anesthesia essential for the safety of both your cat and the veterinary staff during the procedure.

        While anesthesia carries some risks, the benefits of a thorough dental cleaning usually outweigh them, especially in cases of dental disease. A thorough pre-anesthetic exam and blood work can identify any health issues that might make anesthesia unsafe for your cat. Pet owners should be aware that anesthesia-free cleanings, often advertised at grooming facilities, are only cosmetic. They don’t address problems below the gum line, so veterinarians don’t recommend them.

        IV Catheter 

        While your cat is under general anesthesia, the vet will place an IV catheter to deliver fluids and sometimes antibiotics. Just like with human anesthesia, your cat will be closely monitored to keep their heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure stable. The staff will also take special steps to keep your cat warm during the procedure.

        Dental Radiographs (X-Rays)

        Cat is given an x-ray of the teeth under general anesthesia

        Next, the vet will take dental X-rays. These X-rays help determine what’s happening beneath your cat’s gum line. Much like an iceberg, the large roots of the tooth are hidden below the gum line and not visible. About 42% of cats with normal-looking teeth above the gum line actually have dental disease below (2). Therefore, dental X-rays are essential for spotting issues like resorptive lesions, tooth decay, bone loss, oral cysts, and retained baby teeth. This information helps your veterinarian decide if a tooth needs to be extracted.

        Dental Scaling and Polishing 

        During the cat teeth cleaning procedure, the vet uses forceps to remove large chunks of tartar. They then use hand-scaler tools and an ultrasonic scaler for smaller particles, similar to a human dentist’s office. Metal curettes clean beneath the gum line. After removing debris, the vet gently probes the gums around each tooth to check for deep pockets that may indicate gum recession, which could mean a nearby tooth needs to be pulled. Finally, the teeth are rinsed and polished, and an anti-plaque product may be applied.

        Tooth Extractions

        Cat has a tooth removed under anesthesia

        The vet injects a topical anesthetic, like lidocaine, around any teeth that need to be extracted to numb the area and control pain for your cat. They use a tool called an elevator to break the ligaments holding the tooth to the bone. Sometimes, the vet may need to make an incision with a scalpel to assist with the extraction. After removing the tooth with forceps, they may use sutures to close the hole.

        Additional X-Rays

        After an extraction, the vet will take more X-rays to ensure the entire tooth root was removed, as leaving a fragment can cause pain or infection. If the cat has severe periodontitis and bone loss, the vet may take additional X-rays after the procedure to check for any fractures in the weakened jawbone (mandible) after extractions.

        Cat Dental Cleaning Costs

        The cost of veterinary dental services for cats varies based on your location, your veterinarian’s practices, and your cat’s dental and overall health.

        The average cost of a cat dental cleaning at a vet clinic ranges from $300 to $750. This includes the $50-$60 exam fee, $100-$200 for pre-anesthetic blood work, as well as anesthesia, dental X-rays, and the cleaning itself. If extractions are needed, costs can exceed $1,000.

        Veterinary dentist specialists, trained via the American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC), perform more advanced procedures (such as root canals and other specialty surgeries) and are typically more costly than a general practitioner vet.

        Pet insurance may cover routine and preventive dental care. Pet owners should consider getting insurance as soon as they bring a new pet home. Additionally, your vet may offer reduced dental fees in February, which is Pet Dental Health Month. Ask about specials and book in advance to save money.

        What to Expect After a Cat Dental Cleaning

        Cat sleeping in carrier after dental cleaning

        After your cat recovers from anesthesia following a dental procedure, your vet may either discharge them the same day or recommend overnight observation. If your cat goes home, monitor them closely, as they may still be wobbly and at risk of falling. Keep them in a small, safe space, like a comfortable carrier or a small bathroom, until they are steady on their feet. This helps prevent falls down stairs or off furniture.

        Following any anesthetic event, your cat may be a bit nauseous for a few hours or may develop constipation for a few days. If they are vomiting, not eating after 24 hours, or do not have a bowel movement after five days, seek veterinary advice from your vet.

        Depending on the severity of the dental problems detected, your cat may go home with pain medication, like Meloxidyl (meloxicam), and/or oral antibiotics, like clindamycin.

        If your cat had extractions or surgery, the vet may close the site with dissolvable stitches or leave it open. If left open, they might recommend gently flushing the area with water or a medicated solution like chlorhexidine to prevent food buildup. Your vet may also suggest feeding your cat a soft diet of wet canned food for two weeks while they heal and scheduling a follow-up visit to check on their recovery.

        At-home dental care for cats (i.e., tooth brushing) can be resumed within a few days following a dental cleaning without extractions or about two weeks following extractions once your vet gives final approval. 

        Once you can resume regular dental care, daily tooth brushing with a pet-safe toothpaste, like C.E.T. Enzymatic Toothpaste, and regular veterinary cleanings are the best way to keep your cat’s chompers healthy and looking pearly white while keeping pain away. Do not use a human toothpaste on your cat.

        But always ask your vet or veterinary dentist if there are additional measures you should consider to help keep feline dental issues at bay.

        For cats who constantly fight tooth brushing, a dental chew or treat may be a great workaround to scrape off any plaque or tartar left behind after an abbreviated brushing session.

        There are also liquid and powder additives you can sprinkle over your cat’s food or add directly to their water bowl to boost your cat’s oral health without the battle.

        The right nutrition can also play a role in helping promote long-term dental and oral health in cats. Ask your veterinarian if a prescription dental diet would be a good fit for your feline. These diets often contain ingredients designed to help control oral bacteria paired with kibble shaped to scrape away plaque and tartar as your cat chews.

        Daily tooth brushing and regular veterinary cleanings are the best way to keep your cat’s chompers healthy and looking pearly white for longer while keeping pain away.


        1. Cornell Feline Health Center . Feline Dental Disease. Retrieved from: https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/feline-dental-disease
        2. Verstraete FJ, Kass PH, Terpak CH. Diagnostic value of full-mouth radiography in cats. Am J Vet Res. 1998;59(6):692-695.

        The post Cat Dental Cleaning: Procedure, Costs, and What to Expect appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        Dog Pees When Excited: How to Manage Sprinkling https://www.greatpetcare.com/training/dog-pees-when-excited/ Thu, 19 Jan 2023 16:23:12 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=107901 If your dog pees when excited you know just how challenging the behavior can be. All you want to do is say hello to your best friend and the next thing you know there’s a trail of urine on the floor!  Excitement urination typically happens during highly charged happy scenarios, particularly during greetings and play. […]

        The post Dog Pees When Excited: How to Manage Sprinkling appeared first on Great Pet Care.

        If your dog pees when excited you know just how challenging the behavior can be. All you want to do is say hello to your best friend and the next thing you know there’s a trail of urine on the floor! 

        Excitement urination typically happens during highly charged happy scenarios, particularly during greetings and play. While it can be frustrating for pet parents to keep cleaning up, excitement pee can be resolved with a combination of management techniques plus a little time to mature. 

        Not sure how to teach your dog not to pee when excited? Read on!

        Why Do Dogs Pee When Excited?

        We might assume that every puddle in the house is a sign of a lapse in potty training, but that’s not the case when it comes to excitement urination. 

        Keep in mind that a dog that pees when excited is dealing with an involuntary reaction – the pup might be perfectly housetrained in all other scenarios. 

        It’s a common behavior in puppies because they haven’t fully developed the muscles to control urination, and the good news is that most dogs grow out of the behavior as they get older.

        Excitement Urination in Dogs vs Submissive Urination

        Puppy peeing on floor

        While excitement urination and submissive peeing might seem like the same thing, the two are related but distinct challenges. Both behaviors can occur in similar scenarios, like when people arrive home, but pet parents should watch their dog’s body language to determine which type of elimination they’re dealing with. 

        A dog that urinates when excited will probably display other behaviors that convey happiness, like a relaxed face, wiggly body language, and a broadly wagging tail.

        Dogs displaying submissive urination often look nervous or uncomfortable. They might lower themselves to the ground, keeping the tail tucked against the body, flatten their ears, lick their lips frequently, or even roll over onto the back as they eliminate. In the dog world this type of body language is a way to appease higher ranking individuals. 

        How to Stop a Dog From Peeing When Excited

        Wondering how to stop excitement urination in dogs? The first step, before attempting training, is to schedule an appointment at the veterinarian to rule out any health issues, like a UTI. Once you’ve gotten an “all clear” try the following tips to help treat excitement peeing.

        Keep greetings low key. Of course you’re excited to greet your best friend when you arrive home, but over-the-top hellos can lead to leaks. Rather than making a big deal about your reunion with a loud, happy voice and lots of petting, try letting your dog greet you while maintaining a mellow vibe. Refraining from reaching out to touch your dog can help as well.

        Consider moving greetings outside. You won’t have to worry about cleaning your throw rugs when you say hello on the sidewalk or grass. However, keep in mind that if you have to leash your dog in order to safely greet outdoors, the act of leaning over your dog to put the leash on might trigger urination. If an unleashed outside greeting isn’t possible, keep your reunions indoors but roll up the rugs until your pup has a little more bladder control.

        Watch your body language. We don’t always realize how our nonverbal communication impacts our dog’s behaviors. For example, reaching over your pup and giving exuberant pats on the head and back might seem like a wonderful way to say howdy, but it could be more excitement than your dog can handle without accidentally dribbling. Instead, try squatting down facing away from your dog and gently petting your dog’s shoulders or side.

        Tone down the volume. Related to body language, our voices can amp up our dog’s excitement as well. Rather than using a high pitch or booming voice during greeting, keep your tone low and soft.

        Redirect with treats or toys. Giving your dog a “job” can help shift the focus during a greeting. A toy-driven dog might appreciate the chance to latch onto a stuffie, and a treat-driven dog might enjoy scooping up a handful of tiny treats that you’ve tossed onto the floor. However, there’s a fine line between delivering these goodies in a quiet way and turning them into yet another thing to pee about!  

        Manage guest greetings. Rather than trying to deal with your guests and your peeing pooch at the door, consider putting your pup away as you welcome people into your home and let everyone get settled in before letting your dog out to meet them. Help everyone understand the proper way to interact with your dog to prevent accidental triggers.

        In Conclusion

        Keep greetings calm

        Remember, this behavior is involuntary, meaning your dog can’t control it. That’s why it’s especially important to never punish your dog for excitement urination. Punishment might shift excitement peeing into submissive urination, which adds a layer of complexity to the training process. 

        If your dog leaves an accidental dribble on the ground the best bet is to avoid making a big deal about it and then clean it with a good pet odor eliminator.

        With the right behavioral modification techniques, management, and time, a dog who pees when excited will grow out of the behavior, and you and your best friend will enjoy happy (and dry!) hellos!

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        Butorphanol for Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/butorphanol-for-dogs/ Wed, 18 Jan 2023 16:11:15 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=107442 If your dog has ever undergone an anesthetic procedure or suffered from a mild cough, he may have been prescribed a medication called butorphanol. Butorphanol is a very common opioid medication in both human and veterinary medicine.  Read on to learn more about butorphanol for dogs and how to use it. What Is Butorphanol? Butorphanol […]

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        If your dog has ever undergone an anesthetic procedure or suffered from a mild cough, he may have been prescribed a medication called butorphanol. Butorphanol is a very common opioid medication in both human and veterinary medicine. 

        Read on to learn more about butorphanol for dogs and how to use it.

        What Is Butorphanol?

        Veterinarian looks at prescription bottle

        Butorphanol is an opioid medication commonly used for sedation, pain control, and cough suppression. It is FDA approved for use as a pain reliever and cough suppressant in dogs. Butorphanol is most commonly given by injection in the veterinary clinic, where it is used as a sedative and anesthetic agent, but it can also be prescribed as tablets for use at home. Butorphanol is a controlled drug and is only available by prescription from your veterinarian.

        What Does Butorphanol for Dogs Look Like?

        Butorphanol is a generic medication, so its appearance varies widely depending on the manufacturer of the product. It may also go by the brand names Torbugesic, Torbutrol, or the human product Stadol.

        How Does Butorphanol Work?

        Butorphanol is a short-acting pain reliever (analgesic) with both opioid agonist and opioid antagonist activity. This means that butorphanol stimulates some opioid receptors while blocking others. Butorphanol stimulates kappa receptors, which provides mild pain relief. Butorphanol blocks mu receptors, which can reverse the effects of other opioid drugs that stimulate mu receptors. This is useful if a patient begins having negative effects due to excessive stimulation of mu receptors, such as excessive sedation or respiratory depression. Butorphanol can be used to reverse some of these effects while still maintaining some analgesic effects.

        Butorphanol is also used as a cough suppressant (antitussive) medication. It is not known how the cough suppressant effects of butorphanol actually work. In dogs, butorphanol provides antitussive activity for about 4-10 hours, which is longer than the antitussive effects of codeine.

        What Is Butorphanol Used For in Dogs?

        Dog falling asleep after a sedative

        Butorphanol is primarily used as a sedative for dogs and is given by injection in the veterinary clinic prior to anesthetic procedures. Butorphanol is also a mild antitussive and may be used to ease coughing due to conditions such as collapsing trachea, kennel cough, or chronic bronchitis. Butorphanol is in dogs is typically used for:

        • Sedation
        • Anesthesia
        • Antitussive effects
        • Reversal of mu-opioid agonist drugs
        • Mild analgesia

        How to Give Butorphanol to Dogs

        When butorphanol is used for sedation or analgesia, it is often given by injection in the veterinary clinic by your veterinarian. In this case, you will not need to do anything at home except monitor your dog for side effects.

        If your dog was prescribed butorphanol tablets, you will need to give the tablets to your dog by mouth according to your veterinarian’s instructions. To facilitate administration of the tablets, you can hide them in a treat such as a bit of peanut butter, cheese, or hot dog to tempt your dog to eat the tablet. 

        If your dog is especially discerning and manages to pick the tablet out of even the best of treats, you may need to administer the tablet to your dog directly. For a step-by-step guide, check out How to Give a Dog a Pill.

        Butorphanol for Dogs Side Effects

        The most common side effect of butorphanol administration in dogs is sedation. Dogs with an MDR-1 (multidrug resistance) gene mutation may be predisposed to adverse events from butorphanol and pet parents should monitor closely for side effects in these patients. Other side effects from butorphanol can include:

        • Loss of appetite
        • Nausea
        • Diarrhea
        • Transient weakness
        • Transient pain at the injection site
        • Constipation

        Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

        Because butorphanol is an opioid agonist/antagonist, there is a potential for interaction with other opioid drugs, particularly for reversal of the analgesic effects of an opioid agonist. Butorphanol may partially reverse the effects of mu agonist opioids and should be used with caution with these drugs.

        Butorphanol may also cause excessive sedation when combined with other tranquilizers, sedatives, and antidepressants and should be used with caution with these medications.

        Opioid drugs such as butorphanol may increase the effects of skeletal muscle relaxants. They may also decrease the effects of diuretics in patients with congestive heart failure. Dosage adjustments may be necessary in these patients.

        Butorphanol Dosage for Dogs

        The dose of butorphanol for dogs varies depending on your dog’s body weight and the desired effect of the medication. For example, the dose for sedation may differ from the dose given for cough suppression. Always follow your veterinarian’s dosing instructions carefully to ensure your dog receives the correct dose of medication.

        What If My Dog Misses a Dose of Butorphanol?

        If your dog misses a dose of butorphanol, give the dose as soon as you remember. If the next dose is due soon, do not give two doses or double your dog’s dose, as this may increase the risk for side effects. Instead, simply skip the missed dose and proceed with the next dose as usual. If your dog misses multiple doses of medication, contact your veterinarian for advice on how to proceed.

        Cost of Butorphanol for Dogs

        Butorphanol is available as a generic medication, which makes it relatively inexpensive. Pet owners can expect to spend $25-$50 on a month’s supply of butorphanol for dogs, depending on their dog’s weight and dose.

        Butorphanol Storage Instructions

        Tablets should be stored at room temperature, 59-86 degrees Fahrenheit, and protected from moisture.

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        Cat Breathing Heavy: 5 Reasons It Happens https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/cat-breathing-heavy/ Tue, 17 Jan 2023 19:09:28 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=107115 Cats can get a case of the zoomies – where they run around like crazy in sudden spurts of energy. This is typically around dusk and dawn, as cats are crepuscular (active at dusk/dawn) animals. Afterward, you may notice your cat breathing heavy.  Is this normal? And when does heavy breathing in cats become a […]

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        Cats can get a case of the zoomies – where they run around like crazy in sudden spurts of energy. This is typically around dusk and dawn, as cats are crepuscular (active at dusk/dawn) animals. Afterward, you may notice your cat breathing heavy. 

        Is this normal? And when does heavy breathing in cats become a true concern? Let’s explore the topic further.

        Understanding Normal Cat Respiration

        Cats typically take around 15 to 30 breaths per minute when resting. Kittens and adults both breathe at about the same rate, but many things affect how fast a cat is breathing. During exercise or stress, like veterinary visits, this rate increases. 

        It is normal for a cat to increase their breathing rate for a short time, but if it persists even when your cat is resting for at least an hour, it could be a sign of an issue.

        Panting is frequently seen in dogs due to stress, exercise, and to decrease heat. Panting in cats is uncommon but can be seen in cats who have just exercised intensively and are living in warmer climates. However, if a cat is panting and has been inactive for the past hour, panting is abnormal especially if your cat is in a cool environment.

        While breathing in, your cat’s belly moves out and the ribs move out and toward the head (inspiration). When breathing out (expiration), the opposite occurs. It is abnormal for a cat’s belly to move dramatically as if helping your cat to breathe. 

        If your cat is in respiratory distress – meaning they cannot maintain enough oxygen and are struggling to breathe – he will often breathe fast (tachypnea) as well as breathe hard. Many cats will intermittently breathe with an open mouth, pant, and their nostrils will flare outward to get more air.

        Why Is My Cat Breathing Heavy?

        Stressed cat in cat carrier

        Very warm conditions, periods of intense stress, or times of strenuous activity levels for prolonged periods of time will cause your cat to temporarily breathe heavier. 

        However, cats that are breathing heavy for over an hour without those potential causes are likely to have a serious medical concern. The five most common reasons for heavy breathing in cats are:

        Heart Disease 

        The most common cause of respiratory distress in hospitals. The most common kind of heart disease is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Heart disease can involve any portion of the heart and eventually result in the heart not being able to pump out enough blood. With left-sided heart failure, blood cannot efficiently return to the heart from the lungs, so fluid builds up inside the lungs causing respiratory distress. Heart disease tends to occur in older cats.

        Chronic Bronchitis or Asthma

        Respiratory conditions are the second most common cause of respiratory distress in hospitals. Chronic bronchitis and asthma result from long-standing inflammation in the smaller airways in the lungs. Eventually, the inflamed and damaged lung tissue cannot process air as it used to. This coupled with a sudden narrowing of the airways leads to respiratory distress. These conditions are typically diagnosed in middle-aged cats.


        Pneumonia means inflammation of the lungs. There are many different causes of pneumonia including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. The inflamed lungs cannot process air as usual. Sometimes fluid builds up outside of the lungs, squishing the lungs and preventing them from completely filling with air. Pneumonia is more common in younger cats.


        Tumors in the lungs or other places in the chest (such as lymph nodes) can compress airways, making it difficult to breathe. About 1/3 of lung cancers in cats cause a build-up of fluid as well. Lymphoma is the most common cancer identified in the chest.


        Trauma is the least common cause of heavy breathing in cats. Typically pet parents are aware when trauma occurs. Cats who are hit by a car – or experience other trauma – develop rib fractures (breaks) or bruising (contusions) of the lungs. The pain as well as squishing of lungs or airways results in respiratory distress.

        Heavy Breathing Cat: When to Worry

        When a cat is breathing heavy, ask yourself: did my cat just finish running around like crazy? If you don’t have air conditioning, that could contribute to heavy breathing – even after light exercise. However, if your cat did not just exercise and it is cool in your house, you should consider it abnormal. Most cats that exercise will cool off over the next hour, and should stop breathing heavily.

        Other symptoms that accompany respiratory distress can hint that something is truly wrong. If your cat has a low appetite, no longer wants to be active, and has a change in behavior like hiding then something is definitely wrong.

        Sometimes pet parents see reverse sneezing and are afraid their cat is in distress. Reverse sneezing is when something is tickling your cat’s throat, and instead of sneezing outward, he sneezes inward. Reverse sneezing is a strong and sudden spasm of the throat and windpipe and can sound very alarming as if the cat is choking (but he isn’t). Cats pause what they are doing and stretch their neck in order to take in air. As long as this stops after a couple minutes, you shouldn’t worry – but take a video at home and call your veterinarian to ensure it is just reverse sneezing.

        What to Do If Your Cat Is Breathing Heavy or Panting

        Cat getting oxygen at vet

        If your cat was not just running around exercising, count how many breaths your cat is taking per minute. Count each time your cat’s chest and belly expand. If the breaths are too fast to count or are higher than 50 breaths per minute, call your veterinarian immediately. 

        If you notice heavy breathing when your veterinarian is not available, call a local emergency clinic. Take a video of the breathing at home on your phone. This way, you can show the veterinarian what you are seeing.

        Signs that you should drive to an emergency hospital right away include if your cat is open mouth breathing (without having just exercised), not wanting to get up or move around, laying on his side, or is not responding to your touch.

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        Endosorb for Dogs https://www.greatpetcare.com/pet-medication/endosorb-for-dogs/ Tue, 17 Jan 2023 16:56:08 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=107005 Unfortunately, nearly every pet will experience diarrhea at some point in their lives. If your dog has diarrhea, your veterinarian may recommend a product called Endosorb to help. Endosorb is an absorbent, anti-diarrheal, and demulcent medication designed to soothe the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and stabilize stool consistency. It can help improve your dog’s diarrhea and […]

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        Unfortunately, nearly every pet will experience diarrhea at some point in their lives. If your dog has diarrhea, your veterinarian may recommend a product called Endosorb to help. Endosorb is an absorbent, anti-diarrheal, and demulcent medication designed to soothe the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and stabilize stool consistency. It can help improve your dog’s diarrhea and its associated symptoms.

        What is Endosorb?

        Endosorb is activated attapulgite, also known as palygorskite. This mineral is a magnesium aluminum phyllosilicate, which occurs in a type of clay soil common to the southeastern United States. Activated attapulgite is used as an anti-diarrheal medication in both humans and animals. Endosorb is available over the counter and does not require a prescription from your veterinarian to purchase. 

        What Does Endosorb for Dogs Look Like?

        Endosorb is a round, brown-and-white speckled tablet that is scored down the center.

        How Does Endosorb Work?

        Endosorb absorbs fluid in the intestinal tract to stabilize stool consistency and soothe the gastrointestinal tract. Endosorb may also help by absorbing toxins and toxic material present in the gut of animals experiencing diarrhea and associated symptoms. Endosorb also contains citrus pectin, which coats the GI tract, and carob pulp and magnesium trisilicate, which act as antacids to soothe the stomach.

        What is Endosorb Used for in Dogs?

        Endosorb is used as an anti-diarrheal medication in dogs. It can help manage uncomplicated diarrhea, improve stool consistency, and relieve discomfort associated with diarrhea in dogs. 

        How to Give Endosorb to Dogs

        Woman giving her dog a pill inside a treat

        Endosorb is a tablet that is given to your dog by mouth. If necessary, you can hide the tablet in a treat to get your dog to take it. To do this, start by giving your dog a treat without the tablet, then give a treat with the tablet inside and immediately follow it up with another treat without the tablet. With any luck, your dog will be so focused on taking the treats that he won’t even notice that one of them had a pill inside of it.

        If your dog won’t take the treat with the tablet inside of it, then you may need to “pill” your dog by giving the tablet directly. To do this, gently open your dog’s mouth and place the tablet as far back on your dog’s tongue as you can safely reach. Close your dog’s mouth and gently hold it closed until your dog swallows. You can encourage him to swallow by stroking his throat or gently blowing on his nose. Once he swallows, reward him with a treat. (For a step-by-step guide, check out our article on How to Give a Dog a Pill.)

        Endosorb Dog Side Effects

        There are no commonly reported side effects associated with Endosorb. However, if your dog’s diarrhea does not resolve within 24-48 hours, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, fever, pain, or other changes in health or behavior, you should see your veterinarian for further care.

        Reactions With Other Drugs and Medications

        Because Endosorb is highly absorbent, it should be given separately from other drugs and medications to prevent it from binding to them and decreasing their absorption. Give your pet’s other medications at least one hour prior to giving Endosorb to ensure they are adequately absorbed.

        Endosorb Dosage for Dogs

        Although Endosorb is available over the counter, you should always talk to your veterinarian first before starting any medication for dog diarrhea. This is especially important if your dog exhibits other symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, or other changes in health and behavior. These can be signs of a more serious medical problem requiring veterinary intervention.

        If your veterinarian gives the go-ahead to use Endosorb for your dog’s diarrhea, follow the instructions on the product label for dosing based on your pet’s weight. Follow the dosing schedule until your dog’s diarrhea resolves or until your veterinarian tells you it is okay to discontinue use of the product.

        What If My Dog Misses a Dose of Endosorb

        If your dog misses a dose of Endosorb, give the medication as soon as you remember. If the next dose is due soon, do not give two doses or double the dose. Instead, skip the missed dose and continue on with the next dose as prescribed. If your dog misses multiple doses of Endosorb, contact your veterinarian for advice on how best to proceed.

        Cost of Endosorb for Dogs

        Endosorb is available over the counter at a cost of approximately $110 for a 500-count bottle. The cost may vary depending on your geographic location.

        Endosorb Storage Instructions

        Store Endosorb in a cool, dry place.

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        Why is My Cat Sneezing? https://www.greatpetcare.com/cat-health/why-is-my-cat-sneezing/ Tue, 17 Jan 2023 16:34:55 +0000 https://www.greatpetcare.com/?p=107008 Sneezing is a normal way for the body to get rid of irritating stuff from the nose. It is a complex action, involving multiple muscles and nerves to coordinate a forceful blow of air through the nose.  Most pets – including cats – sneeze once in a while and it’s usually nothing to worry about. […]

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        Sneezing is a normal way for the body to get rid of irritating stuff from the nose. It is a complex action, involving multiple muscles and nerves to coordinate a forceful blow of air through the nose. 

        Most pets – including cats – sneeze once in a while and it’s usually nothing to worry about. But if you’ve noticed your cat achooing more than usual, you may be wondering: why is my cat sneezing?

        Sometimes sneezing in cats is a cause for concern. It might occur very frequently or come with other symptoms like being really stuffed up and not eating well. Read this article to determine why your cat may be sneezing so much, and what you can do about it.

        Why Do Cats Sneeze?

        Cats sneeze when the nasal mucosa, or lining of the passageways inside the nose, gets irritated. This area is very sensitive, and any physical irritant like a piece of grass or mucus, allergic irritant like pollen or dust, or infection such as feline herpesvirus (a common cause of “colds” in cats) can cause a sneeze. 

        This irritation triggers the inspiratory center, a bundle of nerves that stimulates muscles of the body to pull a lot of air into the lungs. Once enough air has filled the lungs, the pressure suddenly pushes open the connection from the airways to the nose, called the nasopharynx. This sudden change causes a large push of air to be forced out through the nose, and some through the mouth.

        Causes of Cat Sneezing

        Sick cat resting

        A cat may sneeze for a variety of reasons, including:

        Basic irritation. Most cats sneeze a couple or few times simply because something has irritated the inside of their nose. It is a normal reaction to expel foreign material or irritating things from the nasal passageway. Food or fluid from the esophagus (tube leading to the stomach) during stomach upset can also cause sneezing.

        Rhinitis. Cats develop different kinds of rhinitis, or chronic inflammation of the nose, for unknown reasons. This is one of the most common reasons for chronic sneezing.

        Dental disease. When a tooth has a severe infection, it can rupture into the nose (fistula) or cause significant swelling in the mouth that affects the nose. The roof of the mouth (the palate) and the nasal passageways are extremely close to one another and are interconnected.

        Viral infection. Upper respiratory infections (aka kitty colds) are very common in cats and are almost always caused by feline herpesvirus-1 or feline calicivirus.

        Allergies. Allergies cause the immune system of your cat to overreact to certain things. This overreaction leads to nasal inflammation and sneezing.

        Polyps. If a cat has inflammation or an infection in the nose (or ear) for a long period of time, the body can overreact to the inflammation and creates small non-cancerous masses that extend outward from the site of inflammation.

        Foreign bodies. Anything that gets lodged in the nose that shouldn’t be there will definitely cause sneezing! Little pieces of plants are common foreign bodies.

        Bacterial infection. While antibiotics are frequently given to cats with sneezing and congestion, the primary cause of sneezing is rarely bacteria. If bacteria are present, this is usually because of a virus or other issue.

        Fungal infection. Fungi such as Cryptococcus spp. can invade the nose, creating significant inflammation.

        Cancer. Lymphoma and adenocarcinoma are the types of cancer that most commonly afflict the nasal passageways.

        Congenital conditions. Cleft palate occurs in some kittens, which means there is a hole in the hard palate on the roof of the mouth, allowing food and liquids to enter the nose.

        Sneezing in Cats: Other Symptoms to Watch For

        There are many symptoms that commonly occur with sneezing, including:

        • Runny nose, or discharge from the nose
        • Watery eyes
        • Blood in the discharge from the nose after sneezing

        Sneezing indicates that the lining of the nose is irritated and probably inflamed. When the nose is inflamed, the body naturally develops mucus (snot) that gets sneezed out. Clear, runny discharge is more common, but green or yellow mucus occurs too. The eyes and nose are connected, so if the nose is stuffy, the eyes will have a back-up of tears that cannot drain through the nose making the eyes watery. After a few days of inflammation in the nose and sneezing, a little blood is common due to the nasal passageways being irritated.

        Other symptoms that can occur in sneezing cats include:

        • Being less active
        • Changes in behavior, i.e. hiding more
        • Lower appetite
        • Gagging or retching that can result in vomiting
        • Loud breathing
        • Breathing with the mouth open
        • Coughing
        • Wheezing

        What is Reverse Sneezing in Cats?

        Reverse sneezing occurs either when the mucosa of the nose or the pharynx (the back of the throat) is irritated. Reverse sneezing is a strong and sudden spasm of the throat and windpipe and can sound very alarming as if the cat is choking (but he isn’t). 

        The spasm causes the windpipe, or trachea, to narrow so inhaling air is more challenging for a brief moment. Instead of air being forced out of the nose, a very strong rush of air comes in that causes cats to pause what they are doing and stretch their neck in order to take in air. 

        Since cats typically breathe through their nose, and they are usually stuffed up when reverse sneezing occurs, it creates a loud noise.

        What to Do if Your Cat Is Sneezing

        Veterinarian examining cat

        If your cat has just sneezed a few times or sporadically, it should not cause immediate concern. Watch for changes in activity and appetite. 

        Allergies and herpesvirus infections come and go, and can cause a cat to sneeze, be a little stuffed up, and have watery eyes for a couple weeks before fading away on their own. No vet visit is needed as long as your cat is otherwise acting like himself and eating well. Keep a mental note of when this episode occurs, which will be useful information to your veterinarian if it gets worse or happens repeatedly.

        If your cat is less active, eating less, or is coughing or wheezing, he should go to the veterinarian right away. It does not necessarily mean your cat needs emergency care, but he needs extra support like hydration. Testing commonly includes X-rays of the chest to ensure the symptoms are only related to the upper part of the airway such as the nose and throat. On occasion, sneezing goes along with more serious conditions like pneumonia (infection in the lungs) and needs advanced treatment.

        If your cat is very stuffed up, place him in a small bathroom and turn the shower on hot. Allow your cat to sit in a steamy bathroom for 15 to 20 minutes 2 or 3 times per day – the steam can help with congestion and get rid of some mucus. If the air in your home is pretty dry, consider a humidifier in whichever room your cat spends most of his time. Gently wipe your cat’s face with a damp cloth if there is a lot of discharge. Offer multiple food options, both dry and canned food, including different brands, textures, and flavors if your cat is not eating well. You can even try plain cooked meat like tuna from a can or plain chicken.

        The post Why is My Cat Sneezing? appeared first on Great Pet Care.
