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How Much Do Kitten Shots Cost?

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Who doesn’t love a fuzzy little kitten? Kittens are adorable, playful, and affectionate. However, most cat parents don’t realize that kittens need quite a bit of medical care in their first year of life. One of the most critical things you can do is vaccinate your kitten to protect them from diseases that could make them very sick. 

The number of vaccines your kitten needs, on top of dewormers and veterinary exams, can make owning a kitten expensive. Luckily, options like pet insurance and the CareCredit credit card can help pet parents feel more financially prepared to manage the cost of their kitten’s wellness care. 

Learn more about what vaccines your kitten will need, and how much kitten shots cost.

What Shots Does My Kitten Need?

Kittens need vaccines to stay healthy. Core vaccines are vaccines critical to all cats’ health. The diseases the vaccines protect against cause significant illness and/or death. Most cats are exposed to these diseases. Non-core vaccines are not recommended for most cats. Read on to learn about the core vaccines that are essential to your kitten’s health.

Core Vaccines

Kittens need several core vaccines. Based on the guidelines provided by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), there are three core vaccines for kittens [1]:

FVRCP or HCP: FVRCP and HCP stand for the same vaccination. Commonly known as distemper, this vaccine protects against three viruses: feline viral rhinotracheitis or herpesvirus, calicivirus, and panleukopenia virus. This vaccine should start soon after you take your kitten home, but 6 weeks old at the earliest. Your kitten will need multiple vaccines to stay healthy and keep their immunity until they reach 16 weeks of age.

Rabies: Rabies vaccination is a core vaccine against the deadly rabies virus. Each state and sometimes municipal code have specific rules as to when rabies vaccines are required and how long the immunity can last. Rabies vaccination is not recommended younger than 12 weeks of age, and some states require 16 weeks.

FeLV: FeLV is an uncommon virus in cats, but kittens are more prone to infection than adult cats. If your kitten catches FeLV, they will likely carry the disease for life. FeLV causes insidious disease that shortens the lifespan of cats. The FeLV vaccine is considered core for cats under 1 year of age.

Core Vaccine Schedule for Kittens

VaccineAge to StartFrequency / QuantityRevaccination
FVRCP or HCP6 weeksEvery 3-4 weeks until 16+ weeks of age1 year later
Rabies12-16 weeks but depends on local lawGiven once 1 year later
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)8 weeksGiven twice 3-4 weeks apartNot recommended (See Non-core Vaccines)

Non-core Vaccines

There are three non-core vaccines offered for cats:

FeLV vaccine for cats over 1 year of age: Cats who are at high risk of contracting FeLV should continue vaccination once they reach adulthood. Cats at risk include those who spend time outdoors or cats regularly exposed to other cats of unknown health status.

Bordetella: This vaccine is rarely recommended. It is used to protect against a bacterium called Bordetella bronchiseptica, which can cause upper respiratory disease as well as lower airway disease such as pneumonia. This infection is uncommon in cats, and this vaccine is only recommended in homes or animal shelters with multiple cats who are known to have this infection.

Chlamydia: This vaccine is rarely recommended. It is used to protect against a bacterium called Chlamydia felis, which can cause upper respiratory disease, particularly eye infections. This vaccine is only recommended in homes or animal shelters with multiple cats who are known to have this infection. However, this vaccine is used with caution due to increased risk of adverse reactions to the vaccine.

How Much Do Kitten Shots Cost?

The cost of kitten vaccines depends largely on the area you live in and the cost of living. A range of costs per vaccination is:

  • FVRCP: $20-$40
  • Rabies: $20-$40
  • FeLV: $25-$45
  • Bordetella: $10-$30
  • Chlamydia: $20-$40

Once you add up all the core vaccines your kitten will need, it could cost anywhere from $110 up to $280 — and that does not include examination fees. The cost can be challenging for pet parents who want the best care for their kitten. If you have a CareCredit credit card, you can use it to pay for kitten vaccinations and other pet care costs, at any provider in the CareCredit network.* It allows you to pay over time with flexible financing options. Another option would be to seek out a vaccination clinic that is offered to the public with reduced cost of vaccines.

Your cat will be due for follow-up vaccines one year after the kitten vaccines finish. After this, the frequency of vaccines depends on the state and your kitty’s risk. Some vaccines need to be repeated every year, but most times FVRCP and rabies can be given every three years instead.

Kitten Shots: Other Tips and Advice

When it comes to the kitten vaccination series, pet parents often have questions about what to expect. Let’s cover some of the most common questions pet parents ask veterinarians: 

Can an unvaccinated kitten be around a vaccinated cat? 

Yes, but it does not eliminate the risk of catching a virus from the vaccinated cat. Even vaccinated cats can catch an upper respiratory infection (a “cold”), and although their symptoms may be mild, your kitten may have worse symptoms due to lack of previous vaccination. Ensure the other cat is healthy by asking about recent veterinary visits, and if the cat has been experiencing any symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea.

When can my kitten meet other cats? 

Kittens need to socialize with other cats as early and as often as possible. If your 8-week-old kitten gets their first FVRCP vaccine, ideally you should wait at least 72 hours prior to introducing them to other cats (assuming your vet is using a “modified live” vaccine that is more effective sooner). If the other cat hasn’t been tested or vaccinated for FeLV, consider waiting at least one week after the second FeLV vaccine to introduce your kitten.

Can kittens have reactions to vaccines? 

Yes, they can. Around 0.5 percent of cats have a reaction to vaccinations, such as decreased activity level, lack of appetite, fever, and/or discomfort at the injection site. Serious life-threatening reactions are very rare — about 1 out of every 10,000. A more serious reaction may include symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, inability to breathe well, swelling of the face, and collapse. Overall, most reactions are mild and go away on their own. Call your veterinarian right away if you notice symptoms of illness after vaccination.

When are kittens fully vaccinated? 

Kittens are fully vaccinated once they have had: at minimum two FVRCP vaccines, the second of which is given at 16+ weeks old, one rabies vaccine, and two FeLV vaccines.


  1. 2020 AAHA/AAFP Feline Vaccination Guidelines. American Animal Hospital Association. Retrieved from https://www.aaha.org/resources/2020-aahaaafp-feline-vaccination-guidelines/

*Subject to credit approval. See carecredit.com for details.

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